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环境影响评价中的替代方案主要包括建设项目的工艺技术,选址的可替代方案,以及项目环保措施的多方案比较,城市污水处理厂环评项目中该部分内容有其自身的特点,文章结合多个城市污水厂项目环评经验,以3个建设部审批的大型城市污水处理厂为例进行了替代方案探讨与实例分析。  相似文献   

<正>2014年4月14日欧盟委员会联合研究中心的欧盟动物试验替代方案参考实验室(EURLECVAM)发布了该实验室与替代试验方法国际合作(ICATM)工作组于2013年11月26-27日举行的一次会议的记录概要。替代试验方法国际合作(ICATM)工作组伙伴方在这次会议上就多项提议达成一致。这些提议包括选择和确定优先试验方法,以及使用EURL Ecvam的"欧盟化学品规范替代方法审查,验证和批准跟踪系统"  相似文献   

城市污水处理厂运行管理优化方案   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对城市污水处理工程建设中存在的问题,分析了影响其运转率的三大主要因素,工程系统,运营费用及监控体制,对其运营管理中的替代方案进行了探讨,提出了实行污水厂企业化管理,建立宏观环境统一管理制度的措施建议。  相似文献   

开放建筑(OB)方法促进了作为一套层次分明的分系统的建筑环境的系统化,一个分系统可以被不同的方案所替代而不会影响其他分系统,分系统的可交换特性使得按照利益相关者的具体要求定制建筑、适应不断变化的需要成为可能。  相似文献   

正2014年5月15日来源:欧盟联合研究中心欧盟联合研究中心发布了其化学物质清单信息系统(CheLIST),该系统可用于查询一种化学物质是否已在一项主要欧盟或国际研究计划中进行了试验。它还提供关于一种化学物质被列入哪些规制名录的信息。联合研究中心的欧盟动物试验替代方案参考实验室(EURL ECVAM)建立该工具旨在供科学家在开发和验证替代试验时确定参考或基准化学物质。确定适当的参考化学物质使得可能对一种方法的效果进行严格  相似文献   

某些有色金属矿石开采的环境问题 有色金属提取和加工往往引起严重的环境问题。本报告评述了这些影响的性质和来源,也评价了技术的、管理的和法规的控制方案。 本报告是在国际采矿与环境专家组帮助下由联合国环境规划署产业与环境计划活动中心编写的。它侧重于5种有色金属:铜、镍、铅、锌和金。1988年这些金属的世界开采量大约是2200万吨,占所有矿物开采量的15%。  相似文献   

北京市科海环保新技术开发公司,在中国科学技术咨询服务中心。清华大学环境工程研究所和海淀区人民政府环保办公室的支持下,于一九八四年底正式成立。本公司联合北京地区的有关高等院校、中国科学院以及从事环境科学研究的部分科技人员,开展环境影响评价、环境污染分析、治理方案的论证、可行性报告的编写与咨询,同时,承包废气、废水、废渣及噪声等环境污染治理工程设计、旅工、安装项目、开发环保新技  相似文献   

由于使用CFC-113不再是可行的方案,福特公司的巴西电子组装厂(阿尔伯)着手寻找一种可接受的代用品。本文论述阿尔伯厂的CFCs的使用;它的CFC消除计划,包括所研究的CFC用途的几种替代;以及无清洗助焊剂技术正在该厂成功地进行实施。  相似文献   

从20世纪40年代开始,排水毒性测试已用于评价排水的潜在生态影响,并据此找到必要的处理方法以保护环境。毒性测试、分析工具和生物监测的系统组合方案逐步发展起来。因为排水毒性测试中所用的脊椎动物数量远大于单一化合物毒性测试的,所以需要开发一种方案以减少脊椎动物(例如鱼类)的使用。发展中国家开始将脊椎动物用于毒性实验以评价排水水质,这样使得新的综合方案的开发更为重要。本文完成了几项任务:1)评价国际上排水毒性测试的研究现状;2)考察目前管理部门、工业界、私人实验室和学术界的实践现状;3)探寻脊椎动物(鱼类)的替代方法包括改进的/新开发的方法和手段。单一手段往往很难满足上述要求,因为需要同时考虑监管需求、有效基准和替代方法的广泛接受度。应用证据权重法的一整套方案可以拥有足够的灵活性,得以满足环境、监管机构、监管团体的多方面要求。这个“工具箱(toolbox)”式的解决方案可以减少对活体(in vivo)鱼类测试的依赖。本文简要综述了污水监管和排水毒性测试方法。我们讨论和描述了正在开发中的替代方法,以及若要将其应用于监管,尚需克服的一些局限和障碍,这些方案将来都可以应用于国家和地区的环境管理。 精选自Teresa J. Norberg‐King, Michelle R. Embry, Scott E. Belanger, Thomas Braunbeck, Joshua D. Butler, Phil B. Dorn, Brianna Farr, Patrick D. Guiney, Sarah A. Hughes, Marlo Jeffries, Romain Journel, Marc Lèonard, Mark McMaster, James T. Oris, Kathy Ryder, Helmut Segner, Thomas Senac, Glen Van Der Kraak, Graham Whale, Peter Wilson. An International Perspective on the Tools and Concepts for Effluent Toxicity Assessments in the Context of Animal Alternatives: Reduction in Vertebrate Use. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry,2018,37:2745-2757.
详情请见 https://doi.org/10.1002/etc.4259

世界替代农业及其发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对世界替代农业的主要类型和特点、中国的生态农业与发达国家的替代衣业的区别以及世界替代农业存在的主要问题进行了较详细的阐述,最后对世界替代农业的发展趋势作了展望。  相似文献   

Behavioral strategies of American kestrels during mate replacement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary To determine the influence of mate replacement on the behavior and reproductive success of wild American kestrels (Falco sparverius) we removed 4 female and 16 male members of breeding pairs during incubation in 1983 and 1984. Eight males and 1 female were replaced within a mean time of 43 h. Widowed females that received a replacement spent less time hunting, but incubated and performed aerial displays more frequently than females that did not receive a replacement. After replacement, widowed females continued to incubate the original clutch, yet copulated and performed other courtship behaviors with the incoming male. Overlapping of normal temporally separate behavioral cues may be a female strategy to gain assistance from a replacement mate. However, none of the original clutches was successfully hatched. Of 8 pairs with replacement males, 2 pairs abandoned their territory, two remained on territory but did not renest, and 4 renested within a mean interval of 18 days. The lone female replacement and her mate copulated and performed nest inspections but then abandoned the territory. Incubation behavior was similar between replacement and control pairs; however, replacement males fed more invertebrate prey to nestling and made many more nest visits. All 3 replacement nests that hatched young failed within 8 days.  相似文献   

The behaviour of a male bird towards a potential mate and her clutch may depend both on his expected paternity and on the likelihood that she will produce a replacement clutch if he commits infanticide. In this study we evaluate the choices made by replacement male European starlings Sturnus vulgaris. By removing males before and during laying, we induced other males, mainly neighbours, to mate with the reproductively active females. When the original male was removed before laying, a new male adopted the subsequent clutch in 14 out of 15 cases. When ten females were widowed during their laying period, replacement males never adopted their clutches. The paternity of replacement males was a function of when they replaced the former male. When replacement occurred more than 3 days before egglaying, the new male fathered nearly all offspring; when it occurred the day before laying, the new male still fathered more than every second young. When the original male was removed during his mate’s laying period, in five out of ten cases a replacement male committed infanticide by throwing out the eggs, but this only occurred in one out of 15 cases when removal took place before laying. The evidence for infanticide actually being committed by the replacement male was circumstantial. Four out of six of the females affected by apparent infanticide produced replacement clutches in which the male presumably had higher paternity than in the original clutch. In all cases, the male adopted the replacement clutch. In five cases when the original male was removed during laying, the neighbours neither adopted the brood nor committed infanticide, although they sometimes were seen courting the widowed female and copulating with her. These cases occurred later during laying than those were males comitted infanticide. The time from infanticide to the laying of the replacement clutch tended to increase as infanticide was committed later in the laying sequence. We conclude that strategies of potential replacement males are influenced by their expected paternity in the current brood and the probability that the female will produce an early replacement clutch. Received: 10 March 1995 / Accepted after revision: 28 October 1995  相似文献   

城市总体规划中的生态观点   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
文章介绍了采用城市生态学进行《抚顺市城市总体规划》的观点和方法,从6个方面论述了抚顺市总体规划中的生态观点的应用。在把城市生态思想作为城市规划基本原则固定下来、克服城市在景观建设方面的缺陷、增强城市作为一个生态系统的整体功能、增加保护自然环境的动力,建立一个高效、主谐的生态城市等方面进行了深入的探讨。  相似文献   

鉴于城市规划在环境保护方面的局限性,本文以武汉市九峰城市森林保护区环境保护规划为例,提出了环境保护规划的技术路线、环境规划目标以及结论等,指出了城市大气、水体、声、固体废物和生态环境综合整治规划,并探讨环境保护规划与武汉的城市生态建设。  相似文献   

城市污水处理厂出水生态渠回用方案实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文结合天津经济技术开发区(TEDA)污水回用,在研究回用规模、深度处理工艺以及生态渠的挖掘的基础上,从技术经济分析的角度对方案的可行性进行了探讨。结果表明该方案科学合理。  相似文献   

Abstract:  The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's recent recovery plan for one of the most carefully watched threatened species worldwide, the Northern Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis caurina), recommended a major departure in conservation strategies in the northwestern United States. Due to concern about fire, the plan would switch from a reserve to a no-reserve strategy in up to 52% of the owl's range. Fuel treatments (e.g., thinning) at regular intervals also would occur on up to 65–70% of dry forests in this area. Estimations of fire risk, however, were based on less than a decade of data and an anecdotal assessment of a single, large fire. We found that decadal data are inherently too short, given infrequent large fires, to accurately predict fire risk and trends. Rates of high-severity fire, based on remote-sensing data, are far lower than reported in the plan and in comparison with the rate of old-forest recruitment. In addition, over a 22-year period, there has been no increase in the proportion of high-severity fire. Our findings refute the key conclusions of the plan that are the basis for major changes in conservation strategies for the Spotted Owl. The best available science is needed to address these strategies in an adaptive-management framework. From the standpoint of fire risk, there appears to be ample time for research on fire and proposed treatment effects on Spotted Owls before designing extensive management actions or eliminating reserves.  相似文献   

By combining a spatially explicit, individual-based population simulation model with a geographic information system, we have simulated the potential effects of a U.S. Forest Service management plan on the population dynamics of Bachman's Sparrow ( Aimophila aestivalis ) at the Savannah River Site, a U.S. Department of Energy facility in South Carolina. Although the Forest Service's management plan explicitly sets management goals for many species, most of the prescribed management strategy deals with the endangered Red-cockaded Woodpecker ( Picoides borealis ) because of legal requirements. We explored how a species (the sparrow) that is not the target of specific management strategies but that shares some habitat requirements with the woodpecker, would fare under the management plan. We found that the major components of the proposed management plan may allow the sparrow population to reach and exceed the minimum management goal set for this species, but only after a substantial initial decline in sparrow numbers and a prolonged transition period. In the model, the sparrow population dynamics were most sensitive to demographic variables such as adult and juvenile survivorship and to landscape variables such as the suitability of young clearcuts and mature pine stands. Using various assumptions about habitat suitability, we estimated that the 50-year probability of population extinction is at least 5% or may be much higher if juvenile survivorship is low. We believe, however, that modest changes in the management plan might greatly increase the sparrow population and presumably decrease the probability of extinction. Our results suggest that management plans focusing on one or a few endangered species may potentially threaten other species of management concern. Spatially explicit population models are a useful tool in designing modifications of management plans that can reduce the impact on nontarget species of management concern.  相似文献   

Summary The production of replacement reproductives in experimentally orphaned societies was investigated in Nasutitermes princeps (Desneux). From 1 to 180 replacement queens and multiple kings, all adultoids, were found in the 13 nests that were re-collected. Normal imagos, microimagos, or a mixture of the two forms were present, depending on colony composition at the time of orphaning. In colonies with alates, the corresponding forms were found as replacement reproductives. Where only young nymphs were present, microimagos differentiated. Neither the number of queens nor their level of physogastry was correlated with the time elapsed since orphaning, but the total egg-laying rates were. We suggest that competition among queens rather than time determines individual physogastric development. Observations show that the most likely cause of accidental queen death in nature is probably nest fall from the supporting tree. Even in this case, the queen may be able to migrate to a newly rebuilt nest. An experimental simulation of this situation showed that colony migration can occur. The data indicate that the replacement of the primary queen after her accidental death cannot by itself account for the high rate of polygyny (60%) encountered in N. princeps. Two other possible causes are the replacement of the ageing foundress as a normal event of colony life, and colony reproduction by budding off new nests with adultoid reproductives.King Léopold III Biological Station, Laing Island, Papua New Guinea, contribution no. 84Research Assistant of the National Fund for Scientific Research (Belgium)  相似文献   

“十一五”期间安庆市环境空气质量状况分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据安庆市环境空气质量监测数据,对"十一五"期间安庆市环境空气质量状况进行了分析,并与"十五"期间进行了比较。结果表明,"十一五"期间安庆市环境空气质量优良率总体呈下降态势,首要污染物主要为PM10,老城区的污染重于开发区。采暖期SO2及PM10的质量浓度高于其它月份,NO2测值随季节变化不明显,2009年起各种污染物浓度有所下降。与"十五"比较,"十一五"期间PM10的质量浓度大幅下降,SO2及NO2均有不同幅度的上升,环境空气质量优良率比"十五"略有下降。  相似文献   

Systematic conservation planning optimizes trade‐offs between biodiversity conservation and human activities by accounting for socioeconomic costs while aiming to achieve prescribed conservation objectives. However, the most cost‐efficient conservation plan can be very dissimilar to any other plan achieving the set of conservation objectives. This is problematic under conditions of implementation uncertainty (e.g., if all or part of the plan becomes unattainable). We determined through simulations of parallel implementation of conservation plans and habitat loss the conditions under which optimal plans have limited chances of implementation and where implementation attempts would fail to meet objectives. We then devised a new, flexible method for identifying conservation priorities and scheduling conservation actions. This method entails generating a number of alternative plans, calculating the similarity in site composition among all plans, and selecting the plan with the highest density of neighboring plans in similarity space. We compared our method with the classic method that maximizes cost efficiency with synthetic and real data sets. When implementation was uncertain—a common reality—our method provided higher likelihood of achieving conservation targets. We found that χ, a measure of the shortfall in objectives achieved by a conservation plan if the plan could not be implemented entirely, was the main factor determining the relative performance of a flexibility enhanced approach to conservation prioritization. Our findings should help planning authorities prioritize conservation efforts in the face of uncertainty about future condition and availability of sites.  相似文献   

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