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What is the cost of parental care in birds? Previous studies using observational and experimental techniques on nest building and clutch sizes in a small migrant flycatcher, the Eastern Phoebe (Sayornis phoebe), led to contradictory results that did not show a consistent cost of current reproductive effort on residual reproductive output. The data presented here indicate that different elements of parental behaviors are indeed costly because they reduce various aspects of phoebes' subsequent reproductive performance. Experimental removal of old nesting structures at previously used breeding sites reduced but did not eliminate the chance of phoebes' settlement in the subsequent year. Comparing sites at which phoebes did and did not build new nests showed that nest builders completed their first clutches later, had lower probabilities of second breeding attempts, and more often lost their nesting attempt due to fallen nest structures than nest reusers. There was, however, no significant effect of nest building on the clutch sizes and rates of cowbird parasitism of first nesting attempts. Overall, sites with newly built nests had lower seasonal reproductive effort than sites with reused nests. I also examined phoebes' relative residual reproductive output in a separate breeding season when nest building was not experimentally manipulated. When controlled for confounding variables this analysis indicated that in those phoebes that did breed for a second time, the relative decrease of the sizes of first to presumed second clutches was greater at sites where first breeding attempts consisted of more total nestlings. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that parental care is costly in Eastern Phoebes and support predictions of trade-offs between the nest building, brood care, and residual egg-investment components of reproduction.  相似文献   

Summary There are large numbers of reproductively mature female tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) which do not breed due to limits of suitable nesting cavities. Many of these floaters are one-year-old females that have a distinctive subadult plumage. This study examines the behavioral tactics that these subadult female floaters use to obtain breeding opportunities. Early in the season, subadult floaters tended to intrude briefly (Fig. 4) on many nest sites in succession (Figs. 2, 3), although they rarely gained close access to nest sites (Fig. 5). Subadults responded very quickly to vacant nest sites, where the resident female had been experimentally removed, by entering the nest cavity and defending it from conspecifics. We argue that the early season exploratory behavior increases a subadult's chances of discovering a vacant nest site, rather than increasing its success in evicting resident females or laying eggs in other females' nests. During the nestling period, subadult females intruded on fewer nest sites for longer periods, and often gained close access to the nest site. Late in the season, subadult floaters may be gathering information on the quality of nest sites for the next breeding season, rather than searching for current breeding opportunities. The reproductive tactics of subadult female tree swallows are consistent with the breeding threshold model for the evolution of delayed plumage maturation in passerines.  相似文献   

Summary Several aspects of nest defence behavior were investigated in song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) in eastern Ontario. Two independent tests were made of the hypothesis that the increase in nest defence observed through a nesting attempt is due to the birds becoming familiar with the nest threat, rather than because the nest contents increase in value to the parents. Neither test supported the hypothesis. As predicted by life history theory for species with age-independent mortality, males did not defend their nest more vigorously as they become older. Parents defended their nests less vigorously through the breeding season, contrary to the expected pattern of increased nest defence in response to declining renesting potential. This result may be attributable to a decline in offspring value through the breeding season. Nest defence behavior of mated individuals was positively correlated, independent of factors such as offspring age, renesting potential and brood size. From this result it is proposed that a source of variation in nest defence behavior may be individuals basing their own response on their mate's response in a positive feedback fashion. Males defended nests less vigorously than females, consistent with the expectation that males have lower certainty of parentage in the offspring. It is proposed that variation in paternal uncertainty could contribute to the unexplained variation reported in nest defence studies.  相似文献   

In many mating systems, males adopt alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs) to maximize reproductive success. In fishes, guarding males often invest more energy into courtship, defense, and paternal care, whereas cuckolding males forego such costs and steal fertilizations by releasing their sperm in the nest of a guarding male. These two tactics have been documented in the plainfin midshipman fish (Porichthys notatus), yet the relative reproductive success of the guarding and cuckolding male tactics remains unknown. In this study, we used microsatellite markers to determine the level of paternity of the guarding type I males. We explored how paternity varied with male phenotype and across the breeding season. Our results revealed the lowest documented levels of paternity in a species with obligate paternal care. Although paternity remained consistently low, it did increase as the breeding season progressed. Male body size did not significantly predict paternity. The low paternity in this species may be explained, in part, by aspects of their reproductive ecology including the duration of parental care period, limited nest availability and competition for nests, as well as the occurrence of nest takeovers. Overall, our findings contribute to the understanding of the ultimate factors underlying ARTs in this species and highlight the importance of investigating reproductive success across the entire breeding season.  相似文献   

Progress in Restoration of the Mauritius Kestrel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the 1970s, the Mauritius Kestrel ( Falco punctatus ) was the most endangered bird of prey in the world, at one time with only two known pairs surviving in the remnant native forest of the Black River Gorges (ca. 4,000 ha). At the end of the 1991–1992 breeding season, a minimum of 30 nesting pairs and more than 170 individuals were distributed in four separate forested areas, thanks mainly to manipulation of the reproductive potential of the wild pairs, to captive propagation, and to reintroduction (restocking). Since 1984, 139 young have been reared from 618 eggs laid by captive kestrels, and 147 from 265 wild eggs incubated and hatched in the laboratory; 235 young kestrels have been released on Mauritius by hacking and fostering. Adjustments in feeding and nesting habits of kestrels hacked and released outside the Black River Gorges in areas dominated by exotic vegetation and agriculture have allowed these kestrels to survive and reproduce in an array of previously unused habitats. Now that the kestrels have been released from dependence on the remnant and dying native forest, a viable population of more than 100 nesting pairs should be achievable in a few more years.  相似文献   

Nest predation has been suggested as an explanation of the adaptive significance and evolution of conspecific brood parasitism, an alternative reproductive tactic pursued by females in several animal taxa. I used new nest boxes that contained only decoy eggs and were erected on lakes differing in real nest predation risk to test this hypothesis in the common goldeneye (Bucephala clangula), a hole-nesting duck. I used broken eggs to simulate predation risk of the boxes to determine if parasites having no previous experience with the boxes discriminate between seemingly safe and risky nest sites. Parasites laid eggs in the experimental boxes independently of the simulated predation risk, suggesting that they do not use broken eggs or nest disarray as indicators of predation intensity. Parasites preferred experimental boxes on lakes where real nest predation risk was low, supporting the nest predation risk hypothesis. Assuming that females in high risk areas have had experience of nest predation, they may take this into account in selecting host nests.  相似文献   

This study views a honey bee swarm as a supraorganismal entity which has been shaped by natural selection to be skilled at choosing a future home site. Prior studies of this decision-making process indicate that swarms attempt to use the best-of-N decision rule: sample some number (N) of alternatives and then select the best one. We tested how well swarms implement this decision rule by presenting them with an array of five nest boxes, only one of which was a high-quality (desirable) nest site; the other four were medium-quality (acceptable) sites. We found that swarms are reasonably good at carrying out the best-of-N decision rule: in four out of five trials, swarms selected the best site. In addition, we gained insights into how a swarm implements this decision rule. We found that when a scout bee returns to the swarm cluster and advertises a potential nest site with a waggle dance, she tunes the strength of her dance in relation to the quality of her site: the better the site, the stronger the dance. A dancing bee tunes her dance strength by adjusting the number of waggle-runs/dance, and she adjusts the number of waggle-runs/dance by changing both the duration and the rate of her waggle-run production. Moreover, we found that a dancing bee changes the rate of her waggle-run production by changing the mean duration of the return-phase portion of her dance circuits. Differences in return-phase duration underlie the impression that dances differ in liveliness. Although a honey bee swarm has bounded rationality (e.g., it lacks complete knowledge of the possible nesting sites), through its capacity for parallel processing it can choose a nest site without greatly reducing either the breadth or depth of its consideration of the alternative sites. Such thoroughness of information gathering and processing no doubt helps a swarm implement the best-of-N decision rule.  相似文献   

Reproductive success within populations often varies with the timing of breeding, typically declining over the season. This variation is usually attributed to seasonal changes in resource availability and/or differences in the quality or experience of breeders. In colonial species, the timing of breeding may be of particular importance because the costs and benefits of colonial breeding are likely to vary over the season and also with colony size. In this study, we examine the relationship between timing of breeding and reproductive performance (clutch size and nest success) both within and between variable sized colonies (n = 18) of fairy martins, Petrochelidon ariel. In four of these colonies, we also experimentally delayed laying in selected nests to disentangle the effects of laying date and individual quality/experience on reproductive success. Within colonies, later laying birds produced smaller clutches, but only in larger colonies. The general seasonal decline in nest success was also more pronounced in larger colonies. Late laying birds were generally smaller than earlier laying birds, but morphological differences were also related to colony size, suggesting optimal colony size also varies with phenotype. Experimentally delayed clutches were larger than concurrently produced non-delayed clutches, but only in larger colonies. Similarly, delayed clutches were more likely to produce fledglings, particularly later in the season and in larger colonies. We suggest that the reduced performance of late breeding pairs in larger colonies resulted primarily from inexperienced/low quality birds preferring to settle in larger colonies, possibly exacerbated by an increase in the costs of coloniality (e.g., resource depletion and ectoparasite infestations) with date and colony size. These findings highlight the importance of phenotype-related differences in settlement decisions and reproductive performance to an improved understanding of colonial breeding and variation in colony size.  相似文献   

Summary Although a few male longear sunfish nest solitarily, most territorial males excavate their nest in dense aggregations. The importance of sexual selection in the evolution of this breeding system was evaluated by 1) examining the influence of certain male and nest characteristics on spawning success and 2) by comparing the success of social and solitary nesters. Among group nesters, females spawned preferentially with males nesting early within a spawning period and occupying central nests. Male size and nest diameter were negatively correlated with nesting day and hence spawning success. However, female discrimination using these traits directly could not be demonstrated. The reproductive success of social and solitary males was compared by counting the larvae in their nests several days after spawning. Successful males (with larvae) were more likely than males without larvae to be encountered later in the breeding season and to nest in small groups or solitarily. Spawning period (of which there were 5 or 6 in a season) was significantly correlated with larval abundance in the nest, while male size was not. Social and solitary males were equally successful, but aggregations may nonetheless result from sexual selection: males unlikely to attract females may nest around more attractive males to steal fertilizations from them. High spawning synchrony may prevent attractive males from renesting elsewhere once other nesters aggregate around them.  相似文献   

Forest Fragmentation Increases Nest Predation in the Eurasian Treecreeper   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract:  We used long-term breeding data to monitor the influences of fragmentation and habitat composition at different spatial scales on the reproductive success of Eurasian Treecreepers ( Certhia familiaris ) breeding in nest boxes. We collected data from the same forest patches (2.7–65.1 ha in size) during seven breeding seasons. Nest predation varied considerably over the years and was the primary cause of nesting failure (mean annual rate of 21.6 ± 12.8%). Nest predation explained most of the variation in fledgling production during the study period. Landscape-level fragmentation (radius of 500 m from territory center) affected nest predation more than did fragmentation on the territory scale (radius of 200 m from territory center). In general, nest loss due to predation in fragmented landscapes (32.4%) was almost threefold that of less fragmented (12.0%) landscapes. Of the habitat variables, predation rate correlated positively with the density of edges between forest and open land and with the proportion of sapling stands on the spatial scale of 500 m around a nest. In the core area of a territory (radius of 30 m from territory center), a high density of trees increased the frequency of nest predation. Further, a high proportion of agricultural land close to a nest site increased nest losses of treecreepers, probably because of a high degree of mustelid predation. Our results showed that the spatial scale on which we examined nest predation is important and that even within moderately fragmented landscapes it is possible to detect fragmentation-related nest predation.  相似文献   

Individuals of many taxa gather social information in order to make informed decisions with lowered unpredictability. Social information may show temporal periods of higher information value during certain events. However, the value of information is expected to decrease with time since the event and individuals accessing this information are expected to do so quickly. In birds, prospectors visit the nests of other individuals to gather information about reproductive decisions and breeding success. Individuals are known to prospect even during their own breeding to access this information. We investigated prospecting behavior of pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) at conspecific nests within a short time period following a simulated predator visit. We performed predator and control presentations at flycatcher nests, and recorded all prospectors (foreign conspecific individuals) visiting these nests within 45-min periods before and after the presentations. We found a significant increase in conspecific prospectors visiting focal nests after the presentation of a predator near the nest. The prospectors in our data comprised mainly pied flycatchers actively breeding in the neighborhood of the focal nest. We also found that the increase in prospecting at these nests is of short-duration, and that prospecting rates decreased back to background prospecting levels relatively quickly. Our results find support for the prediction that individuals may respond to temporally peaking value of information after certain observable events. This result suggests that prospecting may be especially aimed at specific periods of high information value.  相似文献   

This paper aims to find patterns in nest site selection by Little Terns Sterna albifrons, in the Nakdong estuary in South Korea. This estuary is important waterfowl stopover and breeding habitat, located in the middle of the East Asia-Australasian Flyway. The Little Tern is a common species easily observed near the seashore but their number is gradually declining around the world. We investigated their nests and eggs on a barrier islet in the Nakdong estuary during the breeding season (May to June, 2007), and a pattern for the nest site selection was identified using genetic programming (GP). The GP generated a predictive rule-set model for the number of Little Tern nests (training: R2 = 0.48 and test: 0.46). The physical features of average elevation, variation of elevation, plant coverage, and average plant height were estimated to determine the influence on nest numbers for Little Tern. A series of sensitivity analyses stressed that mean elevation and vegetation played an important role in nest distribution for Little Tern. The influence of these two variables could be maximized when elevation changed moderately within the sampled quadrats. The study results are regarded as a good example of applying GP to vertebrate distribution patterning and prediction with several important advantages compared to conventional modeling techniques, and can help establish a management or restoration strategy for the species.  相似文献   

The intensification of agricultural practices has been identified as the main cause of population decline in farmland birds since the 1960s in both Europe and North America. Although the links between species richness or abundance and various components of agricultural intensification are well established, the mechanisms underlying these trends have rarely been addressed along a gradient of intensification or have been quantified at only one spatial scale. Here we quantified the influence of landscape structure on the nest box occupancy and breeding success of Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) at seven spatial scales (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, and 20 km radii) over a 10 200-km2 gradient of agricultural intensification in southern Québec, Canada. A network of 400 nest boxes distributed among 40 farms was visited every two days over three breeding seasons, 2004-2006. Nest box occupancy decreased with the proportion of intensive cultures (maize, cereals, and soybeans) in the landscape, especially when manure heaps and tanks were abundant, and was also determined by local variables (i.e., nest box clearance, interspecific competition) and by previous-year fledging success. Clutch size decreased as the breeding season progressed and with the proportion of intensive cultures in the landscape, with no consistent variation across spatial scales. Hatching success was not related to any landscape variables but increased with clutch size. Both the number of fledglings and fledging probability increased with the proportion of extensive cultures (hayfields, pastures, and fallows). These effects increased with spatial scale and reached a plateau at the 5 km radius: the maximum distance from the nest reached by foraging Tree Swallows. Our results can likely be attributed to lower food availability in intensive cultures compared to extensive ones. This study suggests that several components of breeding that impact on population structure and dynamics of insectivorous birds will be negatively affected by agricultural intensification.  相似文献   

Summary In SW Sweden, solitary fieldfares (Turdus pilaris) were synchronized to the same degree as those living in colonies. In N Sweden, I investigated the degree of synchronization among colonies of varying size because solitary breeding occurred only occasionally. The degree of synchronization was not related to colony size. Synchronization was strongest in years when breeding started late and weakest in years when breeding commenced early. In N Sweden, the nest predation risk increased slightly as the season progressed. In SW Sweden, nestling mortality due to starvation was highest in early breeders, but their fledgling production exceeded that of late breeders. Increased nest predation penalized late layers.  相似文献   

Summary Tropical house wrens in lowland central Panama are, with rare exception, permanently monogamous. During a 3-year demographic study of 54–56 pairs of these brids, both males and females committed infanticide in association with takeover of breeding territories. New males and new females replaced previously identified (color-banded) parents before the termination of parental care in 13% of 328 breeding attempts. Replacement was accomplished by physical takeover in at least some if not all cases. Total nest failure at the egg, nestling, or fledgling stage occurred in 73% of the male replacements and 70% of the female replacements. Nest predation was excluded as a possible cause of nest failure. 76% of male replacements and 50% of female replacements bred in the same season. Infanticidal replacement males bred sooner than did non-infanticidal males arriving at similar stages of the nesting cycle. Contexts in which infanticide occurred included takeovers by first-year males and females of territories and mates, re-entry into the breeding population by males that had recently lost their mates, acquisition of neighboring females by bigamous males, and the elimination of one female of a bigamous male by the other. Sexually selected infanticide in these birds is promoted by a lengthy breeding season and extremely limited breeding opportunities for individuals not already part of the breeding population. Mate limitation appears to be more important than habitat or nestsite limitation in restricting new breeding opportunities once the breeding season has begun.  相似文献   

We recorded behaviour of kestrels (Falco tinnunculus) in western Finland during the courtship (1988–1992), incubation (1989–1991), early nestling (age of young 1–2 weeks, 1989–1992) and late nestling stages (3–4 weeks, 1989–1991) to examine determinants of their parental effort (PE). In males, PE was estimated as the hunting effort (the proportion of budget time spent in flight-hunting) and in females as the food provisioning rate (number of prey items delivered to the nest per hour). The following predictions derived from the parental investment theory were examined. (1) Parents rearing large clutches and broods should invest more in breeding than do parents rearing small clutches and broods. The hunting effort of parents did not increase with clutch or brood size, but males tending large broods had a higher prey delivery rate than males tending small broods (Figs 1–2). (2) PE of parents should increase in the course of the breeding season. In males, this was true only between the incubation and early nestling phases (Fig. 3). (3) The early pairs should invest more in breeding than late ones. This tended to be true during the early (for males) and late nestling phases (for females) (Fig. 4). (4) There should be a negative correlation between PE of mates within pairs, but no evidence for such adjustment was found (Fig. 5). (5) Females mated with bright-coloured attractive males should show higher PE than females mated with dull-coloured males but our results were inconsistent with this prediction. We conclude that PE decisions of kestrels are mainly based on cost-benefit estimates of residual reproductive value, rather than on current investment indicators, like clutch or brood size. This might be beneficial in environments with highly variable survival prospects of offspring caused by pronounced among-year variation in abundance of the main food (microtine rodents). The results also show that hypotheses explaining variation in PE in the short term are not necessarily valid for long-term PE, e.g. tending clutches or broods, which also reflects the demands of female and young.  相似文献   

Summary Sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutus Pallas, males need a nest site for successful breeding. The value of the nest increases with size, as larger nests can hold more eggs. In the field using artificial nest sites, takeovers occurred in 29.0% of the cases. The winning intruders were on average 16.3% larger than the owners. These, in turn, were significantly smaller than the nonreplaced males. Replacement probability increased with nest size. Prior ownership was of no importance in experimental situations, but might have affected takeover probabilities in the field. Males assessed the size of a potential nest site on the basis of its external appearance. When intruders and owners were given opposite information about nest size the experiments resulted in takeover rates of around 50% in situations where takeover rates were expected to be extreme. This suggested that intruders might update their information about a site's true value during the fight. The continuous assessment, in turn, might affect their motivation to continue fighting. On average, larger males were more active in initiating displays. However, smaller opponents challenged their larger opponents more actively when they were defending a large nest than when they were defending a small nest. The greater willingness to defend might provide the intruder with more information about the real value of the nest.  相似文献   

We tested several predictions of nest defense theory by observing variation in flushing distance and probability of nest abandonment within and between six species of waterfowl. In these species, only the females incubate eggs and attend offspring. First, we examined whether flushing distance by females varied in relation to clutch size, stage of incubation, and time of season, after controlling for the number of visits made to nests by observers. Revisits by observers appeared to affect flushing distance by females for reasons unrelated to the relative value of the current clutch. We found that as incubation progressed, females allowed observers to approach more closely before flushing from the nest. In some species, females with larger clutches allowed closer approaches to nests before flushing which was also consistent with nest defense theory. In contrast, time of season (Julian date) did not relate to flushing distance for any species. When species were compared, we found that species with moderate to high yearly mortality and high reproductive output per breeding attempt (e.g., northern shoveler and blue-winged teal) were less likely to abandon nesting attempts and exhibited riskier behavior (remained at nests when approached closely by observers) than species that had lower yearly mortality (e.g., mallard). Our results show that flushing distance and patterns of nest abandonment by female ducks conform to several predictions of nest defense theory.Correspondence to: M.R.L. Forbes  相似文献   

Behavioral strategies of American kestrels during mate replacement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary To determine the influence of mate replacement on the behavior and reproductive success of wild American kestrels (Falco sparverius) we removed 4 female and 16 male members of breeding pairs during incubation in 1983 and 1984. Eight males and 1 female were replaced within a mean time of 43 h. Widowed females that received a replacement spent less time hunting, but incubated and performed aerial displays more frequently than females that did not receive a replacement. After replacement, widowed females continued to incubate the original clutch, yet copulated and performed other courtship behaviors with the incoming male. Overlapping of normal temporally separate behavioral cues may be a female strategy to gain assistance from a replacement mate. However, none of the original clutches was successfully hatched. Of 8 pairs with replacement males, 2 pairs abandoned their territory, two remained on territory but did not renest, and 4 renested within a mean interval of 18 days. The lone female replacement and her mate copulated and performed nest inspections but then abandoned the territory. Incubation behavior was similar between replacement and control pairs; however, replacement males fed more invertebrate prey to nestling and made many more nest visits. All 3 replacement nests that hatched young failed within 8 days.  相似文献   

In this study we examine male song output as a measure of nest site quality in blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla). Song rate, breeding success, predation on nests and reaction to playbacks were investigated in individual males. Habitat features determining nest site and song post quality in terms of vegetation cover were compared between successful nests and nests that had suffered predation. We then related song rate of unmated males to habitat factors in territories and nesting sites in order to examine a possible predictor function of blackcap song for habitat quality. Several habitat features are responsible for variation in nesting success. These features also correlate with song rate of unmated males. The study indicates a potential role of song rate in the advertisement of territory quality. Furthermore, the data suggest that females use song rates rather than territory quality in mating decisions. The information females may gain about male quality in relation to territory quality are also discussed.  相似文献   

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