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长三角地区大气污染治理取得一定成效,然而空气质量改善逐渐进入瓶颈期和攻坚期,大气污染治理战略需要从宏观层面系统谋划。本文系统分析了近10年来长三角区域经济、能源、产业、交通的发展状况和趋势,结合区域大气污染物浓度水平的演变,分析了大气污染与经济社会发展的耦合关系。结合当前区域空气污染的空间分布差异以及经济能源交通结构的内在差别,识别了大气污染的区内差异特征及关键制约因素。在此基础上,从能源结构和产业结构调整、交通结构优化、分区施策、深化治理等角度,为深化区域大气污染联防联控,持续改善大气污染问题提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

我国城市大气污染现状与特点   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
张继娟  魏世强 《四川环境》2006,25(3):104-108,112
中国城市化和工业化的快速发展与能源消耗的迅速增加,给中国城市带来了很多空气污染问题。20世纪70年代期间,煤烟型污染排放成为中国工业城市的特点;80年代,许多南方城市遭受严重的酸雨危害;近年来,汽车尾气排放的NOx、CO及随后形成的光化学烟雾,使得许多大城市的空气质量恶化。城市空气污染影响着城市居民的健康和城市的发展。为控制空气污染和保护大气环境质量,我国政府已经实施了许多规划。本文概述了当前中国城市特别是重点城市的空气质量状况,描述一些主要城市空气污染物包括总悬浮颗粒、PM10、PM2.5、SO2、酸雨、NOx/NO2的特点。尽管采取了很多应对措施,但目前我国城市的空气质量依然不容乐观,文中还讨论了未来城市空气污染控制面临的问题。  相似文献   

"十一五"期间,昌黎县采取多项措施进行环境空气综合整治,城区环境空气质量持续改善,但还存在绿化水平低,废气处理设施落后,机动车尾气污染,城市建设带来的扬尘污染以及环保机构监管力量薄弱等因素。为了进一步改善环境空气质量,针对上述问题从提高绿化水平,深入开展大气污染源治理,控制机动车尾气污染和扬尘污染,加强环境监管等方面提出了切实可行的防治对策及建议。  相似文献   

当前,我国大气污染形势严峻,复合型污染特征突出。新修订的《中华人民共和国环境保护法》、《中华人民共和国大气污染防治法》、《环境空气质量标准》以及《大气污染防治行动计划》的发布和实施,对我国大气污染防治工作提出了更高要求。"十三五"时期是我国环境保护负重前行困难期和大有作为关键期,也是我国改善大气环境质量的攻坚期,需要系统谋划大气污染防治战略。欧盟和美国在制定大气污染防治战略时,以改善空气质量为核心,构建了涵盖一次污染物和二次污染物的多污染物目标体系,规定了环境浓度、排放量、直观感受(能见度)、健康以及管理等约束性指标,并且针对大气污染防治政策分析实施的成本与收益,开发相应的模型工具,基于收益成本比进行科学决策。本文对欧美环境规划和战略中的多污染物协同控制目标体系以及大气污染防治政策成本效益评估经验进行梳理,分析我国大气污染防治战略的现状和问题,并提出相关政策建议,以期为解决"心肺之患"、实现环保"十三五"总体目标提供参考。  相似文献   

陆楠  魏斌  朱琦  刘定  杨毅 《中国环境管理》2015,7(6):66-70,83
区域大气污染防治管理系统是生态环境保护信息化工程(《"十二五"国家政务信息化工程建设规划》中规划的国家级信息系统之一)项目建设的重要内容之一.本文对区域大气污染防治管理系统的建设需求进行了分析,系统针对大尺度的区域性大气环境质量问题,紧密结合国务院"大气污染防治行动计划"的目标任务要求,开展数据调度与综合分析等功能的建设,旨在通过数据分析提高重点区域大气环境质量状况与污染成因的评估能力,通过情景模拟与模型运算为区域大气污染治理措施的制定与动态调整提供定量化数据支持.系统的建设与实施将有望成为国家大气污染防治领域跨部门数据共享与交换的基础工程,为区域大气污染防治工作提供有力的信息化技术支撑.  相似文献   

加强区域大气污染联防联控、加快改善空气质量、早日对标世界先进水平是粤港澳大湾区生态环境建设的重要任务。本文总结了美国和加拿大的跨境大气污染防控合作体制机制建设方面的经验,基于粤港澳大湾区"一国两制三法域"特征下的区域大气污染协同防控需求和不足,从建立区域性权威管理机构和技术支撑机构,联合开展跨界科研、中长期政策制定和实施情况跟踪评估等方面提出深化粤港澳大湾区区域大气污染防控合作体制机制建设,进一步推进区域大气污染协同改善的策略建议,为粤港澳大湾区的大气污染防治提供借鉴。  相似文献   

"十一五"期间,秦皇岛市环境质量总体趋于好转。环境空气质量Ⅱ级以上天数始终保持在350天以上,综合污染指数明显下降;城市集中式饮用水源地水质达标率100%;地表水河流Ⅲ类断面比例提高了43.8%;劣Ⅴ类断面比例降低了35.7%。近岸海域海水水质达标率100%,海水浴场水质良好。但存在局部空气污染严重、部分河段水质恶化等主要环境问题,针对上述问题提出了总量减排、污染物联控等对策建议。  相似文献   

Air quality is declining in urban areas, in part because of the rapid motorization of societies world-wide. To combat the problem, various pollution control strategies have been used or proposed for urban passenger transport. This paper develops a simple framework to analyse the impact of these strategies. The paper examines the point of impact of different policy levers and categorizes different instruments in a way that should help policy makers choose between them. The framework explicitly recognizes behavioural incentives, especially the fact that offsetting changes in consumer behaviour can often undermine the original intent of particular policies. The paper concludes that policies aimed at improving transport efficiency often improve air quality at the same time. However, supply side policies to relieve traffic congestion can conflict with the objective of controlling air pollution. It is hence vital that policy makers are aware of the incentives created by different interventions and weigh the impact of these incentives on subsidiary objectives before adoption of particular policies.  相似文献   

Road transport is a major contributor to urban air pollution. The introduction of local air qua lity management in the UK will require objective test procedures to evaluate and prioritise the air pollution benefits of existing transport systems and proposed developments. This methodology has been developed to assist the land use and transport planning professionals in evaluating current and potential future impacts on air quality. The method couples an emissions estimation procedure to a traffic flow database. It requires data on emission factors, the composition of the vehicle fleet, vehicle control technologies and the daily traffic flow profile. With these data, it is possible to generate emission estimates per kilometre, link or road as selected by the user. Forecasts can be made by varying input variables. The current methodology allows prediction of five or more pollutant species/classes, limited only by availability of emission factors. The method utilises a commercially available personal computer based spreadsheet. Further coupling of the method to a geographical information system will improve the decision support capability of the method.  相似文献   

Nigeria has abundant deposits of oil and natural gas and their exploitation has improved the economy substantially, but with serious environmental costs. Severe ecological damage has occurred in the Niger Delta area where most of the oil industries are based. Statutory rules and regulations for environmental protection applicable to the oil industry in Nigeria appear to be generally inadequate and ineffective. So far, air pollution has not been properly addressed. Natural gas is still being flared from many oil wells, with serious air pollution problems and a waste of this resource. The legal control of air pollution in the light of the ongoing operations of liquified natural gas (LNG) and compressed natural gas (CNG) projects is advised along with other measures for environmental quality, control and the conservation of resources.  相似文献   

This paper provides an assessment of the tools required to fulfil the air quality management role now expected of local authorities within the UK. The use of a range of pollution monitoring tools in assessing air quality is discussed and illustrated with evidence from a number of previous studies of urban background and roadside pollution monitoring in Leicester. A number of approaches to pollution modelling currently available for deployment are examined. Subsequently, the modelling and monitoring tools are assessed against the requirements of local authorities establishing air quality management areas. Whilst the paper examines UK-based policy, the study is of wider international interest.  相似文献   

长江经济带是世界上最大的内河产业带和制造业基地,建设长江经济带是新时期中国三大国家发展战略之一,积极、有效地保护长江经济带生态环境具有非常重要的战略意义。本研究从识别突出的大气污染防治问题入手,深入分析大气污染的主要驱动力产业与能源结构,以问题为靶向,提出长江经济带的大气污染防治策略。研究结果发现,占国土面积21%的长江经济带排放了全国34%的二氧化硫、32%的氮氧化物、28%的烟粉尘、44%的挥发性有机物、43%的氨,单位面积污染物排放强度是全国平均水平的1.3~2.1倍,污染物排放远超环境容量。长江经济带126个城市中,6项主要大气污染物年平均浓度全部达标的城市比例不到1/3。颗粒物是影响城市达标的主要污染物。长江经济带产业结构偏重和能源消费以煤为主,是造成大气污染排放量的主要源头,是大气污染的主要驱动力。以解决突出的大气环境问题为核心,将环境质量作为大气污染防治的底线,持续推进空气质量改善,重点措施上,从大气污染驱动力着手,提出优化产业与能源结构、深化多污染物协同控制、推进区域联防联控等大气污染防治对策建议。  相似文献   

Horan, Richard D. and James S. Shortle, 2011. Economic and Ecological Rules for Water Quality Trading. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 47(1):59‐69. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2010.00463.x Abstract: Emissions trading in textbook form uses markets to achieve pollution targets cost‐efficiently. This result is accomplished in markets that regulators can implement without knowing pollution abatement costs. The theoretical promise of emissions trading, along with real‐world success stories from air emissions trading, has led to initiatives to use trading for water pollution control. Yet, trading, particularly when it involves nonpoint sources of pollution, requires significant departures from the textbook concept. This paper explores how features of water quality problems affect the design of markets for water pollution control relative to textbook emissions markets. Three fundamental design tasks that regulators must address for pollution trading to achieve an environmental goal at low cost are examined: (1) defining the point and nonpoint commodities to be traded, (2) defining rules governing commodity exchange, and (3) setting caps on the commodity supplies so as to achieve an environmental target. We show that the way in which these tasks are optimally addressed for water quality markets differs significantly from the textbook model and its real‐world analogs. We also show that the fundamental appeal of emissions trading is lost in the case of realistic water quality markets, as market designs that reduce the costs of achieving water quality goals may no longer be implementable without the regulatory authority having information on abatement costs.  相似文献   

本文从经济、能源、交通结构三大领域分析了京津冀、长三角和珠三角三大城市群的异同点,探究了结构性特征对大气污染的影响。结果表明:我国东部三大城市群中,珠三角的空气质量最优,长三角次之,京津冀最差,空气污染程度自南向北呈现阶梯状上升态势;能源规模和结构、工业规模和结构、交通规模和结构同步呈现自南向北逐步偏化石燃料、偏重工业、偏公路运输的结构性特征,与空气污染的阶梯分布在一定程度上相吻合。从时间来看,空气污染呈现历史性发展和累积特征;从空间来看,重工业规模大、比重高,化石燃料在能源消费结构中占比高,汽车保有量和船舶货物吞吐量快速增高是京津冀和长三角大气污染重于珠三角的内在结构性主因。在数据分析的基础上,本文从分区施策和结构调整两方面提出了大气污染防控对策建议。  相似文献   

The air quality management (AQM) framework in the UK is a risk management approach using effects-based objectives for air pollutants to determine the need for action. The Environment Act 1995 required a National Air Quality Strategy to be published, setting out health-based standards and objectives for eight pollutants, of which seven are to managed at a local scale. Because of the variety of sources of air pollution, if the AQM process is to succeed in the long term, solutions to identified problems will be required from transport, land use and economic planning sectors of local government in liaison with various other agencies, regulators and outside bodies. As such the task is inherently multi-disciplinary and an integrated, collaborative approach will be necessary. Although this observation is now fairly well documented, there is still little guidance relating to how, in relation to air quality management, integration can actually be accomplished. This paper presents some observations from case studies undertaken as part of a longer-term research study and in particular focuses on the identified problems of involving non-air-quality professionals in a highly technical scientific process. Various approaches to the collaborative aspects of air quality management will be presented. These case studies represent local authorities of different sizes in different political and organisational situations facing a range of air quality challenges. The creation of project teams or task forces is judged particularly useful for local air quality management. Methods that could be applied more widely include appointing individuals as integrators, and rotation of key personnel.  相似文献   

随着大气环境问题从煤烟型向以PM2.5和O3为特征的区域复合型污染演变,我国大气污染控制模式从以污染物排放浓度控制为核心、以污染物排放总量控制为核心逐渐走向以大气环境质量改善为核心。特别是近几年,全国各地在空气质量管理、科学精准治污等领域开展一系列积极的探索与实践,取得了显著成效。本文系统回顾了近50年来我国不同阶段大气环境管理工作的特点,重点梳理了2013年《大气污染防治行动计划》实施以来,空气质量管理经验与成绩,结合减污降碳总体部署对我国2035年“美丽中国建设目标基本实现”时的空气质量进行了展望,从PM2.5与O3协同控制的角度出发,提出了“十四五”期间我国大气环境管理的总体思路。  相似文献   


This paper provides an assessment of the tools required to fulfil the air quality management role now expected of local authorities within the UK. The use of a range of pollution monitoring tools in assessing air quality is discussed and illustrated with evidence from a number of previous studies of urban background and roadside pollution monitoring in Leicester. A number of approaches to pollution modelling currently available for deployment are examined. Subsequently, the modelling and monitoring tools are assessed against the requirements of local authorities establishing air quality management areas. Whilst the paper examines UK-based policy, the study is of wider international interest.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to quantify the marginal willingness to pay (MWTP) for clean air in China. We provide the first estimate of MWTP for clean air by implementing a hedonic method using housing price and air quality data from Shanghai. Our estimates imply that air pollution has a significant and negative impact on housing price. We also find that the willingness to pay for better air quality varies significantly across different income groups. This paper helps to deepen our understanding of the economic impacts of air pollution in emerging Asian metropolises where residents are suffering from the most severe respiratory health problems.  相似文献   

兰州市在推进大气污染治理的实践中进行的有益的探索,为全国大气污染治理提供了宝贵的借鉴和经验。治污成就主要体现在环境质量改善、优良天数增多、减排效果明显、发展环境优化、民心得到凝聚。兰州市突破性地摘掉大气污染的“黑帽子”,主要作法包括多管齐下、对症下药、源头管控、网格管理、疏堵结合、分类施策等。兰州治理大气污染的实践经验兰州市大力治污的经验,也为建设美丽中国提供了有力借鉴。  相似文献   

Opencast mining dominates coal production in India. A survey was conducted to evaluate its local atmospheric impact. Emissions data were utilised to compute dust generation due to different mining activities. Work zone air quality, ambient air quality and seasonal variations are described revealing high pollution potential due to suspended particulate matter (SPM) and consequent impact on human health. Air pollution control measures involve planning and implementing a series of preventive and suppressive measures in addition to dust extraction systems. Different abatement measures are enumerated. Pollution control by trees, the tolerance of trees to different air pollutants and plant species useful for controlling pollution are also discussed. There is a need for wider application of dust control chemicals on haul roads. Sustainable management of pollution can be achieved by the proper implementation of suggested abatement measures.  相似文献   

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