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The geographical distribution of concentration values for harmful elements was determined in the Campania region, Italy. The study area consists of the drainage basin of the River Calore, a tributary of the river Volturno, the largest Southern Italian river. The results provide reliable analytical data allowing a quantitative assessment of the trace element pollution threat to the ecosystem and human health. Altogether 562 stream sediment samples were collected at a sampling density of 1 site per 5 km2. All samples were air-dried, sieved to <100 mesh fraction and analyzed for 37 elements after an aqua regia extraction by a combination of ICP-AES and ICP-MS. In addition to elemental analysis, gamma-ray spectrometry data were collected (a total of 562 measurements) using a hand-held Scintrex GRS-500 spectrometer. Statistical analyses were performed to show the single-element distribution and the distribution of elemental association factor scores resulting from R-mode factor analyses. Maps showing element distributions were made using GeoDAS and ArcGIS software. Our study showed that, despite evidence from concentrations of many elements for enrichment over natural background values, the spatial distribution of major and trace elements in Calore River basin is determined mostly by geogenic factors. The southwestern area of the basin highlighted an enrichment of many elements potentially harmful for human health and other living organisms (Al, Fe, K, Na, As, Cd, La, Pb, Th, Tl, U); however, these anomalies are due to the presence of pyroclastic and alkaline volcanic lithologies. Even where sedimentary lithologies occur, many harmful elements (Co, Cr, Mn, Ni) showed high concentration levels due to natural origins. Conversely, a strong heavy metal contamination (Pb, Zn, Cu, Sb, Ag, Au, Hg), due to an anthropogenic contribution, is highlighted in many areas characterized by the presence of road junctions, urban settlements and industrial areas. The enrichment factor of these elements is 3–4 times higher than the background values. The southwestern area of the basin is characterized by a moderate/high degree of contamination, just where the two busiest roads of the area run and the highest concentration of industries occurs.  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - The results of a large geochemical study on various environmental media (soil, stream sediment, groundwater, surface water, lettuce and human hair) of the...  相似文献   

In determining public policy measures, the value of information about the functional relationships between targets and instruments can hardly be understated. In the present paper these macrorelations are obtained for a competitive industry by way of aggregation over many individual firms following simple behavioristic patterns. With the exact knowledge of the macrorelations, obtaining the numerical values of the instruments becomes a simple mathematical programming problem. These principles are applied in examination of the water pollution problems generated by the dairy industry in the Santa Ana River Basin where local governments face the problem of controlling environmental quality with minimum opportunity costs in terms of output.  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - High-quality and accurate environmental investigations are essential for the evaluation of contamination and subsequent decision-making processes. A...  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2005,184(1):55-68
One of the most important sources of pollution in coastal zones (CZ) is certainly that one produced by human activities in the associated river basin. Understanding the linkage between water quality in CZ and river catchments is important in order to better assess CZ processes and to evaluate different management options aimed at improving the coastal ecosystem state. CZ water quality targets as identified by the Water Framework Directive (EC 2000/60) require an accurate study of the effects of pollutant loads coming from river discharge.In order to evaluate the impacts of human activities in river catchments on the associated coastal zone, a sound definition for this geographic area is needed. Many definitions for this area have been proposed in different contexts. The definition is generally built upon a particular goal, and is henceforth highly variable according to the different purposes. In this paper a general methodology allowing to discern those areas of the sea that are directly influenced by fluvial discharge is presented. The methodology is based on the variation pattern of sea water characteristics, and provides a numerical evaluation of this influence. In particular an analysis based on salinity as tracer, results in a sound definition of this area. The methodology has been applied on the case study of the Po river. Due to the significant nutrient loads discharged by the river, the CZ associated with Po is affected by severe eutrophication phenomena that have important consequences on the ecosystem and on the socio-economy of the area.In order to study the impacts of nutrients loads carried by the river, a water quality model (WASP6) has been implemented. The model simulates the seasonal variability of nutrient concentrations, phytoplankton biomass and dissolved oxygen. Using the CZ model is possible to compare the effects of variations of nutrient loads on the biochemical (short term) and ecological (long term) quality of the coastal environment. This is accomplished by feeding nutrients loads forecasted for different scenarios by the catchment model (MONERIS) as forcing functions to the CZ model. This way the effect of the different catchment management scenarios are propagated to the CZ model, and the trophic conditions of the coastal ecosystem evaluated using TRIX.This study has been developed in the context of the European project EUROCAT.  相似文献   

A natural river system is organized as a nested hierarchy of interconnected habitats with specific environmental conditions to which the biological community has adapted. Due to this hierarchical structure, identifying the role of different stressors on the biological community is a formidable task. Efforts trying to link stressors to biological integrity have always been bound to the geographic scale of the selected study area, leading to scale-specific results. In this research, an attempt is made to lift this limitation and develop a hierarchical, scale-sensitive methodology that can identify the significant environmental stressors to the biological community at different scales. Sites with similar background environmental conditions are clustered using self-organizing maps (SOM). This is used to identify stressors which affect the biological community throughout the area of study - called environmental gradients or large-scale stressors. Subsequently, these clusters of similar observations (sampling sites) are progressively sub-divided using environmental variables with a significant but localized effect on the biological community - called small-scale stressors. A parent group of sites is split only when the resulting sub-groups have significantly different biological responses. At the end of this recursive sites decomposition procedure, the original set of observations is organized as a tree of environmentally homogeneous groups of observations characterized by unique biological responses to multiple stressors with different geographic extents. The developed hierarchical analysis methodology has been validated using a large-size dataset of environmental observations from the State of Ohio. Our results show that habitat degradation and increased nutrient loading are the large-scale stressors with a widespread impact in Ohio. Other stressors, such as heavy metals, pH or nitrate concentrations have significant albeit localized effects on biological integrity.  相似文献   

The possibility of using Mytilus galloprovincialis from natural populations of the lagoon of Venice in toxicity bioassays based on embryo development, according to international standard methods, was investigated. In order to valuate this method for the lagoon, iterative steps including evaluation of reproducibility, sensitivity and discriminatory capacity towards some pure substances and environmental samples were performed. Evaluation of sensitivity towards a reference toxicant (copper) evidenced good replicability and repeatability. Results showed that natural population is better than hatchery population for performing bioassays. Evaluation of applicability to elutriates revealed that the method is able to discriminate among sediments of the lagoon of Venice at different typologies and levels of contamination, showing an important effect for almost all study sites.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to appraise the levels of heavy metal contamination (Zn and Pb) in sediment of the Langat River (Selangor, Malaysia). Samples were collected randomly from 15 sampling stations located along the Langat River. The parameters measured were pH, redox potential, salinity, electrical conductivity, loss of ignition, cation exchanges capacity (Na, Mg, Ca, K), and metal ions (Zn and Pb). The geo-accumulation index (I geo) and contamination factor (C f) were applied to determine and classify the magnitude of heavy metal pollution in this urban river sediment. Results revealed that the I geo of Pb indicated unpolluted to moderately polluted sediment at most of the sampling stations, whereas Zn was considered to be within background concentration. The I geo results were refined by the C f values, which showed Pb with very high C f at 12 stations. Zinc, on the other hand, had low to moderate C f values. These findings indicated that the sediment of the Langat River is severely polluted with Pb. The Zn concentration at most sampling points was well below most sediment quality guidelines. However, 40% of the sampling points were found to have a Pb concentration higher than the consensus-based probable effect concentration of 128 mg/kg (concentrations above this value are likely to cause harmful effects). This result not only highlights the severity of Pb pollution in the sediment of the Langat River, but also the potential risk it poses to the environment.  相似文献   

Two different methods to predict biotic integrity were tested and compared in the present paper. The first one tries to predict the fish indices of biotic integrity (IBI) at the state or regional scale based on the most similar observations to a specific target site of interest using the simple to implement k-nearest neighbors (or kNN) method. Two different distance functions were considered to find the k-nearest neighbors: the Euclidean and the Mahalanobis. The second method was applied on the same datasets and consisted of a step-wise multiple regression. The two modeling approaches yielded similar results but kNN proved to be more time-efficient and very fast computationally for the given dataset sizes, which allowed applying a leave-one-out cross validation.In an attempt to reveal the importance of scale in the prediction of IBI, regression models were constructed at the state (or regional) scale and at the more refined cluster of sampling sites scale. Clusters of sites were extracted using Kohonen's self-organizing maps (SOM) followed by k-means clustering of the SOM neurons. Cluster-level regression models, constructed after site patterning, performed better in IBI prediction than global regression models constructed without any previous site patterning. The importance of identifying groups of sites with similar environmental characteristics affecting the IBI was revealed. The combined use of site patterning and regression modeling for IBI prediction also helped identifying important variables acting at the local scale which remain latent at the global scale.  相似文献   

The rapid urbanization of China is causing a burden on their water resources and hindering their sustainable development. This paper analyzes effective methods to integrated river basin management (IRBM) using Longgang River basin of Shenzhen as an example, which is the city with the fastest rate of urbanization in China and even the whole world. Over the past 20 years, China has undergone a population boom due to the increase of immigrant workers and rapid development of laborintensive industries, which led to the sharp increase of water consumption and sewage discharge. However, the construction of the water infrastructure is still lagging far behind the environmental and social development, with only 32.7% of sewage in the district being treated. Currently, every water quality indicator of the Longgang River basin was unable to meet the required corresponding environmental standards, which further aggravated the water shortages of the region. Thus, an analytical framework is proposed to address the IRBM of the study area. The problems with the current management system include the lack of decentralization in decision-making, lack of enforcement with redundant plans, weak management capacity, financial inadequacy, and a poor system of stakeholder participation. In light of the principles of IRBM and the situation of the region, corresponding measures are put forward, including an increase of power given to sub-district offices, fewer but more feasible plans, capacity building among stakeholders, a combination of planning and marketing for overcoming financial inadequacy, and profound reform in the public participation system. The framework and institutional suggestions could inform similar processes in other representative river basins.  相似文献   

This study aims to determine aluminum fractions in the fine earth of acidic soils under different land uses (forest, pasture and cultivation) and in the river bed sediments of the headwater of the Mero River in order to identify and quantify Al-bearing phases to assess Al mobility and potential bioavailability (environmental availability) in the monitoring area. Sequential extraction is used to evaluate the Al partitioning into six fractions operationally defined: soluble/exchangeable/specifically adsorbed, bound to manganese oxides, associated with amorphous compounds, aluminum bound to oxidizable organic matter, associated with crystalline iron oxides, and residual fraction (aluminum within the crystal lattices of minerals). The mean concentration of total aluminum (24.01 g kg?1) was similar for the three considered uses. The mean percentage of the aluminum fractions, both in soils and sediments, showed the following order: residual fraction ? amorphous compounds ≈ crystalline iron oxides > water-soluble/exchangeable/specifically adsorbed > bound to oxidizable organic matter ≈ Mn oxides. However, in the soils, the amorphous compounds and water-soluble/exchangeable/specifically adsorbed fraction showed considerable differences between some types of uses, the percentage of aluminum linked to amorphous compounds being higher in forest soils (16% of total Al) compared to other uses (mean about 8% of total Al). The highest values of water-soluble/exchangeable/specifically adsorbed Al were also found in forest soils (mean 8.6% of the total Al versus about 4% of pasture and cultivation), which is consistent with the lower pH and higher organic matter content in forest soils. Nevertheless, the potentially bioavailable fraction (sum of the first three fractions) is low, suggesting very low geoavailability of this element in both soils and sediments; hence, the possibility to affect the crops and water quality is minimal.  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - The Riardo basin hosts groundwater exploited for the production of high quality, naturally sparkling, bottled water (e.g., Ferrarelle water), and circulating...  相似文献   

A survey was conducted on 15th November, 1970, in mangrove forests and backwater regions of a section of the Vellar-Coleroon estuarine complex; a total of 19 stations were occupied. Detailed investigations on nutrients, pigments, and plankton were carried out. The following ranges in values were recorded: salinity, 10.40 to 30.50; pH, 7.50 to 8.30; temperature, 29.50° to 30.50°C; total phosphorus, 0.72 to 3.34 g at/l; inorganic phosphate, 0.19 to 1.59 g at/l; ammonia, 0.34 to 0.36 g at/l; nitrite, 0.11 to 0.25 g at/l; nitrate, 2.85 to 6.94 g at/l; silicate, 18.49 to 134.92 g at/l. Dissolved oxygen content ranged from a minimum of 3.69 ml to a maximum of 5.44 ml/l. Chlorophyll a ranged from an undetectable amount to 1.01 mg/m3, chlorophyll b from 0.02 to 0.85 mg/m3, chlorophyll c from 0 to 0.41 mg/m3 and carotenoids from 0 to 0.74 MSPU/m3. The plankton displacement volume ranged from a negligible amount to 3.60 cm3/m3; seston varied between 0.29 and 0.91 g/l. Phytoplankton was abundant at 3 stations; at other stations zooplankton was abundant. Coscinodiscus, Asterionella and Ditylum were the dominant forms among the phytoplankton; Oithona, Acrocaanus, Euterpina, Centropages, Corycaeus, Lucifer and Oikocreura were dominant among the zooplankton. Phytoplankton and zooplankton populations, as percentage of the total plankton, varied between 3.70 and 89.00% and between 11 and 96.30%, respectively. Average gross production values in the mangrove and back-water stations were 7.56 and 3.33 g C/m3/day, and the net production values 6.29 and 2.67 g C/m3/day, respectively.  相似文献   

In marine biogeochemical modeling, the sediment is usually represented by diagenetic models, but in shallow ecosystems these models are incomplete, because they do not take into account the benthic primary production. While microphytobenthos (MPB) is known to strongly impact mineralization pathways and nutrient fluxes, MPB is rarely integrated as an explicit variable. To investigate the impact of microphytobenthos on early diagenesis in sediment, we built a fine-scale dynamic model, based on the diagenetic model OMEXDIA and including MPB and associated processes. The model outputs were similar to a data set of MPB-colonized sediment sampled in Florida Bay, suggesting that the model can recreate a realistic situation. The model showed that MPB activities induced a strong diurnal rhythm on concentration profiles, fluxes, and mineralization processes. When MPB was present at the sediment surface, the total mineralization was strongly enhanced thanks to the supply of labile organic matter. In contrast, coupled nitrification–denitrification was inhibited by a factor of 3.8. This inhibition can be explained by the competition for nitrate and ammonium between MPB and bacteria. Nitrogen uptake of MPB represented 96% of the daily supply of dissolved inorganic nitrogen. This was more than 50 times greater than N consumption by denitrification. With MPB, sediment nitrogen flux to the water column was reduced by a factor of 70, suggesting that sediment colonized by MPB represents a minor source of nutrients for phytoplankton and bacterioplankton. Results showed that current diagenetic models are not well-suited for shallow ecosystems with significant MPB primary production.  相似文献   

An integrated approach using hydrodynamic and transport numerical models, lepidochronology and stable isotope analysis was used to investigate how local hydrodynamic conditions influence the primary production and fate of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica in a Mediterranean semi-enclosed marine system (Stagnone di Marsala). The water mass exchange aptitude of different sectors of the basin was analysed, and data collected were used to select two sectors (colonized by Posidonia oceanica showing the lowest and highest water exchange values) for biological analyses. According to the mean dispersal coefficient differences simulated by the hydrodynamic model, growth rate and primary production of P. oceanica differed between sectors, with average values lower in the central sector where water exchange is lower than in the southern sector. Although P. oceanica coverage and primary production were higher in the southern sector, carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis suggests that the transfer of seagrass organic matter to higher trophic levels of the food web was higher in the central sector. The possibility of a link between hydrodynamism, production and fate of organic matter is proposed to explain the observed patterns.  相似文献   

An integrated approach using hydrodynamic and transport numerical models, lepidochronology and stable isotope analysis was used to investigate how local hydrodynamic conditions influence the primary production and fate of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica in a Mediterranean semi-enclosed marine system (Stagnone di Marsala). The water mass exchange aptitude of different sectors of the basin was analysed, and data collected were used to select two sectors (colonized by Posidonia oceanica showing the lowest and highest water exchange values) for biological analyses. According to the mean dispersal coefficient differences simulated by the hydrodynamic model, growth rate and primary production of P. oceanica differed between sectors, with average values lower in the central sector where water exchange is lower than in the southern sector. Although P. oceanica coverage and primary production were higher in the southern sector, carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis suggests that the transfer of seagrass organic matter to higher trophic levels of the food web was higher in the central sector. The possibility of a link between hydrodynamism, production and fate of organic matter is proposed to explain the observed patterns.  相似文献   

Coastal areas of Iran are heavily affected by urbanisation, industrialisation, and maritime activities. One consequence of this environmental pressure is the contaminants accumulation, as heavy metals, into the marine ecosystem. In this review, the coastal areas in the north and south of the country were assessed for lead (Pb) contamination of, one of the most toxic metals found in the environment. All studies conducted during 2006–2016 with at least 10 specimens that reported the mean and standard deviation of Pb were considered in this review. Heterogeneity between studies was assessed using the Q and I2 statistics. The Pb mean concentration overall studies was estimated to be 21.88?µg/g (95% CIs: 16.25–27.50). Random effect model showed no statistical difference in mean Pb concentration levels between south and north coasts. However, the variability in Pb mean concentrations within southern coasts was considerable and statistically significant. Moreover, the Pb concentrations in the northern coasts of Persian Gulf and Oman Sea, in south of Iran, decreased in the following order Hormozgan > Khuzestan > Sistan-VA-Balluchestan > Bushehr while in the southern coasts of Caspian Sea, in north of Iran, decreased in the order Guilan > Mazandaran > Golestan.  相似文献   

The present study tested the utilization of dead microbial biomass by two benthic deposit-feeders:Abra alba (Wood) (Mollusca: Bivalvia) andEupolymnia nebulosa (Montagu) (Annelida: Polychaeta). Clams were collected in the Canet lagoon during spring 1989. Worms were collected in the Port-Vendres harbour during spring 1989. The14C-labelled (glutamic acid, 24 h) sediment used during the study was sterilized with 1% chloroform, washed with sterile seawater, and dried (60°C; 48 h). This sterilisation procedure, called fumigation is the least harmful to the sediment (Novitsky 1986). Both clams and worms were incubated in the presence of the fumigated sediment for 5, 10, 20, and 50 h. At the end of each experiment we recorded the radioactivity in four compartments: (1) sediment, (2) dissolved organic matter (DOM), (3) CO2, and (4) animals. The radioactivity of the sediment was subdivided into five fractions: (i) soluble in 2N HCl, (ii) soluble in hot 5% trichloroacetic acid (TCA), (iii) soluble in 1N NaOH, (iv) soluble in hot 6N HCl, (v) residual (after combustion in a Leco carbon analyser). In the first set of experiments, after 20 h of incubation, 5.4 and 4.7% of the total radioactivity was taken up by clams and worms, respectively. However, a model revealed that this uptake could have been correlated with the release of radiolabelled DOM (33% of total radioactivity during the first 5 h). In order to test this assumption, we used the same protocol with three additional washes of the fumigated sediment. This resulted in a significantly lower uptake by the clams (1.9% of the total radioactivity byt = 50 h), whereas the worms exhibited an uptake similar to that in the initial experiment (5.1% of total radioactivity byt = 50 h). These results underline the importance of considering interactions with DOM when applying radiotracer techniques to the study of benthic food chains. The average ingestion rates of fumigated sediment byA. alba andE. nebulosa were 5.2 10–2 mg sediment dry wt mg–1 clam h–1 and 3.5 10–2 mg sediment dry wt mg–1 worm h–1, respectively, which is comparable to previous data reported for other deposit-feeding bivalves and polychaetes feeding on natural sediment or detritus. The low radioactivity recorded for CO2 together with the similarity of the changes in the partitioning of the radioactivity within the sediment between control experiments and experiments carried out in the presence of clams or worms suggest low assimilation efficiencies. Therefore, the present study supports the fact that dead microbial biomass does not constitute an important food source for benthic deposit-feeders.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2007,201(1):89-96
Conditional value at risk (CVaR) was developed as a coherent measure of expected loss given that actual loss exceeds some value at risk (VaR) threshold. To date the concept has been primarily used to support quantitative risk assessment for investment decisions and portfolio management, using stochastic financial models to minimise the risk of unacceptable monetary loss. Intriguingly, the models and concepts are potentially adaptable to water resources planning and operational problems. This paper explores the application of CVaR within the context of identifying the risk of macro-economic damage to the fishery resources of Tonle Sap given reduced volumes of flow on the mainstream Mekong during the flood season. Emphasis is placed on simulating the linkages between the seasonally available flows in the Mekong mainstream, Tonle Sap water levels, annual fish catch and its economic value.We present scenarios using real hydrological and fish catch data along with exploratory concepts of contingency fund costs in terms of national and international aid requirements. The objective is to estimate the potential economic loss at a prescribed level of probability and to illustrate how VaR and CVaR may be calculated in this context. We demonstrate the properties of these risk measures through their behaviour under continuous and discontinuous loss distributions. We show that CVaR has advantages over VaR even under a relatively simple modelling approach. In the case where a loss distribution has discontinuities, VaR is potentially a poor measure of risk as it can vary unacceptably with a small increase in probability level. CVaR is stable in these situations. Here we find that when the loss distribution is continuous the CVaR is only marginally higher than the VaR. However, for the more realistic model where the loss distribution is discontinuous, the CVaR is substantially greater.We demonstrate the potential use of these two risk measures on a simple set of models of the Tonle Sap fishery in Cambodia. The sustainability of this fishery is crucial to the country in order to avoid even further dependence on international donor aid. Estimating the financial risk to which the national government and potential aid donors might be exposed given any damage to the fishery is the essence of this exploratory study of VaR and CVaR.  相似文献   

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