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OBJECTIVE: To determine whether DUI offenders can better avoid future drinking and driving by controlling their vehicle usage rather than by controlling their drinking. METHODS: Using a randomized experimental post-test only design, 9,571 first-time DUI offenders were randomly assigned to receive one of two 12-hour educational programs: a traditional DUI curriculum or the PARC (Preventing Alcohol-Related Convictions) curriculum, which uses a novel theoretical approach to preventing DUI recidivism. Whereas traditional programs focus on participants controlling their drinking to avoid future drinking and driving, the PARC curriculum focuses on participants controlling their driving. Instead of trying to control alcohol consumption after driving to a drinking venue (previously found to be a flawed strategy), PARC teaches students to make a decision before leaving home not to drive to a drinking event, thus greatly limiting the possibility of drinking and driving. Driving records were obtained from the Florida Department of Motor Vehicles using driver's license numbers to assess DUI recidivism rates among the students in the PARC and Traditional curricula for the first year following program participation and again at 2 years post-intervention. RESULTS: Binary logistic regression analyses revealed that offenders receiving the PARC curriculum exhibited significantly lower 1-year and 2-year recidivism rates than those receiving the Traditional curriculum. The effect was consistent across two different measures of recidivism, and across gender, race, ethnicity, and location. CONCLUSION: Results suggest that the PARC educational approach may be more effective than the traditional approach in reducing DUI recidivism.  相似文献   

Objective: This study examined the time from law enforcement dispatch to the first blood draw in cases of driving under the influence (DUI) vehicular homicide and a subset of DUI vehicular assault cases in Colorado in 2012. Laboratory toxicology results were also examined to understand the implications of delays in blood draws in cases of driving while under the influence of marijuana's delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

Methods: Colorado court records were reviewed and information regarding charges, presence of alcohol and/or drugs, time of law enforcement contact and blood draw, crash location, and other contextual factors were identified. The distributions of first blood draw times were studied by charge and by responding law enforcement agency. Toxicology data from a different cohort of DUI traffic arrests in Colorado and Washington were examined to determine the proportion of blood tests for THC that were above specified legal limits in those states.

Results: The average time from law enforcement dispatch to blood draw in cases of vehicular homicide and vehicular assault was 2.32 h (SD ± 1.31 h), with a range of 0.83 to 8.0 h and a median of 2.0 h. Data from DUI traffic arrests found that between 42 and 70% of all cannabinoid-positive traffic arrests tested below 5 ng/ml THC in blood, which is the legal limit in Colorado and Washington.

Conclusion: Given the current delays to blood testing in cases of arrests for vehicular homicide and vehicular assault in Colorado, many blood tests are unlikely to confirm that drivers who are impaired from smoking marijuana have THC levels above established legal limits.  相似文献   

IntroductionAll child pedestrians are vulnerable to road traffic injuries, but there is evidence that boys may be at greater risk than girls, at least among some age groups.MethodTo create effective intervention programs, research on how boys and girls of particular ages behave as pedestrians, and whether there are gender differences that increase risk for particular genders at particular ages, is needed. In this study, 255 boys and 235 girls in grade 1 through 6 from two primary schools in Nantong city, China, were unobtrusively videotaped when walking to school in the morning. Videotapes were reviewed and coded for seven pedestrian safety behaviors, including activities related to crossing streets (walking instead of running/hopping, observing traffic, using the crosswalk instead of walking outside the crosswalk, and keeping close to an accompanying adult) and those related to walking alongside busy streets (walking instead of running/hopping on the sidewalk, not playing on the sidewalk, walking alone instead of walking side-by-side with a partner).ResultsResults revealed that as a whole, boys played on the sidewalk more often than girls (p < 0.01) and crossed with an accompanying adult more than girls (p < 0.05), while girls walked side-by-side with partners more often than boys (p < 0.05). With a few exceptions, boys and girls in the younger grades (1–2) as well as those in the older grades (5–6) behaved fairly similarly as pedestrians, but boys and girls in the middle grades (3–4) presented with several significant gender-based differences. In the middle grades, boys watched traffic more than girls while crossing (p < 0.01); ran, hopped and played on the sidewalk more often than girls (p < 0.05); and walked side-by-side less often with partners than girls (p < 0.05). We also detected different gender-based trends in the development of pedestrian skills. With increasing age, girls performed more safely in pedestrian tasks, but boys did not show a similar developmental trend.ConclusionsWe conclude that boys and girls exhibit different characteristics in their pedestrian behaviors and discuss implications for prevention.  相似文献   

IntroductionThere are limited studies that measure the prevalence of driving under the influence of drugs (DUID) based upon impairment measures because most prevalence studies are based on drug tests. The aim of this study was to provide the first estimate of DUID prevalence in Colorado using data collected by Colorado law enforcement officers in vehicular homicide (VH) and vehicular assault (VA) cases, and reported in court records.MethodsThe four research questions of this study were answered by completing independent t-tests or Mann–Whitney U tests, Pearson chi-square analyses or Fisher's exact tests, and Kruskal–Wallis tests.ResultsSeventy percent (119 out of 170) of the cases involved alcohol only and 30% (51 out of 170) involved drugs. Of the latter cases, 32 cases involved a combination of alcohol and drugs and 19 cases identified drugs only, with no alcohol. Marijuana was the most commonly cited drug (23 cases); however, it was the sole impairing substance identified in only three cases.ConclusionPolydrug use was very common among DUID cases, which makes it difficult to identify which drug or drugs caused the impairment responsible for the Driving Under the Influence citation. This study revealed tha (a) drugged driving is a frequent cause of DUI citations in cases charged with VH or VA; (b) that polydrug use, rather than marijuana, is the most common cause of drugged driving in Colorado; and (c) that current warrant procedures render blood test results meaningless in cases of marijuana-impairment.Practical applicationStates should collect and analyze DUID data to ensure legislators focus on the right DUID problems to improve biological testing for drugs, adopt more appropriate roadside testing, and enact stronger DUID laws to protect the public.  相似文献   

A short incident describing a political influence attempt was given to 152 management level and professional employees. Subjects were then asked to complete short attitude scales pertaining to the characteristics of the actor and the incident. The experimental factorial design included three factors (1) sex of subject, (2) sex of influencing party, (3) sex of target of influence. The results suggest that males are more tolerant of political behavior than women. Subjects view political manipulators of their own sex more favorably than manipulators of the opposite sex. Subjects of both sexes are more tolerant of political behavior when the victim of the behavior is a member of the opposite sex rather than of their own sex. The results may suggest a growing inclination on the part of both genders to identify with members of their own sex as a meaningful coalition and react to organizational events in view of the implications to members of their own gender. Possible implications for research and intervention are suggested.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Gender differences were investigated in a sample of persons (N=34,755) who completed the driver's license theory test in the Netherlands. RESULTS: Contrary to recent findings from Sweden, no gender differences were found. IMPACT OF INDUSTRY: The present study signifies the importance of standardization in driver testing.  相似文献   

IntroductionOccupational stress is a common phenomenon in our society, and generates problems for both workers' health and the functioning of organizations. Over past decades numerous studies have examined occupational stress from the perspective of gender, offering somewhat contradictory results. Some of them found no differences and others indicated that either men or women suffer from greater amounts of occupational stress.MethodThe purpose of this study was to analyze gender differences in stress in situations that involve certain occupational demands. The data used were taken from a random sample population of 11,054 (5,917 men and 5,137 women) from the VI National Survey on Working Conditions (NSWC) which was conducted in Spain in 2007. To carry out this study, a probabilistic model was constructed using Bayesian networks, with the following variables related to task demands: working with tight deadlines, quick work, intellectually demanding work, complicated tasks, repetitive tasks, excessive work, and work demanding high attention levels.ResultsThe results of this study reveal that: the indicators studied significantly increased stress levels; women initially had higher stress levels than men; and when exposed to determined task demands, stress differences between genders tended to increase.Impact on IndustryCompanies need to consider the gender of their workers when assigning tasks in high demand/stress jobs.  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2006,44(2):75-85
Objective: To explore the crash experience and crash consequences of newly licensed male and female drivers aged 18–29 years.Methodology: A national register-based population cohort of persons born between 1970 and 1972 was followed for the period 1988–2000 on the basis of crash data in Swedish police records. The analyses focused on two crash categories regardless of consequences: single car (SC) and car-to-motor vehicle (CMV).Results: Crash incidence for men was nearly double that of women in all age groups in both crash categories. Age had a protective effect for both sexes, especially for SC crashes. Males, but not females, showed a lag in time from driving license issue date to first crash for SC crashes, which increased with age of obtaining a license. Men’s crash fatality rate was five times higher than that of women for SC crashes (32.2 and 6.1 per 1000, respectively), but the rate was comparable for CMV crashes (16.1 and 15.7, respectively). The crash morbidity rate was 25–30% higher for male drivers in both crash categories.Conclusions: Both young age and male sex emerge as important determinants of crash risk and crash consequences among young Swedish drivers.  相似文献   

ProblemGender differences of young drivers involved in crashes and the associated differences in risk factors have not been fully explored in the United States (U.S.). Accordingly, this study investigated the topic, where the odds ratios (ORs) were used to identify differences in crash involvements between male and female young drivers.MethodLogistic regression models for injury severity of young male drivers and young female drivers were developed. Different driver, environmental, vehicle, and road related factors that have affected young female drivers' and young male drivers' crash involvements were identified using the models.ResultsResults indicated that some variables are significantly related to female drivers' injury risk but not male drivers' injury risk and vice versa. Variables such as driving with valid licenses, driving on weekends, avoidance or slow maneuvers at time of crash, non-collision and overturn crashes, and collision with a pedestrian were significant variables in female driver injury severity model but not in young male driver severity model. Travel on graded roadways, concrete surfaces, and wet road surfaces, collision with another vehicle, and rear-end collisions were variables that were significant in male-driver severity model but not in female-driver severity model.SummaryFactors which increase young female drivers' injury severity and young male drivers' injury severity were identified. This study adds detailed information about gender differences and similarities in injury severity risk of young drivers.Practical applicationsIt is important to note that the findings of this study show that gender differences do exists among young drivers. This sends a message to the industry that the transportation professionals and researchers, who are developing countermeasures to increase the traffic safety, may need to pay attention to the differences. This might be particularly true when developing education materials for driver training for young/inexperienced drivers.  相似文献   

IntroductionDriving safety, impaired driving, and legislation to address these concerns remain important issues. It is imperative countermeasures be targeted toward the most appropriate groups. This paper explores the potential relationship between gender and driving attitudes toward safety issues and impaired-driving countermeasures.MethodThe data are from the 2007 Impaired Driving Survey commissioned by Transport Canada and Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Canada. The survey is a, stratified by region, telephone survey of 1,514 Canadian drivers 18 years of age and older with a valid driver's license who had driven within the past 30 days.ResultsThe findings illustrate a consistent impact of gender on these issues. Other variables were also identified as relevant factors although less consistently. Current findings suggest that strategies for building support for interventions, or for changing risk perception/concern for risky driving behaviors should be tailored by gender to maximize the potential for behavior change.ImpactThis information may assist program and policy developers through the identification of more or less receptive target groups. Future research directions are also presented.  相似文献   

Drivers convicted of impaired driving are substantially overrepresented in alcohol-related fatal crashes. Because many such offenders continue to drive with suspended operators' licenses, monitoring their postconviction driving is a significant problem for the criminal justice system. Technology for tracking the location and drinking of such offenders is a rapidly developing field, which promises to provide methods for monitoring offenders on a 24/7 basis. The status of traditional monitoring methods is reviewed and contrasted with the new technologies that are being implemented. Although those technologies offer considerable promise, they have not yet been evaluated in programs for impaired driving offenders. Eight issues related to the probability of rapid implementation of the new technologies are discussed.  相似文献   

IntroductionWith the rapid growth of the aging U.S. population, the incidence of falls and fall-related injuries is expected to rise. We examined incidence and characteristics of fall-related hospitalizations (falls) among Texans aged 50 and older, by geography and across time.MethodWe calculated fall-related hospitalization incidence rates (65 and older), identified fall ‘hot spots,’ and examined availability of fall-prevention programming.ResultsThe incidence of fall-related hospitalizations for older adults increased by nearly 20% from 2007 to 2011. There were clusters of ‘hot spot’ counties throughout the state, many of which lack fall prevention programs.ConclusionsIncreased efforts are needed to identify older adults at elevated risk for falling and develop referral systems for promoting evidence-based fall prevention programs at multiple levels accounting for geographic settings.Practical applicationsGeospatial investigations can inform strategic planning efforts to develop clinical-community partnerships to offer fall prevention programming in high risk areas.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To analyze predictors of conviction and dismissal of individuals charged with DWI, and predictors of the sentences of those who are convicted. METHODS: Data come from the Citation Tracking System of the State of New Mexico's Motor Vehicle Division and includes information on all individuals who were arrested for DWI in San Juan County between August 1994 and December 2000. Independent variables were: age, gender, race/ethnicity, waiver of right to an attorney, court of arraignment, year of arrest, BAC, and number of prior DWI arrests. Dependent variables were: (1) conviction or dismissal, (2) jail or no jail, (3) incarceration/treatment or not, (4) fine or no fine, (5) length of jail sentence, (6) waived right of attorney, and (7) magnitude of fine. Multiple linear and logistic regression was used in the analyses. RESULTS: Use of an attorney is associated with reduced likelihood of conviction and, if convicted, in reduced likelihood of jail sentence and reduced jail time, but greater likelihood and magnitude of a fine. Native Americans were more likely than Hispanics and non-Hispanic whites to waive their right to an attorney. Native Americans were most likely to be sentenced to the detention/treatment program. BAC and number of prior arrests were each positively associated with increased likelihood of conviction and more severe sentences. There is also substantial variability in severity of sentencing among courts. CONCLUSION: Likelihood of conviction and severity of sentences are both determined by extra-legal factors, resulting in inconsistent application of the law. This may in turn contribute to a lack of compliance with laws related to DWI.  相似文献   

Introduction: Driving under the influence (DUI) citations are still a serious concern among drivers aged 16–20 years and have been shown to be related to increased risk of fatal and nonfatal crashes. A battery of laws and policies has been enacted to address this concern. Though numerous studies have evaluated these policies, there is still a need for comprehensive policy evaluations that take into account a variety of contextual factors. Previous effort by this research team examined the impact of 20 minimum legal drinking age–21 laws in the state of California, as they impacted alcohol-related crash rates among drivers under 21 years of age while at the same time accounting for alcohol and gas taxes, unemployment rates, sex distribution among drivers, and sobriety checkpoints. The current research seeks to expand this evaluation to the county level (San Diego County). More specifically, we evaluate the impact of measures subject to county control such as retail beverage service (RBS) laws and social host (SH) laws, as well as media coverage, city employment, alcohol outlet density, number of sworn officers, alcohol consumption, and taxation policies, to determine the most effective point of intervention for communities seeking to reduce underage DUI citations.

Methods: Annual DUI citation data (2000 to 2013), RBS and SH policies, and city-wide demographic, economic, and environmental information were collected and applied to each of the 20 cities in San Diego County, California. A structural equation model was fit to estimate the relative contribution of the variables of interest to DUI citation rates.

Results: Alcohol consumption and alcohol outlet density both demonstrated a significant increase in DUI rates, whereas RBS laws, SH laws, alcohol tax rates, media clusters, gas tax rates, and unemployment rates demonstrated significant decreases in DUI rates.

Conclusions: At the county level, although RBS laws, SH laws, and media efforts were found to contribute to a significant reduction in DUI rates, the largest significant contributors to reducing DUI rates were alcohol and gas taxation rates. Policy makers interested in reducing DUI rates among teenagers should examine these variables within their specific communities and consider conducting community-specific research to determine the best way to do so. Future efforts should be made to develop models that represent specific communities who are interested in reducing DUI rates among drivers aged 16–20 years.  相似文献   

Objective: Addressing drinking and driving remains a challenge in the United States. The present study aims to provide feedback on driving under the influence (DUI) in California by assessing whether drinking and driving behavior is associated with the DUI arrest rates in the city in which the driver lives; whether this is due to perceptions that one can get arrested for this behavior; and whether this differed by those drivers who would be most affected by deterrence efforts (those most likely to drink outside the home).

Methods: This study consisted of a 2012 roadside survey of 1,147 weekend nighttime drivers in California. City DUI arrest rates for 2009–2011 were used as an indicator of local enforcement efforts. Population average logistic modeling was conducted modeling the odds of perceived high arrest likelihood for DUI and drinking and driving behavior within the past year.

Results: As the DUI arrest rates for the city in which the driver lives increased, perceived high risk of DUI arrest increased. There was no significant relationship between either city DUI arrest rates or perceived high risk of DUI arrest with self-reported drinking and driving behavior in the full sample. Among a much smaller sample of those most likely to drink outside the home, self-reported drinking and driving behavior was negatively associated with DUI arrests rates in their city of residence but this was not mediated by perceptions.

Conclusion: The results of the present study suggest that perceptions are correlated with one aspect of DUI efforts in one's community. Those who were more likely to drink outside the home could be behaviorally influenced by these efforts.  相似文献   

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