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累积影响评价是在可持续发展目标要求下环境影响评价的一种新类型,但目前进行累积影响评价的方法和工具仍较缺乏。文章分析了利用地理信息系统进行累积影响评价的能力,结果表明:地理信息系统能改善对发展行为和环境状况的监测和跟踪,能较好地分析环境影响的时、空累积特征,是进行累积影响评价的有效工具;但是,其对环境影响累积过程的本质考虑有限,需要与能反映累积过程的子模式相结合。  相似文献   

石油化工行业规划涉及多个石油化工项目的选址和多个备选方案的比选,增大了环境风险评价的不确定性.基于区域环境风险敏感性分析,研究了环境风险评价方法.在传统的环境风险分析框架即事故的发生概率(风险度)与事故的环境后果的基础上,考虑区域环境风险敏感性对环境风险评价的影响,对规划布局涉及区域的环境风险进行评价,最后将该方法初步应用于实际案例中.研究表明,该方法可以有效地分析多个备选方案的规划的环境风险,分析结果直观、可行,且可以辅助决策者对产业布局的合理性作出准确的判断,通过对该方法在应用中存在问题的分析,展望了规划环境风险评价的进一步工作.  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国环境影响评价法》实施5年多以来,交通规划战略环境评价的开展有效推进了中国交通建设的可持续发展。目前,该领域在理论研究和实践应用方面都取得了一定的成绩,但也存在一些不足。在回顾国内外交通规划战略环境评价发展历程和特点的基础上,就中国交通规划战略环境评价在层次性、定性与定量评价的把握以及如何有效融入决策过程等方面的问题进行了初步探讨,并建议尽早开展利益相关方分析、推广"综合情景+定量模型"的技术方法、引入制度分析方法并开展广泛的公众参与等,为完善中国的交通规划战略环境评价提供参考。  相似文献   

景观影响评价中"景观"的内涵和应用探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈力 《环境污染与防治》2004,26(2):148-150,153
针对目前不同学科对于景观概念存在多种不同的解释,文章对环境影响评价中所基于的景观概念的内涵进行了探讨,指出了景观科学具有边缘性和开放性的特点。并根据目前中国景观影响评价的实际情况,提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

太湖是我国的五大淡水湖之一。太湖流域是我国经济最发达、水污染最严重的地区之一,正面临着严重的环境问题。随着太湖流域社会经济的发展,太湖流域生态环境将承受更大的压力。因此,分析人类社会经济活动对太湖流域生态的影响,对研究太湖生态环境具有重要意义。采用系统分析的方法,围绕流域人类社会经济活动对湖泊生态安全的影响,建立湖泊生态安全的评价指标体系,利用层次分析法计算各指标因子的权重。在此基础上,以太湖流域2005年和2006年相关数据为依据,以MATLAB为工具,根据模糊数学的原理,利用多级模糊综合评价的方法对太湖进行生态综合评价,确定流域社会经济活动对整个湖泊生态系统的影响。研究结果表明,3个重要指数得分高低顺序依次为:水体环境状态指数>水体污染负荷指数>社会经济压力指数;除了点源污染以外,面源污染也是太湖流域生态环境问题的重要根源。  相似文献   

当前,中国环保科技创新还没有有效的管理模式,更没有量化的评价体系.基于DPSIR模型,从驱动力、压力、状态、影响和响应5个方面构建指标体系和权重确定方法,从而建立了环保科技创新评价模型.以国家环境保护水污染控制工程技术(浙江)中心为案例进行研究发现,2013—2018年的环保科技创新综合指数总和分别为0.213、0.5...  相似文献   

建立了某660 MW机组省煤器出口与SCR入口之间烟道的三维数值模型,通过模型研究了飞灰颗粒的运动规律。模拟结果表明:入射位置偏向省煤器出口中后部并且粒径较大的飞灰颗粒易被灰斗捕集,入射位置偏向省煤器出口前部的飞灰颗粒不易被捕集;于省煤器出口布置一块挡板可捕集入射位置偏向省煤器出口前部的大粒径飞灰颗粒,同时也能提高系统的飞灰捕集率,此时SCR入口烟道设计成向上倾斜可减小系统的压降。当挡板布置角度为65°,水平烟道倾斜角度为30°时,系统的飞灰捕集率由38.6%增加至48.4%,系统的压降增加192 Pa。  相似文献   

在中国排污权交易制度需全面完善的背景下,水污染物排污权交易环节的建设显得尤为薄弱,结合国内目前水污染物排污权交易发展现状及存在的问题,在水质模型的基础上,提出了以满足《污水综合排放标准》(GB 8978-2002)和《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838-2002)为前提的水污染物排污权交易计算方法,量化排污权交易可行性,预测由交易导致的水质变化。  相似文献   

环境管理业务规范化是实现环境规划管理信息化的前提与基础。以浙江省县级生态环境功能区规划管理信息系统建设为例,开展基于工作流的环境规划管理业务规范化研究,将环境规划管理业务分解成任务、角色、信息3个部分,建立3者间的关系模型,并根据浙江省县级环境保护组织管理构架的共性,建立了规范的、基础性的环境规划管理业务流程。  相似文献   

基于GCM_CB模型的土壤重金属污染评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
灰色聚类法已经运用于土壤重金属污染评价中,然而此法在确定聚类权重时仅考虑重金属浓度,忽略了衡量重金属毒性强弱的重要指标生物毒性指数。为了更客观和准确地反映土壤重金属的污染程度,将生物毒性指数引入到聚类指标权重中,构建GCM_CB(grey clustering method_concentration and biotoxicity)土壤重金属污染评价模型。通过对华东某地区的10个区域土壤重金属污染进行分析评价,并与常用评价方法对比研究,表明:其多数样点的评价结果基本一致,但针对样品4和样品9中的元素Hg,因其强毒性,使得评价等级由I级定为II级,从而提高了评价方法的灵敏度,更加符合该区域的实际土壤污染情况。  相似文献   

随着中国实行更加积极主动的开放战略,越来越多的区域规划涉及贸易活动内容,贸易活动在中国推动经济增长的同时,也造成了环境压力,因此将区域贸易规划纳入环境影响评价(简称环评)制度是大势所趋。首先研究了贸易活动对环境的影响机制,通过"自由贸易→经济活动→环境影响"的链式反应分析,从规模、结构、技术效应3个方面进行环境影响途径分解;探讨了区域贸易规划环评的工作流程;其次,根据贸易对环境影响效应理论,提出区域贸易规划的环评方法;最后,以《云南瑞丽重点开发开放试验区建设总体规划》的德宏州贸易规划环评为案例,进行了实证研究。该研究可为中国未来区域贸易规划环评提供一定指导与借鉴。  相似文献   

以规划分析、生态环境质量现状调查为基础,以规划实施带来的生态环境影响为依据,采用多种方法建立生态补偿标准核算体系,确定补偿主体、客体及补偿方式,建立生态补偿保障体系,最后将生态补偿机制纳入规划文本,实施规划,并对生态补偿实施效果进行跟踪反馈,不断修正规划环境影响评价中的生态补偿机制.该机制的建立将有效降低规划实施带来的生态损失,实现从源头预防和控制生态影响,提高规划环境影响评价的有效性.  相似文献   

推进规划环境影响评价,既是贯彻落实<中华人民共和国环境影响评价法>、促进生态文明建设的需要.也是环境保护行政主管部门加强污染源头控制、参与宏观决策的有效途径.在对江苏、云南、重庆等地进行实地调研的基础上,分析了中国当前规划环境影响评价工作所面临的形势,重点研究了浙江省在推进规划环境影响评价工作中需要重点关注的问题,并提出了浙江省推进规划环境影响评价的相关建议.  相似文献   

滇池疏浚底泥富含有机质和N、P等营养成分,农用可提高土壤保水肥能力,有利于植物生长发育,但是存在重金属污染问题。通过盆栽及田间实验,对生菜、白菜、棒菜和萝卜4种蔬菜施用疏浚底泥作为有机肥进行种植,分析疏浚底泥农用后,其重金属含量对蔬菜的影响,并对其进行风险评价。结果表明,盆栽实验中,应将底泥的施用量控制在5%(0.05 kg·kg-1)以内。田间实验中,叶菜类蔬菜种植应将底泥的施用量控制在1.6 kg·m-2以下,块茎类蔬菜种植应将底泥的施用量控制在2.4 kg·m-2以下。风险评价采用富集系数(BCF),以及内梅罗污染指数。盆栽实验中叶菜类蔬菜BCF均为Cd >Pb >Zn >Cu,而块茎类组分BCF均为Cd >Zn >Pb >Cu;田间实验中叶菜类蔬菜BCF均为Zn >Cd >Pb >Cu,茎块类蔬菜BCF为Zn >Cd >Cu >Pb。化学致癌物Cd引起的平均健康风险均低于国际辐射防护委员会(ICRP)推荐的最大的终生可接受风险水平;而非化学致癌物Pb、Zn、Cu引起的健康风险以Zn最大,Pb次之,Cu最小,且所有非致癌物健康风险均远低于英国皇家协会、瑞典环境保护局及荷兰建设环境部等推荐的终生可接受风险水平。  相似文献   

China has high biodiversity and is rapidly urbanizing. However, there is limited understanding of how urban expansion in the country is likely to affect its habitats and biodiversity. In this study, we examine urban expansion patterns and their likely impacts on biodiversity in China by 2030. Our analysis shows that most provinces are expected to experience urban expansion either near their protected areas or in biodiversity hotspots. In a few provinces such as Guangdong in the south, urban expansion is likely to impinge on both protected areas and biodiversity hotspots. We show that policies that could facilitate the integration of natural resource protection into urban planning exist on paper, but the prevailing incentives and institutional arrangements between the central and local governments prevent this kind of integration. Removing these obstacles will be necessary in order to safeguard the country’s rich biodiversity in light of the scale of urbanization underway.  相似文献   

河流中的细菌是生态系统中物质循环的重要参与者,能反映河流健康状况,其群落生物指标具有评估城市河流生态状况的潜力。通过调查深圳河流域内深圳河、布吉河和福田河3条河流中的浮游细菌群落,构建了生物完整性指数 (Ba-IBI) ,评估了该流域的健康状况。基于河水浮游细菌的Illumina高通量测序结果,通过差异性检验、箱线图筛选和相关性分析方法从163个候选指标中筛选出变形菌门、放线菌门和微丝藻菌目相对丰度及门水平Simpson多样性指数作为核心指标,构建Ba-IBI评价体系。结果表明,深圳河流域内的20个位点中处于健康状态、亚健康状态、一般状态和较差状态的位点数分别为7个、4个、5个和4个。其中,深圳河处于一般和较差状态的点位比例高达85.7%;健康状况从上游到下游逐渐恶化;整体健康状况较差。布吉河和福田河健康状况相对较好,处于亚健康状态。各采样点Ba-IBI得分与水质状况的相关性较高 (R=0.77,P<0.01) ,表明Ba-IBI能有效评价城市河流的健康状况。本研究结果可为深圳市河流的修复和管理工作提供参考。  相似文献   

This study was meant to determine environmental aspects of hospital waste management scenarios using a life cycle analysis approach. The survey for this study was conducted at the largest hospital in a major city of Pakistan. The hospital was thoroughly analyzed from November 2014 to January 2015 to quantify its wastes by category. The functional unit of the study was selected as 1 tonne of disposable solid hospital waste. System boundaries included transportation of hospital solid waste and its treatment and disposal by landfilling, incineration, composting, and material recycling methods. These methods were evaluated based on their greenhouse gas emissions. Landfilling and incineration turned out to be the worst final disposal alternatives, whereas composting and material recovery displayed savings in emissions. An integrated system (composting, incineration, and material recycling) was found as the best solution among the evaluated scenarios. This study can be used by policymakers for the formulation of an integrated hospital waste management plan.

Implications: This study deals with environmental aspects of hospital waste management scenarios. It is an increasing area of concern in many developing and resource-constrained countries of the world. The life cycle analysis (LCA) approach is a useful tool for estimation of greenhouse gas emissions from different waste management activities. There is a shortage of information in existing literature regarding LCA of hospital wastes. To the best knowledge of the authors this work is the first attempt at quantifying the environmental footprint of hospital waste in Pakistan.  相似文献   

Wang C  Feng Y  Zhao S  Li BL 《Chemosphere》2012,88(1):69-76
A one-dimensional dynamic contaminant fate model, coupling kinematic wave flow option with advection-dispersion-reaction equation, has been applied to predict Nitrobenzene pollution emergency in Songhua River, China that occurred on November 13, 2005. The model includes kinetic processes including volatilization, photolysis and biodegradation, and diffusive mass exchange between water column and sediment layer as a function of particles settling and resuspension. Four kinds of quantitative statistical tests, namely Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency, percent bias, ratio of root-mean-square to the standard deviation of monitoring data and Theil’s inequality coefficient, are adopted to evaluate model performance. The results generally show that the modeled and detected concentrations exhibit good consistency. Flow velocity in the river is most sensitive parameter to Nitrobenzene concentration in water column based on sensitivity analysis of input parameters. It indicates flow velocity has important impact on both distribution and variance of contaminant concentration. The model performs satisfactory for prediction of organic pollutant fate in Songhua River, with the ability to supply necessary information for pollution event control and early warning, which could be applied to similar long natural rivers.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - With the rapid development of construction industry, consumption of concrete block has increased rapidly in China. As a kind of green building...  相似文献   

Smog has become a public environmental crisis in most areas of China, and in response, research efforts have mainly focused on the chemical properties of smog and its impact on human health. However, in-depth research on the public’s perception of smog has not yet been conducted. A survey of residents living around eight state-controlled atmospheric environmental monitoring sites in Ningbo City was conducted using stratified sampling. The data was statistically analyzed to investigate people’s views and behavioral tendencies in smog weather, the influence of different media reports on public outlook, and public opinions on the local atmosphere and pollution management in different areas. The results showed that people’s perception of smog differs greatly from actual conditions, indicating that the public opinion tends to deviate when faced with a public crisis. Mainstream media (TV, newspaper, etc.), accounting for 67% of all media sources, are the main source for dissemination of smog information. The main sources of pollution, in order of decreasing contribution, according to residents of Ningbo City are as follows: motor vehicle exhaust, industrial coal combustion, large-scale construction, biomass burning, and kitchen fumes.

Implications: Since 2011, most areas of China have been affected by frequent smog. Most research on smog has been concentrated on its causes, alert systems, and prevention measures, whereas in-depth research on the public perception of smog has not yet been conducted. When a risky environmental event such as smog occurs, consequences may be more serious than the event itself will cause if people take irrational measures because of lacking relevant knowledge. Therefore, investigating people’s attitude and response to smog is both theoretically and practically significant.  相似文献   

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