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ABSTRACT. Flooding along the Mississippi River and some of its tributaries was detected by the multispectral scanner (MSS) on the Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS-1) on at least three orbits during the spring of 1973. The ERTS data provided the first opportunity for mapping the regional extent of flooding at the time of the imagery. Special optical data processing techniques were used to produce a variety of multispectral color composites enhancing flood-plain details. One of these, a 2-color composite of near infrared bands 6 and 7, was enlarged and registered to 1:250,000-scale topographic maps and used as the basis for preparation of flood image maps. Two specially filtered 3-color composites of MSS bands 5, 6, and 7 and 4, 5, and 7 were prepared to aid in the interpretation of the data. The extent of the flooding was vividly depicted on a single image by 2-color temporal composites produced on the additive-color viewer using band 7 flood data superimposed on pre-flood band 7 images. On May 24, when the floodwaters at St. Louis receded to bankfull stage, imagery was again obtained by ERTS. Analysis of temporal data composites of the pre-flood and post-flood band 7 images indicate that changes in surface reflectance characteristics caused by the flooding can be delineated, thus making it possible to map the overall area flooded without the necessity of a real-time system to track and image the peak flood waves. Regional planning and disaster relief agencies such as the Corps of Engineers, Office of Emergency Preparedness, Soil Conservation Service, interstate river basin commissions and state agencies, as well as private lending and insurance institutions, have indicated strong potential applications for ERTS image-maps of flood-prone areas.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The Spring 1973 Mississippi River flood was investigated using remotely sensed data from ERTS-1. Both manual and automatic analyses of the data indicate that ERTS-I is extremely useful as a regional tool for flood management. Quantitative estimates of area flooded were made in St. Charles County, Missouri and Arkansas. Flood hazard mapping was conducted in three study areas along the Mississippi River using pre-flood ERTS-1 imagery enlarged to 1:250,000 and 1:100,000 scale. The flood prone areas delineated on these maps correspond to areas that would be inundated by significant flooding (approximately the 100 year flood). The flood prone area boundaries were generally in agreement with flood hazard maps produced by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and U. S. Geological Survey although the latter are somewhat more detailed because of their larger scale. Initial results indicate that ERTS-1 digital mapping of flood prone areas can be performed at 1:62,500 which is comparable to some conventional flood hazard map scales.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The project described in this report was undertaken by the Louisiana State Planning Office to establish the extent of backwater flooding in Louisiana in April 1975. Band 7 Landsat imagery, enlarged to a scale of 1:250,000 was used to visually identify flooded areas. Inundated areas were delineated on overlays keyed to 1:250,000 U.S. Geological Survey topographic quadrangles. Tabular data identifying acres flooded, according to land use type, were derived by merging the flood map overlays with computerized 1972 land use data. Approximately 1.12 million acres of the state were inundated by flood waters. The total acreage and land use types affected by flooding were determined within 72 hours from the time the flood areas were imaged. Flooded maps were prepared for 26 parishes. Field observations were made by Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service county agents in order to determine the accuracy of parish flood maps and flood acreage figures by land use type. Results indicated that this was a fast, accurate, and relatively inexpensive method of compiling flood data for disaster planning and postflood analysis.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Records of hourly water temperatures for two streams in the Upper Mississippi River basin were used to find the error between instantaneous measurements of stream water temperatures and true daily averages. The instantaneous summer water temperature measurements were assumed to be collected during daylight hours, and measurement times were selected randomly. The absolute error at the 95 percent confidence level of randomly collected stream water temperatures was less than 0.9°C for a 1 to 5m deep large river, but as large as 3.6°C for a 0.3 to lm deep small stream. Temperature readings of morning samples were usually below daily average values, and afternoon readings were usually above. Daily mean water temperatures were obtained with less than 0.23°C standard deviation from true daily averages if the daily maximum and minimum water temperatures were averaged. Sample results were obtained for the open water (summer) season only, since diurnal water temperature fluctuations in ice covered streams are usually negligible.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Nutrient data from all available sources for the lower Mississippi River were examined for potential differences among sampling agencies and geographic locations for the period between 1960 and 1998. Monthly means grouped by parameter, sampling location and agency, were calculated and compared as paired sets, excluding those months where data were not available for both sets. Some significant differences were found between various agencies collecting nutrient data on the river, as well as between various stretches of river, especially in the case of phosphorus nutrient data. Results were used to synthesize data sets from which a history of nutrient loading in the Mississippi River was determined. General trends in nitrate+nitrite, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, orthophosphate, total phosphorus and silica loads, as well as changes in nutrient proportions and the specific limiting nutrient (by month) are reported. This study provides a useful summary of contemporary and historical nutrient data that may assist in the evaluation of Mississippi River water quality and its potential effect on the Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In 1976–77, benthic invertebrates were sampled at four sites in a 410-kilometer reach of the lower Mississippi River to define the communities in the river and to determine differences between communities upstream and downstream from the industrial and municipal complexes of Baton Rouge and New Orleans, Louisiana. The most common and most numerous organisms collected were Corbicula and tubificid worms. The benthic community structure of the lower Mississippi River is influenced by substrate type and stability, channel geometry, river velocity, vegetation and organic detritus, and salinity. Sampling stations near the left and right banks had low velocities, and substrate types ranged from medium silt to very fine sand. Burrowing organisms such as tubificids, chironomids, and ephemerid-type mayflies dominated these environments. At the center, left-center, and right-center stations, velocities were higher and substrate materials were coarser than at the bank stations; only Corbicula was present in large numbers. Near the river mouth, salinity and aquatic vegetation greatly affect the benthic community structure. Differences in benthic community structure in the Mississippi River are due primarily to different hydrologic conditions. Industrial and municipal wastes discharged into the river appear to have little or no widespread effects on benthic populations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The introduction of nutrients from chemical fertilizer, animal manure, wastewater, and atmospheric deposition to the eastern Iowa environment creates a large potential for nutrient transport in watersheds. Agriculture constitutes 93 percent of all land use in eastern Iowa. As part of the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Quality Assessment Program, water samples were collected (typically monthly) from six small and six large watersheds in eastern Iowa between March 1996 and September 1997. A Geographic Information System (GIS) was used to determine land use and quantify inputs of nitrogen and phosphorus within the study area. Streamliow from the watersheds is to the Mississippi River. Chemical fertilizer and animal manure account for 92 percent of the estimated total nitrogen and 99.9 percent of the estimated total phosphorus input in the study area. Total nitrogen and total phosphorus loads for 1996 were estimated for nine of the 12 rivers and creeks using a minimum variance unbiased estimator model. A seasonal pattern of concentrations and loads was observed. The greatest concentrations and loads occur in the late spring to early summer in conjunction with row‐crop fertilizer applications and spring nmoff and again in the late fall to early winter as vegetation goes into dormancy and additional fertilizer is applied to row‐crop fields. The three largest rivers in eastern Iowa transported an estimated total of 79,000 metric tons of total nitrogen and 6,800 metric tons of total phosphorus to the Mississippi River in 1996. The estimated mass of total nitrogen and total phosphorus transported to the Mississippi River represents about 19 percent of all estimated nitrogen and 9 percent of all estimated phosphorus input to the study area.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Great Flood of 1993 inundated more than 355,000 ha of illinois cropland, creating great concern for the possible contamination of farmland by herbicides. The objective of this study was to assess the herbicide contamination of floodwaters and farmland due to the great flood of 1993. Floodwater samples were collected between August 5 and December 20, 1993, at the Horseshoe Lake State Game Reserve in Alexander County, Illinois, USA. Water and suspended sediment were tested separately for the more commonly used herbicides in Illinois and the midwestern USA: alachior, atrazine, and cyanazine. These herbicides were detected in the floodwater samples, but concentrations were all below the health advisory concentration of 3 μg/L established for drinking water by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. No herbicides were detected in the suspended sediment. After the recession of the flood, soil samples from flooded and non-flooded corn fields were collected for comparison. Soil samples taken from two out of three sampling locations had a 0.4 to 0.8 μg/kg increase in atrazine at the flooded verses the non-flooded sites. Concentrations were 500 to 1,000 times lower than the recommended 1 mg/kg rate at which this herbicides typically applied to soil.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: As part of the Gulf Coast Regional Aquifer System Analysis (GC RASA) study, data from 184 geophysical well logs were used to define the geohydrologic framework of the Mississippi embayment aquifer system in Mississippi for flow model simulation. Five major aquifers of Eocene and Paleocene age were defined within this aquifer system in Mississippi. A computer data storage system was established to assimilate the information obtained from the geophysical logs. Computer programs were developed to manipulate the data to construct geologic sections and structure maps. Data from the storage system will be input to a five-layer, three-dimensional, finite-difference digital computer model that is used to simulate the flow dynamics in the five major aquifers of the Mississippi embayment aquifer system.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The 1950 flood disaster in the Red River Valley, Manitoba, and particularly in Winnipeg made all levels of government aware of the need for control measures. The principal elements of the system which was implemented were two large excavated diversion channels, a storage reservoir, and ring dykes around several small communities. In terms of cost and size, the flood control system is the largest in Canada and despite Federal contributions amounting to nearly 60 percent of the final cost, it represented a considerable fiscal burden for the comparatively small population of Manitoba. Between the opening of the Red River Floodway in 1968 and 1979, a series of exceptional spring peak flows on the Red and Assiniboine Rivers demonstrated the benefits of such a system to a degree which could not have been anticipated at the time the projects were being considered. Furthermore, maximum spring discharges from 1913 to 1978 show a clear rising trend, indicating that the flood hazard is becoming even more severe than was initially assumed; if this trend continues, future benefits will continue to exceed expectations. The overall effectiveness of the hazard reduction program in the Red River Valley, however, has suffered from continued development in unprotected areas. Recent federal-provincial agreements have been reached which will substantially reduce this problem and place greater emphasis on improving the non-structural components of an overall flood hazard reduction program.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper discusses a computer program which extracts a number of watershed and drainage network properties directly from digital elevation models (DEM) to assist in the rapid parameterization of hydrologic runoff models. The program integrates new and established algorithms to address problems inherent in the analysis low-relief terrain from raster DEMs similar to those distributed by the U.S. Geological Survey for 7.5-minute quadrangles. The program delineates the drainage network from a DEM, and determines the Strahler order, total and direct drainage area, length, slope, and upstream and downstream coordinates of each channel link. It also identifies the subwatershed of each channel source and of the left and right bank of each channel link, and assigns a unique number to each network node. The node numbers are used to associate each subwatershed with the channel link to which it drains, and can be used to control flow routing in cascade hydrologic models. Program output includes tabular data and raster maps of the drainage network and subwatersheds. The raster maps are intended for import to a Geographical Information System where they can be registered to other data layers and used as templates to extract additional network and subwatershed information.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Network Tracing Method (NTM) has been developed to determine gridded coarse river networks for modeling large hydrologic systems. For a coarse resolution grid, the NTM determines the downstream cell of each cell and the distance along the actual meandering flow paths between them. Unlike previously developed methods, the NTM uses fine resolution vector river networks as the source of information of the flow patterns rather than digital elevation models. The main advantage of using vector river networks as input is that they capture the hydrologic terrain features better than topographic data do, particularly in areas of low topographic relief. The NTM was applied to South America with a grid resolution of 1 degree by 1 degree and to the globe with a resolution of 2.815 degrees by 2.8125 degrees. Overall, the method captured the flow patterns well. Generated digital river networks and drainage divides showed minor disagreement with those obtained from existing maps, and most of them were consistent with the resolution of the coarse river network. The majority of estimated basin areas were also close to documented values. River lengths calculated with the NTM, however, were consistently underpredicted.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Periodic surveys of the upper Mississippi River since 1866 and a discharge record of nearly equal length provided an opportunity to learn more about the magnitudes and rates of geomorphic processes at work in large stream systems. Furthermore, geomorphic and hydrologic adjustments could be evaluated in relation to watershed land use changes, small‐scale climate fluctuations, and considerable modifications to the channel and floodplain during the period of record. The present study uses GIS mapping to quantitatively compare historical changes in mapped land and water phenomena in the upper Mississippi River Pool 10, located along southwest Wisconsin's border. Modest channel widening and decreases in island area throughout the study reach during the last century are detectable. Flood magnitudes and frequencies also have varied during this time, and stages and low flow discharges have increased since the 1940s. The latter hydrologic change appears to be closely associated with the reach's geomorphic adjustments. Results are representative of a valley reach where a major tributary contributes a large sand bedload, forming an alluvial fan of considerable size in the floodplain.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT .A summary is presented of remarks made at a conference held at Louisiana Tech University on the possibility of diverting some of the Mississippi River water to Texas and New Mexico. The Texas Water Plan which has initiated the diversion possibility is discussed and particular reference is made to the activities of the federal and state agencies directly responsible for determining various aspects of the diversion study. These agencies include the Texas Water Development Board, Texas Water Quality Board, Louisiana Department of Public Works, State Engineer's Office of New Mexico, Mississippi River Commission, and the Bureau of Reclamation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The flooding conditions in the basin of the Red River of the North are reviewed in terms of the accuracy of the flood forecasts and the response of both the floodplain occupants and government agencies to these forecasts. The flood prediction methods in Canada and the United States are compared. The accuracy of these prediction measures for the major floods in recent history is reviewed. The differences between the way in which the American and Canadian authorities approach the flood emergencies are outlined. The accuracy of the forecasts are plotted against a number of parameters which reflect the efficiency of the flood fighting measures initiated by those flood forecasts. The significant features of these plots are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Mass budgets for chloride were estimated from 1975-1978 for the Mississippi River from headwaters to near the mouth to determine the magnitudes of natural and anthropogenic sources. Annual chloride input from precipitation ranged from about 200 kg mi-2yr-1 at Royalton, Minnesota, to about 350 kg mi-2yr-1 at Vicksburg, Mississippi. Mass export ranged from about 900 kg mi-2yr-1 at Royalton to about 8000 kg mi-2yr-1 at Vicksburg. As much as 80 percent of the residual, the difference between input and export, probably is contributed by anthropogenic sources. In particular, semi-logarithmic scatterplots of monthly total discharge against chloride concentration show that, during early spring, chloride elevations in the Mississippi River and Ohio River are elevated, possibly because of flushing of road salt and leaching of chloride from the accumulated snowpack.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper considers the distribution of flood flows in the Upper Mississippi, Lower Missouri, and Illinois Rivers and their relationship to climatic indices. Global climate patterns including El Niño/Southern Oscillation, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, and the North Atlantic Oscillation explained very little of the variations in flow peaks. However, large and statistically significant upward trends were found in many gauge records along the Upper Mississippi and Missouri Rivers: at Hermann on the Missouri River above the confluence with the Mississippi (p = 2 percent), at Hannibal on the Mississippi River (p < 0.1 percent), at Meredosia on the Illinois River (p = 0.7 percent), and at St. Louis on the Mississippi below the confluence of all three rivers (p = 1 percent). This challenges the traditional assumption that flood series are independent and identically distributed random variables and suggests that flood risk changes over time.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A computerized geographic information system (GIS) was created in support of data requirements by a hydrologic model designed to predict the runoff hydrograph from ungaged basins. Some geomorphologic characteristics (i.e., channel lengths) were manually measured from topographic maps, while other parameters such as drainage area and number of channels of a specified order, land use, and soil type were digitized and manipulated through use of the GIS. The model required the generation of an integrated Soil Conservation Service (SCS) curve number for the entire basin. To this end, soil associations and land use (generated from analysis of Landsat satellite data) were merged in the GIS to acquire a map representing SCS runoff curve numbers. The volume of runoff obtained from the Watershed Hydrology Simulation (WAHS) Model using this map was compared to the volume computed by hydrograph separation and found to be accurate within 19 percent error. To quantify the effect of changing land use on basin hydrology, the GIS was used to vary percentages from the drainage area from forest to bare soil. By changing the basin runoff curve numbers, significant changes in peak discharge were noted; however, the time to peak discharge remained essentially independent of change in area of land use. The GIS capability eliminated many of the more traditional manual phases of data input arid manipulation, thereby allowing researchers to concentrate on the development and calibration of the model and the interpretation of presumably more accurate results.  相似文献   

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