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Many studies on geological carbon dioxide (CO2) storage capacity neglect the influence of complex coupled processes which occur during and after the injection of CO2. Storage capacity is often overestimated since parts of the reservoirs cannot be reached by the CO2 plume due to gravity segregation and are thus not accessible for storage. This work investigates the effect of reservoir parameters like depth, temperature, absolute and relative permeability, and capillary pressure on the processes during CO2 injection and thus on estimates of effective storage capacity. The applied statistical characteristics of parameters are based on a large reservoir parameter database. Different measured relative permeability relations are considered. The methodology of estimating storage capacity is discussed. Using numerical 1D and 3D experiments, detailed time-dependent storage capacity estimates are derived. With respect to the concept developed in this work, it is possible to estimate effective CO2 storage capacity in saline aquifers. It is shown that effective CO2 mass stored in the reservoir varies by a factor of 20 for the reservoir setups considered. A high influence of the relative permeability relation on storage capacity is shown.  相似文献   

Before implementing CO2 storage on a large scale its viability regarding injectivity, containment and long-term safety for both humans and environment is crucial. Assessing CO2–rock interactions is an important part of that as these potentially affect physical properties through highly coupled processes. Increased understanding of the physical impact of injected CO2 during recent years including buoyancy driven two-phase flow and convective mixing elucidated potential CO2 pathways and indicated where and when CO2–rock interactions are potentially occurring. Several areas of interactions can be defined: (1) interactions during the injection phase and in the near well environment, (2) long-term reservoir and cap rock interactions, (3) CO2–rock interactions along leakage pathways (well, cap rock and fault), (4) CO2–rock interactions causing potable aquifer contamination as a consequence of leakage, (5) water–rock interactions caused by aquifer contamination through the CO2 induced displacement of brines and finally engineered CO2–rock interactions (6). The driving processes of CO2–rock interactions are discussed as well as their potential impact in terms of changing physical parameters. This includes dissolution of CO2 in brines, acid induced reactions, reactions due to brine concentration, clay desiccation, pure CO2–rock interactions and reactions induced by other gases than CO2. Based on each interaction environment the main aspects that are possibly affecting the safety and/or feasibility of the CO2 storage scheme are reviewed and identified. Then the methodologies for assessing CO2–rock interactions are discussed. High priority research topics include the impact of other gaseous compounds in the CO2 stream on rock and cement materials, the reactivity of dry CO2 in the absence of water, how CO2 induced precipitation reactions affect the pore space evolution and thus the physical properties and the need for the development of coupled flow, geochemical and geomechanical models.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide emissions will continue being a major environmental concern due to the fact that coal will remain a major fossil-fuel energy resource for the next few decades. To meet future targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, capture and storage of CO2 is required. Carbon capture and storage technologies that are currently the focus of research centres and industry include: pre-combustion capture, post-combustion capture, and oxy-fuel combustion. This review deals with the oxy-fuel coal combustion process, primarily focusing on pulverised coal (PC) combustion, and its related research and development topics. In addition, research results related to oxy-fuel combustion in a circulating fluidised bed (CFB) will be briefly dealt with.During oxy-fuel combustion, a combination of oxygen, with a purity of more than 95 vol.%, and recycled flue gas (RFG) referred to as oxidant is used for combusting the fuel producing a gas consisting of mainly CO2 and water vapour, which after purification and compression, is ready for storage. The high oxygen demand is supplied by a cryogenic air separation process, which is the only commercially available mature technology. The separation of oxygen from air as well as the purification and liquefaction of the CO2-enriched flue gas consumes significant auxiliary power. Therefore, the overall net efficiency is expected to be decreased by 8–12% points, corresponding to a 21–35% increase in fuel consumption. Alternatively, ion transport membranes (ITMs) are proposed for oxygen separation, which might be more energy efficient. However, since ITMs are far away from becoming a mature technology, it is widely expected that cryogenic air separation will be the selected technology in the near future. Oxygen combustion is associated with higher temperatures compared with conventional air combustion. Both fuel properties as well as limitations of steam and metal temperatures of the various heat exchanger sections of the boiler require a moderation of the temperatures in the combustion zone and in the heat-transfer sections. This moderation in temperature is accomplished by means of recycled flue gas. The interdependencies between the fuel properties, the amount and temperature of the recycled flue gas, and the resulting oxygen concentration in the combustion atmosphere are reviewed.The different gas atmosphere resulting from oxy-fuel combustion gives rise to various questions related to firing, in particular, with respect to the combustion mechanism, pollutant reduction, the risk of corrosion, and the properties of the fly ash or its resulting deposits. In this review, detailed nitrogen and sulphur chemistry was investigated in a laboratory-scale facility under oxy-fuel combustion conditions. Oxidant staging succeeded in reducing NO formation with effectiveness comparable to that typically observed in conventional air combustion. With regard to sulphur, a considerable increase in the SO2 concentration was measured, as expected. However, the H2S concentration in the combustion atmosphere in the near-flame zone increased as well. Further results were obtained in a pilot-scale test facility, whereby acid dew points were measured and deposition probes were exposed to the combustion environment. Slagging, fouling and corrosion issues have so far been addressed via short-term exposure and require further investigation.Modelling of PC combustion processes by computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has become state-of-the-art for conventional air combustion. Nevertheless, the application of these models for oxy-fuel combustion conditions needs adaptation since the combustion chemistry and radiative heat transfer is altered due to the different combustion gas atmosphere.CFB technology can be considered mature for conventional air combustion. In addition to its inherent advantages like good environmental performance and fuel flexibility, it offers the possibility of additional heat exchanger arrangements in the solid recirculation system, i.e. the ability to control combustion temperatures despite relatively low flue gas recycle ratios even when combusting in the presence of high oxygen concentrations.  相似文献   

Cool thermal energy storage (CTES) plays a significant role in conserving available energy, improving its utilization, and correcting the mismatch that occurs between the supply and demand of energy. It has been employed in many applications, for example, cool storage systems for air-conditioning and natural cooling of energy-efficient building. CTES is widely used in various industrial applications such as food and pharmacy processing, where large short duration loads are often required. This paper presents a review on CTES systems and characteristics. The dynamic characteristics of chilled water storage system, coil pipe cool storage system, packed bed cool storage system, gas hydrate cool storage system, and ice slurry cool storage system are analyzed and discussed. The applications of CTES system are summarized.  相似文献   

The scarcity of fossil fuels has urged the economically developed countries to find the resources for an alternative energy sources. In apprehension to this, biofuels, like bioethanol and biobutanol, produced from lignocellulosic biomass were considered as potential alternative. There are several methods for the pretreatment of biomass before it is being used as a feedstock for the production of fermentable sugars. However, one of the crucial concerns here is to enumerate an economic pretreatment scheme that can be implemented in large scale for the production of mostly exposed cellulosic part from biomass. This will ensure an effective hydrolysis of cellulose for the production of fermentable sugars and the production of biobutanol from these derived sugars. Moreover, the keynote understanding of an effective fermentation is the production of less inhibitory compounds like furfural, hydroxymethyl furfural during the hydrolysis of cellulose. Enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose was reported as the most efficient method is this aspect. Trichoderma sp. was found the mostly used resources for the enzyme called cellulase and Aspergillus sp. for hemicellulase enzymes. The most crucial part here is the isolation of proper enzyme that will increase the rate of hydrolysis. Moreover, selection of proper pretreatment process will be a key benefit to the production of fermentable sugars through enzymatic hydrolysis. Based on the biomass nature, the evaluated hot water pretreatment followed by enzymatic hydrolysis with a provision of enzyme reusability (like encapsulated or enzyme separation with membrane) seems to be promising for enhanced biofuel-production.  相似文献   

The feasibility of monitoring CO2 migration in a saline aquifer at a depth of about 650 m with cross-hole and surface–downhole electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) is investigated at the CO2SINK test site close to Ketzin (Germany). The permanent vertical electrical resistivity array (VERA) consists of 45 electrodes (15 in the injection well Ktzi201 and 15 in each of the two observation wells Ktzi200 and Ktzi202), successfully placed on the electrically insulated casings, in the depth range of about 590–740 m with a spacing of about 10 m. The three Ketzin wells are arranged as perpendicular triangle with distances of 50 and 100 m.First synthetic modelling studies indicate an increase of the electrical resistivity of about 200% caused by CO2 injection, corresponding to a bulk CO2 saturation of 50%, which is in good agreement with laboratory studies. Finite difference inversion of field data delivers three-dimensional resistivity distributions between the wells which are consistent with the reservoir modelling studies.To increase the limited observation area provided by the cross-hole measurements, additional surface–downhole measurements were deployed. A main CO2 migration in SE–NW direction is deduced from surface to downhole resistivity experiments.The first cross-hole time-lapse results show that the resolution and the coverage of the electrode array in the Ketzin setting are sufficient to resolve the expected resistivity changes on the characteristic length scale of the electrode array. Significant resistivity changes could be measured, however, detailed information on the CO2 plume could not be resolved yet by VERA under the existing geological circumstances.  相似文献   

The sharing of environmental cost by residents in various residential areas in the developing world is perceived to be unfair. This study therefore assessed residents’ experiences of environmental justice in Ile-Ife, Nigeria. Three residential areas were identified in the study area and samples were selected using systematic sampling. Using availability and condition of urban infrastructure, severity of environmental problems and residents’ involvement in environmental issues, the study examined environmental justice in the study area. The study established a variation in environmental issues across identified residential areas. The severity of environmental problem measured through an index tagged Severity of Environmental Problem (SEPI) revealed that environmental problems was most severe in the core (SEPI = 4.00), followed by the peripheral area (SEPI = 3.71) and least in the transition area (SEPI = 3.56). On the condition of available environmental infrastructure, the study revealed that the conditions of infrastructure were most improved in the peripheral area (ICI = 3.07), followed by the core (ICI = 2.67) and the least in the transition area (ICI = 2.42). The study concluded that residents’ experiences of environmental justice differ significantly across the different residential zones as reflected by residents’ socio-economic characteristics. Furthermore, it established that age, gender, educational status, and number of years spent in the area can be used to explain the differences in residents’ experience of environmental justice in the study area. To enhance the liveability, the study recommends adequate provision of environmental amenities needed by each category of people in the city.  相似文献   

Several innovative directions for landscape policy development and implementation have emerged over recent years. These include: (i) an expansion of scope to include all landscape aspects and landscape types, (ii) an increased emphasis on public participation, (iii) a focus on designing measures appropriate for different contexts and scales, and (iv) encouraging support for capacity-building. In this paper, we evaluate the extent to which these policy directions are reflected in the practice of academic landscape research. We evaluate all research papers published in three leading landscape journals over six years, as well as published research papers relating directly to the European Landscape Convention. The latter, which was adopted in 2000, establishes a framework for landscape protection, planning and management in Europe and is to date the only international legal instrument of its kind. Results indicate that whilst policy innovations do not appear to be a major stimulus for academic research, studies nevertheless address a range of landscape aspects, types and scales (albeit with a slight bias towards bio-physical landscape aspects). However, geographical representativeness of research is weak and dominated by the United States and northern/western Europe, and research capacity likewise appears to be unevenly distributed. Landscape research is also limited in the extent to which it involves stakeholders or develops innovative methods for doing so, notwithstanding that this remains a key challenge for policy-makers. Results point to the potential for landscape research to address areas (topical and geographical) which have received little attention to date, as well as suggesting mutual benefits of stronger links between policy and academia.  相似文献   

Radon is a naturally occurring inert radioactive gas found in soils and rocks that can accumulate in dwellings, and is associated with an increased risk of lung cancer. This study aims to analyze the cost effectiveness of different intervention strategies to reduce radon concentrations in existing German dwellings. The cost effectiveness analysis (CEA) was conducted as a scenario analysis, where each scenario represents a specific regulatory regime. A decision theoretic model was developed, which reflects accepted recommendations for radon screening and mitigation and uses most up-to-date data on radon distribution and relative risks. The model was programmed to account for compliance with respect to the single steps of radon intervention, as well as data on the sensitivity/specificity of radon tests. A societal perspective was adopted to calculate costs and effects. All scenarios were calculated for different action levels. Cost effectiveness was measured in costs per averted case of lung cancer, costs per life year gained and costs per quality adjusted life year (QALY) gained. Univariate and multivariate deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analyses (SA) were performed. Probabilistic sensitivity analyses were based on Monte Carlo simulations with 5000 model runs. The results show that legal regulations with mandatory screening and mitigation for indoor radon levels >100 Bq/m3 are most cost effective. Incremental cost effectiveness compared to the no mitigation base case is 25,181 € (95% CI: 7371 €–90,593 €) per QALY gained. Other intervention strategies focussing primarily on the personal responsibility for screening and/or mitigative actions show considerably worse cost effectiveness ratios. However, targeting radon intervention to radon-prone areas is significantly more cost effective. Most of the uncertainty that surrounds the results can be ascribed to the relative risk of radon exposure. It can be concluded that in the light of international experience a legal regulation requiring radon screening and, if necessary, mitigation is justifiable under the terms of CEA.  相似文献   

The continued growth in world trade and investment flows has led to a renewed interest among researchers and policy makers in the potential impact that trade liberalisation policy may have on the environment. The aim of this paper is to provide a balanced and accessible summary of the findings of recent economic research on the impact of growth in international trade and investment on environmental quality.  相似文献   

The application of membrane gas separation to CO2 capture from a coal gasification process is one potential solution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This review considers the potential for either H2- or CO2-selective membranes in an integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) process. In particular, the advantages and disadvantages of metallic, porous inorganic and polymeric membranes are considered. This analysis is extended to consider membrane technology as an enhancement to the water-gas shift reaction, to drive the production of hydrogen above the thermodynamic limit. The review concludes with a brief overview of the economics of incorporating membrane gas separation into the IGCC process and gives an indication of the potential economic use of membrane gas separation technology in the IGCC process.  相似文献   

This study analysed 14 management plans and guidelines from a 25-year period to understand trends in conservation planning. A Rosetta Stone Analysis was used for the systematic comparison of plans and guidelines. Management plans incorporated management philosophies, management scenarios, opportunities for infrastructure, and plans for data collection by 2000. As of 2010, they incorporated ecosystem services, stakeholders’ objectives and methods for storing and analysing data. The results demonstrate the complex nature of management plans, with an important workload for site managers. Recommendations for future planning include adjustments in planning timeframes and a better identification of conservation targets from initial stages.  相似文献   

To reduce the risks of climate change, atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases must be lowered. Direct capture of CO2 from ambient air, “air capture”, might be one of the few methods capable of systematically managing dispersed emissions. The most commonly proposed method for air capture is a wet scrubbing technique which absorbs CO2 in an alkaline absorbent, i.e. sodium hydroxide producing an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide and sodium carbonate. In most of the previous works it was assumed that the absorbent would be regenerated and CO2 liberated from the alkaline carbonate solution using a lime and calcium carbonate causticization cycle.We describe a novel technique for recovering sodium hydroxide from an aqueous alkaline solution of sodium carbonate and present an end-to-end energy and exergy analysis. In the first step of the recovery process, anhydrous sodium carbonate is separated from the concentrated sodium hydroxide solution using a two-step precipitation and crystallization process. The anhydrous sodium carbonate is then causticized using sodium tri-titanate. The titanate direct causticization process has been of interest for the pulp and paper industry and has been tested at lab- and pilot-scale. In the causticization process, sodium hydroxide is regenerated and carbon dioxide is liberated as a pure stream, which is compressed for use or disposal. The technique requires ~50% less high-grade heat than conventional causticization and the maximum temperature required is reduced by at least 50 °C. This titanate cycle may allow a substantial reduction in the overall cost of direct air capture.  相似文献   

Croatia, like many other transition countries has undergone radical changes in its nature protection models. This paper discusses a historical overview, present situation and future possibilities for nature conservation in Croatia. A conservative top-down approach to nature protection was applied in the past in Croatia and is now being replaced by a prevalent bottom-up approach. Social context is crucial to introducing participatory conservation, therefore special concern is given to the perception of the local population towards protected area management in Istria as a case study in Croatia. Survey data were used to assess the conservation knowledge of local populations and their perception towards Protected Areas (PAs), leadership activities and management authorities in Istria County. This paper examines the perceptions of 313 residents living in and around six natural PAs located in Istria. The results revealed a moderate general knowledge about PAs in Istria and environmental issues, and a low awareness of institutions managing PAs, eagerness to participate in the activities of PAs and general support for the conservation cause. Understanding the perception of local residents enables the creation of feasible, long-term strategies for the implementation of participatory conservation. The research identifies the need for greater human, technical and financial efforts to strengthen the management capabilities of local agencies responsible for PAs. The process of participatory conservation optimization in Croatia is underway and world experiences must be observed in order to create a congruent, site-specific model with the best possible results.  相似文献   

Grippo  Mark A.  Hlohowskyj  Ihor  Fox  Laura  Herman  Brook  Pothoff  Johanna  Yoe  Charles  Hayse  John 《Environmental management》2017,59(1):154-173
Environmental Management - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is conducting the Great Lakes and Mississippi River Interbasin Study to identify the highest risk aquatic nuisance species currently...  相似文献   

CO2 capture by electrothermal swing adsorption is considered superior over conventional adsorption approaches: temperature swing adsorption and pressure swing adsorption. In this work, the effects of electricity, preheating and flow rate were studied. An increase in energy input by electricity has been found able to improve desorption performance more significantly than an increase in current level. However, higher current level is recommended because it can minimise energy loss while passing electricity. Higher flow rate can also be beneficial due to the improved desorption rate and reduced desorption time. However, there is a drop in CO2 concentration in the effluent gas. When desorption takes place at a high current level, preheating is not required as it extends desorption duration with no obvious improvement in desorption rate. CO2 capture by electrothermal swing adsorption has also been tested with different concentrations of CO2. It is found that electrothermal swing adsorption can be more energy efficient while dealing with higher concentration CO2.  相似文献   


Across the Global South, community-based adaptation (CBA) projects are increasingly being implemented in an effort to respond effectively and sustainably to the impacts of climate change, with a particular focus on people’s livelihoods. Despite an increase in the number of CBA projects being implemented, detailed analysis and evaluation of their efficacy and the barriers faced in achieving successful outcomes is lacking. This study draws on an analysis of grey literature (i.e. project and donor reports) to explore the barriers faced in achieving effective CBA. An extensive global search of online project evaluations yielded 25 documents comprising 69 projects from which this analysis is based. This paper first presents an overview of the 69 projects and highlights any trends. Second, this paper describes the barriers to CBA according to three broad themes: socio-political, resource, and physical systems and processes. Following this is a discussion of the most prevalent barriers: cognitive and behavioural, financial, and human resources. Third, this paper discusses the key findings elucidated from this review. This includes the need for greater sharing of project reports and findings so lessons can be learned across spatial and temporal scales, and the disparity between critical academic literature on CBA and what is implemented in practice.  相似文献   

This ecophysiological research on the ash deposits from the Nikola Tesla–A thermal power station in Serbia covered 10 plant species (Tamarix gallica, Populus alba, Spiraea van-hauttei, Ambrosia artemisifolia, Amorpha fruticosa, Eupatorium cannabinum, Crepis setosa, Epilobium collinum, Verbascum phlomoides, and Cirsium arvense). This paper presents the results of a water regime analysis, photosynthetic efficiency and trace elements (B, Cu, Mn, Zn, Pb, and Cd) content in vegetative plant parts. Water regime parameters indicate an overall stability in plant-water relations. During the period of summer drought, photosynthetic efficiency (Fv/Fm) was low, ranging from 0.429 to 0.620 for all the species that were analyzed. An analysis of the tissue trace elements content showed a lower trace metal concentration in the plants than in the ash, indicating that heavy metals undergo major concentration during the combustion process and some are not readily taken up by plants. The Zn and Pb concentrations in all of the examined species were normal whereas Cu and Mn concentrations were in the deficiency range. Boron concentrations in plant tissues were high, with some species even showing levels of more than 100 g/g (Populus sp., Ambrosia sp., Amorpha sp., and Cirsium sp.). The presence of Cd was not detected. In general, it can be concluded from the results of this research that biological recultivation should take into account the existing ecological, vegetation, and floristic potential of an immediate environment that is abundant in life forms and ecological types of plant species that can overgrow the ash deposit relatively quickly. Selected species should be adapted to toxic B concentrations with moderate demands in terms of mineral elements (Cu and Mn).  相似文献   

The carbon dioxide capture and release from aqueous 2,2′-iminodiethanol (DEA) and N-methyl-2,2′-iminodiethanol (MDEA) have been investigated by means of 13C NMR spectroscopy. We have designed two experimental procedures using a gas mixture containing 12% (v/v) CO2 in N2 or air and 0.667 M aqueous solutions of DEA and MDEA. To understand the CO2–amine reaction equilibria, separate experiments of CO2 absorption (at 293, 313 and 333 K) and desorption (at boiling temperature, room pressure) were carried out. The 13C NMR analysis has allowed us to establish: (1) the percentage of CO2 stored in solution as HCO3?, CO32? and DEA carbamate; (2) the formation of DEA carbamate as a function of absorption temperature and time; (3) the slower decomposition of DEA carbamate than that of bicarbonate. In the experiments planned to test the reuse of the regenerated amines, the absorbent solution was continuously circulated in a closed cycle while it was absorbing CO2 in the absorber (set at 293 K) and simultaneously regenerating amine in the desorber (set at 388 K). After the equilibrium has been reached (13 h), the CO2 absorption efficiency is comprised between 84.0% (DEA) and 82.6% (MDEA) and the average amine regeneration efficiency ranges between 69.6% (DEA) and 78.2% (MDEA). Additionally, MDEA is more stable towards thermal degradation than DEA.  相似文献   

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