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The rate of degradation of forchlorfenuron, a cytokinin-based plant growth regulator (PGR) was explored in typical grapevine soils of India with simultaneous evaluation of its effect on biochemical attributes of the test soils in terms of the activities of specific soil microbial enzymes. In all the test soils, namely clay, sandy-loam and silty-clay, the dissipation rate was faster at the beginning, which slowed down with time, indicating a non-linear pattern of degradation. Degradation in soils could best be explained by two-compartment 1st + 1st order kinetics with half-life ranging between 4–10 days. The results suggest that organic matter might be playing a major role in influencing the rate of degradation of forchlorfenuron in soil. The rate of degradation in sandy-loam soil was fastest followed by clay and silty-clay soils, respectively. Comparison of the rate of degradation in natural against sterilized soils suggests that microbial degradation might be the major pathway of residue dissipation. Changes in soil enzyme activities as a consequence of forchlorfenuron treatment were studied for extra-cellular enzymes namely acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase and β -glucosidase and intracellular enzyme-dehydrogenase. Although small changes in enzyme activities were observed, forchlorfenuron did not have any significant deleterious effect on the enzymatic activity of the test soils. Simple correlation studies between degradation percentage and individual enzyme activities did not establish any significant relationships. The pattern and change of enzyme activity was primarily the effect of the incubation period rather than the effect of forchlorfenuron itself.  相似文献   

The persistence of fenamiphos (nematicide) in five soils collected from different geographical regions such as Australia, Ecuador and India under three temperature regimes (18, 25 and 37°C) simulating typical environmental conditions was studied. The effect of soil properties (soil pH, temperature and microbial biomass) on the degradation of fenamiphos was determined. The rate of degradation increased with increase in temperature. Fenamiphos degradation was higher at 37°C than at 25 and 18°C (except under alkaline pH). The degradation pathway differed in different soils. Fenamiphos sulfoxide (FSO) was identified as the major degradation product in all the soils. Fenamiphos sulfone (FSO2), and the corresponding phenols: fenamiphos phenol (FP), fenamiphos sulfoxide phenol (FSOP) and fenamiphos sulfone phenol (FSO2P) were also detected. The degradation of fenamiphos was faster in the alkaline soils, followed by neutral and acidic soils. Under sterile conditions, the dissipation of the pesticide was slower than in the non-sterile soils suggesting microbial role in the pesticide degradation. The generation of new knowledge on fenamiphos degradation patterns under different environmental conditions is important to achieve better pesticide risk management.  相似文献   

为了研究抗生素污染土壤的修复方法,利用黑麦草对土壤中残留抗生素进行降解,并探讨土壤微生物生态活性及根系体表特征的响应。结果表明:黑麦草对土壤中四环素、金霉素、恩诺沙星、洛美沙星、环丙沙星、诺氟沙星的降解速率均显著大于对照(pr=-0.948,p<0.05)。  相似文献   

The rate of degradation of forchlorfenuron, a cytokinin-based plant growth regulator (PGR) was explored in typical grapevine soils of India with simultaneous evaluation of its effect on biochemical attributes of the test soils in terms of the activities of specific soil microbial enzymes. In all the test soils, namely clay, sandy-loam and silty-clay, the dissipation rate was faster at the beginning, which slowed down with time, indicating a non-linear pattern of degradation. Degradation in soils could best be explained by two-compartment 1st+1st order kinetics with half-life ranging between 4-10 days. The results suggest that organic matter might be playing a major role in influencing the rate of degradation of forchlorfenuron in soil. The rate of degradation in sandy-loam soil was fastest followed by clay and silty-clay soils, respectively. Comparison of the rate of degradation in natural against sterilized soils suggests that microbial degradation might be the major pathway of residue dissipation. Changes in soil enzyme activities as a consequence of forchlorfenuron treatment were studied for extra-cellular enzymes namely acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase and beta -glucosidase and intracellular enzyme-dehydrogenase. Although small changes in enzyme activities were observed, forchlorfenuron did not have any significant deleterious effect on the enzymatic activity of the test soils. Simple correlation studies between degradation percentage and individual enzyme activities did not establish any significant relationships. The pattern and change of enzyme activity was primarily the effect of the incubation period rather than the effect of forchlorfenuron itself.  相似文献   


A laboratory study was conducted to determine the effect of four experimental insecticides, DOWCO429X, DPX43898, tefluthrin and trimethacarb, on enzyme activities and levels of adenosine 5'‐triphosphate (ATP) in mineral and organic soils. DOWCO429X decreased urease activity in organic soil after 7 days while a stimulatory effect was observed with most treatments after 14 days. No inhibition on acetylene (C2H2) reduction by nitrogenase was evident with any of the insecticides in either soil. With the exception of DOWCO429X and tefluthrin at 7 days in organic soil, none of the insecticide treatments inhibited dehydrogenase activity in either soil. Dehydrogenase activity, measured by formazan formation, was greater in many samples in sandy loam than the control throughout the experiment. No inhibitory effect was observed on amylase activity after 2 or 3 days in sandy soil. A stimulatory effect was apparent in many samples after 2 days in organic soil. All insecticide treatments in sandy soil reduced invertase activity at 2 days. However, none of the experimental insecticides inhibited invertase activity after 3 days. A stimulatory effect in invertase activity was apparent in most cases at 2 days in organic soil and no difference was observed after 3 days. Phosphatase activity in insecticide treated samples was equal to or greater than that of control in sandy soil after 2 h. With the exception of DPX43898, the insecticides depressed phosphatase activity in most organic soil samples. The insecticides did not affect ATP levels in either soil. Results indicated that the chemical treatments at the levels tested did not significantly affect activities of enzymes or level of ATP in both soils.  相似文献   

以甲基丙烯酸丁酯-苯乙烯改性玉米秸秆(BMGS)为载体吸附微生物对油污土壤进行了模拟降解实验,研究BMGS作为菌剂载体对油污土壤的降解效果,同时利用GC-MS指纹图谱深入分析TPH(total petroleum hydrocarbon)的重要组分——正构烷烃的降解演化规律和特性。结果表明:BMGS具有较高吸油能力(10.3 g·g-1),大于原秸秆(RMS)5.7 g·g-1;在3%含油量的油污土壤中,加入用BMGS吸附的菌剂的降解半衰期(14.8 d)均短于空白与用原秸秆(RMS)吸附的半衰期(36.1 d和33.0 d)。降解演化特性表明,2种秸秆RMS与BMGS材料对正构烷烃降解的促进作用依次提高,主峰碳数均出现前移,且BMGS的效果更为明显。加入BMGS后有利于菌剂降解较难降解的偶碳数正构烷烃和类异戊二烯烷烃,并且在降解前、后期,对低、高碳数正构烷烃的降解优势完成增效作用,高碳数正构烷烃平均降解率达到91.25%,较好地解释BMGS吸附菌剂后可以缩短降解TPH半衰期及提高降解率的原因。  相似文献   

采煤沉陷区耕地土壤微生物数量及酶活性的空间特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过野外调查和采样分析,研究了焦作矿区韩王矿沉陷区不同沉陷部位和不同深度耕地的土壤微生物数量及酶活性特征。研究结果表明:与对照区比较,沉陷区耕地土壤微生物数量、酶活性赋存特征及微生物类群组成比例发生了明显变化。沉陷区表层(0~5 cm)、上层(5~10 cm)、中层(10~20 cm)土壤微生物总数、细菌数量均明显减少,而下层(20~40 cm)土壤微生物总数、细菌、真菌、放线菌数量均明显升高。沉陷区表层、上层土壤细菌数量所占微生物总数比例分别降低了20.64%和13.17%,而放线菌数量所占比例分别升高了20.69%和12.66%。沉陷区表层土壤脲酶、蔗糖酶、磷酸酶、脱氢酶、过氧化氢酶和多酚氧化酶活性分别降低了1.5%、17.5%、22.0%、35.3%、20.4%和5.4%。不同沉陷部位的土壤微生物数量及部分酶活性指标空间异质性显著(p0.05)。沉陷区土壤真菌、放线菌数量、蔗糖酶、磷酸酶、脱氢酶、过氧化氢酶、多酚氧化酶活性较对照区均具有不同的垂向分布特征。表明采煤引发的地表沉陷使耕地土壤微生物数量及酶活性在水平和垂直方向上均发生了显著变化,而这些变化是导致沉陷区耕地退化、生产力降低的重要原因。  相似文献   

以泡饮过的废弃茶叶为实验原料,通过不同热解温度(300、400、500和600℃)和热解时间(1 h和2 h)制备生物炭,探讨不同热解条件对茶叶渣生物炭(TSBC)的特性及其对镉(Cd)污染土壤钝化效果的影响。结果表明:热解温度的升高可明显增加TSBC的pH和比表面积,降低生物炭的产率、电导率和表面官能团的数量,使TSBC具有弱碱性、较大比表面积和较强的稳定性,对改良酸性土壤和吸附重金属存在一定潜力;而热解时间对其特性没有明显差异,与对照组相比,添加TSBC明显增加了Cd污染土壤的pH、有机碳(SOC)和可溶性有机碳(DOC)含量,但随着制备温度的升高,Cd污染土壤中SOC和DOC增加幅度逐渐降低。添加TSBC显著降低Cd污染土壤中可交换态镉的比例,当热解温度为500~600℃时降幅最显著,其下降比例与对照相比最高可达25.56%;残渣态镉比对照增加了0.88~1.18倍。因此,TSBC对镉污染土壤有较好的钝化效果,这为重金属污染土壤的修复和生活废弃物的资源化利用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

微生物法治理油污土壤具有成本低、效果好的特点 ,其原理是微生物利用油烃作为碳源合成自身物质 ,进行生长繁殖 ,从而使油烃的含量得到减少。而与此同时 ,微生物的数量也会发生相应的变化。目前油污土壤微生物的研究主要局限于对污染土壤中分离提纯的单一菌种的降解效能的研究。本文对土著油污土壤微生物在适宜条件下的数量和种类变化进行了实验分析 ,并对油烃的化学组成作了初步探讨。分离出 4株对石油具有耐受性和降解能力的微生物。结果表明 ,在 4株微生物数量都增加的时候 ,石油烃的降解速度最快。  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to assess the impact of pesticidal residues on soil microbial and biochemical parameters of the tea garden soils. The microbial biomass carbon (MBC), basal (BSR) and substrate induced respirations (SIR), β -glucosidase activity and fluorescein diacetate hydrolyzing activity (FDHA) of six tea garden soils, along with two adjacent forest soils (control) in West Bengal, India were measured. The biomass and its activities and biochemical parameters were generally lower in the tea garden soils than the control soils. The MBC of the soils ranged from 295.5 to 767.5 μ g g? 1. The BSR and SIR ranged from 1.65 to 3.08 μ g CO2-C g? 1 soil h? 1 and 3.08 to 10.76 μ g CO2-C g? 1h? 1 respectively. The β -glucosidase and FDHA of the soils varied from 33.3 and 76.3 μ g para-nitrophenol g? 1 soil h? 1 and 60.5 to 173.5 μ g fluorescein g? 1h? 1respectively. The tea garden soils contained variable residues of organophosphorus and organochlorine pesticides, which negatively affected the MBC, BSR, SIR, FDHA and β -glucosidase activity. Ethion and chlorpyriphos pesticide residues in all the tea garden soils varied from 5.00 to 527.8 ppb and 17.6 to 478.1 ppb respectively. The α endosulfan, β endosulfan and endosulfan sulfate pesticide residues in the tea garden soils ranged from 7.40 to 81.40 ppb, 8.50 to 256.1 ppb and 55 to 95.9 ppb respectively. Canonical correlation analysis shows that 93% of the total variation was associated with the negative impact of chlorpyriphos, β and α endosulfan and endosulfan sulfate on MBC, BSR and FDHA. At the same time ethion had negative impact on SIR and β -glucosidase. Data demonstrated that the pesticide residues had a strong impact on the microbial and biochemical components of soil quality.  相似文献   

李丁  王济  宣斌  张雪  蔡雄飞  赵士杰  张帅 《环境工程学报》2019,13(12):2934-2944
通过室内钝化培养实验比较了羊厩肥、石灰和磷酸盐对土壤外源Pb的钝化效果和钝化修复后Pb的粒径分布特征。结果表明:3种钝化剂均能显著降低土壤中DTPA-Pb的含量,且钝化效果与钝化剂添加量成正比;磷酸盐对外源Pb钝化效果最好,P10处理下土壤中DTPA-Pb的含量降幅达80.53%,羊厩肥钝化效果最差,GM1对DTPA-Pb含量的降幅为6.51%;羊厩肥与磷酸盐将弱酸提取态Pb和可还原态Pb转变为活性更低的可氧化态Pb和残渣态Pb,以降低其活性,石灰将可还原态Pb转化为可氧化态Pb,以降低其活性;3种钝化剂添加均会提升土壤Olsen-P的含量。土壤磷淋溶临界值模型显示,当土壤Olsen-P含量>124.25 mg·kg−1时,会发生磷素淋溶现象;Pb在土壤粗砂粒、细沙粒、粉粒和黏粒中的含量差别很大,但赋存形态无明显差异,钝化剂添加会影响外源Pb在各粒级颗粒中的富集及形态分布。相关性分析结果表明,钝化剂主要通过将细沙粒、粉粒和黏粒中的可还原态Pb转化为粉粒和黏粒中的可氧化态Pb来降低土壤Pb的毒害性。研究结果可为3种钝化剂在Pb污染土壤修复中的高效利用及修复后土壤的潜在生态风险管控提供参考。  相似文献   

以含氮12%左右的屠宰场废弃蹄角为原料,经过超细粉碎打破蹄角晶体结构和在极端环境下人工水解为游离巯基多肽将其作为肥料对植物的生长效应和对土壤中Cu2+的钝化效应进行研究。结果表明:在清洁土壤种植小白菜实验中,其单株最高生物量为水解多肽组合(17.81 g),比市售复混肥生物量(15.52 g)高2.29 g,且最高相对叶绿素为50.03,直接用蹄角粉处理小白菜也可达到单株生物量 17.72 g,这表明蹄角粉及其水解多肽对植物的生长具有明显的促进效应,是一种优质有机肥;钝化效应研究发现,在总铜含量为80、100、300 mg·kg-1的污染土壤中,蹄角粉及其水解多肽均有钝化效应,经过45 d的钝化处理,蹄角粉效果最佳,对3种污染土壤的有效铜含量降低率分别为50.20%、47.21%、42.30%,比水解多肽处理组分别高29.97%、11.70%、7.9%。钝化与种植结合实验表明,小白菜总铜含量符合GB 5009.13-2017标准限值要求。说明蹄角粉及其水解多肽既有肥料效应,又有钝化效应,可用于铜污染土壤的钝化修复。  相似文献   

富集培养氨氧化细菌(AOB)可为污水处理工艺提高氨氮氧化速率、促进亚硝酸盐积累提供物质基础。在(20±2) ℃下,采用底物流加-间歇运行方式进行氨氧化细菌富集培养,重点考察了游离氨(FA)、游离亚硝酸(FNA)、溶解氧(DO)等因素的影响,并对富集前后活性污泥样品中的AOB进行了定性定量分析。结果表明:第15天左右AOB增殖进入稳定生长期,比氨氮氧化速率由接种时的4.45 mg·(g·h)−1升高至57.22 mg·(g·h)−1;通过pH、底物流加速率和实际反应速率关系的联合控制,可以实现整个反应过程中FA和FNA在预期范围内波动;即使在极低的DO条件下,高纯度的AOB也可进行氨氮氧化。高通量测序结果表明,体系内Nitrosomonas属的AOB大幅度增长,可由0.23%上升至54.18%,亚硝酸盐氧化细菌(NOB)的生长得到了有效抑制,培养结束时仅为0.12%。荧光定量PCR对AOB功能基因amoA的绝对含量结果表明,富集前后平均拷贝数由2.67×105 copies·g−1升至最大,可达9.67×109 copies·g−1,AOB成为活性污泥中的优势菌。本研究结果可为常温条件下快速富集AOB提供参考。  相似文献   

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