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Effects of the herbicide metsulfuron‐methyl on soil microorganisms and their activities in two soils were evaluated under laboratory conditions. Measurements included their populations, soil respiration, and microbial biomass. In the clay soil, bacterial populations decreased with increasing concentration of metsulfuron‐methyl during the first 9 days of incubation but exceeded that of the control soil from day 27 onward. In the sandy loam soil, the herbicide reduced bacterial populations during the first 3 days after application, but these increased to the level of untreated controls after 9 days’ incubation. Fungal populations in both soils increased with increasing metsulfuron‐methyl concentrations, especially in the sandy loam soil. CO2 evolution was stimulated in both soils in the presence of the herbicide initially, but decreased during days 3 to 9 of the incubation period before increasing again afterward. The presence of metsulfuron‐methyl in the soil increased microbial biomass, except in sandy loam soil at the first day of incubation.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The study used scattered literature to summarize the effects of excess Cd, As, and Pb from contaminated soils on plant secondary metabolites/bioactive...  相似文献   

This study, based on a greenhouse pot culture experiment conducted with 15-day-old rapeseed (Brassica campestris L. cv. Pusa Gold; family Brassicaceae) and moong bean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek cv. Pusa Ratna; family Fabaceae) plants treated with cadmium (Cd) concentrations (0, 50, and 100 mg kg?1 soil), investigates their potential for Cd accumulation and tolerance, and dissects the underlying basic physiological/biochemical mechanisms. In both species, plant dry mass decreased, while Cd concentration of both root and shoot increased with increase in soil Cd. Roots harbored a higher amount of Cd (vs. shoot) in B. campestris, while the reverse applied to V. radiata. By comparison, root Cd concentration was higher in B. campestris than in V. radiata. The high Cd concentrations in B. campestris roots and V. radiata shoots led to significant elevation in oxidative indices, as measured in terms of electrolyte leakage, H2O2 content, and lipid peroxidation. Both plants displayed differential adaptation strategies to counteract the Cd burden-caused anomalies in their roots and shoots. In B. campestris, increasing Cd burden led to a significantly decreased reduced glutathione (GSH) content but a significant increase in activities of GSH reductase (GR), GSH peroxidase (GPX), and GSH sulfotransferase (GST). However, in V. radiata, increasing Cd burden caused significant increase in GSH content and GR activity, but a significant decline in activities of GPX and GST. Cross talks on Cd burden of tissues and the adapted Cd tolerance strategies against Cd burden-accrued toxicity indicated that B. campestris and V. radiata are good Cd stabilizer and Cd extractor, respectively, wherein a fine tuning among the major components (GR, GPX, GST, GSH) of the GSH redox system helped the plants to counteract differentially the Cd load-induced anomalies in tissues. On the whole, the physiological/biochemical characterization of the B. campestris and V. radiata responses to varying Cd concentrations can be of great help in elaborating the innovative plant-based remediation technologies for metal/metalloid-contaminated sites.  相似文献   

Soil avoidance by earthworms has been generally considered a relevant and sensitive endpoint for assessing soil contamination by xenobiotics. However, when pesticide ecotoxicological assessment is concerned, the sensitivity of the recently standardized avoidance assay has been questioned. We hypothesized that this controversy may be due to the specific pesticide mode of action of the chemicals used rather than reveal inconsistencies in the test feasibility, i.e. provided that no pesticides interfering with neuronal pathways are tested, this bioassay should keep expected high levels of sensitivity. In this study, the avoidance behaviour of the earthworm Eisenia andrei under exposure to the carbamate insecticide methomyl [S-methyl N-(methylcarbamoyloxy)thioacetimidate] was linked to the corresponding acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibition. Significant AChE inhibition occurred at lower concentrations (from 0.86 mg Kg?1 onwards) than significant avoidance of spiked soil (from 5.62 mg Kg?1 onwards). This indicates that assessments regarding pesticides that have neurotoxic activity may be biased if behavioral endpoints are selected. Despite theoretical hypothesis that have been raised, this should be the first study providing preliminary experimental evidence on such a link between avoidance behavior and neuronal impairment levels in earthworms. Further studies are ongoing that should refine conclusions of this study.  相似文献   


This study was conducted to determine the effects of pesticide mixtures on degradation patterns of parent compounds as well as effects on soil microbial respiration. Bioavailability of residues to sensitive plant species was also determined. Soil for this study was obtained from a pesticide‐contaminated area within an agrochemical dealer site. Degradation patterns were not affected by the presence or absence of other herbicides in this study. Atrazine concentrations were significantly lower at 21 through 160 days aging time compared to day 0 concentrations. Metolachlor and pendimethalin concentrations were not significantly different over time and remained high throughout the study. Microbial respiration was suppressed in treated soils from day 21 to day 160. Soybean and canola were the most successful plant species in the germination and survival tests. Generally, with increased aging of pesticides in soil, germination time decreased. Survival time of plants increased over time for some treatments indicating possible decreased bioavailability of pesticide residues. In some cases, survival time decreased at the longer 160‐day aging period, possibly indicating a change in bioavailability, perhaps as the result of formation of more bioavailable and phytotoxic metabolites. No interactive effects were noted for mixtures of pesticides compared to individually applied pesticides in terms of degradation of the parent compound or on seed germination, plant survival, or microbial respiration.  相似文献   

In a controlled environment experiment, using Cd spiked soil, lettuce plants were grown under a range of DTPA levels and were subsequently harvested to determine levels of phytoaccumulation. Cadmium phytoaccumulation significantly increased with increasing soil Cd level (P < 0.05) but unexpectedly decreased with increasing DTPA levels, despite the fact that solubility of Cd was increased in the soil. Cadmium translocation (from root to shoot) increased after DTPA application. Lettuce growth was inhibited by both Cd and DTPA (at and above 10 and 500 mg kg?1 respectively), as a result of higher Cd mobility and subsequent toxicity which was caused by DTPA higher dosages. Metal solubility in the soil (ranged between 2.8 and 26.5 mg kg?1) was found to be significantly higher (P < 0.01) as compared to control with increasing DTPA levels even after 3 months of DTPA application. Cadmium tissue concentration in all DTPA treatments was less than in the corresponding control treatment, indicating a negative effect of DTPA application on Cd uptake. In conclusion, lettuce was an unsuitable plant species for Cd accumulation, at least when associated with a DTPA chelator.  相似文献   

Mutagenic and recombinagenic activity of surface waters in the Guaíba Hydrographic Region (RS, Brazil) was investigated using the SMART in Drosophila melanogaster. Two positive results in Caí River (September 2000 and August 2001) and in Taquari River (August 2001 and February 2002)--linked to direct recombinagenic toxicants were observed. In Jacuí samples, an indirect mutagenic and recombinagenic action was detected in a September 2000 collection and a direct recombinational activity was observed in February 2002. Also in February 2002--samples from Dilúvio Brook and Guaíba Lake (GPC) were able to induce wing spots by mitotic recombinagenesis. The former sampling site showed toxicants to have a direct action, and the latter an increment in mitotic recombination that depended on metabolic action. The SMART wing test shows that all positive responses were mainly related to homologous mitotic recombination.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Heavy metals is a collective term describing metals and metalloids with a density higher than 5&nbsp;g/cm3. Some of them are essential...  相似文献   

In this study, the effect of mine work wastes on elemental composition (N, P, Ca, K, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn) of some alpine and subalpine plant species and in soils were investigated in the surroundings of the Etibank Wolfram Mine Work in Uludag mountain. Soils and plant parts belonging to Thymus praecox Opiz., Acinos alpinus (L.) Moench, Plantago holosteum Scop and Festuca punctoria Sm species collected from three directions around Wolfram Mine Work were used for our investigations. All samples were analysed by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer (FAAS) for Ca, K, Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn, and Cu. The significant differences among sample sites were in terms of pH, % CaCO3, % C, % N and % P contents of soil. The changes of Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Fe, Zn, and Cu contents in soil were determined to be due to mining activity. Of the four species examined, an important change was determined in concentrations of Mg, Mn, Fe and Zn although P. holosteum and F. punctoria were different in above- and below-ground parts, showing that plant element content is specific to species.  相似文献   


14C‐carbaryl and 14C‐1‐naphthol form soil bound residues which get partially released when barley was grown. 14C‐residues could be detected in both shoot and root in the case of carbaryl treatment while only roots showed 14C‐residues in the case of 1‐naphthol. Flooding enhanced release of the bound residues while soil amendment did not. There was greater mineralization of bound residues of carbaryl than that of 1‐naphthol. Rice straw amendment enhanced mineralization.  相似文献   



The large global production of plastics and their presence everywhere in the society and the environment create a need for assessing chemical hazards and risks associated with plastic products. The aims of this study were to determine and compare the toxicity of leachates from plastic products made of five plastics types and to identify the class of compounds that is causing the toxicity.


Selected plastic types were those with the largest global annual production, that is, polypropylene, polyethylene, and polyvinyl chloride (PVC), or those composed of hazardous monomers (e.g., PVC, acrylonitrile?Cbutadiene?Cstyrene [ABS], and epoxy). Altogether 26 plastic products were leached in deionized water (3?days at 50°C), and the water phases were tested for acute toxicity to Daphnia magna. Initial Toxicity Identification Evaluations (C18 filtration and EDTA addition) were performed on six leachates.


For eleven leachates (42%) 48-h EC50s (i.e the concentration that causes effect in 50 percent of the test organisms) were below the highest test concentration, 250 g plastic/L. All leachates from plasticized PVC (5/5) and epoxy (5/5) products were toxic (48-h EC50s ranging from 2 to 235?g plastic/L). None of the leachates from polypropylene (5/5), ABS (5/5), and rigid PVC (1/1) products showed toxicity, but one of the five tested HDPE leachates was toxic (48-h EC50 17?C24?g plastic/L). Toxicity Identification Evaluations indicated that mainly hydrophobic organics were causing the toxicity and that metals were the main cause for one leachate (metal release was also confirmed by chemical analysis).


Toxic chemicals leached even during the short-term leaching in water, mainly from plasticized PVC and epoxy products.  相似文献   

This study was designed to evaluate the impact of sewage sludge spreading on tropical soilborne heavy metal speciation. Sludgeborne heavy metal speciation was also assessed, and the potential mobility of the elements was classified as follows: Zn>Ni>Cu approximately Cr. Two sequential extraction procedures were applied to study Cr, Cu, Ni and Zn speciation in control soils and sludge-amended soils. We demonstrated that sewage sludge spreading over a 2-year period did not have an impact on soilborne heavy metal concentrations but affected speciation of the most mobile fractions of Ni and Zn. Both protocols were consistent for the organic matter fractions, with an increase in Cu, Zn and Cr concentrations in the amended soil as compared to the control soil. In addition, we highlighted that the two protocols characterized different pools of organic matter and that organic compounds remained in the solid matrix after extraction. With respect to the reducible fraction, completely opposite results were obtained with the two protocols and the solid residue study revealed that the two schemes were ineffective in characterizing iron and manganese fractions.  相似文献   

The anoxic–oxic (A/O) process has been extensively applied for simultaneous removal of organic contaminants and nitrogen in wastewater treatment. However, very little is known about its ability to remove toxic materials. Municipal wastewater contains various kinds of pollutants, some of which have recalcitrant genotoxicity and may cause potential threat to environment, and even can lead to extinction of many species. In this study, we have selected three municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) employing anoxic–oxic (A/O) process to evaluate their ability to remove acute toxicity and genotoxicity of wastewater. Mortality rate of zebrafish (Danio rerio) was used to evaluate acute toxicity, while micronucleus (MN) and comet assays were used to detect genotoxicity. Results showed that in this process the acute toxicity was completely removed as the treatment proceeded along with decrease in chemical oxygen demand (COD) (<50 mg L?1) in the effluent. However, in these treatment processes the genotoxicity was not significantly reduced, but an increase in genotoxicity was observed. Both MN and comet assays showed similar results. The eliminated effluent may pose genotoxic threaten although its COD level has met the Chinese Sewage Discharge Standard. This study suggests that further treatment of the wastewater is required after the A/O process to remove the genotoxicity and minimize the ecotoxicological risk.  相似文献   


The potential for dechlorinating 2,4‐dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4‐D) and 2,4,5‐trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5‐T) in soil with a consortium showing stable dechlorinating activity was investigated. The effects of adding electron donors and/or acceptors under three anaerobic reducing conditions was compared. Results show that both 2,4‐D and 2,4,5‐T dechlorination rates were enhanced in methanogenic conditions, delayed in sulfate‐reducing conditions, and inhibited in denitrifying conditions. Also under the same three conditions dechlorination was be enhanced by the addition of lactate, pyruvate, and acetate, delayed by the addition of manganese oxide and vitamin B12, and inhibited by the addition of ferric chloride. Response to treatment with such microbial inhibitors as bromoethane sulfonic acid (BESA), vancomycin, and molybdate suggests that the major bacteria involved in 2,4‐D and 2,4,5‐T dechlonnation is methanogen followed joined by sulfate‐reducing bacteria and eubacteria.  相似文献   


Pretreatment of a Drummer‐Catlin soil mixture with granular formulations of carbofuran or trimethacarb enhanced biodegradation of subsequent treatments with the technical formulations. Degradation of carbofuran was enhanced by pretreatments with trimethacarb, and degradation of trimethacarb was enhanced by pretreatments with carbofuran. Bendiocarb degradation was enhanced by pretreatments of soil with carbofuran or trimethacarb. In bioassays with southern corn rootworm larvae, biological activity of carbofuran, trimethacarb, and bendiocarb was rapidly lost in soils pretreated with granular formulations. Pretreatment of soil with granular terbufos did not enhance the biodegradation of subsequent applications of technical terbufos. Several microbial biomass assays showed an increase in specific carbofuran‐degrading bacteria in soils that were pretreated with carbofuran. Bacteria were isolated that could grow on carbofuran and apparently degrade it when present with another carbon source.  相似文献   


Metabolic fate of two dichloromethyl diaryl phosphonates (32P labelled) in/on rice plants was investigated. The test compounds were found to be less persistent on the surface of rice leaves with half lives 7.4 and 6.7 days respectively. Main degradation product from both the phosphonates were dichloromethyl phosphonic acid with trace of dichloromethyl‐O‐aryl phosphonate as a transitory intermediate product.  相似文献   


A commercial flowable formulation of tebufenozide, RH‐5992 2F [N'‐t‐butyl‐N'‐(3,5‐dimethylbenzoyl)‐N‐(4‐ethylbenzoyl) hydrazine], was diluted with water, water and canola oil, and water and the methyl ester of canola oil, to provide six end‐use mixes with concentrations of 35 and 70 g of active ingredient (Al) litre‐1. The mixes were applied at 70 and 140 g Al ha‐1 over white spruce [Picea glauca (Moench) Voss] seedlings in a laboratory spray chamber and foliar concentrations of tebufenozide were determined over a 60‐d period. At intervals of time post‐spray, seedlings were sprayed with monosized droplets of Sunspray®11N as rainfall, and the amount of tebufenozide knocked off from foliage was determined. The potential energy of adhesion (PEA) of the Al particles on the foliage increased with time and varied according to the type of end‐use mix, its viscosity and the dosage sprayed.

The end‐use mixes were applied over white spruce trees under field conditions and persistence of tebufenozide was investigated. DT50 values were influenced by the type of mix and dosage sprayed. Oil‐containing mixes and higher dosages increased the PEA of tebufenozide particles.  相似文献   

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