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Relatively little previous research has investigated the meechanisms by which safety climate affects safety behavior. The current study examined the effects of general organizational climate on safety climate and safety performance. As expected, general organizational climate exerted a significant impact on safety climate, and safety climate in turn was related to self-reports of compliance with safety regulations and procedures as well as participation in safety-related activities within the workplace. The effect of general organizational climate on safety performance was mediated by safety climate, while the effect of safety climate on safety performance was partially mediated by safety knowledge and motivation.  相似文献   

Organizational theorists have recently begun to pay research attention to the workforces of emerging countries in Asia, especially the greater China regions. However, little research has focused on the influence of organizational factors on safety in these countries. This study hypothesized that organizational factors, characterized as safety leadership perspective (management commitment, blame culture) and safety climate perspective (harmonious relationships), would influence group-level safety management, which would in turn influence individual level safety awareness and practices. To test this hypothesis, a safety climate questionnaire was distributed to ten Taiwanese plants in high-risk industries. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to analyze the linkages among organizational level factors, work-group-level factors, and workers’ safety awareness and practices. We found that safety leadership style and organizational harmony in Taiwanese high-risk industries can exert significant influences on work-group processes, which in turn have greater effects on individual safety awareness and practices. These findings and implications can serve as a basis for safety improvement in areas of the greater China region.  相似文献   

Previous research has consistently found relationships between union loyalty and the antecedent variables of demographics, job related variables, and union related variables. However, little or no research has investigated the relationship between union loyalty and individual dispositions and organizational context. The purpose of this study was to test a causal model which evaluated the influence of individual dispositions and organizational context in predicting union loyalty controlling for the effects of demographics, job related, and union related variables. Contextual data were collected from 405 schools and matched with union loyalty and other attitudinal data from 838 public school teachers in a large U.S. Midwestern city. The LISREL results indicate that the individual dispositions of positive and negative affectivity and the contextual variables of attendance rate, school type, race homogeneity and socio-economic status had significant total causal effects on union loyalty. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

用元分析对国内外组织安全支持与个体安全行为的关系进行探究,通过文献数据库筛选出符合元分析研究标准的文献共31篇,样本文献调查对象总量为16 237。出版偏误检验结果反映元分析受到出版偏误影响的可能性极小;异质性检验结果表明元分析采用随机效应模型更加合适;主效应检验结果显示组织安全支持与个体安全行为之间的关系显著。组织安全支持促进了个体安全行为的产生。最后基于员工、企业、政府和社会提出改善煤矿行业安全行为的对策建议和管理实践。  相似文献   

A short incident describing a political influence attempt was given to 152 management level and professional employees. Subjects were then asked to complete short attitude scales pertaining to the characteristics of the actor and the incident. The experimental factorial design included three factors (1) sex of subject, (2) sex of influencing party, (3) sex of target of influence. The results suggest that males are more tolerant of political behavior than women. Subjects view political manipulators of their own sex more favorably than manipulators of the opposite sex. Subjects of both sexes are more tolerant of political behavior when the victim of the behavior is a member of the opposite sex rather than of their own sex. The results may suggest a growing inclination on the part of both genders to identify with members of their own sex as a meaningful coalition and react to organizational events in view of the implications to members of their own gender. Possible implications for research and intervention are suggested.  相似文献   

为使操作人员行为更安全,对组织管理失误进行分析,归纳为管理控制失误、组 织规程失误、组织安全管理失误、安全监督失误、教育培训不足5个方面,运用结构方 程模型(SEM)分析对操作人员行为安全的影响,使用AMOS软件对模型求解。运用直觉 三角模糊数对模型中指标进行评价并采用TOPSIS法对不安全行为进行排序。研究表明: 管理控制和组织规程对建立安全监督体系有正向作用;管理控制和组织规程对组织安全 管理实施有正向作用;管理控制和组织规程对有教育培训正向作用;建立安全监督体系 、组织安全管理实施和教育培训对操作人员安全行为有正向作用。进行风险排序有利于 企业对关键工种提出改进措施,提高企业效益。  相似文献   

为了探究煤矿组织安全行为对个体不安全行为的作用机理,总结国内外相关研究成果,提出个体不安全行为包含心理、生理、技能3个影响因素,涵盖记忆、思维、情绪、意志、性格、气质、能力、态度、知识、专业操作技能10个方面。在此基础上,构建了组织安全行为对个体不安全行为的结构方程模型(SEM),运用统计分析方法(AMOS17.0)进行了验证分析。结果显示态度、情绪、意志、能力、专业操作技能容易受组织安全行为的影响,而性格、气质等因素由于是个体相对稳定的心理特征,受组织安全行为影响相对较小。深入研究煤矿组织安全行为对个体不安全行为的作用机理,有利于煤矿从组织安全行为入手有针对性的制定行为干预方案并控制个体不安全行为。  相似文献   



Studies on individual differences in traffic safety report differently on their methodologies, and use different statistics, and these are therefore difficult to compare and meta-analyze.


Based upon a previous, extensive review and meta-analysis of the traffic safety literature, several recommendations are made about what features of the methodology of studies on individual differences (including evaluations) in safety need to be reported to facilitate interpretation and meta-analysis. Similarly, some basic types of statistical values are recommended.

Impact on Industry

The accumulation of knowledge about individual differences in traffic safety would be facilitated if scientific authors and journals adhered to these guidelines.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: Safety in the construction industry is a major issue in Hong Kong, representing about 46% of all occupational injuries in 1998. This study explored linear and curvilinear relations between age and safety performance (accident rates and occupational injuries), as well as safety attitudes, in construction workers in Hong Kong. METHOD: A Chinese version of the Safety Attitude Questionnaire (SAQ by Donald & Canter) was developed and administered to a sample of Chinese construction workers (N=374, 366 males, 8 females) from 27 construction sites. RESULTS: Accident rates were not related to age. Occupational injuries were related to age in a curvilinear manner, with injuries at first increasing with age, then decreasing. Two safety attitude scales were related to age with older workers exhibiting more positive attitudes to safety. If age and tenure are controlled, some attitude scales are predictors of safety performance. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: Management/supervisors, team leaders, and workers are all responsible for safety, and any negative bias toward older construction workers is unfounded.  相似文献   

This study describes the relations between different dimensions of leadership commitment, safety climate and attitudes toward change, and how these affect employee perceptions of safety during organizational change in a high risk environment. We collected data from a European national air navigation services provider during a volatile 3-year corporatization process that ended in the sudden collapse of a deliberate change implementation project. Surprisingly, despite visible signs of internal and external stress caused by the volatile and disruptive change process, we did not observe any change in the traditional safety metrics of incident and accident reporting during the study. The study is based on a large survey (n = 422) of individual attitudes and perceptions of safety climate, perception of leadership commitment to safety, attitudes to organizational change, and perception of safety. The data support the claim that perception of safety at least, in part, depends on individual perceptions of the leadership’s commitment to safety, and the safety climate in place at a given point in time. The model shows how employee perceptions of the leadership’s commitment to safety and safety climate are related to both attitudes toward change, and to perceived safety.  相似文献   

Investigating factors that influence individual safety behavior at work   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
INTRODUCTION: A qualitative study was conducted to investigate the factors that influence individual safety behavior at work. METHOD: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with participants from a variety of occupations. RESULTS: The analysis revealed several organizational and social factors that explain why individuals engage in unsafe work practices. CONCLUSIONS: The influence of organizational/social factors on safety behavior were discussed. The results suggest that important organizational factors, in addition to job design and engineering systems, may be overlooked when identifying the causes of workplace accidents. Such factors include early socialization, and the need to portray a positive image. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: The implications for management and industry are discussed.  相似文献   

The current study investigated the relationship between organizational safety climate and perceived organizational support. Additionally, it examined the relationship with job satisfaction, worker compliance with safety management policies, and accident frequency. Safety climate and supportive perceptions were assessed with Hayes, Perander, Smecko, et al. 's (1998) and Eisenberger, Fasolo and LaMastro's (1990) scales respectively. Confirmatory factors analysis confirmed the 5-factor structure of Hayes et al. 's WSS scale. Regression analysis and t-tests indicated that workers with positive perspectives regarding supportive perceptions similarly expressed positive perceptions concerning workplace safety. Furthermore, they expressed greater job satisfaction, were more compliant with safety management policies, and registered lower accident rates. The perceived level of support in an organization is apparently closely associated with workplace safety perception and other organizational and social factors which are important for safety. The results are discussed in light of escalating interest in how organizational factors affect employee safety and supportive perceptions.  相似文献   

为提升建筑施工安全管理水平,探讨施工组织正式网络的结构特征对组织安全行为的影响关系。基于社会网络分析方法,引入安全沟通作为中介变量,建立施工组织正式网络结构特征、安全沟通和组织安全行为的假设模型。基于91个施工组织正式网络结构特征分析,使用多层回归分析方法检验假设模型。结果表明:网络密度、出度中心势和聚类系数均显著正向影响组织安全行为;中间中心势和平均路径长度均显著负向影响组织安全行为;入度中心势对组织安全行为影响不显著;安全沟通分别在出度中心势和中间中心势与组织安全行为的关系中起完全中介作用;安全沟通分别在密度、平均路径长度和聚类系数与组织安全行为的关系中起部分中介作用;安全沟通在入度中心势与组织安全行为的关系中未起到中介作用。  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2006,44(7):565-582
We propose an initial set of six system safety archetypes that model common dynamic organizational behaviours that often lead to accidents. The archetypes help clarify why safety-related decisions do not always result in the desired behaviour, and how independent decisions in different pans of the organization can combine to have a negative, and often unforeseen, impact on safety. Examples from the NASA manned space program and general industry are used to illustrate the archetypes. As accident analysis and investigation tools, the archetypes can be used to develop dynamic models that describe the systemic and organizational factors contributing to accidents. As risk analysis tools, the archetypes can be used to improve understanding of the ways that risk can arise in complex socio-technical systems.  相似文献   

Although the social exchange relationships between employers and employees are increasingly important to the performance of safety management systems, the psychological effects of work attitudes on this relationship have been less studied. Using a sample of first-line operators and their supervisors from 188 facilities in Taiwan which had Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series 18000 (OHSAS 18000) certification, the current research conducted an empirical investigation of the influence of safety climate on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Work attitude was used to disclose the psychological effect. Research results indicated that (a) safety climate was a significant predicator of OCB, (b) the psychological effect significantly influenced social exchange relationships, and (c) job satisfaction showed a stronger mediating influence than organizational commitment due to the frequent top management turnover. Discussions and implications are also addressed.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: With limited resources to help reduce occupational injuries, companies struggle with how to best focus these resources to achieve the greatest reduction in injuries for the optimal cost. Safety culture has been identified as a critical factor that sets the tone for importance of safety within an organization. METHOD: An employee safety perception survey was conducted, and injury data were collected over a 45-month period from a large ready-mix concrete producer located in the southwest region of the United States. RESULTS: The results of this preliminary study suggest that the reductions in injuries experienced at the company locations was strongly impacted by the positive employee perceptions on several key factors. Management's commitment to safety was the factor with the greatest positive perception by employees taking the survey. DISCUSSION: This study was set up as a pilot project and did not unitize an experimental design. That weakness reduces the strength of these findings but adds to the importance of expanding the pilot project with an appropriate experimental design. SUMMARY: Management leadership has been identified, along with several other factors, to influence employee perceptions of the safety management system. Those perceptions, in turn, appear to influence employee decisions that relate to at-risk behaviors and decisions on the job. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: The results suggest that employee perceptions of the safety system are related to management's commitment to safety, which, in turn, appear to be related to injury rates. Management should focus on how to best leverage these key factors to more positively impact injury rates within their companies.  相似文献   

In understanding the safety climate or culture of a workplace, the perceptions and attitudes of the workforce are important factors in assessing safety needs. Safety solutions may fail if they do not take into account these prevailing attitudes and perceptions. Also, changes in attitudes and perceptions about safety are often likely outcomes of safety interventions. The aim of this study was to develop a measure of perception and attitudes about safety as an indicator of safety culture for use with working populations. After reviewing the structure and content of a number of older, related measures of safety attitudes, a 67-item questionnaire was developed. The questionnaire was distributed in a self-administered form to 1560 workers in a wide variety of types of jobs and 660 questionnaires were returned from 7 workplaces with a response rate of 42%. Items were evaluated by Cronbach alpha which showed that the item set shared considerable common variance. Scale development was approached in two ways. First items which were highly skewed were removed, resulting in removal of around half of the items, with very little loss in alpha. The remaining items were then subjected to factor analysis which revealed five factors; personal motivation for safe behaviour, positive safety practice, risk justification, fatalism and optimism. This factor structure showed acceptable psychometric properties. Second, in an effort to produce a unidimensional scale with a small, but representative set of items, additional items were removed which had high correlation with other items. This resulted in loss of around half of the remaining items. The short scale contained 17 items with again overall acceptable psychometric properties. The most striking finding in the development of this questionnaire was that there was little variation between respondents on a very large proportion of the questions originally selected. Clearly there are well-known beliefs about safety in the working community which need to be understood in order to progress the concept of safety culture.  相似文献   

The safety climate of an organization is considered a leading indicator of potential risk for railway organizations. This study adopts the perceptual measurement–individual attribute approach to investigate the safety climate of a railway organization. The railway safety climate attributes are evaluated from the perspective of railway system staff. We identify four safety climate dimensions from exploratory factor analysis, namely safety communication, safety training, safety management and subjectively evaluated safety performance. Analytical results indicate that the safety climate differs at vertical and horizontal organizational levels. This study contributes to the literature by providing empirical evidence of the multilevel safety climate in a railway organization, presents possible causes of the differences under various cultural contexts and differentiates between safety climate scales for diverse workgroups within the railway organization. This information can be used to improve the safety sustainability of railway organizations and to conduct safety supervisions for the government.  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2003,41(9):739-757
It has been argued that the effects of safety programmes extend to safety related behaviour outside the work environment. Data from studies of the behaviour of workers in three industries with a high focus on safety were examined in order to explore this argument. By means of data collected through a questionnaire, safe behaviour and emergency preparedness behaviour at home and during leisure time were measured in a case-control study. The findings indicate that workers in two of the three studies did not transfer safe behaviour from workplaces with a high focus on safety to home and leisure arenas. The safety consciousness acquired by workers at their workplaces in the absence of specially designed home and leisure time intervention projects seems to be insufficiently comprehensive or deep enough to influence safe behaviour in other arenas. While safe behaviour was not transferred, the emergency preparedness behaviour was. This indicates that the contextual and situational aspects of emergency preparedness are shared across risk arenas.  相似文献   

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