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This study elucidated the acute toxicity of chlorpyrifos on the early life stages of banded gourami (Trichogaster fasciata). To determine the acute effects of chlorpyrifos on their survival and development, we exposedthe embryos and two-day-old larvae to six concentrations (0, 0.01, 0.10, 1.0, 10 and 100 µg L?1) of chlorpyrifos in plastic bowls. Log-logistic regression was used to calculate LC10 and LC50 values. Results showed that embryo mortality significantly increased with increasing chlorpyrifos concentrations. The 24-h LC10 and LC50 values (with 95% confidence limits) of chlorpyrifos for embryos were 0.89 (0.50–1.58) and 11.8 (9.12–15.4) µg L?1, respectively. Hatching success decreased and mortality of larvae significantly increased with increasing concentrations of chlorpyrifos. The 24-h LC10 and LC50 values (with 95% confidence limits) of chlorpyrifos for larvae were 0.53 (0.27–1.06) and 21.7 (15.9–29.4) µg L?1, respectively; the 48-h LC10 and LC50 for larvae were 0.04 (0.02–0.09) and 5.47 (3.77–7.94) µg L?1, respectively. The results of this study suggest that 1 µg L?1 of chlorpyrifos in the aquatic environment may adversely affect the development and the reproduction of banded gourami. Our study also suggests that banded gourami fish can serve as an ideal model species for evaluating developmental toxicity of environmental contaminants.  相似文献   

A significant problem for effect assessment of aquatic ecosystems arises from the large ranges of toxicity data, which can be found in different databases and literature. Here, ranges are given for the aquatic toxicity of 27 high production volume chemicals. Based on these illustrative examples and on the current literature on uncertainty in aquatic effect assessment, toxicity ranges are discussed for their possible causes (variation in experimental condition, species, endpoint, time) and ways to handle them (safety factors). Implications and recommendations on the procedure of risk analysis of chemical substances are drawn. Two main requirements for a comprehensive risk assessment are identified, which often play a minor role in current practice (as they are often neglected) as well as in scientific discussion (as they are meant to be trivial). First, data quality must be checked critically before applying any result of a toxicity test. Secondly, experimental data should take into account different species and acute as well as chronic data. If these aspects are considered in risk analysis, which is common practice in ecotoxicology but not always in the context of practical applications in risk engineering, a more comprehensive picture of the environmental toxicity of a chemical substance can be obtained.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the acute toxicity of some pesticides used in irrigated rice farming to Lithobates catesbeianus tadpoles. The LC50-96h for commercial formulations containing bentazon, penoxsulam, vegetable oil, permethrin and carbofuran, separately and their mixtures, were determined at the proportions commonly used in the field. The limits of risk concentrations of these products for the studied species were also established. The LC50-96h for tadpoles was 4,530 mg L?1 for bentazon; 7.52 mg L?1 for penoxsulam + 145.66 mg L?1 of vegetable oil; 81.57 mg L?1 for vegetable oil; 0.10 mg L?1 for permethrin; 29.90 mg L?1 for carbofuran (active ingredients), and 38.79 times the dose used in the field for the mixture of these products. The environmental risk was determined only for permethrin, and care should be taken when using the vegetable oil.  相似文献   

The acute toxicity (96 h) of pyrene (PY) to European seabass (Dicentrachus labrax) juveniles assessed in a semi-static bioassay (SSB) with medium renewal at each 12 h, and in a static bioassay (SB) without medium renewal was compared in laboratorial conditions (water PY concentrations: 0.07-10 mg L−1). Main findings in the SSB that assessed mainly the toxicity of PY and its metabolites were: increased levels of bile PY metabolites in good agreement with the profile of lipid peroxidation levels (LPO) in exposed fish relating PY exposure and oxidative damage; increased levels of PY-type compounds in the brain indicating their ability to cross the blood-brain barrier; increased levels of these substances in liver and muscle which are edible tissues for humans thus raising concern on potential adverse effects on consumers of fish from PY contaminated areas; a significant inhibition of glutathione S-transferase activity suggesting its involvement in PY detoxication as toxicant scavenger; finally, an almost complete impairment of the swimming velocity at all the PY concentrations linking sub-individual to higher population level effects. In the SB, where the overall toxicity of PY, its metabolites and environmental degradation products was evaluated, 19% and 79% of PY decay in test media was found at 12 and 96 h, respectively. In general, the effects were similar to those of SSB but with significant effects being induced at higher PY concentrations indicating that the parental compound is more toxic than its environmental degradation products. The other main differences relatively to the SSB were: increased levels of PY-type substances in the liver suggesting more accumulation in this organ. Therefore, these findings highlight the need of carefully considering experimental design options when assessing the toxicity of readily degradable substances to marine fish, and stress the importance of taking into consideration the toxicity of environmental degradation products in addition to toxic effects of the parental substance and its metabolites for marine ecological risk assessment.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of increased temperature and salinity, two potential impacts of global climate change, on the toxicity of two common pesticides to the estuarine grass shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio. Larval and adult grass shrimp were exposed to the fungicide chlorothalonil and the insecticide Scourge® under standard toxicity test conditions, a 10°C increase in temperature, a 10 ppt increase in salinity, and a combined increased temperature and salinity exposure. Toxicity of the fungicide chlorothalonil increased with temperature and salinity. Toxicity of the insecticide Scourge® also increased with temperature; while increased salinity reduced Scourge® toxicity, but only in adult shrimp. These findings suggest that changes in temperature and salinity may alter the toxicity of certain pesticides, and that the nature of the effect will depend on both the organism's life stage and the chemical contaminant. Standard toxicity bioassays may not be predictive of actual pesticide toxicity under variable environmental conditions, and testing under a wider range of exposure conditions could improve the accuracy of chemical risk assessments.  相似文献   

Chloride concentrations in surface waters have increased significantly, a rise attributed to road salt use. In Canada, this may be a concern for endangered freshwater mussels, many with ranges limited to southern Ontario, Canada’s most road-dense region. The acute toxicity of NaCl was determined for glochidia, the mussel’s larval stage. The 24 h EC50s of four (including two Canadian endangered) species ranged from 113-1430 mg Cl L−1 (reconstituted water, 100 mg CaCO3 L−1). To determine how mussels would respond to a chloride pulse, natural river water (hardness 278-322 mg CaCO3 L−1) was augmented with salt. Lampsilis fasciola glochidia were significantly less sensitive to salt in natural water (EC50s 1265-1559 mg Cl L−1) than in reconstituted water (EC50 285 mg L−1). Chloride data from mussel habitats revealed chloride reaches levels acutely toxic to glochidia (1300 mg L−1). The increased salinization of freshwater could negatively impact freshwater mussels, including numerous species at risk.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Incidence of amphibian deformities have increased in recent years, especially in the northern region of the United States. While many factors have been proposed as being responsible for generating deformities (e.g., contaminants, ultraviolet radiation [UV], parasites), no single cause has been definitively established. METHODS: To determine whether waterborne chemicals are responsible for amphibian deformities in ponds in north-central Minnesota, we deployed semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) in an impacted and a reference site to accumulate lipophilic contaminants. We then exposed native tadpoles (northern leopard frogs; Rana pipiens) to the SPMD extracts combined with two agricultural pesticides (atrazine, carbaryl) at two levels of UV radiation. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: UV radiation alone caused a slight increase in hatching success and tadpole growth rate. Deformity rate among hatchlings was high following exposure to SPMD extracts from the reference site in the absence of UV, suggesting that chemicals present at this site are broken down by UV to less harmful forms, or become less bioavailable. Conversely, impacted site SPMD extracts caused hatchling deformities only in the presence of UV, suggesting that UV potentiates the teratogenicity of the compounds present there. Impacted site SPMD extracts significantly increased the number of bony triangles among metamorphs, a common deformity observed at this site. The incidence of skin webbings increased significantly with SPMD extracts from both sites as well as with our pesticide control containing atrazine and carbaryl alone. CONCLUSIONS: Higher deformity rates among tadpoles reared in the presence of UV radiation and SPMD extracts from sites where deformities are common indicates a chemical compound (or compounds) in the water at this site may be causing the deformities. RECOMMENDATIONS AND OUTLOOK: It is important to examine the effects of chemical stressors in the presence of other natural stressors (e.g., UV radiation) to gain a better understanding of how multiple stressors work to impact amphibians and amphibian populations.  相似文献   

A computational model to predict acute aquatic toxicity to the ciliate Tetrahymena pyriformis has been developed. A general prediction of toxicity can be based on three consecutive steps: 1. Identification of a potential reactive mechanism via structural alerts; 2. Confirmation and quantification of (bio)chemical reactivity; 3. Establishing a relationship between calculated reactivity and toxicity. The method described herein uses a combination of a reactive toxicity (RT) model, including computed kinetic rate constants for adduct formation (log k) via a Michael acceptor mechanism of action, and baseline toxicity (BT), modelled by hydrophobicity (octanol-water partition coefficient). The maximum of the RT and BT values defines acute toxicity for a particular compound. The reactive toxicity model is based on site-specific steric and quantum chemical ground state electronic properties. The performance of the model was examined in terms of predicting the toxicity of 106 potential Michael acceptor compounds covering several classes of compounds (aldehydes, ketones, esters, heterocycles). The advantages of the computational method are described. The method allows for a closer and more transparent mechanistic insight into the molecular initiating events of toxicological endpoints.  相似文献   

An invertebrate embryo toxicity test with the ampullariid snail, Marisa cornuarietis, to assess the toxicity of pesticides and heavy metals recently was established. Snail embryos were treated with atrazine (100, 1000, 10 000, and 30 000 μg/L), imidacloprid (10 000, 25 000, and 50 000 μg/L), Ni2+ (0.1, 1, 10, and 100 μg/L) or Zn2+ (100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, and 5000 μg/L). The effect of these substances was examined by monitoring the following endpoints: mortality, formation of tentacles and eyes, heart rate, hatching, and weight after hatching. Effects in term of a significant delay on the formation of both tentacles and eyes were found after treatment with 100 μg/L Ni2+ or 200 μg/L Zn2+. The heart rate was shown to significantly decrease at 25 000 μg/L imidacloprid or 1000 μg/L Zn2+. At 100 μg/L atrazine, 10 μg/L Ni2+, or 1000 μg/L Zn2+ a significant delay in hatching became visible. No significant mortality was observed for the tested concentrations of atrazine, imidacloprid, or Ni2+, while 5000 μg/L Zn2+ resulted in 100% mortality after 10 d. The weight of freshly hatched individuals remained unaffected in all treatments. On the basis of the lowest observed effect concentrations (LOECs) recorded, we could show the M. cornuarietis embryo toxicity test (MariETT) to react up to three orders of magnitude more sensitive (for metals) and at least one order of magnitude more sensitive (for the tested organics) than the established Danio rerio embryo test.  相似文献   

Zaldívar JM  Baraibar J 《Chemosphere》2011,82(11):1547-1555
There is the need to integrate existing toxicity data in a coherent framework for extending their domain of applicability as well as their extrapolation potential. This integration would also reduce time and cost-consuming aspects of these tests and reduce animal usage. In this work, based on data extracted from literature, we have assessed the advantages that a dynamic biology-toxicant fate coupled model for Daphnia magna could provide when assessing toxicity data, in particular, the possibility to obtain from short-term (acute) toxicity test long-term (chronic) toxicity values taking into account the inherent variability of D. magna populations and the multiple sources of data. The results show that this approach overcomes some of the limitations of existing toxicity tests and that the prediction errors are considerably reduced when compared with the factor from 2 to 5 obtained using acute-to-chronic ratios.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the historical and recent research on the aquatic toxicology and bioconcentration potential of tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA), a major flame retardant in electronics. Historical studies on TBBPA are presented in detail, and are compared with more recent research. The historical studies have not been published to date, though they were pivotal in regulatory assessments by the European Union, Canada, and the USA. These assessments have enabled the use of TBBPA as a flame retardant in electronic applications, to the present. The studies were conducted under a Test Rule by the US Environmental Protection Agency in 1987, and were sponsored by member companies of the North American Flame Retardants Alliance (NAFRA) through the American Chemistry Council. The studies were conducted under Good Laboratory Practice procedures, and include 6 acute toxicity tests of TBBPA with fish, invertebrates, algae, and microbes, eight chronic tests, and three bioconcentration studies with fish and invertebrates. Methods and empirical data for each study are detailed in an electronic supplement. Results of the NAFRA studies are compared with recent findings on TBBPA toxicity. Molluscan shell growth may be uniquely sensitive to TBBPA, more sensitive than chronic fish or crustacean toxicity endpoints. Several of the NAFRA studies and several independent studies have reported toxicities exceeding the empirical water solubility limits of TBBPA (in the range of 2.0 mg/L depending on pH). The validity of these results is discussed.  相似文献   

The sole routine testing of the standard earthworm Eisenia fetida for the terrestrial risk assessment of pesticides has been under much debate since other soil invertebrates may be more sensitive than this standard test species. However, the very low availability of laboratory toxicity data for taxa other than E. fetida has greatly hampered sensitivity comparisons. In the present study, the relative tolerance (Trel) approach was used to enable comparing toxicity thresholds obtained from the US-EPA ECOTOX database, for main terrestrial taxonomic groups and pesticidal types of action (insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, and other) separately. Analyses confirmed previously reported lower and higher sensitivity of collembolans to fungicides and insecticides, respectively. However, various other discrepancies in susceptibility relative to E. fetida were encountered as indicated by species sensitivity distributions and/or calculated 95% confidence intervals of Trel values. Arachnids and isopods were found to be more sensitive to insecticides, and nematodes to fungicides, as compared to E. fetida. Implications of study findings for the terrestrial risk assessment of pesticides are discussed.  相似文献   

The aquatic toxicity of 1,1,2-trichloroethane, dieldrin, pentachlorophenol and 3,4-dichloroaniline was determined for about 15 marine and fresh water animals and several unicellular algae. Acute, subchronic and chronic tests including reproduction studies, were carried out. The results are summarized in five tables.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the extraction of pesticide residues that are transferred to the brew during mate drinking process of P.U.1 yerba mate leaves (Ilex paraguariensis), a special device to simulate the way in which mate is drunk in Uruguay was developed. The transfer to the brew of 12 organophosphates, 5 synthethic pyrethroids and one organochlorine pesticide from spiked samples was studied. The relationship between the transfer data thus obtained and physicochemical properties like water solubility (Ws), octanol-water coefficient (Kow) and Henry's constant (H) was evaluated. The extractability of the pesticide residues from yerba mate can be correlated with log Ws and log Kow. These transfer values allowed the calculation of ARLs (acceptable residue level) for the pesticides following Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), World Health Organizaion (WHO) guidelines. These results can help the future establishment of maximum residue levels (MRLs)  相似文献   

Zhang J  Liu SS  Dou RN  Liu HL  Zhang J 《Chemosphere》2011,82(7):1024-1029
Ionic liquids (ILs) are a fascinating group of new chemicals with the potential to replace the classical volatile organic solvents, stimulating many applications in chemical industry. In case ILs are released to the environment, possible combined toxicity should be taken into account and it is, however, often neglected up to now. In this paper, therefore, the concentration-response curves (CRCs) of four groups of IL mixtures with various mixture ratios to Vibrio qinghaiensis sp.-Q67 were determined using the microplate toxicity analysis and were compared to the CRCs predicted by an additive reference model, the concentration addition (CA) or independent action (IA), to identify the toxicity interaction. It is showed that most of the IL mixture rays displayed the classical addition while the remaining rays exhibited antagonism or synergism. Moreover, it is found that the pEC50 values of the mixture rays exhibiting antagonism or synergism are well correlated with the mixture ratio of a certain IL therein.  相似文献   

The luminescent bacteria test according to EN ISO 11348 is frequently applied in (eco) toxicity testing and is applicable for a huge variety of environmental and industrial samples. A big disadvantage of this method is the very short exposure time, which is expressed in a low sensitivity in regard to substances with a delayed effect. Chronic effects, i.e. interference with cell growth, cannot be assessed with this conventional standard method. The goal of this research was to develop an automated testing system for long term toxicity towards the luminescent bacteria Vibrio fischeri by implementing microtitration-based instrumentation. The optimized method, hereinafter referred to as “kinetic luminescent bacteria test”, can be described as a miniaturized combination of the conventional short-term luminescence inhibition test according to EN ISO 11348 and the Photobacterium phosphoreum growth inhibition test (DIN 38412-37). The validation procedure included the evaluation of six reference compounds (3,4-Dichloroaniline, 3,5-Dichlorophenol, Chloramphenicol, Streptomycin sulfate, Potassium dichromate, Zinc sulfate heptahydrate) and three different endpoints that are acute luminescence inhibition (acute LI) after 30 min, chronic luminescence inhibition (chronic LI) after 24 h and growth inhibition (GI) after 14 h. The optimized method allows the assessment of acute and chronic effects within one test, by what a misinterpretation of the toxicity of substances with delayed bacterial toxicity can be prevented, without abandoning most of the advantages of the conventional short-term test. Therefore, the kinetic luminescent bacteria test is exceptional as an initial screening test for environmental samples or substances with unknown (eco) toxicological characteristics.  相似文献   

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