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The European Commission (EC) has recognized a need for strengthening innovation of environmental technologies in order to increase competitiveness of European technologies on a global market and to achieve a more sustainable development in Europe. In the area of soil and groundwater remediation, innovative technologies are principally available and have proven applicability and performance on demonstration scales, but market uptake is disappointing. Consequently, initiatives have been launched in order to promote application of these technologies and to investigate on the harmonization of applications. The European Co‐ordination Action for Demonstration of Efficient Soil and Groundwater Remediation (EURODEMO), an EC‐funded project, is one strategic initiative for supporting these goals. This article summarizes results obtained so far regarding the investigation of the European situation and some undertaken and envisaged measures to achieve better market uptake. The results of this research project may serve as prerequisites for a European Environmental Technologies Verification (ETV) process. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Sustainability is an important consideration when designing a remedy given the value that can be demonstrated to all stakeholders. A case study is presented that illustrates an example where sustainability was emphasized during the selection and implementation of a groundwater remedy. An extensive free and/or residual product investigation was completed to demonstrate that hydraulic control is a suitable remedy and active direct treatment was not required pursuant to the state regulations. A pump and treat system for onsite hydraulic containment was installed to control plume migration. The system allows for 100 percent reuse of treated groundwater in the manufacturing process. Both the groundwater reuse and investigation conclusions have resulted in significant cost savings and sustainability benefits, including the reduction in the annual load on the drinking water aquifer by up to 138 million gallons per year.  相似文献   

Use of fungal technology in soil remediation: A Case Study   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Two white rot fungi Irpex lacteus and Pleurotus ostreatus and a PAH-degrading bacterial strain of Pseudomonas putida were used as inoculum for bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated soil from a manufactured-gas-plant-area. Also two cocultures comprising a fungus with Pseudomonas putida were applied. After 10-week treatment out of 12 different PAHs, concentration of phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene and pyrene decreased up to 66%. The ecotoxicity of the soil after bioremediation did not reveal any effect on the survival of Daphnia magna, a crustacian. However, the toxic effect on seed germination of plant Brassica alba and oxidoreductase activity of bacterium Bacillus cereus decreased after 5 and 10 weeks of treatment.  相似文献   

The cost of remediation at hazardous waste sites is estimated at billions of dollars annually. It is imperative that more cost‐effective remediation technologies be developed, particularly to address the more complex megasites. Chlorinated hydrocarbons represent the major contaminants at many such sites. It has long been recognized that chlorinated hydrocarbons can be destroyed by photocatalytic oxidation. Traditional photocatalysts, however, have often shown inadequate destruction activity, a loss of activity over time, and poor selectivity, thereby producing substantial amounts of phosgene and chloroform by‐products. This article presents results obtained using novel photocatalyst compositions. The results demonstrate the ability to achieve high photocatalytic destruction activity for chlorinated hydrocarbons with full retention of activity over extended time periods and with complete elimination of phosgene and chloroform by‐products. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Established groundwater contaminants such as chlorinated solvents and hydrocarbons have impacted groundwater at hundreds of thousands of sites around the United States and have been responsible for multibillion dollar remediation expenditures. An important question is whether groundwater remediation for the emerging contaminant class comprised of per‐ and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) will be a smaller, similar, or a larger‐scale problem than the established groundwater contaminants. A two‐pronged approach was used to evaluate this question in this paper. First, nine quantitative scale‐of‐remediation metrics were used to compare PFAS to four established contaminants: chlorinated solvents, benzene, 1,4‐dioxane, and methyl tert‐butyl ether. These metrics reflected the prevalence of the contaminants in the U.S., attenuation potential, remediation difficulty, and research intensity. Second, several key challenges identified with PFAS remediation were evaluated to see similar situations (qualitative analogs) that have been addressed by the remediation field in the past. The results of the analysis show that four out of nine of the evaluated quantitative metrics (production, number of potential sites, detection frequency, required destruction/removal efficiency) indicate that the scale of PFAS groundwater remediation may be smaller compared to the current scale of remediation for conventional groundwater contaminants. One attenuation metric, median plume length, suggests that overall PFAS remediation could pose a greater challenge compared to hydrocarbon sites, but only slightly larger than chlorinated volatile organic compounds sites. The second attenuation metric, hydrophobic sorption, was not definitive regarding the potential scale of PFAS remediation. The final three metrics (regulatory criteria, in‐situ remediation capability, and research intensity) all indicate that PFAS remediation might end up being a larger scale problem than the established contaminants. An assessment of the evolution of groundwater remediation capabilities for established contaminants identified five qualitative analogs for key PFAS groundwater remediation issues: (a) low‐level detection analytical capabilities; (b) methods to assess the risk of complex chemical mixtures; (c) nonaqueous phase dissolution as an analog for partitioning, precursors, and back diffusion at PFAS sites; (d) predictions of long plume lengths for emerging contaminants; and (e) monitored natural attenuation protocols for other non‐degrading groundwater contaminants. Overall the evaluation of these five analogs provided some comfort that, while remediating the potential universe of PFAS sites will be extremely challenging, the groundwater community has relevant past experience that may prove useful. The quantitative metrics and the qualitative analogs suggest a different combination of remediation approaches may be needed to deal with PFAS sites and may include source control, natural attenuation, in‐situ sequestration, containment, and point‐of‐use treatment. However, as with many chlorinated solvent sites, while complete restoration of PFAS sites may be uncommon, it should be possible to prevent excessive exposure of PFAS to human and ecological receptors.  相似文献   

In 1993 environmental consultants, working in concert with the State of Michigan, discovered groundwater contamination that threatened the drinking water supply of the town of Big Rapids. The contamination originated from leaking underground storage tanks and gasoline lines, which were removed. A pilot study indicated the contaminated area extended to 240′ x 180′ and affected soil as well as groundwater. A remediation plan was designed by and implemented by Continental Remediation Systems, Inc., a Natick, Massachusetts, firm. The remediation plan is ongoing and includes an interceptor trench to stop gasoline from flowing into the creek, as well as air sparging to vent and treat the contaminated soil. It is anticipated that the remediation project will take six months to complete. The chief advantage of on-site remediation is that it avoids the costs and liabilities associated with landfill disposal and no materials need leave the site.  相似文献   

This is the first in a series of five articles describing the applicability, performance, and cost of technologies for the remediation of contaminated soil and water at wood preserving sites. Site‐specific treatability studies conducted under the supervision of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), National Risk Management Research Laboratory (NRMRL), from 1995 through 1997 constitute much of the basis for the evaluations presented, although data from other treatability studies, literature sources, and actual site remediations have also been included to provide a more comprehensive evaluation of remediation technologies. This article provides an overview of the wood preserving sites studied, including contaminant levels, and a summary of the performance of the technologies evaluated. The subsequent articles discuss the performance of each technology in more detail. Three articles discuss technologies for the treatment of soils, including solidification/stabilization, biological treatment, solvent extraction and soil washing. One article discusses technologies for the treatment of liquids, water and nonaqueous phase liquids (NAPLS), including biological treatment, carbon adsorption, photolytic oxidation, and hydraulic containment. The reader should be aware that other technologies including, but not limited to, incineration, thermal desorption, and base catalyzed dehalogenation, also have application for treating contaminants on wood preserving sites. They are not discussed in these five articles since the focus was to evaluate lesser known and hopefully lower cost approaches. However, the reader should include consideration of these other technologies as part of any evaluation or screening of technologies applicable to remediation of wood preserving sites.  相似文献   

渗透性反应墙(PRBs)是倍受关注的地下水原位修复技术之一,具有高效廉价、安装简便、维护简单等优点。详细总结了零价铁、活性炭、无机矿物材料和生物质材料等PRBs反应介质的结构、性能、适用范围、改良方法及增强吸附机制,介绍了PRBs技术在国内外地下水原位修复领域的工程应用实例,指出研发可再生型反应介质、深入研究复杂体系的污染物去除主导机制以及开展多介质混合、多种原位修复技术集成应用研究将是今后PRBs的主要研究方向。  相似文献   

Heavy metals and toxic organic contaminants are found at numerous industrial and military sites. The generally poor performance of conventional pump‐and‐treat schemes has made the development of improved methods for contaminated site remediation a significant environmental priority. One such innovative method is cyclodextrin‐enhanced flushing of the contaminated porous media and groundwater. Cyclodextrin is a glucose‐based molecule that is produced on industrial scales by microorganisms. Over the last years, several cyclodextrin derivatives have received extensive research interest. It was shown that cyclodextrins can significantly enhance the solubility of toxic organics, and in some cases, heavy metals and radioactive isotopes. As a sugar, cyclodextrin is considered relatively non‐toxic to humans, plants, and soil microbes. Thus, there are minimal health‐related concerns associated with the injection of cyclodextrin into the subsurface, which is an inherent advantage for use of cyclodextrins as a remediation agent. This paper provides a review of the available literature concerning use of cyclodextrin for remediation of groundwater and soil.  相似文献   

The hyporheic zone, the transition region between groundwater and surface water, represents an important interface between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. When groundwater combines with surface water in this zone, the characteristics of each are blended and new gradients are established, especially for contaminants. Therefore, the hyporheic zone is important in considering the “big ecological picture” as the hydrologic continuum connecting groundwater and surface water. The importance is reflected by the current focus of this zone in ecological risk assessments conducted under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), and Clean Water Act (CWA) programs. A variety of tools can be used to measure, analyze, and predict the physical, chemical, and biological processes that occur within the hyporheic zone. Directly measuring the flux of water across the interface between groundwater and surface water determines whether surface water enters the streambed at downwelling zones or groundwater discharges from the streambed in upwelling zones. In addition to direct measurements of the flux of water, several states have developed models to characterize the interaction of groundwater and surface water. The variability in physical and chemical characteristics between upwelling and downwelling zones influences the local ecology within the zone. The study of the species within the hyporheic zone includes ecological surveys and ecotoxicological investigations. The evolving study of the hyporheic zone will necessitate an increase in basic research into hydraulic considerations, an identification of regional representative sites with contaminated hyporheic zones, and a better understanding of the ecology of the species within the zone. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

In the early 1990s, a soil removal action was completed at a former disposal pit site located in southern Michigan. This action removed waste oil, cutting oil, and chlorinated solvents from the unsaturated zone. To contain groundwater contaminant migration at the site, a groundwater pump‐and‐treat system comprised of two extraction wells operating at a combined flow of 50 gallons per minute, carbon treatment, and a permitted effluent discharge was designed, installed, and operated for over 10 years. Groundwater monitoring for natural attenuation parameters and contaminant attenuation modeling demonstrated natural attenuation of the contaminant plume was adequate to attain site closure. As a result of incomplete contaminant source removal, a rebound of contaminants above the levels established in the remedial action plan (RAP) has occurred in the years following system shutdown and site closure. Groundwater concentrations have raised concerns regarding potential indoor air quality at adjacent residential properties constructed in the past 9 to 10 years. The only remedial option available in the original RAP is to resume groundwater pump‐and‐treat. To remediate the source area, an alternate remediation strategy using an ozone sparge system was developed. The ozone sparge remediation strategy addresses the residual saturated zone contaminants beneath the former disposal pit and reestablishes site closure requirements without resumption of the pump‐and‐treat system. A pilot study was completed successfully; and the final system design was subsequently approved by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. The system was installed and began operations in July 2010. As of the January 2011 monitoring event, the system has shown dramatic improvement in site contaminant concentrations. The system will continue to operate until monitoring results indicate that complete treatment has been obtained. The site will have achieved the RAP objectives when the system has been shut down and meets groundwater residential criteria for four consecutive quarters. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

At many sites, long‐term monitoring (LTM) programs include metals as chemicals of concern, although they may not be site‐related contaminants and their detected concentrations may be natural. At other sites, active remediation of organic contaminants in groundwater results in changes to local geochemical conditions that affect metal concentrations. Metals should be carefully considered at both types of sites, even if they are not primary contaminants of concern. Geochemical evaluation can be performed at LTM sites to determine if the monitored metals reflect naturally high background and, hence, can be removed from the analytical program. Geochemical evaluation can also be performed pre‐ and post‐treatment at active remediation sites to document the effects of organics remediation on metals and identify the processes controlling metal concentrations. Examples from both types of sites are presented in this article. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

以重庆市某铅污染场地为研究对象,选用多种稳定化药剂对土壤开展稳定化修复技术研究,着重探讨了不同单一药剂与复配药剂对土壤铅浸出浓度的影响。实验结果表明:磷酸二氢钠(MSP)、磷酸氢二钠、磷酸钠和石灰4种无机药剂中MSP的稳定化修复效果最佳,且磷酸盐类的稳定化修复效果整体上优于石灰;MSP与少量有机药剂腐殖酸复配施用的稳定化修复效果优于单独施加MSP;在MSP投加比(与土壤的质量比)为5%、腐殖酸投加比为2%、养护时间为7 d的最优工艺条件下,土壤中铅的浸出浓度由41.70 mg/L降至0.16 mg/L,低于《生活垃圾填埋场污染控制标准》(GB 16889—2008)中规定的0.25 mg/L浓度限值。  相似文献   

以铅砷复合污染土壤为研究对象,采用硫酸亚铁和氧化钙作为稳定剂,通过正交实验得出各因素对土壤中铅的稳定率影响程度的大小顺序为:氧化钙添加量>硫酸亚铁添加量=养护周期>两种稳定剂的交互作用.最佳实验条件为硫酸亚铁添加量2 g/kg,氧化钙添加量10 g/kg,养护时间2 d.添加硫酸亚铁后,土壤pH对砷的稳定化效果影响不大...  相似文献   

Potential health risks and cleanup costs are primary factors for measuring the effectiveness of a remediation project concerning a site contaminated with residual radioactive materials. Demanding cleanup of a contaminated site to its original condition, while eliminating any health risks after cleanup, can require prohibitive costs. However, by setting practical remediation objectives and by performing realistic but conservative risk assessments, health risks can be acceptable and cleanup costs can be reasonable. This article uses the South-Middle and Southeast Vaults Decontamination and Demolition Project at Argonne National Laboratory to demonstrate how negligible health risks can result after cleanup with minimal cleanup costs. Substantial cost savings of approximately $2 million was realized by implementing in-place decontamination and demolition (D&D) on the basis of acceptable risk, instead of requiring cleanup of the site to its original condition. By using the RESRAD computer program as a modeling tool, we show the maximum projected radiation dose (0.1 mrem per year) and the potential lifetime cancer risk (on the order of 106) to an individual from exposure to the residual radioactivities are negligibly small. In addition to aiding in the selection of a preferred remediation alternative, results of the RESRAD modeling were also used to guide the implementation of the selected alternative to reduce exposures from the dominant pathway and to ensure that exposures from all pathways would be as low as reasonably achievable.  相似文献   

热分解技术在修复多氯联苯污染土壤中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对我国土壤中PCBs的污染特点,介绍了一种修复土壤的热分解技术,并详述了该技术的工作流程、影响因素、处理效率等问题。最后对该技术的发展趋势进行了展望,并对其在推广过程中可能遇到的困难进行了分析。  相似文献   

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