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船舶设备事故中的人为因素分析与控制研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据设备维修系统设备维修的人为失误环节和船员失误分析模式以及轮机管理人员具有明感知设备的运行状态、隐感知设备的故障趋势等特点,实施有效管控措施。结合航运市场特性,基于设备可靠度,提出风险性和经济性的维修方式策略,可大幅提高航运公司的安全航运水平和经济效益。利用维修系统的信息流,建立了船舶设备维修管理信息系统,整合设备运行状态、船员的综合素质状态及组织管理信息,以便于阻断导致事故发生的事件链,提高航运公司的船舶运输安全。  相似文献   

Introduction: Labor productivity and safety are important topics in the construction industry. Even so, the literature provides little information for project managers trying to determine how management strategies designed to improve labor productivity impact safety. Method: This research addresses the gap by measuring the impact of two groups of management strategies that involve human resource related management strategies and construction related management strategies related to safety performance in construction projects. Data were collected from 111 general construction projects through the survey. Results: The results show that the relationship between the implemented management strategies and safety performance is nuanced with ‘Communication’ harming safety performance while implementation of ‘Labor Management,’ ‘Supervision and Leadership,’ ‘Planning’ and ‘Management of Construction’ strategies improve the level of safety performance. This study took a further step by measuring the impact of the interactions between the two groups of management strategies on safety performance. The results show that the interactions of construction and human related management strategies are not always in the favor of safety. Practical Applications: This paper adds to the literature on the relationship between productivity and safety in the construction industry. The research findings can assist project managers to improve labor productivity without harming the safety of laborers unintentionally.  相似文献   

Digitalized nuclear instruments and control systems have been the main stream design for the main control room (MCR) of advanced nuclear power plants (NPPs) nowadays. Digitalization of human–system interface (HSI) could improve human performance and, on the other hand, could reduce operators’ situation awareness as well. It might cause that humans make wrong decision during an emergency unintentionally. Besides, digital HSI relies on computers to integrate system information automatically instead of human operation. It has changed the operator’s role from mainly relating operational activity to mainly relating monitoring. However, if the operators omit or misjudge the information on the video display units and wide display panel, the error of omission and error of commission may occur. This study applies Content Category Analysis (CCA) and Performance Evaluation Matrix (PEM) methods to explore the potential problems in the MCR of advanced NPPs which are caused by human errors. The results show that the potential problems that would probably contribute to the human performance of MCR in the advanced NPPs are multiple accidents, pressure level, number of operators, and other factors such as working environmental. The conclusions of this research may be considered to avoid and prevent human errors in the human factor related researches especially in the nuclear safety field.  相似文献   

In running our increasingly complex business systems, formal risk analyses and risk management techniques are becoming more important part to managers: all managers, not just those charged with risk management. It is also becoming apparent that human behaviour is often a root or significant contributing cause of system failure. This latter observation is not novel; for more than 30 years it has been recognised that the role of human operations in safety critical systems is so important that they should be explicitly modelled as part of the risk assessment of plant operations. This has led to the development of a range of methods under the general heading of human reliability analysis (HRA) to account for the effects of human error in risk and reliability analysis. The modelling approaches used in HRA, however, tend to be focussed on easily describable sequential, generally low-level tasks, which are not the main source of systemic errors. Moreover, they focus on errors rather than the effects of all forms of human behaviour. In this paper we review and discuss HRA methodologies, arguing that there is a need for considerable further research and development before they meet the needs of modern risk and reliability analyses and are able to provide managers with the guidance they need to manage complex systems safely. We provide some suggestions for how work in this area should develop. But above all we seek to make the management community fully aware of assumptions implicit in human reliability analysis and its limitations.  相似文献   

人因失误与人不安全行为相关原理的分析与探讨   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3  
从人因失误的机理、分类和特点等方面,对人因失误与人不安全行为间的相关原理进行系统的对比分析与探讨,笔者认为,应从安全教育、技术培训、人机系统设计等方面预防人因失误,从建立和维持操作者对安全工作的兴趣、作业标准化、安全管理等方面来控制人的不安全行为。以煤矿斜井提升事故为例,说明人因失误与人不安全行为的判定原则和方法,从而为预防、控制人因事故提供理论依据。  相似文献   

为改善我国企业安全生产管理状况,解决企业中存在的重生产轻安全,安全责任划分不明确,员工参与安全事务程度不高等问题,从企业管理组织结构入手,基于国内典型煤矿企业安全管理组织结构模式和当前国际企业采用的分散与集中相结合的管理组织结构模式,结合现代企业安全管理理论和管理学组织设计理论,设计了"圆锥型"安全管理组织结构模式。结果表明,"圆锥型"安全管理组织结构模式能够解决目前我国企业安全生产管理中存在的问题,提高了安全管理水平。  相似文献   

施工承包企业安全成本及其核算的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
依据施工承包企业安全管理的目标、特点和程序,提出安全成本的概念和构成以及保证性安全成本对损失性安全成本的直接影响.同时,借助施工安全成本与安全度的关系、提高安全技术工作的经济合理性、加速构建施工承包企业安全成本核算制度,优化施工承包企业的安全管理工作,并为提高企业经济效益及社会经济运行的安全度奠定基础.  相似文献   

为了有效减少装配式建筑工程施工安全事故,考虑政府监管部门与施工单位之间存在信息不对称,基于有限理性条件下双方互动关系构建装配式建筑施工安全动态监管演化博弈模型,并分析其稳定策略.采用系统动力学(SD)方法仿真分析在动态监管策略及外部变量调整条件下的演化博弈过程.研究结果表明:政府强弱监管的成本差、施工单位加强安全管理的...  相似文献   

企业现代化安全管理技术的探讨   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
以系统论、信息论、控制论作指导,综合运用安全系统工程有关技术,结合企业现场安全管理实际,提出以危险源辨识为基础,狠抓系统危险控制为核心,进行安全检查改革,危险预知活动和标准化作业,安全评价为控制机制的一整套企业现代化安全管理模式,并开发了系统动力学安全评价模型12种有关计算机软件。所获成果既可作为大中型企业自主安全管理,实施危险控制有效手段,又为主管部门进行宏观安全管理工作,实施劳动安全监察提供一种有效的新方法。  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2007,45(8):890-904
Accurate and timely perception of visual and auditory information by air traffic controllers is critical to aviation safety. The aim of this research was to investigate the types of errors of perception that occur in air traffic control (ATC). The data were gathered from interviews with 28 UK area controllers and a review of 48 area and terminal control incidents involving loss of separation in the UK spanning three years. The data gave rise to a set of classifications, which form part of the technique for the retrospective analysis of human error (TRACEr). The results are discussed in terms of theory and empirical research. Key main implications for future automation are outlined, in terms of display design, automation reliability and the operation of multiple tools designed and developed separately.  相似文献   

The industrial layout traditionally has been addressed accounting for the facilities distribution and installation since the first day of operation of the plant; this is, without considering future expansions that involve additional facilities in the future operation years. This way, this paper proposes a mathematical programming formulation for the optimal facility sitting and reallocation in an industry accounting for future expansions and involving simultaneously economic and safety objectives. The proposed formulation is based on a multi-annual framework and this corresponds to a multi-objective mixed integer linear programming problem. The proposed optimization approach was applied to a case study for the facility sitting (office buildings and control rooms) in an ethylene oxide plant. The economic objective function involves the minimization of the total annual cost accounting for the value of the money through the time and the safety objective function involves the minimization for the accumulated risk over the operation time. Results show the applicability of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

SESAR, the ‘Single European Sky Air traffic Research’ program, envisages radical changes for European Air Traffic Management (ATM). It integrates and implements new technologies and information processing. This paper examines the safety decision-making in the implementation of SESAR projects. SESAR poses new safety problems because it adopts new paradigms for ATM safety – what lessons are there from environmental, nuclear and defense modeling? These disciplines have also had to confront the limitations of modeling the rates of rare and damaging – even catastrophic – events. A major conceptual change in SESAR is that of automated separation assurance systems. Some existing responsibilities transfer from the controller – either to the pilot or to computer systems – in a progressively phased approach. The major problem for SESAR safety validation is that mixed equipage/operations within a common airspace potentially generate new and different safety issues regarding the validation of safety predictions. A potential way forward uses high-fidelity Human In The Loop Simulations (HITLS) to generate confidence in the resilience of the ATM system. The focus changes from proving safety, i.e. through traditional kinds of validation processes, to extensive resilience testing using these simulations. The aim would be to test how resilient the system is to seeded errors, penetration testing, and crash/stress testing. This would be a high cost process because of the large investments required and the need for long sequences of testing. However, these demanding processes can provide ‘justified belief’ to the decision-maker that the changed ATM system is acceptably safe.  相似文献   

为有效保障煤矿安全信息在网络传输与实时交换中的安全性,保证数据信息的完整性与私密性,笔者建立了Linux平台下的煤矿安全信息管理系统,并为保障其安全性实现提出了解决方案,其主要内容涵盖了防火墙技术、Web服务器的安全性、远程管理的安全性、管理系统的安全性、数据库安全性、安全性分析与评测等各个方面,并就实现的有关方法与技术进行了详细分析与探讨;详细阐述了Netfilter/iptables框架下的包过滤防火墙体系构建,SSL协议通道下的数据信息的加密传输及系统的安全认证机制,为煤矿数据信息的安全传输提供了有效手段。Linux以系统的低成本、运行的安全可靠性,为煤矿企业提供了一条经济实用的信息化道路。  相似文献   

Very considerable advances have been made in road safety over the long term and especially in the recent years. This improvement was achieved in part due to the effectiveness of French decision-making system, even if it remained very perfectible. An analysis of the road safety management system is carried out in order to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the organisation of road safety in France.The organisation of road safety in France is extremely centralised. The basis of road safety policy at the national level rests on an extensive information system (covering accidents, risk exposure, speed, utilisation of mobile phones) and on analyses of road risk (the risks attributable to alcohol, speed and the use of mobile phones).This statistical information and these risk models are integrated in risk management tools such as monitoring, ranking and policing. Monitoring makes it possible to track the development of road safety, bench-marking to compare the performance of the country’s different departments with each other, and policy making to refine the details of a policy.The development of the governance of road risk is leading managers and decision-makers to perfect data-gathering procedures, standardise and simplify the analytical tools used, and broaden the range of risks covered.  相似文献   

周琳    傅贵     刘希扬   《中国安全生产科学技术》2016,12(1):148-153
行为安全理论是事故分析和预防的理论和方法,应用基于行为安全理论的事故致因“2-4”模型对10起化工事故的直接、间接、根本、根源原因进行分析。结果表明:该模型是化工事故分析的有效方法。10起事故的直接原因主要为一线员工在涉及高温加热工艺、带压设备、有毒有害环境和动火作业中的违规违章操作,管理人员未建立或运行安全管理体系等不安全动作及不安全物态,且不安全物态与管理人员不安全行为有关;间接原因是一线员工缺乏岗位安全操作等知识,管理人员缺乏安全管理、技术等知识,导致其安全意识薄弱,养成不良的安全习惯;根本原因是组织安全教育等管理程序缺失和执行不力;根源原因是组织成员对安全的重要度等安全文化元素缺乏理解。  相似文献   

安全认知观念的研究与决策分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过分析当前石油石化企业发生的事故数据,发现由于人为因素造成的事故时有发生,给企业安全生产造成重大影响。为了深入了解造成事故发生的人为因素产生根源,笔者通过多种方式获取资料,利用系统论研究方法,得出了企业员工和管理者普遍存在的安全认知观念。在此基础上,提出员工和管理者之间推荐的共同安全认知观念,从观念上让员工和管理者对不安全行为形成一致的认知,并在减少员工不安全行为、规范员工的安全行为方面给出了行之有效的解决方法,即在企业推行行为安全管理工具-HSE观察卡。应用结果表明,通过推行HSE观察卡,可有效提高企业员工在现场作业活动中的安全作业意识,从而避免或减少由于人的不安全行为造成事故发生率,提升了企业安全生产水平。  相似文献   

This study used the manufacturing process in the petrochemical industries as an example and developed a dedicated maintenance programme and executive information system (EIS) for this industry. The software for EIS was established on a CMMS platform, with logical and extractive analysis used to store the information in a KPI databank. The system developed can provide plant managers and engineers with a complete summary of information and keep them updated regarding the present status of their maintenance efforts. The objective of this study was to establish a management system for maintaining knowledge in the petrochemical industries, such as the management of standard operating procedures (SOPs), historical records and the analysis of data for the facility. To design the software, a review of petrochemical facility was purposed to enhance the maintenance efforts and facilitate the decision-making process. The main functions of the system include asset reliability analysis, failure analysis and maintenance benefit cost analysis. For the petrochemical industry, the impact of safety and environment caused by equipment malfunction is more substantial than that of other industries. If executives can manage essential points effectively and make decisions according to a key performance index, risks to safety and environment, which result from equipment malfunction, can be decreased and safety can be enhanced for petrochemical refineries.  相似文献   

人的失误与人因工程学在核电厂安全性的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叙述了人的失误与人因工程学在核电厂安全性应用的重要性,根据统计资料分析了人的失误、失误模式与失误原因,最后综述了人因工程学原则在核电厂的设计、运行管理中的应用。  相似文献   

为探寻安全隐患的内在特征,加深安全管理人员对安全隐患的理解,提升安全管理效率。以潞安集团司马煤业有限公司2009—2015年安全隐患记录为数据源,利用Word2Vec模型构建安全隐患词向量模型,从模型中获取各类安全隐患主要相关词,利用桑基图解释安全隐患在不同隐患地点、生产作业单位的特征分布,并进一步揭示相关安全隐患的细节特征。结果表明:词向量模型能有效发掘安全隐患特征,桑基图能突出呈现安全隐患的关键信息流动。上述措施有助于管理人员深刻理解安全隐患数据中蕴含的潜在规律,为煤矿安全隐患排查治理工作提供依据,指导安全管理实践。  相似文献   

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