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铜陵铜尾矿复垦现状及植物在铜尾矿上的定居   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
安徽省铜陵市位于长江中游,是我国主要的铜矿产区,其铜尾矿共有5个主要的分布区域。随排放时间的延长,各尾矿库的持水保肥能力和植被覆盖率提高;铜尾矿限制植物定居的主要因素是极端贫瘠和重金属毒性,各尾矿库的重金属含量都很高,而N 、P、K和有机质的含量很低甚至为零。自然和人工定居于尾矿上的植物共有9 科37 属40种,其中禾本科、豆科、菊科植物占所有植物种的72.5%,此3科植物因有完美的生态适应机制而能成为在尾矿上定居的先锋植物和优势种。铜尾矿库植被自然演替属于几十年甚至上百年的长期演替,铜矿废弃地的治理和恢复重建更是一项长期而艰巨的工作。  相似文献   

铜绿山矿冶废弃地优势植物重金属的积累与迁移   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过野外调查和取样分析,研究了大冶铜绿山矿冶废弃地鸭跖草等5种优势植物对重金属的吸收累积与迁移特性,以期为矿区退化生态系统的植被恢复、重金属污染土壤的治理等提供依据。结果表明,鸭跖草等5种植物对重金属Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Cr都有程度不等的高量积累,尤其是铜元素,其最高积累量出现在海洲香薷根部,达到844.65 mg/kg,是一般植物Cu含量(5~25 mg/kg)的33.8~1689倍;而在同样条件下,As在5种植物体内的含量为018~098 mg/kg,远远低于As在一般植物中的含量(<10 mg/kg),这说明这些植物对As可能具有某种规避机制。从植物对重金属的吸收、富集和转运能力综合考虑,鸭跖草等5种植物都不太可能是重金属Cu等6种重金属的超累积植物。但是,它们对重金属所表现出的耐性无疑对矿冶废弃地的植被恢复过程有重要意义。  相似文献   

以三峡水库小江消落区为研究区域,于2009~2011年研究了植物群落特征及其与消落区坡度、土壤理化因子的关系。研究表明:小江消落区有维管束植物146种,其中草本植物有134种。优势度大于0.02的物种主要有苍耳、香附子、狗牙根、马唐、白茅和小白酒草等19种。坡度影响土层厚度和土壤容重,进而影响植物分布。线性回归分析表明植物鲜重与地形坡度负相关(P<005),与土壤全氮(P<001)、全磷(P<005)、全钾(P<001)、有效氮(P<001)和有效钾(P<005)含量正相关,而土壤有效磷和pH值对植物鲜重的影响不显著(P>005)。多元逐步回归分析表明影响植物鲜重的主要环境因子为土壤容重和全氮。冗余分析(RDA)表明影响植物重要值的主要环境因子为高程和土壤有效氮。2009~2011年,物种的优势度发生了变化,狗牙根、水蓼和醴肠的优势度增加,而荩草、鬼针草、黄花蒿和艾蒿的优势度下降  相似文献   

采用样带法研究了巢湖东部水源区湖滨带植物群落的分布规律,从而探索受损湖滨带植被的修复途径。研究表明:巢湖东部水源区湖滨带共有植物47种,隶属于23科、40属。TWINSPAN分类把45个样方划分为12个群丛,结合各样方实际水面以上高程,将其归并为5个群落类型。DCA排序结果表明水分和土壤基质类型是决定湖滨带植物群落分布的主导因子。结合巢湖多年水文数据分析了湖滨带优势物种与水文的关系,并建议竹叶眼子菜作为沉水植物恢复的先锋物种,荇菜作为浮叶植物恢复的先锋物种,苔草、芦苇等植物作为近岸区域恢复的主要物种  相似文献   

为了研究三峡水库周期性的水位调节对消落带植被群落特征的影响,选择重庆忠县至宜昌秭归段的消落带植被群落进行研究,运用重要值和多样性指数分析不同高程的植物种类组成、生活型分布特征及物种多样性。结果表明:(1)研究区域统计植物共32科70属73种,禾本科、菊科和豆科是3个优势科,单种、属现象明显;狗牙根、苍耳、鬼针草、苘麻、鳢肠、酸模叶蓼、莲子草是3个高程的共存种,其中,狗牙根和苍耳在3个高程均为优势物种。(2)研究区域共统计11种植物生活型,在消落带下部和中部,一年生草本植物占绝对优势;在消落带上部,多年生草本植物成为优势生活型,生活型类型多样化,蕨类、藤本、灌木以及乔木植物开始出现。(3)消落带植物群落的丰富度、多样性、均匀度指数均随海拔变化表现出显著差异,并且随海拔升高呈现上升趋势。由此可见,水位变化对植物群落结构和物种多样性产生很大影响,在低海拔区段,消落带物种组成简单化,耐水淹和繁衍能力强的植物成为优势物种;随着海拔上升,水淹胁迫减弱,出现更多适应水位变化的植物种类,使植物群落沿海拔变化形成不同的分布特征。这些研究结果对三峡库区消落带生态修复植物的筛选,以及物种多样性的提高具有参考价值。  相似文献   

探究洪江市耕地土壤硒分布特征及规律,分析土壤理化性质对土壤硒分布的影响,能促进当地土地资源的合理开发和利用,对发展特色富硒产品具有重要意义。在洪江市采用室内网格布点、野外调查采样、分析测定、GIS空间分析等方法与技术,采集和测定分析了1 480个样品的土壤硒(Se)含量及相关土壤理化指标,结合相关性分析、地统计分析与空间自相关分析等方法,揭示洪江市土壤硒的空间分布特征及其影响因素。结果表明:洪江市土壤硒含量平均值为0.54 mg·kg-1,是全球表层土壤硒含量平均值(0.4 mg·kg-1)的1.35倍,是全国表层土壤硒含量平均值(0.29 mg·kg-1)的1.86倍。石灰岩风化物发育的土壤硒含量显著高于其他母质发育的土壤硒含量;紫色土硒含量最高,潮土硒含量最低。土壤硒含量受有机质含量、pH值及铜、锌含量的影响。当pH在5.0~6.0之间,土壤硒含量与pH呈正相关,当pH>6.0时土壤硒含量与pH呈负相关;土壤硒含量与土壤有机质、铜、锌含量呈正相关。洪江市耕地富硒面积占比达到90.53%,在空间上呈现东部高、中北...  相似文献   

2021年3~11月对长江中游低山丘陵区(宜都市)乡村聚落植物进行深入调查,共鉴定出植物171种69科147属,采用植物区系和频度指数分析该地区植物群落组成特征;针对乡村聚落不同生境类型分别进行调查,分析归纳出12种配置模式。结果表明:科级区系分布以热带分布为主,其中泛热带分布共35科,占总科数20.7%;属的分布区类型以泛热带和北温带分布为主,分别为29属和28属,占该地区总属数的19.7%和19%;科、属的区系组成具有热带向温带过渡的性质;优势科为菊科、蔷薇科、禾本科;出现频度较高的乡土树种依次为复羽叶栾树、构树、枫香树等。在此基础上,针对该地区生态环境建设中乡村聚落植物树种选择与群落构建,从物种保护、生境维护、生态修复等方面提出合理化建议,为长江中游低山丘陵区乡村生态环境整治工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

互花米草入侵对长江河口湿地土壤理化性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨互花米草入侵对长江河口湿地土壤理化性质的影响,在长江口崇明东滩湿地设置了两条样线,利用配对试验设计,高潮滩为互花米草和芦苇群落配对样线,低潮滩为互花米草和海三棱藨草群落配对样线。结果表明,互花米草入侵对东滩湿地高潮滩和低潮滩的土壤温度和p H均无显著影响,且所有群落土壤p H值均在8.0以上。在高潮滩,与芦苇群落相比,互花米草入侵显著降低了土壤盐度、硫酸盐和Fe(III)/Fe(II)比率,而在低潮滩,与海三棱藨草群落相比,互花米草入侵对土壤盐度和硫酸盐无显著影响,但显著增加了土壤Fe(III)/Fe(II)比率。无论是高潮滩,还是低潮滩,与土著植物群落相比,互花米草入侵均显著增加了植物生物量,增加了土壤有机碳和微生物碳含量,而对占土壤总碳60%以上的无机碳含量无显著影响。互花米草入侵可以显著影响长江河口湿地部分土壤理化性质,且对不同潮位的部分土壤理化性质的影响有明显分异,进而可能会对长江河口湿地的生物地球化学过程及生态系统的结构和功能产生重要影响。  相似文献   

高原退化湿地纳帕海植物功能群组成及多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对滇西北人为干扰下高原退化湿地纳帕海不同演替阶段沼泽体植物功能群组成及物种多样性特征的研究表明:随着原生沼泽、沼泽化草甸向草甸、垦后湿地的逆行演替,天然植物群落组成物种数增多、伴生种增加,群落优势种优势度下降,群落总盖度呈增加趋势,群落结构变得复杂,而在垦后湿地为人为生产活动主导下的人工栽培植物。植物的水分生态型功能群组成随湿地的逆行演替,水生、湿生类植物功能群的优势度不断减少,中生、旱生类植物功能群的优势度逐步增加,而在垦后湿地只有农作物;植物生活型功能群组成随湿地的逆行演替,水生草本迅速减少,陆生多年生草本增加占据优势,而在垦后湿地均为一年生草本;湿地植物物种丰富度、多样性指数由原生沼泽、沼泽化草甸到草甸依次增加,草甸为最大值,而垦后湿地则最低。纳帕海植物功能群组成及多样性特征是对人为干扰下适应湿地环境变化的响应,标志着湿地生态系统结构改变和功能的不断丧失。  相似文献   

以安徽省铜陵市林冲尾矿复垦地(Reclamated Copper mine tailings)为研究对象,按照尾矿库内部自然生长的3种优势植被(芒、矛叶荩草、野豌豆)进行土壤采样,测定土壤养分含量。分析不同优势植被下土壤养分含量特征及各养分之间的相关性,为尾矿地生态恢复的优势植被选择及土壤生物多样性的发展提供科学依据。结果表明:(1)3种优势植被下土壤有机质(180~286 g/kg)、全磷(0276~0438 g/kg)、全钾(160~207 g/kg)含量差异显著,全氮(414~467 g/kg)变化幅度不大。其中以芒草覆盖下的土壤有机质含量及全钾含量最高分别达到286和207 g/kg;全磷以矛叶荩草覆盖下含量最大达到0438 g/kg;野豌豆次之,芒草最小;全氮与全磷在不同植被覆盖下呈现的规律一致。(2)野豌豆覆盖下的土壤各养分含量之间的相关性较为密切,大体呈中度及以上正相关,差异不显著,芒草覆盖区有机质和全氮呈极显著正相关(r=099),全磷与有机质以及全磷和全氮均呈显著不相关;矛叶荩草覆盖区有机质和全氮呈极显著正相关(r=097),全磷与有机质、全氮以及全钾与全氮均呈显著负相关。(3)3类植被下全磷和全钾均呈现显著正相关,而且在对pH值和重金属Cu的降解能力上呈现野豌豆>矛叶荩草>芒  相似文献   

Uranium (U) tailings pose environmental risks and call for proper remediation. In this paper medic and ryegrass plants were used as host plants to examine whether inoculation with an AM fungus, Glomus intraradices, would help phytostabilization of U tailings. The need of amending with uncontaminated soil for supporting plant survival was also examined by mixing soil with U tailing at different mixing ratios. Soil amendment increased plant growth and P uptake. Ryegrass produced a more extensive root system and a greater biomass than medic plants at all mixing ratios. Medic roots were extensively colonized by G. intraradices whereas ryegrass were more sparsely colonized. Plant growth was not improved by mycorrhizas, which, however, improved P nutrition of medic plants. Medic plants contained higher U concentrations and showed higher specific U uptake efficiency compared to ryegrass. In the presence of U tailing, most U had been retained in plant roots, and this distribution pattern was further enhanced by mycorrhizal colonization. The results suggest a role for AM fungi in phytostabilization of U tailings.  相似文献   

研究江西大余县荡坪国有钨矿尾砂库区自然植物组成分布及其重金属富集特征,旨在为今后矿区植被重建与植物修复重金属污染土壤提供科学依据。结果表明:库区共出现了20种植物,隶属15科20属,其中草本植物14种,木本植物6种;这些植物明显生长不良,且主要分布在库区湿润或有水出现的沙土地区。尾砂库区中,不同重金属含量在同一植物体内大小趋势为Zn>Pb>Cu>Cd。库区没有发现重金属的超富集植物,大部分为Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd的耐性植物。荡坪尾砂库区土壤Cd污染严重,木贼与蜈蚣草为Cd的避性植物,可用于库区Cd污染土壤的植被重建先锋物种;土荆芥与香附子为Cd的积累植物,可以用于库区Cd污染土壤的植物修复;其它植物为Cd的排斥植物,可用于库区Cd污染土壤的植物固化.  相似文献   

We investigated the ecophysiology (physiological ecology) of plant succession within a coastal wetland community. The photosynthetic characteristics of six plants were studied; Scirpus mariqueter and Carex scabrifolia in early successional communities, Phragmites communis and Tamarix chinensis in mid successional communities, and Salix matsudana and Imperata cylindrica in later successional communities. Environmental factors were concurrently determined for each community. Relationships between photosynthetic and environmental factors were analyzed by path analysis, and the dependence of photosynthesis on particular environmental factors was shown to vary between plants in the differing successional communities. Ability to cope with irradiation appears to be one of the most important factors influencing plant succession. The increasing stratification of plant communities following colonization of new coastal land necessitates differing physiological strategies and photosynthetic dynamics in the later colonizing plants.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖湿地植物生态系统结构及湖水位对其影响研究   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
通过对鄱阳湖水文过程和湖盆地形特点的分析,利用3S技术对鄱阳湖湿地进行了分类,研究了各种类型湿地植物生态系统的生境、主要植物群落结构和分布规律。结果表明,鄱阳湖湿地植物生态系统结构复杂,生物多样性极其丰富。湿地植物是以根茎为主要繁殖器官的克隆繁殖植物,以集群分布为主要特点。在宏观尺度上受地形高程、湖水位和洲滩出露时间制约,不同植物群落沿水分梯度分布;在景观尺度上受到土壤含水量、地下水埋深和土壤结构影响,形成水平镶嵌结构;微观尺度上还与微地形和土壤养分密切相关,部分区域表现为复合体结构。湿地植被对水分梯度的敏感性,导致湿地植物生态系统的易变性和脆弱性。近年来,鄱阳湖水位过低且持续时间长,使生态系统遭受一定损害。  相似文献   

水位变动下三峡库区消落带植物群落特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
水位变动是湿地的基本特征之一,对湿地生态系统意义重大。为了解水位变动对三峡库区消落带植物群落的影响,于2010年8月对白夹溪消落带植物群落进行调查,采用TWINSPAN分类法对植物群落进行分类。结果表明:共发现维管植物85种,隶属34科70属;植物群落可划分为18个类型,狗牙根等5种群落为白夹溪消落带代表性植物群落;随着淹水程度的加深,群落组成呈现出由旱生植物到湿生植物的过渡趋势;植物群落香农指数、均匀度指数、丰富度指数和生物量指数随水位梯度呈“∧”型变化趋势,辛普森指数呈“∨”型变化趋势。与156 m蓄水周期相比,植物物种数量、群落类型及组成、多样性均发生改变。水位变动是消落带新生湿地植物群落变化的主要驱动因子  相似文献   

Conservation discourses tend to portray invasive species as biological entities temporally connected to colonial timelines, using terms such as “alien”, “colonizing”, “colonial”, and “native”. This focus on a colonial timeline emerges from scientific publications within conservation biology and invasion ecology and is enacted through invasive species management by state and NGO actors. Colonialism is influential for indigenous nations in myriad ways, but in what ways do indigenous understandings of invasive species engage with colonialism? We conducted ethnographic research with indigenous Anishnaabe communities to learn about the ways Anishnaabe people conceptualize invasive species as a phenomenon in the world and were gifted with three primary insights. First, Anishnaabe regard plants, like all beings, as persons that assemble into nations more so than “species”. The arrival of new plant nations is viewed by some Anishnaabe as a natural form of migration. The second insight highlights the importance of actively discovering the purpose of new species, sometimes with the assistance of animal teachers. Lastly, while Anishnaabe describe invasive species as phenomenologically entangled with colonialism, the multiple ways Anishnaabe people think about invasive species provide alternatives to native–non-native binaries that dominate much of the scientific discourse.  相似文献   

Large amounts of solid wastes (tailings) resulting from the exploitation and treatment of uranium ore at the Urgeiri?a mine (north of Portugal) have been accumulated in dams (tailing ponds). To reduce the dispersion of natural radionuclides into the environment, some dams were revegetated with eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globolus) and pines (Pinus pinea). Besides these plants, some shrubs (Cytisus spp.) are growing in some of the dams. The objective of this study is to determine the 226Ra bioavailability from uranium mill tailings by quantifying the total and available fraction of radium in the tailings and to estimate its transfer to plants growing on the tailing piles. Plant and tailing samples were randomly collected and the activity concentration of 226Ra in plants (aerial part and roots) and tailings was measured by gamma-spectrometry. The exchangeable fraction of radium in tailings was quantified using one single step extraction with 1 mol dm-3 ammonium acetate (pH = 7) or 1 mol dm-3 calcium chloride solutions. The results obtained for 226Ra uptake by plants show that 226Ra concentration ratios for eucalyptus and pines decrease at low 226Ra concentrations in the tailings and appear relatively constant at higher radium concentrations. For shrubs, the concentration ratios increase at higher 226Ra solid waste concentrations approaching a saturation value. Percentage values of 16.0 +/- 8.3 and 12.9 +/- 8.9, for the fraction of radium extracted from the tailings, using 1 mol dm-3 ammonium acetate or calcium chloride solutions, respectively, were obtained. The 226Ra concentration ratios determined on the basis of exchangeable radium are one order of magnitude higher than those based on total radium. It can be concluded that, at a 95% confidence level, more consistent 226Ra concentration ratios were obtained when calculated on the basis of available radium than when total radium was considered, for all the dams.  相似文献   

The selection of trace element tolerant species is a key factor to the success of remediation of degraded mine soils. Mining activities generate a large amount of waste rocks and tailings, which get deposited at the surface. The degraded soils, the waste rocks and tailings are often very unstable and will become sources of pollution. The direct effects will be the loss of cultivated land, forest or grazing land, and the overall loss of production. The indirect effects will include air and water pollution and siltation of rivers. These will eventually lead to the loss of biodiversity, amenity and economic wealth. Restoration of a vegetation cover can fulfil the objectives of stabilization, pollution control, visual improvement and removal of threats to human beings. Thus, remediation of mine spoils/tailings and biogeochemical prospecting would rely on the appropriate selection of plant species. Plant community responds differently on their ability to uptake or exclude a variety of metals. In this work, plant species were sampled from all populations established in an abandoned copper mine of S?o Domingos, SE Portugal. Plants belonging to 24 species, 16 genera and 13 families were collected from the degraded copper mine of S?o Domingos. Plant samples were analysed for total Ag, As, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn. The highest concentrations of metals in soils dry matter were 11217.5 mg Pb kg(-1), 1829 mg Cu kg(-1), 1291 mg As kg(-1), 713.7 mg Zn kg(-1), 84.6 mg Cr kg(-1), 54.3 mg Co kg(-1), 52.9 mg Ni kg(-1) and 16.6 mg Ag kg(-1). With respect to plants, the higher concentrations of Pb and As were recorded in the semi-aquatic species Juncus conglomeratus with 84.8 and 23.5 mg kg(-1) dry weight (DW), Juncus efusus with 22.4 and 8.5 mg kg(-1) DW, and Scirpus holoschoenus with 51.7 and 8.0 mg kg(-1) DW, respectively. Thymus mastichina also showed high content of As in the aboveground parts, 13.6 mg kg(-1) DW. Overall, the results indicate accumulation of various metals by different plant species, with some of these metals being partitioned to the shoots. Environmental implications of these observations are discussed.  相似文献   

陕南化龙山珍稀濒危植物的保护和利用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
化龙山是大巴山系在川陕境内的最高山峰,海拔2917.2m,植物资源丰富,有野生维管植物1977种,隶属186科815属。化龙山是陕西省珍稀濒危植物资源最丰富的地区,共有国家保护的珍稀濒危植物22科30属33种,其中属一级保护1种,二级保护11种,三级保护21种,属濒危2种,稀有14各,渐危17种,珍稀濒危植物古老成分较多,并以第三纪孑遗成分为主单少型属和中国特有属分别是16属和10属。这些珍稀濒危  相似文献   

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