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Urban green/blue spaces are put under pressure as urban areas grow, develop and evolve. It is increasingly recognized, however, that green/blue spaces provide important ecosystem services, stimulate higher real estate prices and prevent flooding problems. This paper aims to assess and compare the socio-economic impacts of potential green/blue space, urban residential and road infrastructure development scenarios in the Lyon Confluence project area (France), using the Sustainable Urbanizing Landscape Development (SULD) hedonic pricing simulation model. Results show four major tendencies regarding the value-added of green/blue spaces in urban landscapes: (1) cities become more compact; (2) population densities increase; (3) real estate values rise; and (4) demographic distribution patterns change. The magnitude of these impacts depends, however, on the quality and size of the intervention, the social classes attracted to the intervention area and on the location of the intervention relative to existing residential areas, urban centres, road infrastructure and environmental amenities.  相似文献   

The provision of green and open space in the face of wider development pressure is a key urban challenge. Despite this, few studies have critically investigated the quality of life implications of such provision. This paper focuses on perceptions of built environment factors and their influence on neighbourhood quality of life. Data are drawn from a household survey questionnaire completed by 483 residents living in three neighbourhoods in Dublin, Ireland – an inner city neighbourhood, a suburb and a peri-urban settlement. Positive perceptions of green and open space were identified as important predictors of high levels of neighbourhood satisfaction, surpassed only by dwelling characteristics. This suggests that development strategies which fail to provide for properly planned green and open spaces may be detrimental to neighbourhood quality of life. Furthermore, the results suggest a need for design solutions which consider neighbourhood typology in achieving improved neighbourhood quality of life.  相似文献   

This paper describes and applies EDEN-E, an operational method for the environmental evaluation of dairy farms based on the life cycle assessment (LCA) conceptual framework. EDEN-E requires a modest amount of data readily available on-farm, and thus can be used to assess a large number of farms at a reasonable cost. EDEN-E estimates farm resource use and pollutant emissions mostly at the farm scale, based on-farm-gate balances, amongst others. Resource use and emissions are interpreted in terms of potential impacts: eutrophication, acidification, climate change, terrestrial toxicity, non-renewable energy use and land occupation. The method distinguishes for each total impact a direct component (impacts on the farm site) and an indirect component (impacts associated with production and supply of inputs used). A group of 47 dairy farms (41 conventional and six organic) was evaluated. Expressed per 1000 kg of fat-and-protein-corrected milk, total land occupation was significantly larger for organic than for conventional farms, while total impacts for eutrophication, acidification, climate change, terrestrial toxicity, and non-renewable energy use were not significantly different for the two production modes. When expressed per ha of land occupied all total impacts were significantly larger for conventional than organic farms. This study largely confirms previously published findings concerning the effect of production mode on impacts of dairy farms. However, it strikingly reveals that, for the set of farms examined, the contribution of production mode to overall inter-farm variability of impacts was minor relative to inter-farm variability within each of the two production modes examined. The mapping of impact variability through EDEN-E opens promising perspectives to move towards sustainable farming systems by identifying the structural and management characteristics of the farms presenting the lowest impacts.  相似文献   

Backyard garden sharing projects can be viewed as a small-scale alternative to traditional community gardens. These shared spaces are able to overcome some of the pressures on community gardens such as competing demands for housing and other services and amenities while still providing many of the health-promoting benefits community gardens are noted for. This study is a small-scale participatory qualitative project that explores three backyard garden sharing partnerships. The aim of this study is to explore the benefits and challenges of these shared spaces and to discuss the overall feasibility of shared backyard gardens. Partnerships comprised an older adult homeowner (i.e., greater than age 65) and a non-senior gardener. At an individual level, the results suggest that backyard garden sharing can promote physical activity, psychosocial well-being, and social connectedness for both older adult homeowners and volunteer garden partners. To be successful, partners benefit from an established agreement about what to grow and how to share the garden's produce. In addition, a dedicated project coordinator and a limited amount of community resources can ensure the viability of these small-scale projects.  相似文献   

Financial returns can be deceptive as criteria upon which to make public decisions where outputs from proposed developments are subsidized, such as housing, or protected from imports, such as opencast coal mining. Removing subsidies and the effects of import restrictions suggests that the social benefits from these developments are much less than the financial benefits. Including externalities from the proposed developments on neighbouring householders, and preservation benefits from green belt land, estimated by contingent valuation methods, reveals that the social benefits from opencast coal mining are actually negative.  相似文献   

Summary This paper outlines the second phase of an ecotourism project undertaken in the Santa Elena community, in the Monteverde region of Costa Rica. The community originally established a rainforest reserve with the help of Youth Challenge International in an attempt to provide a wider economic base and employment for the area. The project has been successful in the first phase in that it is now drawing an annual income of US$40 000 and it employs guides and management from the local community. In terms of the underlying principles usually aligned with ecotourism it has been successful but it is now necessary to evaluate the impacts this project is having on the community. The second phase of the project was to assess the sociocultural impacts of ecotourism on that community and the paper outlines this phase.Stephen Wearing is a lecturer in the School of Leisure and Tourism Studies at the University of Technology, Sydney. He lectures and consults in the area of tourism and environmental planning, and parks and protected area management. His particular interest is in ecotourism projects with local communities and he has spent much of the last 4 years working on the Santa Elena Project. He is linked with Youth Challenge International and people interested in becoming involved or looking for assistance with community projects of this nature can contact him at the above address. Libby Larson recently graduated with a BA in Leisure Studies at the University of Technology, Sydney, focusing on social sciences in natural resource management. She has also worked in Costa Rica with Youth Challenge International and is particularly interested in ecotourism.  相似文献   

The quantification of impacts in the abiotic resource category in life cycle assessment is still controversial. However, this is a pertinent issue because of the growing dependence of our industrial society on these resources, particularly on metal resources. One of the important shortcomings of the existing assessment methods used today is that characterization factors are not based on actual mining practice data. In this paper, a new characterization factor derived from recent (1998–2010) and representative (more than 50% coverage of global primary metal production) mining data was established for nine metals: copper, zinc, lead, nickel, molybdenum, gold, silver, platinum and palladium. The quantification of this new characterization factor is based on the annual increase in mass of ore required per unit mass of metal in the ore. This quantification relies on the concept that the mining of resources is threatened not by lack of ores but by changing ore characteristics, e.g., the percentage of metal in the ore, mineral type and location. The characterization factors determined in this study ranged from below 0.1 kg ore kg−1 y−1 for zinc to more than 15,000 kg ore kg−1 y−1 for gold. These results indicate that in 1999, 370,000 kg of ore was required per kg of gold in the ore, whereas in 2008, 530,000 kg of ore was required per kg of gold in the ore (an increase of approximately 4% per annum). When comparing these results with traditional life cycle impact assessment methods, it was found that in all but one method gold, palladium and platinum have the highest characterization factors among the nine metals. In all methods based on ore grade changes lead and zinc are the metals with the lowest characterization factors. However, an important difference in the proposed method is that it assigns higher relative values to precious metals. This suggests that the supply of precious metals may be under more pressure than indicated by other methods, which in the framework of the proposed method implies greater efforts in mining and mineral processing. There is still scope for improvement of the proposed method if more data become readily available.  相似文献   

In 1989 the Countryside and Forestry Commissions launched a national programme to create Community Forests on the fringes of major towns and cities in England and Wales. The assumption that such forests will be of benefit to the community at large was tested by means of surveys of two existing multi‐purpose woodlands adjacent to major conurbations. Contingent valuation, travel cost and time cost methods of environmental valuation were used to estimate the existing user benefits of the two woodlands for recreation. The study highlights weaknesses in the travel cost approach when applied to recreational facilities located near urban fringe areas which can be accessed on foot. The results of the two surveys are discussed and compared with similar results for more rural woodlands/ forests. The study suggests that on social grounds at least the concept of Community Forests should be pursued with recreation benefits alone exceeding management costs by a factor of three.  相似文献   

This paper describes the potential benefits to be gained from improving the quality of urban rivers and evaluates the methods commonly used to quantify such benefits. The difficulties encountered in quantifying non-use benefits in developing countries are discussed with particular reference to the River Klang that drains the urban conurbation of Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia, where as in many other locations in developing countries the only potential benefits are the most difficult to justify, namely indirect and non-use benefits.  相似文献   

Urban transportation projects are essential in increasing the efficiency of moving people and goods within a city, and between cities. Environmental impacts from such projects must be evaluated and mitigated, as applicable. Spatial modeling is a valuable tool for quantifying the potential level of environmental consequences within the context of an environmental impact assessment (EIA) study. This paper presents a GIS-based tool for the assessment of airborne-noise and ground-borne vibration from public transit systems, and its application to an actual project. The tool is based on the US Federal Transit Administration's (FTA) approach, and incorporates spatial information, satellite imaging, geostatistical modeling, and software programming. The tool is applied on a case study of initial environmental evaluation of a light rail transit project in an urban city in the Middle East, to evaluate alternative layouts. The tool readily allowed the alternative evaluation and the results were used as input to a multi-criteria analytic framework.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on soundscape planning, or acoustic design, in the planning and management of open space in both urban and non‐urban areas. It is based on notions, promoted over several decades, that the acoustic aspects of open space can, and should be, subject to design in the same way as are the visual dimensions. The current paradigm for the management of the outdoor acoustic environment is noise control and soundscape planning needs to adopt quite different practices from noise control with respect to acoustic criteria and measurement. The paper explores the specification of acoustic objectives for outdoor soundscapes and the translation of these objectives into acoustic criteria that are amenable to measurement and prediction as part of the design process. Such objectives, termed Proposed Acoustic Environments, focus on the information content in sounds in a particular space and, only indirectly, on characteristics such as level or loudness. Outdoor acoustic design is mostly concerned with avoiding, or achieving, the masking of one set of information in the acoustic signal with other sets of information in the same signal. These are critical methodological issues if soundscape planning is to move from being a good idea to common practice. The paper sets out the elements of a process for the acoustic design or management of outdoor space.  相似文献   

One of the main problems in using environmental cost-benefit analysis is deciding on the relevant population: whose benefits should we count? This is important since aggregate benefits depend on both per-person benefit and the number of beneficiaries. Yet this latter term is often hard to evaluate. Distance-decay functions are one way of addressing this problem. In this paper, we present estimates of distance-decay functions for a particular environmental improvement, namely a reduction in low flow problems on the River Mimram in Southern England. We do this both for users and non-users, in the context of a contingent valuation study of the benefits of improving low flow conditions. We test whether distance-decay effects for mean Willingness to Pay are stronger for a single environmental good (the River Mimram, in this case) than for a more inclusive set (here, all rivers in Thames region which suffer from low flow problems). Finally, we explore the impact on part-whole bias, in terms of the relationship between WTP for an individual site and WTP for a more inclusive group of sites, of allowing for distance-decay effects.  相似文献   

A city's spatial footprint is covered by extensive impervious building roofs and paved surfaces, which contribute to greater storm-water runoff, more surface pollutants, and less carbon sequestration, hence, worse ecosystem services. This research conducts an empirical study on the ecological and economic impacts of a citywide adoption of green roofs and permeable pavements in Corvallis, OR. The effects on ecosystem services of using green roofs and pervious pavements for a low impact development are modelled using Integrated Value of Ecosystem Services Trade-offs and compared to those from the City's current conventional development without green roofs and pervious pavements. The differences are analysed for ecological impact by storm-water yield, storm-water purification, and carbon sequestration and economic impact by a cost-benefit comparison. The results indicate that low impact development, especially intensive green roofs on commercial/industrial buildings and permeable pavements for parking lots, plays a significant role, even with a higher initial implementation cost, for long-term urban sustainability.  相似文献   

This study provides evidence on the clean‐up and development of properties in Cook County that have completed the two Illinois brownfield voluntary clean‐up programmes (VCPs) since 1989. Real estate and environmental databases are merged to allow analysis of development trends for a sample of several hundred entering sites, which are followed through the programme and into the marketplace. Results show that over half of the sites entering the programme received a closure letter, and that a quarter used a residential standard when remediating property. One‐third used caps or other engineering controls, and about 20% have received financing since obtaining the closure letter. These promising outcomes demonstrate the return of these properties to productive use.  相似文献   

Life cycle assessment, LCA, has become a key methodology to evaluate the environmental performance of products, services and processes and it is considered a powerful tool for decision makers. Waste treatment options are frequently evaluated using LCA methodologies in order to determine the option with the lowest environmental impact. Due to the approximate nature of LCA, where results are highly influenced by the assumptions made in the definition of the system, this methodology has certain non-negligible limitations. Because of that, the use of LCA to assess waste co-incineration in cement kilns is reviewed in this paper, with a special attention to those key inventory results highly dependent on the initial assumptions made. Therefore, the main focus of this paper is the life cycle inventory, LCI, of carbon emissions, primary energy and air emissions. When the focus is made on cement production, a tonne of cement is usually the functional unit. In this case, waste co-incineration has a non-significant role on CO2 emissions from the cement kiln and an important energy efficiency loss can be deduced from the industry performance data, which is rarely taken into account by LCA practitioners. If cement kilns are considered as another waste treatment option, the functional unit is usually 1 t of waste to be treated. In this case, it has been observed that contradictory results may arise depending on the initial assumptions, generating high uncertainty in the results. Air emissions, as heavy metals, are quite relevant when assessing waste co-incineration, as the amount of pollutants in the input are increased. Constant transfer factors are mainly used for heavy metals, but it may not be the correct approach for mercury emissions.  相似文献   

The extraction of construction material in Addis Ababa has been a source of public conflict for many years, especially in terms of quarry operation, displacement of people, rehabilitation of quarry sites, and land after‐use. One of the main reasons for the conflict has been the extraction sector's inability to adjust to the existing laws. This paper reports the findings of a study undertaken to assess the environmental and socioeconomic impacts of quarry mining in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and it prescribes interventions that can assist in mitigating the negative impacts of mining. Marked operational, environmental, and socioeconomic impacts have occurred as a result of cobblestone quarrying in Addis Ababa. Improvements in the mitigation of these impacts can be achieved if quarrying operations are planned prior to commencement; resource‐efficient and sustainable mining techniques are employed; stakeholder participation is enhanced; the government provides institutional, organizational, and technical support to the operators; regulations are improved and regulatory implementations receive strict follow‐up; and the provision of the Ethiopian constitution's regarding “rights to development” is respected.  相似文献   

In England quantified targets for the reuse of brownfields and of existing buildings place particular requirements on the planning system as part of the overall strategy to make effective use of natural resources. Achieving these targets is not free of obstacles and potential conflicts. Therefore monitoring of policy implementation is a necessity in the planning system. In addition challenging targets for increased housing provision have been introduced. In view of this the dichotomy of adequate housing-land supply without compromising environmental quality must be addressed. As a consequence monitoring will play an increasingly important role. This paper explores how these challenges can be met. It draws upon practical experience across all planning tiers to highlight the potential and limitations of indicator based monitoring.  相似文献   

The announcement of plans for exploratory oil drilling at a number of offshore sites in Belize raised concerns about the risks associated with drilling, particularly given the socio‐economic importance of the marine ecosystem. The current economic value of fisheries and marine ecotourism is estimated, along with the potential revenue from offshore oil and potential economic losses stemming from oil pollution, under various assumptions on risk and uncertainty. Marine fisheries and ecotourism are estimated to generate around US$ 183 million per year. Single‐year estimated maximum revenue is higher for oil extraction initially but quickly declines; during a 50 year (two generation) period, total discounted benefits from marine fisheries and ecotourism are estimated at US$ 5.1 billion, compared to US$ 3.2 billion from offshore oil revenue. Following a hypothetical oil spill, discounted losses in marine fisheries and ecotourism due to perception and ecological impacts are estimated at US$ 912 million, with clean‐up costs and capital losses of US$ 6.1‐10.4 billion. Considering the short extraction life of oil resources compared to fisheries and ecotourism, the difference in benefits increases substantially in favour of the latter with a longer time horizon. A recent public referendum resulted in a 98% vote against oil exploration and a subsequent annulment of oil concessions pending environmental impact assessments.  相似文献   

Rapid urbanisation, lack of proactive planning and improper allocation of resources may result in socio-economic disparity among and within cities, causing social unrest and environmental injustice in the neighbourhoods. This study aims to examine whether the planning standards for housing schemes in Pakistan are able to maintain equitable access to green spaces within the cities. Ten residential sites in Sheikhupura city with different housing unit sizes and densities were selected for the study. The supply of urban green infrastructure in housing scheme has been assessed: (i) by comparing the percentage of green spaces, including community parks and open spaces and street landscape; and (ii) by calculating per dwelling unit and per capita share of green spaces. These indicators have been studied against the housing density and population density of the schemes by applying correlation and linear regression models. The results show that all the housing schemes plans provide for similar amounts of green space as a percentage of total area. The per capita share of green spaces is very low in high-density areas, but interestingly, the street landscape has a higher potential to contribute to the overall landscape in high-density neighbourhoods, compensating for low per capita green space. Housing unit density and population density must be incorporated in planning standards so planners can effectively devise a mix of community parks, street landscape and private green spaces to help maintain per capita green spaces, and hence environmental resource equality in different parts of the city.  相似文献   

Experiential factors involved in use or non-use of automobile seat belts were investigated. Intensive interviews were conducted with 30 participants (ten for each of three self-proclaimed categories, viz. non-user, variable-user and committed-user) drawn from 103 respondents of the 160 potential participants who were sent a preliminary questionnaire.The main findings include the following: (1) committed users maintain usage through imagining accidents, fear of personal injury, memories of accidents involving significant others, perception of accidents as dependent on external circumstances, and desire to be a responsible citizen or good role model for children; (2) non-users distance themselves from an accident and/or injury by perceiving themselves as in control to avoid accidents and by psychologically minimizing the risks of personal injury; (3) variable-users have some of each of the characteristics of the other groups, with seat belt use largely dependent on situation specific variables.  相似文献   

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