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A common industrial solvent additive is 1,4‐dioxane. Contamination of dissolved 1,4‐dioxane in groundwater has been found to be recalcitrant to removal by conventional, low‐cost remedial technologies. Only costly labor and energy‐intensive pump‐and‐treat remedial options have been shown to be effective remedies. However, the capital and extended operation and maintenance costs render pump‐and‐treat technologies economically unfeasible at many sites. Furthermore, pump‐and‐treat approaches at remediation sites have frequently been proven over time to merely achieve containment rather than site closure. A major manufacturer in North Carolina was faced with the challenge of cleaning up 1,4‐dioxane and volatile organic compound–impacted soil and groundwater at its site. Significant costs associated with the application of conventional approaches to treating 1,4‐dioxane in groundwater led to an alternative analysis of emerging technologies. As a result of the success of the Accelerated Remediation Technologies, LLC (ART) In‐Well Technology at other sites impacted with recalcitrant compounds such as methyl tertiarybutyl ether, and the demonstrated success of efficient mass removal, an ART pilot test was conducted. The ART Technology combines in situ air stripping, air sparging, soil vapor extraction, enhanced bioremediation/oxidation, and dynamic subsurface groundwater circulation. Monitoring results from the pilot test show that 1,4‐dioxane concentrations were reduced by up to 90 percent in monitoring wells within 90 days. The removal rate of chlorinated compounds from one ART well exceeded the removal achieved by the multipoint soil vapor extraction/air sparging system by more than 80 times. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the reactivity and ability of permeable reactive barriers [zero-valent iron (ZVI)-barrier plus biobarrier) to remove various contaminants (Cd, As, Zn, Cu, Mn, Cr, NO3 , NH4 +, and CODcr) from synthetic leachate. Two different reactive materials were used in this study, namely ZVI and autoclaved lightweight concrete (ALC). After 90 days of column operation, the contaminant profiles were determined along the length of the columns. The heavy metals were extensively removed in the bio-ALC and sequential barriers (ZVI plus bio-ALC), however the removal efficiencies for the heavy metals Zn and Cr in the ALC and bio-ALC barriers were comparatively low. Nitrate was completely removed (>99.9%) in the ALC, bio-ALC, and sequential barriers. More than 50% of the produced ammonium and organic materials were removed in the biologically reactive zone of the sequential barriers. The results of the present study suggest that sequential barriers are one of the best solutions for in situ remediation and that they can be applied to clean up the leachate released from landfills.  相似文献   

考察了双亲型清水剂QS-03对油田含聚污水处理效果的影响因素,并对其作用机理进行了分析。实验结果表明:当清水剂QS-03的亲水性与亲油性功能基团的摩尔比为2∶1、清水剂加入量大于等于200 mg/L时,处理后污水澄清透明,污水含油量由4 540 mg/L大幅降至26~45 mg/L;在处理温度为50~80℃和污水含油量为3 200~5 800 mg/L的范围内,清水剂QS-03均表现出良好的清水效果,生成的絮体呈松散状,具有良好的流动性。机理分析结果表明,双亲型清水剂QS-03可有效破坏油-水界面双电层、降低界面膜强度,并且与污水中阴离子聚合物的相互作用大幅减弱,因而在高效清水除油的同时可有效避免含聚污水处理中的黏性"含聚油泥"问题。  相似文献   

简要介绍了水电站油压伺服电动机系统的电动化和防止各轴承油雾、油滴漏泄而采用的刷形密封。该技术已在水电机组中应用,并取得成功。  相似文献   

Remediation and recovery efforts after a release of Bacillus anthracis (anthrax) spores may be difficult and costly. In addition, response and recovery technologies may be focused on critical resources, leaving the small business or homeowner without remediation options. This study evaluates the efficacy of relatively low levels of hydrogen peroxide vapor (HPV) delivered from off‐the‐shelf equipment for the inactivation of Bacillus spores within an indoor environment. Decontamination evaluations were conducted in a house using both Bacillus atrophaeus var. globigii (Bg; as surrogates for B. anthracis) inoculated on the carpet and galvanized metal as coupons and Geobacillus stearothermophilus (Gs) as biological indicators on steel. The total decontamination time ranged from 4 to 7 days. Using the longer exposure times, low concentrations of HPV (average levels below 20 parts per million) effectively inactivated Bg and Gs spores on the materials tested. The HPV was generated with commercial humidifiers and household‐strength hydrogen peroxide solutions. The presence of home furnishings did not have a significant impact on HPV efficacy. This simple, inexpensive, and effective decontamination method could have significant utility for remediation following a B. anthracis spore release, such as following a terrorist attack.  相似文献   

Field‐scale pilot tests were performed to evaluate enhanced reductive dechlorination (ERD) of dissolved chlorinated solvents at a former manufacturing facility located in western North Carolina (the site). Results of the site assessment indicated the presence of two separate chlorinated solvent–contaminated groundwater plumes, located in the northern and southern portions of the site. The key chlorinated solvents found at the site include 1,1,2,2‐tetrachloroethane, trichloroethene, and chloroform. A special form of EHC® manufactured by Adventus Americas was used as an electron donor at this site. In this case, EHC is a pH‐buffering electron donor containing controlled release carbon and ZV Iron MicroSphere 200, a micronscale zero‐valent iron (ZVI) manufactured by BASF. Approximately 3,000 pounds of EHC were injected in two Geoprobe® boreholes in the saprolite zone (southern plume), and 3,500 pounds of EHC were injected at two locations in the partially weathered rock (PWR) zone (northern plume) using hydraulic fracturing techniques. Strong reducing conditions were established immediately after the EHC injection in nearby monitoring wells likely due to the reducing effects of ZV Microsphere 200. After approximately 26 months, the key chlorinated VOCs were reduced over 98 percent in one PWR well. Similarly, the key chlorinated solvent concentrations in the saprolite monitoring wells decreased 86 to 99 percent after initial increases in concentrations of the parent chlorinated solvents. The total organic carbon and metabolic acid concentrations indicated that the electron donor lasted over 26 months after injection in the saprolite aquifer. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A major challenge for in situ treatment is rebound. Rebound is the return of contaminant concentrations to near original levels following treatment, and frequently occurs because much of the residual nonaqueous phase liquid (NAPL) trapped within the soil capillaries or rock fractures remains unreachable by conventional in situ treatment. Fine‐textured strata have an especially strong capacity to absorb and retain contaminants. Through matrix diffusion, the contaminants dissolve back into groundwater and return with concentrations that can approach pretreatment levels. The residual NAPL then serves as a continuing source of contamination that may persist for decades or longer. A 0.73‐acre (0.3‐hectare) site in New York City housed a manufacturer of roofing materials for approximately 60 years. Coal tar served as waterproofing material in the manufacturing process and releases left behind residual NAPL in soils. An estimated 47,000 pounds (21,360 kg) of residual coal tar NAPL contaminated soils and groundwater. The soils contained strata composed of sands, silty sands, and silty clay. A single treatment using the RemMetrik® process and Pressure Pulse Technology® (PPT) targeted the contaminant mass and delivered alkaline‐activated sodium persulfate to the NAPL at the pore‐scale level via in situ treatment. Posttreatment soil sampling demonstrated contaminant mass reductions over 90 percent. Reductions in posttreatment median groundwater concentrations ranged from 49 percent for toluene to 92 percent for xylenes. Benzene decreased by 87 percent, ethylbenzene by 90 percent, naphthalene by 80 percent, and total BTEX by 91 percent. Mass flux analysis three years following treatment shows sustained reductions in BTEX and naphthalene, and no rebound. ©2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A laboratory study was conducted to evaluate the effects of composition and concentration of mixed anionic/nonionic surfactants on the efficiency of a micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration (MEUF) operation in removing metal ions/organic solutes from aqueous solutions. Based on the analysis of surface tensions and micelle sizes, it was found that for mixed sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS)/Triton X-100 surfactants, the critical micelle concentration (cmc) was significantly lower than that of SDS and mixed micelles formed. The mixed surfactant system was then applied in a cross-flow mode of MEUF, in which the concentration polarization can be neglected, to remove Cu2+ from aqueous solutions. With a surfactant concentration of 10 mM, the Cu2+ rejection was negligible by using pure Triton X-100 and increased with increasing SDS mole fraction with a value as high as 85%, which suggests that the rejection of Cu2+ was due to the electrostatic attraction between Cu2+ and SDS. Furthermore, pronounced Cu2+ rejection was obtained for a 5 mM SDS solution, which was attributable to a decrease in the cmc of SDS by the existence of Cu2+. When the MEUF technique was applied to remove Cu2+ and phenol simultaneously from aqueous solutions, the Cu2+ rejection was slightly enhanced in the presence of phenol. However, the rejection of phenol was comparatively low, approximately 27%, which may be caused by its relatively hydrophilic characteristic.  相似文献   

The chlorinated solvent stabilizer 1,4‐dioxane (DX) has become an unexpected and recalcitrant groundwater contaminant at many sites across the United States. Chemical characteristics of DX, such as miscibility and low sorption potential, enable it to migrate at least as far as the chlorinated solvent from which it often originates. This mobility and recalcitrance has challenged remediation professionals to redesign existing treatment systems and monitoring networks to accommodate widespread contamination. Furthermore, remediation technologies commonly applied to chlorinated solvent co‐contaminants, such as extraction and air stripping or in situ enhanced reductive dechlorination, are relatively ineffective on DX removal. These difficulties in treatment have required the industry to identify, develop, and demonstrate new and innovative technologies and approaches for both ex situ and in situ treatment of this emerging contaminant. Great strides have been made over the past decade in the development and testing of remediation technologies for removal or destruction of DX in groundwater. This article briefly summarizes the fate and transport characteristics of DX that make it difficult to treat, and presents technologies that have been demonstrated to be applicable to groundwater treatment at the field scale.  ©2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The increasing need for biomass for energy and feedstocks, along with the need to divert organic methane generating wastes from landfills, may provide the economic leverage necessary to return this type of marginal land to functional and economic use and is strongly supported by policy at the European Union (EU) level. The use of land to produce biomass for energy production or feedstocks for manufacturing processes (such as plastics and biofuels) has, however, become increasingly contentious, with a number of environmental, economic, and social concerns raised. The REJUVENATE project has developed a decision support framework to help land managers and other decision makers identify potential concerns related to sustainability and what types of biomass reuse for marginal land might be possible, given their particular circumstances. The decision‐making framework takes a holistic approach to decision making rather than viewing biomass production simply as an adjunct of a planned phytoremediation project. The framework is serviceable in Germany, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. These countries have substantive differences in their land and biomass reuse circumstances. However, all can make use of the set of common principles of crop, site, value, and project risk management set out by REJUVENATE. This implies that the framework should have wider applicability across the EU. This article introduces the decision support framework. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Many Superfund or hazardous waste sites prove to be excellent candidates for remediation using transportable incineration. Transportable incineration has been selected as the alternative of choice to remediate numerous sites throughout the United States. There are a number of firms that provide mobile and transportable incineration equipment and services. A variety of treatment systems are available, including rotary kilns, fluidized beds, and infrared incinerators. Roy F. Weston, Inc., has been instrumental in the development, design, permitting, construction, performance testing, and operation of hazardous and toxic waste thermal treatment systems. Weston owns and operates two high-temperature transportable incineration systems (TISs). The first system is Weston's seven-ton-per-hour (tph) TIS-5. The second is the TIS-20, with a design capacity of up to 30 tph. These units are typical rotary kiln incinerators, the most flexible, adaptable type of incineration unit. This article discusses Weston's use of these incinerators to remediate soils at sites contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).  相似文献   

Methyl tertiary‐butyl ether (MTBE) is commonly used as a fuel additive because of its many favorable properties that allow it to improve fuel combustion and reduce resulting concentrations of carbon monoxide and unburnt hydrocarbons. Unfortunately, increased production and use have led to its introduction into the environment. Of particular concern is its introduction into drinking water supplies. Accordingly, research studies have been initiated to investigate the treatment of MTBE‐contaminated soil and groundwater. The summer 2000 issue of Remediation reported the results of an initial study conducted by the authors to evaluate the treatment of MTBE using Fenton's reagent. In this follow‐up study, experiments were conducted to further demonstrate the effectiveness of using Fenton's reagent (H2O2:Fe+2) to treat MTBE‐contaminated groundwater. The concentration of MTBE was reduced from an initial concentration of 1,300 μg/l (14.77 μ moles) to the regulatory level of 20 μg/l (0.23 μ moles) at a H2O2:Fe+2 molar ratio of 1:1, with ten minutes of contact time and an optimum pH of 5. The by‐products, acetone and tertiary butyl alcohol, which are always present in MTBE in trace amounts, were not removed even after 60 minutes of reaction time. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. *  相似文献   

Remediating environmental contamination by either biological or chemical methods typically results in the generation of temporary chemical intermediates as part of the process. These intermediate compounds may be related to either contaminant degradation pathways or reactions generated from the amendment itself. This article summarizes previously researched pathways and representative case studies discussing the authors' experience in generating relatively high concentrations of acetone and 2‐butanone (also referred to as methyl ethyl ketone [MEK]) during both biological and chemical treatments. Experience shows that even relatively high concentrations of acetone and MEK intermediates are quickly attenuated and prove not to be a hazard outside of the treatment area. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Treatment of perchlorate‐contaminated groundwater using highly selective, regenerable ion‐exchange technology has been recently demonstrated at Edwards Air Force Base, California. At an influent concentration of about 450 μg/l ClO4?, the bifunctional anion‐exchange resin bed treated approximately 40,000 empty bed volumes of groundwater before a significant breakthrough of ClO4? occurred. The presence of relatively high concentrations of chloride and sulfate in site groundwater did not appear to affect the ability of the bifunctional resin to remove ClO4?. The spent resin bed was successfully regenerated using the FeCl3?HCl regeneration technique recently developed at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and nearly 100 percent of sorbed ClO4? was displaced or recovered after elution with as little as about two bed volumes of the regenerant solution. In addition, a new methodology was developed to completely destroy ClO4? in the FeCl3?HCl solution so that the disposal of perchlorate‐containing hazardous wastes could be eliminated. It is therefore anticipated that these treatment and regeneration technologies may offer an efficient and cost‐effective means to remove ClO4? from contaminated groundwater with significantly reduced generation of waste requiring disposal. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Recent improvements in field‐portable analytical equipment allow accurate on‐site measurement of VOCs present in air at concentrations of less than 0.1 parts per million volume (ppmv). The objective of this project is to determine if the use of these instruments for vapor‐phase measurements of headspace in a monitoring well can serve as a reliable and accurate method for monitoring volatile organic compound (VOC) concentrations in groundwater under equilibrium conditions. As part of a comprehensive research project investigating the utility of this proposed monitoring method, the authors have completed a laboratory validation study to identify instruments and sample‐collection methods that will provide accurate measurement of VOC concentrations in groundwater. This laboratory validation study identified two field‐portable instruments (a gas chromatograph and a photoionization detector) with sufficient sensitivity to measure VOCs in groundwater at concentrations below typical monitoring standards (i.e., 1 to 5 μg/L). The accuracy and precision of these field instruments was sufficient to satisfy typical data‐quality objectives for laboratory‐based analysis. In addition, two sample‐collection methods were identified that yield vapor‐phase samples in equilibrium with water: direct headspace sampling and passive diffusion samplers. These sample‐collection methods allow the field instruments (which measure VOC concentrations in vapor‐phase samples) to be used to measure VOC concentrations in water. After further validation of these sample‐collection methods in the field, this monitoring method will provide a simple way to obtain accurate real‐time measurements of VOC concentrations in groundwater using inexpensive field‐portable analytical instruments. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

CDISCO, a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet–based model, can be used to assist with the design of in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) systems using permanganate (MnO4?). The model inputs are the aquifer characteristics (porosity, hydraulic conductivity, effective aquifer thickness, natural oxidant demand, kinetic parameters, contaminant concentrations, etc.), injection conditions (permanganate injection concentration, flow rate, and duration), and unit costs for reagent, drilling, and labor. MnO4? transport in the aquifer is simulated and used to estimate the effective radius of influence (ROI) and required injection point spacing. CDISCO then provides a preliminary cost estimate for the selected design conditions. The user can perform multiple runs of CDISCO to optimize the cost of the ISCO design. Comparisons with analytical and numerical models of nonreactive and reactive transport demonstrate that CDISCO accurately simulates MnO4? transport and consumption. Comparison of CDISCO results with the three‐dimensional heterogeneous simulations show that aquifer volume contact efficiency and contaminant mass treatment efficiency are closely correlated with the ROI overlap factor. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

1,4‐Dioxane remediation is challenging due to its physiochemical properties and low target treatment levels. As such, applications of traditional remediation technologies have proven ineffective. There are a number of promising remediation technologies that could potentially be scaled for successful application to groundwater restoration. Sustainable remediation is an important consideration in the evaluation of remediation technologies. It is critically important to consider sustainability when new technologies are being applied or new contaminants are being treated with traditional technologies. There are a number of social, economic, and environmental drivers that should be considered when implementing 1,4‐dioxane treatment technologies. This includes evaluating sustainability externalities by considering the cradle‐to‐grave impacts of the chemicals, energy, processes, transportation, and materials used in groundwater treatment. It is not possible to rate technologies as more or less sustainable because each application is context specific. However, by including sustainability thinking into technology evaluations and implementation plans, decisions makers can be more informed and the results of remediation are likely to be more effective and beneficial. There are a number sustainable remediation frameworks, guidance documents, footprint assessment tools, life cycle assessment tools, and best management practices that can be utilized for these purposes. This paper includes an overview describing the importance of sustainability in technology selection, identifies sustainability impacts related to technologies that can be used to treat 1,4‐dioxane, provides an approximating approach to assess sustainability impacts, and summarizes potential sustainability impacts related to promising treatment technologies. ©2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - Some modified kaolin materials have the potential as adsorbents for the removal of numerous pollutants. In view of this, we developed two modified...  相似文献   

With the emergence of risk‐based corrective action decisions, there is interest in the use of more natural techniques that may be as protective as the traditional removal, landfill, or capping approaches for impoundment closure. The use of phytoremediation is one of the more promising techniques. This article presents the results of a three‐year field‐pilot phytoremediation study that involved the use of plants to enhance sludge dewatering at an inactive natural gas‐cracking wastewater lagoon. The dewatering was accompanied by contaminant reduction of benzene, toluene, xylene (BTX), and naphthalene concentrations to below the cleanup goals. Meanwhile, the concentration reductions of three or more ring polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) varied between 30 percent and 60 percent, except for dibenz[a,h]anthracene. The residual PAHs in the sludge are not leaching. Parallel laboratory studies suggest a reduced PAH availability and mobility in the unsaturated zone sludge. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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