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The Role of Roadsides in Plant Invasions: a Demographic Approach   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Abstract:  Non-native plant species are common along roadsides, but presence does not necessarily indicate spread along the road axis. Roadsides may serve merely as habitat for a species spreading independently of roads. The potential conduit function of roads depends on the habitat specificity of the spreading species, its dispersal range relative to the spacing of roads in the landscape, and the relative importance of long- and short-range dispersal. We describe a demographic model of the road × species interaction and suggest methods of assessing conduit function in the field based on the model results. A species limited to roadside habitat will be constrained to spread along the road axis unless its long-range dispersal is sufficient to carry it across the intervening unfavorable area to another road. It will propagate along a road corridor at a rate determined by the scale of short-range dispersal. Effective management of an invasion requires distinguishing between the habitat and conduit functions, a distinction difficult to make with only snapshot data. Invasions can be reconstructed by several methods, but none is totally satisfactory. We suggest comparing stem distributions on transects parallel and perpendicular to the road axis, and beside the road, and away from it, with an idealized Gaussian curve. Such comparisons would allow discrimination between pattern determined by habitat suitability and pattern reflecting random and facilitated dispersal.  相似文献   

The Horticultural Trade and Ornamental Plant Invasions in Britain   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Abstract:  Ornamental horticulture has been recognized as the main pathway for plant invasions worldwide. We examined the link between propagule pressure created by the presence of ornamental plants in the market and their ability to escape from cultivation and establish in the wild. A random sample of 534 non-native ornamental species on sale in nineteenth century Britain showed that 27% of these species were recorded growing outside cultivation and 30% of those were established. Species that had escaped from cultivation were more frequently on sale both in the nineteenth century and today than nonescaping species. We used logit regression models to identify biological and socioeconomic variables that affect species' abilities to escape cultivation and become established. Frequencies in the market in the nineteenth century and today were good explanatory variables that distinguished escaping from nonescaping species, whereas for the transition from casual to established status these two socioeconomic variables were either absent or only of weak significance. Biological characteristics that increased the probability that a species would escape from cultivation were species height, a European native range, and being an annual. Climbing plants and species intolerant of low temperatures were less likely to escape. In contrast, the establishment probability was greater if the species belonged to a genus native to Britain and increased as the number of continents in a plant's native range increased. Annual plants had a reduced probability of establishment. Market presence, prices, and the date of introduction are among the socioeconomic factors that have had important effects on the observed course of invasions.  相似文献   

Risk Assessment of Riparian Plant Invasions into Protected Areas   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Abstract:  Protected areas are becoming increasingly isolated. River corridors represent crucial links to the surrounding landscape but are also major conduits for invasion of alien species. We developed a framework to assess the risk that alien plants in watersheds adjacent to a protected area will invade the protected area along rivers. The framework combines species- and landscape-level approaches and has five key components: (1) definition of the geographical area of interest, (2) delineation of the domain into ecologically meaningful zones, (3) identification of the appropriate landscape units, (4) categorization of alien species and mapping of their distribution and abundance, and (5) definition of management options. The framework guides the determination of species distribution and abundance through successive, easily followed steps, providing the means for the assessment of areas of concern. We applied the framework to Kruger National Park (KNP) in South Africa. We recorded 231 invasive alien plant species (of which 79 were major invaders) in the domain. The KNP is facing increasing pressure from alien species in the upper regions of the drainage areas of neighboring watersheds. On the basis of the climatic modeling, we showed that most major riparian invaders have the ability to spread across the KNP should they be transported down the rivers. With this information, KNP managers can identify areas for proactive intervention, monitoring, and resource allocation. Even for a very large protected area such as the KNP, sustainable management of biodiversity will depend heavily on the response of land managers upstream managing alien plants. We suggest that this framework is applicable to plants and other passively dispersed species that invade protected areas situated at the end of a drainage basin.  相似文献   

Abstract: Human land uses surrounding protected areas provide propagules for colonization of these areas by non‐native species, and corridors between protected‐area networks and drainage systems of rivers provide pathways for long‐distance dispersal of non‐native species. Nevertheless, the influence of protected‐area boundaries on colonization of protected areas by invasive non‐native species is unknown. We drew on a spatially explicit data set of more than 27,000 non‐native plant presence records for South Africa's Kruger National Park to examine the role of boundaries in preventing colonization of protected areas by non‐native species. The number of records of non‐native invasive plants declined rapidly beyond 1500 m inside the park; thus, we believe that the park boundary limited the spread of non‐native plants. The number of non‐native invasive plants inside the park was a function of the amount of water runoff, density of major roads, and the presence of natural vegetation outside the park. Of the types of human‐induced disturbance, only the density of major roads outside the protected area significantly increased the number of non‐native plant records. Our findings suggest that the probability of incursion of invasive plants into protected areas can be quantified reliably.  相似文献   

入侵植物空心莲子草的入侵机制及综合管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综合分析空心莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)的入侵机制并探讨其防治方法,指出空心莲子草的成功入侵与其自身的生物学特性,如无性繁殖、较强的表观可塑性、广泛的适应性、强大的抗逆性等密切相关,其次与生境的可入侵性、人为干扰等外在因素也息息相关。应将人工防除与化学、生物防除手段相结合,加强区域间管理,适时适地采取最佳防除措施。需加强入侵种空心莲子草与本地种的竞争关系研究,运用本地种防止其入侵。  相似文献   

From towers constructed at the interface between second-growth forest and an active and an abandoned pasture, we observed inter-habitat movements of fruit-eating birds in eastern Amazônia. The abandoned pasture was composed of grasses and forbs with a scattering of shrubs and small trees. The active pasture contained a low, uniform bed of grass. A total of 47 frugivorous bird species was recorded in the second-growth forest. We observed that 18 of these species frequented the adjacent abandoned pasture but only 3 were found in the adjacent active pasture. Fruit-eating birds flying from second-growth forest typically spent only a few minutes in the abandoned pasture, and their movements were generally restricted to a pasture belt of 1–80 m along the border with the second-growth forest. Most inter-habitat movement occurred during the rainy season, which coincided with a peak in fruit availability in the abandoned pasture. Just three bird species, Ramphocelus carbo, Tachyphonus rufus , and Thraupis episcopus , accounted for an estimated 70% of the total movement of frugivores between the second-growth forest and the abandoned pasture. All three species spent most of their time in the abandoned pasture foraging on shrubs and trees but exhibited differences in their preference for specific habitat elements and in their seed-defecation habits. An understanding of bird behaviors in altered landscapes provides important information to planners and policy makers concerned with protecting regional biodiversity and maintaining landscape integrity. This research provides a rationale for placing limits on the size of clearings in the Brazilian Amazon.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Factors that negatively affect the quality of wildlife habitat are a major concern for conservation. Non-native species invasions, in particular, are perceived as a global threat to the quality of wildlife habitat. Recent evidence indicates that some changes to understory plant communities in northern temperate forests of North America, including invasions by 3 non-native plant species, are facilitated by non-native earthworm invasion. Furthermore, non-native earthworm invasions cause a reduction in leaf litter on the forest floor, and the loss of forest leaf litter is commonly associated with declines in forest fauna, including amphibians. We conducted a mark-recapture study of woodland salamander abundance across plant invasion fronts at 10 sites to determine whether earthworm or plant invasions were associated with reduced salamander abundance. Salamander abundance declined exponentially with decreasing leaf litter volume. There was no significant relationship between invasive plant cover and salamander abundance, independent of the effects of leaf litter loss due to earthworm invasion. An analysis of selected salamander prey abundance (excluding earthworms) at 4 sites showed that prey abundance declined with declining leaf litter. The loss of leaf litter layers due to non-native earthworm invasions appears to be negatively affecting woodland salamander abundance, in part, because of declines in the abundance of small arthropods that are a stable resource for salamanders. Our results demonstrate that earthworm invasions pose a significant threat to woodland amphibian fauna in the northeastern United States, and that plant invasions are symptomatic of degraded amphibian habitat but are not necessarily drivers of habitat degradation.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Despite many successful reintroductions of large mammalian herbivores throughout the world, remarkably little attention has focused on how these actions affect native and exotic vegetation at reintroduction sites. One such herbivore is tule elk ( Cervus elaphus nannodes ), which was on the brink of extinction in the mid 1800s, but now has numerous stable populations due to intensive reintroduction efforts. Here, we summarize results from a 5-year exclosure experiment that explored the effects of tule elk on a coastal grassland in northern California. Elk significantly altered the species composition of this community; the response of annual species (dominated heavily by exotic taxa) was dramatically different from perennial species. Elk herbivory increased the abundance and aboveground biomass of native and exotic annuals, whereas it either had no effect on or caused significant decreases in perennials. Elk also decreased the cover of native shrubs, suggesting that these herbivores play an important role in maintaining open grasslands. In addition, elk significantly reduced the abundance and biomass of a highly invasive exotic grass , Holcus lanatus, which is a major problem in mesic perennial grasslands. Our results demonstrate that the successful reintroduction of a charismatic and long-extirpated mammal had extremely complex effects on the plant community, giving rise to both desirable and undesirable outcomes from a management perspective. We suspect that these kinds of opposing effects are not unique to tule elk and that land managers will frequently encounter them when dealing with reintroduced mammals.  相似文献   

A Practice-based Approach to Ecosystem Management   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Ecosystem management is a rapidly evolving philosophy or paradigm of natural resource management intended to sustain the integrity of ecosystems. The problem is that principles of ecosystem management are unsatisfactory for practical purposes. Three major approaches to the problem are evaluated: (1) clarification of the goals of ecosystem management, (2) construction of a better scientific foundation for management decisions, and (3) comparative appraisal of current practices. The evaluation concludes that neither of the first two approaches is necessary or sufficient for better management decisions because better decisions depend upon the complexities of particular contexts. The third, practice-based approach makes the most of the limited human capacity to cope with the complexities of ecosystem management in order to improve principles of ecosystem management, to inform particular management decisions through improved principles, and to incorporate clearer goals and a better scientific foundation as they become available. The evaluation draws on experience and disciplines beyond conservation biology and natural resource management, including policy sciences.  相似文献   

近年来,世界各地自然保护区迅速发展,如何有效持续地管理这些自然保护区成为一个重要的问题。文章分析了我国自然保护区现有管理模式的特点与存在的问题,简要介绍了伦敦自然保护区的管理模式现状,根据我国的实际情况,笔者认为中国的自然保护区应采用强制式和完全参与合作式相结合的管理模式,并提出了几点管理模式的改革建议。  相似文献   

加拿大污染场地的管理方法及其对我国的借鉴   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
详细介绍了加拿大对污染场地的管理方法,即包括识别可疑场地、场地历史调查、初步采样测试、场地分类、详细采样测试、场地再分类、制定修复管理措施、实施修复管理措施、确认采样和最终报告、长期监测的10步管理流程,并说明了各步骤涉及的若干指导性文件,最后探讨了加拿大污染场地管理方法对我国建立污染场地管理体系的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

The Control of Biological Invasions in the World's Oceans   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Abstract: The introduction of alien, or nonindigenous, animals and plants has been identified by scientists and policy makers as a major threat to biodiversity in marine ecosystems. Although government agencies have struggled to control alien species on land and freshwater for decades with mixed success, the control of alien marine species is in its infancy. Prevention of introduction and establishment must be the first priority, but many populations of alien marine species are already well established worldwide. National and international policies leave loopholes for additional invasions to occur and provide only general guidance on how to control alien species once they are established. To address this issue, a multinational group of 25 scientists and attorneys convened in 1998 to examine options for controlling established populations of alien marine species. The discussions resulted in a framework for control of alien marine species to provide decision-making guidance to policymakers, managers, scientists, and other stakeholders. The framework consists of seven basic steps: (1) establish the nature and magnitude of the problem, (2) set objectives, (3) consider the full range of alternatives, (4) determine risk, (5) reduce risk, (6) assess benefits versus risks, and ( 7) monitor the situation. This framework can provide guidance for control efforts under the existing patchwork of national laws and can help provide a foundation for international cooperation.  相似文献   

将都江堰市建设成我国西部第一个国家级生态市,该市地处我国大地形中第一阶梯向第二阶梯过渡地带,具有物种、生态系统和景观多样性优势;是古代著名水利工程都江堰的所在地,对于成都市和成都平原起着水资源调控和生态屏障作用。该市是著名风光名胜区和旅游城市,具有城市、农村、高中山、丘陵、平原、水域等广泛的功能示范意义。都江堰市具有建成生态市的良好自然条件和社会经济基础,但也面临着严峻的挑战。生态市建设的重点是要保护和发挥该市亚热带的自然生态系统的服务功能,开发与生态良性循环相协调、与环境友好的产业,构建起循环经济的体系和经营机制,建成风光秀美、经济发达、社会文明、人居环境舒适的城市。  相似文献   

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