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ABSTRACT: An articulated concrete block revetment system was developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to test and evaluate the practicability of the protocols for overtopping and channelized flow conditions. Test facilities were constructed, prototype articulated concrete blocks were fabricated and installed into the facilities, and the blocks were tested using the established protocols. The test results indicated that both the overtopping and channel flow tests yielded similar results: the blocks reached a point of instability at approximately the same velocity and shear stresses. The similar test results indicate that only one protocol is required to evaluate an articulated concrete block system. It was demonstrated that both protocols can be effectively conducted. It is recommended that the overtopping test be adapted as a standard test procedure because of its reduced construction costs and its efficiency compared to the channelized test.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Concrete block irrigation diversion systems have been proposed as alternatives to permanent dams of concrete or rock or temporary gravel berms. Permanent dams can cause stream channel instability, bank erosion, sediment pollution, ice flow blockage, and safety problems for recreational floating craft. Temporary berms can require substantial streambed disturbance and can promote sediment pollution, stream bank instability, and bank erosion. A design procedure was developed based on a model of the hydraulic performance of concrete block diversion systems. The procedure was used to model a site on the Gallatin River in Montana. The method relies on HEC-RAS (Hydrologic Engineering Center -River Analysis System) software combined with analytical techniques in an iterative scheme. The hydraulic performance of different diversion configurations (the existing heavy-rock diversion system, concrete blocks oriented parallel to flow, and concrete blocks oriented diagonally) was assessed using the model under a range of flow rates. The minimum diversion dimensions (length, number, and size of blocks) that maintained block stability while diverting the requisite flow were determined for each model run. At the Gallatin River site, the block system oriented parallel to flow required less diversion material than the diagonal orientation. The recommended diversion length was 51.8 m (170 ft). Trapezoidal blocks with a top width of 20.3 cm (8 in), a height of 45.7 cm (18 in), and side slopes of 2 vertical to 1 horizontal were specified. This configuration minimizes the total block mass, diverts the required flow, and has a factor of safety of 2.0 against block displacement.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Harland Creek, in east-central Mississippi, is a rapidly migrating, meandering stream that is experiencing severe bank erosion. More than 9,000 willow (Salix nigra) posts were emplaced in February 1994 by the U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers in an effort to stabilize eroding stream banks using an experimental bioengi-neering technique. Monitoring of this stream reach and the willow post bank stabilization has resulted in a data base to assess willow mortality as related to bank aspect, post diameter, cover, and base elevation above low water. Monitoring has also resulted in the development of revised construction guidelines. Survivability of the posts, a necessary condition for long-term success, was found to average 81 percent in May 1994, 43 percent in October 1994, and 41 percent in August 1995. Even with survivability as low as 29 percent to 34 percent at specific bend reaches, willow posts are documented to be successful in bank stabilization for the period of monitoring, in comparison with more traditional riprap stabilization methods. Guidelines for improved survivability and recommended site selection are presented. Cost of willow post bank stabilization is less than traditional riprap, and willow posts can be emplaced using readily available equipment and materials.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Streambank protection projects are intended to prevent streambank erosion, thereby preventing streambank failure and maintaining a desirable channel alignment. Streambank erosion is a natural process of unaltered, dynamic river systems, and protection projects seek to impose stability on this natural system. The environmental impacts of such projects are primarily changes to terrestrial and aquatic habitats and to aesthetics. Adverse environmental impacts have been minimized and enhancement of existing habitat and aesthetics have been achieved through the development of new, innovative designs or modifications to existing designs and through use of construction and maintenance practices that promote habitat and aesthetics. Designs based on channel flow characteristics, e.g., revetments using a variety of structural materials, can result in preservation of wildlife habitat by reducing the use of structural protection by matching the erosion potential of flow at the bank with the protection capability of the materials used. Designs based on streambed stabilization prevent bank failure caused by bank undermining, result in preservation or establishment of streamside vegetation, and enhance aesthetics. Protection schemes that manage and preserve floodplains, berms, and riparian areas preserve the natural condition of the floodplain area. Designs based on deflection of erosive flows, e.g., dikes, minimize disturbance to the bank vegetation and create low-velocity aquatic habitats. Use of vegetation for bank protection is most effective when used in combination with structural components. Construction and maintenance practices can be scheduled and modified to minimize impacts to floodplain areas and to enhance wildlife habitat while preserving the integrity of the protection structure.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Channel incision is a pervasive problem that threatens infrastructure, destroys arable land, and degrades environmental resources. A program initiated in 1983 is developing technology for rehabilitation of watersheds with erosion and sedimentation problems caused by incision. Demonstration projects are located in 15 watersheds in the hills of northwest Mississippi. Watershed sizes range from 0.89 to 1,590 km2, and measured suspended sediment yields average about 1,100 t km-2-yr-1. Water quality is generally adequate to support aquatic organisms, but physical habitat conditions are poor. Rehabilitation measures, which are selected and laid out using a subjective integration of hydraulic and geotechnical stability analyses, include grade controls, bank protection, and small reservoirs. Aquatic habitat studies indicate that stone-protected stilling basins below grade-control weirs and habitats associated with drop pipes and stone spur dikes are assets to erosion-damaged streams. Additional recovery of habitat resources using modified stone stabilization designs, woody vegetation plantings, and reservoir outlets designed to provide non-zero minimum flows is under investigation.  相似文献   

为解决油田注水井修井作业起下管柱施工时由于井底高压造成的油管溢流喷溅问题,研制了专门用于封堵井下管柱的电控式封堵工具,在作业施工前通过测试电缆下到指定封堵位置,地面计算机发布命令进行封堵、锚定并实现丢手,达到封堵油管溢流的目的。通过反复的现场验证,证明该工具封堵可靠、效率高,方便推广应用,可为实现环保作业提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

西气东输工程靖边-临汾段的黄土地区地形破碎,黄土以粉粒为主,结构疏松,黄土易于完全崩解,浸水后粒状架空结构体系迅速崩解,其抗冲蚀能力极差。本地区降水多为暴雨,强降雨形成的洪水来势猛、历时短,导致黄土塬坡地受水力侵蚀强烈且集中。工程项目区的生态环境脆弱,一旦植被遭到破坏,就可能造成生态系统的破坏。根据西气东输工程和区域的实际情况,进行了生态型水工保护工艺的现场试验研究。试验结果表明,该工艺完全可以达到传统水工保护工艺对黄土塬坡地处理所能达到的强度及效果,并且在管线及水工保护施工完成后将使生态基本得到恢复。  相似文献   

Understanding how hydraulic factors control alluvial river meander migration can help resource managers evaluate the long-term effects of floodplain management and bank stabilization measures. Using a numerical model based on the mechanics of flow and sediment transport in curved river channels, we predict 50 years of channel migration and suggest the planning and ecological implications of that migration for a 6.4-km reach (river miles 218–222) of the Sacramento River near the Woodson Bridge State Recreation Area, California, USA. Using four different channel management scenarios, our channel migration simulations suggest that: (1) channel stabilization alters the future channel planform locally and downstream from the stabilization; (2) rock revetment currently on the bank upstream from the Woodson Bridge recreation area causes more erosion of the channel bank at the recreation area than if the revetment were not present; (3) relocating the channel to the west and allowing subsequent unconstrained river migration relieves the erosion pressure in the Woodson Bridge area; (4) the subsequent migration reworks (erodes along one river bank and replaces new floodplain along the other) 26.5 ha of land; and (5) the river will rework between 8.5 and 48.5 ha of land in the study reach (over the course of 50 years), depending on the bank stabilization plan used. The reworking of floodplain lands is an important riparian ecosystem function that maintains habitat heterogeneity, an essential factor for the long-term survival of several threatened and endangered animal species in the Sacramento River area.  相似文献   

随着现代工程技术的不断发展,大规模的水利工程建设,为国民经济建设发挥了巨大作用,但同时也对环境造成了影响和危害,因此,如何兴利避害,充分发挥水利工程为人类造福的优势,减少其对环境的不利影响,是我们必须考虑的问题。从水利工程对环境的影响进行探讨并对环境保护提出了建议。  相似文献   

Abstract: Streambank erosion by mass‐failure processes represents an important form of channel adjustment and a significant source of sediment in disturbed streams. Mass failures regularly occur by a combination of hydraulic processes that undercut bank toes and geotechnical processes that cause bank collapse by gravity. Little if any quantitative information is available on the effectiveness of bank treatments on reducing erosion. To evaluate potential reduction in sediment loadings emanating from streambanks, the hydraulic and geotechnical processes responsible for mass failure were simulated under existing and mitigated conditions using a Bank‐Stability and Toe‐Erosion Model (BSTEM). Two critical erosion sites were selected from each of the three watersheds known to contribute the greatest amounts of fine sediment by streambank processes in the Lake Tahoe Basin. A typical high‐flow annual hydrograph was selected for analysis. Bank‐material strength data were collected for each layer as were species‐specific root‐reinforcement values. The effects of the first flow event on bank‐toe erosion were simulated using an excess shear‐stress approach. The resulting geometry was then exported into the bank‐stability submodel to test for the relative stability of the bank under peak flow and drawdown conditions. In this way, BSTEM was used iteratively for all flow events for both existing and mitigated conditions. On average, 13.6% of the material was eroded by hydraulic shear, the remainder by mass failures, which occurred about five times over the simulation period. Simulations with 1.0 m‐high rock‐toe protection showed a dramatic reduction in streambank erosion (69‐100%). Failure frequency for the simulation period was reduced in most cases to a single episode. Thus, an almost 90% reduction in streambank loadings was achieved by virtually eliminating the erosion of only 14% of the material that was entrained by hydraulic forces. Consequently, simulations show average load reductions of about an order of magnitude. Results stress the critical importance of protecting the bank toe‐region from steepening by hydraulic forces that would otherwise entrain previously failed and in situ bank materials, thereby allowing the upper bank to flatten (by failure) to a stable slope.  相似文献   

Channelization is one of the most common solutions to urban drainage problems, despite the fact that channelized streams are frequently morphologically unstable, biologically unproductive, and aesthetically displeasing. There is increasing empirical and theoretical evidence to suggest that channelization may be counterproductive unless channels are designed to prevent the bank erosion and channel silting that often accompanies stream dredging. Many of the detrimental effects of channelization can be avoided, with little compromise in channel efficiency, by employing channel design guidelines that do not destroy the hydraulic and morphologic equilibria that natural streams possess. These guidelines include minimal straightening; promoting bank stability by leaving trees, minimizing channel reshaping, and employing bank stabilization techniques; and, emulating the morphology of natural stream channels. This approach, called stream restoration or stream renovation, is being successfully employed to reduce flooding and control erosion and sedimentation problems on streams in Charlotte, North Carolina.  相似文献   

Pervious concrete is an alternative paving surface that can be used to reduce the nonpoint source pollution effects of stormwater runoff from paved surfaces such as roadways and parking lots by allowing some of the rainfall to permeate into the ground below. This infiltration rate may be adversely affected by clogging of the system, particularly clogging or covering by sand in coastal areas. A theoretical relation was developed between the effective permeability of a sand-clogged pervious concrete block, the permeability of sand, and the porosity of the unclogged block. Permeabilities were then measured for Portland cement pervious concrete systems fully covered with extra fine sand in a flume using simulated rainfalls. The experimental results correlated well with the theoretical calculated permeability of the pervious concrete system for pervious concrete systems fully covered on the surface with sand. Two different slopes (2% and 10%) were used. Rainfall rates were simulated for the combination of direct rainfall (passive runoff) and for additional stormwater runoff from adjacent areas (active runoff). A typical pervious concrete block will allow water to pass through at flow rates greater than 0.2 cm/s and a typical extra fine sand will have a permeability of approximately 0.02 cm/s. The limit of the system with complete sand coverage resulted in an effective system permeability of approximately 0.004 cm/s which is similar to the rainfall intensity of a 30 min duration, 100-year frequency event in the southeastern United States. The results obtained are important in designing and evaluating pervious concrete as a paving surface within watershed management systems for controlling the quantity of runoff.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An approach is developed for incorporating the uncertainty of parameters for estimating runoff in the design of polder systems in ungaged watersheds. Monte Carlo Simulation is used to derive a set of realizations of streamflow hydrographs for a given design rainstorm using the U. S. Soil Conservation Service (SCS) unit hydrograph model. The inverse of the SCS curve number, which is a function of the antecedent runoff condition in the SCS model, is the random input in the Monte Carlo Simulation. Monte Carlo realizations of streamfiow hydrographs are used to simulate the performance of a polder flood protection system. From this simulation the probability of occurrence of flood levels for a particular hydraulic design may be used to evaluate its effectiveness. This approach is demonstrated for the Pluit Polder flood protection system for the City of Jakarta, Indonesia. While the results of the application indicate that uncertainty in the antecedent runoff condition is important, the effects of uncertainty in rainfall data, in additional runoff parameters, such as time to peak, in the hydraulic design, and in the rainfall-runoff model selected should also be considered. Although, the SCS model is limited to agricultural conditions, the approach presented herein may be applied to other flood control systems if appropriate storm runoff models are selected.  相似文献   

The drawdown of reservoirs behind dams is an important management strategy (e.g., for removal of aging infrastructure, flushing of sediment), and an opportunity to study erosional processes. A numerical model was developed to examine retrogressive bank erosion across reservoir drawdown scenarios and to evaluate factors controlling the rate, volume, and mechanisms of lateral erosion. Modeled processes included dynamic drawdown of groundwater, sequential slope failures via limit equilibrium analysis, and retrogression considering stress interaction between failing blocks. Field measurements were coupled with Staged, Slow, and Rapid drawdown scenarios. Results highlight the importance of including retrogression as an avenue for lateral erosion, as sequential block failures were found to occur in all scenarios except Slow drawdown. This result indicates that bank stability models without some means of characterizing the evolution of slope failure during drawdown are likely underestimating bank failure rates and volumes. In contrast, dynamic groundwater was not found to be a dominant control for any drawdown scenario. Model results also demonstrate that the drawdown increment is a first-order control on slope instability via the development of drained or undrained conditions. A majority of failures occurred under undrained conditions. To maximize slope stability, using slow drawdown to activate internal friction under drained conditions is essential. The design of the drawdown rate created a tradeoff between the amount of impact created and when the impact is produced. The study also articulated the need for coupling models and field observations for rapidly changing systems.  相似文献   

Variation in root density along stream banks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While it is recognized that vegetation plays a significant role in stream bank stabilization, the effects are not fully quantified. The study goal was to determine the type and density of vegetation that provides the greatest protection against stream bank erosion by determining the density of roots in stream banks. To quantify the density of roots along alluvial stream banks, 25 field sites in the Appalachian Mountains were sampled. The riparian buffers varied from short turfgrass to mature riparian forests, representing a range of vegetation types. Root length density (RLD) with depth and aboveground vegetation density were measured. The sites were divided into forested and herbaceous groups and differences in root density were evaluated. At the herbaceous sites, very fine roots (diameter < 0.5 mm) were most common and more than 75% of all roots were concentrated in the upper 30 cm of the stream bank. Under forested vegetation, fine roots (0.5 mm < diameter < 2.0 mm) were more common throughout the bank profile, with 55% of all roots in the top 30 cm. In the top 30 cm of the bank, herbaceous sites had significantly greater overall RLD than forested sites (alpha = 0.01). While there were no significant differences in total RLD below 30 cm, forested sites had significantly greater concentrations of fine roots, as compared with herbaceous sites (alpha = 0.01). As research has shown that erosion resistance has a direct relationship with fine root density, forested vegetation may provide better protection against stream bank erosion.  相似文献   

为提升HSSE(健康、安全、安保、环境)绩效管理水平,中国石油海外勘探开发公司在海外油气业务建设并推进HSSE绩效考核体系。结合海外实际情况,配套制定一系列制度,并就四类指标进行考核,即杜绝性指标、控制性指标、管理性指标和过程性指标。经过与国际油气生产商(OGP)就亿工时死亡率、损工伤害率、总可记录伤害率对标比较,中国石油海外油气业务HSSE绩效达到国际同行先进水平。海外油气业务推行HSSE绩效考核体系能够有效维持安全环保及社会安全业绩稳定,能够有效保障海外油气项目平稳安全运行。  相似文献   

目前城镇体系规划在各地区相应开展,但作为城镇体系规划重要内容之一的生态与环境保护规划却没有得到普遍重视,这与城市可持续发展战略是不相适应的.从城镇体系规划角度出发,简述了生态与环境保护规划的要求、内容及作用,并以潮州市为例,对生态与环境保护规划进行了探讨,为城镇的开发与可持续发展提供决策依据.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Levee sump systems are used by many riverine communities for temporary storage of urban wet weather flows. The hydrologic performance and transport of stormwater pollutants in sump systems, however, have not been systematically studied. The objective of this paper is to present a case study to demonstrate development and application of a procedure for assessing the hydraulic performance of flood control sumps in an urban watershed. Two sumps of highly variable physical and hydraulic characteristics were selected for analysis. A hydrologic modeling package was used to estimate the flow hydrograph for each outfall as part of the flow balance for the sump. To validate these results, a water balance was used to estimate the total runoff using sump operational data. The hydrologic model calculations provide a satisfactory estimate of the total runoff and its time‐distribution to the sump. The model was then used to estimate pollutant loads to the sump and to the river. Although flow of stormwater through a sump system is regulated solely by flood‐control requirements, these sumps may function as sedimentation basins that provide purification of stormwater. A sample calculation of removals of several conventional pollutants in the target sumps using a mass balance approach is presented.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In recent years, logs and other structures have been added to streams for the purposes of altering channel morphology to improve fish habitat. This flume study was conducted to evaluate the effects of coarse woody debris on local channel morphology. Wooden dowels were used to simulate the effects of individual logs in a stream, and scour depth and surface area were determined at the end of each test run. The maximum scour depth was significantly correlated (90 percent confidence level) with both the vertical orientation of the dowels and the channel opening ratio; the scour surface area was significantly correlated (90 percent confidence level) with both the flow depth and the vertical orientation. Upstream-oriented dowels caused relatively large streambed scour and also deflected flows toward the streambank. Downstream-oriented dowels generally caused less bed scour and appeared to provide better bank protection because flow was generally deflected from the bank. In conjunction with data from field studies, these results provide information on the effects of orientation, hydraulic function, and relative stability of coarse woody debris in streams.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In this paper a numerical model for flood propagation in urban areas is proposed. It has been applied to evaluate flooding hydraulic characteristics in terms of potential flood elevations, depths, and inundated areas. Furthermore, the algorithm efficiency and the consequent reduced computation time allow the use of the hydraulic model as a part of a more complex system for civil protection actions, planning, and management. During flood events, the transportation network plays a main role both in rescuing people when they are more vulnerable and in moving people and materials from and toward affected areas. The reduced efficiency of this transportation network is evaluated based on a least‐flood‐risk path‐finding algorithm. The results of a case study concerning the northern part of the city of Rome, show that the numerical model for unsteady flow in open channel networks achieves the proposed aims. It has proven to be able to describe the flood hydraulic characteristics and to be suitable for real‐time flood emergency management in urban areas.  相似文献   

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