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利用广东省260个土壤剖面数据,开展区域尺度下的土壤砷(As)元素质量分数的空间分布和垂直变异研究。结果显示,研究区土壤砷的几何平均质量分数为10.4 mg.kg-1,高于全国的平均水平9.6 mg.kg-1。表层土壤As的上基线质量分数为23.4 mg.kg-1。土壤As的空间分布特征主要决定其成土母岩的类型,主要表现为A、B、C 3层土壤As的空间展布形式相似,高As背景质量分数主要分布于石灰岩和砂页岩地区。此外,由A层至C层,As质量分数呈逐渐增加的趋势(由低到高依次为10.4 mg.kg-1,10.7 mg.kg-1,11.3 mg.kg-1),但无底层富集特征,这种垂直变异特征与低有机质含量和强烈的土壤侵蚀作用有关。计算得出,研究区由土壤侵蚀引发的流入周边水体的土壤As每年可高达1 040 t。  相似文献   

● A review of machine learning (ML) for spatial prediction of soil contamination. ● ML have achieved significant breakthroughs for soil contamination prediction. ● A structured guideline for using ML in soil contamination is proposed. ● The guideline includes variable selection, model evaluation, and interpretation. Soil pollution levels can be quantified via sampling and experimental analysis; however, sampling is performed at discrete points with long distances owing to limited funding and human resources, and is insufficient to characterize the entire study area. Spatial prediction is required to comprehensively investigate potentially contaminated areas. Consequently, machine learning models that can simulate complex nonlinear relationships between a variety of environmental conditions and soil contamination have recently become popular tools for predicting soil pollution. The characteristics, advantages, and applications of machine learning models used to predict soil pollution are reviewed in this study. Satisfactory model performance generally requires the following: 1) selection of the most appropriate model with the required structure; 2) selection of appropriate independent variables related to pollutant sources and pathways to improve model interpretability; 3) improvement of model reliability through comprehensive model evaluation; and 4) integration of geostatistics with the machine learning model. With the enrichment of environmental data and development of algorithms, machine learning will become a powerful tool for predicting the spatial distribution and identifying sources of soil contamination in the future.  相似文献   

Concentrations of metals and arsenic in farmland soils along the Yanghe River, upstream of Guanting Reservoir, were evaluated using fuzzy comprehensive assessment (FCA). FCA is an emerging methodology for assessing environmental status based on fuzzy logic which can model linguistic data and represent chaotic conditions. The ratio of concentrations of metals and arsenic (As) in surface soils of farmland along the Yanghe River to the corresponding reference values decreased in the order Cd>Zn>Cr>Ni>Pb>Cu>As. Based on the FCA, 86% of surface soils along the Yanghe River were classified as grade C, which is suitable for forestry with a greater absorption capacity, suggesting that most farmland along the Yanghe River has to be abandoned as farmland. In order to improve the quality of soil along the Yanghe River and avoid degeneration of water quality in the river and the Guanting Reservoir, remediation of farmland soils along the river is suggested.  相似文献   

The release of arsenic from technosols was monitored using short-term dynamic leaching of homogeneous soil columns with native solution. Large amounts of readily available arsenic (16 mg kg?1) were extracted from arsenic-rich ashy samples while representing less than 4 wt % of their total contents. In the first hour of leaching, the observed concentrations of water-soluble arsenic ranged from 650 to 830 μg L?1, further increasing in the following leachates. The results showed that the concentrations of water-soluble arsenic were several times higher than the recommended limits for drinking water. Yet, most of arsenic is strongly bound to amorphous aluminosilicate phases. The contents of arsenic in the studied plant samples, including calculated transfer factors, confirmed that increased concentrations of arsenic in the soil of geological environment affected by dam failure of a coal ash pond may have a negative effect on crops since arsenic becomes part of the food chain.  相似文献   

A soil washing process was applied to remediate arsenic (As)-contaminated stream sediments around an abandoned mine in Goro, Korea. Laboratory scale soil washing experiments for As-contaminated stream sediments were performed under various washing conditions in order to maximize As removal efficiency. Stream sediments were taken from two sites (S1 and S5) along the main stream connected to an abandoned mine. Stream sediments at the two sites were divided into two groups (≥0.35 and <0.35 mm in diameter), giving four types of sediments, which were thereupon used for soil washing experiments. The results of soil washing experiments involving various pH conditions suggested that As removal efficiency is very high in both strongly acidic and basic solutions (pH 1 and 13), regardless of sediment type. Removal efficiencies for fine sediments from S1 and S5 were >95% after 1 h of washing with 0.2 M citric acid (C6H8O7). When using 0.2 M citric acid mixed with 0.1 M potassium phosphate (KH2PO4), the As removal efficiency increased to 100%. When recycled washing solution was applied, As removal efficiency was maintained at a level greater than 70%, even after eight recycling events. This suggests that the recycling of washing solution could be successfully applied as a means of decreasing the cost of the washing process. Results from the experiments suggest that soil washing is a potentially useful process for the remediation of As-contaminated stream sediments around abandoned mines.  相似文献   

东莞市不同区域菜地土壤重金属污染状况研究   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
对东莞市及其不同区域菜地土壤重金属污染情况进行了调查和分析,参照国家土壤环境质量标准,运用单因子污染指数法和综合污染指数法对上述土壤质量进行了评价。结果表明,全市和各区土壤受到了不同程度的重金属污染,具体表现为:全市土壤Cd、Cu、Ni和Pb的超标率分别为4.9%,6.6%,3.3%和95.1%,均处于轻污染状态,以Pb污染最严重;土壤Cr未有超标,仅西北区域达到了警戒级水平。全市土壤重金属含量各样点间变异较大(Zn、Cr、Pb、Cd、Cu、Ni和有效Cu、Zn的变异系数分别为51.5%,54.1%,37.5%,48.8%,60.2%,57.3%和85.3%,64.7%),但对各重金属元素而言却存在着不同程度的区域差异。  相似文献   

The ability of plant species to accumulate arsenic (As) species in the biomass from As-contaminated soils is variable. Among the plants widely grown at the As-contaminated locations, Plantaginaceae and Cyperaceae families belong to the frequent ones. In this study, the ability of Plantago lanceolata (Plantaginaceae) and three wetland plant species representing the family Cyperaceae (Carex praecox, Carex vesicaria, and Scirpus sylvaticus) naturally occurring in the soils with an elevated As in the Czech Republic were investigated. The plants were cultivated under controlled conditions in an As-contaminated soil reaching 735?mg?kg?1 of the total As. The total As in plants reached up to 8.3?mg?kg?1 in leaves, and up to 155?mg?kg?1 in roots of C. praecox. Dominant As compounds were arsenite and arsenate with a small abundance of dimethylarsinic acid (DMA) in all the plant species. In Cyperaceae, small percentages of arsenobetaine (AB) and arsenocholine (AC) were detected, suggesting the ability of these plants to transform As into less toxic compounds. Moreover, the important role of As(V) sequestration on iron plaque on the root surface of Cyperaceae was confirmed. In this context, root washing with oxalic acid partially disrupted the iron plaque for the better release of arsenate.  相似文献   

Benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) is accumulating in soils in a low-dose cumulative manner. The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of B[a]P on the extractable and available fractions of B[a]P and on soil enzymatic activity using multiple-time superimposed and one-time contamination approaches. Results showed that the contents of B[a]P rapidly decreased in the first 14?d and later decreased slowly from 14 to 56?d in both one-time and multiple-time contamination tests. The contents of B[a]P in the multiple-time contamination test were lower than those in the one-time test. Soil urease, sucrase and dehydrogenase activities were rapidly inhibited in the early stage (14?d) and stimulated during the rest of the incubation, and soil dehydrogenase activity was more sensitive to B[a]P contamination than the other enzymes. High concentrations of B[a]P in soil led to greater inhibition of enzymatic activity than that at low concentrations in the early period of culture. Soil enzyme activities were weakly inhibited in multiple-time compared with in one-time contamination tests and were lower in the subsurface layer than in the surface layer. Our results revealed that the multiple-time superimposed approach might be better than one-time contamination for evaluating B[a]P risk in soil.  相似文献   

Levels of six trace metals were assessed in bank soils of the Rhumel wadi (Northeast Algeria) and their association with soil properties was investigated. Samples were collected at 10 sites. The soils are neutral to moderately alkaline, have high contents of carbonate, and are low in organic carbon and clay. Mean metal concentrations are 1.1 (Cd), 63 (Cr), 20 (Cu), 26 (Ni), 31 (Pb), and 98 (Zn) mg kg?1. The Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn contents in soil from sites closest to Constantine City were higher than in uncontaminated soils worldwide, indicating accumulation due to human activities (residential, industrial, and agricultural). Statistical analyses (correlation and principal component analysis) demonstrated that Cd, Pb, and Zn are of anthropogenic origin in the urban areas, whereas Cr and Cu enrichment in some situations is caused by industrial activities, while Ni was geogenic.  相似文献   

A laboratory study has been carried out to determine the feasibility of in situ remediation of chromium (VI)-contaminated soil using electrodialysis in relation to its speciation in soil. This technique is best suited for low-permeability soils or sediments, which may be difficult to remediate by other means and implies the application of a low-intensity direct current to the soil, which is separated from the electrode compartments by ion-exchange membranes. A clayey soil was prepared for use in the experiments and was characterized before being mixed with a solution of potassium dichromate for several days to produce a final Cr content of 4,056 mg/kg of soil dry wt. Remediation tests were carried out under constant-voltage conditions for periods of 7–14 days and the evolution of applied current to the cell, pH, and conductivity of the electrolytes were recorded periodically. Fractionation of chromium was determined for soil samples before and after remediation using a standardized four-step sequential extraction procedure (SEP) with acetic acid, hydroxylamine, hydrogen peroxide, and aqua regia solutions. Results show that chromium is mobilized from the most labile phases (soluble/exchangeable/carbonate). In a 15 V test, SEP results show that the amount of chromium extracted in the first step drops from 80% to 9%, but also that changes in the total chromium distribution occur during the treatment with some transferred to other soil phases that are more difficult to mobilize.  相似文献   

Pilot-scale combustion is required to treat arsenic-enriched biomass in China. CaO addition to arsenic-enriched biomass reduces arsenic emission. CaO captures arsenic via chemical adsorption to form Ca3(AsO4)2. Large quantities of contaminated biomass due to phytoremediation were disposed through combustion in low-income rural regions of China. This process provided a solution to reduce waste volume and disposal cost. Pilot-scale combustion trials were conducted for in site disposal at phytoremediation sites. The reaction mechanism of arsenic capture during pilot-scale combustion should be determined to control the arsenic emission in flue gas. This study investigated three Pteris vittata L. biomass with a disposal capacity of 600 kg/d and different arsenic concentrations from three sites in China. The arsenic concentration in flue gas was greater than that of the national standard in the trial with no emission control, and the arsenic concentration in biomass was 486 mg/kg. CaO addition notably reduced arsenic emission in flue gas, and absorption was efficient when CaO was mixed with biomass at 10% of the total weight. For the trial with 10% CaO addition, arsenic recovery from ash reached 76%, which is an ~8-fold increase compared with the control. Synchrotron radiation analysis confirmed that calcium arsenate is the dominant reaction product.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to ascertain optimal methods of sampling, preserving, separating, and analyzing arsenic species in potentially contaminated waters. Arsenic species are readily transformed in nature by slight changes in conditions. Each species has a different toxicity and mobility. The conventional field sampling method using filters of 0.45 μm in size could overestimate the dissolved arsenic concentrations, as passing suspended particles that can act as a sink or source of arsenic depending on the site condition. For arsenic species in neutral pH and iron-poor waters, the precipitation can be stable for up to 3 days without any treatment, but for longer periods, a preservative, such as phosphoric acid, is required. Also, the analytical procedure must be selected carefully because the levels and hydride generation efficiencies of arsenic in different species can vary, even for the same amount of arsenic. For arsenic speciation in samples that also include organic species, a hybrid high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) column and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) gave the best resolution and lowest detection limits. However, the procedure using a solid phase extraction (SPE) cartridge can be used economically and conveniently for analyzing samples containing only inorganic arsenic species, such as groundwater, especially that related to mine activity.  相似文献   


The main objective of this study was to investigate the effects of combining subsoil and incorporation of corn stover on soil profile, soil physicochemical properties, and corn yield. A five-year field trial was conducted that consisted of two treatments arranged in a completely random design and replicated three times. Two soil management operations were tested: subsoil + corn stover incorporation (plow construction [PC] treatment) and conventional rotary tillage (control check [CK] treatment). Compared with rotary tillage, it was found that combining subsoil and corn stover incorporation significantly affected corn grain yield in all seasons. Further, combining subsoil and corn stover incorporation significantly increased the thickness of the plow layer, quantity of plow layer soil, thickness of the plow pan and soil bulk density, as well as soil organic matter, available nitrogen, available phosphorus, and available potassium. Evidence indicates that reconstructing the soil plow layer through combination of subsoil and corn stover incorporation improved soil structure, nutrient content, and corn yield. It is of interest that farmers are now applying subsoil and returning crop straw instead of solely relying on rotary tillage.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to determine the heavy metal contamination in soil with accumulation in plants in waste water irrigated areas. Results revealed that waste water contained lower concentrations of Cr, Zn, Cu, and Pb except Cd (0.03) than the permissible limits prescribed by the World Health Organization. The maximum metal concentrations occurred in Brassica oleracea (Zn 63.80, Cu 12.25, Cr 10.65, Pb 3.63, and Cd 0.56 mg Kg?1).The metal enrichment (EF of Cd 1.9, Cr2.9, Zn 4.8, Cu 6.5, and Pb 15.5) and degree of contamination (CF of Cd 2.9, Cr 2.0, Zn 2.3, Cu 2.7, and Pb 2.2) showed that accumulation of the five toxic metals increased during sewage irrigation as compared with the reference values, other Indian regions and globally. However, based on WHO standards for heavy metal contamination of soil and irrigation water, our data does not ensure safe levels for food.  相似文献   

Lead contamination in the roadside soils of Slovenia   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The level of lead contamination along the roadway Ljubljana to Zagreb was established in 184 soil samples. The samples were taken from two depths (0–5cm and 15–20cm) and at different distances from the roadway. The influence of terrain morphology, prevailing winds, geological parent material and type of vegetation was estimated. Heavy traffic is confirmed as main source of lead contamination (average enrichment factor 17) in soils. The highest lead accumulation is localised in the top soil layer and within 10m from the roadside. Contamination with lead is more pronounced in soil samples from cuttings and slopes than in soils from plains and mounds. Soils derived from carbonate rocks contain higher lead concentration than those derived from other parent material.  相似文献   

矿粮复合区土壤-作物系统重金属污染风险性评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为分析矿区污染农田农作物生产的生态安全性,以焦作市中马村矿区的典型农田为例,对矿区农田土壤及植物中Zn、Cr、Cd、Cu和Pb等重金属的质量分数进行了测定,并对重金属污染风险进行了评价。结果表明,根据重金属的单项污染指数,在矿井水污灌农田(F1样地)土壤中Zn和Cd的质量分数达到中度污染水平,Cr的质量分数达到轻微污染水平,Cu和Pb元素质量分数未达到污染水平。在煤矸石污染农田(F2样地)土壤中Zn、Cr和Cd的质量分数达到轻度污染水平,Cu和Pb元素质量分数未达到污染水平。在矿区公路侧农田(F3样地)土壤中各元素质量分数均未达到污染水平。采用潜在生态风险指数法对土壤重金属污染的生态风险进行评价,F1和F2样地综合生态风险指数分别为239.60和178.42,达到中等水平,F3样地土壤达到轻微生态风险水平。采用单项污染指数和综合污染指数法对小麦(Triticumaestivum)籽粒中重金属风险进行评价,在F1和F2样地中,小麦籽粒中Cu质量分数均未达到污染水平,Pb、Cd和Cr质量分数均达到重度污染水平。Zn质量分数在Fl样地中达到轻度污染水平,在F2样地中达到中度污染水平。在F3样地中,小麦籽粒中Cd和Cu质量分数未达到污染水平,Zn质量分数达到轻度污染水平,Pb、Cr质量分数达到重度污染水平。从综合污染指数评价来看,F1、F2和F33个样地小麦籽粒中重金属污染综合指数均达到重度污染水平。评价结果对科学治理矿区污染土壤,确保矿区农田生态安全、粮食生产安全具有重要意义。  相似文献   

We developed a cost-effective and sensitive spectrophotometric method for the determination of arsenic at trace level using a new reagent, leuco malachite green. Here we show that, arsenic reacts with potassium iodate in acidic conditions to liberate iodine, and the liberated iodine selectively oxidizes leuco malachite green to malachite green dye. We studied the Beer’s law at 617 nm, which showed linearity over the concentration range 0.09–0.9 μg ml−1 of arsenic. We show that the molar absorptivity, Sandell’s sensitivity and detection limit of the method are 6.1 × 104 l mol−1 cm−1, 0.0012 μg cm−2 and 0.025 μg ml−1, respectively. We applied the developed method for the determination of arsenic in environmental samples.  相似文献   

In recent years, many industrial enterprises located in the urban centers of China have been relocated owing to the rapid increase in urban development. At the sites abandoned by these enterprises, volatile organic compounds have frequently been detected, sometimes at high concentrations, particularly at sites abandoned by chemical manufacturing enterprises. With the redevelopment of sites and changes in land-use type associated with these sites, substantial amounts of contaminated soils now require remediation. Since China is a developing country, soil remediation warrants the usage of techniques that are suitable for addressing the unique challenges faced in this country. Land shortage is a common problem in China; the large numbers of contaminated sites, tight development schedules, and limited financial resources necessitate the development of cost-effective methods for land reclamation. Mechanical soil aeration is a simple, effective, and low-cost soil remediation technique that is particularly suitable for the remediation of large volatile organic compound-contaminated sites. Its effectiveness has been confirmed by conducting laboratory studies, pilot tests, and full-scale projects. This study reviews current engineering practice and developmental trends of mechanical soil aeration and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of this technology for application in China as an emerging soil remediation market. The findings of this study might aid technology development in China, as well as assist other developing countries in the assessment and implementation of costeffective hazardous waste site soil remediation programs.

The problems of contamination caused by arsenic (As) and other toxic metals in groundwater, surface water and soils in the Bengal basin of Bangladesh have been studied. Altogether 10 groundwater, seven surface water and 31 soil samples were collected from arsenic-affected areas and analysed chemically. The geologic and anthropogenic sources of As and other toxic metals are discussed in this paper. The chemical results show that the mean As concentrations in groundwater in the Char Ruppur (0.253mg As L–1), Rajarampur (1.955mg As L–1) and Shamta areas (0.996mg As L–1) greatly exceed the WHO recommended value, which is 0.01mg As L–1. The concentrations of As in groundwater are very high compared to those in surface water and in surface soil in the three (As-affected) areas studied. This indicates that the source of As in groundwater could be bedrock. The relatively high concentrations of Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in surface water, compared to world typical value, are due to the solubility of metal ions, organometalic complexes, coprecipitation or co-existance with the colloidal clay fraction. In the soil, the elevated concentrations of As, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn are due to their strong affinity to organic matter, hydrous oxides of Fe and Mn, and clay minerals.  相似文献   

华北平原地下水有机污染特征初步分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
各种污染造成地下水中有害物质逐年增加,地下水水质逐渐下降,严重危及了饮用水安全。针对此情况,按照相关的要求,采集了245组水样。样品由有资质的测试单位测定。依据对地下水质调查的初步分析,华北平原地下水中已有机物检出。对所有水样测试结果的统计显示:检出的有机污染物共有32种。检出率大于4.5%的有氯仿、甲苯、四氯乙烯、苯并[a]芘、氯苯、苯和1,2-二氯苯,其中个别水样中的四氯化碳、苯并[a]芘和挥发性酚类三项超过了饮用水标准(据地下水质量标准报批稿,中国地质调查局,2007),超标率分别为1.22%、2.45%和1.90%。个别在深层地下水样品中也检出了微量有机污染物,这可能与取样井的混合开采、止水不佳有关。从区域上来看,在人类活动相对强烈的城镇地区地下水中,有机物检出率相对较高,特别是在渗透性好的山前地带,污染物较易进入到地下水中。通过分析发现,地下水有机物的高检出率与地下水硬度的升高有一定相关性。由于地下水有机污染在时间和空间上差异一般较大,建议对已发现的异常点进行重复取样测试,积累水质数据,以利于将来的综合分析。  相似文献   

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