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肖辉林 《生态环境》2004,13(3):309-309
21世纪90年代初,孟加拉国和印度孟加拉邦恒河流域有上百万口水井被砷污染,世界卫生组织在一份报告中将其称人类历史上最严重的集体中毒事件饮用水和灌溉水被砷污染的风险仍然是对全世界数百万生命的一种威胁,所以更好地了解砷释放进地下水的机制至关重要。对获得的新证据,将能够还原金属的细菌对有机碳的利用与从印度孟加拉邦一个被污染的蓄水层收集到的沉积物中砷的运动联系了起来。这一结果支持认为有机碳的引入(如通过灌溉)是增加恒河三角洲浅层地下水中砷流动性的一个因素的理论。该信息对于制订富含砷的地下水的治理战略可能会有价值.…  相似文献   

为研究江汉平原高砷地下水系统中细菌多样性和种群结构,以2011年11月采自江汉平原仙桃市沙湖镇高砷含水层沉积物为研究对象,沉积物采自同一50m钻井,分别选取埋深9.9~10.1m和15.7~16.0m样品。提取沉积物中总DNA,采用16SrDNA克隆文库方法,分析高砷含水层沉积物中土壤细菌的多样性。结果发现,伯克氏菌目(Burkholderiales)、假单胞杆菌目(Pseudomonadales)和肠杆菌目(Enterobacteriales)构成了高砷系统中抗砷的优势菌群。结果表明,高砷含水层中生活有大量微生物,这些微生物在砷的地球化学循环中扮演着重要角色。  相似文献   

pH值和矿物成分对砷在红土中迁移的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
陈静  王学军  朱立军 《环境化学》2003,22(2):121-125
研究了体系pH值和土壤矿物成分对贵州省安顺和遵义两个地区碳酸盐岩红土吸附砷的影响,探讨了红土对砷的吸附机理。研究发现:pH值是影响砷吸附的重要因素,一般来说,酸性环境(pH=4-7)有利于红土对砷的吸附,随着体系pH值的升高,红土对砷的吸附量逐渐降低;不同矿物成分的红土对砷的吸附性能差异很大;含针铁矿高的红土对砷的吸附量逐渐降低;不同矿物成分的红土对砷的吸附性能差异很大;含针铁矿高的红土对砷表现出良好的吸附性能。说明针铁矿与红土吸附砷有很大的正相关性。  相似文献   

砷浓度、形态及碳酸氢盐对蜈蚣草吸收砷的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨超富集植物蜈蚣草在处理高砷地下水方面的可行性,研究了水培条件下砷的浓度、形态和碳酸氢盐(HCO-3)对超富集植物蜈蚣草吸收砷的影响。实验中使用了浓度为0.1~100mg·L-1的As(III)和As(V)溶液。HCO-3处理中,HCO-3浓度范围为0.5~20mmol·L-1,As(III)或As(V)的浓度为5mg·L-1。结果表明,在水培条件下,蜈蚣草具有明显的耐高砷特征。当介质砷含量高达100mg·L-1时,砷的去除率可达到80%,且对As(III)的吸收效率高于As(V)。植物体内砷形态研究表明,蜈蚣草体内2种形态砷的含量与外源砷形态有一定的关系,As(V)处理条件下,植物体中的As(V)比例较As(III)处理高。高浓度的HCO-3(20mmol·L-1)处理对蜈蚣草地上部分生物量没有明显影响,但是抑制了地下部分的生长,并且对砷的吸收表现出明显的抑制作用。  相似文献   

通过对奎屯河流域61组地下水水样、2个钻孔中44组不同深度沉积物样品中化学组分的分析,研究了该区水文地球化学特征及其对砷运移的影响.结果 表明,研究区地下水中As浓度为未检出-444.40 μg·L-1.高砷地下水主要分布在研究区下游还原环境的冲积细土平原区,水化学类型主要为SO4·HCO3-Na型和Cl·HCO3-N...  相似文献   

易秀  李佩成 《生态环境》2005,14(3):336-340

铜,砷在水稻—土壤体系中的迁移及其对水稻影响的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
陈树元  许立凡 《农村生态环境》1995,11(3):15-18,F004
通过盆栽试验和现场布点试验,研究了铜、砷在水稻-土壤体系中迁移的规律。结果表明,该体系对铜、砷污染具有相当大的缓解作用;土壤中水溶性可产我换态铜、砷含量很低;铜、砷主要累积在水稻根部;土壤中铜、砷相互有拮抗作用,确定土壤铜、砷临临界值应考虑多因炭综合作用。  相似文献   

沉积物是重金属在环境中迁移转化的重要媒介。生物扰动能改变沉积物的物理化学组成,从而影响沉积物中重金属的赋存形态和迁移转化特征。文章介绍了生物扰动的定义和种类,生物扰动的影响因素以及扰动过程中影响污染物释放的主要因素,并综述了近年来生物扰动对沉积物中重金属镉、铜、锌、铅和其他重金属的环境行为影响。  相似文献   

呼唤  李丹蕾  王玉莹  刘云根  王妍 《环境化学》2021,40(5):1452-1463
为探究富砷底质下高原湖滨湿地底泥微生物群落对水位变化的响应特征,本研究以室内模拟实验的方式,探讨不同水位条件对富砷湖滨湿地底泥细菌群落结构及多样性的影响.结果 表明,细菌丰度、多样性与水位高低具有显著相关性,细菌丰度由多到少排序为:高水位>中水位>无水位,即水位越高,细菌丰度越高,细菌群落多样性则表现为高水位条件下较高...  相似文献   

本研究探索了通过发酵的松树皮和花生壳强化地下水中土著微生物活性来降低砷毒性的方法.静态批实验结果表明地下水中化学氧化和生物氧化过程的耦合,会促使As(Ⅲ)转化为As(Ⅴ),从而降低砷的毒性.加入有机基质可提升As(Ⅲ)的去除效率,花生壳的效果强于松树皮.通过对实验体系的化学及微生物表征,发现有机基质促进As(Ⅲ)减毒的...  相似文献   

内蒙古河套地区水体中砷的地球化学特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采样分析典型地砷病区域——内蒙古河套地区地下水、地表水和自来水中砷含量和形态,研究河套地区水体中砷分布状况,并采集山西山阴县大营村(地下水)和山东招远地区水样(地表水、地下水),以用于污染特性比较和源解析。结果发现,内蒙古河套地区和山西省山阴县大营村作为生活饮用水的地下水中砷含量超标率较高,其中内蒙古临河区狼山镇先锋七社和山西大营村地下水砷含量平均值分别为368.9和443.5μg.L-1,分别有75%和100%的水样超过GB 5749—2006《生活饮用水卫生标准》中农村小型集中和分散式供水砷含量限值。内蒙古五原县乃日乡的175个水样中,也有59%的地下水样砷含量高于50μg.L-1,且砷形态主要以无机砷为主。河套地区地表水水样砷含量大部分在50μg.L-1以下,部分自来水(水源为地下水)样砷含量超过生活饮用水标准。  相似文献   

Arsenic in groundwater in six districts of West Bengal,India   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Arsenic in groundwater above the WHO maximum permissible limit of 0.05 mg l–1 has been found in six districts of West Bengal covering an area of 34 000 km2 with a population of 30 million. At present, 37 administrative blocks by the side of the River Ganga and adjoining areas are affected. Areas affected by arsenic contamination in groundwater are all located in the upper delta plain, and are mostly in the abandoned meander belt. More than 800 000 people from 312 villages/wards are drinking arsenic contaminated water and amongst them at least 175 000 people show arsenical skin lesions. Thousands of tube-well water in these six districts have been analysed for arsenic species. Hair, nails, scales, urine, liver tissue analyses show elevated concentrations of arsenic in people drinking arsenic-contaminated water for a longer period. The source of the arsenic is geological. Bore-hole sediment analyses show high arsenic concentrations in only few soil layers which is found to be associated with iron-pyrites. Various social problems arise due to arsenical skin lesions in these districts. Malnutrition, poor socio-economic conditions, illiteracy, food habits and intake of arsenic-contaminated water for many years have aggravated the arsenic toxicity. In all these districts, major water demands are met from groundwater and the geochemical reaction, caused by high withdrawal of water may be the cause of arsenic leaching from the source. If alternative water resources are not utilised, a good percentage of the 30 million people of these six districts may suffer from arsenic toxicity in the near future.  相似文献   

大同盆地是典型的高砷地下水分布区。利用从地方性砷中毒严重病区山阴县采集的高砷地下水样品,用稀释培养法实验研究了外加砷源对地下水中微生物数量的影响;同时基于生物学可培养法和16S rDNA序列比对法,选取代表性高砷水样,研究了耐砷菌的种群特征。结果表明,外加砷源对地下水中微生物数量影响显著,高浓度砷会抑制大部分微生物生长,使微生物数量减少;低浓度砷对微生物生长具有一定促进作用。通过多次分离、纯化从3个不同砷含量地下水样中分离到多株砷抗性菌,经鉴定属于主要为BacillusPseudomonasPaenibacillusAeromonasEnterobacter5个属。从RDP(Ribosomal Database Project)分析显示3个水样可培养微生物组成不同,都有生存能力强能够耐低浓度NaAsO2的Bacillales,优势耐砷菌是γ-proteobacteria,其中Enterbacter具有耐高浓度NaAsO2的能力。  相似文献   

Arsenic in groundwaters of the Lower Mekong   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Increasing incidence and awareness of arsenic in many alluvial aquifers of South-east Asia has raised concern over possible arsenic in the Lower Mekong Basin. Here, we have undertaken new research and reviewed many previous small-scale studies to provide a comprehensive overview of the status of arsenic in aquifers of Cambodia and the Cuu Long Delta of Vietnam. In general natural arsenic originates from the Upper Mekong basin, rather than from the local geology, and is widespread in soils at typical concentrations of between 8 and 16 ppm; (dry weight). Industrial and agricultural arsenic is localised and relatively unimportant compared to the natural alluvial arsenic. Aquifers most typically contain groundwaters of no more than 10 μg L−1, although scattered anomalous areas of 10 to 30 μg L−1 are also quite common. The most serious, but possibly ephemeral arsenic anomalies, of up to 600 μg L−1, are associated with iron and organic-rich flood-plain sediments subject to very large flood-related fluctuations in water level, resulting in transient arsenopyrite dissolution under oxidizing conditions. In general, however, high-arsenic groundwaters result from the competing interaction between sorption and dissolution processes, in which arsenic is only released under reducing and slightly alkaline conditions. High arsenic groundwaters are found both in shallow water-tables, and in deeper aquifers of between 100 and 120 m depth. There is no evidence of widespread arsenicosis, but there are serious localised health-hazards, and some risk of low-level arsenic ingestion through indirect pathways, such as through contaminated rice and aquaculture. An almost ubiquitous presence of arsenic in soils, together with the likelihood of greatly increased groundwater extraction in the future, will require continuing caution in water resources development throughout the region.  相似文献   

大同盆地是典型的高砷地下水分布区。利用从地方性砷中毒严重病区山阴县采集的高砷地下水样品,用稀释培养法实验研究了外加砷源对地下水中微生物数量的影响;同时基于生物学可培养法和16SrDNA序列比对法,选取代表性高砷水样,研究了耐砷菌的种群特征。结果表明,外加砷源对地下水中微生物数量影响显著,高浓度砷会抑制大部分微生物生长,使微生物数量减少;低浓度砷对微生物生长具有一定促进作用。通过多次分离、纯化从3个不同砷含量地下水样中分离到多株砷抗性菌,经鉴定属于主要为Bacillus、Pseudomonas、Paenibacillus、Aeromonas、Enterobacter5个属。从RDP(RibosomalDatabaseProject)分析显示3个水样可培养微生物组成不同,都有生存能力强能够耐低浓度NaAsO2的Bacillales,优势耐砷菌是γ-proteobacteria,其中Enterbacter具有耐高浓度NaAsO2的能力。  相似文献   

应用砷污染水稻土的厌氧富集培养,探讨水稻土中潜在存在铁厌氧生物循环及其对氮和砷的耦合作用.富集培养直接证明了水稻土中铁的厌氧生物循环:三价铁(人工合成针铁矿)在厌氧条件下被逐渐还原成二价铁;铁还原过程结束并外源添加硝酸根时,培养基中新生的二价铁在依赖于硝酸根的铁氧化菌的作用下被氧化;当提供新的电子供体乙酸时,生物合成的铁矿重新被还原.在铁氧化还原循环过程中,随着铁的还原,培养基中砷的浓度不断增加,反之,当铁逐渐氧化的同时不断地吸附固定培养基中的砷.在铁的厌氧氧化阶段,铁氧化的同时硝酸根被还原,培养基中积累了NH4+和NO2-.因此,厌氧水稻土中可以进行完整的铁氧化还原循环,同时这个循环过程耦合了氮和砷的迁移转化.  相似文献   

Past mining activities in the county of Cornwall in the United Kingdom, has exposed the local environment to raised levels of As. Previous research has shown an increased concentration of As in crops grown in such areas and the subsequent take-up of As through the food chain may lead to an increased body burden in man. In an attempt to evaluate this, a pilot study was carried out using Particle Induced X-ray Emission to compare the hair As concentration of a group of Cornish residents to that of a control group consisting of residents in the counties of Oxfordshire and Wiltshire. The null hypothesis being that there is no significant difference between the hair As concentrations of the two groups.Each group comprised thirty six age and sex matched subjects. The mean hair As concentration for the Cornish group was 2.51 g g-1, which is significantly greater than that of 0.7 g g-1 found in the control group (p = 0.004). The World Health Organisation suggests a hair As value greater than 1 g g-1 as evidence of increased exposure to As and 5 g g-1 is quoted by the Canadian Government as evidence of significant ingestion of As. Twenty one Cornish subjects registered a value at or above 1 g As g-1 compared to nine in the control group (p = 0.0003). Five subjects in the Cornish group had values that exceed 5 g As g-1, compared to only two in the control group (p = 0.23). We use the results of this study as evidence to support our continued work in this area in order to evaluate possible health implications.  相似文献   

为了研究地方性砷中毒高发区作物中砷含量及其对人体健康的威胁,在内蒙古自治区河套平原4个自然村采集了72个谷物蔬菜水果、81份人体尿样和8个自来水样品。用高效液相色谱-电感耦合等离子体质谱(HPLC-ICP-MS)分析测定采集的样品中各形态砷及其含量;用ICP-MS分析测定消解后的作物样品中砷总量。结果表明,自来水中总砷含量均小于1.0μg·L-1。尿液样品中总砷含量为4.50~319μg·L-1(平均值为56.9μg·L-1),二甲基砷(DMA)是尿砷的主要形态(>70%)。作物中砷的主要形态有无机三价砷As(III)、无机五价砷As(V)和DMA。谷物和蔬菜水果中总砷含量的最大值分别为102和335μg·kg-1。成人和儿童最大日摄入砷量分别为232和205μg。通过分析采样地人体尿砷、作物砷和地方性砷中毒发病率的相关性得出,作物中砷的含量虽未明显超过国家标准,但对人体健康有明显的潜在威胁。政府改水后(饮用水由井水变为达标的自来水),人体的健康风险主要来自作物中的砷,而不是饮用水中的砷。  相似文献   

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