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石油企业HSE管理文化建设实践   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
HSE管理体系在石油企业得到广泛推广和应用,对企业加强安全和环保管理起到了很好的作用。但由于中国石油企业的HSE管理与国外石油企业的发展经历不同,文化建设上必然存在差异。如何实现与国际石油界HSE管理的接轨,建立企业HSE文化,是当前石油企业国际化发展的一个重要课题。本文从石油企业建立HSE管理体系的探索和实践出发,提出了对HSE管理文化建设的思考,对企业加强制度管理、抓住HSE管理体系重点和把握HSE文化建设方向,有很好的指导作用。  相似文献   

安全认知观念的研究与决策分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过分析当前石油石化企业发生的事故数据,发现由于人为因素造成的事故时有发生,给企业安全生产造成重大影响。为了深入了解造成事故发生的人为因素产生根源,笔者通过多种方式获取资料,利用系统论研究方法,得出了企业员工和管理者普遍存在的安全认知观念。在此基础上,提出员工和管理者之间推荐的共同安全认知观念,从观念上让员工和管理者对不安全行为形成一致的认知,并在减少员工不安全行为、规范员工的安全行为方面给出了行之有效的解决方法,即在企业推行行为安全管理工具-HSE观察卡。应用结果表明,通过推行HSE观察卡,可有效提高企业员工在现场作业活动中的安全作业意识,从而避免或减少由于人的不安全行为造成事故发生率,提升了企业安全生产水平。  相似文献   

In this study, an integrated “Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE)” and maintenance systems are presented. Multivariate analysis is used for continuous performance assessment and improvement of these systems. The two subjects of “Maintenance System” and “HSE” have been individually investigated several times in different studies. However, few studies have been done to integrate these two systems and provide an integrated system for their implementation. This study evaluates current maintenance and HSE systems of a Gas Transmission Unit by Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Moreover, decision making units (DMUs) are examined and ranked. Employees are considered as DMUs. This is done through investigating and measuring their efficiencies and identifying the inefficient and less-efficient units. Since an increase in the number of inputs does not lead to an increase in the number of outputs with the same scale, an output-oriented DEA with a Variable Returns to Scale (VRS) is used. The Fuzzy DEA (FDEA) is also used in this research to decrease uncertainty existing in qualitative indicators and human error. Finally, suggestions are given to improve those DMUs. The managers and employees of the gas transmission unit constitute the statistical population of the study. To achieve the objectives of this study, standard questionnaires with respect to HSE and Maintenance system are completed by operators. The proposed approach would help policy makers and top managers of Gas Transmission Company to have a more comprehensive and thorough understanding the working conditions with respect to the maintenance and HSE features.  相似文献   

中国石油集团公司HSE管理体系运行模式的研究   总被引:9,自引:7,他引:9  
从1991年国际石油工程协会把健康安全与环境(简称HSE)作为一个完整概念提出以来,各国石油公司都进行了积极探索与实践,并逐步发展成国际石油届开展合作业务的基本运行规则.中国石油天然气集团公司结合企业生产实际和传统管理方法,在HSE管理体系探索、实践中,发展了一整套既符合中国石油企业管理实际的情况,又满足与国际接轨要求的HSE运行模式,对企业实施HSE管理体系有很好指导意义.  相似文献   

Leadership is considered an essential element in guaranteeing the safe running of organizations. The purpose of the present study is to find out how leader behaviours influence employees’ safety behaviours (perceived safety behaviours) in the nuclear field. In an attempt to answer this question, the authors of this research have considered the way this influence is exercised, taking into consideration some important factors like safety culture and safety climate. To achieve this, the empowerment leadership model, based on a behavioural approach to leadership, was used. The sample was made up of 566 employees from a Spanish nuclear power plant. The results indicated that when safety culture was strong, leader behaviour generated a higher safety climate among the members, which predicted their perceived safety behaviours. Support was found for a structural model linking leadership and safety behaviour to safety culture and safety climate. The implications of these findings for the theory of safety and the way they can be put into practice are outlined.  相似文献   

企业安全文化与HSE管理体系   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8  
从建立健康、安全与环境 (HSE)管理体系的基本思路、现状和发展趋势 ,以及中国石油化工集团公司HSE系列标准的内容、指导原则和建立HSE管理体系的理念等方面 ,阐述了HSE管理的建立、推行和发展的过程 ,HSE管理体系的建立和发展是石油石化企业在安全文化建设方面的重要成果。无论是安全管理的理念 ,或是生产经营活动都在不断创新和发展 ,都是培育和塑造中石化集团公司安全文化的具体体现。  相似文献   

The literature has recognised that implementing a safety management system is the most efficient way of allocating resources for safety, since it not only improves working conditions, but also positively influences employees’ attitudes and behaviours with regards safety, consequently improving the safety climate. The safety climate and the safety management system are considered basic components of the firm's safety culture in various models. However, the literature has focused more on measuring the safety climate, while few studies have correctly tested the psychometric properties of the instruments used to measure how advanced the firm's safety management system is. This paper reviews the most important works on safety management, with the aim of developing a measurement scale operationalising the safety management system concept, and subsequently calculating its reliability and validity. For this purpose, exploratory factor analyses and confirmatory factor analyses are conducted, using structural equation models, on a sample of 455 Spanish companies. This scale provides organisations with a tool for evaluating their situation with regards safety management, as well as guidance about which areas they must improve if they wish to reduce occupational accidents.  相似文献   

对当前炼化企业基层单位HSE管理体系现状进行了分析.指出了基层单位HSE管理理念没有真正转变、HSE管理制度执行力差、HSE管理职责落实不到位、HSE培训缺乏针对性、HSE绩效考核重结果轻过程、企业安全文化建设重形式轻根基等问题.提出基层单位HSE体系管理改进建议,真正落实“以人为本”的HSE管理理念、强化HSE管理制度的执行力、真正将HSE管理职责落实到位、强化HSE培训需求分析,增强培训的针对性、加强HSE绩效考核过程管理、推进安全文化建设.  相似文献   

This qualitative study explores the conceptual links between 2 different approaches to managerial cognition, sensemaking and cognitive bias, in the context of organizational change. A longitudinal case study utilizing both real‐time assessments and retrospective sensemaking data from interviews with 26 hospital employees at 3 points in time was undertaken. Patterns related to individuals' retrospective accounts and real‐time assessments were identified and used to construct 4 prototypical narratives. Data analysis revealed that organizational change was not a markedly negative experience for most informants, which is contrary to the prevailing theme in the literature. This and other findings are discussed in terms of sensemaking and cognitive bias. This study makes 2 contributions to our understanding of how individual's experience and make sense of organizational change over time as (a) little is known about how the process of change unfolds over time at the individual level and (b) extant research has not investigated the extent to which individuals' retrospective sensemaking about organizational change reflects or diverges from their real‐time assessments over the course of the change. More broadly, the study provides insights and focused advice for management researchers regarding the use of retrospective data to understand individuals' perceptions of situations that have already occurred.  相似文献   

HAZID方法浅析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
结合实际工程建设项目开展危险源辨识(HAZID)分析的情况,介绍了HAZID分析方法的广义和狭义概念内涵,主要分析步骤、每步主要工作内容、典型引导词、分析形式和特点,并将HA-ZID方法与常用的过程危险源方法、尤其是HAZOP分析方法进行了对比,以帮助读者更好地理解、运用此方法。本文拟推荐的HAZID分析方法将危险化学品行业的风险管理向前延伸到项目的早期阶段(如项目论证、可行性研究、基础工程设计或初步设计阶段),可以帮助项目组在项目建设早期认识与项目有关的健康、安全、环境(HSE)各方面问题的重要性和相关性,所辨识出的关键危险源及其危险,为下一步有重点、有目的地开展项目HSE风险管理确定了关注重点。在早期阶段进行HAZID分析,还可以有机会以最小的代价实现对项目厂址和总图布置的调整、工艺方案和设计原则的优化,可以避免后期再发现HSE隐患、必须整改时可能存在的不可实施性,或对项目费用、进度等产生严重负面影响。  相似文献   

HSE管理的出发点应是预防为主。因此尽早识别风险、评估可能的风险是HSE管理的关键。风险分析最重要的是要承认:石油勘探开发活动不可能绝对安全,风险总是客观存在的。风险分析就是尽早识别、分析和评估可能的风险所在、大小和频率。风险管理就是在风险分析的基础上,采取有针对性地措施将风险消减到可接受的水平。本文在总结近年国内外HSE管理中风险分析方法的基础上,结合CNPC在委内瑞拉运行石油项目的经验,提出了一套风险分析的定性和定量方法,包括系统风险分析、节点风险分析、概率统计分析等。由于大力推广和应用这些方法,使CNPC在委内瑞拉运行石油项目9年来没有发生任何HSE大事故,被委内瑞拉国家石油公司誉为“国际石油投资者HSE工作的典范”。  相似文献   

澳洲能源公司在生产、经营的全过程中非常重视健康、安全及环境(HSE)工作,HSE管理体系得到了广泛的推广和应用。本文介绍了必和必拓、加德士等公司的可持续体系、HSE规划,论述了澳洲能源公司的减碳计划、碳排放公开、节能项目的落实及安全与风险管理等具体措施。分析了HSE管理体系的重要作用以及我国能源企业所面临的问题,包括安全事故多发、环境保护政策的落实不够充分、人员健康意识有待提高等。以中国国家电网公司、中国石油天然气集团公司及中国神华集团有限责任公司为例,分析其HSE体系,并从规范HSE建设、推动HSE可持续发展及责任落实等方面借鉴澳洲先进经验,提出明确我国HSE发展方向、战略,稳固HSE根基,完善我国能源企业HSE政策,保证体制全面、协调运转的具体建议。  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2007,45(6):697-722
This paper reports on the implementation of an advanced safety culture in a major oil and gas multi-national. The original proposal came from the company after it had become clear that expectations had been raised after the successful implementation of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Management Systems subsequent to the Piper Alpha disaster. The proposal made by the company, to develop a workforce intrinsically motivated for HSE, was operationalised as the development of an advanced safety culture after a review of the literature on motivation. The model used was the HSE Culture Ladder that had become the industry standard accepted by the OGP (International Association of Oil and Gas Producers). This model was intended to show that there were considerable opportunities for improvement even after HSE-MS had been implemented and that the more advanced cultures were ones people felt were desirable and achievable for themselves. Once top management had provided the initial support for the development of a more advanced safety culture, a number of supporting tools were developed, under the Hearts and Minds brand, and a strategy for implementation was developed that relied more on bottom-up ‘pull’ rather than top-down ‘push’ – the standard implementation model for new initiatives. The tools were designed to provide a clear direction, a road map to an advanced culture defined in terms provided by people within the industry, to support lasting changes in attitudes and beliefs, to promote an increased feeling of control when solving HSE-specific problems – all components of a more advanced culture. The tactics employed, using a pull rather than a push approach, had to allow for local variation within the general limits set by the strategy that eventually became a mixed top-down and bottom-up approach. Next there is a discussion of the current status and the lessons to be learnt from the implementation so far: moving away from command and control is hard for large organizations; such programs have to be driven by different performance indicators; managers have to learn to disperse their control; it is essential to communicate both successes and failures. Finally there is a discussion about the respective roles of academia and the industry in such endeavours, the requirement to concentrate on more than a single cultural characteristic such as reporting, and the difficulties of evaluating such programs in a worldwide environment that is continuously changing.  相似文献   

One of the dimensions treated as part of a company’s safety culture or climate is workers’ attitudes towards risk and safety. In the present study these personal aspects are defined as workers’ safety culture, which is understood as a way of acting focused on life and taking care of one’s health. A questionnaire on safety culture was filled out by 200 employees of a metallurgical enterprise. Factor analysis was used to determine empirical scales of the questionnaire, whereas variance analysis was used to test hypotheses. The results confirmed the hypotheses that people who experienced accidents, dangerous situations, and—to a lesser extent—health problems had a lower level of safety culture. Nevertheless not all of the scales determined during factor analysis turned out to be significant as far as all kinds of those undesirable situations are concerned. Proposals for future studies are formulated in the conclusion.  相似文献   

Local employees in foreign business subsidiaries could learn new work values from the parent organizational culture through a process of organizational acculturation. As this is a new concept in academic research, it is important to explore organizational acculturation and its ramifications, especially since it may be used as a strategy of cultural control applied by the parent organization. Following a discussion of the theoretical foundation of this concept, the consequences of organizational acculturation are exemplified by an investigation of middle managers in Singapore. The study was undertaken in two stages. The first stage included a comparison of work values of Singaporean managers, employed by Swedish companies in Singapore, and those of a control group of Singaporean managers, not employed by Swedish companies. In the second stage, work values of managers in Singapore and Sweden were compared. Our results imply that some Swedish work values had been adopted, suggesting that the local managers had experienced organizational acculturation. Practical implications and possible further research are discussed.  相似文献   

安全文化分析及其发展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
安全文化通常用于描述如何在工作场所对安全进行管理,通常表现为员工对安全的态度、信任、观念、和价值标准等。通过分析事故原因,证实在诸如工艺、设备等一系列硬件条件对安全生产起决定性作用的因素之外,安全文化作为安全生产的重要组成部分,在安全生产过程中起决定性作用。这一认知在切尔诺贝利核电站事故等一系列国内外的安全生产事故的回顾和调查中逐渐清晰并为人所接受。通过安全文化概念的发展,对比各种安全文化定义的阐释,分析安全文化所包含的特征要素,论述安全文化的重要性并展示其复杂性。在分析安全文化评价方法的基础上对安全文化评价方法融入安全评价的可能做出展望,为进一步的安全文化评价研究提供参考。  相似文献   

HSE管理体系审核能帮助企业找出存在的差距,对于评估该企业HSE管理现状具有重大意义,但是不能对企业HSE管理水平给出定量评价。以国内某石化企业为例,将模糊评价方法引入HSE管理体系审核中,选择审核过程中主要关注的12个因素为评价指标,合理地选择评价标准,然后通过模糊综合评价方法进行评价,得出该企业综合评估HSE体系管理体系值为1.7106,处于评价标准的1-2级之间,属于"基本"和"被动"之间。结果表明该企业HSE管理还具有很大的提升潜力。  相似文献   

打造零事故的建筑安全文化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在研讨安全文化和建筑安全文化内涵,分析国内外建筑安全文化研究与国内实施现状的基础上,研究了5家国际建筑企业的安全创新活动,包括:企业背景、方案、实施过程等。结合利害关系者原理、风险管理和安全知识管理,笔者提出:要实现安全行为,应注重塑造员工的安全信念、态度和承诺;应有高层管理人员强有力的支持,将整个建筑业供应链的利害关系者都纳入到安全管理中,风险管理和安全知识管理的运用可促进零事故安全文化的形成。同时提出构建在我国实现零事故的建筑安全文化的流程,即承认-启动-执行-监督-更新的步骤,给出了一种提高员工安全知识、坚定员工安全信念、塑造员工安全态度、形成安全行为并最终打造健全安全文化的整体策略。  相似文献   

Modern work is frequently characterized by jobs where adaptive performance (AP) is crucial for employees to succeed in light of new or altered task demands. This recognition has fueled growing interest in AP as a dimension of workplace performance. To this point, however, research on AP has evolved from disparate perspectives and methods, resulting in fragmentation and a less than coherent knowledge base. This paper presents a comprehensive review of research studies regarding the nomological network of individual AP. In doing so, we synthesize the current knowledge base surrounding correlates of AP, elucidate current ambiguities, and suggest directions for future research efforts. We conclude that although the extant AP literature has amassed a critical body of studies linking various predictors to successful AP outcomes, much remains unknown, most critically regarding the implications of different methods of assessing AP, the effects of different types of changes in the task environment, the process of AP, and the steps organizations can take to foster AP among their employees. We hope that our synthesis and analysis paves the way for efforts to address these important questions. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study analyzes and assesses the integrated health, safety, environment (HSE) and ergonomics (HSEE) factors by fuzzy cognitive maps (FCM) approach. This is achieved through integrating ergonomic and macro-ergonomic as well as occupational health and safety arrangements in an integrated modeling for assessment of their multi-faceted impact on workers' productivity, injury rate and satisfaction. This paper uses FCM to assess the direct and indirect effects of HSEE factors on system performance indicators. The results of FCM are used to develop leading indicators useful for proactive management of productivity, injury rate, and job satisfaction. The result of a comprehensive survey of 37 experts in control rooms and maintenance activities in a large gas refinery is used to show the applicability and usefulness of FCM approach. Moreover, FCM results are used to determine the causal structure of HSEE factors and system performance indicators. It is concluded that macro-ergonomics factors such as instructions and education, familiarity with organization's rules, and proper communications most contribute to improve workers' safety, satisfaction, and productivity.  相似文献   

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