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ABSTRACT. Flooding along the Mississippi River and some of its tributaries was detected by the multispectral scanner (MSS) on the Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS-1) on at least three orbits during the spring of 1973. The ERTS data provided the first opportunity for mapping the regional extent of flooding at the time of the imagery. Special optical data processing techniques were used to produce a variety of multispectral color composites enhancing flood-plain details. One of these, a 2-color composite of near infrared bands 6 and 7, was enlarged and registered to 1:250,000-scale topographic maps and used as the basis for preparation of flood image maps. Two specially filtered 3-color composites of MSS bands 5, 6, and 7 and 4, 5, and 7 were prepared to aid in the interpretation of the data. The extent of the flooding was vividly depicted on a single image by 2-color temporal composites produced on the additive-color viewer using band 7 flood data superimposed on pre-flood band 7 images. On May 24, when the floodwaters at St. Louis receded to bankfull stage, imagery was again obtained by ERTS. Analysis of temporal data composites of the pre-flood and post-flood band 7 images indicate that changes in surface reflectance characteristics caused by the flooding can be delineated, thus making it possible to map the overall area flooded without the necessity of a real-time system to track and image the peak flood waves. Regional planning and disaster relief agencies such as the Corps of Engineers, Office of Emergency Preparedness, Soil Conservation Service, interstate river basin commissions and state agencies, as well as private lending and insurance institutions, have indicated strong potential applications for ERTS image-maps of flood-prone areas.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: ERTS-1 satellite imagery has been evaluated as a means of providing useful watershed physiography information. From these data physiographic parameters such as drainage basin area and shape, drainage density, stream length and sinuosity, and the percentage of a watershed occupied by major land use types were obtained in three study areas. The study areas were: (1) Southwestern Wisconsin; (2) Eastern Colorado; and (3) portions of the Middle Atlantic States Using ERTS-1 imagery at 1:250,000 and 1:100,000 scales it was found that drainage basin area and shape and stream sinuosity were comparable (within 10%) in all study areas to physiographic measurements derived from conventional topographic maps at the same scales Land use information can be usefully extracted for watersheds as small as 30 mi2(78 km2) in area. Improved drainage network and density information is obtained from ERTS-1 imagery in dissected areas such as Southwestern Wisconsin, but in heavily vegetated areas (Middle Atlantic States) or areas with little physical relief (Eastern Colorado) low order streams are difficult to detect and the derived drainage densities are significantly smaller than those obtained from standard maps. It is concluded that ERTS-1 imagery can be employed to advantage in mean annual runoff prediction techniques and in providing or maintaining land use information used in the calibration and operation of watershed models.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The project described in this report was undertaken by the Louisiana State Planning Office to establish the extent of backwater flooding in Louisiana in April 1975. Band 7 Landsat imagery, enlarged to a scale of 1:250,000 was used to visually identify flooded areas. Inundated areas were delineated on overlays keyed to 1:250,000 U.S. Geological Survey topographic quadrangles. Tabular data identifying acres flooded, according to land use type, were derived by merging the flood map overlays with computerized 1972 land use data. Approximately 1.12 million acres of the state were inundated by flood waters. The total acreage and land use types affected by flooding were determined within 72 hours from the time the flood areas were imaged. Flooded maps were prepared for 26 parishes. Field observations were made by Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service county agents in order to determine the accuracy of parish flood maps and flood acreage figures by land use type. Results indicated that this was a fast, accurate, and relatively inexpensive method of compiling flood data for disaster planning and postflood analysis.  相似文献   

A study of the piedmont of the Newberry Mountains near Laughlin, Nevada, demonstrates that geologic information can improve the scientific basis of flood‐hazard management on alluvial fans in desert areas. Comparison of geologic information against flood insurance rate maps (FIRMs) reveals flaws in conventional methods for flood hazard delineation in this setting. Geologic evidence indicates that large parts of the Newberry piedmont have been isolated from significant flooding for at least the past 10,000 years. This contrasts with existing FIRMs that include large tracts of nonflood prone land in the 100‐year and 500‐year flood hazard zones and exclude areas of indisputably flood prone land from the regulatory flood plain. From the basis of the geology, flood hazards on at least one‐third of the piedmont are mischaracterized on the regulatory maps. The formal incorporation of geologic data into flood hazard studies on desert piedmonts could significantly reduce this type of discrepancy and substantially reduce the scope, hence cost, of more elaborate engineering studies and hazard mitigation strategies. The results of this study affirm the value of new Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recommendations for characterizing alluvial fan flood hazards and support an argument for mandating geological studies in the regulatory process.  相似文献   

Flood inundation maps play a key role in assessment and mitigation of potential flood hazards. However, owing to high costs associated with the conventional flood mapping methods, many communities in the United States lack flood inundation maps. The objective of this study is to develop and examine an economical alternative approach to floodplain mapping using widely available soil survey geographic (SSURGO) database. In this study, floodplain maps are developed for the entire state of Indiana, and some counties in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Washington states by identifying flood‐prone soil map units based on their attributes. For validation, the flood extents obtained from SSURGO database are compared with the extents from other floodplain maps such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency issued flood insurance rate maps (FIRMs), flood extents observed during past floods, and flood maps derived using digital elevation models. In general, SSURGO‐based floodplain maps (SFMs) are largely in agreement with other flood inundation maps. Specifically, the floodplain extents from SFMs cover 78‐95% area compared to FIRMs and observed flood extents. Thus, albeit with a slight loss in accuracy, the SSURGO approach offers an economical and fast alternative for floodplain mapping. In particular, it has potentially high utility in areas where no detailed flood studies have been conducted.  相似文献   

National Water Model (NWM) simulates the hydrologic cycle and produces streamflow forecasts for 2.7 million reaches in the National Hydrography Dataset for continental United States (U.S.). NWM uses Muskingum–Cunge channel routing, which is based on the continuity equation. However, the momentum equation also needs to be considered to obtain more accurate estimates of streamflow and stage in rivers, especially for applications such as flood‐inundation mapping. Here, we used a steady‐state backwater version of Simulation Program for River NeTworks (SPRNT) model. We evaluated SPRNT’s and NWM’s abilities to predict inundated area for the record flood of Hurricane Matthew in October 2016. The Neuse River experienced record‐breaking floods and was well‐documented by U.S. Geological Survey. Streamflow simulations from NWM retrospective analysis were used as input for the SPRNT simulation. Retrospective NWM discharge predictions were converted to stage. The stages (from both SPRNT and NWM) were utilized to produce flood‐inundation maps using the Height Above Nearest Drainage method which uses the local relative heights to find out the local draining potentials and provide spatial representation of inundated area. The inundated‐area accuracies for NWM and SPRNT (based on comparison to a remotely sensed dataset) were 65.1% and 67.6%, respectively. These results show using steady‐state SPRNT results in a modest improvement of inundation‐forecast accuracy compared to NWM.  相似文献   

This article couples two existing models to quickly generate flow and flood‐inundation estimates at high resolutions over large spatial extents for use in emergency response situations. Input data are gridded runoff values from a climate model, which are used by the Routing Application for Parallel computatIon of Discharge (RAPID) model to simulate flow rates within a vector river network. Peak flows in each river reach are then supplied to the AutoRoute model, which produces raster flood inundation maps. The coupled tool (AutoRAPID) is tested for the June 2008 floods in the Midwest and the April‐June 2011 floods in the Mississippi Delta. RAPID was implemented from 2005 to 2014 for the entire Mississippi River Basin (1.2 million river reaches) in approximately 45 min. Discretizing a 230,000‐km2 area in the Midwest and a 109,500‐km2 area in the Mississippi Delta into thirty‐nine 1° by 1° tiles, AutoRoute simulated a high‐resolution (~10 m) flood inundation map in 20 min for each tile. The hydrographs simulated by RAPID are found to perform better in reaches without influences from unrepresented dams and without backwater effects. Flood inundation maps using the RAPID peak flows vary in accuracy with F‐statistic values between 38.1 and 90.9%. Better performance is observed in regions with more accurate peak flows from RAPID and moderate to high topographic relief.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A generalized skew map for Louisiana streams was developed using data from Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Texas with 20 or more years of annual flood records. A comparison between the newly developed Louisiana Generalized Skew Map (LGSM) and the generalized skew map recommended by the U.S. Water Resources Council (WRCGSM) was performed. The mean square error for the LGSM was 16 percent less than that of WRCGSM in direct application of the two maps. Performance of the new map was compared with the WRCGSM and with a regional analysis procedure through its application to the Log Pearson Type 3 (LP3) distribution. Two-thirds of the stations tested had lower standardized root mean square deviations (SRMSD) by a narrow margin using the skew coefficients obtained from LGSM instead of WRCGSM. The regional analysis also performed as well as the LGSM in terms of SRMSD. Thus, it was concluded that both LGSM and the regional analysis provide a more reliable tool for flood frequency analysis for Louisiana streams with short annual flood records.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper presents a new methodology to calculate economic losses from hypothetical, extreme flood events, such as the Probable Maximum Flood. The methodology uses economic data compiled from already-available secondary sources, such as U.S. Census data on magnetic tapes, utilizing microcomputer and other electronic media. Estimates of land elevations are obtained from topographic maps, and flood elevations axe estimated using, for example, a dam breach and flood routing (DAMBRK) model (Fread, 1984). The calculations are performed at a disaggregate spatial scale, by various land use and industrial classification categories. The basic areal units are city blocks (for urbanized areas), enumeration districts, and Census tracts. Depth-damage functions, which provide an estimate of damages as a proportion of the existing value of the structure, are estimated statistically. Computer software (called DAMAGE) is used to combine the economic, flood elevation, and depth-damage information to compute economic losses for different possible flood stages and for different inflow events. Two case studies are presented as illustrations of the method.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper considers the distribution of flood flows in the Upper Mississippi, Lower Missouri, and Illinois Rivers and their relationship to climatic indices. Global climate patterns including El Niño/Southern Oscillation, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, and the North Atlantic Oscillation explained very little of the variations in flow peaks. However, large and statistically significant upward trends were found in many gauge records along the Upper Mississippi and Missouri Rivers: at Hermann on the Missouri River above the confluence with the Mississippi (p = 2 percent), at Hannibal on the Mississippi River (p < 0.1 percent), at Meredosia on the Illinois River (p = 0.7 percent), and at St. Louis on the Mississippi below the confluence of all three rivers (p = 1 percent). This challenges the traditional assumption that flood series are independent and identically distributed random variables and suggests that flood risk changes over time.  相似文献   

This article presents the methods and results of visual interpretation of NOAA AVHRR imagery for mapping flood areas in Bangladesh. Color composites of channels 1 and 2 for 18 August 1987 and 10, 15, and 24 September 1988 were interpreted visually for delineating flood boundaries. On such imagery flood areas appear in dark tones and are separated from land (light tones) owing to the absorption of near infrared by water and its reflectance by land and non-waterbodies. Visual interpretation was aided by the use of ground information, such as physiographic and river maps, previous flood maps, newspaper reports, and other published and unpublished documents on the 1987 and 1988 floods. Interpreted flood areas on selected images ranged from 31% to 43% of the total area of Bangladesh. Visual interpretation overestimated flood areas by 5%–10%, compared to the digitally analyzed data. The main advantage of visual analysis lies in the cost effectiveness of AVHRR photographic products, which make them more accessible than the digital image analysis of computer-compatible tapes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Much of the Obion River in western Tennessee was channelized into the 1960s. Stage data from three stream-flow gaging stations on the Obion were used to determine how channelization affected flood frequency and annual maximum stage. Channelization affected the upper and lower Obion River differently. Flooding has become infrequent on the upper Obion River since channelization, even during the winter and spring which is the wettest time of year. In contrast, except for the winter months, there has been little effect on flood frequency on the lower Obion River where stage is highly dependent on the Mississippi River. The Mississippi River often backs up and floods the Obion River more than 50 km above its mouth and may contribute to flooding at an even greater distance upstream by reducing the water-surface gradient and slowing discharge. Channelization on the upper section of the river and many of the small tributaries has increased flow efficiency, but has also caused channel erosion and downstream deposition, reducing the cross-sectional channel area and possibly contributing to downstream flooding. Maximum annual stages at the upper and lower Obion River changed little. Therefore, the maximum surface area, submerged at least once each year, has been unaffected by channelization.  相似文献   

Laforce, Serge, Marie‐Claude Simard, Robert Leconte, and François Brissette, 2011. Climate Change and Floodplain Delineation in Two Southern Quebec River Basins. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 47(4):785‐799. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2011.00560.x Abstract: A methodology is presented for mapping the flooded extent of rivers under projected climate change. The methodology follows a top‐down modeling approach, where future climate projections generated by global climate models (GCMs) are downscaled to the watershed scale and used as input to hydrological and hydrodynamic models for predicting future river flows and associated open water levels. A range of possible future climate responses are taken into account, allowing quantification of flood‐mapping uncertainties resulting from GCM structure and greenhouse gas emission scenarios (GHGES). Probabilistic projections of future flood zones are developed by assuming that all GCMs and GHGES be equally weighted. The proposed methodology was applied to two river basins located in southern Quebec, Canada, for the time horizons 2020 and 2080. Twenty‐ and hundred‐year floods were computed and corresponding flood maps have been produced. Results indicate that there is a general trend toward an increased spring peak discharge for the Châteauguay River Basin and a decrease for the du Nord River Basin at the 2020 horizon. A less obvious trend was observed for the 2080 horizon, some GCM‐GHGES producing an increase in spring peak flows, whereas others would result in a less severe spring flood. These uncertainties in flood flows have cascaded into uncertainties in the corresponding flooded extent and represented as probabilistic flood maps.  相似文献   

The increase in damage due to natural disasters is directly related to the number of people who live and work in hazardous areas and continuously accumulate assets. Therefore, land use planning authorities have to manage effectively the establishment and development of settlements in flood-prone areas in order to avoid the further increase of vulnerable assets. Germany faced major destruction during the flood in August 2002 in the Elbe and Danube catchments, and many changes have been suggested in the existing German water and planning regulations. This article presents some findings of a “Lessons Learned” study that was carried out in the aftermath of the flood and discusses the following topics: 1) the establishment of comprehensive hazard maps and flood protection concepts, 2) the harmonization of regulations of flood protection at the federal level, 3) the communication of the flood hazard and awareness strategies, and 4) how damage potential can be minimized through measures of area precaution such as resettlement and risk-adapted land use. Although attempts towards a coordinated and harmonized creation of flood hazard maps and concepts have been made, there is still no uniform strategy at all planning levels and for all states (Lae nder) of the Federal Republic of Germany. The development and communication of possible mitigation strategies for “unthinkable extreme events” beyond the common safety level of a 100-year flood are needed. In order to establish a sustainable and integrated flood risk management, interdisciplinary and catchment-based approaches are needed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper describes the verification of the QUAL-1 mass transport model for the lower Mississippi River between St. Francisville and Point a la Hache using dye studies conducted by the U. S. Geological Survey. QUAL-1 is a one-dimensional steady-state model for rivers and is capable of predicting longitudinal profiles of soluble materials entering rivers from point sources. Both conservative and nonconservative parameters of water quality can be considered. The major problems surmounted were the determination of a diffusion coefficient and the use of transient data to verify a steady state model.  相似文献   

Abstract: The U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) flood maps depict the 100‐year recurrence interval floodplain boundary as a single line. However, because of natural variability and model uncertainty, no floodplain extents can be accurately defined by a single line. This article presents a new approach to floodplain mapping that takes advantage of accepted methodologies in hydrologic and hydraulic analysis while including the effects of uncertainty. In this approach, the extents of computed floodplain boundaries are defined as a continuous map of flood probabilities, rather than as a single line. Engineers and planners can use these flood probability maps for viewing the uncertainty of a floodplain boundary at any recurrence interval. Such a flood probability map is a useful tool for visualizing the uncertainty of a floodplain boundary and represents greater honesty in engineering technologies that are used for flood mapping. While institutional barriers may prevent adoption of such definitions for use in graduated flood insurance rates (as most other insurance industries use to account for relative risks), the methods open the door technically to such a reality.  相似文献   

Hydrologic modeling can be used to provide warnings before, and to support operations during and after floods. Recent technological advances have increased our ability to create hydrologic models over large areas. In the United States (U.S.), a new National Water Model (NWM) that generates hydrologic variables at a national scale was released in August 2016. This model represents a substantial step forward in our ability to predict hydrologic events in a consistent fashion across the entire U.S. Nevertheless, for these hydrologic results to be effectively communicated, they need to be put in context and be presented in a way that is straightforward and facilitates management‐related decisions. The large amounts of data produced by the NWM present one of the major challenges to fulfill this goal. We created a cyberinfrastructure to store NWM results, “accessibility” web applications to retrieve NWM results, and a REST API to access NWM results programmatically. To demonstrate the utility of this cyberinfrastructure, we created additional web apps that illustrate how to use our REST API and communicate hydrologic forecasts with the aid of dynamic flood maps. This work offers a starting point for the development of a more comprehensive toolset to validate the NWM while also improving the ability to access and visualize NWM forecasts, and develop additional national‐scale‐derived products such as flood maps.  相似文献   

Real‐time flood inundation mapping is vital for emergency response to help protect life and property. Inundation mapping transforms rainfall forecasts into meaningful spatial information that can be utilized before, during, and after disasters. While inundation mapping has traditionally been conducted on a local scale, automated algorithms using topography data can be utilized to efficiently produce flood maps across the continental scale. The Height Above the Nearest Drainage method can be used in conjunction with synthetic rating curves (SRCs) to produce inundation maps, but the performance of these inundation maps needs to be assessed. Here we assess the accuracy of the SRCs and calculate statistics for comparing the SRCs to rating curves obtained from hydrodynamic models calibrated against observed stage heights. We find SRCs are accurate enough for large‐scale approximate inundation mapping while not as accurate when assessing individual reaches or cross sections. We investigate the effect of terrain and channel characteristics and observe reach length and slope predict divergence between the two types of rating curves, and SRCs perform poorly for short reaches with extreme slope values. We propose an approach to recalculate the slope in Manning’s equation as the weighted average over a minimum distance and assess accuracy for a range of moving window lengths.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Effects of the 1993 flood on river water and sediment quality were investigated using historical data and data collected from the Illinois River and Upper Mississippi River in a post‐flood period. Overall the post‐flood results showed systematic reductions and individual changes in the water and sediment constituents. The reductions in sediment metals and nutrients were most obvious at the Keokuk and Lock and Dam 26 stations. By analyzing and comparing the physical changes to the changes in water and sediment constituents at each station, it was found that physical processes such as sediment entrainment and, more importantly, the removal of fine sediment to be the main causes for the reduced concentrations in sediment constituents. On the other hand, sediment redistribution and associated secondary contamination could have caused the emergence of several water and sediment constituents that were undetected before the flood.  相似文献   

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