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典型化工园区大气中挥发性有机物污染调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对常州市某典型化工园区大气中挥发性有机物(VOCs)污染状况进行了调查。结果表明,该化工园区大气中检出挥发性有机物共有58种,组分有芳香烃、饱和烷烃、卤代烃、烯烃、醛酯类化合物及其他类;苯、甲苯、乙苯、二甲苯为主要挥发性有机污染物,质量浓度为1.0~194μg/m~3;均未超出参考标准的限值。背景点位和园区点位大气中主要ρ总(VOCs)在秋冬季最高,敏感点大气VOCs随季节变化也较为明显;园区T1和T2ρ总(VOCs)年均值高于敏感点位,背景点位年均值最低;园区点位除了汽车尾气排放之外,溶剂的挥发和生产工艺中污染物的排放也增加了大气中苯系物的浓度,同时也对敏感点位和对照点位的大气质量产生了一定的影响。  相似文献   

家庭烹饪油烟污染物排放特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对5种家常菜烹制过程排放油烟中固态和气态污染物的排放浓度,以及4种不同型号吸油烟机对固态污染物的净化效率进行了测试。结果表明,在烹制不同菜品时,ρ(油脂)平均为0.41~7.71 mg/m~3,ρ(颗粒物)平均为2.28~13.15 mg/m~3,ρ(VOCs中烃类)平均为121.97~518.32μg/m~3,ρ(醛酮类)平均为288.8~1 361.6μg/m~3,以非甲烷总烃代表的ρ(VOCs)平均为1.13~13.46 mg/m~3(以碳计),以上结果的上限值均在烹制烹炒类荤菜(尖椒炒肉)时发生。从VOCs组分分布看,烃类污染物的排放以烷烃和烯烃为主,醛酮类污染物的排放以甲醛、乙醛、丙酮、丙醛、丁醛和正戊醛为主。此外,不同型号吸油烟机对各种菜品油烟中油脂的平均净化效率为63.84%~83.52%,对颗粒物的平均净化效率为61.02%~67.50%,且侧吸式吸油烟机较欧式吸油烟机净化效率高。  相似文献   

利用物料衡算和源排放测试对江苏省典型汽车涂装企业VOCs排放特征进行研究,并提出最佳治理技术。结果表明,大客车单位涂装面积VOCs排放量达到300 g/m2以上,小轿车为40~60 g/m2。苯系物是VOCs排放的重要组分,最高占比为33.2%~64.6%。乙酸丁酯、异丙醇、丁醇等醇酯类物质近年来广泛用于代替苯系物溶剂,其排放占比为29.6%~61.2%。汽车涂装行业最佳治理技术包括采用3C1B、水性免中涂等先进涂装工艺,用粉末涂料、水性涂料和高固体成分涂料等代替溶剂型涂料,从源头控制排放。采用干式漆雾分离技术、转轮浓缩吸附-蓄热式焚烧技术等先进尾气治理技术,VOCs去除率可达99%以上。  相似文献   

对典型医化园区中的挥发性有机物(VOCs)污染特征进行研究,采用便携式气相色谱质谱法监测园区及周边14个点位的环境空气,大气预浓缩气相色谱质谱法监测10个点位排气筒中废气。结果表明,废气中非甲烷总烃为1. 77~218 mg/m3,环境空气中甲苯、二氯甲烷、丙酮、乙酸乙酯、四氢呋喃的质量浓度分别为0. 048~0. 833,0. 022~3. 07,0. 011~0. 312,0. 004~0. 754和0. 004~0. 529 mg/m3;废气和环境空气中均检出含量较高的芳香烃、卤代烃、酯类、酮类等化合物,以及园区特征的氟苯类和噻吩类化合物。园区环境空气明显受到工业源VOCs污染,分布趋势为生产越密集区域VOCs值越高,经过园区后沿着风向逐渐降低,园区下风向11 km处可测到园区特征氟苯类物质。  相似文献   

选择某喷涂企业附近环境空气为采样点位,在3个监测时段(5、9、11月)基于成分监测车在线监测107种挥发性有机物(VOCs),分析环境空气中VOCs污染特征和成分,结合走航监测车进行溯源分析,利用MCM模式结合敏感性实验研究了臭氧生成机制。结果表明:5月A时段的VOCs总浓度(247.43 μg/m3)高于其他2个监测时段(134.29、107.07 μg/m3),体现了VOCs季节性的变化趋势;3个监测时段VOCs浓度均以含氧有机物为主,其占比分别为44.36%、55.30%和37.90%,其次为芳香烃和烷烃,但不同监测时段同类VOCs占比各不相同,体现了不同季节VOCs浓度的差异性。3个监测时段均排在浓度排名前10位的物种有6种,分别为乙醇、丙酮、对/间二甲苯、苯、二氯甲烷和甲苯,说明该监测点位存在稳定污染排放源。走航溯源监测获得空气点位及附近喷涂企业内VOCs浓度和成分特征,结果显示环境大气中的VOCs主要组分来自喷涂企业厂区使用的挥发性溶剂的排放和油性漆的挥发排放。研究臭氧生成潜势(OFP)可知,芳香烃的OFP值在3个监测时段占比最高,对臭氧生成贡献较高的物种主要有对/间二甲苯、甲苯等芳香烃,乙醇和甲基丙烯酸甲酯等含氧有机物,异戊二烯和丙烯等烯烃类物种。MCM模式结果显示:5月A时段监测期间的臭氧光化学生成速率大于9月B时段和11月C时段,O3生成过程主要受甲基过氧自由基(CH3O2)+NO 和过氧化羟基自由基(HO2)+NO 控制。相对增量反应敏感性实验结果显示:3个监测时段臭氧生成均处于VOCs控制区,5月A时段,控制异戊二烯、芳香烃类物种可以大幅减少臭氧的生成,9月B时段需主要控制芳香烃和含氧有机物的排放,11月C时段则需控制芳香烃物种的排放。就VOCs单体而言,3个监测时段减少对/间二甲苯的浓度,对臭氧生成影响较大。走航溯源耦合在线监测方法可以实现臭氧污染快速原位溯源。  相似文献   

在分析国内外加油站VOCs排放因子的基础上,结合油气回收进程和排放控制现状,初步建立南京市加油站VOCs排放清单。结果表明:全市加油站VOCs排放因子为168 mg/L,年排放VOCs为300 t。S1+S2、S1+S2+OMS和S1+S2+OMS+VRD 3类加油站的VOCs排放因子分别为335 mg/L、198 mg/L和147 mg/L,OMS和VRD对VOCs排放控制效果显著。  相似文献   

利用挥发性有机物(VOCs)手工监测和走航监测技术,分析了滨州市城区、各县(市、区)涉VOCs工业园区的VOCs排放情况。结果表明,城区大气VOCs各组分的体积分数差异较为明显,烷烃类占比最高,其次是挥发性含氧有机物和芳香烃。排名前3的组分为异戊烷、正丁烷、丙烷,主要来自以液化石油气为燃料的车辆排放。各县(市、区)不同涉VOCs工业园区周边的VOCs组分与园区涉及的原辅料和产品类型有关,对应的组分主要为苯系物、烷烃类和烯烃类。园区内的有机化学原料制造、化学药品原料药制造和表面涂装等行业对VOCs组分的影响较大。建议从系统性溯源、科学性推进、精准化管控、针对性治理4个方面开展VOCs治理研究,从而实现VOCs排放控制,减少对周边环境的污染和影响,提升滨州市整体环境空气质量。  相似文献   

为了解大通湖主要污染物TN、TP和NH3-N的空间分布特征及污染来源,于2017年9月对大通湖及周边河流进行采样分析。结果表明,大通湖周边入湖河流的ρ(TN)为0. 74~2. 18 mg/L,ρ(NH3-N)为0. 094~0. 874 mg/L,ρ(TP)为0. 02~0. 243 mg/L;湖体ρ(TN)为0. 82~1. 47 mg/L,呈现湖体中间低、四周高的特征,ρ(NH3-N)为0. 14~0. 42 mg/L,但整体差异较大,高值区主要在大通湖西南及东部,ρ(TP)为0. 160~0. 289 mg/L,水质为Ⅴ类或劣Ⅴ类,TP为湖体的主要污染物,湖体的ρ(TP)变化呈现出从四周向中部增加的趋势,高值区主要集中在大通湖正南及湖心处;根据2016年大通湖区域污染源统计及入湖污染物计算,大通湖水环境的TP污染负荷大小排序为农田径流畜禽养殖生活污水工业污染网箱养鱼旅游服务。  相似文献   

采用气相色谱/质谱检测技术,对汽油和柴油、汽油车和柴油车排放气体以及天津市环境空气中主要挥发性有机污染物(VOCs)的组成种类及比例进行探析.结果表明,机动车排放的尾气中主要有机污染物为芳香烃类、烷烃类和烯烃类化合物,其中芳香烃类含量最高;汽油车排放的芳香烃类化合物浓度高于柴油车排放的浓度;机动车尾气对交通区域空气质量的影响高于工厂区(非化工区)、生活小区和公园.  相似文献   

随着城市餐饮行业的快速发展,餐饮源已逐渐成为大气挥发性有机物(VOCs)的主要来源之一。为深入了解广州市餐饮油烟的排放特征,科学制定广州市餐饮源的减排对策,在实验室搭建烹饪平台模拟烹饪过程,探讨不同油温、食用油种类和菜系类型对烹饪油烟排放VOCs组分的影响,并采集广州市典型商圈川菜馆、湘菜馆、粤菜馆、越南菜馆4家餐馆排放的餐饮油烟废气,利用气相色谱质谱仪分析研究4家餐馆油烟废气VOCs组分特征。结果表明:不同食用油、不同油温和不同菜系下所产生的VOCs浓度及组分特征存在较大差异。烹饪油烟VOCs的排放质量浓度与温度呈正相关。东南亚和川菜烹饪方式产生的油烟VOCs均以羰基化合物为主,而油炸类烹饪方式(炸薯条)则以羰基化合物和烷烃类同为主导。炸薯条、东南亚菜和川菜烹饪油烟VOCs的羰基化合物中,乙醛占比突出。乙醛在猪油油烟中占比最高(60.4%),其次是花生油(53%)。对比环境空气样品,部分醛类物质(丁烯醛、甲基丙烯醛、苯甲醛、戊醛和己醛)在餐饮油烟VOCs中均有检出。结合实验模拟和外场监测结果表明,静电式的油烟净化器可以有效去除乙醛。苯系物在餐饮油烟废气中检出浓度的最小值均高于周边环境样品。4家餐馆中仅湘菜馆的油烟废气中苯的致癌风险>10-4,有显著致致癌风险。建议应依据餐饮油烟VOCs关键组分和污染类型,对餐饮行业进行规范科学的管理。  相似文献   

介绍了世界上一些发达国家的空气污染预报的做法和采取的措施,阐述了我国开展空气质量预报的方针和方法,指出了周报是预报的基础工作。叙述了我国空气质量周报的污染参数的选取、污染指数的分级及其浓度限值和污染指数计算及确定,分析并总结了开展城市空气质量周报所发挥的效用是提高公众的环保意识,加大了治理污染的力度,转变了环境监测的职能,促进了环境监测事业的发展  相似文献   

锅炉烟尘测试中锅炉负荷率的计算方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
GB5468 -91规定 ,锅炉烟尘测试时 ,必须对锅炉的运行负荷进行测试 ,而实际监测过程中 ,许多锅炉房不具备测试的计量条件 ,为了解决这一问题 ,文章提出利用烟气量和空气过剩系数计算锅炉负荷率。在实际监测工作中 ,该方法方便、易于操作 ,所得结果和标准规定方法所得结果有很好的一致性  相似文献   

水中总硬度测量不确定度的评定   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
采用EDTA滴定法测定水质总硬度的测量不确定度评定。充分考虑测量重复性、标准溶液的配制、滴定等过程对测量的影响,计算水中总硬度的测量相对合成标准不确定度为1·81×10-3。  相似文献   

实验室质量管理体系内部审核的实施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在实施GB/T15481-2000 idt ISO/IEC17025:1999标准《检测和校准实验室能力的通用要求》的过程中,通过实验室质量管理体系内部审核的实践与系统分析,识别出内部审核实施阶段的关键环节,提出召开首次会议、收集审核证据、确定审核发现和召开末次会议的技术方法,对提高内部审核的质量和有效性、获得可靠的审核结论具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Chemical weathering is one of the major geochemical processes that control the mobilization of heavy metals. The present study provides the first report on heavy metal fractionation in sediments (8–156 m) of Lake Titicaca (3,820 m a.s.l.), which is shared by the Republic of Peru and the Plurinational State of Bolivia. Both contents of total Cu, Fe, Ni, Co, Mn, Cd, Pb, and Zn and also the fractionation of these heavy metals associated with four different fractions have been determined following the BCR scheme. The principal component analysis suggests that Co, Ni, and Cd can be attributed to natural sources related to the mineralized geological formations. Moreover, the sources of Cu, Fe, and Mn are effluents and wastes generated from mining activities, while Pb and Zn also suggest that their common source is associated to mining activities. According to the Risk Assessment Code, there is a moderate to high risk related to Zn, Pb, Cd, Mn, Co, and Ni mobilization and/or remobilization from the bottom sediment to the water column. Furthermore, the Geoaccumulation Index and the Enrichment Factor reveal that Zn, Pb, and Cd are enriched in the sediments. The results suggest that the effluents from various traditional mining waste sites in both countries are the main source of heavy metal contamination in the sediments of Lake Titicaca.  相似文献   

“湖泛”恶臭物质分析及来源浅析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了中国南方"湖泛"中的恶臭物质及检测情况,采用常规分析和气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)对"湖泛"水样进行检测,认为"湖泛"恶臭物主要是氨和硫醚类物质。根据"湖泛"发生的时间及频次,结合南方地区农业水稻秧田的农药使用情况,推断氨基甲酸酯类农药的使用可能是"湖泛"发生的诱因。  相似文献   

贵州黔东南州三板溪水库春季拟多甲藻水华特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2011年3月13日对贵州省黔东南州三板溪水库进行春季浮游植物调查的结果表明,三板溪水库Ⅱ号采样点(下革东)发生以佩纳形拟多甲藻为优势种的拟多甲藻水华,细胞密度高达1.15×107cell/L;板溪水库总氮的最低值为2.09 mg/L,总磷的最低值为0.95 mg/L,三板溪水库的总氮、总磷含量较丰富,不存在总氮或总磷是限制性因子;通过SPSS16.0统计软件分别进行Pearson 积距相关系数分析表明,氮磷比是三板溪水库发生拟多甲藻水华的主要影响原因。  相似文献   

Substantial amounts of NOx (146 000 t/y) and total hydrocarbons (294 000 t/y) are released to the marine atmosphere by the large number of oil and gas operations over Federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico (GOM). Under appropriate meteorological conditions these emissions react to form ozone (0–54 g/m3 over-water) which can affect the marine environment. Using a dry deposition model, this work examines the amount of ozone derived from oil and gas offshore operations and deposited in the sea surface of the Gulf of Mexico, and assesses its impact on the neuston of the sea-surface microlayer. Surface integrated estimates of ozone deposited from oil and gas operations over the sea surface ranges from 400 kg to 1800 kg which results in sea surface concentrations of 15 g/m3. This estimate and the actual toxic ozone levels suggest no acute, toxic impacts to the neuston. However, indirect effects may occur through changes to the pelagic foodwebs and organic carbon pathways. Another potential pathway for ozone impacting the environment is through the production of bromate. Based on the concentrations and time scales (11–139 days) only sublethal effects appear to occur, but uncertainties associated with this assessment need to be further studied. From an ecological perspective, the environmental impacts and risks of NOx and VOC discharges from offshore platforms need to be assessed for neuston and other components of the marine ecosystem.  相似文献   

This study was carried out in response to suggestions that the measurement of NO(2) by Palmes-type passive diffusion tubes (PDT) is affected by the method of preparation of the triethanolamine (TEA) absorbent coating on the grids. The following combinations of factors were investigated: TEA solvent (acetone or water), volume composition of TEA in solvent (50% or 20%), and grid coating method (dipping in solution prior to assembly or pipetting solution on after assembly). Duplicate PDTs prepared by each of the 8 methods were exposed in parallel, in urban air, for a total of 80 separate 1 week exposures. NO(2) concentrations derived from PDTs prepared by pipetting methods were significantly less precise than concentrations from dipping methods, with mean RSDs for duplicate measurements of 13.8% and 8.5%, respectively (n= 316 each category). Pipetting methods using solutions of 50% TEA composition were particularly imprecise (mean RSD 17.2%). Data from PDTs prepared by pipetting methods were systematically more poorly correlated with each other and with data from co-located chemiluminescence analysers, than corresponding data from PDTs prepared by dipping methods, indicating that more consistent accuracy was also obtained by the latter PDTs. The statistical evidence suggested that PDTs prepared by pipetting 50% TEA in water generally gave lower NO(2) concentrations. Although this is in agreement with a previous study, it is also possible that such an observation here may be a statistical artefact given the demonstrably poorer precision of this method. The general tendency of PDTs to show positive bias in NO(2) measurement in urban air in 1 week exposures was again evident in this study (mean biases at roadside and urban centre locations of +35% (n= 475) and +18% (n= 112), respectively) consistent with augmentation of within-tube NO(2) flux by chemical reaction between co-diffusing NO and O(3). Overall, it is recommended that the pipetting method of PDT grid preparation is avoided, or at least investigated further, because of the apparent degradation in precision and accuracy of NO(2) measurement. Potential reasons for the effect are discussed.  相似文献   

The theoretical basis, the content and the possible applications of the program Monitoring of ecosystems are considered. A functional definition of ecosystem is proposed, and some features of ecosystems are defined on this basis. The program Monitoring of ecosystems is visualized as a large-scale program of simple measurements of the rates of the main ecosystem processes. The expected results can be utilized in two ways: (1) a comparative knowledge of ecosystem functioning provides the fundamentals of geography of ecosystems, and (2) the constant, repeatable evaluation of a given ecosystem function provides a basis for its rational management.  相似文献   

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