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Peppers, a significant component of the human diet in many regions of the world, provide vitamins A (β-carotene) and C, and are also a source of many other antioxidants such as capsaicin, dihydrocapsaicin, and phenols. Enhancing the concentration of antioxidants in plants grown in soil amended with recycled waste has not been completely investigated. Changes in pepper antioxidant content in relation to soil amendments and fruit development were investigated. The main objectives of this investigation were to: (i) quantify concentrations of capsaicin, dihydrocapsaicin, β-carotene, ascorbic acid, phenols, and soluble sugars in the fruits of Capsicum annuum L. (cv. Xcatic) grown under four soil management practices: yard waste (YW), sewage sludge (SS), chicken manure (CM), and no-much (NM) bare soil and (ii) monitor antioxidant concentrations in fruits of plants grown under these practices and during fruit ripening from green into red mature fruits. Total marketable pepper yield was increased by 34% and 15% in SS and CM treatments, respectively, compared to NM bare soil; whereas, the number of culls (fruits that fail to meet the requirements of foregoing grades) was lower in YW compared to SS and CM treatments. Regardless of fruit color, pepper fruits from YW amended soil contained the greatest concentrations of capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin. When different colored pepper fruits (green, yellow, orange, and red) were analyzed, orange and red contained the greatest β-carotene and sugar contents; whereas, green fruits contained the greatest concentrations of total phenols and ascorbic acid.  相似文献   

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) pepper (Capsicum spp.) germplasm collection contains several thousand members or accessions. Many of these species and cultivars have not been analyzed for their concentrations of ascorbic acid, capsaicin, and total phenolic compounds, which are important antioxidants having a number of benefits for human health. The objective of this investigation was to select candidate accessions of hot pepper having high concentrations of ascorbic acid, capsaicin, free sugars, and total phenols for use as parents in breeding for these compounds. Seventeen accessions of pepper from the core Capsicum germplasm collection (four accessions of Capsicum chinense; five accessions of C. baccatum; six accessions of C. annuum; and two of C. frutescens) were field grown and their mature fruits were analyzed for their antioxidant composition. Concentrations of these compounds tended to be higher in C. chinense and C. baccatum, than in C. annuum and C. frutescens. Across all accessions the concentration of total phenols was correlated with ascorbic acid (r = 0.97) and free sugars (r = 0.80). Concentrations of total phenols (1.4, 1.3, and 1.3 mg g?1 fruit) and ascorbic acid (1.6, 1.2, and 1.3 mg g?1 fruit) were significantly greater in PI-633757, PI-387833, and PI-633754, respectively, compared to other accessions analyzed. Total capsaicinoids concentrations were greatest (1.3 mg g?1 fruit) in PI-438622 and lowest (0.002 mg g?1 fruit) in Grif-9320. The great variability within and among Capsicum species for these phytochemicals suggests that these selected accessions may be useful as parents in hybridization programs to produce fruits with value-added traits.  相似文献   

Composting and land application of municipal sewage sludge (SS) and yard waste (YW) compost are increasingly popular ways for using organic waste as a source of organic matter, while decreasing the amount of waste being diverted into landfills. Researchers have largely ignored the effect of SS and SS mixed with YW (SS+YW) compost on the antioxidant contents of vegetables grown under this practice. Accordingly, the main objective of this investigation was to monitor the impact of SS and SS+YW on the nutritional composition of pepper and melon fruits at harvest. Total phenols and ascorbic acid contents of pepper and melons (determined by the Folin-Ciocalteau and the dichlorophenol–indophenol methods, respectively) were greater in pepper than melon fruits. Soil amended with SS or SS+YW significantly elevated the concentrations of ascorbic acid and total phenols in melon fruits compared to no-mulch native soil. The application of SS did not modify the concentration of β-carotene in melon fruits at three harvests. Regardless of soil treatments, ascorbic acid and total phenols concentrations were greater in melon fruits collected at the first harvest compared to harvest three. Pepper fruits collected at harvest three contained the greatest concentrations of ascorbic acid and total phenols; whereas, pepper fruits collected at the second harvest contained the greatest concentrations of soluble sugars.  相似文献   

Organic matter and nutrients in municipal sewage sludge (SS) and chicken manure (CM) could be recycled and used for land farming to enhance fertility and physical properties of soils. Three soil management practices were used at Kentucky State University Research Farm, Franklin County, to study the impact of soil amendments on kale (Brassica oleracea cv. Winterbar) and collard (Brassica oleracea cv. Top Bunch) yields and quality. The three soil management practices were: (i) SS mixed with native soil at 15 t acre?1, (ii) CM mixed with native soil at 15 t acre?1, and (iii) no-mulch (NM) native soil for comparison purposes. At harvest, collard and kale green plants were graded according to USDA standards. Plants grown in CM and SS amended soil produced the greatest number of U.S. No. 1 grade of collard and kale greens compared to NM native soil. Across all treatments, concentrations of ascorbic acid and phenols were generally greater in kale than in collards. Overall, CM and SS enhanced total phenols and ascorbic acid contents of kale and collard compared to NM native soil. We investigated the chemical and physical properties of each of the three soil treatments that might explain variability among treatments and the impact of soil amendments on yield, phenols, and ascorbic acid contents of kale and collard green grown under this practice.  相似文献   


Wild tomato leaves possess a pest-resistance mechanism in their glandular trichomes and the exudates they produce. Type IV and VI glandular trichomes on the leaves of five wild tomato accessions of Lycopersicum hirsutum f. glabratum (PI 126449, PI 134417, PI 134418, PI 251304, and LA 407) grown under greenhouse conditions were counted. Major chemical compounds from glandular leaf trichomes of the accessions tested were extracted, purified, and quantified at different periods during the growing seasons by gas chromatography (GC) and mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The toxicity of two methylketones (2-undecanone and 2-tridecanone), the major constituents of the accessions tested, to adults of the sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) and fourth instar larvae of the Colorado potato beetle (CPB), Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), was determined using no-choice bioassays. 2-undecanone caused 80% mortality of the fourth instar larvae of the CPB at the highest concentration tested (100 mg 2-undecanone mL? 1 of acetone) while 2-tridecanone caused 72% mortality of whiteflies at 20 mg 2-tridecanone mL? 1 of 65% ethanol. The concentration of 2-undecanone and 2-tridecanone on the leaves of each of the five accessions of L. hirsutum f. glabratum and the mass spectra of 2-undecanone and 2-tridecanone are presented. Overall, the concentration of 2-undecanone on the leaves was significantly higher than 2-tridecanone. Concentration of the two methylketones varied among accessions and sampling season. Plants produced the highest concentration of 2-undecanone during the month of August. On average, each plant of accession PI 251304 provided 354 g fresh leaves (averaging about 52,353 cm2 exposed leaf surface area) and produced 32.5 and 8.7 mg of 2-undecanone and 2-tridecanone, respectively. L. hirsutum f. glabratum accessions may become a valuable source of natural products, which could minimize reliance on synthetic pesticides.  相似文献   

卢建  黄天寅  徐劼  房聪  陈家斌 《环境工程学报》2018,12(10):2758-2767
通过添加抗坏血酸(AA)能够缓解铁离子形成沉淀和加速(Fe3+转化为Fe2+,催化CP产生活性氧物质(ROSs),对CFX降解起到促进作用。研究了Fe3+/AA/CP体系降解CFX的Fe3+浓度、AA浓度、CP浓度、初始pH等主要影响因素。结果表明:在Fe3+浓度0.60?mmol·L-1、AA浓度0.15?mmol·L-1、CP浓度0.144?g·L-1、CFX的初始浓度0.15?mmol·L-1和初始pH=3.00的室温条件下,20 min内CFX的降解率可达到100%。随着初始pH升高,CFX的降解率随之降低。反应过程中降解CFX的活性物质为羟基自由基(HO·)和超氧自由基(O2-·),其中HO·对CFX降解起到主导作用。水中阴离子的影响表明,SO42-、Cl-对CFX的降解影响较小;但HCO3-对CFX的降解有明显的抑制作用。在处理成分较复杂的实际养殖废水实验中,发现只有提高药剂量才能达到有效降解实际废水中头孢氨苄的目的。  相似文献   

采用邻苯二甲醛作为柱前衍生化试剂,结合反相高效液相色谱,对污水中溶解游离氨基酸(dissolvedfreeami.nOacid,DFAA)进行定性和定量分析,探讨了污水样品有无前处理对DFAA分析的影响,并采用气相酸水解方法对污水中总溶解氨基酸(dissolvedtotalaminoacid,DTAA)进行了分析。结果表明,污水经过pH调节和N,流清洗后,可以明显去除氨和挥发性胺的干扰,色谱峰更加清晰;前处理后的水样经RP—HPLC分析,能够快速检测出14种氨基酸,各氨基酸在一定线性范围内呈现良好的线性关系,相应的线性相关系数(R^2)均大于0.99,加标回收率为92%~102%。污水处理厂进水和出水中氨基酸主要以溶解结合氨基酸(dissolvedcombinedaminoacid,DCAA)为主,与进水相比,出水中DFAA含量减少了0.22μmol/L,DTAA由5.68μmol/L降至3.08μmol/L。  相似文献   

Anhydrosugars, such as levoglucosan and its isomers (mannosan, galactosan), as well as the solvent-extractable lignin phenols (methoxylated phenols) are thermal degradation products of cellulose/hemicellulose and lignin, respectively. These two groups of biomarkers are often used as unique tracers of combusted biomass inputs in diverse environmental media. However, detailed characterization of the relative proportion and signatures of these compounds in highly heterogeneous plant-derived chars are still scarce. Here we conducted a systematic study to investigate the yields of solvent-extractable anhydrosugars and lignin phenols in 25 lab-made chars produced from different plant materials under different combustion conditions. Solvent-extractable anhydrosugars and lignin phenols were only observed in chars formed below 350 °C and yields were variable across different combustion temperatures. The yields of mannosan (M) and galactosan (G) decreased more rapidly than those of levoglucosan (L) under increasing combustion severity (temperature and duration), resulting in variable L/M and L/(M + G) ratios, two diagnostic ratios often used for identification of combustion sources (e.g. hardwoods vs. softwoods vs. grasses). Our observations thus may provide an explanation for the wide ranges of values reported in the literature for these two ratios. On the other hand, the results of this study suggest that the ratios of the major solvent-extractable lignin phenols (vanillyls (V), syringyls (S), cinnamyls (C)) provide additional source reconstruction potential despite observed variations with combustion temperature. We thus propose using a property-property plot (L/M vs. S/V) as an improved means for source characterization of biomass combustion residues. The L/M-S/V plot has shown to be effective in environmental samples (soil organic matter, atmospheric aerosols) receiving substantial inputs of biomass combustion residues.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - We examine the impact of energy consumption and tourism growth on the ecological footprints and economic growth of 38 International Energy Agency...  相似文献   

为保持集雨窖水水质,提高饮用水安全性,采用向窖水中投加三氯异氰尿酸(trichloroisocyanuric acid,TCCA)的消毒方法,检测主体水的余氯衰减规律和微生物的变化情况,重点研究了消毒剂投加量、温度及pH等因素的影响。实验结果表明:余氯衰减过程符合一级动力学模型;随初始氯投加量的增大,水中余氯衰减量增大,余氯衰减系数减小且与初始投加量的倒数成线性正相关;随水中有机物等反应物浓度的降低,余氯衰减量减少,余氯衰减系数减小;随温度的升高,余氯衰减量增大,衰减系数增大;随pH的增大,余氯衰减量减少,衰减系数减小;水中菌落总数的灭活率随消毒剂投加量的增加而增大。当消毒剂浓度为1.5~2.5 mg·L−1时,在60 min内可完成对菌落总数99.0%的灭活;当消毒剂浓度大于2.5 mg·L−1时,在30 min内可完成对菌落总数99.9%的灭活。在pH为6~9时,pH越小,消毒效果越好;在10~30 ℃时,温度越高,消毒效果越好;水中氨氮存在时,氯胺的生成会减弱短期消毒效果。与传统氯制消毒剂相比,TCCA在窖水消毒方面有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

The objective was to describe and model variation patterns in individual fish responses to contaminants among estuaries, season and gender. Two hundred twenty-seven adult European flounders were collected in two seasons (winter and summer) in four estuaries along the Bay of Biscay (South West France), focusing on a pristine system (the Ster), vs. three estuaries displaying contrasted levels of contaminants (the Vilaine, Loire and Gironde). Twenty-three variables were measured by fish, considering the load of contaminants (liver metals, liver and muscle persistent organic pollutants, muscle polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons); the gene expression (Cyt C oxydase, ATPase, BHMT, Cyt P450 1A1, ferritin); the blood genotoxicity (Comet test); and liver histology (foci of cellular alteration–tumour, steatosis, inflammation, abnormal glycogen storage). Canonical redundancy analysis (RDA) was used to model these variables using gender, season and estuary of origin as explanatory variables. The results underlined the homogeneity of fish responses within the pristine site (Ster) and more important seasonal variability within the three contaminated systems. The complete model RDA was significant and explained 35 % of total variance. Estuary and season respectively explained 30 and 5 % of the total independent variation components, whilst gender was not a significant factor. The first axis of the RDA explains nearly 27 % of the total variance and mostly represents a gradient of contamination. The links between the load of contaminants, the expression of several genes and the biomarkers were analysed considering different levels of chemical stress and a possible multi-stress, particularly in the Vilaine estuary.  相似文献   

Michael S. Poustie  Ana Deletic 《Ambio》2014,43(8):1093-1111
Developing countries struggle to provide adequate urban water services, failing to match infrastructure with urban expansion. Despite requiring an improved understanding of alternative infrastructure performance when considering future investments, integrated modeling of urban water systems is infrequent in developing contexts. This paper presents an integrated modeling methodology that can assist strategic planning processes, using Port Vila, Vanuatu, as a case study. 49 future model scenarios designed for the year 2050, developed through extensive stakeholder participation, were modeled with UVQ (Urban Volume and Quality). The results were contrasted with a 2015 model based on current infrastructure, climate, and water demand patterns. Analysis demonstrated that alternative water servicing approaches can reduce Port Vila’s water demand by 35 %, stormwater generation by 38 %, and nutrient release by 80 % in comparison to providing no infrastructural development. This paper demonstrates that traditional centralized infrastructure will not solve the wastewater and stormwater challenges facing rapidly growing urban cities in developing countries.  相似文献   

Food security is a global concern affecting even highly developed countries. Ongoing globalisation of food systems, characterised by trading interdependencies, means that agricultural production can be disrupted by climate change, affecting food availability. This study investigated Sweden’s food security by identifying major food import categories and associated trade partners (using the World Integrated Trade System database) and vulnerability to frictions in trade deriving from climate change. Vulnerability was assessed through three indicators: exposure based on diversity of sources, dominance and direct trade from supplying countries; sensitivity, assessed using the Climate Risk Index, and adaptive capacity, assessed using the Fragile State Index. The results revealed that Sweden’s grain imports may be most vulnerable, and animal products least vulnerable, to climate change. Management strategies based on this preliminary assessment can be developed by integrating climate vulnerability deriving from food trading into the ‘Gravity’ model, to improve prediction of trade flows.Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13280-021-01623-w.  相似文献   

Variations in concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and microbial community indicators were investigated in representative highly contaminated and less contaminated surface sediment sites of Hamilton Harbour. Inputs of PAH to the upper 3cm of sediments up to four times the average upper sediment concentrations were observed. Associated PAH fingerprint profiles indicated that the source was consistent with the PAH source to the industrial region of the harbour. Increased PAH loadings were associated with decreased bacterial populations as indicated by phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) concentrations. However, relatively minor impacts on overall community composition were indicated. Porewater methane concentrations and isotopic data indicated a difference in the occurrence of methane oxidation between the two sites. This study confirms temporally limited transport of contaminants from highly impacted regions as a vector for contaminants within the harbour and the impact on microbial carbon cycling and bed stability.  相似文献   

Release of domestic sewage leads to accumulation of xenoestrogens in holding waters, especially in closed or semi-enclosed waters such as lakes. In the study, the occurrence, distribution, estrogenic activity and risk of eight xenoestreogens were evaluated in Lake Donghu, China. Nonylphenol (NP), octylphenol (OP), and bisphenol A (BPA) were identified as the main xenoestrogens ranging from tens of ng L−1 (in the surface water) or ng g−1 dw (in the suspended particles and sediment) to tens of μg L−1 or μg g−1 dw. The sum of 17β-estradiol equivalents (∑EEQs) ranged from 0.32 to 45.02 ng L−1 in the surface water, 0.53 to 71.86 ng g−1 dw in the suspended particles, and 0.09 to 24.73 ng g−1 dw in the sediment. Diethylstilbestrol (DES) was determined as the main contributor to ∑EEQs followed by NP. The risk assessment showed a higher risk in the surface water than in the suspended particles and sediment in such domestic sewage-holding lake.  相似文献   

This work analyzes the influence of environmental and physiological parameters on PAHs accumulation in cultured mussels. Lipid content and reproductive stage are directly related with PAHs accumulation pattern. We observed a rapid accumulation and depuration of PAHs, mainly during periods of nutrients accumulation, spawns and gonadic restorations. Correlations between PAHs accumulation and physiological status indicate when mussels are more susceptible to adverse effects of these pollutants. A positive correlation between mutagenic congener’s accumulation and occurrence of gonadic neoplastic disorders is shown for the first time in mussels. Molecular indices were used to identify the origin of hydrocarbons accumulated by Mytilus, showing a chronic pyrolytic pollution and pollutant episodes by petrogenic sources and biomass combustion in the studied area. Multivariate analysis suggests the possibility of including physiological parameters of sentinel organisms in environmental biomonitoring programs, mainly in aquaculture areas, taking into account their two aspects: farms productivity and human food safety.  相似文献   

With an Xe arc lamp house as simulated sunlight, the influences of fulvic acid (FA) concentration and origins on photodegradation of acenaphthene, fluorine, phenanthrene, fluoranthene and pyrene in aqueous solution have been studied. Similar effects of FAs, collected from five places around China, on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) photodegradation have been observed. Active oxygen was of significance in PAH photodegradation with the presence of FAs. For systems with 1.25 mg L−1 FAs, the contributions of OH to PAH photodegradation rates were from 33% to 69%. FAs had two opposite effects, i.e., stimulating the generation of active oxygen and advancing PAH photodegradation; competing with PAHs for energy and photons and restraining PAH photodegradation. Generally, photodegradation rates of the 5 PAHs decreased with the increase of FAs concentration; except fluoranthene and pyrene were advanced in solutions with low FA concentration. The influences of FA concentration on PAH photodegradation were more significant than FA origin.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary nitrocompounds on bird performance, ammonia volatilization, and changes in manure nitrogen (N). A total of 200 one-day-old male chicks (Cobb 500) were used for this study. The chicks were raised in electrically heated battery brooders for 18 days. On day 1, birds were allocated into five treatment groups with four replicated pens: (T1) control, a corn and soybean meal diet (3,100 kcal kg?1 metabolizable energy (ME) and 21% Crude Protein (CP)); (T2) 16.7 mg kg?1 nitroethanol (NEL); (T3) 33.3 mg kg?1 NEL; (T4) 16.7 mg kg?1 nitropropanol (NPL); and (T5) 33.3 mg kg?1 NPL. The body weight gain, feed intake and feed efficiency were measured on days 7, 14 and 18. Volatized ammonia (VA) and other N forms were measured at collection and following 2 weeks of incubation at 30°C. Broiler growth was not adversely affected by the nitrocompounds at concentrations up to 33.3 mg kg?1. The results show that initial manure pH was reduced by adding nitroethanol (NEL) and nitropropanol (NPL) to the diet by 0.2 and 0.5 pH units, respectively. Total VA after 2 weeks was unaffected by dietary treatment. The amounts of uric acid decomposed and ammonia produced were closely balanced in the control sample. However, this balance was significantly different among the manures produced by birds receiving nitrocompound treatments. The inclusion of NEL and NPL resulted in the presence of measurable amounts of Xanthine not found in the control group. This study indicates that supplementation of nitroethanol or nitropropanol into broiler diets up to 33.3 mg kg?1 influences uric acid degradation and ammonia production in broiler manure while maintaining optimal growth performance.  相似文献   

Stormwater ponds have become common features of modern development and often represent significant amounts of open space in urbanized areas. Although stormwater ponds may provide habitat for wildlife, factors responsible for producing variation in wildlife use of ponds have received limited attention. To investigate the role of variation in species tolerances of pollutants in structuring pond-breeding amphibian assemblages, we exposed species tolerant (Bufo americanus) and not tolerant (Rana sylvatica) of urbanization to pond sediments in laboratory microcosms. Pond microcosms had elevated sediment metal levels and chloride water concentrations. Among R. sylvatica embryos, exposure to pond sediments resulted in 100% mortality. In contrast, B. americanus embryos and larvae experienced only sublethal effects (i.e., reduced size at metamorphosis) due to pond sediment exposure. Our results suggest variation in pollutant tolerance among early developmental stages of amphibians may act in concert with terrestrial habitat availability to structure amphibian assemblages associated with stormwater ponds.  相似文献   

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