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The Chemical Accidents Response Information System (CARIS) was developed at the Center for Chemical Safety Management in South Korea in order to track and predict the dispersion of hazardous chemicals in the case of an accident or terrorist attack involving chemical companies. The main objective of CARIS is to facilitate an efficient emergency response to hazardous chemical accidents by rapidly providing key information in the decision-making process. In particular, the atmospheric modeling system implemented in CARIS, which is composed of a real-time numerical weather forecasting model and an air pollution dispersion model, can be used as a tool to forecast concentrations and to provide a wide range of assessments associated with various hazardous chemicals in real time.This article introduces the components of CARIS and describes its operational modeling system. Some examples of the operational modeling system and its use for emergency preparedness are presented and discussed. Finally, this article evaluates the current numerical weather prediction model for Korea.Published online  相似文献   

Public policies aimed at environmental problems from improper land use typically work through or with the co-operation of local governments. But local governments sometimes fail to appreciate the importance of the environmental issues or programmes announced by higher level governments. In this paper, we use data on mitigation of natural hazards gathered in Florida in the US and New South Wales in Australia to demonstratethat planning mandates can suffer from gaps in local commitment to the environmental goals of higher level governments. Planning mandates must foster higher quality plans and also build supportivelocal political constituencies if they are to overcome this 'commitment conundrum'. We show that the needed improvements in the quality of plans can be fostered through capacity building. Supportive constituencies can be created through programmesthat enhance public awareness of environmental problems and also through provisions of environmental mandates that require local governments to undertake collaborative planning processes with affected stakeholders.  相似文献   

多目标规划是处理多指标函数的重要方法,是目前国内外研究较多的一种规划方法。本文对国内外多目标规划的理论、求解和应用等方面进行了综述。结合多目标规划的特点和危险废物管理的特性,分析了危险废物全过程系统规划管理方法,确定了目标函数、决策变量、约束条件,建立了一个综合考虑了费用和环境影响相关目标的复合效用函数的危险废物全过程多目标系统规划模型,并分析了模型参数的选择。最后,将多目标规划模型应用于重庆市危险废物系统管理中。该模型的合理应用对我国区域性危险废物科学的管理具有参考价值。  相似文献   

The operational dilemmas and challenges associated with the practice of community-based environmental planning (CBEP) are examined. The paper examines the frequently invoked ‘bottom-up’ versus ‘top-down’ dichotomy and argues that environmental governance is more complex, dynamic and multi-scalar than this simple dichotomy implies. The paper identifies six key problems with the CBEP approach: (i) the conceptualization of ‘community’ which poorly accounts for difference; (ii) problems of inequality; (iii) the organizational capacity and efficacy of community groups; (iv) the scale of CBEP; (v) the types of knowledge utilized by communities in environmental management; and (vi) the potential for parochial concerns to dominate the priorities and agenda of community organizations. The paper analyses each of these issues, identifies planning principles that may aid resolution, and suggests possible remedies.  相似文献   

Incorporation of environmental flow releases from reservoirs has proven to be challenging due to fear of losses to existing water uses. Moreover environmental flow requirements (EFR) have not often been operationalized. This study compares the possibility of implementing dynamic EFR based on natural flows lagged against an upstream unregulated gauging point with static EFR. It simulates different scenarios with a high flow release in the wet season and analyses its impacts on hydropower production. This method accounts fully for the natural variability of environmental flows, implying less pressure on existing water uses during relatively dry years. Joint operation of two cascading dams vs. individual operation for EFR was also explored. These approaches were tested for the Zambezi River basin in Southern Africa using a water resources model, WAFLEX. Historic data on reservoir water levels, releases and power generation of the hydropower schemes were synthesized. Combining these yielded a validated series of monthly flow data for a 28 year period (1982‐2010). The results show that Kariba and Cahora Bassa reservoirs face a reduction in power produced when they would annually release an environmental flow. However, the dynamic EFR method entails smaller hydropower losses. Joint environmental flow operations will reduce overall basin power production more than if Cahora Bassa alone would release an environmental flow. However, such joint operation would be more beneficial to the ecosystem.  相似文献   

Environmental decision-making and policy-making at all levels refers necessarily to synthetic, approximate quantification of environmental properties such as vulnerability, conservation status, and ability to recover after perturbation. Knowledge of such properties is essential to informed decision-making, but their definition is controversial and their precise characterization requires investments in research, modeling, and data collection that are only possible in the most developed countries. Environmental agencies and governments worldwide have increasingly requested numerical quantification or semiquantitative ranking of such attributes at the ecosystem, landscape, and country level. We do not have a theory to guide their calculation, in general or specific contexts, particularly with the amount of resources usually available in such cases. As a result, these measures are often calculated with little scientific justification and high subjectivity, and such doubtful approximations are used for critical decision-making. This problem applies particularly to countries with weak economies, such as small island states, where the most precious environmental resources are often concentrated. This paper discusses frameworks for a “least disappointing,” approximate quantification of environmental vulnerability. After a review of recent research and recent attempts to quantify environmental vulnerability, we discuss models and theoretical frameworks for obtaining an approximate, standardizable vulnerability indicator of minimal subjectivity and maximum generality. We also discuss issues of empirical testing and comparability between indicators developed for different environments. To assess the state of the art, we describe an independent ongoing project developed in the South Pacific area and aimed to the comparative evaluation of the vulnerability of arbitrary countries.  相似文献   

结合对我国的规划体系及其发展方向的分析,指出了目前环境规划忽视对国土空间进行谋划的问题,并对其转型方向提出了建议。主要结论:环境规划应当在继续履行好争取财政资金等社会资源功能的同时,增强对资源环境承载能力这一重要自然资源的配置功能,转变为横跨国民经济和社会发展、国土空间开发管制两大领域的综合性规划;要加强环境保护空间管制的基础性研究,建立一套约束性环境规划指标体系,增强其权威性和可操作性,充分发挥规划的作用。  相似文献   

Summary This paper describes a 13-weeks, third-year course in Environmental Planning and Management developed and taught by the authors. Initiated in 1969, the course consists of a mix of lectures, seminars, workshop/laboratory sessions and field-based projects. The objectives of the course are for students: to become aware of the need for, and the complexities of, environmental management; to be able to criticise constructively work done by environmental agencies and consultants, managers and decision makers; and to learn and apply some of the methods and techniques used in environmental management.Topics covered by the current syllabus are: concepts of resource and environment; constitutional aspects; international law and the environment; Australian and Canadian environmental legislation and agencies; human manipulation of ecosystems; energy subsidies; modification of biogeochemical cycles; population dynamics and cropping; fisheries; national parks and reserves—policies in different countries; international heritage areas; environmental assessment (including impact assessment, land evaluation, land capability and land suitability assessment); and regional, integrated land-use and environmental planning and management. Techniques taught include: field surveys and interviewing; laboratory analysis of selected water quality, sediment and soil parameters including nutrient concentrations, heavy metal and pesticide residues; and for some students, applications of geographic information systems (GIS) technology following preceding GIS courses.A major problem is selecting the most appropriate mix between the social and natural sciences—appropriate, first in terms of students' heterogeneous skills and backgrounds, and second, in terms of understanding the causes of environmental problems and issues, and devising practicable solutions.  相似文献   

干系人是指在环境规划过程中所涉及到的利益相关的公众和组织,按具体职责的不同分为规划师(专家)、政府、排污企业、社区(公众)和其他相关者五类,介绍了干系人所具有的资源,并分析了干系人组成的整体性、有序性和动态性特征.根据不同的干系人种类,具体分析了他们在环境规划中的角色和职责.  相似文献   

结合秦皇岛市沿海旅游城市的实际情况,指出了环境应急管理中存在的机构不健全、人员不固定、设备和经费缺乏等问题,并从队伍、装备、预案、演习、应急指挥、危险化学品运输等10个方面提出了对策,以期为环境应急管理工作提供参考。  相似文献   

土地利用总体规划的环境影响评价指标体系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
科学合理的土地利用总体规划环境影响评价指标体系既可提高规划的科学性,又可为新一轮规划的修编提供科学依据。运用系统分析法、归纳演绎法、专家咨询法等方法研究建立土地利用总体规划的环境影响评价指标体系,初步将其构建为目标层、准则层和指标层3个层次,包括社会指标、环境指标及资源指标。  相似文献   

日本是亚洲最先城市化的国家,目前已有86%的人口生活在城市行政区范围内。在城市化的进程中,日本曾出现过各种各样的环境问题,经过半个多世纪的努力,现在的城市生活环境不仅得到根本改善,而且在资源循环利用和低碳社会建设等方面也做出引人注目的成绩。本文从日本城市规划制度和环境政策演变角度,分阶段介绍自1950年以来的城市环境问题、环境法律和有关城市规划建设的政策,逐步展开日本改善城市生活环境、保护地球自然环境的过程,尤其注重从生态城市到低碳社会转型发展的最近政策动向。  相似文献   

Using Multicriteria Methods in Environmental Planning and Management   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
In environmental planning and decision processes several alternatives are analyzed in terms of multiple noncommensurate criteria, and many different stakeholders with conflicting preferences are involved. Based on our experience in real-life applications, we discuss how multicriteria decision aid (MCDA) methods can be used successfully in such processes. MCDA methods support these processes by providing a framework for collecting, storing, and processing all relevant information, thus making the decision process traceable and transparent. It is therefore possible to understand and explain why, under several conflicting preferences, a particular decision was made. The MCDA framework also makes the requirements for new information explicit, thus supporting the allocation of resources for the process.  相似文献   

环境应急监测中两种便携式仪器的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在环境应急监测中,便携式气相色谱-质谱仪HAPSITE Smart IQ和便携式气相色谱仪zNose4200主要用来监测挥发性有机物。在环境污染事故中二者的应用已较成熟、广泛,二者分别发挥各自作用,在实际工作中将二者联合应用能够取得更好的效果。HAPSITE可以快速准确地对挥发性化学物质进行定性,但在定量过程中每个样品的测定过程需要数分钟,而zNose4200可以在数秒钟内对已知挥发性物质进行定量。在HAPSITE准确定性基础上,用zNose4200出具定量数据,可以有效缩短污染事故发生时环境应急监测的时间。两者联用技术,在很大程度上提高了环境应急监测能力。  相似文献   

中小企业总体上表现为数量众多,技术水平千差万别,涉及使用或生产的化学品种类繁杂,因此在化学品储运,废液、污水的处理上容易引发事故,是环境污染事故多发的主体。结合基层工作实践,认为国家应严格对中小企业的环境管理,为其污染事故处理提供广泛的技术支撑,编制各级应急预案。  相似文献   

在挥发酚环境应急监测中,使用萃取法相对于直接法操作繁琐,毒性高。为了提高工作效率,减少毒性伤害,经实验验证,找到了萃取法与直接法的一定对应关系。对于只要求了解水样中挥发酚的含量范围或只要求了解是否达标等测定目的下,通过直接法测定,即可满足要求,而无需再进行萃取法的测定。用直接法部分替代萃取法,不仅提高了工作效率,而且减少了工作量及毒性污染,降低了工作强度。  相似文献   

根据环境保护面临的形势和发展趋势,对企业环保现状和存在的主要问题进行了分析和评价,论述了企业做好环境保护规划的必要性。提出了石油企业制订环保发展战略规划的步骤和做好环保规划的方法,对编制出切合实际、经济可行的环境保护规划有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

"十一五"期间,秦皇岛市的环境保护取得了明显的成绩,"十二五"期间,秦皇岛市的环境保护工作仍然面临严峻挑战。因此,应该遵循环境优先、不欠新账、强化治理、机制创新、注重规划衔接等原则,高水平编制秦皇岛市"十二五"环境保护规划,重点落实编制秦皇岛市主体功能区划,深入推进水污染综合治理,建立完善环境保护考核机制,加强环境保护监督管理,明确环境保护重点项目,提高规划的可操作性。  相似文献   

环境规划队伍是环保铁军的重要一员,随着生态文明建设和生态环境保护工作不断深入,我国环境规划院(所)建设逐步从无到有,人才队伍逐步发展壮大,支撑生态环境保护综合决策能力日益提高。本研究面向各省(区、市)及部分副省级城市环境规划院(所)开展了问卷调查,分析我国环境规划研究队伍和机构建设现状,围绕管理制度、市场发展、人才培养、交流合作等方面对未来发展进行展望。  相似文献   

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