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在江西省钨矿资源潜力评价工作的基础上,总结江西钨矿床的主要成因类型,主要有岩浆热液石英脉型、岩体型、斑岩型、矽卡岩型和云英岩型等钨矿床,分别论述各类型典型矿床的地质特征,分析各类型钨矿床找矿方向并预测其资源潜力。共圈定钨成矿远景区13处,运用含矿地质体体积法预测全省各类型钨矿资源潜力,分别为:岩浆热液石英脉型500万吨、岩体型200万吨、斑岩型约16万吨、矽卡岩型350万吨、云英岩型约50万吨。指出江西钨矿的找矿重点,一是赣北地区钨矿成矿规律研究,提出找矿模型;二是加强深部找矿理论研究,寻找隐伏矿床;三是深入其它类型钨矿(除石英脉型)研究,特别是最具找矿潜力的大湖塘式岩体——石英脉复合型钨矿和朱溪式矽卡岩型钨铜矿,可作为该区下一步找矿的主攻方向。  相似文献   

新生代帕米尔构造结演化研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
新生代以来,印度板块与欧亚大陆碰撞后远程效应不断向北传递,帕米尔地块位于青藏高原西北部,靠近碰撞边界,在这一远程效应的影响下,帕米尔地块发生强烈的南北向地壳缩短,导致其宽度与东侧的青藏高原主体部分形成了鲜明的对比,形成著名的帕米尔构造结。基于前人的研究成果,将帕米尔构造结新生代演化过程归结如下:始新世时,帕米尔构造结开始初步发育,持续的双向俯冲,引起帕米尔高原不断隆升。晚渐新世—早中新世,帕米尔构造结西侧主要通过辐射逆冲断裂带吸收地壳变形,东部则是山体弯转、走滑转换断裂共同作用吸收变形,在构造结内部出现片麻质穹窿,构造结轮廓逐步形成。晚中新世,帕米尔构造结不断弯曲,下地壳持续增厚导致高原东北缘出现重力垮塌,扩展体系出现,片麻质穹窿出现在公格尔山和慕士塔格峰。上新世,帕米尔构造结与南天山碰撞,并在南天山和帕米尔两侧形成了平行于山脉走向的褶皱带,此时水汽通道关闭,加剧了塔里木盆地的干旱,并最终导致塔克拉玛干沙漠的出现。  相似文献   

江西西北部地区锂及稀有金属矿成矿地质条件优越,有闻名全国的雅山、同安等超大型稀有金属矿床及众多含锂瓷石矿床,矿床类型较多,资源潜力巨大。本文通过论述江西西北部地区锂及稀有金属矿床的成矿地质背景、主要锂矿床地质特征、锂矿床成因及成矿模式,总结该区锂及稀有金属矿床成矿规律、找矿标志和找矿潜力。结果表明:江西西北部地区锂及稀有金属矿属岩浆晚期残留岩浆气液生成,其找矿标志为多期次侵入浅色细粒花岗岩且花岗岩中F、Nb、Ta、Li、Rb、Cs含量高,隆起区断裂构造发育和相互交切部位,钠长石化、锂云母化、黄玉化等蚀变现象,Li、Nb、Sn、W等亲氧元素异常,Nb、Ta、Sn、W等重矿物异常等。通过对甘坊及雅山地区锂资源量进行半定量估算,根据雅山地区物化探异常走势图及成矿岩体标志等,认为路口—雅山、高岭—江家岭为两个重要找矿潜力区。  相似文献   

本文讨论了中国东部重要构造带,武夷——云开构造带北段的构造变形,变质作用,古压力(静压力和差异应力),古温度及它们的演化。从变形构造动力学观点入手,划分了不同构造旋回的变形变质作用,测试了变质变形的压力,温度和差异应力,进而分析了变形变质特征反地质构造环境,讨论了本区中生代以来的三期推覆构造及形成机理。  相似文献   

钨矿的资源探勘和开采都要以钨矿的地质特征为依托,同时结合各种找矿潜力等条件,才能对其进行合理的开采。本文以青海昆仑河万保沟钨矿区为例,对钨矿地质特征及找矿潜力进行科学的分析。  相似文献   

湖南岩金矿床集中分布于雪峰、湘西南两个地穹构造及湘东、湘中和湘东南三个地洼构造中,金成矿明显受深部地质构造控制。断裂构造在岩金矿成矿过程中起了特别重要的作用。在前地槽构造层中寻找岩金矿,并在地洼构造中取得新金矿类型的找矿突破应是该省进一步找金的前景所在。  相似文献   

在对西秦岭重点地区地质建造、结构构造等研究基础上 ,结合前人工作成果 ,对西秦岭造山带地质结构、构造演化及成矿作用等提出了新的认识 ,包括 :1,首次对前人在西秦岭北带厘定的晚泥盆世磨拉石地层 -大草滩群 (D3dc)进行分解 ,认为它是晚泥盆世滨浅海相砂岩、粉砂岩及碳酸盐岩在不同地段分别逆冲到二叠系、侏罗系及白垩系之上所形成的岩片叠置体系。并根据构造解析的原则 ,结合区域地层结构 ,将西秦岭北带构造 -地层体划分为三个单元 ,即上古生界 -中生界表构造层次准原地系统、古生界浅构造层次推覆岩片及元古界中深构造层次推覆岩片 ,它们相互叠置而成的西秦岭北带的岩片堆垛体系 ;2 ,对西秦岭西成矿田的研究表明 ,西成矿田的容矿地层不仅包括泥盆系 ,而且还包括元古宇 ,其中最大的矿床 -厂坝 -李家沟超大型铅锌矿床产于元古宇而不是泥盆系 ,西成矿田是后生热液矿床而不是海底喷流沉积矿床 ,它的形成完全受元古宇构造岩片由西向东的逆冲 -推覆及其所造成一系列构造效应所控制 ;3 ,西秦岭南带勉略构造带为一构造走滑体系 ,产于勉略带的蛇绿岩与产于勉略宁地块内部的蛇绿岩是同一时期、同一构造背景的产物 ,为中新元古代板快构造演化的记录 ,在南秦岭 ,不存在可靠的晚古生代蛇绿岩  相似文献   

粤北城口-九连钨多金属成矿带特征及找矿方向   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
粤北城口—九连钨多金属成矿带位于北西向半隐伏—隐伏构造岩浆岩带和海西期隆拗过渡带。钨成矿与燕山第三期、四期花岗岩岩浆活动关系密切,成矿岩体同位素年龄97.5~157 Ma。钨矿化类型复杂,其中石英脉型钨矿是主要矿床类型。根据该成矿带钨的成矿地质条件及找矿信息,目前除寻找石英脉(带)型钨矿外,还应寻找蚀变花岗岩型和矽卡岩型钨矿。  相似文献   

菲尔德斯半岛火山活动有两个高峰期,相应分为两个亚族回.火山机构有二类,一类以火山颈相岩柱为标志,另一类发育着火口相、近火口相集块岩、集块熔岩.据形成时间又可分为早期和晚期火山机构.火山活动明显受区域构造控制,为典型的裂隙中心式喷发,形成本区NW向、间距约为2km的火山喷发带.早期活动遍及全区,具有自SW向NE迁移的总体演化趋势;晚期沿火山喷发带自NW向SE局部性迁移.  相似文献   

南安第斯中生代构造演化化以形成哈迪(Hardy}弧—洛卡斯维尔德斯(Rocas Verdes)盆体系为主要特征。当地出露的陶比发拉(Tobifera)组、陶凸哈(Tortuga)蛇绿杂岩、亚汗(Yahgan)组和哈迪组分别代表了残余陆缘弧、T型大洋中脊、弧后盆地和岛弧上发育的岩石组合。弧—盆演化过程中,地幔物质底辟上隆造成早期陆缘弧一分为二,其一西移,形成以之为根的新生火山岛弧;另一部分保存于大陆内部,成为形成于分裂陆缘弧内部的弧后盆地火成碎屑的主要源区。盆地形成中期,裂陷深度大,内部出现洋中脊,基性火成岩沿该洋中脊侵位喷发。  相似文献   

巴布亚新几内亚大地构造位置上位于欧亚板块、印度-澳大利亚板块和太平洋板块三大板块结合部位,自白垩纪以来经历了复杂的构造演化过程,形成了特有的沟-弧-盆体系,使得区内广泛发育了岩浆弧有关的浅成低温热液型金矿。区内的浅成低温热液型金矿可分为低硫型和高硫型两种,而根据矿物组成、形成深度的不同,低硫型矿床又可分为石英-硫化物型、碳酸盐-贱金属型、浅成低温石英型和冰长石-绢云母型四个亚类型,低硫型金矿的不同的矿化亚类型常相互叠加,对于形成大型、超大型的金矿具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

巴布亚新几内亚新生代埃达克岩的地球化学证据   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文根据对新几内亚火山岩的10个化学分析数据与典型埃达克岩进行对比,讨论了巴布亚新几内亚埃达克岩的地球化学特征.结果表明:巴布亚新几内亚埃达克岩微量元素特征为高锶(一般大于400×10-6),Sr/Y比值平均>41.7;在微量元素蛛网图上有Sr、Ba正异常峰和明显的Nb、Th负异常.Y和重稀土元素Yb含量很低(分别为≤20×10-6和1.9×10-6).稀土元素表现为LREE富集模式,La/Yb比值平均为9.3~27.8.巴布亚新几内亚埃达克岩的Mg#值>0.45;87Sr/86Sr一般小于0.7045.巴布亚新几内亚埃达克岩分别位于弧-陆碰撞带大地构造环境中的大洋岛弧和大陆边缘造山带中.埃达克岩的分布区域与世界级斑岩铜-金矿和浅成热泉金矿成矿带的分布相一致.  相似文献   

巴布亚新几内亚波格拉(Porgera)斑岩铜—金矿床的侵入杂岩岩石类型为碱性玄武岩→夏威夷岩(粗面玄武岩)→橄榄粗安岩套。微量元素总体特征是富集大离子亲石元素(LILE)(Sr、Ba)和高场强元素(HFSE)(Zr、Nb、Th)。在微量元素蛛网图上显示宽的Th、Nb、U峰和Ti、H f、Y的谷。该矿床夏威夷岩和橄榄粗安岩是一套板内富Nb碱性玄武岩系列,属于大陆O IB碱性侵入岩,而不是洋岛OIB系列,与地幔柱活动相关。波格拉侵入杂岩形成于弧—陆碰撞环境,为新生代主动大陆边缘板内碱性玄武岩的典型代表之一。  相似文献   

Traditional swidden or shifting cultivation in the tropics is commonly associated with mixed cropping, from which it is assumed to derive ecological advantages. However, considerable variation exists in the level of diversity of individual swidden communities. This is illustrated by the application of Simpson and Shannon indices to crop compositional data for such communities in the Colombian Amazon and in southwest Papua New Guinea. In these areas, both high-diversity and low-diversity swiddens are encountered, which are apparently of sustainable character. It is inferred that diverse crop communities do not have a monopoly on adaptation in swidden cultivation.  相似文献   

Methods of tapping the nipa palm (Nipa fruticans Wurmb.) were developed in the course of a 3-year study conducted in seven villages in the Baimuru district of the Gulf Province of Papua New Guinea. The experimental sites were located about 1.5–23 km from the sea. Their plant density varied from 4700 to 2400 palms per ha and the mean height of the plants was nearly 13 m.Five pre-treatment patterns were tested. Once-a-week treatment, maintained for 12 weeks, yielded an average of 155 ml of sap/24 h/palm for one month, whereas 3–5-times-a-week treatment, for 5–12 weeks, yielded an average of 1300 ml of sap. The duration of treatment depended on the state of development of the flower stalk. The pre-treatment pattern chosen as the standard was to bend the stalk 12 times in one direction, to pat with the hands the length of the stalk backwards and forwards 64 times, and to give the base four kicks; this was repeated four times a week.In the course of the 3-year study it was found that the average sugar content of fresh nipa sap is rather high, about 16.4% w/v, as compared with, for example, about 12% w/v of sugar cane. The results of the present study are discussed with reference to producing fuel alcohol from the Papua New Guinea nipa palm.  相似文献   

The results of a lithostratigraphic, tectonic and kinematic study of the Karoo deposits of northern Malawi are reported. The objective of the lithostratigraphic study is to correlate the deposits of the Karoo basins of northern Malawi with the well-known deposits of southern Tanzania, thus establishing a stratigraphic framework through which the timing of faulting can be constrained. The kinematic analysis of faulting constrains the opening direction for the Karoo graben in this area and provides basic data to discuss the Karoo graben development within the regional tectonic framework of south-eastern Africa. The studied faults are defined by moderately to steeply dipping cataclastic zones with a width of up to 15?m and are characterized by an array of slickensided fault surfaces with different orientations and slip directions. In this study, small faults (offset <10?m) and meso-scale faults (offset >10?m, but generally not exceeding 30–40?m) have been distinguished. Methods used to analyse the kinematic data include the 'pressure tension' (PT) method, which estimates the principal axes for the bulk brittle strain, and the internal rotation axis (IRA) method, which estimates the axis of bulk internal rotation and the overall sense of slip at the faults. A mass balance calculation reveals a volume increase of up to 16% during cataclastic deformation in the fault zones. The PT method shows an approximately east trending extension direction for faults that occur only in the latest Carboniferous (?) and Early Permian strata, whereas the fault kinematics from faults that cut middle Permian to Early Triassic rocks is characterized by a ESE to SE trending extension direction. The small faults yield essentially the same kinematic results as the meso-scale faults. In a transport-parallel cross-sectional view, the principal extension axes are at an acute angle of approximately 60° to the major fault planes. Given the moderate fault density, the relatively high angle between the orientation of the principal extension axis and the fault planes suggest only a moderate amount of horizontal extension across the Karoo graben of northern Malawi. Riedel structures in the fault zones formed within two conjugate sets of localized shear zones; slip on one set was top to the W/NW and, on the other, top to the E/SE. The two conjugate sets of Riedel structures have an acute angle about the regional shortening axes, implying that no pronounced rotation of the strain axes occurred. The internal rotation axes for the Riedel structures reveal a largely bimodal distribution and inferred weakly monoclinic to orthorhombic symmetry. Therefore the overall deformation during Karoo rifting in northern Malawi is interpreted to be close to a coaxial deformation with a limited amount of horizontal extension.  相似文献   

石家庄市臭氧污染的时空演变格局和潜在源区   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于石家庄市46个国控、省控环境自动监测站在2019年4—10月的大气O3-8 h和O3-1 h浓度数据,在对其进行反距离加权插值(IDW)的基础上,分析了石家庄市域5—9月O3浓度月度和时域空间演变格局,并结合全球资料同化系统(GDAS)气象资料和大气污染物数据(PM2.5、NO2、PM10、SO2及CO),进行了空间自相关和后向轨迹分析,探讨了石家庄市O3污染的空间积聚特征和潜在源区分布.结果表明:(1)石家庄市域大气O3稳定程度较低,5—9月变动呈以6月为峰值的单峰型态势,时域变化呈以15:00—16:00为峰值的单峰型趋势;(2)5—9月O3浓度为207~260μg·m-3,呈中西部高、外围区域低的空间格局;O3质量浓度在0:00—6:00呈西北至东南向降幅逐渐增加的趋势,在6:00—12:00和12:00—15:00...  相似文献   

汪洋 《环境保护》2006,(6):19-22
变人口大市为人力资源优势大市 人口问题实际上是一把"双刃剑",人口多是压力、是挑战,但如果开发利用得好,也可能转化为人力资源优势.对此,要结合实际,全面准确地加以把握.第一,准确把握中央强调人均GDP的战略意图,以人均水平论实力、看发展.中央在确定"十一五"的奋斗目标时,特别突出了人均GDP这个指标,体现了中央对经济社会发展中人口因素的高度重视,体现了中央把人的全面发展纳入经济社会发展全局来进行统筹考虑,推动经济社会发展切实转入科学发展轨道的战略意图.  相似文献   

The Aravalli mountain range (AMR) in the northwestern part of the Indian Peninsula consists of two main Proterozoic metasedimentary and metaigneous sequences, the Aravalli and Delhi Supergroups, respectively, which rest over the Archaean gneissic basement. A synthesis and reinterpretation of the available geological, geochronological and geophysical data, including results of own field work and geophysical interpretations pertaining to the AMR, indicate its origin as an inverted basin: rifting into granitoid basement began ca. 2.5; Ga ago with Aravalli passive rifting (ca. 2.5–2.0 Ga) and Delhi active rifting (ca. 1.9–1.6 Ga). Associated mafic igneous rocks show both continental and oceanic tholeiitic geochemistry and are comparable with Phanerozoic, rift-related magmatic products. Available data showed no conclusive evidence for oceanic lithoshere and island-arc/active margin magmatic activity in the AMR. Subsequent inversion and orogeny (Delhi orogeny, ca. 1.5-1.4 Ga) lead to complex deformation and metamorphism. Only in the western and central zones has the basement been involved in this mid-Proterozoic (Delhi) deformation, whereas it is unaffected in the eastern part, except for local shear zones mainly along the basement/cover interface. The grade of metamorphism increases from the greenschist facies in the east to the amphibolite facies in the west with local HP assemblages. These latter are explained by rapid burial and exhumation of thin and cool continental lithosphere. Subsequently, during a final, mild phase of inversion, the Vindhyan basins consisting mainly of sandstones, limestones and shales, flanking the AMR formed which are comparable to foreland basins. The tectonic evolution of the AMR is therefore interpreted as an example of a major inverted continental rift and of a Proterozoic intra-continental orogen.  相似文献   

资源对人类的生存和发展有着不可替代的作用.目前,资源资产价值评估已经成为资源环境经济学、生态经济学和环境科学的重要研究内容和热点问题.文章综述了资源资产价值评估的国内外研究的最新进展,包括评估的理论、方法、现阶段特征等.在此基础上指出,资源资产价值评估研究仍处在不断丰富、完善和扩展的过程中,资源资产价值评估是必要的.未来相关研究应寻找“帕累托最优”状态下的影子价格,更好地为资源资产管理和决策服务等.  相似文献   

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