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Studies of antiparasite defences against cuckoo parasites have largely neglected the possibility that behavioural components of host defence may correlate giving rise to a behavioural syndrome. Furthermore, the different contribution of the host’s sex in nest defence has traditionally been disregarded. Here, we studied magpie (Pica pica) mobbing behaviour towards dummies of great spotted cuckoo (Clamator glandarius) and non-harmful hoopoes (Upupa epops) and egg rejection of parasite eggs in a population of colour-banded magpies. We predicted a positive correlation between the intensity of nest defence and egg rejection within each sex and that females respond more intensely than males to the threat of brood parasitism as they undertake incubation. Magpie males, but not females, defended their nests more intensely in those nests in which cuckoo model eggs were rejected. Individual magpies did significantly differ in their baseline level of nest attentiveness; however, there were no individual differences once pair identity was considered. Males and females defended their nests more intensely when it was exposed to the presence of a great spotted cuckoo dummy. Males, but not females, were more prone to appear at their nests, and females, but not males, were more prone to defend more intensely when their nests were challenged by a parasite threat. Our results thus agree with the view that mobbing behaviour and egg rejection in magpies may actually constitute a pseudosyndrome and highlight the necessity to integrate interindividual variation and the sex of the host in studies of the evolution of host defences.  相似文献   

Caching species can manage their energy supply by adjusting body fat, number of caches, or both. It has been hypothesized that because body fat has a higher fitness cost than caches, small food-hoarding birds respond to increased starvation risk by increasing the number of their caches rather than their fat load. This hypothesis predicts that when birds cannot cache they should compensate for the loss of external energy storage by (1) shifting the time of their daily body mass accumulation toward earlier in the day and (2) increasing the overall level of their fat reserves. During the winter of 1995–1996, we tested these predictions with a caching species, the tufted titmouse (Parus bicolor). Each of six experimental birds was fed a diet of uncachable sunflower seed powder for 6 days, preceded and followed by 6-day control periods during which they were fed cachable sunflower seeds. The daily pattern of body mass gain was unaffected by the opportunity to cache. Furthermore, when unable to cache, the birds did not increase either their mean daily body mass, body mass in the middle of the day, or evening body mass compared to the two control periods. These results argue against the hypothesis of a trade-off between fat reserves and food caches in tufted titmice, and suggest that fat reserves are managed independently of external food caches. Received: 9 April 1997 / Accepted after revision: 30 August 1997  相似文献   

The European Atlas of the Seas offers a snapshot of environmental and socio-economic features that characterize the coastal and marine environment. The latest release (Version 4) addresses the public in general, but also non-specialist experts involved with environmental issues, human activities or policies related to Europe’s coasts and seas. The information content of the Atlas comprises a series of geographical layers, subdivided in “background maps”, “thematic maps” (i.e. maritime Europe, natural setting, sea bottom, sea level rise, security, transport, tourism, energy, wind, fisheries and fish consumption) and “do-it-yourself maps” (dealing with marine knowledge, nature and environment, socio-economics, fisheries, aquaculture, transport, energy, sea bed mining, coastal tourism, Maritime Spatial Planning, integrated maritime surveillance, and international ocean governance). All maps follow consistent cartographic rules and can be extracted for external use. The Atlas database is updated regularly, but historical data remain accessible after the updates, so that time series may be constructed. Tools for map exploration and combination can be used to combine together more layers, providing professional users with analysis and interpretation capabilities, to couple data into graphical indicators. The Atlas aims to supports also policy making, on marine environment, maritime issues and economic sectors, both within and outside the European Institutions (e.g. on Common Fisheries Policy or Maritime Spatial Planning). Further, it expands the same support to near-coastal issues and matters related to land-sea interactions. The web application for accessing Atlas contents offers links to other Marine Information Systems, and is available to a broad audience from computers, tablets and mobile devices.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that female birds with high-quality mates will benefit from producing more sons, since sons will inherit their father’s superior traits and enjoy a great reproductive success, whereas females with low-quality mates will benefit from producing more daughters, since the variance in reproductive success among daughters is typically lower. The male attractiveness hypothesis may apply to extra-pair paternity (EPP) because socially monogamous females routinely mate with higher quality males outside the pair bond. We test these predictions using the Tibetan ground tit (Pseudopodoces humilis), a sexually monomorphic, socially monogamous, facultatively cooperative breeder. There was greater variation in actual reproductive success among males than females due to EPP. An excess of sons was detected for bi-parental (i.e., non-cooperative) broods wherein EPP was mainly sired by bi-parental males. The pattern was attributed to male-biased sex ratios produced for both EPP and within-pair offspring within the same broods. The reason for the latter case might be a random allocation of more offspring to sons by the potentially EPP-exposed females that have an inability to control fertilization by specific males. In cooperative broods where EPP mostly resulted from within-group helpers of presumed low-quality, as indicated by their failure in acquiring a social mate, there was a non-significant tendency for EPP offspring to be daughters and for within-pair offspring in the same broods to be unbiased. These results support the EPP-related male attractiveness hypothesis especially in terms of the overproduction of sons. Offspring produced through quasi-parasitism was unbiased towards either sex, suggesting a weak female choiceness with respect to the quality of host males.  相似文献   

We used natural abundance measurements of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes and a short-term 15N-enrichment experiment to explore the importance of river-derived and autochthonous sources to the diet of intertidal suspension-feeding bivalves in the Ría de Arosa, an oceanic-dominated system in northwest Spain. Highly seasonal and intense phytoplankton "bloom" events occur in this estuary. However, relatively low phytoplankton standing crop and productivity are present during much of the year, suggesting that food sources other than phytoplankton must support bivalves during these periods. Bivalves (Cerastoderma edule, Tapes decussatus, Mytilus galloprovincialis) were sampled quarterly at four intertidal stations along the length of the estuary with increasing distance from the Ulla River. Muscle tissue was consistently enriched in 13C and 15N relative to stomach contents. The stable C isotope values of bivalves indicated that river-derived inputs were, at most, a minor component of diet. These values suggested the potential importance of benthic microalgae to bivalve diet much of the year and the incorporation of 15N label applied to the sediment surface into stomach contents and muscle tissue in a field experiment supported this conclusion. Other labeled components of the microbenthos such as bacteria could also have been ingested. 13C-depleted values of bivalves in May coincided with elevated offshore chlorophyll a concentrations, suggesting the increased use of a phytoplankton source during the spring. We propose that intertidal suspension-feeding bivalves in this estuary use primarily resuspended microbenthos during periods of low phytoplankton concentration, but that phytoplankton increases in relative dietary importance during bloom events.Communicated by P.W. Sammarco, Chauvin  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to examine the temporal and spatial changes observed over a 25-year period in the waterbird community nesting in the largest coastal lagoon around the Mediterranean; to examine driving factors for the observed changes; to address the most urgent conservation actions. Published sources and field surveys made between March and July were used to assess number of breeding pairs of the commonest waterbirds in 1990–1992, 2000–02 and 2012–14. The breeding waterbird community exhibited several changes in its structure, with an overall positive trend; the number of species increased from 14 to 25 and the mean yearly abundance increased from 6155 to 14,008 pairs. The diversity (H′) increased slightly, whereas similarity indices and nMDS ordination both highlighted clear differences between 1990 and 1992 and 2012–2014 communities. The increase in richness and abundance were mostly due to the immigration of birds from nearby wetlands, to the partial recovery of lagoon ecological conditions since the end of the 1980s and to the occurrence of suitable man-made habitats, such as fish farms, dredge islands and a constructed wetland. The fraction of the population nesting at artificial sites and fish farms increased from 50% in 1990–1992 till 80% in 2012–2014, highlighting the importance of artificial breeding sites in costal lagoons. At the opposite natural nesting habitats, such as saltmarshes and beaches are losing importance for breeding waterbirds, thus requiring urgent conservation measures.  相似文献   

In East Africa, spotted hyenas live in large clans in a highly structured society dominated by females. A clan is a fission-fusion society where members are often solitary or in small groups. Spotted hyenas have a ritualized greeting during which two individuals stand parallel and face in opposite directions. Both individuals usually lift their hind leg and sniff or lick the anogenital region of the other. The unique aspect of greetings between individuals is the prominent role of the erect penis in animals of both sex. Female spotted hyenas have fused outer labiae and a pseudo-penis formed by the clitoris which closely resembles the male penis and can be erected. During greetings subordinates signalled submission with gestures which were not necessarily reciprocated by the dominant participant. Asymmetries were most pronounced in greetings between adult females where the probability of asymmetries increased with the divergence in rank between partners. Greetings between adult females and males were uncommon and restricted to males above median rank, principally the alpha male. Models of primate affiliative behavior assume that benefits derived from social relationships with different individuals are not equal and that individuals are selected to maximize the benefits they receive from social relationships with others. The observed distribution of greetings between partners of different rank matched the predictions of these models. An examination of non-adaptive hypotheses on the evolution of the pseudo-penis demonstrated that the conventional scenario linking (initial) virilization of female genitalia with selection for female dominance does not explain either the initial virilization, nor the evolution of the pseudo-penis to its current form and use. We sketch a new scenario that links (1) initial virilization to the occurrence of neonatal siblicide amongst members of a twin litter, and (2) costs of maintenance, pseudo-penile control over copulation and male submission. Our analysis confirms previous adaptive hypotheses on the function of the pseudo-penis in greetings and suggests new hypotheses to account for hitherto unexplained features. Correspondence to: M.L. East  相似文献   

Socioecological models indicate that the group structure and female dispersal patterns of primates are determined primarily by the abundance and distribution of food, predation pressures, and infanticide risks. In response to those influences, females of folivorous primates are considered relatively free to disperse into groups with the optimal size and structure. Yet some folivores live in small groups despite a potentially higher risk of predation, an apparent inconsistency known as the folivore paradox. This paper examines the female dispersal of a folivorous primate, the Virunga mountain gorillas. Mountain gorillas currently have no natural predators, but this species presents a different version of the folivore paradox: why do 50–60% of females reside in smaller one-male groups despite a higher risk of infanticide? In this study, females left one-male groups more frequently than multimale groups, but transfer destinations were not consistently biased toward multimale groups and those groups did not have higher immigration rates. We found no evidence of dispersal to avoid feeding competition within large groups, even as they have become three to five times larger than average. Thus, the lack of a consistent bias toward multimale groups was not because they are typically larger than one-male groups. Instead, the apparent inconsistencies may reflect limited female transfer opportunities, other influences on dispersal, and possibly an evolutionary disequilibrium in which current behavior does not optimize fitness.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical work has highlighted the importance of multi-scale forcing of the flow for altering the nature of turbulence energy transfer and dissipation. In particular, fractal types of forcing have been studied. This is potentially of real significance in environmental fluid mechanics where multi-scale forcing is perhaps more common than the excitation of a specific mode. In this paper we report the first results studying the detail of the wake structure behind fences in a boundary layer where, for a constant porosity, we vary the average spacing of the struts and also introduce fractal fences. As expected, to first order, and in the far-wake region, in particular, the response of the fences is governed by their porosity. However, we show that there are some significant differences in the detail of the turbulent structure between the fractal and non-fractal fences and that these override differences in porosity. In the near wake, the structure of the fence dominates porosity effects and a modified wake interaction length seems to have potential for collapsing the data. With regards to the intermittency of the velocities, the fractal fences behave more similarly to homogeneous, isotropic turbulence. In addition, there is a high amount of dissipation for the fractal fences over scales that, based on the energy spectrum, should be dominated by inter-scale transfers. This latter result is consistent with numerical simulations of flow forced at multiple scales and shows that what appears to be an “inertial regime” cannot be as production and dissipation are both high.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impacts of different turbulence models on the biological state at an ocean station in the northern Adriatic sea, named S3, comparing them with other uncertainties inherent to coupled physical–biological simulations. The numerical tool is a 1-D model resulting from the coupling of two advanced numerical models. The hydrodynamic part is modelled using the General Ocean Turbulence Model (www.gotm.net), in a version adopting state-of-the-art second-moment Turbulence Closure Models (TCMs). Marine biogeochemistry is parameterized with the Biogeochemical Flux Model (http://www.bo.ingv.it/bfm), which is a direct descendant of ERSEM (European Regional Sea Ecosystem Model). Results, obtained by forcing the model with hourly wind and solar radiation data and assimilating salinity casts, are compared against monthly observations made at the station during 2000–2001. Provided that modern second-moment TCMs are employed, the comparisons indicate that both the physical and the biological dynamics are relatively insensitive to the choice of the particular scheme adopted, suggesting that TCMs have finally ‘converged’ in recent years. As a further example, the choice of the nutrient boundary conditions has an impact on the system evolution that is more significant than the choice of the specific TCM, therefore representing a possible limitation of the 1-D model applied to stations located in a Region of Freshwater Influence. The 1-D model simulates the onset and intensity of the spring–summer bloom quite well, although the duration of the bloom is not as prolonged as in the data. Since local dynamics appears unable to sustain the bloom conditions well into summer, phytoplankton at the station was most likely influenced by river input or advection processes, an aspect that was not found when the S3 behaviour was adequately modelled using climatological forcings. When the focus is in predicting high-frequency dynamics, it is more likely that lateral advection cannot be neglected. While the physical state can be satisfactorily estimated at these short time scales, the accurate estimation of the biological state in coastal regions still appears as rather elusive.  相似文献   

Behavioral type–environment correlations occur when specific behavioral types of individuals are more common in certain environments. Behavioral type–environment correlations can be generated by several different mechanisms that are probably very common such as niche construction and phenotypic plasticity. Moreover, behavioral type–environment correlations have important ecological and evolutionary implications. However, few studies have examined behavioral type–environment correlations in natural populations. In this study, we asked whether some behavioral types of three-spined stickleback were more likely to occur in certain social environments (alone or in a shoal with other stickleback) or in certain microhabitats in a river (in the open or under cover). We found that individuals that were in shoals with other stickleback at the time of collection from the field emerged from a refuge more quickly compared to individuals that were found alone. In addition, fish that were alone in an open microhabitat explored more of a pool compared to fish that were alone in cover, but this difference did not occur among fish that were in shoals at the time of collection. Subsequent analyses of gut contents suggested that differences in microhabitat use were consistent over time. Our study provides some of the first evidence for behavioral type–environment correlations in a natural population of non-human animals.  相似文献   

Partecke J  Gwinner E 《Ecology》2007,88(4):882-890
Urbanization changes local environmental conditions and may lead to altered selection regimes for life history traits of organisms thriving in cities. Previous studies have reported changes in breeding phenology and even trends toward increased sedentariness in migratory bird species colonizing urban areas. However, does the change in migratory propensity simply represent a phenotypic adjustment to local urban environment, or is it genetically based and hence the result of local adaptation? To test this, we hand-raised European Blackbirds (Turdus merula) from urban and forest populations, quantified their nocturnal activity and fat deposition covering two complete migratory cycles and examined the consequences of a reduced migratory propensity for the timing of gonadal development (a physiological measure of the seasonal timing of reproduction). Although nocturnal activities differed strikingly between fall and spring seasons, with low activities during the fall and high activities during the spring seasons, our data confirm, even in birds kept from early life under common-garden conditions, a change toward reduced migratoriness in urban blackbirds. The first score of a principal component analysis including amount of nocturnal activity and fat deposition, defined as migratory disposition, was lower in urban than in forest males particularly during their first year, whereas females did not differ. The results suggest that the intrinsic but male-biased difference is genetically determined, although early developmental effects cannot be excluded. Moreover, individuals with low migratory disposition developed their gonads earlier, resulting in longer reproductive seasons. Since urban conditions facilitate earlier breeding, intrinsic shifts to sedentariness thus seem to be adaptive in urban habitats. These results corroborate the idea that urbanization has evolutionary consequences for life history traits such as migratory behavior.  相似文献   

The studies about patterns and impacts of a company’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) programmes on the local communities have been conducted in a number of developed countries. The similar studies, however, were still rarely conducted in developing countries, particularly in Indonesia. This study aims at discussing the impact of the CSR programmes of a cement company on the lifestyles of a rural community in six villages in Tuban district of East Java Province in Indonesia. The study was conducted from January to September 2015, using qualitative data collection and analysis. This study found that the presence of the cement company has made both positive and negative impacts to the rural community. For the positive impacts, we can see the development of infrastructure that makes the villages become more representative; the emergence of new business opportunities, such as food stalls and boarding houses; and the improvement of the quality of human resources through free health care, education, and religious activities. The supports from the cement company, however, have not been distributed equally among the villagers. In addition, we can also see the following negative impacts: the increase of social tense among the villagers due to the tight competition to obtain work in the cement company; the uneasy relation between the local people and the immigrants who work in the cement company; the decrease in the number of people working in agricultural sectors, as most of them have moved or wish to move to the cement company.  相似文献   

Under the hymenopteran single-locus complementary sex-determination system, production of diploid males results from homozygosity at the sex-determiner locus. This arises when both parents transmit identical alleles at the locus to the offspring. In species reproducing asexually through thelytokous parthenogenesis, production of diploid males may also occur when the sex locus undergoes recombination and becomes homozygous in the offspring. Diploid males represent a substantial genetic load in hymenopteran populations because they often produce unviable sperm or sire sterile triploid female offspring. In the Mediterranean ant Cataglyphis cursor, the queen and workers can produce female offspring through automictic thelytokous parthenogenesis with central fusion, a mode of parthenogenesis that increases homozygosity. We report, for the first time, the presence of about 39 % of colonies producing adult diploid males (seven colonies out of 18). Overall, 8 % of adult males were diploid (12 diploid males out of the 146 males genotyped). Genotyping workers from the seven colonies producing diploid males showed that three diploid males were sons of queens and produced by thelytoky, six were probably sons of workers also produced by thelytoky and three were non-natal. Furthermore, the mating of a diploid male with two virgin queens in the laboratory led to the production of sterile triploid workers, which shows that diploid males in C. cursor are fertile, mate successfully and produce viable and functional but probably sterile female offspring. Because diploid males originate from thelytokous reproduction, they are only produced during sexual production and hence do not impair colony growth, which could explain why they are not removed at early brood stages.  相似文献   

We examined the hypothesis that a main benefit of group-living in the semifossorial rodent, Octodon degus (Rodentia: Octodontidae), is to decrease individual cost of burrow construction. We contrasted the digging behavior of groups of three same-sex, adult-sized individuals with that of solitary degus. The behavior of singles and trios was recorded inside a large terrarium partially filled with natural soil and under controlled conditions of food, light, and temperature. The observation that degus in groups do not decrease their burrowing time or frequency of digging compared with solitary diggers does not support the hypothesis that communal burrowing is a primary cause of degu sociality. On the other hand, the observation that degus in groups removed significantly more soil per capita than solitary digging degus, and that grouped individuals coordinated their digging – group members burrowed mostly in the same sites and formed digging chains –, suggests that social burrowing may potentially reduce the cost of burrow construction in the long term. We suggest that such long-term benefits will be a consequence rather than a cause of degu group-living. Received: 9 December 1999 / Received in revised form: 2 January 2000 / Accepted: 8 February 2000  相似文献   

Multiple mating is common in many socially monogamous birds and mammals, but why is still unclear. Fertility insurance is one the posited genetic benefits. However, this mechanism fails if females cannot detect male infertility before mating, and infertile sperm are equally capable of fertilizing eggs (e.g., fertilization occurs but is followed by early developmental arrest): multiple mating simply exchanges whole brood loss for partial brood loss with no difference in the overall proportion of failed offspring. However, I note here that these two options will rarely result in equivalent reproductive success: partial brood loss will generally result in more surviving offspring than whole brood loss vs. whole brood survival due to increasing per capita survival of offspring in smaller broods. A partial fertility strategy can yield benefits even in the extreme case where fertility is cryptic and defective sperm are capable of fertilizing eggs. Moreover, partial fertility will yield an added benefit to fertility insurance when the precedence of fertile over infertile sperm is incomplete.  相似文献   

Behavioral ecologists generally agree that animals derive benefits from familiarity with spaces that they inhabit or visit, yet site familiarity is rudimentary or lacking in most models of habitat selection. In this review, I examine evidence for the occurrence of site familiarity and its fitness benefits, describe the difficulty of measuring site familiarity, note its omission from the influential ideal free and ideal despotic models, and use a literature search to test an assumption of the ideal models that has become widespread in habitat selection theory: that animals behave without regard for site familiarity. I find little support for such “familiarity blindness” in vertebrates. Next I discuss how the study of public information has drawn attention away from site familiarity and point out that both kinds of information are likely to be important in habitat selection. I proceed to examine current models of initial settlement (exploration and settlement of prebreeders on first territories) and optional resettlement (site fidelity or dispersal by established breeders following a period of prospecting) and find that the latter include only basic forms of site familiarity. Hence, I develop the concept that an inhabited space holds a unique “private value” to an animal based on its familiarity with the space and offer a simple model for optional resettlement based on private value that generates several novel predictions, including site fidelity based on cumulative breeding site familiarity and high site fidelity among species with complex territories.  相似文献   

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