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Three models describing adsorption‐desorption kinetics of pesticides in soil, that could be incorporated into computer programs on pesticide movement in soil, were discussed, The first model involved single first‐order rate equations for adsorption and desorption. Results from an analytical and a numerical solution for local equilibration were compared. Concentration‐time relationships for the solution and adsorbed phases were calculated for different rate constants, initial conditions, and partition ratios at equilibrium. The second model described simultaneous adsorption‐desorption equilibration with two mechanisms, both with their own rate constants. After a comparatively fast equilibration with the first mechanism, there was a gradual increase in extent of overall‐adsorption, accompanied with a shift to greater amounts adsorbed by the second mechanism. With the third model, adsorption equilibration occurred by diffusion into a stagnant region. With diffusion distances ranging from 0.1 to 4.0 cm, the time needed for approach to adsorption equilibrium varied from about 0.25 days to about one year. Some of the possibilities of these models were discussed considering published experimental results.  相似文献   


Paper electrophoretic movements of a number of pesticides belonging to organophosphorus, organochlorine and pyethroid groups in various acid background electrolytes have been studied. The effect of pH and pKa of the acids on the movement of these pesticides have also been studied. It has been observed that the movement of most of the pesticides is enhanced with increase in the degree of ionisation of the acids (pKa) studied as background electrolytes. The movement also increases with increase in the pH of acids. On the basis of differential movement of pesticides towards cathode and anode, a number of separations have been achieved from binary mixtures. Monocrotophos, rogor and malathion have been determined quantitatively (28.6 ‐ 29.2 μg) in alcoholic extracts of soil samples.  相似文献   


Monitoring observations made on 60 operators involved in pesticide application work in godowns and warehouses and 60 matched control workers are reported. Occupational exposure history and medical history are noted. Biochemical investigations, plasma and RBC cholinesterase estimations are included along with medical examination of the workers. Workers were found to be mostly exposed to Celphos, DDVP, Malathion, Pyrethrum, etc, and the use of protective devices were very limited. Cases of significant reduction in plasma and RBC cholinesterase activity were found. Frequency of symptoms like dizziness, headache, lachrymation, burning sensation in eyes, nausea and anorexia, etc, were much more in the exposed workers. No cases of clinical poisoning attributable to occupational exposure to pesticides were reported by the workers.  相似文献   

The presence of residual organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticides was evaluated at different periods of sugarcane cultivation in agricultural soil and water samples from the town of Tlaltizapan, which is located in the state of Morelos in Mexico, to determine the presence and persistence of these compounds and their possible effects on the region. The compounds p,p′-DDE, p,p′-DDD (metabolites of p,p′-DDT), γ-HCH and heptachlor were found in more of 95% of the sampling zones in the three monitoring periods performed along 2 years. The highest concentration detected (129.6 μg/kg dry soil) was for α-HCH, but its frequency of detection was ~5%. The low detection frequency of α-HCH and the high concentration values of γ-HCH indicate the repeated use of technical-grade HCH and Lindane (γ-HCH) in the region. Among the organophosphorus pesticides, ethyl parathion was the compound with the highest soil concentration, at ~2000 μg/kgdry soil, during the initial monitoring. However, this compound was detected in the second monitoring with a concentration of ~4 μg/kgdry soil, but it was not detected in the third, indicating that is was not accumulated in the environment. The heptachlor was the compound most commonly found in all water samples, within a range of 0.45–1.25 ng/L. The presence of this organochlorine compound in the water samples indicated a possible migration from the soil to water bodies due to soil erosion. The presence of organophosphorus compounds was not detected in the water samples, which could be attributed to the moderate persistence of these compounds and their consequent degradation before arriving at the water bodies.  相似文献   


Inhibition studies have been carried on the hydrolysis reactions catalyzed by cholinesterases taken from electric eel, human and horse serums by Sevin, Aldrin and Malathion. Three esters of p‐nitrophenol have been used as substrates. The degree of inhibition has been used as a measure of the comparative toxicity of these pesticides on these cholinesterases.  相似文献   


Four techniques were studied for capacity to preserve sixteen organophosphorous pesticides in distilled water and in creek water. A technique using chloroform effectively preserved all sixteen pesticides for the three weeks of the study and refrigeration was effective for fourteen of the pesticides, but buffers of pH A and pH 7 appeared undependable as preservatives.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Among the factors affecting the environmental fate of surface-applied pesticides several biological as well as abiotic factors, such as volatilization and photochemical transformations are of particular interest. Whereas reliable measurement methods and models for estimating direct photodegradation are already available for the compartments of water and atmosphere and individual subprocesses have already been described in detail, there is still a need for further elucidation concerning the key processes of heterogeneous photodegradation of environmental chemicals on surfaces. METHODS: In order to systematically examine the direct and indirect photodegradation of 14C-labeled pesticides on various surfaces and their volatilization behavior, a new laboratory device ('photovolatility chamber') was designed according to US EPA Guideline 161-3. Model experiments under controlled conditions were conducted investigating the impact of different surfaces, i.e. glass, soil dust and radish plants, and environmental factors, i.e. irradiation and atmospheric ozone (O3), on the photodegradation and volatilization of surface-deposited [phenyl-UL-14C]parathion-methyl (PM). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Depending on the experimental conditions, parathion-methyl was converted to paraoxon-methyl, 4-nitrophenol, unknown polar products and 14CO2. With respect to the direct photodegradation of PM (experiments without O3), the major products were polar compounds and 14CO2, due to the rapid photochemical mineralization of 4-nitrophenol to 14CO2. Paraoxon-methyl and 4-nitrophenol formation was mainly mediated by the combination of light, O3, and *OH radicals. In radish experiments PM photodegradation was presumably located in the cuticle compartment, which exhibited a sensitized photodegradation, as more unknown products were yielded compared to the glass and soil dust experiments. This could be explained by intensifying the inherent PM degradation in the dark with the same product spectrum. Due to photochemical product formation, which is an antagonistic process to the volatilization of parent compound, the volatilization of unaltered parathion-methyl from each surface generally decreased in the presence of light, particularly in combination with increasing O3 concentrations and *OH radical production rates. CONCLUSION: First results demonstrated that the photovolatility chamber provides a special tool for the systematic evaluation of (a) photodegradation of surface-located pesticide residues, i.e. measuring qualitative aspects of direct and indirect photodegradation together with relative photodegradation rates, and (b) volatilization of pesticides on surfaces by including and optionally varying relevant parameters such as light, atmospheric O3 concentration, surface temperature, air temperature, air flow rate. OUTLOOK: The experimental facility represents an important complement to lysimeter and field studies, in particular for experiments on the volatilization of pesticides using the wind tunnel system. With the photovolatility chamber special experiments on photodegradation, volatilization and plant uptake can be conducted to study key processes in more detail and this will lead to a better understanding of the effects of certain environmental processes on the fate of released agrochemicals contributing to an improved risk assessment.  相似文献   

Organochlorine pesticides were intensively used in Mexico from 1950 until their ban and restriction in 1991. However, the presence of these compounds is commonly reported in many regions of the country. The aim of the present study was to identify and quantify residual organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticides in agricultural soil in Rio Verde region, San Luis Potosi state, which has been identified as possibly polluted by pesticides. Composed samples from 24 zones covering an area of approximately 5,440 ha were analyzed. The most frequently found pesticides were p,p´-DDT followed by ,p,p´-DDE, heptachlor, endosulfan and γ-HCH whose frequency rates were 100, 91, 83 and 54%, respectively. The concentration of p,p´-DDT in the crops grown in these soils was in the following order: chili > maize > tomato > alfalfa. The results obtained in this study show that p,p´-DDT values are lower or similar to those found in other agricultural regions of Mexico. Methyl and ethyl parathion were the most frequent organophosphate pesticide detected in 100% and 62.5% of the samples with average concentrations of 25.20 and 47.48 μg kg–1, respectively. More research is needed to establish the background levels of pesticides in agricultural soils and their potential ecological and human health effects in this region.  相似文献   

In this study, preliminary tests were conducted aiming to validate the use of ceramic porous cup for collecting soil water samples and monitoring pesticides contents, as usually made for nitrates. Interactions between porous cup and pesticides were examined under different experimental conditions for three herbicides (atrazine, isoproturon, 2,4-D) and one insecticide (carbofuran).

The results showed that ceramic was not inert for pesticides : as much as 80% of the applied pesticide could be retained during the flowing of the first tenth milliliters of solution. Interactions were attributed to sorption and “screening” of molecules by the porous walls and were related to the ionic character of pesticides. However, retention was not irreversible, since pesticides were quickly released by rinsing with distilled water.

After these tests, porous ceramic cups could be considered as suitable samplers for pesticide determinations in soil solution, contingent on gaining further informations about soil - porous cup - pesticide interactions.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to assess the impact of pesticidal residues on soil microbial and biochemical parameters of the tea garden soils. The microbial biomass carbon (MBC), basal (BSR) and substrate induced respirations (SIR), β -glucosidase activity and fluorescein diacetate hydrolyzing activity (FDHA) of six tea garden soils, along with two adjacent forest soils (control) in West Bengal, India were measured. The biomass and its activities and biochemical parameters were generally lower in the tea garden soils than the control soils. The MBC of the soils ranged from 295.5 to 767.5 μ g g? 1. The BSR and SIR ranged from 1.65 to 3.08 μ g CO2-C g? 1 soil h? 1 and 3.08 to 10.76 μ g CO2-C g? 1h? 1 respectively. The β -glucosidase and FDHA of the soils varied from 33.3 and 76.3 μ g para-nitrophenol g? 1 soil h? 1 and 60.5 to 173.5 μ g fluorescein g? 1h? 1respectively. The tea garden soils contained variable residues of organophosphorus and organochlorine pesticides, which negatively affected the MBC, BSR, SIR, FDHA and β -glucosidase activity. Ethion and chlorpyriphos pesticide residues in all the tea garden soils varied from 5.00 to 527.8 ppb and 17.6 to 478.1 ppb respectively. The α endosulfan, β endosulfan and endosulfan sulfate pesticide residues in the tea garden soils ranged from 7.40 to 81.40 ppb, 8.50 to 256.1 ppb and 55 to 95.9 ppb respectively. Canonical correlation analysis shows that 93% of the total variation was associated with the negative impact of chlorpyriphos, β and α endosulfan and endosulfan sulfate on MBC, BSR and FDHA. At the same time ethion had negative impact on SIR and β -glucosidase. Data demonstrated that the pesticide residues had a strong impact on the microbial and biochemical components of soil quality.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the performance of a method of analyzing pesticides in rice by using pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) and to perform a preliminary monitoring by using that method. The instrumental quantification limit, instrumental detection limit, method quantification limit, and method detection limit were determined. PLE temperature was also optimized for 6 target pesticides. Mean recoveries of spiked rice with target pesticides (4 ng/g and 40 ng/g) were 83%–109% with the repeatability of the analysis, represented as relative standard deviations, ranged from 1.3% to 11% (n = 5) for PLE at 130°C. These results were satisfactory according to the method of positive list in Japan. In a preliminary analysis of 10 target pesticides in 54 commercial rice samples, ferimzone was detected in only one unpolished rice sample.  相似文献   


The wide‐spread use of pesticides in modern agriculture has created a need to investigate the chemical transformation of pesticides in plants and animals. This paper reviews the chemical and biochemical fate of various pesticides and other xenobiotics. Photochemical mechanisms appear to be the most common pathways for the abiotic transformation of these chemicals. Biotic transformation includes a large group of biochemical reactions which may result in either deactivation (detoxication) or activation (toxication) of bioactive compounds. The need for quality control in the production of pesticides is also discussed.  相似文献   


The United States Environmental Protection Agency administers several laws and progrms through which it reviews the hazard potential of pesticides and other toxic substances which may present a risk to human health or the environment. The Agency's ability to assess hazard as required by law depends in part on test data developed through testing standards in Agency regulations. In reviewing the Agency's actions in this regard, the courts emphasize the importance of reasoned regulatory decisions. The legal requirements to assess risk and provide reasoned decisions in this regard establish the legal importance of testing guidelines and test data, and indicate that sound test methodology is as important legally as it is scientifically.  相似文献   

热解吸对土壤中POPs农药的去除及土壤理化性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索土壤热解吸修复技术对POPs污染土壤的修复效果及修复后土壤可耕作性,选择北京某农药厂旧址的POPs农药污染土壤,研究了不同温度下热解吸处理后土壤中滴滴涕(DDTs)和六六六(HCHs)各组分的去除率以及土壤理化性质的变化。结果表明,热解吸修复技术可有效去除土壤中POPs农药,其中,p,p’-DDE与α-HCH组分去除率受热解吸温度的影响比其他组分更为明显。∑HCH与∑DDT在310℃、340℃时分别达到97%、99%的去除率,且此时土壤中的污染物含量低于我国《展览会用地土壤环境质量评价标准》,此后去除率受温度的影响不明显。热解吸温度对修复后土壤的理化性质有一定的影响,不同温度影响的程度各不相同,其中,有机质含量与全氮含量分别由0.78%、0.0352%降至0.14%、0.0107%;pH波动幅度较小,由7.80变至8.25;阳离子交换量变化存在波动,但呈整体下降趋势,由7.87 mg/kg降至5.00mg/kg;土壤中速效磷显著增加,由7.59 mg/kg升至21.8 mg/kg。而在最优温度条件下,土壤理化性质受热解吸温度的影响较小。由此可以说明,热解吸技术可以用于POPs污染土壤的修复,选择适当的热解吸温度对土壤的可耕作性影响有限,因而是一种潜在的绿色修复技术。  相似文献   

为了研究抗生素污染土壤的修复方法,利用黑麦草对土壤中残留抗生素进行降解,并探讨土壤微生物生态活性及根系体表特征的响应。结果表明:黑麦草对土壤中四环素、金霉素、恩诺沙星、洛美沙星、环丙沙星、诺氟沙星的降解速率均显著大于对照(pr=-0.948,p<0.05)。  相似文献   

The noxious effects of low or effective dose exposure to single or mixed pesticides on macrophage activity and the lymphohematopoietic organs were investigated. Male Wistar rats were orally exposed to dichlorvos, dicofol, endosulfan, dieldrin and permethrin, either as single or combined mixtures during a 28-day study containing eight groups: one group received a semipurified diet (non-treated); two groups received a semipurified diet containing low dose mixture (dieldrin 0.025 mg/kg, endosulfan, 0.6 mg/kg, dicofol 0.22 mg/kg, dichlorvos 0.23 mg/kg, permethrin 5 mg/kg) or an effective dose mixture (dichlorvos 2.3 mg/kg, dicofol 2.5 mg/kg, endosulfan 2.9 mg/kg, dieldrin 0.05 mg/kg and permethrin 25.0 mg/kg), respectively; the other five groups received a semipurified diet containing each single pesticide in effective doses. At sacrifice, the thymus, spleen, mesenteric lymph nodes, Payer's patches and bone marrow were removed for histological analysis. Peritoneal macrophages were obtained to determine the phagocytosis and spreading indexes and tumoral necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), nitric oxide (NO) and H2O2 production. Exposure to pesticide mixtures did not alter the percentage of macrophage phagocytosis and spreading, TNF-α production or the NO and H2O2 release when compared to the non-treated group. Neither was there any apparent evidence that a pesticide mixture at low or effective doses altered the histological structure of the lymphohematopoietic organs. The findings indicate that short-term treatment with pesticide mixtures did not induce an apparent immunotoxic effect in male Wistar rats.  相似文献   

Atmospheric samples have been collected in Strasbourg between April 18 and May 29, 2007 and were analyzed for 71 current-use pesticides, of which 38 were detected. Average concentrations ranged from 0.09 ng m−3 for Fenarimol to 110.42 ng  m−3 for Dimethachlor, which was slightly higher than the concentrations reported from other, comparable agricultural regions.Significant temporal variations were observed for 30 pesticides, and for most of them it could be shown that these were linked to time, temperature or atmospheric pressure. In several cases this helped to identify pesticide application just before or at the beginning of the sampling period, or ongoing treatment. Humidity, in contrast to previous reports, could not be linked to these variations. For the other 8 pesticides, only very little temporal variations were observed. Generally, these concentrations were low (less than 1 ng m−3), and it was assumed that they are not in use in Alsace at present.  相似文献   


The importance of field surveys to provide data on acute pesticide hazards is discussed. The types of questions which small field surveys of pesticide exposure should answer are presented. In addition to protective clothing, the value of distance, time, and personal hygiene in reducing exposure are considered. Finally, the importance of an adequate data base for the development of protocols and guidelines for public protection is discussed.  相似文献   

利用TAMⅢ等温微量量热仪研究不同浓度的石油污染对土壤微生物活性的影响。对大港油田不同石油污染程度的土壤样品(3683-5-1、西51-5、西15-14和8-13-6H-1)以及实验室配置的短时间内石油污染土壤(空白、0.5%、1.5%、2.5%和4.0%)进行了微量热检测。含油量升高,总放热量升高,生长速率常数降低,峰值功率先升高后降低,达到最大峰值功率的时间随着含油量的升高而延长。结果表明,石油污染会影响土壤微生物的活性,并且在低浓度时促进微生物的生长,石油浓度高时会抑制土壤中微生物的生长代谢。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to measure of serum levels of p,p′-dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane (p,p′-DDT), p,p′-dichlorodiphenyl dichlorethylene (p,p′-DDE), β-hexachlorocyclohexane (β-HCH), and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) in healthy adults in Spain. Furthermore, we also analyzed these levels according to dietary, other lifestyle factors and anthropometric characteristics. We measured the concentrations of such organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in serum samples collected during 1992–1996 from 953 subjects aged 35–64 years, they were residents of five Spanish regions, they were randomly selected from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort. OCPs were determined by means of gas chromatography with electron-capture detection (GC-ECD). The most frequent compound found in serum was p,p′-DDE, present in 98% of the samples, followed by HCB and β-HCH, found in 89% and 77% of samples, respectively, while p,p′-DDT could be measured only in 26% of subjects. The geometric means of serum concentrations (ng/g lipid) were 822 for p,p′-DDE, 167 for β-HCH, and 379 for HCB. The concentrations of all OCPs were positively associated with age and body mass index, and decreased along the period of blood collection. No association was found between OCPs levels and dietary factors. The concentrations of p,p′-DDE and β-HCB were higher in Murcia, one of southern regions, most likely associated with intensive past use of pesticides related to agricultural practices, while higher levels of HCB were found in Navarra, located in the north, maybe due to industrial use rather than agricultural application.  相似文献   

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