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Conservation of carnivores in an increasingly changing environment is greatly helped by understanding the decision-making processes underlying habitat patch choice. Foraging theory may give us insight into spatio-temporal search patterns and consequent foraging decisions that carnivores make in heterogeneous and fluctuating environments. Constraints placed on central-place foragers in particular are likely to influence both foraging decisions and related spatio-temporal movement patterns. We used discrete choice models to investigate the spatio-temporal ranging behaviour of GPS collared female wolverines (Gulo gulo) with dependent cubs in south-central Norway. Activity patterns, home range use and selection for elevation were analyzed in relation to spatial and temporal covariates (daily and seasonal) and related to different foraging behaviours. In spring, wolverines showed restricted movement patterns around rendezvous sites at high elevations by day, whereas during the night animals were active at lower elevations. Over the summer, this daily pattern in intensity of use diminished and their overall selectiveness for elevation decreased as cubs grow more mobile and independent. At the onset of autumn, wolverines showed intensive use of the profitable forest-alpine tundra ecotone. We argue that reproducing wolverines deployed a foraging strategy attuned to altering their movement patterns throughout the summer to address a continuous, but diminishing, trade-off between providing both food and shelter for their offspring. Incorporating spatially and temporally explicit activity patterns and home range use in discrete choice resource selection models thus enhances the understanding of the motives behind wolverine resource utilization in space and time. Such knowledge may provide guidance to managers designing regional-scale zoning, in order to facilitate carnivore recovery and to minimize conflicts with human activities.  相似文献   

In the heterogeneous marine environment, predators can increase foraging success by targeting physical oceanographic features, which often aggregate prey. For northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus), two prevalent oceanographic features characterize foraging areas during summer in the Bering Sea: a stable thermocline and a subsurface “cold pool”. The objective of this study was to examine the influence of these features on foraging behavior by equipping fur seals from St. Paul Island (Alaska, USA) with time-depth recorders that also measured water temperature. Foraging bout variables (e.g., mean dive depth and percent time diving in a bout) were compared with respect to subsurface thermal characteristics (thermocline presence and strength and cold pool presence). Over 74% of bouts occurred in association with strong thermoclines (temperature change > 5°C). Few differences were found for dive behavior in relation to the presence of a thermocline and the cold pool, but for epipelagic bouts, a strong thermocline resulted in increased bottom times, number of dive wiggles, and percent time diving when compared to moderate thermoclines. There was also a positive relationship between mean dive depth and thermocline depth. The combination of increasing foraging effort in areas with strong thermoclines and diving to depths closely related to the thermocline indicates this feature is important foraging habitat for northern fur seals and may act to concentrate prey and increase foraging success. By recognizing the environmental features northern fur seals use to find prey, managers will be better equipped to identify and protect foraging habitat that is important to northern fur seals, and possibly other marine predators in the Bering Sea.  相似文献   

Shallow-water octopuses have been reported as major predators of motile species in benthonic marine communities, capturing their prey by different foraging techniques. This study assessed for the first time the feeding ecology, foraging behavior, and defensive strategy during foraging, including the use of body patterns, to construct a general octopus foraging strategy in a shallow water-reef system. Octopus insularis was studied in situ using visual observations and video recordings. The diet included at least 55 species of crustaceans (70%), bivalves (17.5%), and gastropods (12.5%); however, only four species accounted for half of the occurrences: the small crabs Pitho sp. (26.8%) and Mithrax forceps (23.9%), the bivalve Lima lima (5.3%), and the gastropod Pisania pusio (4.9%). Poke and crawl were most frequent foraging behaviors observed in the video recordings. The foraging behaviors were associated with environmental variables and octopus body size. The sequences of foraging behavior showed characteristics of a tactile saltatory searching predator, as well as a visual opportunist. Body patterns showed a relationship with foraging behavior, habitat variables, and octopus body size. Mottle was the most frequent pattern, especially during poke and crawl, in shallower depths. Dorsal light–ventral blue green was more frequent during swimming at mid-water, and Blotch was the normal pattern during web-over by large animals. The large proportion of two species of small crabs in den remains, the intense search for food during short hunting trips, and the intense use of cryptic body patterns during foraging trips, suggest that this species is a ‘time-minimizing’ forager instead of a ‘rate-maximizer’.  相似文献   

We used a prototype GPS logger to track the movements of breeding African Penguins (Spheniscus demersus). The loggers also recorded temperature and water depth, which allowed us to reconstruct foraging tracks in three dimensions, although GPS signals are interrupted when the birds dive. Here we report the loggers performance in the field and assess the effects of GPS error, resolution and sampling rate on estimates of foraging track length and speed. There is a trade-off between sampling rate and battery lifespan. We tested loggers at sampling intervals of 1 s, 10 s, 1 min, 2 min and 10 min. Sampling less frequently increases the chance of tracking an entire foraging trip, but it slows uplink times, slightly decreases the accuracy of positional fixes, and significantly reduces the ability to measure fine-scale aspects of foraging behaviour. Compared with radio or satellite tracking, GPS loggers offer unprecedented detail about animal movements. The results of our analysis suggest that techniques that sample relatively infrequently, such as satellite tracking, underestimate actual track lengths by up to 50%. However, caution is needed when interpreting fine-scale sampling for relatively slow-moving organisms. Re-sampling 1-s tracks suggests that c. 35% of apparent movements at this scale are due to measurement error and, more importantly, the limited spatial resolution of GPS (1.85×1.54 m at the study area). We recommend that researchers use a 1-s sampling rate for fine-scale studies, but resample at less frequent intervals to remove spurious noise for slow-moving animals. At current levels of resolution, animals should move at least 4 m per sampling interval. We provide empirical correction factors to compare inferred track length sampled at different rates, but caution that these are idiosyncratic and strongly dependent on the animals behaviour. Overall, GPS loggers offer a significant advance for studies of fine-scale animal movement patterns.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

In estuarine areas, bivalve species can be found in a variety of environments, where they experience large differences in environmental conditions. In the present paper, the importance of different habitats (intertidal, subtidal and adjacent coastal waters) for the persistence of the population was evaluated for the bivalve Macoma balthica (L.) in the western Dutch Wadden Sea estuary. Intra-specific variation in growth and reproductive output were followed during the year and related to local abiotic conditions. Significant differences in growth and reproductive investment were found between locations. Young individuals were mostly found in the intertidal area, where growth in terms of somatic mass was good. These areas were not favourable for adult individuals, since growth in shell length was low and many individuals did not reproduce. In the subtidal, where the highest densities were found, somatic and gonadal mass indices were low. Coastal areas had the lowest densities and showed high growth in terms of shell length and body mass. The habitat with the highest reproductive effort per individual was not the most important habitat in terms of reproductive output due to differences in density and in size of the habitat type. For M. balthica, the subtidal habitat contributed the most to the reproductive output of the western Dutch Wadden Sea population although the highest reproductive output per individual was in the coastal area.  相似文献   

Chinstrap, Pygoscelis antarctica, and gentoo, P. papua, penguins are sympatric species that inhabit the Antarctic Peninsula. To evaluate differences in the foraging habitat of these two species, we recorded their foraging locations and diving behavior using recently developed GPS-depth data loggers. The study was conducted on King George Island, Antarctica during the chick-guarding period of both species, from December 2006 to January 2007. The area used for foraging, estimated as the 95% kernel density of dive (>5 m) locations, overlapped partially between the two species (26.4 and 68.5% of the area overlapped for chinstrap and gentoo penguins, respectively). However, the core foraging area, estimated as the 50% kernel density, was mostly separate (12.8 and 25.0% of the area overlapped for chinstrap and gentoo penguins, respectively). Chinstrap penguins tended to use off-shelf (water depth > 200 m) regions (77% of the locations for dives >5 m), whereas gentoo penguins mainly used on-shelf (water depth < 200 m) areas (71% of dive locations). The data on foraging locations, diving behavior, and bathymetry indicated that gentoo penguins often performed benthic dives (28% of dives >5 m), whereas chinstrap penguins almost always used the epipelagic/mid-water layer (96% of dives >5 m). Diving parameters such as diving bottom duration or diving efficiency differed between the species, reflecting differences in the use of foraging habitat. The diving parameters also suggested that the on-shelf benthic layer was profitable foraging habitat for gentoo penguins. Conversely, the relationship between trip duration, date, and stomach content mass suggested that the chinstrap penguins went further from the colony to forage as the season progressed, possibly reflecting a reduction in prey availability near the colony. Our results suggest that chinstrap and gentoo penguins segregated their foraging habitat in the Antarctic coastal marine environment, possibly due to inter- and intra-specific competition for common prey resources.  相似文献   

Since the substantial loss of subtidal eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) in the 1930s, seagrass beds in the Wadden Sea are limited to the intertidal zone and dominated by Z. noltii Hornem. This study deals with the effect of vegetated tidal flats on quantities of mobile epifauna and proves empirically the function of seagrass canopies as a refuge for marine animals remaining in the intertidal zone at ebb tide. Drop-trap samples were taken in the Sylt-Rømø Bight, a shallow tidal basin in the northern Wadden Sea, on vegetated and unvegetated tidal flats during July and August 2002, and during the entire growth period of Z. noltii from May to September in 2003. The species composition in Z. noltii and bare sand flats showed minor differences since only two isopod species (Idotea baltica and I. chelipes) occurred on Z. noltii flats exclusively. Juvenile shore crabs (Carcinus maenas L.), brown shrimps (Crangon crangon L.) and common gobies (Pomatoschistus microps Krøyer) were also found abundantly on bare sand flats. However, the results showed significantly higher abundances and production of these dominant species on vegetated tidal flats. Additionally, the analyses of faunal size classes indicated higher percentages of small individuals in the seagrass bed during the entire sampling period. Despite drastic diurnal fluctuations of dissolved oxygen at low tide, faunal density in the residual water layer remaining in seagrass canopies at ebb tide was found to be consistently higher than that found in artificially created tide-pool units. Although species composition of mobile epifauna did not basically differ between vegetated and unvegetated tidal flats, Z. noltii beds are considered to contribute quantitatively to the function of tidal flats, as an extended juvenile habitat for some of the most important species of the Wadden Sea food web.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

Despite the recent burgeoning in predator tracking studies, few report on seabird activity patterns, despite the potential to provide important insights into foraging ecology and distribution. In the first year-round study for any small petrel, we examined the activity patterns of the white-chinned petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis based on data from combination geolocator-immersion loggers deployed on adults at South Georgia. The petrels were highly nocturnal, flying for greater proportions of darkness than any large procellarid studied so far, except the light-mantled albatross Phoebetria palpebrata. Flight bout durations were short compared with other species, suggesting a dominant foraging mode of small-scale searching within large prey patches. When migrating, birds reduced the proportion of time on the water and increased flight bout duration. Activity patterns changed seasonally: birds flew least during the nonbreeding period, and most frequently during chick-rearing in order to meet higher energy demands associated with provisioning offspring. The degree of their response to moonlight was also stage dependent (greatest in nonbreeding, and weakest in incubating birds), a trait potentially shared by other nocturnal petrels which will have repercussions for feeding success and prey selection. For the white-chinned petrel, which is commonly caught in longline fisheries, these results can be used to identify periods when birds are most susceptible to bycatch, and therefore when use of mitigation and checking for compliance is critical.  相似文献   

Because behavioral variation within and among populations may result from ecological, social, genetic and phenotypic differences, identifying the mechanism(s) responsible is challenging. Observational studies typically examine social learning by excluding ecological and genetic factors, but this approach is insufficient for many complex behaviors associated with substantial environmental variation. Indian Ocean bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.) in Shark Bay, Western Australia show individual differences in foraging tactics, including possible tool use with marine sponges and social learning may be responsible for this diversity. However, the contributions of ecological factors to the development of these foraging tactics were not previously investigated. Here, we determined the relationship between ecological variables and foraging tactics and assessed whether differences in habitat use could explain individual differences in foraging tactics. We monitored 14 survey zones to identify how foraging tactics were spatially distributed and matched behavioral data to the ecological variables within each zone. Three of four foraging tactics were significantly correlated with ecological characteristics such as seagrass biomass, water depth, presence of marine sponges and season. Further, individual differences in habitat use were associated with some tactics. However, several tactics overlapped spatially and previous findings suggest demographic and social factors also contribute to the individual variation in this population. This study illustrates the importance of environmental heterogeneity in shaping foraging diversity and shows that investigating social learning by ruling out alternative mechanisms may often be too simplistic, highlighting the need for methods incorporating the relative contributions of multiple factors.  相似文献   

Activity patterns of animals often relate to environmental variables such as food availability and predation pressure. Technological advances are providing us with new tools to monitor and better understand these activity patterns. We used animal-attached data loggers recording acceleration and depth to compare activity patterns and vertical habitat use of whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia. Whale sharks showed a moderate reverse diel vertical migration but exhibited a clear crepuscular pattern in locomotory activity. Peak activity occurred at sunset, whereas vertical movement peaked prior to this. Typical ram surface filter feeding could be identified and occurred primarily during sunset and the first hours of night. At such times, direct observations indicated whale sharks were feeding on tropical krill swarms. Kinematic analysis of postural data and data from vertical movement suggests that whale sharks at Ningaloo spend ~8 min per day actively ram surface filter feeding. Considering the high biomass present in krill schools, it is estimated that whale sharks at Ningaloo have a similar energy intake as those at other aggregation sites. Diel patterns in activity and diving behaviour suggest that whale sharks have tuned their diving behaviour in anticipation of the formation of these high-density patches which appear to only be periodically, but predictably available at sunset. Our results confirm that diel patterns in vertical habitat selection and vertical movements do not necessarily reflect patterns in activity and foraging behaviour. Direct quantification of activity and behaviour is required in gaining accurate representation of diel activity patterns.  相似文献   

We explored the at-sea behavior and marine habitat use of the Southern Giant Petrel breeding in Patagonia, Argentina by means of satellite telemetry. Adult breeders showed a wide distribution over the Patagonian Shelf, using 74% of its surface. The maximum distance traveled from the colonies was 683 km, but on average birds moved no more than 200 km further away from their colony. Important marine areas were located in the shelf break, middle shelf and coastal waters. Areas of activity by sex overlap between 35 and 94%. Females foraged primarily away from the coast and males mainly on coastal areas. Both sexes were capable of flying up to 4,000 km but most of the foraging trips were of less than 200 km. Our results emphasize the importance of the Patagonian Shelf as foraging habitat for pelagic seabirds and contribute to international efforts to identify and protect a network of marine sites.  相似文献   

Fine-scale movement patterns in penaeid prawns are rarely observed in situ, but are essential in understanding habitat use, foraging, and anti-predator behaviour. Acoustic telemetry was applied to examine the activity, space utilization, and habitat use of the eastern king prawn Penaeus (Melicertus) plebejus, at small temporal and spatial scales. Tracking of sub-adult P. plebejus (n = 9) in Wallagoot Lake (36.789°S, 149.959°E; 23 April–12 May 2009) and calculation of a minimum activity index (MAI) revealed high variation in activity rates across diel periods and in different habitats. Elevated activity rates and movement indicated foraging in unvegetated habitats during the night. Areas within the 95 and 50% space utilization contours averaged 2,654.1 ± 502.0 and 379.9 ± 103.9 m2, respectively, and there was a significant negative relationship between these areas and prawn activity rates in unvegetated habitats. This study provides the first estimates of prawn activity rates and space utilization in the field. Application of acoustic telemetry can increase knowledge of prawn movements and their interactions with other marine species in different habitats.  相似文献   

Evidence of segregation in foraging habitat has been demonstrated in some top marine predators, including cetaceans, pinnipeds and seabirds. However, most data are not adequate to assess differences relating to body size or seasonal influences. This has implications for quantitative modelling of population-level predator–prey interactions and ecosystem structure. We examined potential influence of body size and ‘fatness’ on the foraging trip characteristics of a top marine predator, the Atlantic grey seal (Halichoerus grypus), in southwest Ireland within the framework of optimal foraging theory to examine how female grey seals foraging behaviour varied with size, and across the period between moult and breeding. Larger seals undertook trips of greater duration and travelled further from haul-out sites than smaller seals. However, body fat was negatively associated with trip duration and extent. Seals spent more time at sea during the summer, but trips were shorter in extent, suggesting more localized foraging during this season.  相似文献   

The wandering albatross (Diomedea exulans) is regarded as a generalist predator, but can it be consistent in its foraging niche at an individual level? This study tested short- and long-term consistency in the foraging niche in terms of habitat use, trophic level and, by inference, prey selection. Fieldwork was carried out at Bird Island, South Georgia, in May–October 2009, during the chick-rearing period. Blood (plasma and cells) and feathers for stable isotope analyses (δ13C and δ15N) were sampled from 35 adults on their return from a foraging trip during which they carried stomach temperature, activity and global positioning system loggers. Results suggest short-term consistency in foraging niche in relation to both oceanic water mass and trophic level, and long-term consistency in use of habitat. Consistent differences between individuals partly reflected sex-specific habitat preferences. The proportion of consistent individuals (i.e., with a narrow foraging niche) was estimated at c. 40?% for short-term habitat and trophic level (prey) preferences and 29?% for longer-term habitat preference, suggesting this is an important characteristic of this population and potentially of pelagic seabirds in general. Foraging consistency was not related to body condition or level of breeding experience; instead, it may reduce intraspecific competition.  相似文献   

The survival of marine predators depends on behavioural plasticity to cope with changes in prey distribution. Variability in behaviour might predict plasticity and is easier to assess than plasticity. Using miniaturized GPS loggers over several breeding seasons in two Norwegian Northern gannet (Morus bassanus) colonies, we investigated if and how the variability within and between individuals, but also between colonies and years, affected foraging strategies. Results revealed strong individual variability (foraging trip durations, foraging effort and different foraging areas). Individuals from both colonies showed preferred commuting routes, flight bearings and feeding hotspots. Individuals from the largest colony used larger and more foraging areas than individuals from the small colony. Feeding hotspots and foraging ranges varied amongst years in the largest colony only. Our study demonstrated that gannets show flexibility by changing prey fields that are driven by shifting oceanographic conditions.  相似文献   

While seabird conservation efforts have largely focused on protection from threats at the colony (e.g. reducing disturbance and predation), attention is increasingly being given to implementing protection measures for foraging areas at sea. For this to be effective, important foraging areas must be identified. Although numerous studies have examined seabird foraging behaviour, information is still lacking on the variability in area utilisation within and among breeding seasons. GPS devices were attached to adult black-legged kittiwakes breeding at an expanding North Sea colony (55°20′N, 1°32′W) during both incubation and chick-rearing in 2012 and during chick-rearing in 2011, to determine whether foraging areas remained consistent and to identify the oceanographic characteristics of areas used for foraging. The type and size of prey items consumed at different stages of the breeding cycle was also examined. During incubation (April–May 2012), kittiwakes foraged substantially further from the colony and fed on larger sandeels than when feeding chicks, and there was significant inter-annual variation in foraging areas used during the chick-rearing period (June–July 2011 and 2012). Foraging areas were characterised by cooler sea surface temperatures and areas of high chlorophyll a concentration, although association with specific oceanographic features changed within the breeding season and between years. These results emphasise the importance of considering how foraging areas and reliance on specific oceanographic conditions change over time when seeking to identify important marine areas for seabirds.  相似文献   

Many studies have shown that the distribution of cetaceans can be closely linked to habitat, but the underlying function of the preferred habitats often remains unclear. Only when behavioural observations are made in relation to habitat types can functional mechanisms behind the habitat use be revealed. Within the range of a bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) population off NE Scotland, dolphins show clear preferences for several discrete areas. If the observed patterns of distribution are related to foraging, we predict that behaviour patterns shown by dolphins would reflect this relationship. In this study we identify behaviours of dolphins at the water surface that were related to feeding events, evaluate whether the patterns of distribution were related to foraging and whether they were related the local submarine habitat characteristics. To investigate whether visible surface evidence of foraging behaviour varied spatially, we analysed data collected from 104 regular boat-based surveys made within the Moray Firth, NE Scotland, between 1990 and 2000. To determine whether underlying bathymetry had any influence on the surface behaviour of dolphins, a land-based observation study was carried out in the populations core region of use. The results of this study show that feeding behaviour by dolphins was significantly higher in areas used intensively by dolphins. Furthermore, there were clear relationships between feeding events and the submarine habitat characteristics; certain forms of feeding occur primarily over steep seabed gradients, and in deeper waters during June and July. These results quantitatively support the hypothesis that the distinctive patterns of distribution shown by these dolphins are related to foraging behaviour or opportunities, and that submarine habitat characteristics may be a significant factor in the foraging efficiency of dolphins. Future work should focus on collecting detailed information on the distribution patterns of prey within the study area to allow direct comparisons between predator and prey distributions.Communicated by J.P. Thorpe, Port Erin  相似文献   

In order to forage and to provision offspring effectively, seabirds negotiate a complex of behavioural, energetic, environmental and social constraints. In first tests of GPS loggers with seabirds in North America, we investigated the foraging tactics of free-ranging northern gannets (Sula bassana) at a large and a medium-sized colony that differed in oceanography, coastal position and prey fields. Gannets at Low Arctic colony (Funk Island) 50 km off the northeast coast of Newfoundland, Canada provisioned chicks almost entirely with small forage fish (capelin Mallotus villosus, 89%), while at boreal colony (Bonaventure Island) 3 km from shore in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Quebec, Canada, large pelagic fish dominated parental prey loads (Atlantic mackerel Scomber scombrus 50%, Atlantic herring Clupea harengus 33%). Mean foraging range and the total distance travelled per foraging trip were significantly greater at the larger inshore colony (Bonaventure) than at the smaller offshore colony (Funk Island; 138 and 452 km vs. 64 and 196 km, respectively). Gannets from Funk Island consistently travelled inshore to forage on reproductive capelin shoals near the coast, whereas foraging flights of birds from Bonaventure were much more variable in direction and destination. Birds from the Low Arctic colony foraged in colder sea surface water than did birds from the boreal colony, and dive characteristics differed between colonies, which is concordent with the difference in prey base. Differences between the colonies reflect oceanographic and colony-size influences on prey fields that shape individual foraging tactics and in turn generate higher level colony-specific foraging “strategies”.  相似文献   

Austin D  Bowen WD  McMillan JI  Iverson SJ 《Ecology》2006,87(12):3095-3108
Establishing where and when predators forage is essential to understanding trophic interactions, yet foraging behavior remains poorly understood in large marine carnivores. We investigated the factors leading to foraging success in gray seals (Halichoerus grypus) in the Northwest Atlantic in the first study to use simultaneous deployments of satellite transmitters, time depth recorders, and stomach-temperature loggers on a free-ranging marine mammal. Thirty-two seals were each fitted with the three types of instrumentation; however, complete records from all three instruments were obtained from only 13 individuals, underscoring the difficulty of such a multi-instrument approach. Our goal was to determine the characteristics of diving, habitat, and movement that predict feeding. We linked diving behavior to foraging success at two temporal scales: trips (days) and bouts (hours) to test models of optimal diving, which indicate that feeding can be predicted by time spent at the bottom of a dive. Using an information-theoretic approach, a Generalized Linear Mixed Model with trip duration and accumulated bottom time per day best explained the number of feeding events per trip, whereas the best predictor of the number of feeding events per bout was accumulated bottom time. We then tested whether characteristics of movement were predictive of feeding. Significant predictors of the number of feeding events per trip were angular variance (i.e., path tortuosity) and distance traveled per day. Finally, we integrated measures of diving, movement, and habitat at four temporal scales to determine overall predictors of feeding. At the 3-h scale, mean bottom time and distance traveled were the most important predictors of feeding frequency, whereas at the 6-h and 24-h time scales, distance traveled alone was most important. Bathymetry was the most significant predictor of feeding at the 12-h interval, with feeding more likely to occur at deeper depths. Our findings indicate that several factors predict feeding in gray seals, but predictor variables differ across temporal scales such that environmental variation becomes important at some scales and not others. Overall, our results illustrate the value of simultaneously recording and integrating multiple types of information to better understand the circumstances leading to foraging success.  相似文献   

We investigated migration and wintering of adult northern gannets (Morus bassanus) breeding in east Scotland, North Sea, by deploying geolocation loggers over three winters. The wintering ranges of these birds varied from the North Sea to the Atlantic off West Africa. Flight time was taken as a proxy for migration and foraging effort. Gannets wintering off Africa had higher total flight times during migration than birds wintering further north. Total flight times in different wintering regions were generally low. Birds off West Africa consistently spent < 25 % of daylight hours in flight, but birds further north showed more variable values that may reflect more variable weather or food availability. Winter sea surface temperatures ranged from 9 °C (North Sea) to 16 °C (West Africa). Thermostatic costs in winter as estimated by measuring thermal conductance in carcasses in still air and water were 28 % higher in North Sea than off West Africa. This effect is aggravated by higher thermostatic costs caused by stronger wind chills in the North Sea compared to the conditions off West Africa. Birds wintering close to the UK arrived at the colony on average 12 days earlier than birds wintering off West Africa. We conclude that the net cost-benefit analysis may be similar for all wintering areas investigated.  相似文献   

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