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“十一五”期间我国环保产业市场发展状况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了"十一五"期间我国环保产业发展的市场环境及环保产业的发展状况,分析了近期国内环保产业发展的特点以及环保产业技术市场现状,对我国环保产业今后的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

1 国际和国内环保产业概况 环保产业是向社会提供污染防治技术装备和为改善生态环境质量提供技术服务的行业。从环保产业的市场分类来看,环保产业包含了五个方面的市场内容,即环保产品市场(含环保材料产品)、三废综合利用市场、低公害产品(合绿色产品和有机食品)、环保技术服务市场和自然生态保护市场。由于环保产业存在巨大的发展潜力,从而引起世界各国的高度重视。目前,环保产业的国际市场需求已达到5000亿美元,据美国商务部推断,2000年国际环保产业市场可达6000亿美元,到2010年可能增长到18000亿美元。  相似文献   

“十五”期间环保产业发展思路、主要目标和重点 “十五”期间环保产业发展的基本思路是:坚持以市场为导向、以科技为先导、以效益为中心、以企业为主体的原则,加强政策引导,依靠技术进步,培育规范市场,加强监督管理,加大环境执法力度,逐步建立与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的环保产业宏观调控体系,统一开放、竞争有序的环保产业市场运行机制,促进环保产业健康发展,为环境保护提供技术保障和物质基础,以适应日益严格的环保要求对环保产业的需求,并使其成为新的经济增长点。 “十五”期间主要目标是:要研究开发一批具有国际先进…  相似文献   

一、环保服务业在市场体系中的定位和作用   完整的环保产业市场体系包括三大部分:环保技术开发和设备生产市场、环保服务市场、环保资本与投资市场。   环保技术开发设备生产市场和资本投资市场是供给市场,一是供给技术,一是供给资金。环保服务市场是需求市场,供给市场是受需求市场制约的。而资本市场与服务市场又是相互制约相互促进的。因此,在三大市场体系中,服务市场是起主导作用的,服务市场的发展可以带动设备生产市场和资本市场的发展。   环保服务市场包括环保技术咨询服务、环保设施运营服务、环保污染事故责任保险、…  相似文献   

我国环境产业现状及环境市场急需的重点产品   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
环保产业是21世纪新的经济增长点,是未来的世纪性产业。本文阐述了我国环保产业现状、问题及建议;介绍了我国环保市场急需的重点环境污染治理技术及产品,以其引起人们的关注,转变环保市场机制,开发重点环保产品,加速我国环保产业的发展。  相似文献   

正全国唯一公开发行的环保产业综合性科技期刊《中国环保产业》由环境保护部主管、中国环境保护产业协会主办。经国家新闻出版总署、国务院新闻办审核备案,定为中国期刊全文数据库全文收录期刊;入选为中国学术期刊综合评价数据库统计源期刊、中文科技期刊数据库全文收录期刊、中国核心期刊(遴选)数据库;获首届《CAJ-CD规范》执行优秀期刊。◆《中国环保产业》以"依靠科技进步,发展环保产业"为宗旨,宣传、贯彻国家环保方针、政策、法规,介绍国内外先进的环保技术和产品,交流行业管理经验,沟通市场信息。是读者掌握国家环保政策、法规,了解国内外先进环保技术和产品,交流行业管理经验,沟通市场信息,备考注册环保工程师的重要渠道,是订阅单位经营决策者、工程技术人员  相似文献   

正全国唯一公开发行的环保产业综合性科技期刊《中国环保产业》由环境保护部主管、中国环境保护产业协会主办。经国家新闻出版总署、国务院新闻办审核备案,定为中国期刊全文数据库全文收录期刊;入选为中国学术期刊综合评价数据库统计源期刊、中文科技期刊数据库全文收录期刊、中国核心期刊(遴选)数据库;获首届《CAJ-CD规范》执行优秀期刊。《中国环保产业》以"依靠科技进步,发展环保产业"为宗旨,宣传、贯彻国家环保方针、政策、法规,介绍国内外先进的环保技术和产品,交流行业管理经验,沟通市场信息。是读者掌握国家环保政策、法规,了解国内外先进环保技术和产品,交流行业管理经验,沟通市场信息,备考注册环保工程师的重要渠道,是订阅单位经营决策者、工程技术人员  相似文献   

环境服务市场是环保产业市场的一项重要内容。环保服务市场包括环保技术咨询服务、环保设施运营服务、环境投资风险评估服务、环境影响评价服务、环境监测服务、环境污染治理服务、环境信息服务、环境工程设计服务等等。环境服务具有重要作用。尽管发达国家的环保产业所包含的具体内容有所不同,但环境服务却都是其中的重要一项,这反映了各国普遍认同环境服务市场所发挥的重要作用。环保产业是技术、资金密集型产业,环境服务水平因此在一定程度上反映了整个环保产业市场的发育状况。美国在1994~1999年中,环境服务产值份额占据了整个环保产业…  相似文献   

政府在环保产业发展中的地位和作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
环保产业是保护环境,实施可持续发展战略的重要物质基础和技术保障,是我国未来的投资重点以及最具潜力的经济增长点之一.根据目前我国环保产业发展的现状,深入剖析了我国环保产业发展中存在的问题及其影响因素,提出了政府作为环保市场的重要主体,应在加快环境法律制度创新、环境科技体制改革、促进产业管理的规范化和投资的多元化以及环保企业的集团化方面充分发挥其主导作用.  相似文献   

中国环保产业市场发展分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文简要分析了中国环保产业市场的基本构成、市场发展水平、环保产业及技术设备市场的发展趋势 ,以及市场发展的重点领域等。  相似文献   

国外Ⅲ型环境标志发展概况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以国外Ⅲ型环境标志的发展为主要研究对象,总结了Ⅲ型环境标志的产生及发展情况。分析了国际上Ⅲ型环境标志发展较为成熟的瑞典、日本、韩国三个国家的Ⅲ型环境标志的发展概况,并总结了对发展Ⅲ型环境标志的经验。  相似文献   

联合国将碳中和视为当今世界最为紧迫的任务,而农业是温室气体排放最多的产业之一,各国相继出台政策积极开展农业农村减排工作。韩国自2012年开始逐渐减少海洋粪污排泄量,并大力实行绿色种养循环农业,解决本国内畜禽粪污问题。韩国作为中国的重要海上邻国,不论是从研究借鉴角度抑或生态系统共享角度,了解其环境保护政策都是十分必要的。本文从韩国实施的主要政策、各地区农地养分收支现状、代表性运营模式案例、政策关注焦点等方面介绍韩国绿色种养循环农业的发展概况,结合中国绿色种养循环农业现状开展研究。提出三点政策建议:第一,进一步完善畜禽粪污资源化利用机具补贴辅助管理系统,提高系统在农户中的普及率;第二,提高全民环保意识的同时,政府的角色不应局限自上而下的引导型,应该积极促进种植户和养殖户间的自发组织,并大力提倡吸纳社会资本,集结社会各方力量;第三,促进绿色种养循环农业产品的商品化和品牌化,从而调动农户参与绿色种养循环农业的积极性。  相似文献   

In order to improve the sustainability of the Asian concrete industry, it is important to understand the effect of regional context considering the widely varying socio-economic conditions present in Asia. This research in Mongolia and Singapore was conducted as a continuation of previous studies in Japan, Thailand and South Korea in order to further contribute to understanding regional context, particularly geographic, climate, and economic factors. Geography and climate were found to strongly affect the means by which durability should be assured in each country, as Singapore has a tropical climate whereas Mongolia experiences a large temperature variation with extremely cold winters. The ability to access construction materials and resources was also related to geography, as Singapore, while resource poor, is an international shipping center, whereas Mongolia has abundant resources but few access routes for imports. Quality control issues in Mongolia could be understood in the context of the lower level of economic development, whereas in Singapore the high level of development has lead to an emphasis on green construction, with the government taking the lead in implementing new systems and technologies.  相似文献   


The number of households migrating to agricultural villages has sharply increased in the Republic of Korea (South Korea) since the late 1990s when the Asian economic crisis developed. This study investigates the environmental behaviour and the socio-economic characteristics of urban-rural migrant farming households and provides insights into their significance for rural sustainability in South Korea. The study is based on survey data collected in 2016 from a sample of 166 migrant farming households and 46 native farming households from the Namwon region in South Korea. The migrant farming households are divided into 29 return and 137 non-return farming households. It was found that most non-return migrants are organic farmers, and can be characterised as anti-urban, amenity-pursuing, green, and lifestyle migrants. It is no wonder that they have a strong intent to make their new home an environmentally, socially and economically sustainable place for their children. Thus, appropriate policy measures need to be designed in such a way to facilitate the synergy between the repopulation of rural areas by farming migrants, their uptake of organic farming, their active engagement in community rebuilding, and regional economic development.  相似文献   

海洋环境管理对于保护和保全海洋环境、推动海洋经济发展、构建生态文明具有重要意义。由于不同国家和地区的政治、经济、海洋战略和文化背景的差异,海洋环境管理的实施没有一个统一的标准模式,所解决的重点问题也不一样。这种多样性使得目前还没有一套通用的海洋环境管理评价体系。为此,本文以东北亚沿海各国为例,借鉴已有研究,从机构设置、法律体系和海洋环境状况三个方面出发,构建了包含定性和定量指标的海洋环境管理效果评价指标体系,在此基础上对东北亚沿海各国海洋环境管理效果进行定量评价与对比分析。结果表明,在机构设置和法律体系方面,日本领先于其他国家;在海洋环境管理方面,朝鲜较优;综合各方面后,日本表现最优,韩国、中国次之,朝鲜、俄罗斯较差。本研究提出的评价方法,可以较为客观地反映不同政治、经济和文化背景下国家在海洋环境管理方面的努力,可为我国审视自身不足、立足国情构建我国特色的海洋环境管理体制提供重要的方法指导和实践经验。  相似文献   

This research compares environmental volunteering among students in South Korea and the US (n = 3612). Given differing environmental histories of these countries, we explore whether and to what extent volunteer proclivity and intensity varies, and potential factors that explain existing variation. Findings suggest that American students are more likely to volunteer for, and devote time to, environmental causes, while South Korean students differ on socio-economic correlates of such behaviour. In a global society, understanding determinants of environmental volunteer participation is critical to the management of environmental NGOs that are involved in broad-based and participatory planning, educating stakeholders and legitimising environmental advocacy.  相似文献   

Rising demand for shrimp in the developed nations has helped to foster a dramatic growth in marine shrimp aquaculture, particularly in South America and South Asia. In Thailand, Marine shrimp aquaculture is now an important earmer of foreign exchange. The growth in Production has been achieved through the expansion of the culture area and the adoption of intensive production methods. The conversion of near-shore areas to shrimp culture, however, is proving to have many consequences that impinge on the environmental integrity of coastal areas. This paper reviews the development of Thailand's marine shrimp culture industry and examines the nature of the environmental impacts that are emerging. It then discusses the implications these have for rural poor and the long-term viability of the culture industry.  相似文献   

It is generally believed that forest cover in North Korea has undergone a substantial decrease since 1980, while in South Korea, forest cover has remained relatively static during that same period of time. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Forest Resources Assessments—based on the reported forest inventories from North and South Korea—suggest a major forest cover decrease in North Korea, but only a slight decrease in South Korea during the last 30 years. In this study, we seek to check and validate those assessments by comparing them to independently derived forest cover maps compiled for three time intervals between 1990 and 2010, as well as to provide a spatially explicit view of forest cover change in the Korean Peninsula since the 1990s. We extracted tree cover data for the Korean Peninsula from existing global datasets derived from satellite imagery. Our estimates, while qualitatively supporting the FAO results, show that North Korea has lost a large number of densely forested areas, and thus in this sense has suffered heavier forest loss than the FAO assessment suggests. Given the limited time interval studied in our assessment, the overall forest loss from North Korea during the whole span of time since 1980 may have been even heavier than in our estimate. For South Korea, our results indicate that the forest cover has remained relatively stable at the national level, but that important variability in forest cover evolution exists at the regional level: While the northern and western provinces show an overall decrease in forested areas, large areas in the southeastern part of the country have increased their forest cover.  相似文献   

This paper presents a review of energy use in 22 selected countries of Asia and estimates the anthropogenic emission of sulphur dioxide (SO2) for the selected countries, both at national and disaggregated sub-country regional levels. The paper also makes a comparative assessment of the Asian countries in terms of SO2emission intensity (i.e. emission per GDP), emission per capita and emission density (i.e. emission per unit area). Total SO2emission in the region was estimated to be about 38 million tons in 1990. Five countries, China, India, South Korea, Japan and Thailand, accounted for over 91% of the regional SO2emission. Coal use had the dominant share (81%) of the total emission from the region. Among the economic sectors, industry contributed the largest share (49%) to the total emissions of the selected countries as a whole, followed by the power sector (30%). These findings suggest the need for mitigation strategies focussed on the industry and power sectors of the major emitting countries in Asia.  相似文献   

Summary This paper suggests that for environmental education to have any meaning in the South Pacific, the variety of physical and cultural environments must be taken into account. It is not possible, however, for each country to develop its own programme, and thus, a kind of dependent development which is sustainable should be undertaken. Environmental education is much wider than utilising formal educational curricula; it should include the use of the media, the employment of environmental economists, and a continuous sharing of information between those who carry out environmental research and those who design and implement policy.Dr Jenny Bryant is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Geography at the University of the South Pacific and Chairperson of the South Pacific Action Committee for Human Ecology and the Environment (SPACHEE). This paper was first presented to the 16th Pacific Science Congress in Seoul, Korea in August, 1987. It has been published elsewhere as part of a UNEP Regional Report (Dahl, 1988).  相似文献   

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