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Captan did not affect the survival of Dungeness crab (Cancer magister Dana) zoea exposed to 30 g l-1 during a chronic toxicity test lasting 69 days, but larvae were quickly killed (mean survival time = 9 days) in the same test by exposure to 450 g l-1 of the fungicide. Delay of molting occurred, however, for later stages at 30 g l-1. Survival of juvenile crabs was not reduced by exposure to captan for 36 days at 510 g l-1 or, in a second test, for 80 days at 290 g l-1. No deaths of adults exposed for 75 days to 340 g l-1 of captan were observed. Captan appeared to accelerate hatching of eggs at all concentrations tested from 100 to 10,000 g l-1. The development from prezoeae during a 24-h period was not inhibited by the fungicide, but at 3,300 and 10,00 g l-1, the two highest concentrations tested, developing zoeae exhibited a morphological deformity and were largely inactive. Under the prevailing conditions in the toxicity tests, the half-life of captan was estimated to be from 23 to 54 h. Because of the relatively low toxicity of captan to crab stages and its high rate of degradation in sewater, it is suggested that the agricultural application of captan near marine waters is not likely to affect natural crab populations or crabs in laboratory culture. Further-more, the prophylactic use of captan as a fungicidal treatment for Lagenidium sp. in larval crab cultures is considered safe when used at recommended dosages.Technical Paper No. 4131, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

The toxicity of methoxychlor, determined in acute and chronic studies using larval, juvenile, and adult stages of the Dungeness crab, Cancer magister Dana, was inversely related to the age of the crabs after hatching and increased with the length of exposure. The 96-h LC50's for zoeae, juveniles, and adults were 0.42, 5.10, and 130 g/l, respectively. Levels causing decreased survival of these same stages during exposures of more than 60 days were 0.05, 0.40, and 4.0 g/l, respectively. Hatching of eggs was not adversely affected by methoxychlor concentrations up to 10 g/l, and molting from prezoeae to zoeae was reduced only 30% from controls at the latter exposure concentration. Methoxychlor concentrations of 0.05 and 4.0 g/l delayed motting of larval and juvenile crabs, respectively, and this delay was as much as 10 days for the juveniles. Sensitivity of adult and juvenile crabs to methoxychlor increased during ecdysis. In uptake experiments, juvenile crabs concentrated methoxychlor more rapidly than did adults. Juveniles exposed to 2.0 g/l of methoxychlor and adults exposed to 1.8 and 7.5 g/l had whole body methoxychlor concentrations after 12 days of 0.88, 0.10, and 0.51 mg/kg, respectively. Loss of the pesticide from adult crabs was rapid, and was 95% complete after 15 days of depuration. Concentrations of methoxychlor in individual tissues were found to be highest in the exoskeleton, gill, and hepatopancreas, in declining order, with less than a two-fold difference among these tissues. About 81% of the methoxychlor measured in whole body samples was associated with the exoskeleton, but it is not known whether or not the pesticide was transported through the culticle to internal tissues.Technical Paper No. 4133, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

The nemertean Carcinonemertes errans is an important predator on the eggs of its host, the Dungeness crab Cancer magister. Each nemertean consumes an average of approximately 70 crab eggs during the host brooding period. The nemerteans, which apparently consume no other food during the host brooding period, convert crab egg tissue to worm tissue with an efficiency of 28.9% on a caloric basis. Epidemic levels of Carcinonemertes errans on the central California Dungeness crab population have resulted in the direct mortality of an average of 55% of the eggs produced by that population over the last 5 years, making C. errans probably the most numerically significant predator on these crabs.  相似文献   

While sampling intertidally in Puget Sound, Washington, USA, for juvenile Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) in 1984, we found evidence of two distinct cohorts of the same year-class based on sizes of first-instar juveniles (J1) and the spatial/temporal patterns of settlement. In 1988, three distinct cohorts were observed to settle in Puget Sound and its approaches. Settlement of one cohort occurred during May in the Strait of Juan de Fuca and in those areas of Puget Sound closest to the Strait. J1 individuals of this cohort were large (x=7.4 mm carapace width, CW) and comparable in both size and timing of settlement to populations along the Washington coast (e.g. Grays Harbor and Willapa Bay). Initial settlement density of the May cohort was as high as 215 crabs/m2 in intertidal eelgrass beds along the Strait of Juan de Fuca and decreased to <2 crabs/m2 within Puget Sound and the Strait of Georgia. A second cohort apparently originated in Hood Canal (a deep inland fjord), its size upon settlement in June was significantly smaller (J1 x= 5.3 mm CW) than the May cohort, and it was limited to Hood Canal and areas of Puget Sound close to the mouth of Hood Canal. A third cohort, which settled in late July and August, was the smallest of the three cohorts (J1 x= 4.8 mm CW), and was widely distributed around Puget Sound from Seattle in the south to the USA/Canadian border in the north. We hypothesize that most juvenile recruitment in Hood Canal and Puget Sound originates from parental stocks endemic to their respective basins (Hood Canal and Puget Sound cohorts), but that, on occasion, oceanographic conditions allow substantial influx of Pacific Ocean Dungeness crab larvae (oceanic cohort) through the Strait of Juan de Fuca into Puget Sound. Tracking of spatial/temporal settlement patterns and comparison of J1 sizes proved useful for estimating the probable sources and dispersion of Dungeness crab larvae. Differences in size and time of settlement between various larval cohorts of C. magister may prove useful as biomarkers for tracing circulation patterns within and between inland waters of Washington and the Pacific Ocean. Causes of smaller size and later settlement of the Puget Sound cohort relative to oceanic conspecifics of the same year-class are discussed.Contribution No. 856, School of Fisheries, University of Washington, Seattle  相似文献   

Joint USA/USSR ichthyoplankton surveys off the coasts of Washington, Oregon and northern California during the years 1981 to 1985 sampled more than 120 stations each year, from 5 to 360 km offshore and between Latitude 40° and 48° N, providing information on ontogeny and diel migration of larvae of the Dungeness crab Cancer magister on a scale not studied previously. We developed a maximum likelihood method for estimating abundance and fraction in the neuston at each station from a neuston tow and an oblique bongo tow. Latestage megalopae migrate vertically on a diel basis, with the fraction in the neuston being (on average) 62% at night (19.00 to 08.00 hrs Pacific Standard Time, PST) and 8% during the day (08.00 to 19.00 hrs PST). The hourly pattern of this migration includes a peak in the early evening, possibly another in the early morning, and an intermediate level in the late afternoon. We detected no dependence of vertical migration on cloud cover or sea state. Early-stage megalopae were present in much lower fractions in the neuston, but weakly displayed the same diel pattern of migration. Zoeae appeared to be below the neuston at all times, except for 2 or 3 h in the evening. From an abrupt change in larval stage in samples from a north-south cruise, we concluded that the majority of the larvae metamorphose from zoeae to megalopae over a fairly short time span (2 to 4 wk) at a given latitude. In later cruises, 95% of the larvae were megalopae, indicating that metamorphosis over the study area either occurs at the same time or proceeds from south to north over a time span of less than a month in early spring.  相似文献   

The difference in morphology between zoeae of Cancer magister Dana from Alaskan and Californian waters was documented to determine if the morphological variation is attributable to environmental influences. First-stage zoeae from Alaska have significantly longer carapace spines than zoeae from central California. The dorsal, rostral and lateral carapace spines were 14, 14 and 29% longer, respectively, in the Alaskan zoeae. The effect of temperature was tested on zoeal morphology as it is an obvious environmental difference between Alaskan and Californian waters. Ovigerous female crabs collected in southeastern Alaska in 1984 were held at 1°, 5°, 10° and 15° C until hatching occurred. Eggs were sampled seven times during the incubation period, and relative mortality, egg diameter and development stage were measured. All of the crabs and eggs at 1° C died before hatching occurred. Egg mortality averaged less than 2% in the other temperature treatments. Egg diameter increased significantly over the incubation period for all temperatures. Developmental rate of the embryos was inversely related to temperature. Hatching first occurred in 42 d at 15° C, 60 at 10° C and 160 d at 5° C. Newly hatched zoeae were collected and body length, dorsal, rostral and lateral carapace spines were measured. Significant differences existed between all temperatures for all spine lengths, with longer spines occurring at lower temperatures. Zoeal body lengths were also significantly different between the three temperatures. The results of this study question the use of spine lengths to distinguish similar larval species.  相似文献   

Adult Cancer magister make forays into hyposaline estuarine habitats during times of high food abundance. However, as weak osmoregulators, they are poorly equipped to deal with the concurrent demands of osmoregulation and digestion. Therefore, the potential interaction between nutritional status and feeding in a physiologically challenging environment was investigated. Changes in the proportion of crabs feeding, the amount of food consumed, the time spent feeding, and the efficiency with which a meal was consumed were examined in response to the length and severity of hyposaline exposure, and the duration of starvation. Reductions in the (a) number of animals feeding, (b) the amount of food consumed, and (c) the time spent feeding were observed in salinities where C. magister actively osmoregulates the concentration of its internal fluids. Although this reduction in feeding was likely a stress response, the crabs were able evaluate the level of salinity stress: there was a dose-dependent reduction in feeding, and they were able to discriminate between salinities separated by as little as 3.5‰. The likelihood that animals would feed in low salinity increased with starvation. Thus, the aversion to food uptake in physiologically stressful conditions may be overridden by the need to procure nutrients. In the natural environment, we suggest that C. magister are employing an ‘eat and run’ strategy, moving into the estuary, consuming a meal, and retreating to higher salinities to digest.  相似文献   

Up-estuary migration of crab larvae to adult habitats is thought to be accomplished by selective tidal transport in which late-stage larvae enter the water column on flood tides and remain on or near the bottom on ebb tides. This study measured endogenous rhythms in swimming by the last larval stage (megalopa) of blue crabs Callinectes sapidus and fiddler crabs Uca spp. Previous field studies found that megalopae of both species were only abundant in the estuarine water column on nocturnal rising tides. Megalopae were collected from the Newport River Estuary, North Carolina (34°41N; 76°40W) during August–September 1992 and swimming activity was recorded for 4.5 to 7 d under constant conditions with a video system. Rhythms exhibited by both genera in the laboratory were not identical to those recorded in the field. Uca spp. displayed a circatidal rhythm, with maximum swimming occurring near the time of high tide in the field. Rhythm amplitude increased when crushed oyster shells were present, which suggested that megalopae bury or cling to the substrate during quiescent periods. In contrast, C. sapidus had a circadian rhythm in which maximum swimming coincided with the day phase in the field. In most trials, the activity of blue crab megalopae was unrelated to the expected tidal cycle. It was concluded that a tidal rhythm in swimming was the behavioral basis of flood-tide transport for fiddler crab larvae. The endogenous rhythm in blue crabs does not participate in transport, which probably results from behavioral responses to environmental cues associated with flood tide.  相似文献   

Larvae of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus Rathbun develop on the continental shelf. The postlarval stage (megalopa) occurs near the surface and is transported shoreward by wind-driven surface currents. It then uses selective tidal stream transport for migration up an estuary. Endogenous swimming rhythms were measured under constant dark conditions in the laboratory in megalopae collected from the Newport River Estuary (North Carolina), the Delaware Bay, and offshore from the Newport River Estuary. Megalopae from all areas had a similar circadian activity rhythm, in which they swam during the time of the day phase in the field and were inactive at night. This rhythm predicts the presence of a reverse, diel, vertical-migration pattern offshore which would contribute to the location of megalopae near the surface during the day. The rhythm lacks obvious ecological significance in estuaries because it does not contribute to selective tidal stream transport and would increase vulnerability to visual predators during the day. Attempts to entrain a circatidal rhythm in swimming by cyclic and step changes in salinity were unsuccessful, as the circadian rhythm persisted. The rhythm also continued in the presence of the eelgrass Zostera marina, which is a site of settlement and metamorphosis in the field. Thus, megalopae enter estuaries with a solar day rhythm in activity. This rhythm, however, is not expressed, because light inhibits swimming during the day upon exposure to estuarine water. Since this light inhibition is removed in offshore waters, the rhythm would be expressed if, after entering an estuary, megalopae were transported back to offshore areas. Received: 19 December 1995 / Accepted: 2 August 1996  相似文献   

J. McConaugha 《Marine Biology》2002,140(6):1227-1233
The apparent mismatch between the energy requirements for planktotrophic growth and prey availability has long been paradoxical. One hypothesis to explain this paradox is that planktotrophic larvae display plasticity in feeding mechanisms in response to variable prey types and concentrations. This hypothesis was tested by videotaping megalopae of the brachyuran crab Callinectes sapidus Rathbun feeding on various-sized prey. Frame-by-frame analysis of the videotapes indicated that C. sapidus megalopae used both raptorial and suspension feeding to capture prey while in the water column. Raptorial feeding was used to capture macro-zooplankton, including copepods. The swimming form of suspension feeding was based on a modified fling-and-clap mechanism using the chelipeds. Suspension feeding while at rest utilized a weak current generated by the mouthparts to direct prey to the mouth. Both suspension-feeding mechanisms resulted in the efficient capture of rotifer-sized particles. The energy/handling time ratios for all three feeding mechanisms are very similar (E/H range 0.016-0.019 µg C s-1) for the natural prey tested. These results support the hypothesis that feeding in brachyuran larvae is plastic and includes mechanisms of both raptorial and suspension feeding. The ability to suspension feed at rest is adaptive, since megalopae use selective tidal transport to re-invade an estuary and may spend up to 18 h day-1 clinging to a benthic substrate. Electronic supplementary material to this paper can be obtained by using the Springer LINK server located at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00227-002-0781-1.  相似文献   

Specimens of the Dungeness crab Cancer magister, were collected subtidally and intertidally from an estuary in Washington State, USA in June and September 1980, and January, April, May and July, 1981. Gut contens of freshly collected crabs were analyzed by the Index of Relative Importance; for each prey taxon, this method measured frequency of occurrence, percentage of total biomass, and percentage of total numbers consumed. The most important higher taxon eaten was fish; however, the most important prey genus was the shrimp Crangon spp. There was greater predation on Crangon spp. at night at the intertidal site, and during winter and spring when the shrimp were most abundant there. Feeding activity, as indicated by a weight-specific gut-fullness index, showed no consistent diel pattern. There were significant ontogenetic changes in feeding patterns: first-year crabs preyed primarily on very small bivalves or small crustaceans including their conspecifics; second-year crabs preferred Crangon spp. and fish, and third-year crabs preyed less on Crangon spp. and more on fish. Such changes in feeding habits with ege could be purely due to mechanics of food handling, but might also reduce competition among age groups of crabs, possibly partitioning resources within the estuary. Findings are discussed in terms of optimal foraging and compared to other similar studies.Contribution No. 599, School of Fisheries, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA  相似文献   

C. Zeng  E. Naylor  P. Abello 《Marine Biology》1997,128(2):299-305
Batches of hundreds of freshly collected megalopae of the shore crab Carcinus maenas (L.) showed persistent circatidal rhythms of moulting to the juvenile crab stage when maintained in constant laboratory conditions. Peaks of moulting occurred around expected times of high tides, with few megalopae moulting at other times. In larvae collected offshore, the highest tidally-timed peak of metamorphosis occurred during the second to fifth expected times of high tide, and metamorphosis of 50% of each batch took about 22 h or longer. In contrast, in larvae collected at the water's edge, 70% metamorphosed during the first expected episode of high tide, within 6 to 8 h after collection. However, although inshore megalopae moulted before offshore ones, the tidal timing of moulting remained unaltered whether megalopae were collected at neaps or springs, from the water's edge or farther offshore, in the presence or absence of natural substratum, and under various light–dark and salinity regimes. Metamorphosis of C. maenas megalopae around the times of high tides may enhance settlement into the upper intertidal zone. Early juveniles of the crab apparently prefer that zone as they are most abundant there and, unlike adults, do not undertake up-and-down-shore migration with tides. The present finding demonstrates, for the first time, endogenous physiological timing of circatidal periodicity in the metamorphic moult of crab megalopae, suggesting that endogenous factors, as well as exogenous ones should be taken into account in considering the process of settlement by crab megalopae. Received: 21 February 1996 / Accepted: 27 November 1996  相似文献   

Larvae were hatched from ovigerous Dungeness crabs, Cancer magister, collected from Puget Sound Basin, Washington, USA, in April, 1986, and the effects of temperature on rates of survival and development were studied for each of the five zoeal stages both in small batch-culture and in individual culture. Culture method had little effect on the results at 10°, 15°, and 20°C. Increased mortality was measured at all stages at 20°C, with 100% mortality occurring during the terminal fifth stage. Fifth stage larvae may also show higher mortality at 15°C than at 10°C. Stage duration varied inversely with temperature at all stages, although differences between 10° and 15°C were greater than between 15° and 20°C. The results indicate that survival and stage duration are independent of the values for the previous and subsequent stages, that variability among larvae in instar duration increases with temperature, and that the terminal fifth zoeal stage is the most sensitive to temperature stress. Duration of a late zoeal instar is not related to its earlier development rate nor can early development rates be used to predict whether individual zoeae will successfully develop to the megalopa. Measurements of megalopa dry weights indicate no differences due either to previous culture temperatures or to total time to the megalopa. Predictive models of larval transport that require estimates of larval duration should account for both changes in temperature response that can affect individual stage duration, and variability among individuals in stage duration that can influence the degree of larval dispersion.  相似文献   

Settlement by blue crab (Callinectes sapidus Rathbun) megalopae on artificial settlement substrates was monitored relative to tidal currents throughout ten nights from July to September 1997 in which the phase relationship between tides and the light dark cycle differed. Most megalopae were in intermolt, and the total number settling to collectors sampled at hourly intervals was greater than totals on collectors immersed all night. Maximum settlement occurred at slack water before ebb tide (SBE), with a smaller peak at slack water before flood tide (SBF). These results support the hypothesis that during flood-tide transport (FTT) blue crab megalopae remain swimming during flood tide at night in response to water turbulence and settle in response to the decline in turbulence occurring near SBE. Settlement peaks near SBF can be explained by a behavioral response of megalopae to increasing salinity at the beginning of flood tide, which results in an ascent response lasting only a few minutes. Depth maintenance in the water column is not maintained at SBF because of low water turbulence. Since light inhibits swimming and upward movement into the water column, settlement, and, presumably, transport were reduced when SBE occurred near the times of sunrise and sunset. Collectively, these results suggest that the phase relationship between the tide and light: dark cycles affects FTT, the timing of settlement, and behaviors associated with habitat selection. Published online: 9 August 2002  相似文献   

Shanks AL  Roegner GC 《Ecology》2007,88(7):1726-1737
Ecologists have long debated the relative importance of biotic interactions vs. abiotic forces on the population dynamics of both marine and terrestrial organisms. Investigation of stock size in Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) is a classic example of this debate. We first tested the hypothesis that adult population size was set by larval success. We found that during a five-year sampling period, adult crab population size from Oregon through central California, USA, as measured by the commercial catch, varied directly with the number of terminal-stage larvae (megalopae) returning to Coos Bay, Oregon, four years earlier; adult population size was largely determined (> 90% of the variation) by success during the larval stage. We then tested whether biotic interactions or abiotic forces caused the variation in larval success. Most of the variation (> 90%) in the number of returning megalopae is explained by the timing of the spring transition, a seasonal shift in atmospheric forcing that drives ocean currents along the west coast of the United States. Early spring transitions lead to larger numbers of returning Dungeness megalopae, while in four other crab taxa, species with very different life history characteristics, early-spring transitions lead to lower numbers of returning megalopae. During the past roughly 30 years, the size of the commercial catch of Dungeness crab is significantly and negatively correlated with the date of the spring transition throughout the California Current system. Long-term variation in the date of the spring transition may explain a major crash in the Dungeness crab fishery in central California, which began in the late 1950s. The data suggest that Dungeness crab population size is determined by variation in larval success and that a significant portion of this variation is due to the timing of the spring transition, a large-scale climatic forcer.  相似文献   

During the summer of 1995, we investigated the response of mud crab megalopae (Panopeus herbstii Milne-Edwards) to cues associated with adult habitat. Natural rock/shell substratum and the rock-associated seaweed, Fucus vesiculosus L., both induced metamorphosis of competent megalopae; natural sand substratum did not induce metamorphosis. Structural mimics of preferred substrata induced metamorphosis only when covered with natural biofilm. Clean mimics did not induce metamorphosis. Water-soluble exudates from preferred substrata showed weak induction of metamorphosis. Exudates from adult P. herbstii elicited a similar weak response. Exudates from another species of crab and from two fish predators did not induce metamorphosis. We conclude that water-soluble cues associated with major components of preferred adult habitat induce the metamorphic molt of P. herbstii megalopae. The three-dimensional structure of the substratum is not important in induction of metamorphosis, but the biofilm associated with preferred substratum plays a critical role. It is not clear whether the biofilm produces the water-soluble cue or simply provides a tactile stimulus that works in conjunction with the soluble cue.  相似文献   

We tested the influence of limiting access to prey on larval development of the crabs Cancer magister and Hemigrapsus oregonensis by raising their Stage 1 larvae in the laboratory on different prey densities and with various periods of access to prey. Experiments were conducted in 1995 and 1996 at the Shannon Point Marine Center in Anacortes, Washington, USA. Our results show that crab larvae do not require continuous access to prey for optimal development nor do they appear to require light for prey capture. Survival and duration of Stage 1 C. magister fed continuously on only one-fourth the amount of the control density of prey and those fed at the control density for only 6 h per day were the same as for larvae fed continuously at the control density (20 ml−1). Larvae with cyclic access to prey at the control density for 24 h and then starved for 72 h showed significantly lower survival and longer instar duration to Stage 2. Experiments on Stage 1 H. oregonensis which investigated a combination of prey density, period of access to prey and light/dark conditions during feeding revealed that survival decreased with decreasing prey density or with decreasing feeding period, but no differences were observed during periods of limited prey availability as a function of light or dark conditions. Stage duration was not affected by reduced prey density nor by the light/dark condition at the time of feeding, but it was prolonged when the period of access to prey was limited. The period of access to prey did not affect the weight of Day 1 Stage 2 larvae. Larvae fed high densities of prey for 4 h followed by 20 h of reduced-density diet exhibited the same survival and stage duration as controls that were continuously fed high-density prey. Our results define sub-optimal diets that can be used experimentally to determine the nutritional contributions made by naturally-occurring prey organisms during larval development in the two species. In nature, larvae may satisfy nutritional requirements through periodic encounters with dense prey patches during vertical migrations by day or night. Received: 12 August 1997 / Accepted: 5 February 1998  相似文献   

The megalopal larval stage of many estuarine brachyuran crabs appears to return to adult habitats by undergoing rhythmic vertical migrations which result in saltatory up-estuary transport on flood tides. Larval ascent into the water column during rising tides may be cued by changing hydrologic variables. To test this hypothesis, we investigated the responses of field-caught megalopae of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus and the fiddler crab Uca spp. to constant rates of pressure and salinity change under laboratory conditions. For both genera, pressure changes resulted in increased movement (barokinesis) and upward migration in the test chamber, with C. sapidus megalopae having a lower response threshold (2.8×10-2 mbar s-1) than Uca spp. larvae (5×10-2 mbar s-1). Similarly, larvae ascended in response to increasing salinity, with C. sapidus larvae being more sensitive. Larvae were negatively phototactic and failed to respond to pressure increases at light levels above 1.0×1015 and 1.0×1013 photons m-2 s-1 for C. sapidus and Uca spp. megalopae, respectively. Such responses are thought to explain the low abundances of larvae in the water column during daytime flood tides. Nevertheless, threshold sensitivities to increasing pressure for both genera were above levels experienced during floodtide conditions in the field. Similarly, it is unlikely that increasing salinity is sufficient to induce ascent in Uca spp. postlarvae. However, rates of salinity increase during midflood tide typically reach levels necessary to induce an ascent in C. sapidus megalopae. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that fiddler crab megalopae utilize an endogenous activity rhythm for flood-tide transport, while blue crab megalopae rely upon external cues, especially salinity changes, to time their sojourns in the water column.  相似文献   

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