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The Ficus–their specific pollinating fig wasps (Chalcidoidea, Agaonidae) interaction presents a striking example of mutualism. Figs also shelter numerous non-pollinating fig wasps (NPFW) that exploit the fig–pollinator mutualism. Only a few NPFW species can enter figs to oviposit, they do not belong to the pollinating lineage Agaonidae. The internally ovipositing non-agaonid fig wasps can efficiently pollinate the Ficus species that were passively pollinated. However, there is no study to focus on the net effect of these internally ovipositing non-agaonid wasps in actively pollinated Ficus species. By collecting the data of fig wasp community and conducting controlled experiments, our results showed that internally ovipositing Diaziella bizarrea cannot effectively pollinate Ficus glaberrima, an actively pollinated monoecious fig tree. Furthermore, D. bizarrea failed to reproduce if they were introduced into figs without Eupristina sp., the regular pollinator, as all the figs aborted. Furthermore, although D. bizarrea had no effect on seed production in shared figs, it significantly reduced the number of Eupristina sp. progeny emerging from them. Thus, our experimental evidence shows that reproduction in Diaziella depends on the presence of agaonid pollinators, and whether internally ovipositing parasites can act as pollinators depends on the host fig’s pollination mode (active or passive). Overall, this study and others suggest a relatively limited mutualistic role for internally ovipositing fig wasps from non-pollinator (non-Agaonidae) lineages.  相似文献   

Chitosan–metal complexes have been widely studied in wastewater treatment, but there are still various factors in complex preparation which are collectively responsible for improving the adsorption capacity need to be further studied. Thus, this study investigates the factors affecting the adsorption ability of chitosan–metal complex adsorbents, including various kinds of metal centers, different metal salts and crosslinking degree. The results show that the chitosan–Fe( Ⅲ) complex prepared by sulfate salts exhibited the best adsorption efficiency(100%) for various dyes in very short time duration(10 min), and its maximum adsorption capacity achieved 349.22 mg/g. The anion of the metal salt which was used in preparation played an important role to enhance the adsorption ability of chitosan–metal complex. SO_4~(2-) ions not only had the effect of crosslinking through electrostatic interaction with amine group of chitosan polymer, but also could facilitate the chelation of metal ions with chitosan polymer during the synthesis process.Additionally, the p H sensitivity and the sensitivity of ionic environment for chitosan–metal complex were analyzed. We hope that these factors affecting the adsorption of the chitosan–metal complex can help not only in optimizing its use but also in designing new chitosan–metal based complexes.  相似文献   

Norovirus (NoV) GII.4 is the predominant genotype associated with gastroenteritis pandemics and new strains emerge every 2–3 years. Between 2008 and 2011, environmental studies in South Africa (SA) reported NoVs in 63% of the sewage-polluted river water samples. The aim of this study was to assess whether wastewater samples could be used for routine surveillance of NoVs, including GII.4 variants. From April 2015 to March 2016, raw sewage and effluent water samples were collected monthly from five wastewater treatment plants in SA. A total of 108 samples were screened for NoV GI and GII using real-time RT-qPCR. Overall 72.2% (78/108) of samples tested positive for NoVs with 4.6% (5/108) GI, 31.5% (34/108) GII and 36.1% (39/108) GI + GII strains being detected. Norovirus concentrations ranged from 1.02 × 102 to 3.41 × 106 genome copies/litre for GI and 5.00 × 103 to 1.31 × 106 genome copies/litre for GII. Sixteen NoV genotypes (GI.2, GI.3, GI.4, GI.5, GI.6, GII.2, GII.3, GII.4, GII.7, GII.9, GII.10, GII.14, GII.16, GII.17, GII.20, and GII.21) were identified. Norovirus GII.2 and GII.17 co-dominated and the majority of GII.17 strains clustered with the novel Kawasaki 2014 variant. Sewage surveillance facilitated detection of Kawasaki 2014 in SA, which to date has not been detected with surveillance in children with gastroenteritis <5 years of age. Combined surveillance in the clinical setting and environment appears to be a valuable strategy to monitor emergence of NoV strains in countries that lack NoV outbreak surveillance.  相似文献   

Bilateral symmetry has been considered as an indicator of phenotypic and genotypic quality supporting innate preferences for highly symmetric partners. Insect pollinators preferentially visit flowers of a particular symmetry type, thus leading to the suggestion that they have innate preferences for symmetrical flowers or flower models. Here we show that flower-naïve bumblebees (Bombus terrestris), with no experience of symmetric or asymmetric patterns and whose visual experience was accurately controlled, have innate preferences for bilateral symmetry. The presence of color cues did not influence the bees original preference. Our results thus show that bilateral symmetry is innately preferred in the context of food search, a fact that supports the selection of symmetry in flower displays. Furthermore, such innate preferences indicate that the nervous system of naïve animals may be primed to respond to relevant sensory cues in the environment.  相似文献   

Pesticides and its degradation products, being well–known residues in soil, have recently been detected in many water bodies as pollutants of emerging concerns, and thus there is a contemporary demand to develop viable and cost–effective techniques for the removal of related organic pollutants in aqueous phases. Herein, a visible-light-responsive Fenton system was constructed with iron–doped bismuth oxybromides(Fe–BiOBr) as the catalysts.Taking the advantage of sustainable Fe(Ⅲ)/Fe(Ⅱ) conversion...  相似文献   

Since the announcement by Fleischmann and Pons that the excess enthalpy generated in the negatively polarized Pd–D-D2O system was attributable to nuclear reactions occurring inside the Pd lattice, there have been reports of other manifestations of nuclear activities in this system. In particular, there have been reports of tritium and helium-4 production; emission of energetic particles, gamma or X-rays, and neutrons; as well as the transmutation of elements. In this communication, the results of Pd–D co-deposition experiments conducted with the cathode in close contact with CR-39, a solid-state nuclear etch detector, are reported. Among the solitary tracks due to individual energetic particles, triple tracks are observed. Microscopic examination of the bottom of the triple track pit shows that the three lobes of the track are splitting apart from a center point. The presence of three α-particle tracks outgoing from a single point is diagnostic of the 12C(n,n′)3α carbon breakup reaction and suggests that DT reactions that produce ≥9.6 MeV neutrons are occurring inside the Pd lattice. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the production of energetic (≥9.6 MeV) neutrons in the Pd–D system. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The air quality in China has improved significantly in the last decade and,correspondingly,the characteristics of PM2.5have also changed.We studied the interannual variation of PM2.5in Chengdu,one of the most heavily polluted megacities in southwest China,during the most polluted season (winter).Our results show that the mass concentrations of PM2.5decreased significantly year-by-year,from 195.8±91.0μg/m3in winter 2016 to 96.1±39.3μg/m3in wi...  相似文献   

Expansion of C4 grasses during Late Miocene and Early Pliocene constitutes one of the most remarkable biotic events of the Cenozoic era. The Teruel–Alfambra region (northeastern Spain) contains one of the most complete Miocene–Pliocene sequences of mammalian fossil sites in the world. In this study, stable isotope (δ 13C and δ 18O) analyses have been performed on the tooth enamel from the equid Hipparion from 19 localities spanning a time interval from approximately 10.9 to 2.7 Ma. This time range starts with the first appearance of this genus in Spain and ends at its extinction. An increase in δ 13C at about 4.2 Ma has been observed, indicative of a shift toward a more open habitat. This shift may be related to a large scale vegetation change which occurred across the Miocene–Pliocene boundary when C4 grasses expanded. This expansion might in turn be linked to global tectonic events such as the uplift of the Himalaya and/or the closure of the Panama Isthmus. However, other more regional factors may have ultimately enhanced the trend toward more open habitats in the Western Mediterranean Basin. The Messinian Salinity Crisis was a major environmental event that may have been responsible for the isotopic changes seen in the equid Hipparion from the Iberian Peninsula along with an increase in the aridity detected ~4.6 Ma ago in the Sahara. Even though the exact factor triggering the isotopic change observed in the Hipparion enamel remains mostly unknown, this study demonstrates that the global environmental changes detected across the Miocene–Pliocene boundary are also recorded in the realm of the Iberian Peninsula. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Tropospheric ozone (O3) pollution is increasing in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) region despite a significant decline in atmospheric fine aerosol particles (PM2.5) in recent years. However, the intrinsic reason for the elevation of the regional O3 is still unclear. In this study, we analyzed the spatio-temporal variations of tropospheric O3 and relevant pollutants (PM2.5, NO2, and CO) in the BTH region based on monitoring data from the China Ministry of Ecology and Environment during the period of 2014–2019. The results showed that summertime O3 concentrations were constant in Beijing (BJ, 0.06 µg/(m3•year)) but increased significantly in Tianjin (TJ, 9.09 µg/(m3•year)) and Hebei (HB, 6.06 µg/(m3•year)). Distinct O3 trends between Beijing and other cities in BTH could not be attributed to the significant decrease in PM2.5 (from -5.08 to -6.32 µg/(m3•year)) and CO (from -0.053 to -0.090 mg/(m3•year)) because their decreasing rates were approximately the same in all the cities. The relatively stable O3 concentrations during the investigating period in BJ may be attributed to a faster decreasing rate of NO2 (BJ: -2.55 µg/(m3•year); TJ: -1.16 µg/(m3•year); HB: -1.34 µg/(m3•year)), indicating that the continued reduction of NOx will be an effective mitigation strategy for reducing regional O3 pollution. Significant positive correlations were found between daily maximum 8 hr average (MDA8) O3 concentrations and vehicle population and highway freight transportation in HB. Therefore, we speculate that the increase in rural NOx emissions due to the increase in vehicle emissions in the vast rural areas around HB greatly accelerates regional O3 formation, accounting for the significant increasing trends of O3 in HB.  相似文献   

The use of science to inform and underpin decision-making on natural resources is not self-evident as stakeholders often use science in a selective and strategic way. Scientific analyses of science utilisation often focus on how the science–policy interface is organised and from this perspective provide recommendations to scientists about how they can increase their contribution to decision-making. Yet in this paper we argue that a wider perspective on the science–policy interface, in particular by analysing the roles and interactions of actors other than those directly involved, provides both additional explanations and new points of application for strategies aimed at enhancing science utilisation. We illustrate our claim by means of an analysis of decision-making on cockle fisheries and gas mining in the Dutch Wadden Sea between the 1990s and 2004. For many years, scientific studies addressing the ecological effects of these activities were not used to meaningfully contribute to decision-making. In 2004 this situation changed radically. Explanations include the role of intermediaries between scientists, stakeholders and decision-makers and new legislation. Scientists could enhance the chances of knowledge utilisation both by creating a more open science–policy interface and by reframing the policy problems at issue.  相似文献   

This paper aims to practically contribute to the literature on the use of cost–benefit analysis (CBA) and economic evaluation in environmental decision-making through a practical case study: the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) in France, for the first cycle (2010–2015). The WFD requires that Member States achieve “good status” for all water bodies in 2015. However, exemptions can apply, if justified, on natural, technical or economic reasons. For the latter, EU guidance documents recommend to use CBA. In France, the water agencies carried out 710 CBAs on proposed restoration projects for water bodies. This article reports on this experience. Issues concerning these analyses are discussed, especially the assessment of non-market benefits. Finally, this article questions the use of economic analysis in the implementation of environmental policy.  相似文献   

A simple daily weather type of classification for the British Isles (Lamb, 1972, Geophys. Mem.16) may be used as a convenient method to categorize precipitation composition (excess SO2−4, NO3, NH3, NH+4, H+) at a site in southern Scotland. Precipitation associated with four weather types in particular (Westerly: W, Cyclonic: C, Southerly: S, Southwesterly: SW), has a strong influence on the annual mean precipitation-weighted composition. The single most important influence is the ‘dilution’ effect of precipitation associated with W-types. Trends in composition over the period 1978–1984 appear to be strongly related to the annual amounts of C-type and, especially, W-type precipitation. These links may confound the relationships between emissions and deposition over a restricted region. The pronounced annual cycle in precipitation composition at the station may also be explained, in large part, by the annual meteorological cycle which can, in turn, be characterized by the weather types. The significance of these findings is that there are known, and large, change in the relative annual frequencies of the major weather types on time-scales of decades. This indicates a possible contribution to non-linearity between emissions and depositions on the longer time-scale.  相似文献   

Through shifts toward interactive and participatory forms of environmental governance, knowledge dynamics may come into play that differ from those of traditional forms of policy-making. This paper investigates how shifts of environmental governance and knowledge are related. In order to do so, it reconstructs the development of the governance of recreational boating in the Dutch Wadden Sea on the empirical basis of interviews, document analysis, and a focus group. Moreover, it analyzes this development by means of an analytical framework that combines governance modes, knowledge systems and knowledge–governance interfaces. Our results show that in the last decades partly an accumulation and partly a sequence of various governance arrangements concerning recreational boating has occurred; this has entailed a shift from predominantly centralized governance to a combination of governance modes with a stronger emphasis on decentralized, interactive and self-governance. This shift has occurred together with an increasing prominence of qualitative local knowledge, stakeholders’ knowledge, and the integration of various forms of knowledge. Furthermore, a shift has taken place toward more participatory knowledge–governance interfaces. Our analysis suggests that environmental governance and knowledge are interconnected in various ways: the regulatory and epistemic aspects of environmental issues are bound up with each other, and governance and knowledge are coproduced and mutually constitutive. Key lessons from this analysis are that room for experimentation is an important factor in improving environmental governance, and that increasing stakeholder involvement in governance implies that new modes of jointly creating and exchanging knowledge may need to be taken into account.  相似文献   

 General anaesthetics exhibit a relatively close relationship between their pharmacological potency and their lipid solubility and may thus act by non-specific perturbation of biomembranes. However, more recent data on anaesthetic action suggests that inhalational drugs such as halothane bind directly to hydrophobic protein domains, thereby modulating important receptor functions. In support of this protein theory of anaesthetic action our native gel analysis presented here shows that halothane induces oligomerization of the skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor (RyR) 1 Ca2+–release channel, but not its cardiac RyR-2 isoform. Thus, inhalational anaesthetics are not only able to influence protein-protein interactions directly but also appear to differentiate between protein isoforms and/or configurations. This suggests that distinct peptide binding sites exist for these pharmacological agents. In addition, similar mutations in the RyR-2 isoform, which would trigger an episode of malignant hyperthermia in skeletal muscle fibres via abnormal RyR-1 isoforms, would probably not induce an increase in cardiac Ca2+–release upon administration of halothane. Received: 26 March 1999 / Accepted in revised form: 26 August 1999  相似文献   

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