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U. Lie  R. A. Evans 《Marine Biology》1973,21(2):122-126
Data on benthic infauna from 4 permanent stations in Puget Sound off Seattle, USA, collected during 1963–1964, 1967, and 1969, revealed considerable stability in numbers of species and specimens and in diversity within stations among sampling dates. The species composition of the faunal assemblages also remained rather constant during the period of investigation, but the relative dominance among the numerically important species varied somewhat. Biomass data did not differ significantly in 1964 and 1969, but the 1967 data were considerably lower at all stations.  相似文献   

The amount of carbon stored in savannas represents a significant uncertainty in global carbon budgets, primarily because fire causes actual biomass to differ from potential biomass. We analyzed the structural response of woody plants to long-term experimental burning in savannas. The experiment uses a randomized block design to examine fire exclusion and the season and frequency of burn in 192 7-ha experimental plots located in four different savanna ecosystems. Although previous studies would lead us to expect tree density to respond to the fire regime, our results, obtained from four different savanna ecosystems, suggest that the density of woody individuals was unresponsive to fire. The relative dominance of small trees was, however, highly responsive to fire regime. The observed shift in the structure of tree populations has potentially large impacts on the carbon balance. However, the response of tree biomass to fire of the different savannas studied were different, making it difficult to generalize about the extent to which fire can be used to manipulate carbon sequestration in savannas. This study provides evidence that savannas are demographically resilient to fire, but structurally responsive.  相似文献   

Balata D  Piazzi L  Benedetti-Cecchi L 《Ecology》2007,88(10):2455-2461
How changes in environmental complexity and heterogeneity affect beta diversity is poorly known. We investigated patterns of beta diversity in subtidal assemblages of algae and invertebrates in the northwest Mediterranean in relation to inclination of the substratum and sedimentation. Vertical and horizontal substrata supported distinct assemblages under low, but not under heavy, ambient loads of sediment. To test the hypothesis that sediment reduced the dissimilarity between assemblages, sedimentation was increased experimentally in plots established on vertical and horizontal surfaces at sites experiencing low ambient levels of sedimentation. Patterns were compared to those occurring at unmanipulated sites and at sites exposed to heavy loads of sediment about 2 km apart. After one year, assemblages on vertical substrata were indistinguishable from those occurring on flat surfaces at manipulated sites and both converged toward those occurring at sites exposed to heavy loads of sediment. Control sites still supported distinct assemblages on vertical and horizontal substrata by the end of the experiment. Similar effects of sediment were observed on recovering assemblages in experimental clearings. These results show that sediment increased similarity in assemblages overriding the influence of habitat complexity on beta diversity at small and large spatial scales.  相似文献   

We used random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPDs) to examine small-scale spatial genetic structure in the red alga Delisea pulchra (Greville) Montagne at two locations near Sydney, Australia. We examined genetic structure among plants at four spatial scales ranging from 2 km apart down to <50 cm apart between locations, among sites within locations, among quadrats within sites, and among plants within quadrats. Haploid stages of D. pulchra were absent from the populations studied, suggesting that they are maintained through asexual reproduction of diploid plants. Consistent with this, we found that 19 RAPD phenotypes scored in this study had multiple individuals, indicating the presence of clones in these populations. However, there were no RAPD phenotypes common to two locations separated by only 2 km. Analysis of molecular variance revealed that strong genetic differences occurred between plants from these two locations, with 46.3% of the total genetic variation occurring at this scale, most probably reflecting limited gene flow. Within each location, <25% of the genetic variation was attributable to differences among sites or quadrats, indicating gene flow at those smaller scales. Most of the variation within each location occurred at the smallest spatial scale, among plants within 0.25 m2 quadrats. Nonetheless, some pairwise genetic distances (φST) between sites or quadrats within locations were large, indicating some genetic divergence on smaller scales. Genetic distance was independent of spatial distance within both locations, suggesting that fine-scale differences within locations were most probably caused by variation in fine-scale patterns of water movement or fine-scale natural selection. We assessed the impact of one potential selective agent, grazing sea urchins, on the fine-scale genetic structure of D. pulchra. There was no evidence that grazing by sea urchins affected the genetic structure of D. pulchra. In combination with demographic data, our results indicated that local populations of D. pulchra within locations were relatively open and that fine-scale genetic structure was probably constrained by gene flow. At the larger scale however, strong genetic differentiation indicated little gene flow between locations and restricted dispersal of spores. Received: 22 April 1999 / Accepted: 29 November 1999  相似文献   

Weis JJ  Cardinale BJ  Forshay KJ  Ives AR 《Ecology》2007,88(4):929-939
Over the past decade an increasing number of studies have experimentally manipulated the number of species in a community and examined how this alters the aggregate production of species biomass. Many of these studies have shown that the effects of richness on biomass change through time, but we have limited understanding of the mechanisms that produce these dynamic trends. Here we report the results of an experiment in which we manipulated the richness of freshwater algae in laboratory microcosms. We used two experimental designs (additive and substitutive) that make different assumptions about how patches are initially colonized, and then tracked the development of community biomass from the point of initial colonization through a period of 6-12 generations of the focal species. We found that the effect of initial species richness on biomass production qualitatively shifted twice over the course of the experiment. The first shift occurred as species transitioned from density-independent to dependent phases of population growth. At this time, intraspecific competition caused monocultures to approach their respective carrying capacities more slowly than polycultures. As a consequence, species tended to over-yield for a brief time, generating a positive, but transient effect of diversity on community biomass. The second shift occurred as communities approached carrying capacity. At this time, strong interspecific interactions caused biomass to be dominated by the competitively superior species in polycultures. As this species had the lowest carrying capacity, a negative effect of diversity on biomass resulted in late succession. Although these two shifts produced dynamics that appeared complex, we show that the patterns can be fit to a simple Lotka-Volterra model of competition. Our results suggest that the effects of algal diversity on primary production change in a predictable sequence through successional time.  相似文献   

Changing climate conditions may impact the short-term ability of forest tree species to regenerate in many locations. In the longer term, tree species may be unable to persist in some locations while they become established in new places. Over both time frames, forest tree biodiversity may change in unexpected ways. Using repeated inventory measurements five years apart from more than 7000 forested plots in the eastern United States, we tested three hypotheses: phylogenetic diversity is substantially different from species richness as a measure of biodiversity; forest communities have undergone recent changes in phylogenetic diversity that differ by size class, region, and seed dispersal strategy; and these patterns are consistent with expected early effects of climate change. Specifically, the magnitude of diversity change across broad regions should be greater among seedlings than in trees, should be associated with latitude and elevation, and should be greater among species with high dispersal capacity. Our analyses demonstrated that phylogenetic diversity and species richness are decoupled at small and medium scales and are imperfectly associated at large scales. This suggests that it is appropriate to apply indicators of biodiversity change based on phylogenetic diversity, which account for evolutionary relationships among species and may better represent community functional diversity. Our results also detected broadscale patterns of forest biodiversity change that are consistent with expected early effects of climate change. First, the statistically significant increase over time in seedling diversity in the South suggests that conditions there have become more favorable for the reproduction and dispersal of a wider variety of species, whereas the significant decrease in northern seedling diversity indicates that northern conditions have become less favorable. Second, we found weak correlations between seedling diversity change and latitude in both zones, with stronger relationships apparent in some ecoregions. Finally, we detected broadscale seedling diversity increases among species with longer-distance dispersal capacity, even in the northern zone, where overall seedling diversity declined. The statistical power and geographic extent of such analyses will increase as data become available over larger areas and as plot measurements are repeated at regular intervals over a longer period of time.  相似文献   

Despite the rapid rate of human-induced species losses, the relative influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on the functional diversity of species assemblages remains unknown for most ecosystems. A model was previously developed to predict the diversity structure of coral reef fish assemblages in 10 atolls of low human pressure and contrasting morphology of the Tuamotu Archipelago (French Polynesia). This existing model predicted smoothed histograms (spectra) of species richness according to size classes, diet classes and life-history classes of fish assemblages using a combination of environmental characteristics at different spatial scales. The present study applied the model to Tikehau, another atoll of the same archipelago where commercial fishing is practiced and where the same sampling strategy was reproduced. Significant differences appeared between predicted and observed species richness in several size, diet and life-history classes of fish assemblages in Tikehau. Two parameters which were not accounted for in the initial model, i.e. fishing pressure and atoll position within the archipelago, explained together 63% of variance in model residuals, >60% being explained by fishing pressure only. The respective effects of fishing and atoll position on the diversity of coral reef fish assemblages are discussed, with the potential of such modelling approach to assess the relative importance of factors affecting functional diversity within communities.  相似文献   

Functional gene arrays (FGAs) are a special type of microarrays containing probes for key genes involved in microbial functional processes, such as biogeochemical cycling of carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, and metals, biodegradation of environmental contaminants, energy processing, and stress responses. GeoChips are considered as the most comprehensive FGAs. Experimentally established probe design criteria and a computational pipeline integrating sequence retrieval, probe design and verification, array construction, data analysis, and automatic update are used to develop the GeoChip technology. GeoChip has been systematically evaluated and demonstrated to be a powerful tool for rapid, specific, sensitive, and quantitative analysis of microbial communities in a high-throughput manner. Several generations of GeoChip have been developed and applied to investigate the functional diversity, composition, structure, function, and dynamics of a variety of microbial communities from different habitats, such as water, soil, marine, bioreactor, human microbiome, and extreme ecosystems. GeoChip is able to address fundamental questions related to global change, bioenergy, bioremediation, agricultural operation, land use, human health, environmental restoration, and ecological theories and to link the microbial community structure to environmental factors and ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

Vellend M 《Ecology》2006,87(2):304-311
Several lines of evidence suggest that the species diversity and composition of communities should depend on genetic diversity within component species, but there has been very little effort to directly assess this possibility. Here I use models of competition among genotypes and species to demonstrate a strong positive effect of the number of genotypes per species on species diversity across a range of conditions. Genetic diversity allows species to respond to selection imposed by competition, resulting in both functional convergence and divergence among species depending on their initial niche positions. This ability to respond to selection promotes species coexistence and contributes to a reduction in variation in species composition among communities. These models suggest that whenever individual fitness depends on the degree of functional similarity between a focal individual and its competitors, genetic diversity should promote species coexistence; this prediction is consistent with the few relevant empirical data collected to date. The results point to the importance of considering the genetic origin and diversity of material used in ecological experiments and in restoration efforts, in addition to highlighting potentially important community consequences of the loss of genetic diversity in natural populations.  相似文献   

We examined the distribution and abundance of organisms on subtidal rocky reefs at nine sites around the Chatham Islands, a remote group 780 km east of southern New Zealand. We sampled five depth strata ranging from 1 to<16 m to identify spatial patterns in the abundance of algae and invertebrates and to assess their variation within and among sites. This information is used to discuss hypotheses concerning community structure at this remote locality. Several patterns were apparent. The immediate subtidal was occupied by the southern bull kelp Durvillaea spp. A suite of 11 fucalean species were dominant to a depth of 10 m with an average abundance of 28 m-2, while one species, Carpophyllum flexuosum, occurred mostly in deeper water. Only two laminarian species of algae were present at the islands. The indigenous Lessonia tholiformis was abundant at 2.5 to 15 m and was not found in deeper water, while the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera was abundant at two sites in 12 to 18 m. The commercially valuable abalone Haliotis iris was extremely abundant in shallow water, with an overall mean of 6 m-2 at 5 m. The sea urchin Evechinus chloroticus was common, but reached high densities only in small (<25 m2) patches. The characteristic urchin-dominated zones reported in kelp beds world-wide were not seen. There was considerable site-to-site variation in the occurrence and abundance of individual species. Some differences between sites were associated with shelter from swell (e.g. M. pyrifera was found only in sheltered sites) and physical habitat (e.g. juvenile H. iris were found only beneath boulders inshore), but much of the variation could not be explained by physical or depth-related factors alone. We hypothesize that the differences in these kelp bed assemblages compared to mainland New Zealand are partially due to the high degree of endemism at the Chatham Islands. Local variation cannot be explained by herbivory, and is most likely the result of the various life-history characteristics of the major habitat-forming species, the large brown algae.  相似文献   

The relationships between macrobenthic subtidal community structure and the status of sediment pollution were analysed at 24 sampling stations in the Montevideo coastal zone. In order to judge the status of community perturbation a phylum-level meta-analysis was applied to the production data from the Montevideo coastal zone samples alone and combined with the original training data set from 50 samples collected on the NE European shelf. The community was dominated by the gastropod Heleobia cf. australis. The MDS (multi-dimensional scaling) ordination with abundance data (species-level) and the MDS ordination with production data (phylum level), using only our samples, showed the formation of three groups of stations. Results of the BIO-ENV procedure showed that lead, salinity and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were the variables that best explained the biological pattern observed. However, a clear salinity gradient was observed from the inner stations of Montevideo Bay to the outer coastal stations; the high levels of Pb, PAH and Cr concentrations recorded at stations B, C and D in Montevideo Bay were important in discriminating these locations from the others. The MDS ordination combining the production data from the 24 samples from the Montevideo coastal zone with the original data set showed correct assessment of the pollution status for the 24 samples from Montevideo on a common scale of perturbation. The separation of the Montevideo coastal zone samples seems to be mainly due to the high proportion of molluscs. Our results suggest general applicability of the phylum-level meta-analysis approach, even in such cases as this, with high dominance of only one phylum; however, more studies are still necessary.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

曹云生  杨新兵  张伟  宋庆丰  张建华 《生态环境》2010,19(12):2840-2844
通过野外调查取样,应用Menhinick丰富度指数、Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数和Pielou均匀度指数研究了冀北山区12种典型森林群落内的草本植物多样性规律,并采用典范对应分析(CCA)方法研究其分布与地形的关系。结果表明:不同的群落类型草本植物的组成和多样性指数不同,山杨(Populus davidiana)纯林的种数最多为34种,黑桦(Betula dahurica Pall)纯林的种数最少为19种,其Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数最高,分别为0.927 3和2.879 6;在1 200~1 700 m之间,随海拔升高物种多样性指数、均匀度指数和丰富度指数呈正相关性,但没有线性上升的趋势关系;选取的地形因子对样点草本的影响程度大小为:坡向〉海拔〉坡度〉坡位〉坡形,坡向是样点草本植物空间差异的最主要地形制约因子,环境解释率为98.7%,证明排序可信。  相似文献   

Plastic and other anthropogenic debris (e.g., rubber, tar) augment natural floating substrates (e.g., algal rafts, pumice) in the open ocean, allowing “islands” of substrate-associated organisms to persist in an otherwise unsuitable habitat. We examined a total of 242 debris objects collected in the eastern Pacific in 2009 and 2011 (32–39°N, 130–142°W) and the western Pacific in 2012 (19–41°N, 143–156°E). Here, we ask: (a) What taxa are associated with plastic rafts in the North Pacific? and (b) Does the number of taxa associated with plastic debris vary with the size of the debris “island?” We documented 95 rafting taxa from 11 phyla. We identified several potentially invasive plastic-associated rafting taxa, including the coral pathogen Halofolliculina spp. In concordance with classic species–area curves, the number of rafting taxa was positively correlated with the size of the raft. Our findings suggest that diversity patterns on plastic debris are compatible with the concept of island biogeography.  相似文献   

Rowe RJ  Terry RC  Rickart EA 《Ecology》2011,92(6):1366-1375
Changes in climate and land use can impact natural systems across all levels of ecological organization. Most documented and anticipated effects consider species' properties, including phenologies, geographic distributions, and abundances. Responses of higher-level aggregate community or ecosystem properties have not been considered as they are assumed to be relatively stable due to compensatory dynamics and diversity-stability relationships. However, this assumption may not be as fundamental as previously thought. Here we assess stability in the aggregate properties of total abundance, biomass, and energy consumption for small-mammal communities in the Great Basin, using paired historical and modern survey data spanning nearly a century of environmental change. Results show marked declines in each aggregate property independent of spatial scale, elevation, or habitat type, and a reallocation of available biomass and energy favoring diet and habitat generalists. Because aggregate properties directly reflect resource availability, our findings indicate a regionwide decline in resources of 50% over the past century, which may signal a resource crisis. This work illustrates the power of using aggregate properties as indicators of ecological conditions and environmental change at broad spatial and temporal scales.  相似文献   

Freestone AL  Inouye BD 《Ecology》2006,87(10):2425-2432
Understanding the large-scale distribution of species diversity requires distinguishing two of the primary factors that cause compositional differences: dispersal limitation and environmental variation. In a community with a naturally discontinuous spatial structure, we asked (1) at what scale(s) nonrandom variation in species composition occurs and (2) at what scale(s) such variation is associated with spatial separation, indicative of dispersal limitation, and at what scale(s) variation is associated with environmental heterogeneity? We sampled 50 seeps (small wetlands) on five serpentine outcrops. Using a randomization model, we showed that additive beta diversity (a measure of community dissimilarity) was lower than random within seeps and higher than random among both seeps and outcrops. Using Mantel tests, we showed that plant community dissimilarity, in both the full seep assemblage as well as in a subset of seep endemics, at the two larger scales was associated with different forms of environmental heterogeneity and, at the largest scale, was also associated with geographic distance. We conclude that diversity in this system is shaped by multiple scales of heterogeneity and by dispersal limitation at the largest scale.  相似文献   

The structure of plankton communities of the Indian Ocean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Species diversity and trophic structure of plankton communities have been considered as most important biological features. The Fisher () and Simpson () indices and the information index H=- pi log2 pi (Margalef) were used for evaluation of species diversity. The indices have been calculated within the group of filter feeders by numbers ( and H) and biomass ( and H) of the species; the best results were obtained in the latter case. The index H=- pi log2 pi is proposed for the quantitative evaluation of trophic structure, where a portion of an individual trophic group is taken as pi. The plankton material was collected by the R.V. Vityaz in the northern Indian Ocean in January through February, 1960. Analysis of characteristics of zooplankton distribution, species and trophic diversity in connection with characteristics of the water regime resulted in the definition of 3 types of the plankton communities: (a) those in intensive divergence zones; (b) those in poor divergence zones; (c) those in regions with stable water stratification or with feebly marked convergence, distiguished by different values of biomass, species diversity, and trophic group ratios.  相似文献   

滨海盐沼及其植物群落的分布与多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贺强  安渊  崔保山 《生态环境》2010,19(3):657-664
滨海盐沼是广泛存在于世界中、高纬度地区的一种湿地生态系统,具有抵御风暴潮灾害、净化污染物和为珍稀濒危生物提供适宜生境等重要的生态和经济价值。滨海盐沼因随高程变化而急剧变化的环境梯度和植物带状分布现象而为生态学者阐释自然界物种的分布机制提供了理想系统。主要概述了滨海盐沼的定义、特点、类型、全球分布以及潮汐作用、土壤盐度等环境因子特征;阐述了不同尺度下滨海盐沼的植物群落分布和多样性特征。在滨海盐沼植物群落的分布特征上,重点阐述了中尺度下的植物带状分布,即植物群落往往在白海向陆渐高的不同高程梯度上表现出显著的分带分布,不同植物各自占据该梯度上的一定区域。通常认为,带状分布是植物竞争和物理性胁迫共同调控的结果,但其在不同地理区域的普适性仍存争议。滨海植物群落多样性往往较低,在中、小尺度上盐沼植物多样性受控于盐度、潮汐等物理性胁迫、植物间相互作用等因子的作用;在大尺度上盐沼植物多样性可能随纬度增大而增加。系统深入地认识滨海盐沼植物群落生态格局和过程,将为气候变化、生物入侵等人类影响下的滨海盐沼生态系统的管理和恢复提供有益经验。  相似文献   

Paddy fields near a mining site in north part of Guangdong Province, PR China, were severely contaminated by heavy metals as a result of wastewater irrigation from the tailing pond. The following clean water irrigation for 2 decades produced marked rinsing effect, especially on Pb and Zn. Paddy fields continuously irrigated with wastewater ever since mining started (50 years) had 1,050.0 mg kg?1 of Pb and 810.3 mg kg?1 of Zn for upper 20 cm soil, in comparison with 215.9 mg kg?1 of Pb and 525.4 mg kg?1 of Zn, respectively, with clean water irrigation for 20 years. Rinsing effect mainly occurred to a depth of upper 40 cm, of which the soil contained highest metals. Copper and Cd in the farmlands were also reduced due to clean water irrigation. Higher availability of Pb might partly account for more Pb transferred from the tailing pond to the farmland and also more Pb removal from the farmland as a result of clean water irrigation. Neither rice in the paddy field nor dense weeds in the uncultivated field largely took up the metals. However, they might contribute to activate metals differently, leading to a different purification extent. Rotation of rice and weed reduced metal retention in the farmland soil, in comparison with sole rice growth. Harvesting of rice grain (and partially rice stalk) only contributed small fraction of total amount of removed metal. In summary, heavy metal in paddy field resulted from irrigation of mining wastewater could be largely removed by clean water irrigation for sufficient time.  相似文献   

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