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ABSTRACT: A computer model was developed in order to establish a yield predictive relationship and to estimate the water requirements for supplemental irrigation of horticultural crops in the humid region. Alternative distribution systems were developed and designed using the results from the computer model and Wood's (1980) pipe network algorithm. The capital, operational, and maintenance costs of the distribution and recommended on-farm irrigation systems were determined and used to evaluate the economic feasibility of the alternative designs. Results show that the concentration of irrigated area along the distribution system, the length of the distribution system, and cropping system all have an important effect on the economic feasibility of supplemental irrigation in Wayne County, Kentucky.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Prior studies of water resource systems have considered risk from the point of view that only the system planners could react to the effects of the risk elements. However, users of water from a system also react to risk. When the quantity of water that a system can supply is subject to considerable variation, the reactions of the users of the water will often effect the benefits generated by the system and thus its optimal design characteristics. A simulation model of a reservoir-irrigation system is developed which incorporates the water users' reactions to risk in such a manner as to reflect their influence on the optimal design characteristics. A risk (convex) programming algorithm is incorporated into the model to reflect the water users' reactions to various levels of aversion to risk and degree of uncertainty in water deliveries. Response surfaces are generated as a result of performing the simulation at different levels of the design variables. An examination of these surfaces reveals the importance of including water users' reactions to risk in water resource system planning. The effects of different levels of risk aversion on the irrigation farmers' choice of crop enterprises are also examined.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Selective placement - under a rigorous statistical sampling design - of newly available monitoring equipment on irrigation systems may provide effective and economical estimates of total irrigation water use in areas where complete water use inventories are impractical. In 1979, a joint effort by the U.S. Geological Survey and Florida's Suwannee River Water Management District was launched to estimate the District's 1979 irrigation water use using a selective monitoring approach. Analysis of previous inventories of irrigation equipment and amounts of water applied in the District indicated that total 1979 water use estimates with six to nine percent sampling error could be obtained using selective monitoring, given the time and equipment limitations for the monitoring program. Restricting monitoring to a sample of farms can introduce systematic error to water use estimates if farmers' participation is related to their water use methods. Preliminary results of the 1979 study indicate tht declining participation rates, if unchecked, could lead to serious systematic eror in future North Florida selective monitoring studies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The increasing use of irrigation for urban landscapes is causing new demands for efficient watering systems. Conservation techniques for irrigated agricultural fields cannot be applied to urban landscapes without amendment. This paper attempts to review methods of urban landscape water conservation in the context of the diversity and complexity of urban landscapes and the demands upon them for quality of the urban environment. A development's initial site layout and planting design fundamentally determine how much irrigation water will be required; the complexity and creativity inherent in urban design open a number of specific possibilities for reducing water demand. Irrigation hardware is then designed to deliver the required volume of water to the specified landscape efficiently by implementing a number of physical and operational principles. Maintenance of the finished development involves monitoring results and making adjustments as the plantings grow and develop. The potential for conserving urban irrigation water is large. Effective conservation need not compromise other qualities of the urban environment such as aesthetics, screening, or shade. Urban design can address both the kinds of landscapes people need, and minimal consumption of irrigation water.  相似文献   

There is an increasing need to strategize and plan irrigation systems under varied climatic conditions to support efficient irrigation practices while maintaining and improving the sustainability of groundwater systems. This study was undertaken to simulate the growth and production of soybean [Glycine max (L.)] under different irrigation scenarios. The objectives of this study were to calibrate and validate the CROPGRO‐Soybean model under Texas High Plains’ (THP) climatic conditions and to apply the calibrated model to simulate the impacts of different irrigation levels and triggers on soybean production. The methodology involved combining short‐term experimental data with long‐term historical weather data (1951–2012), and use of mechanistic crop growth simulation algorithms to determine optimum irrigation management strategies. Irrigation was scheduled based on five different plant extractable water levels (irrigation threshold [ITHR]) set at 20%, 35%, 50%, 65%, and 80%. The calibrated model was able to satisfactorily reproduce measured leaf area index, biomass, and evapotranspiration for soybean, indicating it can be used for investigating different strategies for irrigating soybean in the THP. Calculations of crop water productivity for biomass and yield along with irrigation water use efficiency indicated soybean can be irrigated at ITHR set at 50% or 65% with minimal yield loss as compared to 80% ITHR, thus conserving water and contributing toward lower groundwater withdrawals. Editor's note: This paper is part of the featured series on Optimizing Ogallala Aquifer Water Use to Sustain Food Systems. See the February 2019 issue for the introduction and background to the series.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In humid areas appreciable amounts of rainfall complicate irrigation scheduling. This rainfall tends to give supplemental water application a low priority. As a result irrigation may be delayed until there is not enough time to cover the crop area before some drought damage occurs. To improve the management of irrigation systems, a scheduling model has been developed. The model's water application decisions incorporate climatological records, soil-plant data, current pan evaporation and rainfall, the number of fields to be irrigated, and 5-day weather forecasts. The model updates the soil moisture conditions, predicts impending water depletion, and if supplemental water is needed both the field priority and amount to be applied is indicated for each of the next 5 days. Errors introduced through the use of forecasts and long-term pan evaporation records have been slight because of the tri-weekly updating. Also natural rains which restore the root zone to maximum water holding capacity prevent long-term bias.  相似文献   

This paper presents estimates made via a recursive linear programming model of the net benefits of improving irrigation application efficiency from an exhaustible groundwater source. Net benefits were derived for different application efficiency levels under furrow, sprinkler, and LEPA irrigation systems. In addition, net benefit estimates were obtained for the transition across irrigation systems. Solutions from the model indicate that low crop prices have a differential impact on net benefits across irrigation application efficiencies and irrigation systems. Also, the more limited groundwater situations consistently reduce the economic incentive to adopt improved irrigation application techniques across all irrigation systems.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The reliable sizing of reservoirs is a very important task of hydraulic engineering. Although many reservoirs throughout the world have been designed using Rippl's mass curves with historical inflow volumes at the dam site, this technique is now considered outdated. In this paper, synthetic series of monthly inflows are used as an alternative to historical inflow records. These synthetic series are generated from stochastic SARIMA (Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average) models. The analyzed data refer to the planned Almopeos Reservoir on the Almopeos River in Northern Greece with 19‐year monthly inflow series. The analysis of this study demonstrates the ability of SARIMA models, in conjunction with the adequate transformation, to forecast monthly inflows of one or more months ahead and generate synthetic series of monthly inflows that preserve the key statistics of the historical monthly inflows and their persistence Hurst coefficient K. The forecasted monthly inflows would be of help in evaluating the optimal real time reservoir operation policies and the generated synthetic series of monthly inflows can be used to provide a probabilistic framework for reservoir design and to cope with the situation where the design horizon of interest exceeds the length of the historical inflow record.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A study was conducted to evaluate the existing furrow irrigation system of Karun Agro Industry, a sugar cane plant in Daimcheh, Iran. Although the system is only eight years old, design and operational problems have reduced its efficiency by 50 percent. Lack of skilled irrigation workers, inadequate control of irrigation water, and problems with night irrigation have resulted in substantial revenue losses for the plant. This study evaluates the existing irrigation system, and recommends modifications and improvements to increase its efficiency. Final recommendations include the use of various irrigation methods, improvements to the existing system, and cancellation of night irrigation.  相似文献   

Rainwater conservation and recycling by optimal size on-farm reservoir   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Hydrologic and economic analysis of the on-farm reservoir (OFR) was carried out in rainfed rice–mustard cropping systems in Eastern India followed by 2 years of field experiments in 1999 and 2000. The average contribution (average of 2 years) of direct rainfall and surface runoff from the diked crop fields contributed, respectively, about 79.5 and 20.5% to the total OFR inflow. The average contribution of evaporation loss, seepage and percolation loss and supplemental irrigation from the OFR contributed, respectively, about 10.0, 31.2 and 58.8% to the total OFR outflow. There was an average increase of rice yield of 44.0% over the rainfed rice because of application of 8.4 cm supplemental irrigation from the OFR. Thus, with an application of 4.5 cm supplemental irrigation from the OFR, 15.40% increase of mustard yield was recorded in 1999. Economic analysis indicated average net profit of Rs. 700 (US$ 1 = Rupees (Rs.) 44.75 in Indian currency) from a farm area of 800 m2. Average values of benefit–cost ratio, internal rate of return and pay back period of the OFR irrigation system were evaluated as 1.17, 14.8%, and 16 years, respectively. The study reveals that the OFR irrigation in small landholders is economically feasible system for rainwater harvesting and providing supplemental irrigation in rainfed farming system.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Concrete block irrigation diversion systems have been proposed as alternatives to permanent dams of concrete or rock or temporary gravel berms. Permanent dams can cause stream channel instability, bank erosion, sediment pollution, ice flow blockage, and safety problems for recreational floating craft. Temporary berms can require substantial streambed disturbance and can promote sediment pollution, stream bank instability, and bank erosion. A design procedure was developed based on a model of the hydraulic performance of concrete block diversion systems. The procedure was used to model a site on the Gallatin River in Montana. The method relies on HEC-RAS (Hydrologic Engineering Center -River Analysis System) software combined with analytical techniques in an iterative scheme. The hydraulic performance of different diversion configurations (the existing heavy-rock diversion system, concrete blocks oriented parallel to flow, and concrete blocks oriented diagonally) was assessed using the model under a range of flow rates. The minimum diversion dimensions (length, number, and size of blocks) that maintained block stability while diverting the requisite flow were determined for each model run. At the Gallatin River site, the block system oriented parallel to flow required less diversion material than the diagonal orientation. The recommended diversion length was 51.8 m (170 ft). Trapezoidal blocks with a top width of 20.3 cm (8 in), a height of 45.7 cm (18 in), and side slopes of 2 vertical to 1 horizontal were specified. This configuration minimizes the total block mass, diverts the required flow, and has a factor of safety of 2.0 against block displacement.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Given limited available data and the present state of knowledge on the social aspects of irrigation, there is a need to develop new quantitative methods to measure water management performance in large-scale systems. A qualitative response framework is adapted to formulate a dynamic logit model of weekly field water adequacy and quantify indirectly farmer water utilization. Model parameters are estimated in a weighted least-squares regression using four seasons of data from a Philippine canal system. Estimated coefficients and independent model forecasts indicate greater effective use of rainfall than irrigation in sustaining high levels of water adequacy during the rainy season. Irrigation utilization is two times higher in the dry season, while system location has a much smaller but still significant impact. Utilization rates for both rain and irrigation showed considerable responsiveness to the prevailing scarcity of water. The qualitative response approach is well suited to the aggregated data available for large-scale systems, and allows advances in modeling dynamic water management behavior. Formal evaluation of the model will require further empirical applications.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper presents a statistically valid index for measuring the performance of irrigation systems. The index is applied to a sample of 39 farms on a watercourse under the warabandi system of irrigation management in India. It is found that while the farmers in fact irrigated almost exactly the total amount of irrigated area as designed, inter-farm variations were considerable. The index shows that the degree of error of managerial effectiveness of irrigation on this watercourse is 20 percent. Therefore it is concluded that the system is performing at 80 percent effectiveness.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Irrigated agriculture is one of the most important water-use sectors in terms of total water diversion and consumptive use. For at least the last 25 years, improving irrigation efficiency has been a widely advocated and accepted goal. This paper uses a sample of 16 Bureau of Reclamation irrigation projects to examine the pattern of average irrigation efficiency and change in efficiency over time. In general, the highest average efficiencies are found in the arid Southwest while the lowest are found in the semi-arid to sub-humid Great Plains region. Over the 22-year period of analysis, there has been no observable trend toward improvement in efficiency at any of the projects.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The on-farm economic effectiveness of government capital grants, subsidized interest rates, and the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) delivery quota levels in terms of adoption and/or expansion of irrigation in Saskatchewan is tested. The annualized net income at 5 and 20 years of three representative farm types - a dryland grain farm, an irrigated grain farm, and an irrigated mixed farm - are used in the analysis. Tradeoffs between income levels and the risks associated with adoption/expansion of irrigation are evaluated using mean-standard deviation tradeoff and stochastic dominance. Risk differences arise due to reduced business risk through higher yields and increased financial risk through higher borrowing when adopting or expanding irrigation. Capital grants and subsidized interest rates are effective policy measures for dryland grain farms adopting irrigation because the farms are left in a similar risk position. However, these grants and interest rates are not effective policy measures in the medium run (5 years) for irrigated grain farms expanding irrigation because they lower the farm's risk efficiency. In the long run (20 years), the capital grants and subsidized interest rates need to be combined with open CWB delivery quotas before the risk position can be improved for irrigated grain farms expanding irrigation. Finally, the grants and interest rates need to be combined with increased irrigated hay production for risk efficiency to increase in both the medium and long run (5 and 20 years, respectively) on irrigated mixed farms expanding irrigation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Growers in California used several energy and water conservation strategies in response to the drought conditions of 1976 and 1977. The strategies included an increased use of ground water, in creased irrigation efficiencies, and shifts in cropping patterns. Drought-related losses to irrigated agriculture were minimized as a result of these modifications. Some future problems may have been created, however, by obtaining the needed water supplies for 1976–77. These problems include the effects of extensive water pumping on ground water reservoirs and ground subsidence. In addition, reduced water application by less frequent irrigation and changes in irrigation methods may affect the total salt balance for future years. Several conservation strategies that have some potential application in California were identified as: maintaining and augmenting surface water supply, increasing power use efficiencies, and improving irrigation efficiencies. Electricity savings associated with water conservation have been estimated as high as 25 percent. Specific near term actions suggested for facilitating conservation included: an expanded irrigation management system, efficient water deliveries, and a continued effort on the part of the individual growers to use resources during periods of normal rainfall as they were used under drought conditions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Increasing block-rate prices for irrigation water were implemented during 1989 in a 10,000-acre irrigation district in California's San Joaquin Valley. The program motivated improvements in irrigation practices that reduced the volume of water delivered to farm fields and the volume of drain water collected in on-farm drainage systems. The ratio of net crop water requirements to field deliveries increased from 0.65 in 1988 to 0.73 in 1989. The volume of drain water collected at a subset of 20 drainage systems was reduced by 351.1 acre-feet (11.5 percent). Estimated loads of salt, boron, and selenium were reduced by 2,407 tons (11.0 percent), 3.33 tons (11.0 percent), and 0.07 tons (9.2 percent).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Examples are drawn from the Indus Basin to explain why on-farm water management problems restrict the output of agricultural products in many LDC's. Data is presented to illustrate the low level of water management knowledge of both the farmers and the current extension agents. Examples of the level of corruption and its effect on the operating system are illustrated. Several requirements that must be met before a large-scale irrigation scheme will actually increase the welfare of LDC's farmers are presented.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Using a geographic information system, a regression model has been developed to identify and to assess potential sources of selenium in the Kendrick Reclamation Project Area, Wyoming. A variety of spatially distributed factors was examined to determine which factors are most likely to affect selenium discharge in tributaries to the North Platte River. Areas of Upper Cretaceous Cody Shale and Quaternary alluvial deposits and irrigated land, length of irrigation canals, and boundaries of hydrologic subbasins of the major tributaries to the North Platte River were digitized and stored in a geographic information system. Selenium concentrations in samples of soil, plant material, ground water, and surface water were determined and evaluated. The location of all sampling sites was digitized and stored in the geographic information system, together with the selenium concentrations in samples. A regression model was developed using stepwise multiple regression of median selenium discharges on the physical and chemical characteristics of hydrologic subbasins. Results indicate that the intensity of irrigation in a hydrologic subbasin, as determined by area of irrigated land and length of irrigation delivery canals, accounts for the largest variation in median selenium discharges among subbasins. Tributaries draining hydrologic subbasins with greater intensity of irrigation result in greater selenium discharges to the North Platte River than do tributaries draining subbasins with lesser intensity of irrigation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Irrigation has expanded in parts of the eastern United States. In some areas, the adjoining surface (riparian) water is the most economical source of irrigation water. Expanded demand for riparian water may lead to conflict among irrigators and other streamflow users. Accurate information on the potential for and impacts of riparian irrigation expansion is needed to decide if control of such expansion is necessary. In this study, a stochastic economic model to evaluate the impacts of potential irrigation expansion is presented. The model considers the soil, location, and land use characteristics of individual sites, as well as weather and streamflow patterns. The application of the model to an eastern Virginia watershed indicates that, with maximum potential expansion, water availability becomes limited and yields will be reduced in some years. As a result, the expected net returns from irrigation and the probability of breaking even on the investment are reduced substantially. The results suggest the need to consider regulation of surface water allocation for irrigation development in riparian watersheds.  相似文献   

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