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Background. Work accidents and injuries are an occupational health and safety problem. Methods. This cross-sectional study was conducted for 404 frontline workers who were randomly selected from the Arya Sasol Petrochemical Company in Bushehr, Iran, during 2016. A statistical analysis was performed using the χ2 test and the logistic regression model with SPSS version 18. Results. The overall occupational accident rate among the participants was found to be 9.2%. Statistically significant differences were observed for body mass index, education, job experience, smoking habit, consumption of sedative pills and presence of sleep disorders. Three factors had significant adjusted odds ratios (ORs): body mass index (OR 2.41, 95% confidence interval [CI] [1.16, 5.04]), education (OR 0.25, 95% CI [0.07, 0.85]) and job experience (OR 0.29, 95% CI [0.15, 0.57]). Conclusions. Preventive programs should be implemented for industrial workers, especially young workers, workers who smoke, overweight workers and workers with psychosomatic disease.  相似文献   

This paper concerns a procedure to quantify the risk of occupational accidents based on Fuzzy Logic approach, named Fuzzy Application Procedure (FAP). FAP was developed as a support tool, after the method based on fuzzy logic was developed and validated. The methodology and FAP support tool were found to be able to quantitatively assess the risk of occupational accidents for different industrial and site activities and to identify the most efficient intervention measures that can be taken to reduce risks. The application of FAP to two Italian industrial plant allowed the validation of the procedure. It can be seen how FAP should be considered easy to use for any type of company, with the only requirement of having a sufficient and homogeneous number of accidents recorded, so as to be able to correctly tune the reference parameters of the fuzzy methodology.  相似文献   

Differences in the lethality of occupational accidents in OECD countries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
International comparisons of the frequency of occupational accidents are rare because figures reported by each country are influenced by factors other than differences in the occurrence of actual accidents. In this study, we performed an international comparison of occupational accidents which distinguishes between fatal cases and all reported accidents, in order to control for the effects of other factors in accident reporting. Annual data on the numbers of fatal and non-fatal occupational accidents in member countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) between 1993 and 1998 were obtained from the Labour Statistics Database, which is operated by the International Labour Organization (ILO). The average incidence of all accidents across OECD countries ranged from 17 to 4608 per 100,000 persons in the labor force, whereas the incidence of fatal accidents across OECD countries ranged from 1 to 12 per 100,000 persons in the labor force. Lethality rates per 10,000 total accident cases ranged from 9 (Germany) to 3252 (Turkey). When comparing countries using the same statistical definition of accidents, three or more absence days, the difference in lethality of reported accidents within the same industrial sector is reduced to a sixfold difference (49 for the United Kingdom versus 333 for Ireland). Furthermore, the difference in lethality decreased to about twofold (18 for Spain versus 35 for Czech Republic) in the group using definitions with a criteria of one absent day. The results suggest that reported differences in lethality can reflect artificial administrative factors rather than the harmful factors that cause actual occupational accidents. To make more valid comparison of occupational accident between countries, harmonization of accident statistics is required.  相似文献   

Introduction. The aim of this study was to evaluate the trend of occupational injuries in Turkey using epidemiologic criteria such as incidence mortality and fatality/all injuries recorded – rates. Materials and methods. Safety and health data were obtained from the Annual Statistic Books of the Social Insurance Institution (1988–2006) and Social Security Institution (2007–2011) of Turkey. Results. The results from the official data showed that although total employment is increasing the number of occupational injuries and incidence and mortality rates are decreasing. The results also demonstrate that occupational fatality/all injuries recorded – rate is increasing. The fatality/all injuries recorded – rate per 1000 injuries increased to 25.5 in 2011 from 8.6 in 1988. Each work day an average of five people died because of occupational injuries. Discussion and conclusions. The fatality/all injuries recorded – rate (the number of fatal cases per 1000 occupational injuries) is an important indicator of the injury rate for a country. Systems of occupational injury and illness surveillance constitute a critical resource for the management and reduction of occupational injuries and illness.  相似文献   

This study deals with deaths during the period 2004 to 2009 that occurred during the use of a vehicle known as pat-pat, which is an unusual vehicle, similar to a tractor-trailer used in agricultural production and transportation The records of crime scene investigation and autopsies of 28 cases of death due to pat-pat-related crushes were evaluated. Of all cases, 60.7 percent were drivers and the remaining 39.3% were passengers. The most common cause of death (in 39.3% of cases) was brain-spinal cord injury due to blunt trauma of the head and neck. Implementing legislation regarding safety measures or limitation of the use for transportation should be performed for pat-pats, of which thousands are currently in use.  相似文献   

为探究我国重特大安全生产事故特征,选取2005-2019年国内852起重特大事故作为研究对象,基于Python编程语言针对重特大事故发生的年份、季度、月份、工作日与非工作日、地域特征进行分析.结果表明:2005-2019年,国内重特大安全生产事故起数和死亡人数均在不断下降;第四季度发生重特大事故最多,而第三季度平均每起事故造成的死亡人数最多;重特大事故数量和死亡人数随月份显示出反复波动的趋势,均呈现3个"^",形;工作日期间发生的重特大事故数量最多,非工作日平均事故率最大;国庆节是重特大事故发生最多的节假日;贵州、湖南、山西、云南、河南等省份"十四五"期间需要重点加强安全和应急管理.  相似文献   

2005年中国安全生产事故与自然灾害状况   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:1  
综述了2005年中国安全生产事故状况和自然灾害情况.统计和分析了安全生产事故和自然灾害发生的情况.2005年中国共发生各类安全生产事故717 938起,死亡127 089人,同比分别减少10.7%和7.1 %.煤矿共发生事故3 303起,死亡5 938人,同比分别下降9.2%和1.5%.2005年全国各类自然灾害共造成40 653.7万人(次)受灾,2 475人死亡,直接经济损失2 042亿元.全年农作物受灾面积3 882万hm2,绝收460万hm2.全年发生特大森林火灾3起,因森林火灾造成受害森林面积7.3万hm2.全年因海洋灾害造成直接经济损失约332亿元.全年发生赤潮82次,减少14次;累计赤潮面积约27 070 km2,上升1.7%.全年共发生造成人员伤亡或直接经济损失50万元以上的地质灾害854起,共造成直接经济损失36.5亿元.全年共发生5级以上地震13次,受灾人口208万人,受灾面积15 040 km2,造成直接经济损失26 亿元.2005年中国安全生产事故的发生较2004年有所缓和,但自然灾害状况较2004年严重.  相似文献   

支同祥 《劳动保护》2003,(10):32-33
生产安全事故统计指标体系是安全生产工作的基础和标准.是全面、客观地分析全国安全生产形势的依据,是安全生产信息体系建设的重要内容。针对目前我国伤亡事故统计指标体系的现状,紧密结合我国经济发展和行业特点,借鉴国外先进的生产安全事故统计指标体系和分析方法,对我国现行的生产安全事故统计指标体系进行改革,建  相似文献   

从2000年安全生产和伤亡事故发生的实际情况来看 ,安全生产工作中存在着一些不可忽视的问题。从事故发生的原因上分析 :1.一些地区和部门的领导对党中央和国务院关于安全生产的重要指示贯彻不力 ,思想上麻痹 ,形式主义严重。在建立社会主义市场经济初期 ,一些地方政府、部门和企业领导不能正确处理经济发展与安全生产的关系 ,重生产轻安全 ,有些甚至把安全生产与经济建设割裂开来 ,没有真正把安全生产工作摆上重要议事日程。一旦安全生产与经济效益发生矛盾时 ,往往以发展经济为借口 ,不能及时解决安全生产中存在的问题 ,对重大事故隐…  相似文献   

回顾过去的一年 ,特大事故频频发生 ,使人民的生命财产蒙受了巨大的损失。重新审视那一幕幕触目惊心的悲剧 ,找出它的症结所在 ,吸取其血的教训 ,切实加强安全生产和事故防范工作 ,对于我们起好新世纪开元之年安全生产的头 ,开创“十五”安全工作的新局面 ,有着十分重要的意义。认真反思2 0 0 0年事故频发的原因 ,笔者认为 ,不外乎以下六个方面 :1 急功近利 ,经营管理者重效益 ,轻安全   2 0 0 0年 10多起特大事故尽管造成事故的直接原因各不相同 ,但有一点是共同的 ,那就是经营管理者的急功近利是事故发生的主要原因。一些经营者由于片…  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to systematically analyse a typical planning process in the offshore industry from the perspective of causes of major accidents, with the ultimate aim of identifying factors that affect the risk for major accidents occurring. We first study and describe a typical planning process for offshore oil and gas operations in Norway. Then we analyse a number of theories of major accidents, to see how the different theories and their explanations of causes and contributing factors can be of relevance for future plans and planning processes. Finally, we review accident investigations to search for evidence of how weaknesses in planning processes can contribute to major accidents through the above identified factors. Also, we try to identify any additional factors that have not been recognised through the theoretical review. This provides empirical support for the theoretical basis. Thirteen factors which directly or indirectly can influence the planning process causing a major accident potential are identified. These are exemplified through a review of investigation reports. The paper suggests that planning process should focus more on increasing quality in the plans at an early phase, with examples from incidents, and illustrate the relation between planning quality and potential for major accidents.  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2007,45(3):355-371
The continuing high frequency of occupational accidents in the Swedish food industry calls for new approaches to better understand the underlying factors. In the present study, 54 accidents involving hand injuries were investigated from the operators’ perspective, to explore the organisational preconditions. In-depth interviews were conducted with operators and their supervisors, and 24 of these interviews were analysed using the grounded theory method. The core category ‘safety as a process’ was identified encompassing the perception of the process of the accident at operative level and organisational preconditions that increased the risk of occupational accidents. These preconditions were open factors: deficiencies in technical/physical environment and work organisation; and concealed factors: insufficient communication and learning, a high level of responsibility in combination with low control, conflicting goals and a gap between procedures and practice. These preconditions lead to risk acceptance, resignation towards improved safety and normalisation of risk. Through the analysis a five-step hypothesis was empirically generated.  相似文献   

2008年11月27日,北京西郊宾馆银杏大厅座无虚席。由国家安全监管总局、全国总工会、中国安全生产协会共同主办,《劳动保护》杂志社承办的“生产安全事故隐患排查治理知识竞赛总结颁奖会暨《劳动保护》杂志创刊55周年纪念活动”在这里隆重举行。竞赛组委会主任、国家安全生产监管总局副局长、中国安全生产协会会长孙华山出席了会议并发表讲话。来自全国各地的210多名竞赛组织奖获奖单位代表到会领奖。  相似文献   

1 全国安全生产的基本情况   2 0 0 0年 ,各地区、各部门和广大企业职工认真贯彻落实江泽民总书记和党中央、国务院关于加强安全生产工作的一系列重要指示和全国安全生产电视电话会议精神 ,坚持“安全第一 ,预防为主”的方针 ,强化监督检查 ,狠抓事故预防 ,在安全生产方面做了大量工作 ,工矿企业职工伤亡事故呈下降趋势 ,全国安全生产形势基本保持稳定。   2 0 0 0年 ,全国共发生各类伤亡事故 83万多起、死亡 11.7万人 (详见本刊 2 0 0 1年第 2期第 14页 )。全国工矿企业发生一次死亡 10人以上的重大、特大伤亡事故共计 93起 ,死亡 2 0…  相似文献   

2005年11-12月国内安全事故统计分析   总被引:4,自引:28,他引:4  
统计了 2005年11-12月国内发生的各种安全事故535起,包括矿业事故、交通事故、爆炸事故、火灾、毒物泄露和中毒及其他事故.统计表明,在这些事故中,矿业事故最多,占53.83%,平均每天4.7起事故,其次是交通事故(34.77%)、爆炸事故(3.93%)、其他事故(3.18%)、火灾(2.43%)、毒物泄露和中毒(1.87%).535起事故共死亡1 881人,伤1 220人,死亡人数的百分比分别为矿业事故43.22%、交通事故41.20%、火灾5.05%、爆炸事故4.84%、其他事故4.04%、泄露中毒1 65%;受伤人数的百分比分别为交通事故63.36%、矿业事故15.82%、火灾10.08%、爆炸事故6.39%、其他事故2.70%、泄露中毒1.64%.  相似文献   

风险严重度指数法在毒气泄漏评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为评价某区域或某设备潜在的毒气泄漏事故场景的风险水平,以对不同的风险等级进行风险控制和安全规划,详细介绍了工业事故风险评估方法ARAMIS所采用的风险严重度指数法.首先基于事故频率和后果的风险矩阵选取毒气泄漏事故场景;然后运用毒气当量浓度计算任意暴露时间下不同风险严重度等级所对应的特征距离,并根据同一风险等级内风险严重度指数与距离的线性关系计算任意点的风险严重度指数;最后应用1个实例分析了考虑所研究区域的风向概率后对风险严重度指数的真实影响,便于工厂或企业识别不同的风险等级,进行不同场景下风险水平的对比性研究,为其安全设计及风险分析提供了一种新的评估方法.  相似文献   

2005年1-2月国内安全事故统计分析   总被引:2,自引:33,他引:2  
统计了2005年1-2月国内发生的各种安全事故449起,包括矿业事故、交通事故、爆炸事故、火灾、毒物泄露和中毒及其他事故.统计表明,在这些事故中,交通事故最多,占46.55%,平均每天3.5起事故,其次是矿业事故(42.54%)、爆炸事故(4.68%)、其他事故(2.67%)、火灾(2.00%)、毒物泄露和中毒(1.56%).449起事故共死亡1 540人,伤1 392人,死亡人数的百分比分别为交通事故56.23%、矿业事故33.31%、爆炸事故4.22%、其他事故3.90%、火灾1.82%、泄露中毒0.52%;受伤人数的百分比分别为交通事故79.67%、矿业事故7.11%、爆炸事故6.97%、其他事故4.74%、火灾1.01%、泄露中毒0.50%.  相似文献   

统计了2005年7-8月国内发生的各种安全事故569起,包括矿业事故、交通事故、爆炸事故、火灾、毒物泄露和中毒及其他事故.统计表明,在这些事故中,矿业事故最多,占64.32%,平均每天5.9起事故,其次是交通事故(25.31%)、其他事故(4.39%)、爆炸事故(2 99%)、毒物泄露和中毒(1.58%)、火灾(1.41%).569起事故共死亡1 549人,伤1 424人,死亡人数的百分比分别为矿业事故47.71%、交通事故38.93%、其他事故7.42%、爆炸事故2.58%、火灾1.94%、泄露中毒1.42%;受伤人数的百分比分别为交通事故50.77%、矿业事故25.35%、爆炸事故11.03%、泄露中毒6.25%、其他事故5.34%、火灾1.26%.  相似文献   

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