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A reaction calorimeter was used to determine the enthalpies of absorption of CO2 in aqueous ammonia and in aqueous solutions of ammonium carbonate at temperatures of 35–80 °C. The heat of absorption of CO2 with 2.5 wt% aqueous ammonia solution was found to be about 70 kJ/mol CO2, which is lower than that with MEA (around 85 kJ/mol) at 35 and 40 °C. The value decreases with increased loading, but not to as low a value as expected by the carbonate–bicarbonate reaction (26.88 kJ/mol). The enthalpy of absorption of CO2 in aqueous ammonia at 60 and 80 °C decreases with loadings at first, then increases between 0.2 mol CO2/mol NH3 and 0.6 mol CO2/mol NH3, and then decreases again. The behavior of the heat of absorption of CO2 in 10 wt% ammonium carbonate solution was found to be the same as that of aqueous ammonia at loadings above 0.6 mol CO2/mol NH3. The heat of absorption increases with increasing temperature. The heats of absorption are directly related to the extent of the various reactions with CO2 and can be assessed from the species variation in the liquid phase.  相似文献   

Studies of the kinetics of sulfur dioxide (SO2)- and oxygen (O2)-induced degradation of aqueous monoethanolamine (MEA) during the absorption of carbon dioxide (CO2) from flue gases derived from coal- or natural gas-fired power plants were conducted as a function of temperature and the liquid phase concentrations of MEA, O2, SO2 and CO2. The kinetic data were based on the initial rate which shows the propensity for amine degradation and obtained under a range of conditions typical of the CO2 absorption process (3–7 kmol/m3 MEA, 6% O2, 0–196 ppm SO2, 0–0.55 CO2 loading, and 328–393 K temperature). The results showed that an increase in temperature and the concentrations of MEA, O2 and SO2 resulted in a higher MEA degradation rate. An increase in CO2 concentration gave the opposite effect. A semi-empirical model based on the initial rate, ?rMEA = {6.74 × 109 e?(29,403/RT)[MEA]0.02([O]2.91 + [SO2]3.52)}/{1 + 1.18[CO2]0.18} was developed to fit the experimental data. With the higher order of reaction, SO2 has a higher propensity to cause MEA to degrade than O2. Unlike previous models, this model shows an improvement in that any of the parameters (i.e. O2, SO2, and CO2) can be removed without affecting the usability of the model.  相似文献   

The chilled ammonia process absorbs the CO2 at low temperature (2–10 °C). The heat of absorption of carbon dioxide by ammonia is significantly lower than for amines. In addition, degradation problems can be avoided and a high carbon dioxide capacity is achieved. Hence, this process shows good perspectives for decreasing the heat requirement. However, a scientific understanding of the processes is required. The thermodynamic properties of the NH3–CO2–H2O system were described using the extended UNIQUAC electrolyte model developed by Thomsen and Rasmussen in a temperature range from 0 to 110 °C and pressure up to 100 bars. The results show that solid phases consisting of ammonium carbonate and bicarbonate are formed in the absorber. The heat requirements in the absorber and in the desorber have been studied. The enthalpy calculations show that a heat requirement for the desorber lower than 2 GJ/ton CO2 can be reached.  相似文献   

In this work, the rate of absorption of carbon dioxide by aqueous ammonia solvent has been studied by applying a newly built wetted wall column. The absorption rate in aqueous ammonia was measured at temperatures from 279 to 304 K for 1 to 10 wt% aqueous ammonia with loadings varying from 0 to 0.8 mol CO2/mol NH3. The absorption rate in 30 wt% aqueous mono-ethanolamine (MEA) was measured at 294 and 314 K with loadings varying from 0 to 0.4 as comparison.It was found that at 304 K, the rate of absorption of carbon dioxide by 10 wt% NH3 solvent was comparable to the rates for 30 wt% MEA at 294 and 314 K (a typical absorption temperature for this process). The absorption rate using ammonia was however significantly lower at temperatures of 294 K and lower as applied in the Chilled Ammonia Process. However, at these low temperatures, the rate of absorption in ammonia has only a small temperature dependency.The rate of absorption decreases strongly with decreasing ammonia concentrations and increasing CO2 loadings.The rate of absorption of carbon dioxide by aqueous ammonia solvent was modeled using the measurements of the unloaded solutions and the zwitter-ion mechanism. The model could successfully predict the experimental measurements of the absorption rate of CO2 in loaded ammonia solutions.  相似文献   

Hilliard completed several thermodynamic models in Aspen Plus® for modeling CO2 removal with amine solvents, including MEA–H2O–CO2. This solvent was selected to make a system model for CO2 removal by absorption/stripping. Both the absorber and the stripper used RateSep? to rigorously calculate mass transfer rates. The accuracy of the new model was assessed using a recent pilot plant run with 35 wt.% (9 m) MEA. Absorber loading and removal were predicted within 6%, and the temperature profile was approached within 5 °C. An average 3.8% difference between measured and calculated values was achieved in the stripper. A three-stage flash configuration which efficiently utilizes solar energy was developed. It reduces energy use by 6% relative to a simple stripper. Intercooling was used to reach 90% removal in the absorber at these optimized conditions.  相似文献   

The present work is a study to evaluate ionic liquids as a potential solvent for post-combustion CO2 capture. In order to enhance the absorption performance of a CO2 capture unit, different ionic liquids have been designed and tested. The main goal was to get a comparison between a reference liquid and selected ionic liquids. As the reference, a solution of 30 w% monoethanolamine (MEA) and water was used. A large range of different pure and diluted ionic liquids was tested with a special screening process to gain general information about the CO2 absorption performance. Based on these results, a 60 w% ionic liquid solution in water was selected and the vapour–liquid equilibrium was measured experimentally between 40 °C and 110 °C. From these curves the enthalpy of absorption for capturing CO2 into the ionic liquid was determined. With these important parameters one is able to calculate the total energy demand for stripping of CO2 from the loaded solvent for comparison of the ionic liquid based solvent with the reference MEA solvent. The energy demand of this 60 w% ionic liquid is slightly lower than that of the reference solution, resulting in possible energy savings between 12 and 16%.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to investigate the potential process for the removal of carbon dioxide (CO2) from flue gas using fundamental membrane contactor, which is a membrane gas absorption (MGA) system. The experiments consisted of microporous polyvinylidenefluoride (PVDF) flat sheet membrane with 0.1 μm (as module I) and 0.45 μm (as module II) pore size. 2-Amino-2-methyl-1-propanol (AMP) solution was employed as the liquid absorbent. The effect of AMP concentration was studied with variation in the range 1–5 M. In addition, the experiments were carried out with 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% gas ratio of CO2 to N2 and pure CO2 as well. Through contact angle measurement, membranes for module I and module II were obtained with CA values of around 130.25° and 127.77°, respectively. The mass transfer coefficients for module II are lower than those of module I for 1–5 M of AMP. Furthermore, the increase in CO2 concentration in the feed gas stream enhanced the CO2 flux as the driving force of the system was increased in sequence from 1 M to 5 M of AMP. However, after the particular percentage (40%) of CO2 inlet concentration, the CO2 fluxes seem saturated. The combination of AMP as liquid absorbent and PVDF microporous membrane in MGA system has shown the potential to remove the CO2 from flue gas. In addition, the higher AMP concentration gave higher mass transfer coefficient at low liquid flow rates.  相似文献   

New comprehensive numerically solved 1D and 2D absorption rate/kinetics models have been developed, for the first time, to interpret the experimental kinetic data obtained with a laminar jet apparatus for the absorption of carbon dioxide (CO2) in CO2 loaded mixed solutions of mixed amine system of methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) and monoethanolamine (MEA). Three MDEA/MEA weight ratios ranging from 27/03 to 23/07, over a concentration range of 2.316–1.996 kmol/m3 for MDEA and of 0.490–1.147 kmol/m3 for MEA were studied. The models take into account the coupling between chemical equilibrium, mass transfer, and the chemical kinetics of all possible chemical reactions involved in the CO2 reaction with MDEA/MEA solvent. The partial differential equations of the 1D model were solved by two numerical techniques; the finite difference method (FDM) based on in-house coded Barakat–Clark scheme and the finite element method (FEM) based on COMSOL software. The FEM comprehensive model was then used to solve the set of partial differential equations in the 2D cylindrical coordinate system setting. Both FDM and FEM produced very accurate results for both the 1D and 2D models, which were much better than our previously published simplified model. The reaction rate constant obtained for MEA blended into MDEA at 298–333 K was kMEA = 5.127 × 108 exp(−3373.8/T). In addition, the 2D model, for the first time, has provided the concentration profiles of all the species in both the radial and axial directions of the laminar jet, thereby enabling an understanding of the correct sequence in which the reaction steps involved in the reactive absorption of CO2 in aqueous mixed amines occur.  相似文献   

A novel CO2 separation concept is described wherein the enzyme carbonic anhydrase (CA) is used to increase the overall rate of CO2 absorption after which hydrated CO2 reacts with regenerable amine-bearing polyacrylamide buffering beads (PABB). Following saturation of the material's immobilized tertiary amines, CA-bearing carrier water is separated and recycled to the absorption stage while CO2-loaded material is thermally regenerated. Process application of this concept would involve operation of two or more columns in parallel with thermal regeneration with low-pressure steam taking place after the capacity of a column of amine-bearing polymeric material was exceeded. PABB CO2-bearing capacity was evaluated by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) for beads of three acrylamido buffering monomer ingredient concentrations: 0 mol/kg bead, 0.857 mol/kg bead, and 2 mol/kg bead. TGA results demonstrate that CO2-bearing capacity increases with increasing PABB buffering concentration and that up to 78% of the theoretical CO2-bearing capacity was realized in prepared PABB samples (0.857 mol/kg recipe). The highest observed CO2-bearing capacity of PABB was 1.37 mol of CO2 per kg dry bead. TGA was also used to assess the regenerability of CO2-loaded PABB. Preliminary results suggest that CO2 is partially driven from PABB samples at temperatures as low as 55 °C, with complete regeneration occurring at 100 °C. Other physical characteristics of PABB are discussed. In addition, the effectiveness of bovine carbonic anhydrase for the catalysis of CO2 dissolution is evaluated. Potential benefits and drawbacks of the proposed process are discussed.  相似文献   

Heats of absorption of CO2 with different solvents were measured in this work in a commercially available reaction calorimeter CPA-122 (Chemisens AS, Sweden) as function of temperature, loading and solvent composition over the temperature range from 40 to 120 °C. Studied amines include primary amines (monoethanolamine and 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol), tertiary amines (N-methyldiethanolamine and N,N-diethylethanolamine), diamines (1-(2-aminoethyl)-aminoethanol and N-methyl-1,3-propanediamine), triamine (diethylenetriamine), and cyclic amine (piperazine). Combinations of these amines and also mixtures of potassium carbonate and piperazine were tested. Experimental heats of absorption of CO2 with these systems are compared.  相似文献   

During injection of carbon dioxide (CO2) into deep saline aquifers, the available pore volume of the aquifer may be used inefficiently, thereby decreasing the effective capacity of the repository for CO2 storage. Storage efficiency is the fraction of the available pore space that is utilized for CO2 storage, or, in other words, it is the ratio between the volume of stored CO2 and the maximum available pore volume. In this note, we derive and present simple analytical expressions for estimating CO2 storage efficiency under the scenario of a constant-rate injection of CO2 into a confined, homogeneous, isotropic, saline aquifer. The expressions for storage efficiency are derived from models developed previously by other researchers describing the shape of the CO2-brine interface. The storage efficiency of CO2 is found to depend on three dimensionless groups, namely: (1) the residual saturation of brine after displacement by CO2; (2) the ratio of CO2 mobility to brine mobility; (3) a dimensionless group (which we call a “gravity factor”) that quantifies the importance of CO2 buoyancy relative to CO2 injection rate. In the particular case of negligible residual brine saturation and negligible buoyancy effects, the storage efficiency is approximately equal to the ratio of the CO2 viscosity to the brine viscosity. Storage efficiency decreases as the gravity factor increases, because the buoyancy of the CO2 causes it to occupy a thin layer at the top of the confined formation, while leaving the lower part of the aquifer under-utilized. Estimates of storage efficiency from our simple analytical expressions are in reasonable agreement with values calculated from simulations performed with more complicated multi-phase-flow simulation software. Therefore, we suggest that the analytical expressions presented herein could be used as a simple and rapid tool to screen the technical or economic feasibility of a proposed CO2 injection scenario.  相似文献   

The chemical reactions involved in CO2 absorption in amine systems are studied. For each mechanism, available experimental data are considered and quantum mechanical calculations carried out. Base-catalyzed bicarbonate formation is found to be a likely mechanism for all amine bases, not only tertiary amines. Direct formation of bicarbonate species from carbamate species is found to be unlikely. The carbamate formation has been proposed to take place through a single-step termolecular reaction, or through a two step mechanism with a zwitterionic intermediate. Quantum mechanical calculations suggest that if there is such a zwitterionic intermediate, it is likely to be short-lived.Quantum mechanical calculations together with solvation models are shown to predict the base strength and carbamate stability of different amine solvents with a useful degree of accuracy. Solvent effects and electron donation and withdrawal through bonds are identified as important factors in determining the overall reactivity of different amine solvents. Results suggest a strong correlation between the carbamate stability and base strength of amine solvents and their reaction kinetics.  相似文献   

The Microtox toxicity and Oxygen Uptake Rate (OUR) inhibition tests were conducted to monitor the variation of toxicity during ozonation of 2-chlorophenol (2-CP), 3-chlorophenol (3-CP) and 4-chlorophenol (4-CP) under neutral conditions. The results revealed that the oxidized 2-CP solution exhibited new toxicity to pure bacteria and mixed microorganisms in the early stage of ozonation. The largest inhibition of OUR appeared at one mol of applied ozone dosage per mol of initial 2-CP, and the percentage of inhibition was 63.8%. In addition, ozonated 3-CP and 4-CP also significantly induced new aqueous toxicity, if these toxic intermediates were not further ozonated. Comparing the variation of toxicity and the hydroxylated/chlorinated intermediates formed, 3-chloro-catechol, 2-chloro-2, 4-hexadienedioic acid and the dimmer compounds may be related to the sources of toxicity during the ozonation of 2-CP.  相似文献   

Capturing and storing carbon dioxide (CO2) underground for thousands of years is one way to reduce atmospheric greenhouse gases, often associated with global warming. Leakage through wells is one of the major issues when storing CO2 in depleted oil or gas reservoirs. CO2-injection candidates may be new wells, or old wells that are active, closed or abandoned. In all cases, it is critical to ensure that the long-term integrity of the storage wells is not compromised. The loss of well integrity may often be explained by the geochemical alteration of hydrated cement that is used to isolate the annulus across the producing/injection intervals in CO2-related wells. However, even before any chemical degradation, changes in downhole conditions due to supercritical CO2 injections can also be responsible for cement debonding from the casing and/or from the formation, leading to rapid CO2 leakage. A new cement with better CO2 resistance is compared with conventional cement using experimental procedure and methodology simulating the interaction of set cement with injected, supercritical CO2 under downhole conditions. Geochemical experimental data and a mechanical modeling approach are presented. The use of adding expanding property to this new cement to avoid microannulus development during the CO2 injection is discussed.  相似文献   

Cost-effective biosorbents made from the byproducts of agriculture, forest, and related industries, such as barley straw, canola meal, and wood sawdust, have significant water adsorption capacity, showing a great potential for selective water removal from bioalcohols to produce fuel grade products. However, there is a challenge that the biosorbents are not stable when they come in contact with aqueous solution. There are organic carbons released from biosorbents to liquid phase, which needs to be addressed before this technology is applied in the industrial purification of bioalcohols. In this work, raw barley straw representing an abundant group of cellulosic materials in the above-mentioned industries was used as a model material. A methodology of chemical and physical treatment was developed to treat barley straw which successfully enhanced the stability and reduced the total organic carbon release from the material into the aqueous solution. In addition, the pre-treated barley straw biosorbent had significantly increased micropores, and the Brunauer--Emmett--Teller surface area favored by water adsorption compared with raw barley straw. It also had higher water uptake and dynamic water adsorption selectivity. The pre-treated barley straw was able to selectively remove water and generate concentrated ethanol.  相似文献   

An ideal solvent for CO2 capture by chemical absorption has to meet a number of requirements, such as high CO2 capacity, high rate of reaction, low costs, low corrosive behaviour, low degradation and low vapour pressure; above all, it has to show a low regeneration heat duty. This heat can be approximated as the sum of three terms: the sensible heat to raise the solvent from absorber to desorber temperature, the heat of evaporation required to produce the stripping steam in the reboiler, and the heat necessary to desorb the CO2 from the solution (heat of absorption).Many solvent screening studies focus almost exclusively on solvents that show a low heat of absorption. In these studies, the strong dependence of the three contributors to the overall regeneration heat duty on the chosen process parameters and on one another are often neglected.This work explains why the focus on solvents with a low heat of absorption, without considering the overall process, is not sufficient in quantifying the energy performance of alternative solvents. By using thermodynamic interrelations and underpinned by process simulations it is shown that operating parameters of the process, in particular the desorber pressure, must be taken into consideration in the evaluation of new solvents.  相似文献   

The fly ash treated by H2SO4 was used as a low-cost adsorbent for the removal of a typical dye, methylene blue, from aqueous solution. An increase in the specific surface area and dye-adsorption capacity was observed after the acid treatment. The adsorption isotherm and kinetics of the treated fly ash were studied. The experimental results were fitted using Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. It shows that the Freundlich isotherm is better in describing the adsorption process. Two kinetic models, pseudo-first order and pseudo-second order, were employed to analyze the kinetic data. It was found that the pseudo-second-order model is the better choice to describe the adsorption behavior. The thermodynamic study reveals that the enthalpy (ΔH0) value is positive (5.63 kJ/mol), suggesting an endothermic nature of the adsorption.  相似文献   

The concentration of CO2 in air near the ground needs to be predicted to assess environmental and health risks from leaking underground storage. There is an exact solution to the advection–diffusion equation describing trace gases carried by wind when the wind profile is modeled with a power-law dependence on height. The analytical solution is compared with a numerical simulation of the coupled air–ground system with a source of CO2 underground at the water table. The two methods produce similar results far from the boundaries, but the boundary conditions have a strong effect; the simulation imposes boundary conditions at the edge of a finite domain while the analytic solution imposes them at infinity. The reverse seepage from air to ground is shown in the simulation to be very small, and the large difference between time scales suggests that air and ground can be modeled separately, with gas emissions from the ground model used as inputs to the air model.  相似文献   


As one of the natural working fluids for the refrigeration system, CO2 has been attracting increasing attention over the last ten years. But CO2 has to work at the supercritical region for the so-called “condensation” process regarding the conventional refrigerants and evaporate at the two-phase region, and therefore results in larger throttling loss for the practical refrigeration application. Consequently, new technologies must be developed to improve the performance efficiency of the CO2 transcritical cycle, and make it to be equal or closer to that of the refrigeration system with the conventional refrigerants. In this study, an expander is employed in the CO2 transcritical cycle to replace the throttling valve, and as a result the throttling loss can be decreased significantly. The paper presents the development of a rolling piston expander and the activity items in the expander design, including the seal technology, the contact friction control, the suction design, etc. The performance experiments for the expander are conducted in the present testing system for the CO2 transcritical cycle. The results show that the recovery power of the expander is related to the revolution speed of the expander. The efficiency of the expander prototype is observed to be about 32%.  相似文献   

Chemical interactions of aromatic organic contaminants control their fate, transport, and toxicity in the environment. Recent molecular modeling studies have suggested that strong interactions can occur between the pi electrons of aromatic molecules and metal cations in aqueous solutions and/or on mineral surfaces, and that such interactions may be important in some environmental systems. However, spectroscopic evidence for these so-called cation-pi interactions has been extremely limited to date. In this paper, cation-pi interactions in aqueous salt solutions were characterized via 2H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spin-lattice relaxation times (T1) and calculations of molecular correlation times (tau(c)) for a series of perdeuterated (d6-benzene) benzene-cation complexes. The T1 values for d6-benzene decreased with increasing concentrations of LiCl, NaCl, KCl, RbCl, CsCl, and AgNO3, with the largest effects observed in the AgNO3 and CsCl solutions. Upon normalizing tau(c) values by solution viscosity effects, an overall affinity trend of Ag+ > Cs+ > K+ > Rb+ > Na+ > Li+ was derived for the d6-benzene-cation complexes. The ability of Ag+ to complex d6-benzene was significantly reduced upon addition of NH3, which strongly coordinates Ag+ at high pH. Results with d6-benzene, d8-naphthalene, d2-dichloromethane, and d12-cyclohexane in 0.1 M methanolic salt solutions confirmed that spin-lattice relaxation rates are characterizing cation-pi interactions. The relatively strong cation-pi bonding observed between Ag+ and aromatic hydrocarbons probably results from covalent interactions between the aromatic pi electrons and the d orbitals of Ag+, in addition to the normal electrostatic interaction.  相似文献   

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