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This study evaluates the effect of sewage amendment (SA) on the dissipation of terbuthylazine, its degradation compound desethyl-terbuthylazine, and S-metolachlor in the soil. The experiment was conducted at Padua Experimental Farm (Italy). Herbicides dissipation was evaluated in soils differently fertilized for three years: with inorganic fertilizer, with sewage sludge, and with a combination of them. Terbuthylazine and S-metolachlor were applied on sorghum as a formulated product at a dose of 2.8?L ha?1, and their dissipation was followed for 2.5 months. The concentrations of herbicides and one metabolite in soil were analyzed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. The dissipation of terbuthylazine and S-metolachlor followed a pseudo first order kinetics; they dissipated faster in soil amended only with inorganic fertilizer than in soils amended with sewage or sewage?+?inorganic fertilizer. The reduction in mineralization of the herbicides after sewage addition can be attributed to the reduced herbicide availability to microorganisms. The degradation of terbuthylazine led to the formation of desethyl-terbuthylazine. SA slowed down the formation and the degradation of desethyl-terbuthylazine, leading to a higher amount measured at the end of the incubation. These findings have practical implications for the assessment of the environmental fate of terbuthylazine and S-metolachlor in agricultural areas.  相似文献   

The Microtox® test, using the prokaryote Vibrio fischeri, was employed to assess the toxicity of the maize herbicides S-metolachlor, benoxacor, mesotrione and nicosulfuron, and their formulated compounds: Dual Gold Safeneur®, Callisto® and Milagro®; alone and in mixtures. For each compound we obtained original IC50 values, with consistent higher toxicities for formulated compounds compared to active ingredients alone. Mixtures of the four herbicides, prepared according to application doses encountered in agriculture, were found to be toxic at a lower concentration than single molecules. Mesotrione and nicosulfuron mixture appeared to be highly toxic to V. fischeri, however, this recommended post-emergence combination for maize crops got its toxicity decreased in formulated compound mixtures, suggesting that chemical interactions could potentially reduce the toxicity. Data comparisons to theoretical models showed a good prediction of mixture toxicity by Concentration Addition concept. Results seemed to exclude any synergistic effects on V. fischeri for the tested herbicide mixtures. Additional work coupling these bioassay data to ecosystemic level studies (aquatic and soil compartments) and data on additives and degradation products toxicity, will help to fill the gap in our knowledge of the environmental impact of these xenobiotics and in the choice of a more sustainable use of pesticides.  相似文献   


Rainfall simulation was used with small packed boxes of soil to compare runoff of herbicides applied by conventional spray and injection into sprinkler‐irrigation (chemigation), under severe rainfall conditions. It was hypothesized that the larger water volumes used in chemigation would leach some of the chemicals out of the soil surface rainfall interaction zone, and thus reduce the amounts of herbicides available for runoff. A 47‐mm rain falling in a 2‐hour event 24 hours after application of alachlor (2‐chloro‐N‐(2,6‐diethylphenyl)‐N‐(methoxymethyl)‐acetamide) and atrazine (6‐chloro‐N‐ethyl‐N‐(1‐methylethyl)‐1,3,5‐triazine‐2,4‐diamine) was simulated. The design of the boxes allowed a measurement of pesticide concentrations in splash water throughout the rainfall event. Initial atrazine concentrations exceeding its’ solubility were observed. When the herbicides were applied in 64000 L/ha of water (simulating chemigation in 6.4 mm irrigation water) to the surface of a Tifton loamy sand, subsequent herbicide losses in runoff water were decreased by 90% for atrazine and 91% for alachlor, as compared to losses from applications in typical carrier water volumes of 187 L/ha. However, this difference was not due to an herbicide leaching effect but to a 96% decrease in the amount of runoff from the chemigated plots. Only 0.3 mm of runoff occurred from the chemigated boxes while 7.4 mm runoff occurred from the conventionally‐treated boxes, even though antecedent moisture was higher in the former. Two possible explanations for this unexpected result are (a) increased aggregate stability in the more moist condition, leading to less surface sealing during subsequent rainfall, or (b) a hydrophobic effect in the drier boxes. In the majority of these pans herbicide loss was much less in runoff than in leachate water. Thus, in this soil, application of these herbicides by chemigation would decrease their potential for pollution only in situations where runoff is a greater potential threat than leaching.  相似文献   

淹水对土壤重金属浸出行为的影响及机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了明确淹水对土壤重金属浸出行为的影响及其作用机制,以实际场地重金属污染土壤为研究对象,开展了淹水实验。对淹水过程中土壤重金属的浸出浓度、氧化还原电位、pH、铁氧化物浓度及重金属形态等相关指标进行测定了分析。结果表明,淹水后,重金属浸出浓度随淹水时间呈现先增长后降低趋势。淹水初期(30 d),Cu、Zn、Cd和Pb浸出浓度分别增加了6.71%、4.03%、3.56%和4.55%。pH降低、有机质降解和铁氧化物还原溶解是导致重金属浸出浓度升高的主要原因。随淹水时间的持续增加,重金属浸出浓度逐渐降低并于90 d时趋于稳定。淹水结束时(180 d),Cu、Zn、Cd和Pb浸出浓度分别降低了23.78%、16.78%、15.48%和15.45%。重金属形态分析表明,淹水促使重金属赋存形态由酸可提取态转化为可还原态和可氧化态,降低了重金属活性;矿物成份分析证实了金属硫化铜物相的生成。新形成的无定形氧化铁对重金属的吸附作用和硫化物与重金属的化学沉淀作用是重金属浸出浓度降低的主要机制。该研究为淹水条件下重金属污染土壤风险控制提供了依据。  相似文献   

Delphin JE  Chapot JY 《Chemosphere》2006,64(11):1862-1869
A field experiment was conducted on a Calcaric Cambisol soil to study the consequences of the penetration depth and properties of pesticides on the risk of subsequent leaching. Three pesticides with different mobility characteristics and bromide were injected at 30 cm (where soil organic matter (OM) was 2%) and 80 cm (soil OM 0.5%) on irrigated plots without a crop. The migration of injected solutes was assessed for two years by sampling the soil solution using six porous cups installed at 50 and 150 cm depth and by relating solute contents to drainage water flux estimated by the STICS model (Simulateur mulTIdisciplinaire pour les Cultures Standard). Pesticides injected at 30 cm were strongly retained so that no metolachlor or diuron was detected at 50 and 150 cm. The ratio of atrazine peak concentration in the soil solution to concentration in the injected solution (C/C0) was 1 × 10−3 and 0.2 × 10−3, respectively, at 50 and 150 cm. When injected at 80 cm, (C/C0) of atrazine, metolachlor and diuron were 10 × 10−3, 1 × 10−3 and 0.3 × 10−3 at 150 cm, respectively; 1/(C/C0) was correlated with Koc values reported from databases. The ratio of drainage volume to the amount of water at field capacity in the soil layer between the injection point at 30 cm and the water sampling level (V/V0) at 50 and 150 cm was 0.6 and 0.9, respectively, for bromide and 1.6 and 1.0 for atrazine. V/V0 of the injected solutes at 80 cm was for bromide, atrazine, metolachlor and diuron 0.6, 0.9, 1.2 and 1.7, respectively; pesticide V/V0 was correlated with Koc. The retardation factor was a good indicator of migration risk, but tended to overestimate retardation of molecules with high Koc. Atrazine desorption represented an additional leaching risk as a source of prolonged low contamination. The large variability in soil solution of bromide and pesticide concentrations in the horizontal plane was attributed to flow paths and clods in the tilled soil layer. This heterogeneity was assumed to channel water fluxes into restricted areas and thereby increase the risk of groundwater contamination. The methodology used in the field proves to provide consistent results.  相似文献   

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