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四川三台鲁班水库属于大型湖库,多年来除具有特色景观作为旅游景点外,主要用于发展水产养殖业。随着时间的延续,养殖规模的不断扩大,湖库的自净能力越来越差,使有机物污染不断加重,水质越来越差,出现富营养化现象,对水环境造成了不利影响。近年来,为了改变湖库水环境质量,调整转化湖库功能,恢复水环境质量,加强了对其水质的监测,其中的营养状态指标是湖库水环境质量的主要评价指标。评价结果,除秋季和冬季个别月份外,其余各月均有测点达到轻度富营养化及中度富营养化。  相似文献   

梁子湖流域水环境功能区划及水质现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“水是生命之源,生产之本。”近几十年来,由于人类活动对自然界的影响越来越大,水环境的污染问题也越来越突出,其造成的危害和影响越来越受到人们的关注。水资源总量是有限的,因此合理的规划开发利用水资源显得尤为重要。本文针对梁子湖流域存在的水环境水质恶化的问题,依据其水环境功能区划,通过对水质现状的监测,利用透明度、DO、BOD、COD、NH3-N、TP六个指标作为梁子湖水质研究的主要水质指标,并对监测结果进行分析,依据其检测结果进行流域控制单元的划分,同时加强水质管理,从而达到优化梁子湖流域水环境区划功能的目的,并对做好水资源保护工作有着重要的现实指导意义。  相似文献   

造成秦皇岛市空气环境状况越来越差,空气质量优良天数递减的主要原因为:不利的气象条件,污染源控制不完善,汽车尾气排放超标,港口扬尘严重,法规不健全及公众环保意识薄弱。建议通过加快产业升级与调整,推行清洁生产方式,搞好城市绿化工作,控制机动车尾气排放,加强环境科普教育的方法对秦皇岛市空气状况进行改善。  相似文献   

依据遂宁市“十五”水环境监测五年的基础数据,结合遂宁市“十一五”经济规划,分析评价了遂宁市“十一五”水环境质量变化趋势,预测出“十一五”末,我市CODcr和氨氮两个主要污染物入河量将有所增加,水环境质量将有恶化趋势。  相似文献   

Water quality monitoring involves sampling a population, water quality, that is changing over time. Sample statistics (e.g., sample mean) computed from data collected by a monitoring network can be affected by three general factors: (1) random changes due to storms, rainfall, etc.; (2) seasonal changes in temperature, rainfall, etc.; and (3) serial correlation or duplication in information from sample to sample. (Closely spaced samples will tend to give similar information).In general, these effects have been noted, but their specific effects on water quality monitoring network design have not been well defined quantitatively. The purpose of this paper is to examine these effects with a specific data set and draw conclusions relative to sampling frequency determinations in network design.The design criterion adopted for this study of effects due to the above factors is the width of confidence intervals about annual sample geometric means of water quality variables. The data base for the study consisted of a daily record of 5 water quality variables at 9 monitoring stations in Illinois for a period of 1 year.Three general regions of frequencies were identified: (1) greater than approximately 30 samples per year where serial correlation plays a dominant role; (2) between approximately 10 and 30 samples per year where the effects of seasonal variation and serial correlation tended to cancel each other out; and (3) less than approximately 10 samples per year where seasonal variation plays a dominant role. In region 2, either seasonal variation and serial correlation should both be considered or both ignored. To consider only seasonal variation introduces more error than ignoring it. These results are network averages (over variables and stations) from one network, thus results for individual variables may deviate considerably from the average and from those for other networks.Financial support for this study was provided, in part, by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, grant number R805759-01-0.  相似文献   

/ Air quality in most Asian cities is poor and getting worse. It will soon become impossible to sustain population, economic, and industrial growth without severe deterioration of the atmospheric environment. This paper addresses the city of Shanghai, the air-quality problems it faces over the next 30 years, and the potential of advanced technology to alleviate these problems. Population, energy consumption, and emission profiles are developed for the city at 0.1 degrees x 0.1 degrees resolution and extrapolated from 1990 to 2020 using sector-specific economic growth factors. Within the context of the RAINS-Asia model, eight technology scenarios are examined for their effects on ambient concentrations of sulfur dioxide and sulfate and their emission control costs. Without new control measures, it is projected that the number of people exposed to sulfur dioxide concentrations in excess of guidelines established by the World Health Organization will rise from 650,000 in 1990 to more than 14 million in 2020. It is apparent that efforts to reduce emissions are likely to have significant health benefits, measured in terms of the cost of reducing the number of people exposed to concentrations in excess of the guidelines ($10-50 annually per person protected). Focusing efforts on the control of new coal-fired power plants and industrial facilities has the greatest benefit. However, none of the scenarios examined is alone capable of arresting the increases in emissions, concentrations, and population exposure. It is concluded that combinations of stringent scenarios in several sectors will be necessary to stabilize the situation, at a potential cost of $500 million annually by the year 2020. KEY WORDS: Coal; China; Shanghai; Sulfur dioxide; Air quality; Health effects  相似文献   

Roofing as a source of nonpoint water pollution   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Sixteen wooden structures with two roofs each were installed to study runoff quality for four commonly used roofing materials (wood shingle, composition shingle, painted aluminum, and galvanized iron) at Nacogdoches, Texas. Each roof, either facing NW or SE, was 1.22 m wide x 3.66 m long with a 25.8% roof slope. Thus, there were 32 alternatively arranged roofs, consisting of four roof types x two aspects x four replicates, in the study. Runoff from the roofs was collected through galvanized gutters, downspouts, and splitters. The roof runoff was compared to rainwater collected by a wet/dry acid rain collector for the concentrations of eight water quality variables, i.e. Cu(2+), Mn(2+), Pb(2+), Zn(2+), Mg(2+), Al(3+), EC and pH. Based on 31 storms collected between October 1997 and December 1998, the results showed: (1) concentrations of pH, Cu, and Zn in rainwater already exceed the EPA freshwater quality standards even without pollutant inputs from roofs, (2) Zn and Cu, the two most serious pollutants in roof runoff, exceeded the EPA national freshwater water quality standards in virtually 100% and more than 60% of the samples, respectively, (3) pH, EC, and Zn were the only three variables significantly affected by roofing materials, (4) differences in Zn concentrations were significant among all roof types and between all roof runoff and rainwater samples, (5) although there were no differences in Cu concentrations among all roof types and between roof runoff and rainwater, all means and medians of runoff and rainwater exceeded the national water quality standards, (6) water quality from wood shingles was the worst among the roof types studied, and (7) although SE is the most frequent and NW the least frequent direction for incoming storms, only EC, Mg, Mn, and Zn in wood shingle runoff from the SE were significantly higher than those from the NW; the two aspects affected no other elements in runoff from the other three roof types. Also, Zn concentrations from new wood-shingle roofs were significantly higher than those from aged roofs of a previous study. The study demonstrated that roofs could be a serious source of nonpoint water pollution. Since Zn is the most serious water pollutant and wood shingle is the worst of the four roof types, using less compounds and materials associated with Zn along with good care and maintenance of roofs are critical in reducing Zn pollution in roof runoff.  相似文献   

Abstract: A simple spreadsheet model was used to evaluate potential water quality benefits of high‐density development. The question was whether the reduced land consumed by higher density development (vs. standard suburban developments) would offset the worse water quality generated by a greater amount of impervious surface in the smaller area. Total runoff volume and per acre loadings of total phosphorous, total nitrogen, and total suspended solids increased with density as expected, but per capita loadings and runoff decreased markedly with density. For a constant or given population, then, higher density can result in dramatically lower total loadings than more diffuse suburban densities. The model showed that a simple doubling of standard suburban densities [to 8 dwelling units per acre (DUA) from about 3 to 5 DUA] in most cases could do more to reduce contaminant loadings associated with urban growth than many traditional stormwater best management practices (BMPs), and that higher densities such as those associated with transit‐oriented development could outperform almost all traditional BMPs, in terms of reduced loadings per a constant population. Because higher density is associated with vibrant urban life, building a better city may be the best BMP to mitigate the water quality damage that will accompany the massive urban growth expected for the next several decades.  相似文献   

Scientific interpretation of the relationships between urban landscape patterns and water quality is important for sustainable urban planning and watershed environmental protection. This study applied the ordinary least squares regression model and the geographically weighted regression model to examine the spatially varying relationships between 12 explanatory variables (including three topographical factors, four land use parameters, and five landscape metrics) and 15 water quality indicators in watersheds of Yundang Lake, Maluan Bay, and Xinglin Bay with varying levels of urbanization in Xiamen City, China. A local and global investigation was carried out at the watershed-level, with 50 and 200 m riparian buffer scales. This study found that topographical features and landscape metrics are the dominant factors of water quality, while land uses are too weak to be considered as a strong influential factor on water quality. Such statistical results may be related with the characteristics of land use compositions in our study area. Water quality variations in the 50 m buffer were dominated by topographical variables. The impact of landscape metrics on water quality gradually strengthen with expanding buffer zones. The strongest relationships are obtained in entire watersheds, rather than in 50 and 200 m buffer zones. Spatially varying relationships and effective buffer zones were verified in this study. Spatially varying relationships between explanatory variables and water quality parameters are more diversified and complex in less urbanized areas than in highly urbanized areas. This study hypothesizes that all these varying relationships may be attributed to the heterogeneity of landscape patterns in different urban regions. Adjustment of landscape patterns in an entire watershed should be the key measure to successfully improving urban lake water quality.  相似文献   

Rapid industrialization and population growth in the north Mexican desert city of Ciudad Juarez are placing a serious strain on the city's municipal water resources. Water deliveries and service area have more than doubled over the past decade, and plans for additional expansion are presently being implemented. This expansion is already contributing to water table declines and salinity increases in the Mexican portion of the Heuco Bolson, the sole source of water for the city. Continued mining of the limited fresh water reserves should produce serious water supply problems in the near future. New estimates of future water consumption incorporated into a digital aquifer simulation model indicate that these problems may show up much sooner than was anticipated in previous investigations. The results of this study point to the need to accelerate the gathering of basic data on alternative water resources. The problems faced by Cd. Juarez are illustrative of the kinds of difficulties likely to confront other rapidly developing cities of the arid zone.  相似文献   

A survey by means of questionnaire was undertaken by ESCAP to determine the current status of water quality management in the region. The questionnaire was designed to determine the severity and extent of water quality problems, the major contributors to water pollution, the problems created by such pollution and the actions being taken to correct them. The survey found that there was widespread awareness of the need for water quality management and that many countries had passed legislation to ensure that such management was practised. Unfortunately, the financial resources needed for enforcement of the laws enacted were often lacking.  相似文献   

采用大气污染物超标指数、水污染物浓度超标指数、污染物浓度综合超标指数等3个指标,针对汶川地震极重灾区10个县市,评价了区域环境系统对社会经济系统的支撑能力.结果 表明:10个县市中,环境承载力超载的县市有7个,接近超载的县市有3个.其中,9个县市的大气存在环境质量问题,4个县市的水环境质量存在问题,整个区域大气环境质量...  相似文献   

Urban and industrial areas continue to expand and consequently, to create serious water pollution problems to natural streams. The need for the development of accurate, reliable, and sensitive water quality prediction models is most desirable. The first objective of this research is to set guidelines for dividing a natural stream into more or less independent reaches based on some criteria. The second objective is to obtain the predicting equations of the water pollutants in a selected stream. The preliminary phase of this research evaluated water quality data sampled from the Pearl River which flows southwest and then turns south through the states of Mississippi and Louisiana. This evaluation served as guidelines to divide the total river basin into reaches (subsystems) appropriate to the objective of this research. Subsequent to this subsystem assignment, a stepwise multiple regression FORTRAN program was used to regress the pollutants (dependent variables) for both time and space on their water characteristics (independent variables). Based on the results obtained, the proposed statistical approach provides a practical tool for developing regression equations for the purpose of water pollutants' prediction.  相似文献   

浅谈三江源区隆务河流域水资源现状   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文对三江源自然保护区的重要河流——隆务河流域的水环境污染源、污染物及其排放状况进行了现场全方位调查,选取pH、Cr6+、DO、COD等为监测项目,调查结果表明该地区水资源已经达不到国家地表水环境质量标准(GB 3838—2002)要求。本文还分析其污染源沿河流呈零星分布的特点,阐述了污染物对环境造成的危害,为三江源的水环境可持续发展提供保障。  相似文献   

沱江流域综合整治规划   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
施为光 《四川环境》1996,15(3):67-71
本文首先在描述了沱江流域的水质问题,沱江干流的几个主要水质指标与10年前相比呈继续恶化的趋势,于流的水污染仍未得到控制,工业点源污染和流域非点源是造成流域水污染的主要原因,沱江流域水环境潜在问题陆生生态恶化和水资源贫乏两大难题,文章提出了工业污染源控制,修建城市污水厂,增加枯水流量和提高森林覆盖率等综合防治措施。  相似文献   

为研究饮马河流域长春段水质污染现状和污染负荷演变特征,以饮马河流域长春段的五个国考断面为水质监测点,通过对国考断面水体水质中含有的COD、NH3-N、TP浓度的检测分析,研究区域的水质污染现状和不同水期对污染负荷的影响规律,同时对2020年各考核断面的污染负荷进行估算.经估算,在2020年,计算单元总的COD负荷年排放...  相似文献   

Discharge from the Great Barrier Reef Catchment (GBRC) is considered the second most serious threat to the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Utilising principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA), this research aimed to assess the variability and co-variation of 28 water basins (WBs) within the GBRC, in order to improve the institutional arrangements and regulation of water quality and increase collaboration horizontally between management organisations, and vertically between government tiers. Water basin variability was measured by nine variables: size (ha), population, agricultural land use (ha), number of major water storages, major rivers and major towns, total nitrogen exported (T/yr), total phosphorus exported (T/yr) and herbicide use (ha). The Fitzroy WB, with PC scores of 7.0081, 2.2897 and ?1.6504, was identified as the most dissimilar and therefore needing to be managed differently. Many WBs within the same regions were very dissimilar to each other, indicating that current management practices, based largely on geographic location, are unlikely to be the most efficient and effective. Instead, managing groups of WBs with similar geo-political properties (determined by the CA) could be more effective and efficient. Coordination and collaboration are key to successful ecosystem based management, therefore managing similar WBs together through inter-NRM (natural resource management) agreements, irrespective of their geographical location, facilitates management bodies building strong, cooperative working relationships.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Water quality modeling has been developed for more than three quarters of a century, but is limited to the study of trends instead of making accurate short-term forecasts. A major barrier to water quality forecasting is the lack of an efficient system for water quality monitoring. Traditional water quality sampling is time-consuming, expensive, and can only be taken for small sizes. Remote sensing provides a new technique to monitor water quality repetitively for a large area. The objective of this research is to use remotely sensed data in a water quality model - QUAL2E - in a case study of the Te-Chi Reservoir in Taiwan. The water quality variables developed from the simulations are displayed in map form. The developed forecasting system is designed to predict water quality variables using remote sensing data as an input to initialize and update water quality conditions.  相似文献   

为弄清大渡河流域电站建设对虎嘉鱼等5种保护鱼类的影响情况,探索适宜的保护措施,在流域枯水和丰水期分别选择了电站建设上下游6个有代表性的断面采集水样,采用电感耦合等离子发射光谱法等方法测定了重金属元素等16个指标,用单因子和综合指数评价法对电站上下游水质进行了对比评价;采用实地调查的方法调查了5种保护鱼类在近10年间种群数量的变化趋势。结果表明:电站建设对水质综合影响指数在1.64—1.82之间,影响严重;5种保护鱼类种群数量近10年间急剧下降,目前已为未见或罕见。  相似文献   

States, territories, and tribes identify nonpoint source pollution as responsible for more than half of the Nation’s existing and threatened water quality impairments, making it the principal remaining cause of water quality problems across the United States. Combinations of education, technical and financial assistance, and regulatory measures are used to inform landowners about nonpoint source pollution issues, and to stimulate the use of best management practices. A mail survey of non-commercial riparian landowners investigated how they learn about best management practices, the efficacy of different educational techniques, and what motivates them to implement land management activities. Landowners experience a variety of educational techniques, and rank those that include direct personal contact as more effective than brochures, advertisements, radio, internet, or television. The most important motivations for implementing best management practices were linked with elements of a personal stewardship ethic, accountability, personal commitment, and feasibility. Nonpoint source education and social marketing campaigns should include direct interpersonal contacts, and appeal to landowner motivations of caring, responsibility, and personal commitment.  相似文献   

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