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Many recreation impact studies have focused on summer activities, but the environmental impact of winter recreation is poorly characterized. This study characterizes the impact of snowshoe/cross-country ski compaction and snowmelt erosion on trails. Trail cross-sectional profiles were measured before and after the winter season to map changes in erosion due to winter recreation. Compacted snow on the trail was 30 % more dense than snowpack off the trail before spring melt out. Snow stayed on the trail 7 days longer. Soil and organic material was transported after spring snowmelt with ?9.5 ± 2.4 cm2 total erosion occurring on the trail transects and ?3.8 ± 2.4 cm2 total erosion occurring on the control transect (P = 0.046). More material was transported on the trail than on the control, 12.9± 2.4 versus 6.0 ± 2.4 cm2 (P = 0.055), however, deposition levels remained similar on the trail and on the control. Snow compaction from snowshoers and cross-country skiers intensified erosion. Trail gradient was found to be significantly correlated to net changes in material on the trail (R 2 = 0.89, ρ = ?0.98, P = 0.005). This study provides a baseline, showing that non-motorized winter recreation does impact soil erosion rates but more studies are needed. Trail managers should consider mitigation such as water bars, culverts and avoiding building trails with steep gradients, in order to reduce loss of soils on trails and subsequent sedimentation of streams.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Based on field surveys and analysis of road networks using a geographic information system (GIS), we assessed the hydrologic integration of an extensive logging-road network with the stream network in two adjacent 62 and 119 km2 basins in the western Cascades of Oregon. Detailed surveys of road drainage for 20 percent of the 350 km road network revealed two hydrologic flow paths that link roads to stream channels: roadside ditches draining to streams (35 percent of the 436 culverts examined), and roadside ditches draining to culverts with gullies incised below their outlets (23 percent of culverts). Gully incision is significantly more likely below culverts on steep (< 40 percent) slopes with longer than average contributing ditch length. Fifty-seven percent of the surveyed road length is connected to the stream network by these surface flowpaths, increasing drainage density by 21 to 50 percent, depending on which road segments are assumed to be connected to streams. We propose a conceptual model to describe the hydrologic function of roads based on two effects: (1) a volumetric effect, increasing the volume of water available for quickflow and (2) a timing effect, altering flow-routing efficiency through extensions to the drainage network. This study examines the second of these two effects. Future work must quantify discharge along road segments connected to the stream network in order to more fully explain road impacts on basin hydrology.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Erosion resulting from logging and road building has long been a concern to forest managers and the general public. An objective methodology was developed to estimate erosion risk on forest roads and in harvest areas on private land in northwestern California. It was based on 260 plots sampled from the area harvested under 415 Timber Harvest Plans completed between November 1978 and October 1979. Results confirmed previous findings that most erosion related to forest management occurs on a small fraction of the managed area. Erosion features larger than the minimum size inventories in this study (> 13 yd3) occupied only 0.2 percent of the area investigated. Linear discriminant analysis was used to develop two equations for identifying critical sites (sites with erosion >100 yd3ac?1). The equations were based on slope, horizontal curvature (an expression of local topography), and soil color (on road sites) or the strength of the underlying rocks (on harvest sites). The equations can be used in planning to estimate the erosion risk of proposed activities. They can also be used to estimate acceptable risk thresholds based on the value of competing resources.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper describes the construction and testing of a device for pumping water samplers that collects suspended sediment samples by moving the intake vertically to keep it at the same proportion of flow depth. The device uses a simple sprocket mechanism that can be mounted vertically on the downstream side of culverts and bridge pilings to protect against damage from floating debris during storms. Suspended sediment samples collected from an urban stream with the depth‐proportional device were compared with manual samples taken with a depth‐integrated sampler. Scatter in the relationship between pumped and manual samples (R2 = 0.76) are probably explained by horizontal variability in concentrations, poor mixing associated with lateral sediment inputs from construction site erosion, the downstream orientation of the intake, and the failure of the concentration at 60% of the flow depth to match the average vertical concentration.  相似文献   

Abstract: A study was conducted between September 2003 and September 2006 to obtain baseline sediment inventories and monitor sediment transport and storage along a 3.7 km length of the channel of Valley Creek within Valley Forge National Historical Park, Pennsylvania. Valley Creek is a tributary of the Schuylkill River and drains an urbanizing 60.6 km2 watershed that currently has 18% impervious land cover. Numerous field methods were employed to measure the suspended sediment yield, longitudinal profile, cross‐sections, banklines, and particle size distribution of the streambed. Suspended sediment yield for the watershed was measured at a USGS gage located just upstream of the park boundary between July 2004 and July 2005, the period corresponding to field surveys of bank erosion and channel change. The estimated suspended sediment yield of 95.7 t/km2/year is representative of a year with unusually high discharge, including a storm event that produced a peak of 78 m3/s, the second highest discharge on record for the USGS gage. Based on the median annual streamflow for the 24 years of record at the USGS gage from 1983 to 2006, the median annual sediment yield is estimated to be closer to 34 t/km2/year, considerably lower than median and mean values for other sites within the region. The mass of silt, clay, and fine sand derived from bank erosion along the 3.7 km study reach during the field survey period accounts for an estimated 2,340 t, equivalent to about 43% of the suspended sediment load. The mass of fine sediment stored in the bed along the study reach was estimated at 1,500 t, with about 330 t of net erosion during the study period. Although bank erosion appears to be a potentially dominant source of sediment by comparison with annual suspended sediment load, bed sediment storage and potential for remobilization is of the same order of magnitude as the mass of sediment derived from bank erosion.  相似文献   

There is increasing awareness of the damage caused to valuable and often unique sensitive habitats by people pressure as degradation causes a loss of plant species, disturbance to wildlife, on-site and off-site impacts of soil movement and loss, and visual destruction of pristine environments. This research developed a new perspective on the problem of recreational induced environmental degradation by assessing the physical aspects of soil erosion using the fallout radionuclide caesium-137 (137Cs). Temporal sampling problems have not successfully been overcome by traditional research methods monitoring footpath erosion and, to date, the 137Cs technique has not been used to estimate longer-term soil erosion in regard to sensitive recreational habitats. The research was based on-sites within Dartmoor National Park (DNP) and the South West Coast Path (SWCP) in south-west England. 137Cs inventories were reduced on the paths relative to the reference inventory (control), indicating loss of soil from the path areas. The Profile Distribution Model estimated longer-term erosion rates (ca. 40 years) based on the 137Cs data and showed that the combined mean soil loss for all the sites on ‘paths’ was 1.41 kg m?2 yr?1 whereas the combined ‘off path’ soil loss was 0.79 kg m?2 yr?1, where natural (non-recreational) soil redistribution processes occur. Recreational pressure was shown to increase erosion in the long-term, as greater soil erosion occurred on the paths, especially where there was higher visitor pressure.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Tracer studies are needed to better understand watershed soil erosion and calibrate watershed erosion models. For the first time, stable nitrogen and carbon isotopes (δ15N and δ13C) and the carbon to nitrogen atomic ratio (C/N) natural tracers are used to investigate temporal and spatial variability of erosion processes within a sub‐watershed. Temporal variability was assessed by comparing δ15N, δ13C, and C/N of eroded‐soils from a non‐equilibrium erosion event immediately following freezing and thawing of surface soils with two erosion events characterized by equilibrium conditions with erosion downcutting. Spatial variability was assessed for the equilibrium events by using the δ15N and δ13C signatures of eroded‐soils to measure the fraction of eroded‐soil derived from rill/interrill erosion on upland hillslopes as compared to headcut erosion on floodplains. In order to perform this study, a number of tasks were carried out including: (1) sampling source‐soils from upland hillslopes and floodplains, (2) sampling eroded‐soils with an in situ trap in the stream of the sub‐watershed, (3) isotopic and elemental analysis of the samples using isotope ratio mass spectrometry, (4) fractioning eroded‐soil to its upland rill/interrill and floodplain headcut end‐members using an unmixing model within a Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo framework, and (5) evaluating tracer unmixing model results by comparison with process‐based erosion prediction models for rill/interrill and headcut erosion processes. Results showed that finer soil particles eroded during the non‐equilibrium event were enriched in δ15N and δ13C tracers and depleted in C/N tracer relative to coarser soil particles eroded during the equilibrium events. Correlation of tracer signature with soil particle size was explainable based on known biogeochemical processes. δ15N and δ13C were also able to distinguish between upland rill/interrill erosion and floodplain headcut erosion, which was due to different plant cover at the erosion sources. Results from the tracer unmixing model highlighted future needs for coupling rill/interrill and headcut erosion prediction models.  相似文献   

Climate and land-use/cover changes (LUCC) influence soil erosion vulnerability in the semi-arid region of Alqueva, threatening the reservoir storage capacity and sustainability of the landscape. Considering the effect of these changes in the future, the purpose of this study was to investigate soil erosion scenarios using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) model. A multi-agent system combining Markov cellular automata with multi-criteria evaluation was used to investigate LUCC scenarios according to delineated regional strategies. Forecasting scenarios indicated that the intensive agricultural area as well as the sparse and xerophytic vegetation and rainfall-runoff erosivity would increase, consequently causing the soil erosion to rise from 1.78 Mg ha?1 to 3.65 Mg ha?1 by 2100. A backcasting scenario was investigated by considering the application of soil conservation practices that would decrease the soil erosion considerably to an average of 2.27 Mg ha?1. A decision support system can assist stakeholders in defining restrictive practices and developing conservation plans, contributing to control the reservoir's siltation.  相似文献   

This work reports runoff and soil loss from each of 14 sub-watersheds in a secondary rain forest in south-western Nigeria. The impact of methods of land clearing and post-clearing management on runoff and soil erosion under the secondary forest is evaluated. These data were acquired eighteen years after the deforestation of primary vegetation during the ‘ West bank’ project of the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA). These data are presented separately for each season; however, statistical analyses for replicates were not conducted due to differences in their past management. Soil erosion was affected by land clearing and tillage methods. The maximum soil erosion was observed on sub-watersheds that were mechanically cleared with tree-pusher/root-rake attachments and tilled conventionally. A high rate of erosion was observed even when graded-channel terraces were constructed to minimize soil erosion. In general there was much less soil erosion on manually cleared than on mechanically cleared sub-watersheds (2.5 t ha−1 yr−1 versus 13.8 t ha−1 yr−1) and from the application of no-tillage methods than from conventionally plowed areas (6.5 t ha−1 yr−1 versus 12.1 t ha−1 yr−1). The data indicate that tillage methods and appropriate management of soils and crops play an important role in soil and water conservation and in decreasing the rate of decline of soil quality.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Natural rates of surface erosion on forested granitic soils in central Idaho were measured in 40 m2 bordered erosion plots over a period of four years. In addition, we measured a variety of site variables, soil properties, and summer rainstorm intensities in order to relate erosion rates to site attributes. Median winter erosion rates are approximately twice summer period rates, however mean summer rates are nearly twice winter rates because of infrequent high erosion caused by summer rainstorms. Regression equation models and regression tree models were constructed to explore relationships between erosion and factors that control erosion rates. Ground cover is the single factor that has the greatest influence on erosion rates during both summer and winter periods. Rainstorm intensity (erosivity index) strongly influences summer erosion rates, even on soils with high ground cover percentages. Few summer storms were of sufficient duration and intensity to cause rilling on the plots, and the data set was too small to elucidate differences in rill vs. interrill erosion. The regression tree models are relatively less biased than the regression equations developed, and explained 70 and 84 percent of the variability in summer and winter erosion rates, respectively.  相似文献   

Forestry best management practices (BMPs) reduce sedimentation by minimizing soil erosion and trapping sediment. These practices are particularly important in relation to road construction and use due to the heightened potential for sediment delivery at stream crossings. This study quantifies the implementation and effectiveness of BMPs at 75 randomly selected forest road stream crossings on recent timber harvests in the Mountains, Piedmont, and Coastal Plain regions of Virginia. Road characteristics at stream crossings were used to estimate erosion using the Universal Soil Loss Equation for Forests and the Water Erosion Prediction Project for Roads. Stream crossings were evaluated based on the Virginia Department of Forestry (VDOF) BMP manual guidelines and categorized as BMP?, BMP‐standard, or BMP+ based on the quality of road template, drainage, ground cover, and stream crossing structure. BMP implementation scores were calculated for each stream crossing using VDOF audit questions. Potential erosion effects due to upgrading crossings were estimated by adjusting ground cover percentage and approach length parameters in the erosion models. Results indicate that erosion rates decrease as BMP implementation scores increase (p < 0.05). BMP‐standard and BMP+ ratings made up 83% of crossings sampled, with an average erosion rate of 6.8 Mg/ha/yr. Hypothetical improvements beyond standard BMP recommendations provided minimal additional erosion prevention.  相似文献   

The Alqueva reservoir created the largest artificial lake of Western Europe in 2010. Since then, the region has faced challenges due to land-use changes that may increase the risk of erosion and shorten the lifetime of the reservoir, increasing the need to promote land management sustainability. This paper investigates the aspect of seasonality of soil erosion using a comprehensive methodology that integrates the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) approach, geographic information systems, geostatistics, and remote-sensing. An experimental agro-silvo pastoral area (typical land-use) was used for the RUSLE factors update. The study confirmed the effect of seasonality on soil erosion rates under Mediterranean conditions. The highest rainfall erosivity values occurred during the autumn season (433.6 MJ mm ha?1 h?1), when vegetation cover is reduced after the long dry season. As a result, the autumn season showed the highest predicted erosion (9.9 t ha?1), contributing 65 % of the total annual erosion. The predicted soil erosion for winter was low (1.1 t ha?1) despite the high rainfall erosivity during that season (196.6 MJ mm ha?1 h?1). The predicted annual soil loss was 15.1 t ha?1, and the sediment amount delivery was 4,314 × 103 kg. Knowledge of seasonal variation would be essential to outline sustainable land management practices. This model will be integrated with World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies methods to support decision-making in that watershed, and it will involve collaboration with both local people and governmental institutions.  相似文献   

Abstract: Despite widespread interest, few sediment budgets are available to document patterns of erosion and sedimentation in developing watersheds. We assess the sediment budget for the Good Hope Tributary, a small watershed (4.05 km2) in Montgomery County, Maryland, from 1951‐1996. Lacking monitoring data spanning the period of interest, we rely on a variety of indirect and stratigraphic methods. Using regression equations relating sediment yield to construction, we estimated an upland sediment production of 5,700 m3 between 1951 and 1996. Regression equations indicate that channel cross‐sectional area is correlated with the extent of development; these relationships, when combined with historical land use data, suggest that upland sediment yield was augmented by 6,400 m3 produced by enlargement of first‐order and second‐order stream channels. We used dendrochronology to estimate that 4,000 m3 of sediment was stored on the floodplain from 1951‐1996. The sediment yield from the watershed, obtained by summing upstream contributions, totals 8,100 m3 of sediment, or 135 tons/km2/year. These results indicate that upland erosion, channel enlargement, and floodplain storage are all significant components of the sediment budget of our study area, and all three are approximately equal in magnitude. Erosion of “legacy” floodplain sediments originally deposited during poor agricultural practices of the 19th and early 20th Centuries has likely contributed between 0 and 20% of the total sediment yield, indicating that these remobilized deposits are not a dominant component of the sediment yield of our study area.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In urbanizing areas, the usual increase in flood flows also increases erosional capability of streams. In order to evaluate such tendencies quantitatively, 25 stream reaches were studied, and were classified as to whether erosion of the channel and banks was light, medium, or heavy. Analysis of characteristics indicated that (1) densely developed areas are correlated with greater erosion, (2) wide stream buffers of natural vegetation are correlated with lesser erosion, and (3) there is no definite correlation of erosion to slope or characteristics of soil. Erosional stream instability can be avoided by retention of storm water runoff, creating additional channel roughness or reducing channel slope during floods by drop structures, such as culverts, which restrict flow. Channel straightening and general bank protection should be minimized in such streams. Design of culverts should take such effects into consideration.  相似文献   

Abstract: Natural forests in southern China have been severely logged due to high human demand for timber, food, and fuels during the past century, but are recovering in the past decade. The objective of this study was to investigate how vegetation cover changes in composition and structure affected the water budgets of a 9.6‐km2 Dakeng watershed located in a humid subtropical mountainous region in southern China. We analyzed 27 years (i.e., 1967‐1993) of streamflow and climate data and associated vegetation cover change in the watershed. Land use/land cover census and Normalized Difference of Vegetation Index (NDVI) data derived from remote sensing were used to construct historic land cover change patterns. We found that over the period of record, annual streamflow (Q) and runoff/precipitation ratio did not change significantly, nor did the climatic variables, including air temperature, Hamon’s potential evapotranspiration (ET), pan evaporation, sunshine hours, and radiation. However, annual ET estimated as the differences between P and Q showed a statistically significant increasing trend. Overall, the NDVI of the watershed had a significant increasing trend in the peak spring growing season. This study concluded that watershed ecosystem ET increased as the vegetation cover shifted from low stock forests to shrub and grasslands that had higher ET rates. A conceptual model was developed for the study watershed to describe the vegetation cover‐streamflow relationships during a 50‐year time frame. This paper highlighted the importance of eco‐physiologically based studies in understanding transitory, nonstationary effects of deforestation or forestation on watershed water balances.  相似文献   

In the Mediterranean region the intensities and amounts of soil loss and runoff on sloping land are governed by rainfall pattern and vegetation cover. Over a two-year period (1998–1999), six wild species of aromatic and mellipherous plants (Thymus serpylloides subsp. Gadorensis, Thymus baeticus Boiss, Salvia lavandulifolia Vahl., Santolina rosmarinifolia L., Lavandula stoechas L. and Genista umbellata Poiret) were selected for erosion plots to determine their effectiveness in reducing water erosion on hillslopes of the Sierra Nevada Mountain (SE Spain). The erosion plots (including a bare-soil plot as control), located at 1,345 m in altitude, were 2 m2 (2 m × 1 m) in area and had 13% incline. The lowest runoff and soil erosion rates, ranging from 9 to 26 mm yr−1 and from 0.01 to 0.31 Mg ha−1 yr−1, respectively, over the entire study period, were measured under the Thymus serpylloides. Lavandula stoechas L. registered the highest rates among the plant covers tested, runoff ranging from 77 to 127 mm yr−1 and erosion from 1.67 to 3.50 Mg ha−1 yr−1. In the bare-soil plot, runoff ranged from 154 to 210 mm yr−1 and erosion from 4.45 to 7.82 Mg ha−1 yr−1. According to the results, the lowest-growing plant covers (Thymus serpylloides and Salvia lavandulifolia Vahl.) discouraged the soil erosion and runoff more effectively than did the taller and open medium-sized shrubs (Santolina rosmarinifolia L., Genista umbellata Poiret, Thymus baeticus Boiss and Lavandula stoechas L.). Monitoring allowed more direct linkage to be made between plant covers and the prevention of erosion, with implications for sustainable mountain agriculture and environmental protection.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Hydrologic responses to logging with skidders and responses to logging with a cable yarder are compared. After a 23-year calibration with an undisturbed control catchment, mixed stands of shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata Mill.) and hardwoods were clearfelled on two small catchments in the hilly Coastal Plain of north Mississippi and observed for five years. Runoff increased 370 mm (skidded) and 116 mm (yarded) during the first year with 1876 mm of rainfall, and 234 mm (skidded) and 228 mm (yarded) during the second year when 1388 mm of precipitation equaled the calibration mean. Sediment concentrations for the yarded catchment during the first two years averaged 641 and 1,629 mg L?1, respectively, and yields were 6,502 and 12,086 kg ha?1. Compared to calibration means of 74 mg L?1 and 142 kg ha?1, these extreme values can be attributed largely to transport of sediment stored in the channel and to erosion of subsurface flow paths, which was exacerbated by high flow volumes. During the first year, the concentration (231 mg L?1) and yield (2,827 kg ha?1) for the control catchment also exceeded the calibration means. However, concentrations (134 mg L?1) and yields (1,806 kg ha?1) for the skidded catchment were about 40 percent lower than for the control catchment during the first year, and were higher than those for the control only during the second year. Because deep percolation was limited and because rainfall was unusually high, increases in flows and sediment concentrations and yields probably approximate maximum responses to clearcut harvesting in the uplands of the southern Coastal Plain.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An essential component to the ground water budget for the Las Vegas Valley (LVV) in southern Nevada is discharge from the ground water system. Discharge for the LW has been based on estimates made more than 50 years ago of 35,524,224 m3 per year as evapotranspiration (ET) and 0 m3 per year as subsurface outflow. Newly published values for recharge based on a more robust data set (70,308,360 m3) indicate a large imbalance associated with the earlier discharge estimates, providing the basis for the reevaluation conducted in this study. ET estimates in this study, as opposed to previous studies, were assigned a range in values that included an approach that assigned higher weight to the unique soil, plant, water, and climatic conditions that existed in predevelopment (1905) LW. The earlier discharge estimates also assumed that the basin was hydrologically closed; however, based on our evaluation, a range in yearly discharge by subsurface outflow from 1,480,176 m3 to 19,735,680 m3 could be assigned. Likewise, a range in yearly ET from 20,475,768 m3 to 78,819,372 m3 could be assigned. Based on newly published recharge values, closure can only occur if higher values are assigned to both the subsurface outflow and/or ET components of ground water discharge. We cannot provide a complete water balance closure with our ground water discharge estimate of 64,140,960 m3. However our reevaluation gives support to the higher recharge estimates and provides the rationale for future studies to be conducted based on a more rigorous scientific assessment.  相似文献   

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