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随着我国航空运输业的迅速发展,机场噪声问题日益突出。飞机噪声控制标准不完善、机场选址不合理、降噪措施落实不到位等问题,不利于机场的建设和发展。环境影响评价作为控制机场建设项目环境风险重要的前置性的管理手段,对控制机场噪声的不良环境影响具有重要作用,也有利于实现机场选址和建设与当地有关的规划衔接,避免走“城市包围机场”的老路,有利于实现到机场和城市发展的协调。  相似文献   

城镇污水处理厂项目环境影响评价中的重点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据城镇污水处理厂项目的特点,对此类项目环境影响评价中的厂址选择、处理规模及进出水水质的确定以及地表水、恶臭环境影响预测及二次污染控制、污泥处置方案的可行性论证等重点内容进行了分析。  相似文献   

环境影响后评价是提高环境管理水平的重要手段。文章以某石化老企业环境影响后评价为例, 根据该企业环境管理特点,结合评价过程中遇到的建设项目多,无法按项目逐一对比和验证,环境质量现状趋 势分析可对比的数据较少等困难,确定了该企业环境影响后评价的主要内容,提出对老企业整体进行评价、选择适合的时间节点开展环境影响后评价等建议,以期对其他石化老企业环境影响后评价工作提供参考。  相似文献   

在阐述农村工业化与土地资源优化配置关系问题的基础上,以浙江永康市为例,对当前我国农村工业化过程中土地资源优化配置问题进行了研究。研究表明,永康目前处于工业化中期阶段,工业用地扩张趋势明显,但同时也存在用地结构布局不甚合理、集约利用程度较低以及环境影响等问题。解决这些问题可通过切实保护耕地,合理安排建设用地规模与布局,提高土地集约利用率和控制环境污染等有效途径。  相似文献   

公路工程属易产生重大不良环境影响、易发生重大变动的建设项目,但由于重大变动判定标准不清晰、重新报批环评的时间节点不统一、变更环评文件形式和内容不规范等问题,导致环评违法违规现象频发,变更环评制度管理效能难以有效发挥。根据公路建设项目重大变动有关定义,结合环境影响评价技术导则、环境影响评价审批原则、公路建设项目工程特性,及调查和分析四川省公路建设项目环境影响重大变动重新报批情况,对公路建设项目环境影响重大变动环评要点进行归纳和总结,在一定程度上有利于环境影响评价制度的完善,可为公路建设项目重大变动环境影响评价文件的编制和审批提供思路。  相似文献   

地铁对地下水的影响主要是"无水"作业要求对地下水资源的破坏以及永久性地下构筑物对地下水流场的阻隔。对施工期,在施工工艺分析基础上,对不同控水工艺优缺点进行了比较,提出了施工设计中应关注的重点,包括施工工艺选择应优先考虑环境要素的情形、控水工艺选择应考虑的要素、控水工艺实施时应注意的环境问题;对运营期,结合地铁环境影响特点,提出了不同敏感目标环保关注重点及评价参考标准;最后,对地铁环境影响后评价目前存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了如积极开展地铁环境影响后评价实践、准确定位后评价出发点、加强科研支撑等建议。  相似文献   

针对目前天然气勘探开发项目环境影响评价不够系统的局限性,运用系统的思想观点和思维方法提出了天然气勘探开发项目综合环境影响评价指标体系.该评价体系把综合环境影响评价分为政策法规环境影响、自然生态环境影响、资源能源环境影响、经济环境影响、社会环境影响和科技环境影响等六大环境影响进行评价.借鉴环境影响评价的相关研究成果,分别为上述六大环境影响评价设计了具体的评价因子和评价指标.  相似文献   

石油天然气行业建设项目以生态影响类为主,在环评、竣工环保验收、环境影响后评价等阶段相关环保规定在执行过程中存在一定优化需求。文章以川渝地区石油天然气行业建设项目环境影响特征为基础,结合外环境生态保护红线、自然保护区、饮用水水源保护区等环境敏感区特点,探讨项目在执行相关环保规定过程中存在的问题和改进建议,并就《建设项目竣工环境保护验收暂行办法》《建设项目环境影响后评价管理办法(试行)》《环境影响评价公众参与办法》《关于进一步加强石油天然气行业环境影响评价管理的通知》等文件中部分条款提出优化建议。  相似文献   

杜浩  郑汝海 《四川环境》2007,26(6):58-62
为分析飞机噪声对机场内部人员的影响,在某军用机场场区内选取九个主要建筑物作为研究对象,对其进行现场噪声测量,在实测数据的基础上,采用多项指标进行机场内部噪声环境评价和分析。结果表明:机场工作人员一直暴露在高噪声环境中,而且各类噪声事件均对其工作和身体健康产生影响,内场营区的声环境质量比外场工作区稍好,但离标准声环境仍有较大距离。最后结合军用机场的特点提出一些有针对性的防治措施。  相似文献   

环境影响评价是环境管理的重要组成部分,为我国的环境管理决策提供重要依据。但在实际工作中,我国的环境管理工作仍然存在一定的问题。本文结合采掘行业的特点,分别从法律层面、设计层面和环境影响评价层面等三个方向进行分析,结合发现的问题提出建议,力求从不同的角度完善相关制度和技术要求。从而使采掘行业的环境管理能全面涵盖采掘行业开发过程,最大程度地减少采掘行业开发过程中的环境影响,完善采掘行业环境影响评价制度,对我国采掘行业生态环境的改善及环境影响评价法制建设起到一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

There are three main theoretical difficulties involved in relating sustainability to aviation, and which a research agenda for sustainable aviation needs to address. The first is uncertainty regarding the critical thresholds of global environmental systems. The second is a lack of protocols for allocating permissible environmental consumption shares to, and hence targets for, individual enterprises or sectors. The third is differing value judgements of what natural features should be sustained. For the time being, these difficulties preclude determination of the degree of sustainability or unsustainability of any individual airport with respect to global environmental systems. Nevertheless, at this stage it can at least be said that since most economic activity has an adverse environmental impact, airports with higher throughputs of material and people will tend to be less sustainable than smaller-scale airports given similar technologies and regulatory compliance. This is theoretically supported and illustrated with waste arising as an indicator at reviewed airports. Despite governmental policies of sustainable mobility, there is a disjunction between EU and UK policy on airports and individual airport practice, and environmental sustainability theory. In the UK and EU, airport practice and governmental policy is to mitigate the impacts of aviation, but not at the expense of its aviation growth. This mitigation practice is summarised for the reviewed airports and presented in a framework that accounts for the suggested, interim approach to sustainability assessment.  相似文献   

Summary This paper discusses the air quality impacts of airport operations. It considers a range of pollutants and identifies emission sources both within and surrounding airports as being important in contributing to the air quality experienced at an airport. These sources include aircraft operations, landside traffic, airside traffic and fuel-handling operations. The paper considers air quality impacts over the last 30 years and draws examples from a variety of European airports. The paper concludes with a forecast of likely changes in emission sources and strengths at airports over the next 15 years.Drs James Longhurst, Beth Conlan and David Raper are air quality scientists specializing in the study of airport impacts upon air quality. They are based in the Atmospheric Research and Information Centre of Manchester Metropolitan University.First submitted June 1994.  相似文献   

机场作为民航运输的关键节点和重要枢纽,肩负着服务区域经济的重要使命,同时也面临环境保护与可持续发展的巨大挑战。作为公共基础设施和城市形象窗口,机场上市公司具有披露环境信息的义务与责任。在充分研究国内机场上市公司环境信息披露制度背景的基础上,本研究借鉴全球报告倡议组织(GRI)发布的《可持续发展报告指南》(第四版)及机场运营者行业补充(GRI-AOSS)构建了适用于我国机场的环境信息披露评价指标体系,并利用公开数据对国内6家机场上市公司的环境信息披露情况进行了实际测评。结果表明:我国机场环境信息披露程度较低,存在内容简单、量化不足、质量下降等问题。机场上市公司环境信息披露亟待在法律法规层面进行系统规范。建议借鉴GRI等相关国际标准及成功经验,制定适用于我国的科学可行的环境信息披露标准和制度体系。  相似文献   

Wildlife incidents with aircraft cost the United States (U.S.) civil aviation industry >US$1.4 billion in estimated damages and loss of revenue from 1990 to 2009. Although terrestrial mammals represented only 2.3 % of wildlife incidents, damage to aircraft occurred in 59 % of mammal incidents. We examined mammal incidents (excluding bats) at all airports in the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) National Wildlife Strike Database from 1990 to 2010 to characterize these incidents by airport type: Part-139 certified (certificated) and general aviation (GA). We also calculated relative hazard scores for species most frequently involved in incidents. We found certificated airports had more than twice as many incidents as GA airports. Incidents were most frequent in October (n = 215 of 1,764 total) at certificated airports and November (n = 111 of 741 total) at GA airports. Most (63.2 %) incidents at all airports (n = 1,523) occurred at night but the greatest incident rate occurred at dusk (177.3 incidents/hr). More incidents with damage (n = 1,594) occurred at GA airports (38.6 %) than certificated airports (19.0 %). Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates) incidents incurred greatest (92.4 %) damage costs (n = 326; US$51.8 million) overall and mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) was the most hazardous species. Overall, relative hazard score increased with increasing log body mass. Frequency of incidents was influenced by species relative seasonal abundance and behavior. We recommend airport wildlife officials evaluate the risks mammal species pose to aircraft based on the hazard information we provide and consider prioritizing management strategies that emphasize reducing their occurrence on airport property.  相似文献   

This note discusses environmental aspects of the planning and consultation process undertaken for the UK aviation White Paper. The process as a whole has involved some three years of forecasting and assessment of the operational, economic and environmental implications of some 28 options for airport expansion at 14 UK locations. Unconstrained passenger demand forecasts have been used as a basis for the planning and consultation, and a mitigation approach to environment has predominated. This is inadequate, given the climate impacts of the forecast aviation expansion. Greenhouse gas emissions reduction should be a high priority in transport infrastructure planning, not the subject of post-hoc analysis.  相似文献   

A linear engineering project--i.e. a pipeline--has a potential long- and short-term impact on the environment and on the inhabitants therein. We must find better, less expensive, and less time-consuming ways to obtain information on the environment and on any modifications resulting from anthropic activity. We need scientifically sound, rapid and affordable assessment and monitoring methods. Construction companies, industries and the regulating government organisms lack the resources needed to conduct long-term basic studies of the environment. Thus there is a need to make the necessary adjustments and improvements in the environmental data considered useful for this development project. More effective and less costly methods are generally needed. We characterized the landscape of the study area, situated in the center and north-east of Argentina. Little is known of the ecology of this region and substantial research is required in order to develop sustainable uses and, at the same time, to develop methods for reducing impacts, both primary and secondary, resulting from anthropic activity in this area. Furthermore, we made an assessment of the environmental impact of the planned linear project, applying an ad hoc impact index, and we analyzed the different alternatives for a corridor, each one of these involving different sections of the territory. Among the alternative corridors considered, this study locates the most suitable ones in accordance with a selection criterion based on different environmental and conservation aspects. We selected the corridor that we considered to be the most compatible--i.e. with the least potential environmental impact--for the possible construction and operation of the linear project. This information, along with suitable measures for mitigating possible impacts, should be the basis of an environmental management plan for the design process and location of the project. We pointed out the objectivity and efficiency of this methodological approach, along with the possibility of integrating the information in order to allow for the application thereof in this type of study.  相似文献   

综述了机场除冰液对水环境的影响,包括对水体中溶解氧和水生生物的生态毒性影响,指出我国亟需开展机场除冰液对其周边水环境影响及其污染控制的研究工作。  相似文献   

An info-tech complex is proposed for 286 acres (116 ha) of land within the East Calcutta wetlands. The proposed site is 15 km east of Kolkata city and only 8 km south of Dum Dum airport. The site is vacant, with pockets of agricultural land and a few degrading water-logged areas. In order to assess the likely impact of the proposed development on the environment, a rapid environmental impact assessment of an area of 10 km radius from the centre of the project site was carried out. The present status of the environment with respect to ambient air, surface water, groundwater, soil, landuse, noise, and socio-economics of the core and buffer zone has been documented and correlated with 24 project activities during construction, development and operational phases. The frequency of adverse impacts is greater than that of beneficial impacts. Out of the total adverse impacts 20 are short term, reversible and have a low magnitude. The total impact score for the proposed project is (–)468.75 and as per the Assessment Value Index Scale the environmental impact of the proposed project activities is no appreciable impact. But there are certain sectors where the environment will be adversely impacted. Therefore, appropriate measures have been suggested to ameliorate the adverse impacts. It is envisaged that if these measures are implemented then there will be an improvement in the quality of the environment, as well as life, by 687.5 units.  相似文献   

我国土壤环境管理政策制度分析及发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
我国土壤环境修复属于政策驱动型产业,完善政策制度和标准体系对推动我国土壤修复健康发展、保障土壤环境安全具有重要意义。本文从国家和地方两个层面,系统分析了我国当前已经发布的土壤污染防治相关环境管理政策法规和技术标准现状、内容特点及其在推进土壤环境管理过程中发挥的作用,总结归纳出国家层面环境管理文件和地方层面制度建设的不同特点。针对国家层面和地方层面环境管理文件的不同特点,结合"十三五"国家土壤污染防治行动计划体现的土壤环境管理总体思路和任务要求,借鉴国际土壤污染防治制度建设经验,提出"十三五"时期我国土壤污染防治政策制度和标准体系建设的主要方向,即"一中心、三方向",包括基于风险管理的分级分类核心思想,重点提高政策制度操作性、提高技术标准的精细化和针对性、提高关键环境管理的有效性三个主要方向。  相似文献   

西部管道工程需要通过安西极旱荒漠国家级自然保护区的试验区,该保护区有中亚荒漠最具代表性的植被类型,为保护试验区的植被,建设单位从源头保护开始做起,在施工组织设计、施工期环境管理和生态恢复上采取了一系列措施,确保了管道施工对区域环境的影响控制在预测的范围内,实现了生产和环境保护双赢。  相似文献   

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