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Although human behaviour abounds with reciprocal altruism, few examples exist documenting reciprocal altruism in animals. Recent non-experimental evidence suggests that reciprocal altruism may be more common in nature than previously documented. Here we present experimental evidence of mobbing behaviour, the joint assault on a predator in an attempt to drive it away, as reciprocal altruism in the breeding pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca). Given a choice, pied flycatchers assisted in mobbing initiated by co-operating neighbours and did not join in mobbing when initiated by conspecific neighbours which had defected from necessary assistance 1 h before. The results suggest the birds followed a ‘tit-for-tat’-like strategy and that mobbing behaviour of breeding birds may be explained in terms of reciprocal altruism.  相似文献   

Summary Brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) parasitized yellow warblers (Dendroica petechia) six times more frequently than least flycatchers (Empidonax minimus) nesting in the same riparian habitat in southern Manitoba. This difference was surprising because least flycatchers were higher quality hosts; flycatchers always accepted cowbird eggs while warblers did so on only about half the occasions. Both hosts were equally good foster parents, at least until fledging; thus, once an egg was accepted there was probably no further advantage in parasitizing one species over the other. The probability that a nest was parasitized decreased with increasing nest height, perhaps as a consequence of the cowbird's habit of searching for nests close to the ground. Since least flycatchers nested higher in the canopy than yellow warblers, a greater proportion of flycatcher nests probably were not detected by cowbirds. Nevertheless, nest height alone could not account fully for the lower incidence of parasitism on flycatchers. Clutch initiation in flycatchers peaked 6 days after warbler clutch initiations and 5 days after that of cowbirds. Despite the later peak in initiations, flycatcher nests were always available as potential hosts over the entire cowbird laying season and it was not until new clutch initiations by warblers declined in late summer that flycatchers were actually used as hosts. Because least flycatchers responded more aggressively than yellow warblers to a model female cowbird at the nest, we concluded that greater nest defense by flycatchers may have also reduced the rate of brood parasitism in this host. Together, our results suggest the large difference in the frequency of parasitism between these two hosts was primarily a product of nest location but that differences in host nest-defense and breeding season asynchrony may have contributed to preferential host selection.Offprint requests to: J.V. Briskie  相似文献   

Consistent behavioural differences between individuals of the same population (“personality” variation) might arise if individuals follow different life-history strategies. Thus, it would be important to determine how personality variation relates to behaviours potentially associated with life-history strategies, such as those related to the use of information about the state of the environment. Little is, however, known about how personality is associated with information use and reproductive success. We tested whether wild social jackdaws, Corvus monedula, show consistent behavioural differences in their exploratory behaviour (in a novel environment in the lab and in their reaction towards a novel object in the wild) and prospecting behaviour (number of visits to conspecific nests). We furthermore examined whether these behavioural traits are linked with each other and predictors of reproductive success. Breeding jackdaws were consistent in their exploratory behaviour within, and in their prospecting behaviour between, years. Exploratory behaviour in the novel environment was correlated with the latency to approach a novel object in the wild but not with the frequency of prospecting at conspecific nests. Highly exploratory males and females and frequently prospecting males produced fewer fledglings than less exploratory individuals or less prospecting males, respectively. We discuss the importance of consistent individual differences in exploration and information sampling on individual fitness.  相似文献   

According to life-history theory, there will often be a conflict between investment in current versus future reproduction. If a predator appears during breeding, parents must make a compromise between ensuring the growth and survival of offspring (nest defence, feeding and brooding of young), and reducing the risk of predation to ensure their own survival. We model three hypotheses for the outcome of this conflict which are particularly relevant for altricial birds. They are not mutually exclusive, but focus on different costs and benefits. (1) Parental investment is determined by the parents’ own risk of predation. This hypothesis predicts that a lone parent should take smaller risks than a parent that has a mate. (2) Parental investment is related to the reproductive value of the offspring: Parents are predicted to take greater risks for larger broods, larger-sized or older offspring. (3) Finally, we present the new hypothesis that parental investment is related to the harm that offspring would suffer during a period of no parental care (incubation, brooding, feeding). This hypothesis predicts that parents should take greater risks for younger offspring, or for offspring in poorer condition, because the marginal benefit of parental care is largest in such cases. Hence, one may also expect that lone parents should take greater risks than two parents because their offspring are more in need of care. We tested these hypotheses on the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) by presenting a stuffed predator of the parents (a sparrowhawk, Accipiter nisus) close to the nest when parents were feeding the young. Risk taking was measured as the time that elapsed until the first visit to the nest. Most support was found for the ‘‘harm to offspring’’ hypothesis. Previous studies have usually measured the intensity of nest defence against typical nest predators, and have found evidence for the ‘‘reproductive value of offspring’’ hypothesis. However, our model predicts that the importance of the reproductive value of the offspring should decrease relative to the harm that offspring would suffer if they were not cared for when the predator type changes from a nest predator to a predator of adults, and when conditions for breeding turn from good to bad. Received: 13 April 1995/Accepted after revision: 11 March 1996  相似文献   

Summary One explanation for polygyny in pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) is the deception hypothesis, which proposes that females mate with already-mated males only because they are unaware that such males already have a mate on another territory. Recently this hypothesis has been criticized on the grounds that already-mated and unmated males differ sufficiently in their behavior that human observers can discriminate between the two classes fairly easily. Here we test whether male pied flycatchers change their behavior when visited by a female so as to make this discrimination more difficult. In our experiments we presented a caged female near the nestbox of an advertising male, in order to mimic the situation in which a female investigates the male and his nest site. During control periods, when only an empty cage was presented, we found that already-mated males were present on their secondary territories significantly less and sang significantly less than unmated males on their primary territories, confirming the earlier results. When we presented the stimulus female, all behaviors we measured changed significantly relative to control periods for both mated and unmated males: both classes of males increased the time spent on the territory, decreased singing rates, and increased various courtship behaviors. During the experimental periods there were no significant differences between mated and unmated males on any of the behavioral measures. Discriminant analysis was more successful in classifying males as to mating status using data from the control periods (without female) than using data from the experimental periods (with female). We conclude that when a female is present male pied flycatchers change their behavior in ways that make it more difficult to discriminate mated from unmated males.Offprint requests to: W.A. Searcy  相似文献   

The populations of many North American landbirds are showing signs of declining. Gathering information on breeding productivity allows critical assessment of population performance and helps identify good habitat-management practices. He (Biometrics (2003) 59 962–973) proposed a Bayesian model to estimate the age-specific nest survival rates. The model allows irregular visiting schedule under the assumption that the observed nests have homogeneous nest survival. Because nest survival studies are often conducted in different sites and time periods, it is not realistic to assume homogeneous nest survival. In this paper, we extend He’s model by incorporating these factors as categorical covariates. The simulation results show that the Bayesian hierarchical model can produce satisfactory estimates on nest survival and capture different factor effects. Finally the model is applied to a Missouri red-winged blackbird data set.  相似文献   

Summary Red-winged blackbirds, Agelaius phoeniceus, breed in marshes in high densities and their nests are frequently clumped. Because predation is consistently the most important cause of redwing nesting mortality, high densities of breeding individuals could be an anti-predation adaptation. In our study site predation by marsh wrens, Cistothorus palustris, was the main cause of redwing nesting losses. In situations when marsh wrens were near, predation rates on redwing nests decreased with increasing female density. Group life could reduce predation because of improved nest defense, selfish herd effects, or predator dilution effects. We differentiated between these possibilities by introducing experimental colonies consisting of 3, 6, and 9 artificial nests near and away from active redwing nests. The experimental colonies near active nests suffered less predation, but predation rates were not correlated with colony size or a nest's location within the colony. Therefore, the advantage of group life in this population is probably mutual nest protection.  相似文献   

Summary There are large numbers of reproductively mature female tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) which do not breed due to limits of suitable nesting cavities. Many of these floaters are one-year-old females that have a distinctive subadult plumage. This study examines the behavioral tactics that these subadult female floaters use to obtain breeding opportunities. Early in the season, subadult floaters tended to intrude briefly (Fig. 4) on many nest sites in succession (Figs. 2, 3), although they rarely gained close access to nest sites (Fig. 5). Subadults responded very quickly to vacant nest sites, where the resident female had been experimentally removed, by entering the nest cavity and defending it from conspecifics. We argue that the early season exploratory behavior increases a subadult's chances of discovering a vacant nest site, rather than increasing its success in evicting resident females or laying eggs in other females' nests. During the nestling period, subadult females intruded on fewer nest sites for longer periods, and often gained close access to the nest site. Late in the season, subadult floaters may be gathering information on the quality of nest sites for the next breeding season, rather than searching for current breeding opportunities. The reproductive tactics of subadult female tree swallows are consistent with the breeding threshold model for the evolution of delayed plumage maturation in passerines.  相似文献   

Lack of parental experience or differences in reproductive effort may lead to variation in nest defence behaviour among individuals in a prey population. In this experimental study, we analysed nest defence behaviour using a model of an American mink, Mustela vison, a non-native predator, at colonies of arctic terns, Sterna paradisaea, in two large areas where mink had been removed and two comparable control areas with mink in the south-western archipelago of Finland, Baltic Sea, in June 2000. Furthermore, we recorded breeding success of arctic terns in the same four areas during 1998–2001. Arctic terns took higher risks in nest defence in control areas and in a short-term (mink-free for 2 years) removal area than in the long-term (mink-free for 8 years) removal area. Thus, colonies with recent experience of mink were more active in defending their offspring. The breeding success of arctic terns was significantly higher in mink-removal areas than in control areas. We conclude that arctic terns modify their nest defence behaviour in the presence of mink. However, they cannot defend their nests sufficiently against this mainly nocturnal predator, since their breeding success is reduced in areas where mink are present.Communicated by J. Graves  相似文献   

Often in colonial seabirds, all colony members are believed to defend against nest predators and experience equal nest predation risk. However, the variation of defense behavior among members and its reproductive consequences are largely unknown. We investigated (1) individual variation in the nest defense of breeding Black-tailed Gulls Larus crassirostris against a natural egg predator, the Jungle Crow Corvus macrorhynchos and (2) how this behavioral variation affects an individual’s own nest predation risk and that of their neighbors. Results were compared between 2 years where crow attack levels were manipulated to average 5 and 22 times normal rates (“low” and “high” predation risk years, respectively) by the placement of varying numbers of artificial nests containing unguarded eggs at the perimeter of the gull colony. In both years, 23–38% of parents, mostly males, showed “aggressive” defense behavior (strikes or chases) against crows and decoys. Other “non-aggressive” gulls showed no defense. In the year of low predation risk, intrusion rates by crows (landing within 0.5 m of an individual gull’s nest) were similar for aggressive and non-aggressive gulls. In the year of high predation risk, however, the rates of intrusion for aggressive gulls (4%) and for non-aggressive gulls with an aggressive neighbor (37%) were significantly lower than for non-aggressive gulls without an aggressive neighbor (76%). These results indicate that aggressive individuals reduce nest predation risk for themselves and conspecific neighbors in a colonially breeding species.  相似文献   

Although evidence is accumulating on the adaptive function of female ornamentation, very little is known about maternal allocation decisions involving sexual signaling and other reproductive functions. Blue egg coloration has been suggested as a sexually selected signal of female quality to males, and some recent studies are in accordance with this hypothesis. Blue eggshell coloration results from the deposition of biliverdin pigment by laying females, which is a potent antioxidant. Thus, egg pigmentation should be costly in terms of antioxidants, an assumption of the signaling hypothesis that has not been tested yet. We induced increased reproductive effort in a set of female pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca through nest removal and measured egg pigmentation and plasma antioxidant levels in relation with a control group. Experimental females showed a negative association between egg color and plasma antioxidant levels, while there was no relationship for control birds. This supports that egg pigmentation is costly in terms of general antioxidant defenses and suggests a tradeoff between the allocations to both traits. Furthermore, experimental females with more colorful eggs raised more fledglings, especially when breeding early. Controls did not show a relationship between egg color and reproductive success. Females laying more colorful eggs could have shifted their allocation decisions towards current reproduction, at the expense of their own antioxidant defenses. Our results highlight that blue egg coloration is a life-history trait, subject to tradeoffs with other attributes, and seems to be especially informative under harsh breeding conditions.  相似文献   

Heterospecific matings are generally assumed to be unconditionally disadvantageous due to reduced viability or fertility of hybrid offspring. For female collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis) mated to male pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca), the cost of heterospecific pair formation is reduced due to high levels of conspecific extra-pair paternity and a male-biased offspring sex ratio. In order to investigate whether these cost-reducing mechanisms are the result of female mating strategies, rather than being a by-product of species incompatibilities, we manipulated the plumage of male collared flycatchers before pair formation to make them resemble male pied flycatchers. Since species incompatibilities are absent in this design, any systematic effect of manipulation on sex ratio or paternity would indicate a role of female mating strategy. Paternity was determined by means of a likelihood approach that controls the errors made in assigning a chick to be ‘within-pair’ or ‘extra-pair’. Neither the sex ratio nor the male share of paternity was affected by the manipulation in a systematic manner. We therefore conclude that our experimental data provide no support for the suggestion that female behavioural strategies are markedly adjusted in response to formation of mixed-species pairs. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Summary Several aspects of nest defence behavior were investigated in song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) in eastern Ontario. Two independent tests were made of the hypothesis that the increase in nest defence observed through a nesting attempt is due to the birds becoming familiar with the nest threat, rather than because the nest contents increase in value to the parents. Neither test supported the hypothesis. As predicted by life history theory for species with age-independent mortality, males did not defend their nest more vigorously as they become older. Parents defended their nests less vigorously through the breeding season, contrary to the expected pattern of increased nest defence in response to declining renesting potential. This result may be attributable to a decline in offspring value through the breeding season. Nest defence behavior of mated individuals was positively correlated, independent of factors such as offspring age, renesting potential and brood size. From this result it is proposed that a source of variation in nest defence behavior may be individuals basing their own response on their mate's response in a positive feedback fashion. Males defended nests less vigorously than females, consistent with the expectation that males have lower certainty of parentage in the offspring. It is proposed that variation in paternal uncertainty could contribute to the unexplained variation reported in nest defence studies.  相似文献   

In this study we examine male song output as a measure of nest site quality in blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla). Song rate, breeding success, predation on nests and reaction to playbacks were investigated in individual males. Habitat features determining nest site and song post quality in terms of vegetation cover were compared between successful nests and nests that had suffered predation. We then related song rate of unmated males to habitat factors in territories and nesting sites in order to examine a possible predictor function of blackcap song for habitat quality. Several habitat features are responsible for variation in nesting success. These features also correlate with song rate of unmated males. The study indicates a potential role of song rate in the advertisement of territory quality. Furthermore, the data suggest that females use song rates rather than territory quality in mating decisions. The information females may gain about male quality in relation to territory quality are also discussed.  相似文献   

Many animals must choose a nest site in order to reproduce. However, it is unclear how nest-site selection strategies vary across different mating systems. We must therefore explore nest-site selection strategies in a range of mating systems, including the interaction between resource-defence polygyny and polyandry (i.e. polygynandry). In this study, we imposed a re-settlement event in the terrestrial toadlet Pseudophryne bibronii and measured the influence of the spatial position of each male’s nest site with respect to rival males on the likelihood that it would be abandoned or receive eggs. We captured every calling male in a population, measured their breeding success and released them back into the breeding area. We then recorded the establishment and abandonment of nest sites by males over 26 consecutive nights. Spatial positioning did not have any significant effects on male-breeding success, supporting claims that females show less discrimination between nest sites when they are polyandrous and spread their eggs amongst multiple male nests. However, we found that males consistently selected nest sites according to a site’s spatial position, which suggests that fitness benefits unrelated to male breeding success (e.g. reduced mortality risk) might influence male nesting decisions. Overall, our study provides new evidence that the mating system adopted by a population can influence the cues that individuals respond to when selecting nest sites.  相似文献   

Animals constantly need to acquire information about the environment for settlement decisions, either by using a trial-and-error strategy or by using public information by monitoring conspecifics. We studied a nest box population of Eurasian kestrels Falco tinnunculus in western Finland to test if pellets and other prey remains accumulated on the bottom of nest boxes are used as public information during settlement. During 2002–2013, nest boxes were randomly cleaned (treatment) or left un-cleaned (control) in each season. It is possible that kestrels reuse nest boxes which include information of successful nesting (i.e. have not been cleaned) because they indicate previous breeding attempt at the site. At the same time, this decision may entail costs because of blood-sucking ecto-parasites like Carnus hemapterus overwintering in the layer of pellets. First, we found that egg-laying date was significantly earlier in un-cleaned control boxes than in cleaned treatment boxes, indicating the use of public information revealed by pellets in the settlement decision. Second, the ecto-parasite burden of young nestlings (age 6–15 days) was significantly higher in un-cleaned control nest boxes. We found higher ecto-parasite infestation in early and lower infestation in late nests, a seasonal trend that is in disagreement with the ecto-parasite avoidance hypothesis. Contrary, in overall lower-infected cleaned boxes, ecto-parasite prevalence remained equal throughout the season. However, the ecto-parasite burden had no obvious effect on breeding success. We conclude that the use of pellets revealing successful breeding attempt of the previous year as public information appeared to be important in the settlement decision of kestrels.  相似文献   

The red bishop (Euplectes orix) is a highly polygynous and colonial weaverbird. Males construct several nests within their territories to which they try to attract females, and females are solely responsible for incubation and raising offspring. In this paper, we describe the characteristics of the red bishop’s mating system as a biological market and investigate the role of nests built by males as a traded commodity in a mating market. As timing of breeding in red bishops in arid and semi-arid zones depends on rainfall patterns which are often unpredictable, there are temporal changes in demand for and supply of nests within a breeding season, with breeding activities of males and females being highly synchronised. We found that males increased their nest-building speed with increased female breeding activity independently of rainfall, indicating that supply follows demand in this mating market. The supply of nests was always larger than the demand for nests. Construction costs for nests increased with demand for nests as indicated by shorter nest-building duration and shorter building delays between two consecutively built nests at times of high breeding activity. Males as a trading class are chosen according to the age of their nests offered, with young nests having a higher probability of being accepted by females. Furthermore, female choosiness with regard to nest age decreased when their own market value decreased, as predicted by biological market theory. The temporal changes of breeding activity together with the female preference for young and fresh nests require that males quickly adjust nest-building activity to varying female demand for new nests. However, males with a better adjustment of building speed to female breeding activity did not gain higher mating success.  相似文献   

The number of nests containing egg masses a female makes over her lifetime and the pattern of scattering nests vary among species in a genus of nest-weaving spider mites (Stigmaeopsis). We hypothesized that the scattered nests of small nest builders have a previously overlooked indirect effect in that the void nests created after predation take on a new role as hindering devices that effectively decrease predator searching efficiency. First, we demonstrated that the experimental design used in this study is a good reflection of the nest distribution pattern of Stigmaeopsis takahashii (an intermediate-sized nest builder) in the field. Using this species as a model, we tested how different nest-scattering patterns affect the predator to examine how scattering may indirectly provide an anti-predation strategy by increasing a predators searching time. Next, we observed how artificially arranged void nests disturb predatory behavior in both starved and fully fed predator females and showed that void nests have a strong hindering effect on predators. Thus, we concluded that the nesting behavior of this mite species not only has anti-predator effects but must also have a stabilizing effect on predator–prey interaction systems at the population level.  相似文献   

Citta JJ  Lindberg MS 《Ecology》2007,88(8):2034-2046
Nest-site selection is an important determinant of individual fitness in birds. Understanding what information individuals use to choose nest sites is therefore important for understanding the evolution of nest-site selection, the dynamics of populations, and the conservation of species. We used five years of mark-recapture data for Mountain Bluebirds (Sialia currucoides) to examine how dispersal probability and nest-site selection vary with potential cues of nest-site quality. Dispersal distance between breeding seasons and nest-site selection were modeled as a function of personal reproductive success, conspecific density, conspecific reproductive success, and habitat type. Between years, the dispersal probability was related to personal reproductive success, not conspecific information, and individuals fledging fewer young dispersed longer distances. For dispersing individuals, the probability that a nest site was selected in year i was negatively related to distance from the nest site selected in year i - 1 for all age and sex classes, and positively related to conspecific density and reproductive success in year i - 1 for both second-year (SY) and after-hatch-year (AHY) females. However, nest-site selection in year i was more strongly related to conspecific density in year i- 1 for hatch-year (HY) females and was much more strongly related to the reproductive success of conspecifics in year i - 1 for AHY females. Nest-site selection of HY and AHY males was not consistently related to the metrics of conspecific information, but we suspect that relationships were obscured by competitive interactions. We found no evidence indicating that individuals respond differently to conspecific information at longer distances, suggesting that individuals limit dispersal to areas where they have prior knowledge. We predict that these patterns of nest-site selection will allow birds to loosely track nest-site quality and maintain an ideal free distribution, where average fitness is equal in all habitat types.  相似文献   

Food and predators affect egg production in song sparrows   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Zanette L  Clinchy M  Smith JN 《Ecology》2006,87(10):2459-2467
Although the possibility that food and predators may interact in limiting avian populations has long been recognized, there have been few attempts to test this experimentally in the field. We conducted a manipulative food addition experiment on the demography of Song Sparrows (Melospiza melodia) across sites that varied in predator abundance, near Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, over three consecutive breeding seasons. We previously showed that food and predators had interactive effects on annual reproductive success (young fledged per female). Here, we report the effects on egg production. Our results show that food limits the total number of eggs laid over the breeding season ("total egg production") and that interactive food and predator effects, including food effects on nest predation, determine how those eggs are "parceled out" into different nests. Food addition alone significantly affected total egg production, and there was no significant interannual variability in this result. At the same time, both food and predators affected the two determinants of total egg production: "clutch number" (total number of clutches laid) and average clutch size. Both clutch number and size were affected by a food x predator x year interaction. Clutch number was lower at low-predator locations because there was less nest predation and thus less renesting. Food addition also significantly reduced nest predation, but there was significant interannual variation in this effect. This interannual variation was responsible for the food x predator x year interactions because the larger the effect of food on nest predation in a given year, the smaller was the effect of food on clutch number; and the smaller the effect of food on clutch number, the larger was the effect of food on clutch size. Potential predator and year effects on total egg production were thus cancelled out by an inverse relationship between clutch number and clutch size. We suggest that combined food and predator effects on demography could be the norm in both birds and mammals.  相似文献   

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