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Plant biomass partitioning is an important driver of whole-plant net carbon gain, as biomass allocation could directly affect plant's future growth and reproduction. Alpine meadow in the northwestern Sichuan was impressed by the abundant community structure and species diversity. This study on biomass allocation pattern of different functional types and lifeforms might help understand plant life-history strategy of alpine meadow plants. We investigated 72 dominant herbaceous species for their compartments, biomass, and morphological traits during 2012-2014. These plants were sampled from natural grassland, disturbed grassland, and wintergreen grassland; they belonged to three functional types (grass, sedge, and forb) and two lifeforms (annual and perennial). The scaling relationships between functional traits of these plants were analyzed using Model type II regression method to estimate the parameters of the allometric equations. (1) Biomass allocation proportion of components significantly differed among grasses, sedges, and forbs owing to phylogeny: grasses had the highest stem biomass percentage, sedges had higher root biomass percentage, and forbs had higher leaf biomass percentage, but the scaling relationships were not significantly different, and isometric scaling was noted between biomass components for the three functional types. (2) Moreover, plant lifeforms affected the biomass allocation proportion of components, owing to the shorter or longer turnover rate and investment strategy between annual and perennial species. Annuals allocated more biomass to the stem and reproduction organs, but perennials invested more biomass to the leaves and roots. (3) In addition, plants from different grassland types differed in both biomass and morphology traits. Moreover, forbs from natural grassland and wintergreen grassland had higher leaf and reproductive biomass, but those from disturbed grasslands had higher stem biomass. Our results suggest that the functional type and lifeform decide the inherent scaling relationships between components of plants, but anthropogenic disturbance significantly impacted the quantity of component biomass. This study has important theoretical and practical significance to understand the response of alpine plants to climate change and anthropogenic disturbance as well as to help in the scientific management of alpine meadow. © 2018 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

土壤是甲烷(CH4)重要的源和汇.氮沉降和降水格局变化正在急剧改变土壤碳循环,进而可能对土壤CH4通量造成深刻影响.高寒生态系统是巨大的碳库,对氮沉降和降水变化十分敏感.然而,目前多数研究集中在短期实验上,缺乏对长期氮沉降和降水变化背景下CH4通量的响应及其调控因素的认识.以青藏高原高寒草原为研究对象,在2013年搭建模拟氮沉降和降水格局改变实验平台.基于静态箱–气相色谱法测定2020年生长季(5-10月)土壤CH4通量.结果显示,高寒草原土壤呈CH4的汇.氮添加没有显著改变生长季和植物生长高峰CH4通量.然而,降水变化显著改变了生长季和植物生长高峰CH4通量,其中降水增加(+50%降水)降低了CH4的吸收(分别为–16%和–45%),降水减少(–50%降水)增强了CH4的吸收(分别为+73%和+33%).进一步研究发现,与植物属性和功能基因丰度相比,土壤环境因子主导了CH4通量变化(解释率>90%).其中CH4通量与土壤含水量和温度显著正相关,与土壤pH显著负相关.综上所述,在未来全球变化情景下,降水格局改变更能调节青藏高原高寒草原CH4通量的变化.(图6表1参37)  相似文献   

To compare the zooplankton communities in the South Branch, North Branch, North Channel and offshore of the Changjiang (Yangtze River) estuary, two cruises were carried out in the autumn of 2009 and the spring of 2010. A total of 27 species of zooplankton were identified in the spring, including 17 in the offshore, 11 in the south branch, 9 in the north branch, and only 5 in the North Channel. In autumn, altogether 71 species were collected, including 6 in the south branch, 11 in the north branch, 8 species in the North Channel area and 63 in the offshore. Either in the spring or autumn, the average species numbers of the offshore were the highest. Additionally, species numbers of the offshore were significantly higher than that in other areas (P < 0.05) for both seasons. There were no significant differences between the species number of the South Branch and the North Branch (P > 0.05). The species number and diversity index of the inner area were lower than that of the offshore. The average diversity index of offshore area was still the highest in both spring (1.69) and autumn (3.73). In spring, the diversity index of the North Channel was the lowest among four areas, while in autumn, that of the South Branch was the lowest (0.49). In spring, Sinocalanus sinensis was the dominant species of the South Branch, North'Branch and North Channel (> 50% of the total collection by number). The dominant species of offshore area were Tortanus vermiculus and Labidocera euchaeta. While in autumn, the dominant species were different for each area. In the South Branch, the most important species was S. dorrii (93.55% of the total collection by number). The main species was S. dorrii in the South Branch area, S. stenellus and T. vermiculusin in the North Branch and Subeucalanus subcrassus in the offshore (< 30% of the total collection by number). Numbers of species and diversity index seemed to vary among different areas of Changjiang estuary. The underline mechanisms of the regional variation in species number were mainly the salinity and suspended sediment concentrations. Generally speaking, zooplankton was more abundant in the polyhaline water. Diversity index was largely affected by both species number and abundance percentage. The zooplankton community was mainly influenced by the Changjiang diluted water and offshore water mass through affecting the salinity. In autumn, the Kuroshio flowed northward carrying polyhaline water, and brought subtropical species to the offshore of the Changjiang estuary. Since the North Channel is located in the estuarine turbidity zone, suspended sediment concentration of that area is higher than the other areas, which might limit the distribution of some species. To sum up, salinity is the most important factor causing the difference of zooplankton community among different areas in the Changjiang estuary. Besides, water masses and estuarine turbidity also influence the zooplankton community.  相似文献   

四环素类抗生素(TCs)是目前我国应用广泛、用量最大的一类抗生素,畜禽粪便和土壤中存在TCs残留,影响蔬菜作物的生长发育. TCs因水溶性较高更容易被植物转运和积累,植物对TCs耐受性机理研究仍不足.为更全面探究土壤TCs对蔬菜的毒性作用,研究不同浓度四环素(TC)和土霉素(OTC)分别对生菜的抗生素残留、生长特征及抗氧化酶系统的影响.结果显示,在0(对照)、2、10、50、250 mg/kg 5个施用水平下,生菜叶片抗生素含量逐渐增加,且土霉素含量始终大于四环素含量.与对照相比,抗生素浓度在50 mg/kg以上时对生菜生长具有显著抑制作用,其中,株高、根长、地上部和地下部鲜重与叶片TC残留量具显著负相关.生菜叶片的脯氨酸含量随浓度增加呈先增加后降低的趋势,在10 mg/kg时达到最大.并且低浓度(2 mg/kg)促进抗氧化酶基因SOD、POD21和CAT的表达,高浓度抗生素(50、250 mg/kg)对其产生抑制作用,10 mg/kg的抗生素处理对SOD、POD21和CAT基因表达的影响在抗生素种类上存在差异.本研究表明抗生素浓度超过50 mg/kg对生菜生长产生抑制作用,脯氨酸和抗氧化酶SOD、POD、CAT的转录水平及其酶活性能快速响应抗生素胁迫,可作为生菜对抗生素抗性的辅助评价指标.(图8表3参19)  相似文献   

Hull-less barley is a special food crop rich in various nutrients in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Six-pearling is often used to produce commercial hull-less barley rice in order to improve its rough taste and inferior cooking quality. This study evaluated the differences in the nutritional, cooking, sensory, and storage qualities of hull-less barley rice with different pearling times to obtain suitable processing conditions for the production of high-quality hull-less barley rice. With increasing pearling time, the contents of vitamin B6, vitamin E, dietary fiber, iron, zinc, phenols, and flavonoids significantly decreased to a large extent, protein and vitamin B3 decreased slightly, the contents of total starch and β-glucan increased significantly, and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) initially increased and then decreased. The peak, trough, and final viscosity of whole grain barley were 1 860.50 cP, 914.50 cP, and 2 150.00 cP, respectively, and increased after six-pearling to 4 219.00 cP, 2 628.00 cP, and 5 074.00 cP, respectively. At the same time, the water absorption and volume expansion of the pearled hull-less barley increased significantly. The hardness of pearled hull-less barley reduced from 4 708.50 g to 2 282.00 g, its adhesiveness increased from 0.00 to -7.33, and its taste and sensory quality exhibited better. The activities of α-amylase, polyphenol oxidase, lipase, and catalase in pearled hull-less barley slightly decreased. Hull-less bran flour is rich in a variety of nutritional components and could be a potential resource with great developmental value. In general, hull-less barley rice obtained from three-pearling has high nutritional value, high cooking quality, low enzyme activity, and low energy consumption; therefore, it can be used to produce high-quality barley rice. This study provides important information for high-quality pearled hull-less barley and further utilization of barley bran flour. © 2022 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Increasing concentrations of chloride ions (Cl-) in the atmosphere is one of the most important global environmental factors influencing processes in terrestrial ecosystems. To understand the roles played by plantations in intercepting atmospheric Cl- in mountainous regions, a one-year field observation of precipitation and throughfall was conducted in a subalpine artificial Picea asperata plantation in western Sichuan and the dynamics of Cl- concentrations in rainfall, snowfall, and throughfall, and canopy interception on atmospheric Cl- were investigated from August 2015 to July 2016. During the observational year, 27 rainfalls and 6 snowfalls were observed and sampled. The average concentration of Cl- in the precipitation was 1.33 mg/L and the average concentrations of Cl- in rainfall and snowfall were 1.41 mg/L and 0.98 mg/L, respectively. Correspondingly, the total input of Cl- by the precipitation processes was 7.56 kg/hm2, which included 6.31 kg/ hm2 by rainfall and the remainder by snowfall. In one entire year, the total canopy interception of Cl- was 2.61 kg/hm2 and the average interception rate was 38.08%. During the rainy season, the canopy interception of Cl- was 2.20 kg/hm2 and the average rate was 38.90%, whereas during the snow season, the canopy interception of Cl- was 0.41 kg/hm2 and the average rate was 34.39%. The maximum and minimum interception rates occurred in August and September, respectively. Significantly negative correlation was found between the interception rate of Cl- and precipitation. In summary, the P. asperata plantation in the subalpine forest region of western Sichuan exerts an important role in intercepting atmospheric Cl-, which is of great significance for maintaining and improving the environment of the water conservation region in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. Furthermore, changes in the precipitation pattern caused by global changes might affect the role of the artificial forest canopy interception on atmospheric Cl-. © 2018 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Polygonum viviparum, which reproduces sexually and asexually, is widely distributed in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and its reproduction strategies are very sensitive to changes in the environment. This study aimed to elucidate the effect of altitude on the photosynthetic characteristics and reproductive strategies of P. viviparum. This study was conducted to investigate the responses of photosynthetic, vegetative, and reproductive traits of P. viviparum populations along six altitudinal gradients in the eastern part of the Qilian Mountains in China. Our results indicated that, with increasing altitude, the net photosynthetic rate of P. viviparum showed an increasing trend, reaching its maximum value (14.39 μmol m–2 s–1) at 3 700 m above sea level. The transpiration rate showed an increasing trend, followed by a decreasing trend, and the intercellular CO2 concentration did not differ significantly between altitudes. With increasing altitude, the plant height and leaf area of P. viviparum showed a downward trend, the aboveground and underground biomass decreased, and the specific leaf area initially decreased and then increased. However, the leaf greenness index showed an upward trend, and the number of stomata in the upper and lower epidermis of leaves initially increased and then decreased. With increasing altitude, the proportion of inflorescence length per plant (the ratio of inflorescence length to plant height), the proportion of bulbil length per inflorescence (the ratio of bulbil length to inflorescence height), and the proportion of the number of bulbils per inflorescence (the ratio of the number of bulbils to the total number of flowers and bulbils) showed an increasing trend. Air temperature and light intensity are the major environmental factors affecting the photosynthetic characteristics and functional traits of P. viviparum. Thus, P. viviparum is exposed to more environmental stresses and obtains less energy when altitude increases, but it adapts to the harsh alpine environment by increasing the photosynthetic capability per unit area. With increasing altitude, P. viviparum populations may be sustained by investing less energy in vegetation and more in reproduction, especially asexual reproduction. © 2022 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the soil nitrogen components of four native artificial plantations at the western edge of the Sichuan Basin. Soil samples from two layers (0-20 cm and 20-40 cm) were collected from 4 plantations (Cryptomeria fortunei, Michelia wilsonii, Phoebe zhennan, and Quercus acutissima) during March, June, September, and December 2015 at the western edge of Sichuan Basin, to perform a comparative analysis on seasonal dynamics. Soil ammonium, nitrate, microbial biomass nitrogen, and environmental factors were synchronously monitored. The results showed that soil inorganic nitrogen was mainly the result of nitrate. The components of labile soil nitrogen showed significant seasonal dynamics. Soil ammonium during the growing season (June and September) was higher than that during the non-growing season (March and December), but soil nitrate, microbial biomass nitrogen, and inorganic nitrogen showed the opposite pattern. Labile nitrogen components in the 0-20 cm layer were generally higher than those in the 20-40 cm layer. Labile soil nitrogen was significantly affected by forest type, which was dependent on season and soil layer. In general, there were significant correlations between the soil nitrogen pools and labile soil nitrogen and the environmental factors, including soil temperature, water content, and monthly rainfall. In conclusion, the variation of labile soil nitrogen was influenced more by season than forest type or soil layer. Compared to the biological effects of tree species, the environmental factors had a stronger effect on labile soil nitrogen. © 2018 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

In order to reveal the distribution pattern and spatial correlation of Pinus tabulaeformis population, this research used geostatistical theory and methods to examine the distribution pattern and spatial correlation of P. tabulaeformis population in different habitats of the Lingkong Mountain. The results showed that the semivariograms well fitted the exponential model for P. tabulaeformis populations at the mountain ridge, and the spherical model for those in slow slopes and valley areas. All three populations showed aggregated pattern. The spatial heterogeneity of the habitats of ridge, slow slope and valley was mostly due to the spatial autocorrelation in the ranges of 11.16 m, 9.99 m and 4.74 m, respectively. The populations at the ridges and gentle slopes showed greater sill values and determinant coefficient but lower fractal dimension than the pines in valleys, indicating that the first two habitats are characterized by higher degree of spatial heterogeneity and more significant spatial patterns, which is not found in the valley populations. Therefore the variations in the spatial distribution patterns of P. tabulaeformis populations is likely resulted from both the intrinsic biological characteristics and the environmental factors.  相似文献   

Casuarina equisetifolia plantation plays a key role in protecting coastal areas from hazardous climate. However, the plantations in the tropical coastal area of south China have degraded severely in recent years. This research aimed to investigate the nutrient status of the plantation ecosystem along a chronological sequence. The results showed that different parts of the Casuarina equisetifolia had very similar level of Carbon (C), 448-462 g kg-1 in the branch and trunk, 416-430 g kg-1 in the leaf and shed leaf, 320-391 g kg-1 in the fine root. Carbon content did not vary with the plantation age. High fine root biomass did not definitely lead to high soil carbon stock. Casuarina equisetifolia had Nitrogen (N) content of 9.9-11.9 g kg-1, with the highest N found in the leaf and fine root. The Phosphorus (P) content was in the order of leaf > fine root > trunk. The plantation in fast growth period of age 6 had the lowest N and P. The soil of 3-year plantation had the highest P content among the 4 age classes, which also resulted in the highest soil C and N content in plantation of 3 years among all. However, the C and N stock of the sandy soil was extremely low compared to normal soil of the region. Soil N was weakly correlated with leaf N, but soil P not correlated with leaf P. Except for the obvious dynamics of C/N and C/P ratios in the leaf, which showed a peak in 6-year plantations, the C/N and C/P ratios of different organs did not change with the plantation age. Casuarina equisetifolia retranslocated nutrients from aging leaf at a rate of 18-30% for N and 43-58% for P. The nutrient resorption efficiency was not correlated with nutrient level in either soil or plant. In summary, Casuarina equisetifolia has low level of nutrient status. The plantation growth is limited by N and P in young period, but by P in relatively older period.  相似文献   

Soil physicochemical properties are important parameters to characterize soil quality. To evaluate the effects of different stand ages from young to mature on the soil physicochemical properties of Pinus tabulaeformis plantations, four different aged P. tabulaeformis plantations (14, 28, 36, and 51-year old) were investigated in Yanqing district, Beijing, China. Soil samples were collected at depths of 0-10, 10-20, and 20-30 cm, to analyze the effect of soil depth on soil physicochemical indexes. With increasing soil depth, the soil moisture content, water holding capacity, and porosity decreased gradually, but pH value increased. There was no significant difference in soil bulk density (BD) between different soil depths. Organic matter (OM), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) content also decreased gradually with increasing soil depth, but there was no uniform change in electrical conductivity (EC). With the growth and development of P. tabulaeformis plantations, the soil moisture content, water holding capacity, and porosity of the same depth increased gradually, but pH value decreased. The difference in BD between different ages was not significant. The OM, N, and P content showed an increasing trend with increasing stand age. The K content in 14 a and 28 a plantations was significantly higher than that in 36 a and 51 a plantations. EC was the highest in 51 a plantations. The correlation analysis showed that there was a significant negative correlation between BD and water characteristics, porosity. There was a significant positive correlation between OM and N, P. The negative correlation between OM and pH reached a significant level at P < 0.01. OM was negatively correlated with BD, total potassium (TK, P < 0.05) and available potassium (AK, P > 0.05). Therefore, the soil physicochemical properties of P. tabulaeformis plantations improved with increasing stand age. Our results provide a theoretical basis for the management of P. tabulaeformis plantations in Beijing, such as thinning, fertilization management, and mixed forest forestation. © 2018 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

This study was designed to explore the cultivation measures for the high yield of forage oats (Avena sativa L.) in the eastern mountain dryland of Qinghai Province of China. Taking 'Jiayan No.2' oat as the research material, the effects of different sowing dates, row spacing, sowing amount, and fertilizing amount on hay yield were studied by orthogonal experiment design with four factors and three levels. Sowing date, row spacing, sowing amount, and fertilizer amount all affected the hay yield of forage oats. Among them, the sowing date had the greatest influence, reaching an extremely significant level in the 3-year experiment and 3-year average (P < 0.01), followed by fertilizing amount and row spacing (P < 0.05). The effects of sowing amount on oat hay yield were relatively small (P > 0.05). Principal component analysis showed that the sowing date contributed the most to oat hay yield, followed by sowing amount, fertilizing amount, and row spacing. According to the comprehensive score and ranking of each principal component, we found that the early sowing treatment combination was superior to the late sowing treatment combination, and the optimal treatment combination was treatment 3, with a comprehensive score of 2.533. Treatment 3 (early sowing, 20 cm row spacing, sowing amount 240 kg/hm2, and fertilizing amount of 150 kg/hm2 N2O and 300 kg/hm2 P2O5) and treatment 1 (early sowing, 10 cm row spacing, 120 kg/hm2 sowing amount, and fertilizing amount of 37.5 kg/hm2 N2O and 75 kg/hm2 P2O5) always ranked first and second, the average yield of hay in 3 years was 7 942.21 kg/hm2 and 7 321.61 kg/hm2, respectively, and there was no significant difference in hay yield after multiple tests. When forage oats were planted in the eastern mountain dryland of Qinghai Province, the optimal planting conditions were early sowing in good time (mid and early April), row spacing of 20 cm, sowing amount of 240 kg/hm2, and fertilization amount of 150 kg/hm2 N2O and 300 kg/hm2 P2O5 © 2022 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

海拔对植物养分元素的分配和生存策略的权衡具有重要影响.为了解金佛山方竹(Chimonobambusa utilis)叶片氮、磷养分对海拔梯度的响应,以四川盆地南缘3个海拔(1 400 m、1 600 m和1 800 m)金佛山方竹纯林为研究对象,建立12个典型样地,对生长季节叶片氮、磷含量和土壤养分含量、温度、含水量等进行定量研究和相关性分析.结果表明:(1)随海拔的升高,叶片氮含量呈上升趋势,叶片磷含量呈下降趋势,叶片氮磷比呈上升趋势;各海拔叶片氮磷比均大于16,表明金佛山方竹生长可能受到磷限制.(2)冗余分析表明,叶片氮含量和氮磷比与土壤温度、含水量和速效磷含量呈负相关,与土壤速效氮含量呈正相关;叶片磷含量与土壤全氮和速效氮含量呈负相关,与其余环境因子呈正相关;土壤温度、速效氮、全氮、含水量和速效磷含量对叶片氮、磷化学计量特征整体影响显著,变量解释度分别为72.10%、7.90%、8.80%、2.50%和1.20%.(3)相对重要性分析表明,土壤温度和速效氮含量是叶片氮含量变异的主导因子,土壤温度、速效磷和全氮含量是叶片磷含量变异的主导因子,土壤温度、速效磷含量和速效氮含量是叶片氮磷比变异的主导因子.上述研究结果说明,海拔引起的土壤温度和养分供应的差异调节着金佛山方竹叶片的氮、磷化学计量特征.(图4表3参49)  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effect of different slope-protecting vegetation on soil restoration in the highways, we collected soils at depths of 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, and 20-30 cm from areas planted with Amorpha fruticosa, Periploca sepium, and Paederia scandens for 6-7 years in the Daming road section of the Daguang Highway, in October 2016. The physico-chemical properties and microbial community of the soils were then analyzed. The soil microbial community was analyzed by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP). The correlation between the microbial community and the physico-chemical properties of the soils was determined by redundancy analysis (RDA). The results showed that (1) the physico-chemical properties were the best for soils with Paederia scandens; the nutrient content, water holding capacity, and porosity of the soils with the three types of slope-protecting vegetation were better in the 0-10 cm layer than in the other layers; (2) the contents of soil aggregates (diameter > 5 mm) were the highest in the 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm layers for the soil with Paederia scandens; (3) the dominant bacteria in the 0-10 cm layer and dominant fungi in the 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, and 20-30 cm layers were higher in the soils with Pe. sepium and Pa. scandens than in the soil with A. fruticosa; and (4) results of RDA showed that the physical properties of the soils were the main factors that influenced the soil microbial community. The physical properties of the soils were sensitive to the change of soil quality. Soil quality can be improved by appropriate management measures, such as burying litter, which can subsequently improve the ecological environment of soils in sloping regions. © 2018 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (Anammox) is a biological process that has the advantages of saving energy and being highly efficient. However, there are some problems with it such as slow proliferation and activity inhibition of Anammox bacteria in practical applications. First, we introduce the inhibitory effects of Anammox by substrate and non-substrate materials, including nitrite, organic and inorganic substances, and others, and elaborated on activity recovery approaches such as controlling the operation parameters and adding sludge. The effects of the addition of inorganic carbon, Anammox intermediates, Fe, and conductive materials on Anammox are then reviewed in detail, and three Anammox metabolic pathways are summarized. Finally, we discuss the problems (including NOB inhibition and low temperature) and countermeasures when Anammox is applied for wastewater treatment as a mainstream technology, and we summarized the measures of NOB washout by free ammonia and free nitrite solutions and methods to cope with low temperatures, including selecting suitable reactor types and culture methods. Meanwhile, we analyzed the interactions among the intermediates and the synergy between Anammox and denitrification and suggest the potential of applying Anammox for flue gas denitrification and anaerobic aromatic hydrocarbon biodegradation. Further studies are suggested regarding multifactor composite inhibition, Anammox physiological characteristics, and intermediate metabolic mechanisms as well as regarding methods for avoiding adverse factors in mainstream wastewater treatment. © 2018 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

The rhizospheric soils of Tieguanyin at different ages were used as the study materials, and terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) was used to analyze the changes in bacterial diversity. The results showed that the number of T-RFs, Simpson index, and Shannon index decreased significantly with the age of the tea tree. Results of correlation analysis showed that 9 T-RFs from the bacterial community were significantly and positively correlated with the age of the tea tree, and included 34 species of microbes belonging to 10 classes. The 34 microbes were divided into 6 types according to their functional attributes, and included pathogenic bacteria, bacteria that improved soil texture or inhibited pathogenic bacteria, and bacteria associated with the carbon, nitrogen, or sulfur cycles, in which the percentage of pathogenic bacteria was 58.82%. Seventeen T-RFs were significantly and negatively correlated with the age of the tea tree, and included 38 species of bacteria belonging to 12 classes. The 38 bacterial species were divided into 5 types according to their functional attributes, and included pathogenic bacteria, bacteria that improved soil quality or inhibited pathogenic bacteria, and bacteria associated with the carbon cycle or nitrogen cycle, in which all the others, barring the pathogenic bacteria, accounted for 78.95% of the bacterial population. In brief, the diversity and function of bacteria in the rhizospheric soil of tea tree changed significantly with the age of the tea tree, which provides a theoretical basis for studying the interactions of bacterial communities. © 2018 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

This study aimed to understand the soil fauna characteristics during the litter decomposition process of perennial herb Deyeuxia arundinacea. The litters were put in 6-, 30-, and 260-mesh litterbags to investigate their mass loss and the dynamics of soil faunal community during Aug. 2013 to Jul. 2014. Faster decomposition rate of Deyeuxia arundinacea in different meshes was found in the early period than in mid- and end-periods. Among different mesh sizes, 6-mesh had the fastest decomposition rate, followed by 30-mesh and 260-mesh. A total of 2218 individuals of soil fauna were obtained in different meshes, with 958, 737 and 523 individuals in 30-, 260- and 6-mesh respectively. Oribatida and Poduridae were the dominant groups, accounting for 73.22% of total individuals. The soil animal individual and group densities shared a very similar trend among the decomposition bags of three aperture sizes, all with obvious characteristics of seasonal dynamic distribution. During the 12 months of decomposition, the density of soil animal groups did not show significant difference between the 6 mesh and 260 mesh decomposition bags except for May. Correlation analysis showed that the group density was highly significantly correlated with average monthly temperature and rainfall, and the individual density significantly correlated with the average monthly temperature. The results indicated that the structure and diversity of soil fauna community of Deyeuxia arundinacea are influenced by hydrothermal conditions. The findings help in understanding the effect of soil fauna to perennial herb litter decomposition.  相似文献   

Macrobenthic communities are an important part of aquatic ecological system in the Yangtze River. Studies on macrobenthic community structure and diversity have important significance for development and protection of water resources in the Yangtze River. In this research, macrobenthic communities and their habitat in the Jiangsu Reach of the Yangtze River were investigated at 17 sites in May and September of 2013. Shannon-wiener diversity index was used to assess the diversity of macrobenthic communities. The results showed that there were 36 species at these 17 sites; the abundance and diversity of macrobenthic community were the highest in the Nanjing Reach and the Changzhou Reach, the lowest in the Nantong Reach of the Yangtze River. Nephthys sp., Grandidierella chaohuensis sp., Gammarus sp., Tubifex sp. and Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri were the dominant taxa in the Jiangsu Reach of the Yangtze River. Cluster analysis based on species abundance yielded four groups among the 17 sites. One-way analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) suggested significant differences in macrobenthic community structure among the four groups (P < 0.05). The results indicated that factors including aquatic plants, water flow velocity, sediment types and channels can influence the distribution and diversity of macrobenthic communities in the Jiangsu Reach of the Yangtze River.  相似文献   

To investigate the chemical composition of the fungus Daldinia eschscholtzii, the compounds were separated by silica gel, Sephadex LH-20, and preparative chromatography. Their structures were identified by spectral methods. The MTT method was applied to measure the cytotoxicity of representative components. Eleven compounds were isolated and identified as 3β-hydroxyl-6,22-dien-5α,8α-peroxynitrite (1); ergosterol-9(11)-dehydroperoxide (2); mangiferonic acid (3); ergosta-4,6,8 (14),22-tetraen-3-one (4); (+)-syringaresinol (5); 3,5,3',5'-tetramethoxy-4,4,-diphenol (6); 5-methoxycoumarin (7); 5-hydroxy-2-methyl-4H-chromen-4-one (8); (2R,4R)-3,4-dihydro-5-methoxy-2-methyl-2H-1-benzopyran-4-ol (9); 2,3-dihydro-5-methoxy-2-methylchromen-4-one (10); and 7β-caruilignan C (11), respectively. Compound 4 showed inhibitory activity against H1299, H460, HGC-27, A5491, and MNK-45, with the IC50 value of 25.2 ± 2.9, 32.3 ± 4.2, 29.2 ± 1.2, 33.9 ± 3.7, and 18.0 ± 7.0 μmol/L, respectively. © 2018 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

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