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The persistence of several common herbicides from grapes to wine has been studied. Shiraz, Tarrango and Doradillo grapes were separately sprayed with either norflurazon, oxyfluorfen, oxadiazon or trifluralin-persistent herbicides commonly used for weed control in vineyards. The dissipation of the herbicides from the grapes was followed for 28 days following treatment. Results showed that norflurazon was the most persist herbicide although there were detectable residues of all the herbicides on both red and white grapes at the end of the study period. The penetration of herbicides into the flesh of the grapes was found to be significantly greater for white grapes than for red grapes. Small-lot winemaking experiments showed that norflurazon persisted at levels close to the initial concentration through vinification and into the finished wine. The other herbicides degraded, essentially via first-order kinetics, within the period of "first fermentation" and had largely disappeared after 28 days. The use of charcoal together with filter pads, or with diatomaceous earth was shown to be very effective in removing herbicide residues from the wine. A 5% charcoal filter removed more than 96% of the norflurazon persisting in the treated wine.  相似文献   


Norflurazon, oxadiazon, oxyfluorfen, trifluralin and simazine are herbicides widely used in the vineyards of the Barossa Valley, South Australia. The leaching behaviour of norflurazon, oxadiazon, oxyfluorfen and trifluralin was investigated on four key soils in the Barossa Valley. Leaching potential on packed soil columns and actual mobility using intact soil columns were investigated. On the packed soil columns, norflurazon was the most leachable herbicide. More of the herbicides were detected in the leachates from the sandy soils (Mountadam and Nuriootpa) than from the clayey soils (Lyndoch and Tanunda). Organic matter is generally low in soils in the Barossa region. Porosity and saturated conductivity significantly affect herbicide movement and in the sandy Mountadam and Nuriootpa soils, the water flux is greater than for the higher clay content Lyndoch and Tanunda soils. Increasing the time interval between herbicide application and the incidence of “rainfall”; reduced the amounts of herbicides found in the leachates. The use of intact soil columns and including simazine for comparison showed that both norflurazon and simazine were present in the leachates. Simazine was the first herbicide to appear in leachates. Sectioning of the intact soil columns after leaching clearly demonstrated that norflurazon and simazine reached the bottom of the soil columns for all soils studied. Greater amounts of norflurazon were retained in the soil columns compared with simazine. The other herbicides were mostly retained in the initial sections of the soil columns.  相似文献   

An isocratic High Performance Liquid Chromatographic (HPLC) method was optimized for 3-phenoxybenzyl (1RS)-cis-trans-3-(2,2-dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethyl-cyclopropanecarboxylate (permethrin) residues identification and quantification in wine matrix. Analytical reverse phase (RP) C-18 column was used (25 cm × 4 mm i.d., 5 μ m) with mobile phase consisting of acetonitrile and water in ratio 70 %/30 % (v v?1), flow-rate 2.0 mL min?1, UV-detection at 215 nm and controlled oven temperature at 25°C. The peaks of isomers were identified with the retention times as compared to standard cis-/trans- mixture and confirmed with characteristic spectra using photodiode array detector. Under these conditions, permethrin isomers were well separated with resolution 2.8 and no interference with the naturally present wine compounds was observed. The method was validated for linearity, precision, accuracy, limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ). Linear regression analysis data proved a good linear relationship (correlation coefficients, r2, for cis- and trans-isomer are: 0.9995 and 0.9997, respectively) between response of the detector and concentration of permethrin isomers over a wide concentration range for both isomers (0.55 mg L?1 ?4.40 mg L?1). Experimental data showed mean recoveries between 93.95% and 96.58% with RSD values in range: 0.89% ?3.69%. The effect of ethanol content in the solvent on permethrin isomers peak areas was also studied and 60% v v?1 ethanol was found to be optimal for sample preparation. The method was successfully tested on 20 commercial wine samples from the market in which no permethrin was detected. Thus, it was proved that it is suitable for routine permethrin residues analysis. The proposed method is suitable for routine analysis because of the simple sample preparation, acceptable run-time, low cost and its applicability with conventional instruments.  相似文献   


The quality of many golf courses and other turfgrass areas often requires high levels of cultural management. The fact that this level of maintenance usually includes the use of preemergent herbicides has caused concern about their potential for ground water contamination. Much of this concern is based on extrapolation from agricultural situations rather than data developed from studies conducted in field turfgrass situations. To address this data gap, a two‐year field project evaluating the behaviour and mobility of the commonly used preemergent herbicides, benfluralin, trifluralin, bensulide, oxadiazon. pendimethalin, and DCPA with its two metabolites was conducted at OARDC/The Ohio State University, Wooster, Ohio, in 1988–89. Plots were located on a site with thatch (WT) and one with no thatch (NT)to further clarify the impact of thatch on herbicide behavior. Treatments were applied in April and samples of thatch and four zones of soil (0–2.5, 2.5–5, 7.5–10 and 22.5–25cm) were collected throughout the year and analyzed for residue dissipation. Residues of pendimethalin, benfluralin, and trifluralin in the 22.5–25 cm zone were below the limit of determination. No detectable oxadiazon residues were found in this zone at the WT site in 1988 but on two occasions, residues of 0.01 and 0.02 kg/ha were found in 1989. At the NT site, residues in this zone on one occasion were 0.02 kg/ha in 1988 and none in 1989. Residues of bensulide in the same zone ranged not detectable (ND)‐0.02 kg/ha in both locations. The DCPA residues in the 22.5–25 cm zone ranged ND‐0.10 kg/ha (WT), ND‐0.27 kg/ha (NT) in 1988. and ND‐0.02 kg/ha (WT), ND‐0.04 kg/ha (NT) in 1989. The residues of SDS 1449, the less stable of two dacthal metabolites, were very low but higher in 1988 than in 1989 in both locations. The SDS 954 residues in 22.5–25 cm zone ranged ND‐0.1 kg/ha (WT), and ND‐0.16 kg/ha (NT) in 1988, and ND‐0.26 kg/ha (WT), and ND‐0.27 kg/ha (NT) in 1989.

Some amount of all herbicides applied carried over into the spring of the year following application but oxadiazon and bensulide were the most persistent.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the potential of seven clarifying agents to remove pesticides in red wine. The presence of pesticides in wine consists a great problem for winemakers and therefore, results on pesticide removal by clarification are very useful for taking a decision on the appropriate adsorbent. The selection of an efficient adsorbent can be based on data correlating pesticide removal in red wine to pesticides' properties, given the great number and variety of pesticides used. So, this experimental work is focused on the collection of results with regard to pesticide removal by clarification using a great number of pesticides and fining agents. A Greek red wine, fortified with single solutions and mixtures of 23 or 9 pesticides was studied. The seven fining agents, used at two concentrations, were activated carbon, bentonite, polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP), gelatin, egg albumin, isinglass-fish glue, and casein. Pesticides were selected with a wide range of properties (octanol–water partition coefficient (log Kow) 2.7–6.3 and water solubility 0.0002–142) and belong to 11 chemical groups. Solid phase extraction (SPE) followed by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detector (ECD) were performed to analyze pesticide residues of the clarified fortified wine. The correlation of the clarifying agents' effectiveness to pesticide's chemical structure and properties (log Kow, water solubility) was investigated. The antagonistic and/or synergistic effects, occurring among the pesticides in the mixtures, were calculated by indices. Pesticide removal effectiveness results of the red wine were compared to those obtained from a white wine under the same experimental conditions and discussed. The order of decreasing adsorbent effectiveness (mixture of 23 pesticides) was: activated carbon 40% > gelatin 23% > egg albumin 21% > PVPP 18% > casein 12% > bentonite 7%. Isinglass showed 12% removal at the highest permitted concentration. In the case of 9 pesticides mixture, the effectiveness was quite higher but the order remained the same compared to 23 pesticides mixture. The removal of each pesticide from its single solution was generally the highest (particularly for hydrophobic pesticides). Adsorption on fining agents is increased by increasing hydrophobicity and decreasing hydrophilicity of organic pesticide molecules.  相似文献   


Safeners (also known as antidotes) are chemical or biological agents that reduce the toxicity of herbicides to crop plants by a physiological or molecular mechanism. Commercialized safeners are mainly chemical compounds that enhance the tolerance of selected grass crops such as maize (Zea mays L.), grain sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], rice (Oryza sativa L.), and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to chloroacetanilide, thiocarbamate, sulfonylurea, imidazolinone, and aryloxyphenoxypropionate herbicides. In practice, safeners are applied either to the crop prior to planting (seed safeners) or to the soil together with the herbicide, formulated as a prepackaged mixture. Safeners act as "bioregulators”; controlling the amount of a given herbicide that reaches its target site in an active form. A safener‐induced enhancement of the metabolic detoxification of herbicides in protected plants is the most apparent mechanism for the action of all commercialized safeners. Herbicide‐detoxifying enzymes such as glutathione transferases (GST), cytochrome P‐450 monooxygenases (CytP450), esterases, and UDP‐glucosyltransferases are induced by herbicide safeners. At the molecular level, safeners appear to act by activating or amplifying genes coding for these enzymes (e.g., GST).  相似文献   

In the present study, a soil monitoring program was undertaken in Greek cotton cultivated areas in 2012. Twenty-seven soil samples were collected from the entire Thessaly plain in early summer of 2012, corresponding to approximately three months (current use of pendimethalin), up to one year (for the banned ethalfluralin), and three years (for the also banned trifluralin), after the last dinitroaniline application. Low but not negligible levels of dinitroanilines were detected, ranging from 0.01 to 0.21 μg g?1 d.w. for trifluralin and 0.01–0.048 μg g?1 d.w. for pendimethalin, respectively. Trifluralin was the herbicide most frequently detected (44.4%). The high historic application of trifluralin and its high persistence and accumulation potential is in line with the abundance of the detected residues. The present data indicate that soil samples contain extractable residues of banned trifluralin, but based on the comparison of the theoretical PECplateau for trifluralin (0.277 µg g?1) and the maximum Measured Environmental Concentration, it was concluded that the detected residues should be attributed to previous years’ application. The latter suggested the need for continual monitoring of the dinitroaniline family of pesticides, including the banned substances, aiming thus to an improved environmental profile for agricultural areas.  相似文献   


This study was conducted to evaluate atrazine (2‐chloro‐4‐ethylamino‐6‐isopropyl‐1, 3, 5‐triazine) and alachlor (2‐chIoro‐N‐(methoxymethyl)acetamide) dissipation and movement to shallow aquifers across the Northern Sand Plains region of the United States. Sites were located at Minnesota on a Zimmerman fine sand, North Dakota on Hecla sandy loam, South Dakota on a Brandt silty clay loam, and Wisconsin on a Sparta sand. Herbicide concentrations were determined in soil samples taken to 90 cm four times during the growing season and water samples taken from the top one m of aquifer at least once every three months. Herbicides were detected to a depth of 30 cm in Sparta sand and 90 cm in all other soils. Some aquifer samples from each site contained atrazine with the highest concentration in the aquifer beneath the Sparta sand (1.28 μg L‐1). Alachlor was detected only once in the aquifer at the SD site. The time to 50% atrazine dissipation (DT50) in the top 15 cm of soil averaged about 21 d in Sparta and Zimmerman sands and more than 45 d for Brandt and Hecla soils. Atrazine DT50 was correlated positively with % clay and organic carbon (OC), and negatively with % fine sand. Alachlor DT50 ranged from 12 to 32 d for Zimmerman and Brandt soils, respectively, and was correlated negatively with % clay and OC and positively with % sand.  相似文献   

Atrazine and metolachlor are extensively used in Ontario, Canada for control of broadleaf weeds and annual grasses in corn. Conservation tillage may alter the physical and biological environment of soil affecting herbicide dissipation. The rate of dissipation of these two herbicides in soil from conventional, ridge and no-tillage culture was followed. Herbicide dissipation was best described by first order reaction kinetics. Half life, the time for herbicide residues to dissipate to half their initial concentration, was unaffected by tillage. Half life for atrazine and metolachlor was similar and ranged from 31 to 66 d. The rate of dissipation decreased in dry years when soil moisture content was low. In a dry year, herbicide residues during the growing season were significantly greater on ridge tops than in the other tillage treatments. However, after harvest no differences in herbicide residues were detected among tillage treatments. Residues of atrazine (6 to 9% of applied) and metolachlor (4 to 6%) were detected in soil before planting a year after application. De-ethyl atrazine, the primary degradation product of atrazine, increased in concentration during the growing season with the greatest concentrations measured at harvest and in years when atrazine dissipated fastest. De-ethyl atrazine one year after application accounted for about 12% of the remaining triazine residue. These herbicide residues would not be phytotoxic to subsequent crops but are a potential source for leaching to ground and surface waters.  相似文献   


This study investigates the oxidation of trifluralin residues during ozonation in aqueous and food matrices (tomato). Domestic ozonation equipment with average production of 23.9?mg O3 L?1 h?1 was used in the tests. Modern chromatographic systems (SPME-GC-IT/MS/MS and QuEChERS-GC-IT/MS/MS) were applied for extraction and detection of trifluralin residue in fortified samples of ultrapure water, tap water, superficial water and tomato fruit. The samples were submitted to the ozonation process during 0, 5, 10 and 20?min. Treatment at 5?min was able to degrade 71.5% of herbicide trifluralin in surface water. The removal (%) in ultrapure water reached 83.4% after 20?min of ozonation. The degradation of trifluralin in fortified tomato samples (0.025–0.1?mg kg?1) were conducted with ozonation at 20?min, and it ranged from 84.4 to 92.7%. After treatment, levels of trifluralin in tomato remained within the established MRLs to EU, USEPA and ANVISA (Brazil). The data provided evidence that ozone is effective for removing trace trifluralin from water and foods.  相似文献   

Trifluralin is typically applied onto crop residues (trash, stubble) at the soil surface, or onto the bare soil surface after the incorporation of crop residues into the soil. The objective of this study was to quantify the effect of the type and amount of crop residues in soil on trifluralin mineralization in a Wellwood silty clay loam soil. Leaves and stubble of Potato (Solanum tuberosum) (P); Canola (Brassica napus) (C), Wheat (Triticum aestivum) (W), Oats (Avena sativa), (O), and Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) (A) were added to soil microcosms at rates of 2%, 4%, 8% and 16% of the total soil weight (25 g). The type and amount of crop residues in soil had little influence on the trifluralin first-order mineralization rate constant, which ranged from 3.57E-03 day?1 in soil with 16% A to 2.89E-02 day?1 in soil with 8% W. The cumulative trifluralin mineralization at 113 days ranged from 1.15% in soil with 16% P to 3.21% in soil with 4% C, again demonstrating that the observed differences across the treatments are not of agronomic or environmental importance.  相似文献   

Laboratory incubations were performed in order to evaluate the dissipation of the proherbicide isoxaflutole in seedbed layer soil samples from conventional and conservation tillage systems and in maize and oat residues left at the soil surface under conservation tillage. The effects of temperature and water pressure head on radiolabelled isoxaflutole degradation were studied for each sample for 21 d. Mineralisation of isoxaflutole was low for all samples and ranged from 0.0% to 0.9% of applied 14C in soil samples and from 0.0% to 2.4% of applied 14C in residue samples. In soil samples, degradation half-life of isoxaflutole ranged from 9 to 26 h, with significantly higher values under conservation tillage. In residue samples, degradation half-life ranged from 3 to 31 h, with significantly higher values in maize residues, despite a higher mineralisation and bound residue formation than in oat residues. Whatever the sample, most of the applied 14C remained extractable during the experiment and, after 21 d, less than 15% of applied 14C were unextractable. This extractable fraction was composed of diketonitrile, benzoic acid derivative and several unidentified metabolites, with one of them accounting for more than 17% of applied 14C. This study showed that tillage system design, including crop residues management, could help reducing the environmental impacts of isoxaflutole.  相似文献   


Dialifor and methidathion were added to diluted “Zinfandel”; grape concentrate at 25 ppm and dimethoate at 1.0 and 25 ppm prior to fermentation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The finished wine 56 days later contained 10% (2.5 ppm) of the dialifor, 46% (12 ppm) of the methidathion and 85% (21 and 0.98 ppm) of the dimethoate added to the grape must. Residues in wine stored at 24°C dissipated by hydrolysis; half‐lives in wine were 7 days for dialifor and methidathion and 30 days for dimethoate. Residues were unchanged in wine in frozen storage for one year. Analysis of seven commercial wines for dimethoate indicated less than 0.03 ppm dimethoate was present; identity could not be confirmed by thin‐layer chromatography at this level.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the residues, kinetics and dissipation patterns of kresoxim-methyl, (E)-methoxyimino[α-(o-tolyloxy)-o-tolyl]acetate, and trifloxystrobin, methyl(E)-methoxyimino-{(E)-α[1-(α,α,α-trifluoro-m-tolyl)ethylideneaminooxy]-o-tolyl}acetate”. A simple and sensitive liquid chromatography-ultraviolet detection (LC-UV) method combined with the ‘Quick Easy Cheap Effective Rugged and Safe' (QuEChERS) protocol was developed to quantify the levels of kresoxim-methyl and trifloxystrobin residues in citrus. More than 97% of the kresoxim-methyl and trifloxystrobin deposists gradually dissipated from the citrus peels within 15 days. The half-lives of kresoxim-methyl and trifloxystrobin in the peels were in the ranges of 2.63–2.66 d and 3.12–3.15 d, respectively, and the pattern of decline in the peels followed first-order kinetics. The kresoxim-methyl and trifloxystrobin residues in the pulp dissipated below the detectable level of 0.01 mg kg?1 after 9 days. Kresoxim-methyl and trifloxystrobin were easily decomposed (T1/2 < 30 d), and the observed dissipation patterns could support the application of these two fungicides in the postharvest storage of citrus fruits.  相似文献   


The effect of fenhexamid, mepanipyrim and cyazofamid fungicides on in vitro bioavailability of antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds of Tempranillo and Graciano red wine was studied by simulating the digestive process by dialysis in semipermeable membranes. Determination of antioxidant activity was through reaction with the DPPH ? radical and the measurement of phenolic compounds was made with liquid chromatography with diode detector (HPLC-DAD). Fenhexamid, mepanipyrim and cyazofamid reduce the total polyphenol content in both wines. During dialysis there was a large loss of total polyphenols (80–90%) and of antioxidant activity (> 90%). The bioavailability of the phenolic compounds is lower than that for non-treated wines and the highest dialization percentages were found for stilbenes > 50%. While for the remaining phenolic fraction the order is the following hydroxycinnamic derivatives?>?anthocyanins?>?flavonols.  相似文献   

A shortened version of Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, and Safe method (QuEChERS) for determining the dissipation and residue of imidacloprid present in Zizania latifolia and purple sweet potato was established by using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The average recoveries of imidacloprid in the two crops ranged from 82.12 to 113.79%, with relative standard deviation (RSD) of <7.32%. The dissipation dynamics of imidacloprid in Z. latifolia plants and purple sweet potato plants followed first-order kinetics, with half-lives of 3.2–5.5?days in each of sampling locations. The terminal imidacloprid residues in Z. latifolia and purple sweet potato at each of location were <0.005–0.120?mg kg?1. According to the risk assessment results, both the acute dietary risk quotient and chronic dietary risk quotient values were <1, indicating that imidacloprid is unlikely to pose health risks to humans with normal recommended use. The present study may serve as a valuable reference for the safe and reasonable use of imidacloprid in Z. latifolia and purple sweet potato fields.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to develop and validate a reliable analytical procedure for trifluralin analysis in wind-eroded sediments. Soil sediments trapped in BEST sediment traps were subjected to QuEChERS extraction method, incorporating a simple simultaneous cleanup step, followed by trifluralin analysis with GC-ECD. Results revealed that QuEChERS method offered a potential alternative technique for pesticide extraction from soil samples. The validity of analytical method was performed by the method-performance criteria such as, recovery, LOD, LOQ repeatability, precision, and all found to be within the required limits. It was also observed in this study that herbicide concentrations in the wind-eroded sediment did not vary with the time and trap height. Trifluralin concentrations of surface soil after four erosion events were higher (626.05 μg/kg) than wind-eroded soil (450.08 μg/kg).  相似文献   

A study of the anaerobic treatment of wastewaters derived from red (RWWW) and tropical fruit wine (TFWWW) production was carried out in four laboratory-scale fluidized bed reactors with natural zeolite as bacterial support. These reactors operated at mesophilic temperature (35°C). Reactors R1 and R2 contained Chilean natural zeolite, while reactors R3 and R4 used Cuban natural zeolite as microorganism support. In addition, reactors R1 and R3 processed RWWW, while reactors R2 and R4 used TFWWW as substrate. The biomass concentration attached to zeolites in the four reactors studied was found to be in the range of 44–46 g volatile solids (VS)/L after 90 days of operation time. Both types of zeolites can be used indistinctly in the fluidized bed reactors achieving more than 80%–86% chemical oxygen demand (COD) removals for organic loading rates (OLR) of up to at least 20 g COD/L d. pH values remained within the optimal range for anaerobic microorganisms for OLR values of up to 20 and 22 g COD/L d for RWWW and TFWWW, respectively. Toxicity and inhibition levels were observed at an OLR of 20 g COD/L d in reactors R1 and R3 while processing RWWW, whereas the aforementioned inhibitory phenomena were not observed at an OLR of 24 g COD/L d in R2 and R4, treating TFWWW as a consequence of the lower phenolic compound content present in this substrate. The volatile fatty acid (VFA) levels were always lower in reactors processing TFWWW (R2 and R4) and these values (< 400 mg/L, as acetic acid) were lower than the suggested limits for digester failure. The specific methanogenic activity (SMA) was twice as high in reactors R2 and R4 than in R1 and R3 after 120 days of operation when all reactors operated at an OLR of 20 g COD/L d.  相似文献   

The rate of degradation of forchlorfenuron, a cytokinin-based plant growth regulator (PGR) was explored in typical grapevine soils of India with simultaneous evaluation of its effect on biochemical attributes of the test soils in terms of the activities of specific soil microbial enzymes. In all the test soils, namely clay, sandy-loam and silty-clay, the dissipation rate was faster at the beginning, which slowed down with time, indicating a non-linear pattern of degradation. Degradation in soils could best be explained by two-compartment 1st + 1st order kinetics with half-life ranging between 4–10 days. The results suggest that organic matter might be playing a major role in influencing the rate of degradation of forchlorfenuron in soil. The rate of degradation in sandy-loam soil was fastest followed by clay and silty-clay soils, respectively. Comparison of the rate of degradation in natural against sterilized soils suggests that microbial degradation might be the major pathway of residue dissipation. Changes in soil enzyme activities as a consequence of forchlorfenuron treatment were studied for extra-cellular enzymes namely acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase and β -glucosidase and intracellular enzyme-dehydrogenase. Although small changes in enzyme activities were observed, forchlorfenuron did not have any significant deleterious effect on the enzymatic activity of the test soils. Simple correlation studies between degradation percentage and individual enzyme activities did not establish any significant relationships. The pattern and change of enzyme activity was primarily the effect of the incubation period rather than the effect of forchlorfenuron itself.  相似文献   

Analyses of commercially available wines suggested non-Brettanomyces sources of 4-ethylphenol and 4-ethylguaiacol. Grapes, enological additions, exposure to plastics, and oak-barrel aging were potential inputs considered. Investigations of whole grape bunch samples from two major red wine Vitis vinifera cultivars (L. cv. Cabernet Franc and Pinot Noir), a commercial mannoprotein additive, and three commercial enological tannin additions indicated they are not likely significant sources of these compounds. Studies on 15 commercial oak barrelled red wines from six Vitis vinifera cultivars (L. cv. Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Dunkelfelder, Merlot, Pinot Meunier, and Pinot Noir), and a review of volatile phenol extraction from toasted oak wood, suggested that oak-aging may produce concentrations of up to 50 μg L?1 4-ethylphenol and 4-ethylguaiacol. Thus, following potential Brettanomyces-sourced aroma impacts in wine using 4-ethylphenol and/or 4-ethylguaiacol concentrations as proxies should only be considered reliable at analyte levels > 100 μg L?1. A review of worldwide 4-ethylphenol and 4-ethylguaiacol concentrations in wine, consumption patterns, and available toxicological data also suggested that levels of 4-ethylphenol being observed in wines worldwide do not warrant concerns about acute or long-term effects. While little is known about the toxicology of 4-ethylguaiacol, it is unlikely that elevated concentrations will pose any health-related concerns.  相似文献   

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