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李朝全 《绿叶》2013,(7):95-102
新疆是个好地方。新疆不但地域广阔、畜牧业发达、盛产水果,新疆的高山草原深处,还隐藏着水草茂密的草甸沼泽和神奇的湖泊,翡翠般著名的巴音布鲁克草原湿地就在这里,它是个水鸟的天堂、天鹅的家乡。2012年国庆长假,我携热恋中的姑娘,踏上了去新疆的旅程。我们的车沿着天山南缘的公路先是向北,约1小时到达一个叫巴伦台镇的地方,然后开始向西。天山冰冷,堆积着砂砾,几乎寸草不生。秋天的阳光从山顶上照射下来,  相似文献   

封面介绍:特克斯草原之春特克斯县地处天山北麓、伊犁河谷,这里有着豪放而质朴的民族风情、秀丽而广阔的草原、幽深而雄奇的峡谷、神奇而奥妙的"八卦名城"。在我的眼中,特克斯草原的春天是那么迷人:阔克苏河在山涧开阔地带形成了漂亮的九曲十八弯,亮闪闪地流淌在碧绿的草毯上。让人不由得忘了年龄,想在这温柔的草毯上撒欢儿打滚儿……  相似文献   

<正>中亚归来多日,我一直在时断时续地回味那些陌生而又熟悉的感觉,慢慢整理那些纷至沓来而又匆匆远去的印象。中亚共有5个"斯坦"。哈萨克斯坦位于天山北麓,是一个草原国家。它国土辽阔,石油资源丰富,其面积相当于我国的新疆加上西藏那么大。吉尔吉斯斯坦和塔吉克斯坦都是高山国家,前者的领土主要在天山之上,后者的领土主要在帕米尔群峰(即葱岭)之上。上述3个国家都与我国的新疆接壤。乌  相似文献   

新疆伊犁州新源县境内的那拉提草原位于那拉提山北坡,是发育在第三纪古洪积层上的中山地草原,名列世界四大河谷草原之一.地势由东南向西北倾斜。原野上山泉密布。溪流似网,河道交错,森林繁茂,被人们誉为“空中草原”。每年6月至9月,这里碧草茵茵,草原上各种野花开遍山岗草坡,  相似文献   

草原文化与中华道统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘岳 《绿叶》2008,(1):1-3
我今天结合中国第三届草原文化百家论坛的主题——"草原文化与世界文明",讲十句话。第一句话,大中华文明,是由草原文明、中原文明和江南文明历经几千年的交织、凝练,融汇而成。非哪个单一文明发展而来,不独属于哪个单一  相似文献   

赛里木湖位于新疆维吾尔自治区西部天山西段的高山盆地中。赛里木湖湖面海拔2073m,东西长约30km,南北宽约25km,周长90km,水域面积458km^2,呈椭圆形,水质透明度达10m-12m;最大水深92m,蓄水总量210亿m^3,是一l个融高山、冰川、森林、草原、碧湖和珍禽为一体的高山冷水湖。湖水除周围一些小河注入外,  相似文献   

开都河是天山南坡水量最丰富的河流之一,发源于中天山的萨阿尔明山,上游流经巴音布鲁克草原,中游穿峡谷后,进入焉耆盆地,注入博斯腾湖(以下简称博湖)。全长661公里,年平均径流量33.62亿 m~3。博湖水从西南部流出后称为孔雀河,孔雀河向西穿过焉耆盆地西南的铁门关峡谷,流入塔里木盆地的库尔勒、尉犁地区,最后  相似文献   

喀拉米兰舒心扉(上) 清晨,红红的太阳悄悄地从远方青灰色起伏的山脊线处跳出,冻僵的大地立刻恢复了生机。我们仔细核对着卫星照片,这里已距喀拉米兰山口不远了。但是前面地形更为复杂,眼前10公里处就横亘着一道高耸的山地,从卫星照片上没有找到任何可以穿越的通道。吃过早饭,王队长叫司机们清查油料,  相似文献   

以前无旅游业这一说的内蒙古锡林郭勒盟 ,改革开放以来 ,草原生态旅游业悄然兴起 ,迅速发展。1998年 ,全盟年内旅游定点企业共接待游客48 95万人次 ,其中海外游客23 67万人次 ;旅游收入3540万元 ,创汇6836万美元。同比增长分别为26 6 %和59 6 %。地处祖国北疆的锡林郭勒大草原 ,是世界著名的四大草原之一 ,是我国唯一被纳入人与生物圈保护网络的国家级自然保护区。草原上水草丰美 ,牛羊遍地 ,鲜花绚丽 ,古迹众多 ,有着得天独厚的草原生态旅游资源和条件。走进20万km2的大草原 ,没有受到污染的蓝天、白云、绿…  相似文献   

张雷 《绿叶》2022,(11):33-37
<正>山溪山水相因。当皑皑白雪凝固了群山的嵯峨跌宕,辽远的苍穹、漫无边际的草原,就有了分庭抗礼的风度与气场。一条翩跹的溪流,如灵动的锁链,以纤秀的澎湃,撩拨高原的虚寂,连接了雪山、天宇与草甸,贯通了天地磅礴之势,搁浅了苍茫岁月。远眺巍然的大山,千秋不化的冰雪砌筑琼楼玉宇,雕刻孤拔的峻洁。近处,葳蕤的灌木丛中,山溪潺潺的流水就有了冰晶碎裂、银瓶乍破的回响,有如轻叩庄严的青铜礼器。  相似文献   

从生态自然观的角度,剖析了世界遗产地保护与旅游开发的辩证关系,提出世界遗产地保护和旅游开发的两种模式:人工自然化模式和生态自然化模式。分析认为,人工自然化仍是目前中国世界遗产旅游开发和保护的主导模式,而以生态自然观为指导,采取生态自然化开发模式才是实现中国世界遗产地保护和旅游开发协调的最佳途径和发展方向。  相似文献   

以绿色农业理念为基础,针对河西走廊绿洲灌区环境资源特点、产业优势及生产中存在的问题,通过对当地玉米、小麦两大主栽作物秸秆饲料化利用、肉牛健康养殖、废弃物综合利用、农畜产品生产全程质量监控等技术的组装配套,研究总结形成种养结合、资源循环利用、清洁生产的绿色农业发展模式,即种养结合型模式"玉米-牛-沼-肥"、大田设施配套型模式"小麦-菇-肥-果(葡萄)"、小型养殖场型模式"牛-沼/蚯蚓-肥/饲料",并对模式的原理、特点、技术集成要点及效益进行阐述分析。对该3种模式在武威市凉州区谢河镇示范验证,农田节水30%,秸秆养殖利用率达到60%,牛羊良种化率提高30%,奶牛母犊牛生产率达88%,减少化肥施用量20%,减少生活能源支出55%,减少农业废弃物排放75%,提高农业综合效益36%。  相似文献   

针对传统教学方法存在的问题,在《营销统计》课程教学实践中采用"教学做"一体化教学模式,构建了"一条主线、两个知识模块、三种关键能力"的教学内容体系,将统计调查工作设置为一个实训项目,形成"一个项目四个环节"的教学过程。  相似文献   

韩智勇  刘丹  李启彬  芦垒 《四川环境》2008,27(1):116-119
通过对风水理论中关于选址要素的科学阐述,从自然环境和社会环境两个方面分析了风水选址和垃圾填埋场选址的共通与不同之处,并根据风水理论中“天人合一”的和谐理念,提出了在填埋场选址过程中,应该融入崇尚自然,尊重自然;结合实际,因地制宜;整体系统;以人为本,和谐构建等原则。  相似文献   

Increasingly, many youth are disconnected from the natural world; rather, they inhabit a technological world. Although experiences in nature have long been a source of fascination, little is known about how youth independently access and make sense of nature. We focus on the experiences of youth who chose to use marijuana in nature. A substance such as marijuana is often viewed as a “gateway” leading to “harder” drug use; rarely do we consider how marijuana might be a gateway to positive experiences. Narrative analysis was used to explore how young people, aged 14–18, describe their marijuana use in nature, an important aspect of the culture and context of marijuana use. Youth's constructions of nature are revealed in four narratives in which they situate themselves: freedom in nature, the pleasure of leisure, in awe of the natural world and making meaning of the world. One subnarrative, flowing through space, was also uncovered. The findings point to the importance of these nature experiences for youth who expressed how they were able to be in nature in new ways. Participants articulated their yearning for and ability to establish a connection within their natural world.  相似文献   

Five studies assessed the validity and reliability of the connectedness to nature scale (CNS), a new measure of individuals’ trait levels of feeling emotionally connected to the natural world. Data from two community and three college samples demonstrated that the CNS has good psychometric properties, correlates with related variables (the new environmental paradigm scale, identity as an environmentalist), and is uncorrelated with potential confounds (verbal ability, social desirability). This paper supports ecopsychologists’ contention that connection to nature is an important predictor of ecological behavior and subjective well-being. It also extends social psychological research on self–other overlap, perspective taking, and altruistic behavior to the overlap between self and nature. The CNS promises to be a useful empirical tool for research on the relationship between humans and the natural world.  相似文献   

森林旅游是生态旅游的重要形式之一,开展森林旅游已成为一种新的消费时尚,也是当今世界旅游的热点.介绍了神山国家森林公园优越的自然条件、丰富的森林旅游资源和人文旅游资源,分析了目前建设森林公园存在的问题,提出了发展森林旅游的建议.  相似文献   

文化景观是自然、文化和历史的完美结合体,文化景观遗产的设立不但改变了世界遗产对价值的认识,而且拓宽了世界遗产的实践领域。从世界文化景观遗产入手,分析了它的分布现状及其原因;介绍了我国两项文化景观遗产之一的西湖,同时利用SWOT分析法对西湖进行分析,总结西湖的可持续发展趋势。通过综合分析,提出我国文化景观申遗和保护的建议。  相似文献   

The objectives of this paper are to define the scope of global population growth within the uncompromising everyday realities of technology, economies, and politics and to demonstrate the intimate between the human population problem and the increasing problem of Nature's destruction. It is hoped that the human species will come to its sense in time to create an adequate standard of living of all of its members in peace and environmental balance. The number of people the world can support is considered in terms of 1) the provision for a standard of living adequate for everyone's health and wellbeing, 2) consideration for wildlife and nature, and 3) reliance on existing levels of technology and politics. Standards of living are suggested for the affluent and the austere. The focus on the discussion is on standards of living, global carrying capacity, the imperatives of population control and respect for nature, humans versus wildlife, and the need for a universal declaration of respect for nature. Carrying capacity is determined by total land area, cultivated land area, forest land area, cereals (grain), and wood. Use per capita of each of the 5 essentials is determined for the affluent or austere standard of living. An affluent standard means that world population would be limited to 2 billion, which is 50% of the current population. An austere standard of living means a limit of 3 billion, or 33% less than the existing population. The unfortunate reality is that today's total population of 4.5 billion is increasing at an annual rate of 1.9% and is not expected to level off until it has increased 3 times. This population growth occurs at the expense of wildlife. Of the total terrestrial animal biomass, humans constitute 4% and domestic livestock 15%, which, in 40 years, will reach a combined 40% and lead to more species extinction. One species of bird or mammal will become extinct for each increase of 220 million people, which happens every 3 years. The solution is a radical stop, reversal, and stabilization of population to achieve one which is lower than today's 4.5 billion.  相似文献   

罗永平 《四川环境》2009,28(5):124-126
建设项目环保工作“三同时”制度是环境保护管理的一项重要制度,环保档案是项目建设中直接形成的具有保存价值的不同形式和载体的原始资料,把握工作重点环节,坚持环保工作“三同时”与环保档案同步管理对建设优质工程项目和加强环境保护具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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