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Soil structure critically affects the hydrological behaviour of soils. In this paper, we examined the impact of areal heterogeneity of hydraulic properties of a structured soil on soil ensemble behaviour for various soil water flow processes with different top boundary conditions (redistribution and drainage plus evaporation and infiltration). Using a numerical solution of the Richards' equation in a stochastic framework, the ensemble characteristics and flow dynamics were studied for drying and wetting processes observed during a time interval of ten days when a series of relatively intense rainfall events occurred. The effects of using unimodal and bimodal interpretative models of hydraulic properties on the ensemble hydrological behaviour of the soil were illustrated by comparing predictions to mean water contents measured over time in several sites at field scale. Although the differences between unimodal and bimodal fitting are not significant in terms of goodness of fit, the differences in process predictions are considerable with the bimodal soil simulating water content measurements much better than unimodal soil. We also investigated the relative contribution of the soil variability of each parameter on the variance of the water contents obtained as the main output of the stochastic simulations. The variability of the structural parameter, weighting the two pore space fractions in the bimodal interpretative model, has the largest contribution to water content variance. The contribution of each parameter depends only partly on the coefficient of variation, much more on the sensitivity of the model to the parameters and on the flow process being observed. We observed that the contribution of the retention parameters to uncertainty increases during drainage processes; the opposite occurs with the hydraulic conductivity parameters.  相似文献   

Most soils contain preferential flow paths that can impact on solute mobility. Solutes can move rapidly down the preferential flow paths with high pore-water velocities, but can be held in the less permeable region of the soil matrix with low pore-water velocities, thereby reducing the efficiency of leaching. In this study, we conducted leaching experiments with interruption of the flow and drainage of the main flow paths to assess the efficiency of this type of leaching. We compared our experimental results to a simple analytical model, which predicts the influence of the variations in concentration gradients within a single spherical aggregate (SSA) surrounded by preferential flow paths on leaching. We used large (length: 300 mm, diameter: 216 mm) undisturbed field soil cores from two contrasting soil types. To carry out intermittent leaching experiments, the field soil cores were first saturated with tracer solution (CaBr2), and background solution (CaCl2) was applied to mimic a leaching event. The cores were then drained at 25- to 30-cm suction to empty the main flow paths to mimic a dry period during which solutes could redistribute within the undrained region. We also conducted continuous leaching experiments to assess the impact of the dry periods on the efficiency of leaching. The flow interruptions with drainage enhanced leaching by 10–20% for our soils, which was consistent with the model's prediction, given an optimised “equivalent aggregate radius” for each soil. This parameter quantifies the time scales that characterise diffusion within the undrained region of the soil, and allows us to calculate the duration of the leaching events and interruption periods that would lead to more efficient leaching. Application of these methodologies will aid development of strategies for improving management of chemicals in soils, needed in managing salts in soils, in improving fertiliser efficiency, and in reclaiming contaminated soils.  相似文献   

Fractures and biopores can act as preferential flow paths in clay aquitards and may rapidly transmit contaminants into underlying aquifers. Reliable numerical models for assessment of groundwater contamination from such aquitards are needed for planning, regulatory and remediation purposes. In this investigation, high resolution preferential water-saturated flow and bromide transport data were used to evaluate the suitability of equivalent porous medium (EPM), dual porosity (DP) and discrete fracture/matrix diffusion (DFMD) numerical modeling approaches for assessment of flow and non-reactive solute transport in clayey till. The experimental data were obtained from four large undisturbed soil columns (taken from 1.5 to 3.5 m depth) in which biopores and channels along fractures controlled 96-99% of water-saturated flow. Simulating the transport data with the EPM effective porosity model (FRACTRAN in EPM mode) was not successful because calibrated effective porosity for the same column had to be varied up to 1 order of magnitude in order to simulate solute breakthrough for the applied flow rates between 11 and 49 mm/day. Attempts to simulate the same data with the DP models CXTFIT and MODFLOW/MT3D were also unsuccessful because fitted values for dispersion, mobile zone porosity, and mass transfer coefficient between mobile and immobile zones varied several orders of magnitude for the different flow rates, and because dispersion values were furthermore not physically realistic. Only the DFMD modeling approach (FRACTRAN in DFMD mode) was capable to simulate the observed changes in solute transport behavior during alternating flow rate without changing values of calibrated fracture spacing and fracture aperture to represent the macropores.  相似文献   

Impact of initial and boundary conditions on preferential flow   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Preferential flow in soil is approached by a water-content wave, WCW, that proceeds downward from the ground surface. WCWs were obtained from sprinkler experiments with infiltration rates varying from 5 to 40 mm h− 1. TDR-probes and tensiometers measured volumetric water contents θ(z,t) at seven depths, and capillary heads, h(z,t) at six depths in a column of an undisturbed soil. The wave is characterized by the velocity of the wetting front, cW, the amplitude, wS, and the final water content, θ. We tested with uni-variate and bi-variate linear regressions the impacts of initial volumetric water contents, θini, and input rates, qS, on cW, wS and θ.The test showed that θini influenced θ and wS and qS effected cW. The expected proportionality of wS ≈ qs1/3 was weak and cW ≈ qs2/3 was strong.  相似文献   

This study numerically investigates the influence of initial water content and rain intensities on the preferential migration of two fluorescent tracers, Acid Yellow 7 (AY7) and Sulforhodamine B (SB), through variably-saturated fractured clayey till. The simulations are based on the numerical model HydroGeoSphere, which solves 3D variably-saturated flow and solute transport in discretely-fractured porous media. Using detailed knowledge of the matrix, fracture, and biopore properties, the numerical model is calibrated and validated against experimental high-resolution tracer images/data collected under dry and wet soil conditions and for three different rain events. The model could reproduce reasonably well the observed preferential migration of AY7 and SB through the fractured till, although it did not capture the exact depth of migration and the negligible impact of the dead-end biopores in a near-saturated matrix. A sensitivity analysis suggests fast flow mechanisms and dynamic surface coating in the biopores, and the presence of a plough pan in the till.  相似文献   

Subsurface solute transport through structured soil is studied by model interpretation of experimental breakthrough curves from tritium and phosphorus tracer tests in three intact soil monoliths. Similar geochemical conditions, with nearly neutral pH, were maintained in all the experiments. Observed transport differences for the same tracer are thus mainly due to differences in the physical transport process between the different monoliths. The modelling is based on a probabilistic Lagrangian approach that decouples physical and chemical mass transfer and transformation processes from pure and stochastic advection. Thereby, it enables explicit quantification of the physical transport process through preferential flow paths, honouring all independently available experimental information. Modelling of the tritium breakthrough curves yields a probability density function of non-reactive solute travel time that is coupled with a reaction model for linear, non-equilibrium sorption–desorption to describe the phosphorus transport. The tritium model results indicate that significant preferential flow occurs in all the experimental soil monoliths, ranging from 60–100% of the total water flow moving through only 25–40% of the total water content. In agreement with the fact that geochemical conditions were similar in all experiments, phosphorus model results yield consistent first-order kinetic parameter values for the sorption–desorption process in two of the three soil monoliths; phosphorus transport through the third monolith cannot be modelled because the apparent mean transport rate of phosphorus is anomalously rapid relative to the non-adsorptive tritium transport. The occurrence of preferential flow alters the whole shape of the phosphorus breakthrough curve, not least the peak mass flux and concentration values, and increases the transported phosphorus mass by 2–3 times relative to the estimated mass transport without preferential flow in the two modelled monoliths.  相似文献   

Soil macropore networks establish a dual-domain transport scenario in which water and solutes are preferentially channeled through soil macropores while slowly diffusing into and out of the bulk soil matrix. The influence of macropore networks on intra-ped solute diffusion and preferential transport in a soil typical of subsurface-drained croplands in the Midwestern United States was studied in batch- and column-scale experiments. In the batch diffusion studies with soil aggregates, the estimated diffusion radius (length) of the soil aggregates corresponded to the half-spacing of the aggregate fissures, suggesting that the intra-ped fissures reduced the diffusion impedance and preferentially allowed solutes to diffuse into the soil matrix. In the column-scale solute transport experiments, the average diffusion radius (estimated from HYDRUS-2D simulations and a first-order diffusive transfer term) was nearly double that of the batch-scale study. This increase may be attributed to a loss of pore continuity and a compounding of the small diffusion impedance through macropores at the larger scale. The column-scale solute transport experiments also suggest that two preferential networks exist in the soil. At and near soil saturation, a primary network of large macropores (possibly root channels and earthworm burrows) dominate advective transport, causing a high degree of physical and sorption nonequilibrium and simultaneous breakthrough of a nonreactive (bromide) and a reactive (alachlor) solute. As the saturation level decreases, the primary network drains, while transport through smaller macropores (possibly intra-ped features) continues, resulting in a reduced degree of nonequilibrium and separation in the breakthrough curves of bromide and alachlor.  相似文献   

The boundary between preferential flow and Richards-type flow is a priori set at a volumetric soil water content θ at which soil water diffusivity D (θ) = η (= 10− 6 m2 s− 1), where η is the kinematic viscosity. First we estimated with a hydrostatic approach from soil water retention curves the boundary, θK, between the structural pore domain, in which preferential flow occurs, and the matrix pore domain, in which Richards-type flow occurs. We then compared θK with θ that was derived from the respective soil hydrological property functions of same soil sample. Second, from in situ investigations we determined 96 values of θG as the terminal soil water contents that established themselves when the corresponding water-content waves of preferential flow have practically ceased. We compared the frequency distribution of θG with the one of θ that was calculated from the respective soil hydrological property functions of 32 soil samples that were determined with pressure plate apparatuses in the laboratory. There is support of the notion that θK θ≈ θ, thus indicating the potential of θ to explain more generally what constitutes preferential flow. However, the support is assessed as working hypothesis on which to base further research rather than a procedure to a clear-cut identification of preferential flow and associated flow paths.  相似文献   

Accurate assessment of the fate of salts, nutrients, and pollutants in natural, heterogeneous soils requires a proper quantification of both spatial and temporal solute spreading during solute movement. The number of experiments with multisampler devices that measure solute leaching as a function of space and time is increasing. The breakthrough curve (BTC) can characterize the temporal aspect of solute leaching, and recently the spatial solute distribution curve (SSDC) was introduced to describe the spatial solute distribution. We combined and extended both concepts to develop a tool for the comprehensive analysis of the full spatio-temporal behavior of solute leaching. The sampling locations are ranked in order of descending amount of total leaching (defined as the cumulative leaching from an individual compartment at the end of the experiment), thus collapsing both spatial axes of the sampling plane into one. The leaching process can then be described by a curved surface that is a function of the single spatial coordinate and time. This leaching surface is scaled to integrate to unity, and termed S can efficiently represent data from multisampler solute transport experiments or simulation results from multidimensional solute transport models. The mathematical relationships between the scaled leaching surface S, the BTC, and the SSDC are established. Any desired characteristic of the leaching process can be derived from S. The analysis was applied to a chloride leaching experiment on a lysimeter with 300 drainage compartments of 25 cm2 each. The sandy soil monolith in the lysimeter exhibited fingered flow in the water-repellent top layer. The observed S demonstrated the absence of a sharp separation between fingers and dry areas, owing to diverging flow in the wettable soil below the fingers. Times-to-peak, maximum solute fluxes, and total leaching varied more in high-leaching than in low-leaching compartments. This suggests a stochastic-convective transport process in the high-flow streamtubes, while convection dispersion is predominant in the low-flow areas. S can be viewed as a bivariate probability density function. Its marginal distributions are the BTC of all sampling locations combined, and the SSDC of cumulative solute leaching at the end of the experiment. The observed S cannot be represented by assuming complete independence between its marginal distributions, indicating that S contains information about the leaching process that cannot be derived from the combination of the BTC and the SSDC.  相似文献   

In certain hydrogeological situations, fluid density variations occur because of changes in the solute or colloidal concentration, temperature, and pressure of the groundwater. These include seawater intrusion, high-level radioactive waste disposal, groundwater contamination, and geothermal energy production. When the density of the invading fluid is greater than that of the ambient one, density-driven free convection can lead to transport of heat and solutes over larger spatial scales and significantly shorter time scales than compared with diffusion alone. Beginning with the work of Lord Rayleigh in 1916, thermal and solute instabilities in homogeneous media have been studied in detail for almost a century. Recently, these theoretical and experimental studies have been applied in the study of groundwater phenomena, where the assumptions of homogeneity and isotropy rarely, if ever, apply. The critical role that heterogeneity plays in the onset as well as the growth and/or decay of convective motion is discussed by way of a review of pertinent literature and numerical simulations performed using a variable-density flow and solute transport numerical code. Different styles of heterogeneity are considered and range from continuously "trending" heterogeneity (sinusoidal and stochastic permeability distributions) to discretely fractured geologic media. Results indicate that both the onset of instabilities and their subsequent growth and decay are intimately related to the structure and variance of the permeability field. While disordered heterogeneity tends to dissipate convection through dispersive mixing, an ordered heterogeneity (e.g., sets of vertical fractures) allows instabilities to propagate at modest combinations of fracture aperture and separation distances. Despite a clearer understanding of the processes that control the onset and propagation of instabilities, resultant plume patterns and their migration rates and pathways do not appear amenable to prediction at present. The classical Rayleigh number used to predict the occurrence of instabilities fails, in most cases, when heterogeneous conditions prevail. The incorporation of key characteristics of the heterogeneous permeability field into relevant stability criteria and numerical models remains a challenge for future research.  相似文献   

Lignitic mine soils represent a typical two-scale dual-porosity medium consisting of a technogenic mixture of overburden sediments that include lignitic components as dust and as porous fragments embedded within a mostly coarse-textured matrix. Flow and transport processes in such soils are not sufficiently understood to predict the course of soil reclamation or of mine drainage. The objective of this contribution is to identify the most appropriate conceptual model for describing small-scale heterogeneity effects on flow on the basis of the physical structure of the system. Multistep flow experiments on soil cores are analyzed using either mobile–immobile or mobile–mobile type 1D dual-porosity models, and a 3D numerical model that considers a local-scale distribution of fragments. Simulations are compared with time series' of upward infiltration and matric potential heads measured at two depths using miniature tensiometers. The 3D and the 1D dual-permeability models yielded comparable results as long as pressure heads are in local equilibrium; however, could describe either the upward infiltration or the matric potential curves but not both at the same time. The mobile–immobile type dual-porosity model failed to describe the data. A simultaneous match with pressure heads and upward infiltration data could only be obtained with the 1D dual-permeability model (i.e., mobile–mobile) by assuming an additional restriction of the inter-domain water transfer. These results indicate that for unsaturated flow conditions at higher matric potential heads (i.e., here >− 40 hPa), water in a restricted part of the fragment domain must be more mobile as compared to water in the sandy matrix domain. Closer inspections of the pore system and first neutron radiographic imaging support the hypothesis that a more continuous pore region exists at these pressure heads in the vicinity of the lignitic fragments possibly formed by fragment contacts and a lignitic dust interface-region between the two domains. The results suggest that the small-scale structure is too complex as to be represented by weighted contributions of individual components alone.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional flow and transport model was developed for simulating transient water flow and nonreactive solute transport in heterogeneous, unsaturated porous media containing air and water. The model is composed of a unique combination of robust and accurate numerical algorithms for solving the Richards', Darcy flux, and advection-dispersion equations. The mixed form of Richards' equation is solved using a finite-element formulation and a modified Picard iteration scheme. Mass lumping is employed to improve solution convergence and stability behavior. The flow algorithm accounts for hysteresis in the pressure head-water content relationship. Darcy fluxes are approximated with a Galerkin and Petrov-Galerkin finite-element method developed for random heterogeneous porous media. The transport equation is solved using an Eulerian-Lagrangian method. A multi-step, fourth-order Runge-Kutta, reverse particle tracking technique and a quadratic-linear interpolation scheme are shown to be superior for determining the advective concentration. A Galerkin finite-element method is used for approximating the dispersive flux. The unsaturated flow and transport model was applied to a variety of rigorous problems and was found to produce accurate, mass-conserving solutions when compared to analytical solutions and published numerical results.  相似文献   

The migration of Dense, Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (DNAPL) and dissolved phase contamination through a fractured heterogeneous porous medium has been investigated through the use of a multiphase compositional model. The sensitivity of the timescales of migration and the distribution of contaminant in the subsurface to the mean permeability, the variance of the permeability, and the degree of fracturing of the domain were examined. It was found that increasing the mean permeability of the domain allowed the DNAPL to penetrate deeper into the subsurface, while decreasing the mean permeability caused the DNAPL to pool at shallower depths. The presence of fractures within the system was found to control the infiltration only in the most fractured domain. Moment analysis of the nonwetting phase showed that large-scale movement had ceased after approximately 9 years (maximum duration of the source-on condition was approximately 4.5 years). This tended to be due to a redistribution of the DNAPL towards a residual configuration, as was evidenced by the gradual trending of average nonwetting phase saturations within the domain to a static value. The dissolved phase plume was found to migrate at essentially the same rate as the nonwetting phase, due to the reduced relative permeability of lenses containing DNAPL, and due to diffusive losses of mass to the matrix of fractured clay and silty-clay lenses. Some exceptions to this were found when the DNAPL could not overcome the displacement pressure of a lens, and could not by-pass the lens due to the lack of available driving force after the source had been shut off.  相似文献   

When soil structure varies in different soil types and the horizons of these soil types, it has a significant impact on water flow and contaminant transport in soils. This paper focuses on the effect of soil structure variations on the transport of pesticides in the soil above the water table. Transport of a pesticide (chlorotoluron) initially applied on soil columns taken from various horizons of three different soil types (Haplic Luvisol, Greyic Phaeozem and Haplic Cambisol) was studied using two scenarios of ponding infiltration. The highest infiltration rate and pesticide mobility were observed for the Bt1 horizon of Haplic Luvisol that exhibited a well-developed prismatic structure. The lowest infiltration rate was measured for the Bw horizon of Haplic Cambisol, which had a poorly developed soil structure and a low fraction of large capillary pores and gravitational pores. Water infiltration rates were reduced during the experiments by a soil structure breakdown, swelling of clay and/or air entrapped in soil samples. The largest soil structure breakdown and infiltration decrease was observed for the Ap horizon of Haplic Luvisol due to the low aggregate stability of the initially well-aggregated soil. Single-porosity and dual-permeability (with matrix and macropore domains) flow models in HYDRUS-1D were used to estimate soil hydraulic parameters via numerical inversion using data from the first infiltration experiment. A fraction of the macropore domain in the dual-permeability model was estimated using the micro-morphological images. Final soil hydraulic parameters determined using the single-porosity and dual-permeability models were subsequently used to optimize solute transport parameters. To improve numerical inversion results, the two-site sorption model was also applied. Although structural changes observed during the experiment affected water flow and solute transport, the dual-permeability model together with the two-site sorption model proved to be able to approximate experimental data.  相似文献   

The paper describes the results of a laboratory study on the effects of macropore tortuosity on breakthrough curves BTCs and solute distribution in a Forman loam (fine loamy-mixed Udic Haploborolls) soil. BTC were obtained using 2-D columns (slab) containing artificial macropores of five different tortuosity levels. The BTCs were run under a constant hydraulic head of 0.08 m over an initially air dry soil. The input solutions contained 1190 mg l−1 of potassium bromide, 10 mg l−1 of Rhodamine WT, and 100 mg l−1 of FD&C Blue #1. A soil column without macropores served as a control. The displacement of a non-adsorbed tracer was not affected by the tortuosity level. An increase in macropore tortuosity progressively increased the breakthrough time, increased the apparent retardation coefficient (R′), decreased the depth to the center of mass of a given adsorbed tracer, and increased the anisotropy in tracer distribution profile. The relative importance of macropore tortuosity increased with an increase in the adsorption coefficient of the tracer. Compared to macropore continuity, the macropore tortuosity had greater impact on solute distribution profile than in its leaching.  相似文献   

Laboratory-scale tracer experiments were conducted to investigate the geochemical and hydrological processes that govern the fate and transport of organically chelated radionuclides and toxic metals in undisturbed saturated columns of weathered, fractured shale saprolite. Three long-term, reactive contaminant injections were pulsed onto three separate soil columns, with the following influent mixtures: (1) 109CdEDTA2−, (2) 109CdEDTA2− and 57,58Co(II)EDTA2−, and (3) 109CdEDTA2−, 57Co(III)EDTA, and H51CrO4. Both single and multiple species experiments were conducted to determine the importance of interaction between the contaminants and competition for surface sites. Flow interruption was used to identify physical and chemical non-equilibrium (PNE and CNE) which were caused by multiple pore-region flow and rate-limited chemical reactions, respectively. Reactive contaminant transport through the fractured, weathered shale was affected by sorption, redox, and dissociation reactions, which were mediated by soil organic matter and surficial oxides of Fe, Mn, and Al. The transport of CdEDTA2− was significantly influenced by ligand-promoted dissolution of subsurface Fe and Al sources, resulting in the liberation of Cd2+, Al(III)EDTA and Fe(III)EDTA. Flow interruption confirmed that the surface-mediated dissociation reaction was time-dependent, with the stability of the CdEDTA2− complex dependent on its residence time within the soil. The migration of Co(II)EDTA2− was dominated by oxidization to the highly stable Co(III)EDTA species, and elevated effluent Mn2+ suggested that surficial Mn(IV) oxides likely catalyzed the redox reaction, though Fe-oxides may have also contributed to the reaction. Dissociation (12%) of the Co(II)EDTA2− complex was first observed during flow interruption, indicating that rate-limited dissociation of the complex by Fe-oxides may be significant under equilibrium conditions. The transport of HCrO4 was significantly altered by the reduction of mobile Cr(VI) to irreversibly bound Cr(III). The reduction reaction was catalyzed by surface-bound natural organic matter and flow interruption confirmed that the reaction was time-dependent. There was little evidence of competitive effects between the various contaminants in the multispecies experiments, since each was influenced by a different geochemical process during transport through the soil. The results of this study further support research findings that suggest anionic toxic metals and radionuclide–organic complexes can be significantly influenced by soil geochemical processes that can both enhance and impede the subsurface migration of these contaminants.  相似文献   

Recent discovery of bomb-related 36Cl at depth in fractured tuff in the unsaturated zone at the Yucca Mountain candidate high-level waste (HLW) repository site has called into question the usual modeling assumptions based on the equivalent continuum model (ECM). A dual continuum model (DCM) for simulating transient flow and transport at Yucca Mountain is developed. In order to ensure properly converged flow solutions, which are used in the transport simulation, a new flow solution convergence criteria is derived. An extensive series of simulation studies is presented which indicates that rapid movement of solute through the fractures will not occur unless there are intense episodic infiltration events. Movement of solute in the environs of the repository is enhanced if the properties of the tuff layer at the repository horizon are modified from current best-estimate values. Due to a large advective–dispersive coupling between the matrix and fractures, the matrix acts as a major buffer which inhibits rapid transport along the fractures. Consequently, fast movement of solutes through the fractures to the repository depth can only be explained if the matrix–fracture coupling term is significantly reduced from a value that would be calculated on the basis of data currently available.  相似文献   

A one-dimensional flow and transport model was developed to describe the movement of two fluid phases, gas and water, within a porous medium and the transport of 226Ra and 222Rn within and between these two phases. Included in this model is the vegetative uptake of water and aqueous 226Ra and 222Rn that can be extracted from the soil via the transpiration stream. The mathematical model is formulated through a set of phase balance equations and a set of species balance equations. Mass exchange, sink terms and the dependence of physical properties upon phase composition couple the two sets of equations. Numerical solution of each set, with iteration between the sets, is carried out leading to a set-iterative compositional model. The Petrov-Galerkin finite element approach is used to allow for upstream weighting if required for a given simulation. Mass lumping improves solution convergence and stability behavior. The resulting numerical model was applied to four problems and was found to produce accurate, mass conservative solutions when compared to published experimental and numerical results and theoretical column experiments. Preliminary results suggest that the model can be used as an investigative tool to determine the feasibility of phytoremediating radium and radon-contaminated soil.  相似文献   

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