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防污漆中活性物质海洋环境风险评估关键技术探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
防污漆中的活性物质对海洋生态环境和人类健康造成的潜在风险受到日益广泛的关注,一些发达国家已建立了针对活性物质海洋环境风险评估的技术体系,但我国相关研究目前尚属空白。综述了防污漆活性物质海洋环境风险评估的研究背景、相关法规、技术标准和发展现状,针对环境风险评估的2个重要组成部分(危害性评估和暴露评估)中的关键技术进行了探讨。在危害性评估中,重点分析和比较了受试生物物种的选择原则、生态毒理数据的要求以及预测无效应浓度的推导方法和应用范围;在暴露评估中,系统阐述了活性物质在水环境中释放速率的计算及修正方法、环境浓度的预测模型、现有的暴露场景及其局限性等。本文以期为我国开展防污漆活性物质海洋环境风险评估提供研究基础和科学依据,并提出了今后的研究重点和方向。  相似文献   

水生态模拟系统是用于高层次化学品生态风险评估的测试模型,目前在国外已经广泛用于工业化学品、农药、兽药、重金属等单一化学物质和复杂混合物的生态风险评估研究,而我国的相关研究比较匮乏。随着我国化学品风险评估体系的完善,水生态模拟系统测试必将作为作为单一生物毒性测试的有效补充。在此背景下,简述了水生态模拟系统的分类、研究方法和结果外推方法;从单一化学物质暴露作用下的生态危害评估、多种化学物质联合暴露作用下的生态危害评估以及目标化学物质的归趋分析三个方面阐述了水生态模拟系统在国内外化学品风险评估科学研究中的应用,对比了水生态模拟系统和单一物种毒性测试结果和基于两种测试数据的生态危害评估结果。与此同时,分析了水生态模拟系统在国内外化学品环境管理中的应用情况。在此基础上,对我国发展水生态模拟系统所存在的问题及解决方案提出了建议。  相似文献   

农田土壤镉生物有效性及暴露评估研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着工业化和城市化进程的发展,我国在农田土壤污染领域面临较大挑战,其中镉(Cd)为最优先控制元素之一。农田土壤Cd污染风险类型为健康风险,其主要暴露途径为经土壤-植物系统,并经膳食进入人体。在当前的土壤Cd风险评估中,一般不考虑生物有效性问题,这使得风险评价中实际暴露评估的不确定性普遍偏高。所以,近年来欧洲国家有许多研究者提出将生物有效性因素放在土壤污染物风险评价框架内。基于此,本文立足于农田系统,并从土壤、植物、污染物及环境因素等4个方面详细综述了农田土壤Cd生物有效性的影响因素及其作用机理。其次,分别综述了近年来土壤Cd生物有效性预测模型和土壤Cd膳食暴露评估模型研究进展。最后,分析了我国土壤重金属风险评价中存在的不足,并对农田土壤Cd暴露评估发展态势和研究方向进行了初步预测,以期为农田土壤Cd健康风险评估及安全基准研究提供一定参考。  相似文献   

本文介绍了土壤生态筛选值的定义以及国外一些国家在污染土壤生态风险评估领域的相关土壤筛选值。由于地理生态、社会文化、行政法规以及标准制定的科学基础等差异使各国基于生态风险的土壤筛选值的制定方法各有特色,导致各国基于生态风险的土壤筛选值名称和筛选值之间存在较大差异。我国的生态风险评价研究起步较晚,目前还没有国家权威机构发布的诸如土壤生态筛选值、生态风险评价技术导则等文件。本文就目前国外一些权威机构推出的并得到广泛认可的相关标准、方法做简要介绍,就国际上不同国家的土壤生态筛选值的制定方法、理论体系、使用策略等进行详细描述,为我国制定相关筛选值的方法体系提供参考,旨在推动我国基于生态风险的污染土壤筛选值的建立和生态风险评估研究。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,人为活动产生的大量有害物质进入土壤,造成了严重的土壤污染问题。生态风险评估是预测风险源对生态系统产生风险的方法体系,其作为污染土壤生态风险管控及修复治理的重要依据,决定着是否需要采取风险管控和修复治理措施及目标。由于研究的侧重角度不同,出现了诸多生态风险评估技术体系。英美两国拥有多年的污染地块管理经验,生态风险评估相关技术导则完善、法规健全且配套技术成熟,借鉴其经验有助于管理者从生态系统角度更加科学地分析土壤污染对环境的影响。通过对我国土壤污染生态风险评估现状的分析,以及对美国超级基金生态风险评估技术体系和英国土壤污染生态风险评估技术体系的讨论,得出我国在构建本土化的土壤污染生态风险评估技术体系时需要注意的关键点:(1)构建层次化的生态风险评估技术体系;(2)开发从污染物暴露到产生生态效应整个过程的污染地块生态风险评估概念模型;(3)加强污染物与生态受体所受影响之间的因果关系分析;(4)提高生态风险评估过程的决策参与;(5)推动本土物种的毒理学研究。该文旨在推动我国土壤污染生态风险评估技术体系的构建,保障评估过程的顺利实施及后续污染土壤风险管控或修复治理工作的开展,促进...  相似文献   

随着我国工业化、城镇化及农业高度集约化的快速发展,耕地和场地土壤复合污染问题日益突出,土壤污染的风险日趋显现.本文在总结国内外土壤污染健康风险评估技术发展历程的基础上,探讨我国国内建设用地健康风险评估技术导则的异同点,分析目前国内外有关土壤环境风险评估技术研究的热点与不足,重点介绍了蒸气入侵模型的发展、土壤中有机污染物...  相似文献   

我国的危险化学品区域风险评估研究工作起步较晚,针对危险化学品泄漏入海的方法研究较少。现有区域风险评估方法中评估对象多为单一风险因素,存在着未全面考虑研究区域内其他风险源和敏感资源等综合影响的不足。在结合国内外研究进展现状的基础上,强化与相关技术方法的衔接,建立了综合考虑危险化学品危险性和区域风险承受力等因素的危险化学品泄漏入海区域风险评估方法工作,并选择天津市XX企业开展方法案例应用。本研究能够为科学合理划分危险化学品泄漏区域海洋环境风险等级提供技术支撑,为开展危险化学品泄漏入海风险防范和修复评估等工作提供决策依据。  相似文献   

页岩气资源气藏结构相对复杂,生态环境相对脆弱,环境影响机理不清等一系列环境问题已成为制约我国页岩气开发的重要瓶颈,目前我国对页岩气开发地块的生态风险评估研究极少,远未能形成技术体系。由于个体之间、个体与环境之间存在相互作用,个体水平的生态风险评估往往无法全面地反映化学污染物质对生态环境的整体影响,因此开展种群层面的生态风险评估对提高其风险准确性具有重要作用。本文在通过聚类分析方法了解种群生态风险评估领域的热点和发展趋势的基础上,借助文献计量方法较系统地梳理了有关种群层面的生态风险评估模型的内容,对比分析并筛选可适用于我国典型页岩气开发区域特征污染物的种群生态风险评估模型并探讨了其在页岩气开发场景的可用性及不确定性,旨在为我国这类污染场地环境风险防控提供借鉴。  相似文献   

研究根据场地环境风险评估方法对于城镇化初始居民的适用性,提出了基于增加蔬菜摄入暴露途径的改进风险评估技术方法,并以天津市某污染场地为例,比较两种方法计算结果。结果显示利用改进方法计算得到风险结果显著高于现有导则方法,其中蔬菜摄入暴露途径对于评估结果的贡献率高达38.38%。说明导则方法忽视蔬菜摄入暴露途径将造成风险评估结果偏低,改进方法更适用于现有典型城镇的场地风险评估。  相似文献   

我国甲苯生产量大,且用途广泛,研究以某园区为例,采用美国环境保护局(US EPA)吸入风险评估模型,针对园区周边人群(非职业人群)开展甲苯吸入的健康暴露风险评估.结果 表明,基于目前甲苯单一污染物的暴露水平,以暴露时限70 a,估算的甲苯最大危害商为3.81×10-3,空气中甲苯的最大允许暴露浓度为1.97×103 μg·m-3,远高于目前园区大气中实测的甲苯浓度.此外,结合国内外对甲苯的管控策略和园区环境管理的需求,提出下一步对园区甲苯环境风险的管控对策建议.  相似文献   

铯-137(~(137)Cs)是滨海核电站液态流出物中主要人工放射性核素和重要监控指标之一,易被水生生物累积,有关核电周边海域内海洋生物的核素富集状况备受关注。通过分析海洋生物富集放射性~(137)Cs的方式、生物富集系数的种群特征、人工放射性核素在生物体内的辐射剂量率状况,结果显示:1)滨海核电周边海域内~(137)Cs的放射性水平较低; 2)海洋生物对于~(137)Cs的富集未呈现显著的种群规律; 3)目前对放射性铯的富集能力较高的生物主要是底栖生物; 4)核电厂周边海域内海洋生物通常未达到可导致电离辐射损伤的辐射剂量率水平。随着滨海核电在我国的大力发展,对能够快速反映环境放射性状况的指示生物的筛选、生物放射性质量安全及其生态健康风险需进一步关注。  相似文献   

我国海水水质基准的构建:以三丁基锡为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国近岸海域污染形势严峻、污染物种类繁多、生态健康风险复杂,现有的海水水质标准难以满足当前海洋环境污染评价、管理和监控的需求,亟需适宜我国海洋区系特征的海水水质基准作为水质标准修订与制定的理论依据.借鉴美国、欧盟和荷兰等国家水质基准的制定方法,提出了构建我国海水水质基准的思路,并给出了数值型双值基准的数据要求、定值方法和相应的计算模式等.以三丁基锡化合物(TBT)为例,按照论文建立的方法,计算了保护我国海洋水生生物的TBT基准.结果表明:我国TBT化合物海水水质基准高值(HSWC)和海水水质基准低值(LSWC)分别为0.43μg·L-1和0.002μg·L-1,与美国,加拿大和英国等国家的推荐基准值略有不同.研究结果将为我国海水水质基准的制定与研究提供帮助.  相似文献   

The view is expressed that the assessment of disposal of nuclear waste in the ocean (specifically the Arctic and Kara Seas) is critical to understanding Arctic pollution. Much needs to be done in deciding what we should do, even though many wastes are long-standing and persistent. in 1993, disclosures about Russian dumping of submarine nuclear reactors, nuclear fuel, and other radioactive wastes into the Arctic Ocean brought this region and its problems into the world spotlight and raised public concerns about the resulting health and environmental risks. As a result of this concern, the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment published a 1995 study, Nuclear Wastes in the Arctic (US Congress Office of Technology Assessment, 1995). This paper summarises and updates that study.  相似文献   

海洋溢油污染的生态与健康危害   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着溢油事故的频繁发生,海洋溢油污染备受关注.本文在阐述国内外海洋溢油污染现状的基础上,针对溢油污染对人类健康的影响进行了初步分析,并针对海洋环境中溢油的环境行为以及对海洋生态系统、沿岸滩涂生态系统的毒性效应进行了概述.最后,对海洋溢油污染研究的发展趋势进行了展望.  相似文献   

The view is expressed that the assessment of disposal of nuclear waste in the ocean (specifically the Arctic and Kara Seas) is critical to understanding Arctic pollution. Much needs to be done in deciding what we should do, even though many wastes are long-standing and persistent. in 1993, disclosures about Russian dumping of submarine nuclear reactors, nuclear fuel, and other radioactive wastes into the Arctic Ocean brought this region and its problems into the world spotlight and raised public concerns about the resulting health and environmental risks. As a result of this concern, the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment published a 1995 study, Nuclear Wastes in the Arctic (US Congress Office of Technology Assessment, 1995). This paper summarises and updates that study.  相似文献   

A newly constructed coastal revetment at Colhuw Beach in the Glamorgan Heritage Coast, Wales, UK, was analysed using a recently developed environmental risk assessment package (ERA). Conflict with Heritage Coast conservation objectives is apparent and the act of building such a structure is questioned for a location where maintenance ofnatural beauty is an axiom of the coastal management philosophy. The likelyhood of revetment related environmental consequences of significant magnitude was analysed using estimated probability values derived from Bayesian theory. The damaging impact of the structure on the natural environment is out of all proportion to the level of storm protection afforded to the site. Analyses, such as carried out via ERA, would have shown planners, engineers and environmentalists, the inadequacies of such an investment and management strategy. The ERA approach can help to introduce greater clarity and consistency into decision making processes.  相似文献   

A newly constructed coastal revetment at Colhuw Beach in the Glamorgan Heritage Coast, Wales, UK, was analysed using a recently developed environmental risk assessment package (ERA). Conflict with Heritage Coast conservation objectives is apparent and the act of building such a structure is questioned for a location where maintenance ofnatural beauty is an axiom of the coastal management philosophy. The likelyhood of revetment related environmental consequences of significant magnitude was analysed using estimated probability values derived from Bavesian theory. The damaging impact of the structure on the natural environment is out of all proportion to the level of storm protection afforded to the site. Analyses, such as carried out via ERA, would have shown planners, engineers and environmentalists, the inadequacies of such an investment and management strategy. The ERA approach can help to introduce greater clarity and consistency into decision making processes.  相似文献   

• Reclamation projects are important disturbances on microplastic risk in coasts. • Tidal-flat reclamation area is a large storage medium for sedimentary microplastics. • Aging and distribution features of soil microplastics show spatial heterogeneity. • Coastal weathered engineering geotextiles are a significant threat to marine health. Coastal tidal flats have received considerable attention in recent years, as they provide a direct channel for the discharge of terrestrial microplastics into the ocean. Land reclamation is occurring increasingly frequently in coastal tidal-flats; however, the environmental impacts of these activities remain unclear. Therefore, this pioneering study assessed the microplastic emission characteristics of reclamation geotextiles and performed a risk assessment accordingly. Morphological characterization of geotextile samples collected from five sites in Dongtai, China, provided evidence of sedimentary weathering. Based on several assumptions, the average abundance of microplastics in soil covered by geotextiles was estimated to reach 349±137 particles/kg dry weight, with the total microplastic load in the reclaimed area estimated to be 20.67±8.06 t. Compared with previous studies, this research demonstrates that coastal reclamation areas store a high concentration of microplastics, aggravating marine microplastic pollution. Moreover, conditional fragmentation model results revealed that the weathering and distribution characteristics of soil microplastics in coastal tidal-flat areas exhibit spatial heterogeneity, being more easily affected by natural factors (such as tides) than those in inland areas. As a result of tides, the annual discharge of geotextile-originating microplastics from the studied areas into the ocean was approximately 2465.52±960.77 t. These findings prove that the risks posed by engineering-microplastics are significant, indicating that further investigations are required on the precise laws of transfer and migration, as well as the toxicity mechanisms, in order to improve analytical techniques and policies in this field.  相似文献   


Background and Scope

The marine shipping lanes have become the most important path for the invasion of foreign aquatic organisms. The increasing global trade results in an increase in the number of marine vessels. Without any protective measures, with every ship carrying foreign organisms the risk of biological invasions will rise.


The International Martime Organization (IMO) of the United Nations developed a convention to reduce the transfer of organisms with ballast water. After the entry-into-force of this convention the fleet of the world has to be equipped with effective ballast water management technology before 2016. This article discusses potential options for action. To comply with the limit values of the ballast water convention, the current state of the art demands the use of active substances. Any decision on the approval of active substances used for ballast water treatment and the environmental impact assessment lies with the IMO. Proposed to day are UV-radiation, active chlorine, active oxygen, the creation of biocides through electrolysis and a change in gases contained in the ballast water. The technologies and the potential risks are presented.


Despite the introduction of an approval procedure by IMO any reliable assessment of the real risks involved in the use of biocides is impossible, as the risk assessment approaches have still to be developed. On the regulatory level, the main focus in data requirements for the risk assessment is on a comprehensive testing of the toxic potential of the biocides proposed. Strategies for the identification and evaluation of the chemical resulting from the treatment of limnic, marine and brackish water are not fully developed. An integrating assessment of risks involved in the introduction of foreign organisms versus the toxic effects of the substances used or created during treatment is still missing.  相似文献   

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