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我国水环境优先监测的现状与发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从我国水环境优先监测的角度提出目前我国水环境监测项目不足以反映水环境的污染状况。从在我国开展水环境优先监测的必要性、可行性等几方面论述了应在水环境中大力开展优先监测。另外从几个方面论述了开展水环境优先监测的实施程序。本文也作为即将陆续发表的第二期水环境优先监测研究课题成果的开篇。  相似文献   

欧盟流域水环境监测与评价及对我国的启示   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
为提升我国水环境监测与管理能力,介绍了欧盟水框架指令关于水环境监测的规定,举例介绍了捷克、波兰和意大利等欧盟成员国的水环境监测与评价方法,并对我国在该领域的工作提出了一些想法。  相似文献   

伴随着日本经济的高速发展,其水环境污染问题十分严峻,防治水污染成为日本政府在20—21世纪的重要工作之一。经过几十年的努力,日本水污染治理取得长足进展。目前日本水环境监测已经形成由水和土壤等方面组成的水循环监测体系,包括地表水、近海、湖泊、地下水和土壤等。在日本的重要环保法律法规中均有涉及水环境监测工作内容的明确法律条文,国家行政机关、地方政府和公立的科研单位在具体实施水环境质量监测过程中的职责和义务不同,水环境质量监测管理的国家行政机关以环境省为主,地方政府根据环境省制定的水环境质量标准、监测技术方法及规范,制定所辖地域的监测方案并实施监测,公立的环境科研机构在环境质量监测工作中起到重要的支撑作用。笔者概述了日本开展水环境质量监测的法律依据和监测管理情况等。  相似文献   

综述了全氟和多氟烷基化合物(PFASs)在国内外地表水环境中的空间分布及污染特征,总结归纳了PFASs的来源和特征变化趋势。针对地表水中PFASs的监测种类、监测技术及风险评估等方面存在的问题,提出未来需加强日常监测,重点加强对水环境中新型PFASs的关注;针对流域中不同种类PFASs建立高特异性、高灵敏度监测新技术;筛选适合的水生生物作为环境污染指示物以应用于新污染物的评估等建议。为今后我国地表水环境 PFASs污染的现状调查及治理工作提供确实可行的科学参考。  相似文献   

综合考虑国外优先控制污染物筛选的方法,根据上海市集中式生活饮用水源地特定80项和地表水控制的109项以外项目、全市挥发性和半挥发性有机项目、水源地突发性应急事故有机污染物等实际监测数据和历年来微量有机污染物研究成果,制定饮用水源地优先控制有机污染物筛选的原则、程序和过程,对出现频率高、超标几率高、浓度高,可能对人体健康产生影响的有机污染物进行筛选,提出包括多环芳烃、酞酸酯、卤代烃和其他共4类7种上海市饮用水源地优先控制有机污染物名单.  相似文献   

简述了美国地表水监测管理体系,指出其健全的环境监测体系、完善的标准体系以及充分的信息公开和数据共享是保障水环境质量的基石、关键和枢纽。结合我国水环境监测管理的现状,提出,应加强水环境质量监测的立法工作,进一步完善水污染物排污许可证制度,建立以水环境质量为目标的水环境管理制度体系,进一步加大监测信息公开和数据共享力度,修订更适合我国的水环境质量监测指标。  相似文献   

《欧盟水框架指令》是欧盟各成员国自2000年12月实行的新水政策。本文从发展历程、内容、特点等方面对该指令进行了简单介绍,并着重分析了其值得借鉴的成功经验,以期为解决我国现有的水资源管理问题提供管理思路和方法。  相似文献   

准确客观评估区域水环境风险是预防区域突发性污染事故、保证区域水环境安全的基础。基于欧盟Seveso Ⅲ指令,综合考虑风险源管理水平和泄漏风险、污染迁移时间、风险受体脆弱性等重要因素,对指令模型进行优化完善,构建基于欧盟Seveso Ⅲ指令的区域环境风险评估方法,并应用于北江流域,评估流域内各工业企业固定点源及典型非点源对饮用水水源等受体的区域环境风险。评估结果显示:北江三水思贤滘以上流域划分的46个子区域中存在7个风险区,其中高风险区主要分布在北江干流韶关段,中风险区主要分布在北江干流清远段和肇庆段,评估结果与流域风险分布基本吻合。建议根据评估风险值对北江流域开展分级风险管控。  相似文献   

中国地表水环境质量标准修订研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了对GB3838-88地面水环境质量标准的修订原则和目标。制定了GB383-98地表水环境质量标准的总体框架。新标准有基本项目31项,特定项目45项,对42面有机化学物质指标3项防止富养化指标和2项常规污染控制指标作了较详细地论述,对项目的分析方法亦作了增订和补充。  相似文献   

环境监测是水生态健康监测与评估的重要环节,基于物理、化学监测的传统水质监测通常仅能提供独立的数据信息,不能全面、直观地反映水环境状况。基于生物等生命体导向的水生态监测通过生物对环境的响应,能够直接反应复杂水体状况,在水环境健康监测与评估中占据重要地位。基于病原微生物、指示生物介绍了生物监测中的常规生物指标,总结了包括藻类、无脊椎动物和鱼类在内的常见指示生物在不同类型污染水体中的环境指示作用。从生物毒性效应出发介绍了常用的毒性效应测试方法、分析了污染物在不同生物学水平的响应,从而指明生物毒性效应在水环境健康评估中的发展优势。再从生态完整性角度阐述了生态完整性评价的一般方法和新兴分子生物学技术在水生态健康评估中的应用。重点指出环境毒理学和分子生物学在水环境监测的优势,以期为更加科学精确地进行水生态健康监测预警提供支撑。  相似文献   

The priority substances of List I, 76/464/EEC Directive, some of which belong to the new Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC, have been monitored in the surface waters of Greece through the developed network of 53 sampling stations. The analytical methods used for the determination of these substances included Purge and Trap-Gas chromatography-Mass spectrometry for volatile and semivolatile organic compounds, Gas Chromatography-Electron Capture Detection for organochlorine insecticides, High Performance Liquid Chromatography for pentachlorophenol and Atomic Absorption Spectrometry for metals. The results have shown the presence of several priority substances in Greek surface waters, in most cases at concentrations well below the regulatory limits. However, non-compliance was observed for a limited number of compounds. The monitoring network and the analytical determinations have to be expanded to more water bodies and more priority substances, in order to safeguard the quality of Greek surface waters.  相似文献   

日本地表水环境质量标准体系构成分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
简要论述了目前日本地表水质量标准体系的构成,主要包括地表水环境质量标准体系的内涵和作用,以及监测调查方法和评价技术方法.  相似文献   

In most European member states, more or less completely new monitoring networks and assessment methods had to be developed as basic technical tools for the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD). In the river basin of the Stever, the largest tributary to the river Lippe (River Rhine, Northrhine-Westphalia, Germany), a WFD-monitoring network was developed, and new German biological methods for rivers, developed for the purposes of the WFD, have been applied. Like most rivers in the German lowland areas, nearly all the river courses of the Stever system are altered by hydro-morphological degradation (straightening, bank fixation, lack of canopy etc.). In 2005 and 2006, the biological quality components of macroinvertebrates, fish and macrophytes were investigated and evaluated for the assessment of the ecological status of about 50 surface water bodies within the whole Stever system. Basic physical and chemical parameters, as well as priority substances, have been analysed in the same period. In this contribution, the design of the new monitoring network, the core principles of the German biological methods, and the most important results of the pilot monitoring will be presented. As main impacts with severe effects on the faunal and floral communities, the many migration barriers and the bad quality of the river morphology could be stated. Organic pollution is no more a severe problem in the Stever. The pilot project was successfully conducted in close collaboration with the water authorities (District Government Münster) and the water association Lippeverband.  相似文献   

地表水环境自动监测技术应用与发展趋势   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
归纳分析了国内外地表水环境自动监测技术的应用现状。结果表明:自动监测在目前应用中虽然存在与手工监测技术上的差异、标准与监测技术规范的滞后以及实施过程中受自然环境基础条件限制等诸多问题,但却在水质的趋势分析与预警监测中发挥了重大的作用。建议今后进一步拓展自动监测范围,提高自动监测仪器的灵敏度和自动监测的集成化水平,实现对地表水的动态监控和预警预报,建立手工与自动监测相结合的新型监测模式,逐步将自动监测结果用于水环境质量评价。  相似文献   

In recent years, several monitoring programs have been established as a consequence of EU Directives which include requirements for monitoring the quality of water resources (drinking water, groundwater and surface water). Plant protection products (PPPs) are an obvious target for monitoring activities, since they are directly released into the environment. In Italy, the National Environmental Protection Agency (ISPRA ex APAT) has recently published two reports containing the results of the National Plans for Control of Environmental Effects of PPP. These documents contain the collection of monitoring data related to the presence of PPP residues in surface water and groundwater. The first objective of this work was to critically analyze the results of monitoring campaigns on pesticide residues in surface waters in Italy. In particular, the paper focuses on whether and how the Italian approach satisfies the requirements of the Water Framework Directive, whether they are representative of the whole national territory, and how the utilized approach is appropriate for the characterization of risk to surface water. Starting from this analysis, some considerations about the limits of environmental monitoring as a tool for managing risk were highlighted.  相似文献   

Passive sampling devices have been used since the 1970s to measure time-weighted average (TWA) or equilibrium concentrations of pollutants in various environmental matrices (e.g. air, soils and sediments and water). In recent years the popularity of using such samplers has increased and the technology in now well established for the measurement of atmospheric pollutants. This sector has a long experience of using passive samplers in the short- and long-term assessment of air quality in the local environment and on a global scale (e.g. within the United Nations Stockholm Convention on the trans-boundary movement of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) where large networks of samplers on a continental scale have been established). In comparison, the use of passive samplers for monitoring the aquatic environment has been slower to take off. There has, however, been a recent research drive to develop devices for measuring the wide range of pollutants that can be found in environmental waters (e.g. ground, surface, and marine). It is now being recognised that passive samplers can play a valuable role in monitoring water quality within a legislative framework such as the European Union's Water Framework Directive (WFD). The data from these devices can be used alongside the results obtained from conventional spot or bottle sampling to improve risk assessments and to inform decisions on undertaking potentially expensive remedial actions. Such monitoring techniques may have uses within the European Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation & restriction of CHemicals (REACH) Directive and the forthcoming European Marine Strategy Directive. It is expected that the aquatic monitoring sector will follow a transition similar to that which occurred in air monitoring where data obtained from passive samplers can use used within a legal framework. There has also been increased interest in extending the role of passive samplers to both the measurement of equilibrium concentrations and investigating the movement and release of the dissolved fraction of various pollutants in the pore water of sediments and soils.  相似文献   

由于跨界和跨部门等原因导致的流域水环境数据信息标准不一,无法有效共享、综合利用等问题,是目前水环境信息使用过程中的主要问题之一.基于信息资源规划理论,充分调研水环境监测管理、政府规划与决策、科学技术研究和社会公众使用等对水环境监测信息的需求,以太湖流域为例,分析与水环境相关各种数据资源,研究流域水环境信息的数据体系及数据库体系,设计并建立流域水环境数据中心,初步完成太湖流域水环境数据的管理、分析及共享服务平台设计,为流域水环境监测信息综合管理做出了示范.  相似文献   

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