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道路拥堵与城市雾霾是机动车行驶带来的两个负溢出效应,大量文献揭示了城市机动车行驶对二者带来的影响,却鲜有文献关注道路拥堵程度与雾霾污染之间的内在联系。这其中的缘由在于,一则道路拥堵程度与雾霾污染之间互为因果,同时有共同的影响因素,由此带来的内生性难题难以有效解决;其次,采用统一标准来测度不同城市道路拥堵程度的数据难以获得。为此利用高德地图(Amap)根据机动车定位导航系统提供的城市拥堵延时的大数据,来捕获各省会城市每日道路交通的拥堵程度,同时运用各城市每日的燃油销售价格、国际市场原油价格以及上一周同一工作日道路的拥堵程度作为工具变量,通过两阶段最小二乘法(2SLS)估计道路拥堵程度对城市雾霾污染的影响。回归结果表明:①以城市燃油价格作为工具变量时,道路拥堵程度每增加1%,会导致省会城市PM2.5、PM10分别增加6.5%和6.7%;②以国际原油价格、上一周同一个工作日拥堵程度作为工具变量,以及改用GMM方法进行估计时,基准回归的结论仍然稳健,城市的治堵举措与治霾举措能够相互协同;③进一步以省会城市新增轨道交通来实现治堵和治霾的例子表明,发展轨道交通来实现治堵与治霾的协同效应,要以有效治堵作为前提,否则减排治霾的协同效果无法实现。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the state of knowledge on modelling air flow and concentration fields at road intersections. The first part covers the available literature from the past two decades on experimental (both field and wind tunnel) and modelling activities in order to provide insight into the physical basis of flow behaviour at a typical cross-street intersection. This is followed by a review of associated investigations of the impact of traffic-generated localised turbulence on the concentration fields due to emissions from vehicles. There is a discussion on the role of adequate characterisation of vehicle-induced turbulence in making predictions using hybrid models, combining the merits of conventional approaches with information obtained from more detailed modelling. This concludes that, despite advancements in computational techniques, there are crucial knowledge gaps affecting the parameterisations used in current models for individual exposure. This is specifically relevant to the growing impetus on walking and cycling activities on urban roads in the context of current drives for sustainable transport and healthy living. Due to inherently longer travel times involved during such trips, compared to automotive transport, pedestrians and cyclists are subjected to higher levels of exposure to emissions. Current modelling tools seem to under-predict this exposure because of limitations in their design and in the empirical parameters employed.  相似文献   

The accumulation of dust pollution on the photovoltaic (PV) module can have a significant effect on the productivity and efficiency of PV systems in different locations in the world. Dust which accumulated over time on the PV module and is based on weather conditions led to the reduction in the effectiveness of solar cells. The aim of this research was to experimentally investigate the effect of the natural dust and the effects of environmental parameters on PV performance. The experiments were conducted to propose a model for the current, voltage, power and efficiency and to simulate the effect of environmental parameters on PV performance. The natural dust investigated consisted of different compounds: SiO2 (45.53 %), CaO (24.62 %), Al2O3 (10.83 %), Fe2O3 (10.46 %), MgO (6.33 %), K2O (0.87 %), TiO2 (0.45 %), SO3 (0.24 %), MnO2 (0.21), Cr2O3 (0.23 %), SrO (0.13 %) and NiO (0.09 %). It was found that the most accurate correlation is a polynomial from seventh degree for current, voltage, power and efficiency, fourth degree for solar radiation and temperature, cubic degree for humidity and wind velocity. The coefficients of general model are 0.6343, 0.0110, 0.0 and 0.0001 for PV module, respectively, with 0.0011 fitting factor. The proposed model has been validated using models in the literature.  相似文献   

污染从城市向农村的转移加剧了农村生态环境问题,已经成为制约农村经济发展的主要瓶颈之一。城乡污染转移是城乡经济主体为实现自身利益相互博弈的结果,本质是一个政治经济学问题。本文利用政治经济学研究方法,分别剖析了城乡家庭、企业和政府的利益诉求及其在污染问题中的行为选择,解释了城乡污染转移的可能性和必然性,在此基础上进一步研究了污染转移所导致的利益悖论,并对悖论形成的深层原因进行挖掘,进而提出城乡污染协同治理的政策建议。研究表明,城乡污染转移表面上看是经济主体利益最大化的理性选择:农村家庭受经济发展水平、信息获取能力和政策影响能力的限制,更注重短期经济利益而忽略长期环境利益;乡镇企业和污染企业对经济利益的追逐加快了城乡污染转移;地方政府为实现当地区域利益所采取的重城市轻乡村战略和政府之间的利益冲突也为污染转移提供了助力。事实上,城乡污染转移违背了经济发展的一般规律,形成污染转移的利益悖论:转移到农村的污染危害农业生产、进而损害城乡人力资本,有悖于长期经济增长;加剧农村生态资源退化、扩大城乡差距,有悖于区域协调发展;污染转移是城市对农村、当代人对后代人环境容量的剥削,有悖于环境的公平。认为:经济主体长期利益和短期利益的矛盾、城乡区域利益和整体利益的冲突以及制度供给不足和制度监管缺位是造成污染转移悖论的深层原因。在此基础上,提出了化解污染转移悖论的对策建议:统筹规划,实现长期利益和短期利益的统一;整合城乡,促进区域利益和整体利益协同;强化制度创新,完善制度供给;完善制度监管,提高执行效率;促进技术创新,减少污染排放。  相似文献   

Urbanisation is increasing and today more than a half of the world’s population lives in urban areas. Cities, especially those where urbanisation is un-planned or poorly planned, are increasingly vulnerable to hydro-meteorological hazards such as heat waves and floods. Urban areas tend to degrade the environment, fragmenting and isolating ecosystems, compromising their capacity to provide services. The regulating role of ecosystems in buffering hydro-meteorological hazards and reducing urban vulnerability has not received adequate policy attention until now. Whereas there is a wide body of studies in the specialised biological and ecological literature about particular urban ecosystem features and the impacts of hazards upon people and infrastructures, there is no policy-driven overview looking holistically at the ways in which ecosystem features can be managed by cities to reduce their vulnerability to hazards. Using heat waves and floods as examples, this review article identifies the aggravating factors related to urbanisation, the various regulating ecosystem services that buffer cities from hydro-meteorological impacts as well as the impacts of the hazards on the ecosystem. The review also assesses how different cities have attempted to manage related ecosystem services and draws policy-relevant conclusions.  相似文献   

The essence of the societal problem which justifies the expenditure of large sums on studies of pollution and health is illustrated by three figures included in this paper. The first two of these figures illustrate the contemporary publicity favoring the two competing energy-producing technologies, the nuclear and the conventional fossil-burning technologies. The very existence of this costly publicity demonstrates that the decisions affecting public health are now frequently made without due regard to the relevant scientific findings. The third figure illustrates the most laudable effort of the Environmental Protection Agency to establish a relationship between hoped-for decreases in mortality and the dollar cost of removing from the environment any one of the several investigated pollutants, e.g., “particulates”, krypton-85, tritium, etc.The subsequent parts of this presentation tend to document the fact that the reliability of the EPA chart published in 1973 is illusory. The same applies to the large number of other official publications, including those of the National Academy of Sciences. The results of more modern studies brought to the fore a variety of biological chance mechanisms, such as competing risks, dose-rate effects, synergisms, etc., which make the problem attacked by EPA much more difficult than was originally anticipated.The basic research, combining the laboratory experimentation on animals and theoretical considerations, results in a better understanding of a variety of phenomena. However, this better understanding seems to imply that the solution of the practical societal problem requires a large multipollutant and multilocality epidemiological study.  相似文献   

"多规融合"的国土空间规划兼具区域发展规划和环境规制的功能,是经济新常态下国家平衡经济增长和环境保护的有力政策工具,而各地普遍实施的国土空间规划能否促进重点开发区域的经济增长,有待实证检验。以武汉城市圈空间规划为例,本文利用2002-2012年间湖北省74个县(市、市辖区)域面板数据,采用双重差分倾向得分匹配方法研究国土空间规划对重点开发区域经济增长的影响。实证结果表明:第一,国土空间规划显著地促进了重点开发区域经济的增长,但对区域内不同行政级别的市辖区和县(市)的经济增长速度具有不同的推动作用,具体表现为分别提高市辖区和县(市)级GDP增长率2.4和1.1个百分点,这一结论在对研究方法的匹配技术进行稳健性检验后依然成立。第二,对国土空间规划推动重点开发区域经济增长实现机制的进一步分析表明,武汉城市圈空间规划实施后,由于区域经济一体化进程的加快和地区之间经济联系的加强,武汉作为区域经济增长极,对相邻市、县的经济溢出效应更加明显,从而推动相邻区域的经济增长。上述研究结论对目前广泛实施的国土空间规划具有重要的政策含义,鉴于国土空间规划推动市辖区经济增长的速度要明显快于县或县级市,今后规划政策的调整要在保持重点开发区域整体经济不断提升的同时兼顾地区间的协调发展,避免空间规划的实施导致内部区域发展差距拉大;在重点开发区域经济得到发展的同时,要逐渐形成其规模集聚效应,为农产品主产区和生态功能区的人口转移提供基础,进而带动整个国土空间的可持续发展。  相似文献   

The development of a comprehensive sustainability analysis tool for evaluating regional urban systems would present researchers, planners, and policy makers with a powerful tool to study and manage systems, with the goal of encouraging optimum social and economic trends, while maintaining long-term environmental protection that leads to sustainability. This article intends to aid in this effort by presenting a versatile methodology for assessing sustainability as a function of dynamic changes in significant characteristics of urban systems. Using statistical methods, this work presents a strategy for comparatively assessing the impact of social and economic characteristics on system stability at geographic scales which are critical to policy and management. Specifically, it employs the Fisher Information index as a measure of sustainability, in order to distinguish periods of stability. As an application of the approach, six Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) in Ohio (Cincinnati, Dayton, Cleveland, Akron, Columbus, and Toledo) were evaluated for a regional sustainability assessment. Results from the multiyear analysis suggest two distinct periods in these MSAs: one characterized by 30 years of socio-economic growth (1970–1999) and another (2000–2009) denoting a change in the trajectory of each system found to be related to economic recession. Columbus was identified as the most stable and sustainable of the MSAs during the study period. In contrast, Toledo exhibited the largest changes in economic trends, as distinguished by excessive increases in the growth rate of vacant housing units, unemployed civilian labor force, and inhabitants below the poverty level (2000–2009). Since such conditions are not desirable for urban systems, they are indicative of movement towards an unsustainable future.  相似文献   

Protected areas have been earmarked throughout the world for the purpose of conserving the biodiversity. The protected areas are facing serious threats due to rapid urban growth, especially in the developing countries like India. The current threats and impacts of urbanization on the Okhla Bird Sanctuary (Delhi, India) have been presented in this paper as a case in point. Uncontrolled urbanization and the lack of policy implementation have been identified as one of the major contributors to incessant biodiversity loss in India and other countries. In addition, a possible management framework for a smaller protected area in an urban setting is presented in brief.  相似文献   

Environment, Development and Sustainability - In order to solve regional ecological inequity in carbon emissions, building a balanced ecological compensation mechanism is paramountly important....  相似文献   

The Brazilian Amazon is a globally important ecosystem that is undergoing rapid development and land-use change. Roads are a key spatial determinant of land-use conversion and strongly influence the rates and patterns of habitat loss and represent a key component of models that attempt to predict the spatio-temporal patterns of Amazonian land-use change and the consequences of such changes. However, the spatio-temporal patterns of road network development are poorly understood and seldom quantified. Here, we used manually digitised satellite imagery at multiple temporal and spatial scales across the Brazilian Amazon to quantify and model the rate at which road networks are proliferating. We found that the road network grew by almost 17,000 km per year between 2004 and 2007. There was large spatial variation in road network density, with some municipalities having road densities as high as 0.5 km/km2, and road network growth rates were highest in municipalities with an intermediate road network density. Simulations indicated that road network development within municipalities follows a logistic growth pattern through time, with most of the development occurring within a 39-year time period. This time period is similar to those of other boom and bust development dynamics observed in the Brazilian Amazon. Understanding the temporal patterns of road development will aid the development of better predictive land-use change models for the Amazon, given the key importance of roads as a predictor of deforestation in many existing models.  相似文献   

Environment, Development and Sustainability - In order to reveal the distribution and migration law of downwind and upwind coal cutting, total dust (TD) and respirable dust (RD) concentration...  相似文献   

Facing the ever-increasing serious pollution from carbon emission and the pressing need for sustainable development, China initiated the strategy of low-carbon development in 2010. Since then, eight cities and five provinces have been selected as pilot areas to develop a low-carbon economy. Under such a circumstance, this study aimed to construct a indicator system and evaluating model so that the low-carbon development levels of the pilot cities can be quantified. Therefore, this study, based the on Driving Force–Pressure–State–Impact–Response model, established a regional low-carbon development indicator system. Second, the weight of each indicator was calculated by taking the entropy method. Third, the low-carbon development levels were measured and evaluated by taking the comprehensive approach of Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution. Then, taking 10 cities from those 13 pilot areas as case studies, this study measured and compared the low-carbon development levels of those 10 cities before and after being pilot areas. The research findings showed that though the low-carbon development levels changed greatly, only five pilot cities’ growth rate is positive. The reasons for changes in the low-carbon development levels were analyzed. The urbanization level and energy consumption elasticity coefficient were the main factors affecting the low-carbon development levels. Additionally, the study traced the effective policies hidden behind the indicators, which provided policy insights to help decision makers prepare their low-carbon development strategies, including legislation efforts, economic instrument, renewable energy and energy-saving technology improvement and low-carbon transportation.  相似文献   

从人居环境与城市竞争力的关联性入手,将生态、居住、生产环境纳入一个分析框架。运用AHP与多级模糊综合评价相结合的方法,构建城市人居环境竞争力指标体系,对长江中游城市群城市人居环境竞争力进行评估并解析了其空间分异特征。此外,依托Arcgis平台,运用空间聚类分析法,基于人居环境竞争力特征进行区域归类,并借助箱型图,对城市人居环境竞争力领域及区域类别特征进行了探索。研究表明:(1)竞争力分布中,浙赣线江西段沿线城市生态、休闲环境竞争力等级最高,京广线沿线城市的居住、公共服务环境竞争力等级最高,居住、公共服务竞争力空间格局具有高度相似性。区域中心及副中心城市在经济发展环境竞争力领域具有显著优势。(2)综合竞争力二级以上等级的城市主要分布于环鄱阳湖地区,包括九江、景德镇、上饶、鹰潭、南昌,以及省会城市武汉、长沙。(3)四类空间的城市人居环境竞争力优劣格局十分清晰。第1类区域围绕省会等区域中心、副中心城市分布,生态环境具有最优竞争力,居住、公共服务、经济发展环境最劣;第2类区域多为区域中心、副中心城市,强势竞争力集中于居住、公共服务、经济发展环境领域,而休闲环境为最劣势;第3类区域多为临山型城市,具有最优异的休闲环境竞争力;第4类区域以老工业城市居多,在生态环境、公共服务环境拥有相对优异的竞争力。最后,以因地制宜、突出特色为出发点,基于格局、类别特征等提出了涵盖现实特征、发展定位、重点措施等内容的长江中游城市群城市人居环境竞争力提升路径选择。其中,第1类区域定位为生态优异的山水园林城市;第2类应以营造城市外部开放空间为重心,推进公共服务设施智慧转型,打造为智慧高效的综合都市;第3类区域建议以良好的休闲环境作为特色人居环境建设的切入点,有序推进对居住、生产、生活空间的综合整治,致力建成休闲舒适的中小田园城市;第4类区域按照老工业基地调整改造规划要求,重塑城市形象,建成安居乐业的可持续发展城市。  相似文献   

The task of adapting cities to the impacts of climate change is of great importance—urban areas are hotspots of high risk given their concentrations of population and infrastructure; their key roles for larger economic, political and social processes; and their inherent instabilities and vulnerabilities. Yet, the discourse on urban climate change adaptation has only recently gained momentum in the political and scientific arena. This paper reviews the recent climate change adaptation strategies of nine selected cities and analyzes them in terms of overall vision and goals, baseline information used, direct and indirect impacts, proposed structural and non-structural measures, and involvement of formal and informal actors. Against this background, adaptation strategies and challenges in two Vietnamese cities are analyzed in detail, namely Ho Chi Minh City and Can Tho. The paper thereby combines a review of formalized city-scale adaptation strategies with an empirical analysis of actual adaptation measures and constraints at household level. By means of this interlinked and comparative analysis approach, the paper explores the achievements, as well as the shortcomings, in current adaptation approaches, and generates core issues and key questions for future initiatives in the four sub-categories of: (1) knowledge, perspectives, uncertainties and key threats; (2) characteristics of concrete adaptation measures and processes; (3) interactions and conflicts between different strategies and measures; (4) limits of adaptation and tipping points. In conclusion, the paper calls for new forms of adaptive urban governance that go beyond the conventional notions of urban (adaptation) planning. The proposed concept underlines the need for a paradigm shift to move from the dominant focus on the adjustment of physical structures towards the improvement of planning tools and governance processes and structures themselves. It addresses in particular the necessity to link different temporal and spatial scales in adaptation strategies, to acknowledge and to mediate between different types of knowledge (expert and local knowledge), and to achieve improved integration of different types of measures, tools and norm systems (in particular between formal and informal approaches).  相似文献   

A comparative overiew is provided of some major aspects concerning assessment and management of chemical and nuclear risks arising as a consequence of accidents. Statutory procedures for constructing and running nuclear and chemical plants in Italy are discussed in detail. Special attention is given to the major changes that are likely to occur after the adoption of the EEC Council Directive 82/501, designed to prevent major accidents which might result from certain industrial activities and to limit their consequences for humans and their environment. Present status and future trends of accident analysis and risk assessment are also been dealt with, and special emphasis is placed on aspects common to both nuclear and chemical plants. Lastly, managerial aspects of contingency planning for, and response to, emergencies and accidents involving toxic chemical and/or ionizing radiations are examined with the aim of identifying more critical steps.  相似文献   

Data on the current radioecological situation in the Techa-Iset' river system, which was contaminated by radioactive wastes from the Mayak Production Association in the 1940s and 1950s, are discussed. Mathematical models are presented that describe the decrease in the contamination of water, bottom sediments, hydrobionts, and floodplain soils with an increase in the distance from the discharge site. The amounts of90Sr,99Tc,137Cs, and transuranium elements in the main components of the ecosystem are estimated.  相似文献   

Mexico was the main vanilla producer worldwide many years ago. However, it currently provides just around 5 % of the global production. The issues that have led to the current stagnation of the vanilla production in Mexico have been addressed from various perspectives, but few studies have included the opinion of smallholder farmers. For this reason, the aim of this study was to conduct a participatory diagnostic to identify the challenges and constraints that affect the vanilla productive sector in Mexico from the smallholder farmers perspective. This study was conducted under the of Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) approach; consequently, we used PRA techniques for data collection. The qualitative data obtained were transcribed and analyzed using the Content Analysis Method (CAM) and Constant Comparative Method (CCM). The results showed that most of the challenges and limitations referred to by smallholder farmers result from the lack of training to improve production, processing, and marketing. Likewise, various restrictive aspects were identified in the production process that affect crop productivity, such as cultivation in small parcels, high incidence of diseases, premature abortion of fruits, and low tolerance of plants to stress. An aspect common to all processes is the need to promote organization and training schemes, since under the conditions described for the vanilla production chain in Mexico, relationships have been built in highly competitive communities and, in general, the targets seek have been mutually exclusive. For the above, we consider that achieving more profitable and sustainable production schemes require placing smallholder farmers at the base of an inclusive production system supported by fair trade, with organization, institutions, technology transfer, level of trust, and cooperation as core elements.  相似文献   

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