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The activity concentration of (90)Sr was determined in several deer bones from Austria. Strontium specific ion exchange columns with 4',4'(5')-di-t-butylcyclohexane-18-crown-6 from Eichrom Industries, Inc. were used for separation. The yield of the chemical procedure was quantified with AAS. Directly after column separation, the solution containing (90)Sr was mixed with the scintillation cocktail HiSafe III and measured by liquid scintillation counting. Prevention of (210)Pb contamination and reusability of the separation columns was investigated as well as the activity distribution within the bones. Results were compared with pre-Chernobyl measurements in Austria; a correlation between activity concentration of (90)Sr and site altitude was found. 相似文献
Po Neng Chiang Ming Kuang Wang Pan Ming Huang Jeng Jong Wang 《Journal of environmental radioactivity》2010,101(6):472-481
The dynamics of Cs and Sr sorption by soils, especially in the subtropics and tropics, as influenced by soil components are not fully understood. The rates and capacities of Cs and Sr sorption by selected subtropical and tropical soils in Taiwan were investigated to facilitate our understanding of the transformation and dynamics of Cs and Sr in soils developed under highly weathering intensity. The Langmuir isotherms and kinetic rates of Cs and Sr sorption on the Ap1 and Bt1 horizons of the Long-Tan (Lt) and the A and Bt1 horizons of the Kuan-Shan (Kt), Mao-Lin (Tml) and Chi-Lo (Cl) soils were selected for this study. Air-dried soil (<2 mm) samples were reacted with of 7.5 × 10−5 to 1.88 × 10−3 M of CsCl (pH 4.0) or 1.14 × 10−4 to 2.85 × 10−3 M of SrCl2 (pH 4.0) solutions at 25 °C. The sorption maximum capacity (qm) of Cs by the Ap1 and Bt1 horizons of the Lt soil (62.24 and 70.70 mmol Cs kg−1 soil) were significantly (p < 0.05) higher than those by the A and Bt1 horizons of the Kt and Cl soils (26.46 and 27.49 mmol Cs kg−1 soil in Kt soil and 34.83 and 29.96 mmol Cs kg−1 soil in Cl soil, respectively), however, the sorption maximum capacity values of the Lt and Tml soils did not show significant differences. The amounts of pyrophosphate extractable Fe (Fep) were correlated significantly with the Cs and Sr sorption capacities (for Cs sorption, r2 = 0.97, p < 1.0 × 10−4; for Sr sorption, r2 = 0.82, p < 2.0 × 10−3). The partition coefficient of radiocesium sorbed on soil showed the following order: Cl soil ? Kt soil > Tml soil > Lt soil. It was due to clay minerals. The second-order kinetic model was applied to the Cs and Sr sorption data. The rate constant of Cs or Sr sorption on the four soils was substantiality increased with increasing temperature. This is attributable to the availability of more energy for bond breaking and bond formation brought about by the higher temperatures. The rate constant of Cs sorption at 308 K was 1.39-2.09 times higher than that at 278 K in the four soils. The activation energy of Cs and Sr sorbed by the four soils ranged from 7.2 to 16.7 kJ mol−1 and from 15.2 to 22.4 kJ mol−1, respectively. Therefore, the limiting step of the Cs+ or Sr2+ sorption on the soils was diffusion-controlled processes. The reactive components, which are significantly correlated with the Langmuir sorption maxima of Cs and Sr by these soils, substantially influenced their kinetic rates of Cs and Sr sorption. The data indicate that among components of the subtropical and tropical soils studied, short-range ordered sesquioxides especially Al- and Fe-oxides complexed with organics play important roles in influencing their capacity and dynamics of Cs and Sr sorption. 相似文献
A close link exists between environmental radioactivity and thermoluminescence (TL) and this connection can be gainfully employed in (i) environmental radiation surveillance, (ii) radioactive prospecting and (iii) dating. The science of thermoluminescence dosimetry (TLD) is very well established for use in routine radiation monitoring. With the increased public awareness of health effects due to radioactivity releases from nuclear operations. TLDs have become indispensible ‘watchdogs’ in environmental surveillance; in high natural background areas such as the monazite regions, TLDs have yielded invaluable dosimetric data. Over large areas where the cosmic background can be assumed constant, the TLD-recorded radiation profiles can reflected the terrestrial gamma radioactivity distribution pattern and even seasonal variations in the radiation levels above ground may be delineated. A variety of natural materials like minerals, rocks, soils, sands, sediments, fossils, etc., as well as ancient artefacts like potteries and ceramic wares, yield TL even without any irradiation in the laboratory: the natural radioactivity in these materials, together with the radiation incident on them from the environment, causes a TL build-up during antiquity. It is possible to measure this natural TL and relate it to the natural radioactivity of the sample and hence to its age. In contrast, observations of a kind of anticorrelation between TL and a sample's radioactivity have also been made in recent times and the effect is mostly ascribable to alpha-radioactivity-induced damage effects.Typical results from recent investigations of the various aspects mentioned above are presented in this review, with particular emphasis on applications in India. 相似文献
BackgroundSystematic review and meta-analysis (SRMA) are increasingly employed in environmental health (EH) epidemiology and, provided methods and reporting are sound, contribute to translating science evidence to policy. Ambient air pollution (AAP) is both among the leading environmental causes of mortality and morbidity worldwide, and of growing policy relevance due to health co-benefits associated with greenhouse gas emissions reductions.ObjectivesWe reviewed the published AAP SRMA literature (2009 to mid-2015), and evaluated the consistency of methods, reporting and evidence evaluation using a 22-point questionnaire developed from available best-practice consensus guidelines and emerging recommendations for EH. Our goal was to contribute to enhancing the utility of AAP SRMAs to EH policy.Results and discussionWe identified 43 studies that used both SR and MA techniques to examine associations between the AAPs PM2.5, PM10, NO2, SO2, CO and O3, and various health outcomes. On average AAP SRMAs partially or thoroughly addressed 16 of 22 questions (range 10–21), and thoroughly addressed 13 of 22 (range 5–19). We found evidence of an improving trend over the period. However, we observed some weaknesses, particularly infrequent formal reviews of underlying study quality and risk-of-bias that correlated with lower frequency of thorough evaluation for key study quality parameters. Several other areas for enhanced reporting are highlighted.ConclusionsThe AAP SRMA literature, in particular more recent studies, indicate broad concordance with current and emerging best practice guidance. Development of an EH-specific SRMA consensus statement including a risk-of-bias evaluation tool, would be a contribution to enhanced reliability and robustness as well as policy utility. 相似文献
Vinsová H Jedináková-Krízová V Kolaríková I Adamcová J Prikryl R Zeman J 《Journal of environmental radioactivity》2008,99(2):415-425
The effects of exposure to synthetic groundwater at elevated temperature gradients on the sorption properties of bentonite were investigated using the Mock-Up-Cz experiment. This experiment simulated the vertical placement of a container of radioactive waste according to the Swedish KBS-3 system for a period of more than 3 years. The mineralogical composition, as well as its chemical and physico-chemical properties, including the uptake of (99)TcO(4)(-) and (134)Cs(+), was used to evaluate the chemical changes caused by the long-term exposure of bentonite buffer to thermal and hydration gradients. It was found that the bentonite material was predominantly stable. No more than 2% of the montmorillonite was transformed due to thermal and moisture gradients. It was concluded that the new-formed mineral phases have no significant influence on the ion exchange and sorption properties of bulk bentonite samples. 相似文献
Floods are the most common type of disaster globally, responsible for almost 53,000 deaths in the last decade alone (23:1 low- versus high-income countries). This review assessed recent epidemiological evidence on the impacts of floods on human health. Published articles (2004–2011) on the quantitative relationship between floods and health were systematically reviewed. 35 relevant epidemiological studies were identified. Health outcomes were categorized into short- and long-term and were found to depend on the flood characteristics and people's vulnerability. It was found that long-term health effects are currently not well understood. Mortality rates were found to increase by up to 50% in the first year post-flood. After floods, it was found there is an increased risk of disease outbreaks such as hepatitis E, gastrointestinal disease and leptospirosis, particularly in areas with poor hygiene and displaced populations. Psychological distress in survivors (prevalence 8.6% to 53% two years post-flood) can also exacerbate their physical illness. There is a need for effective policies to reduce and prevent flood-related morbidity and mortality. Such steps are contingent upon the improved understanding of potential health impacts of floods. Global trends in urbanization, burden of disease, malnutrition and maternal and child health must be better reflected in flood preparedness and mitigation programs. 相似文献
In the last years, the decontamination and disinfection of waters by means of direct or integrated electrochemical processes are being considered as a very appealing alternative due to the significant improvement of the electrode materials and the coupling with low-cost renewable energy sources. Many electrochemical technologies are currently available for the remediation of waters contaminated by refractory organic pollutants such as pharmaceutical micropollutants, whose presence in the environment has become a matter of major concern. Recent reviews have focused on the removal of pharmaceutical residues upon the application of other important methods like ozonation and advanced oxidation processes. Here, we present an overview on the electrochemical methods devised for the treatment of pharmaceutical residues from both, synthetic solutions and real pharmaceutical wastewaters. Electrochemical separation technologies such as membrane technologies, electrocoagulation and internal micro-electrolysis, which only isolate the pollutants from water, are firstly introduced. The fundamentals and experimental set-ups involved in technologies that allow the degradation of pharmaceuticals, like anodic oxidation, electro-oxidation with active chlorine, electro-Fenton, photoelectro-Fenton and photoelectrocatalysis among others, are further discussed. Progress on the promising solar photoelectro-Fenton process devised and further developed in our laboratory is especially highlighted and documented. The abatement of total organic carbon or reduction of chemical oxygen demand from contaminated waters allows the comparison between the different methods and materials. The routes for the degradation of the some pharmaceuticals are also presented. 相似文献
Brominated flame retardants (BFRs), frequently applied to industrial and household products to make them less flammable, are highly persistent in the environment and cause multi-organ toxicity in human and wildlife. Based on the review of BFRs presence in seafood published from 2004 to 2014, it is clear that such pollutants are not ideally controlled as the surveys are too restricted, legislation inexistent for some classes, the analytical methodologies diversified, and several factors as food processing and eating habits are generally overlooked. Indeed, while a seafood rich diet presents plenty of nutritional benefits, it can also represent a potential source of these environmental contaminants. Since recent studies have shown that dietary intake constitutes a main route of human exposure to BFRs, it is of major importance to review and enhance these features, since seafood constitutes a chief pathway for human exposure and biomagnification of priority environmental contaminants. In particular, more objective studies focused on the variability factors behind contamination levels, and subsequent human exposure, are necessary to support the necessity for more restricted legislation worldwide. 相似文献
《Environment international》1987,13(1):55-70
Present threats to Antarctic seabirds and seals when ashore include disturbance and habitat destruction (some directly caused by humans; most through the introduction of rabbits and other grazers; also seal damage to seabird habitats) and serious predation by introduced rats and cats at sub-Antarctic islands. In the marine environment threats are posed by pesticides (widespread but at low levels), pollution (mainly a potential problem associated with oil exploration), incidental takes (trivial now, except perhaps for some albatrosses) and competition with commercial fisheries, which is reviewed in detail. Even in areas where harvesting of fish may be exceeding sustainable yield, predator-prey interaction data are inadequate to assess the level, or significance, of the effect on predators. Present krill harvests are small but likely to increase, especially in favoured areas; species of potential vulnerability are noted. Existing legislation offers excellent protection for wildlife, but formally protected areas by no means cover the major breeding concentrations of seabirds and especially seals in all sectors and zones. There is a need for a comprehensive review, which in some areas will require extensive survey work. Programmes for the control and elimination of alien predators need proper planning and major support. Marine reserves may be of limited benefit to pelagic seals and seabirds, and further research in some key areas is needed. Realistic environmental impact assessments will require more detailed information on predator distribution and movements than is available now; appropriate surveys and research need starting. Sensitive management of marine fisheries is difficult with the present level of quantitative data on predator-prey interactions (though this is better than in many other pelagic systems). Difficulties in monitoring aspects of predator biology as indices of the state of prey stocks are reviewed. 相似文献
Phytoremediation of heavy metal-contaminated land by trees--a review 总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37
This paper reviews the potential for using trees for the phytoremediation of heavy metal-contaminated land. It considers the following aspects: metal tolerance in trees, heavy metal uptake by trees grown on contaminated substrates, heavy metal compartmentalisation within trees, phytoremediation using trees and the phytoremediation potential of willow (Salix spp.). 相似文献
Measurement of carbonaceous aerosols is complicated by positive and negative artifacts. An organic denuder with high efficiency for removing gaseous organics is an effective approach to eliminate the positive artifact, and it is a precondition for the accurate determination of SVOC by an adsorbent backup filter. Evaluations of different configurations of the organic denuder, and SVOC determined by different denuder-based samplers, both integrated and semi-continuous, are reviewed. A new equation for determination of the denuder efficiency is estimated, considering the efficiency of removing both the gaseous organics that could be adsorbed by the quartz and the gaseous passing through the quartz that could be subsequently adsorbed by the backup adsorbent filter. The origin of OC on the backup quartz filter, behind either quartz or Teflon filter, is quantitatively evaluated by the denuder-based method based on the data published. The backup-OC is shown to be dominated by either gaseous organics passing through the front filter or the evaporated particulate organic carbon depending on the sampling environment. 相似文献
Shaalan EA Canyon D Younes MW Abdel-Wahab H Mansour AH 《Environment international》2005,31(8):618-1166
Identification of novel effective mosquitocidal compounds is essential to combat increasing resistance rates, concern for the environment and food safety, the unacceptability of many organophosphates and organochlorines and the high cost of synthetic pyrethroids. An increasing number of researchers are reconsidering botanicals containing active phytochemicals in their efforts to address some of these problems. To be highly competitive and effective, the ideal phytochemical should possess a combination of toxic effects and residual capacity. Acute toxicity is required at doses comparable to some commercial synthetic insecticides while chronic or sub-chronic toxicity is required to produce growth inhibition, developmental toxicity and generational effects. In this article, we review the current state of knowledge on larvicidal plant species, extraction processes, growth and reproduction inhibiting phytochemicals, botanical ovicides, synergistic, additive and antagonistic joint action effects of mixtures, residual capacity, effects on non-target organisms, resistance, screening methodologies, and discuss promising advances made in phytochemical research. 相似文献
The scope of PAH contamination of raw, finished, and distributed waters is reviewed. The concentrations of PAHs in drinking water sources range from nanogram to microgram-per-liter quantities. Conventional treatment (flocculation, sedimentation, chlorination, and filtration) appears to substantially reduce total PAH concentrations present at higher concentrations in source waters. A major factor in this reduction is the removal of PAHs adsorbed onto particulate matter. The role of chlorination is not clear and reactions of PAHs with chlorine may in fact produce products which themselves are deleterious. Activated carbon can further assist in PAH removal. However, it may be inappropriate for treatment of PAHs present at low concentrations. Water entering the distribution system can become recontaminated via contact with reservoirs and pipes coated with coal-tar or asphalt based products. 相似文献
This paper attempts to provide a review of the current state of the art of how e-business/ICT affects the environment. The work reviewed is in various forms including journal papers and thesis which have been peer-reviewed, as well as other resources such as projects and project reports, conference and symposia, and websites. It is claimed that the research examined has captured the most important work to date, either for a general knowledge of this new area or for background study by experts carrying out future research. The review has found that the currently dominant approach is either a micro-level case study approach or a macro-level statistical approach. It is concluded that a more predictive and empirical model, which can be applied within a sector of society, should be more beneficial in the long term. This approach should help simulate potential impacts resulting from changes of indicators, so that positive effects can be promoted and negative ones alleviated proactively, rather than knowing and accepting outcomes passively. 相似文献
Metal pollution is an important issue worldwide, with various documented cases of metal toxicity in mining areas, industries, coal power plants and agriculture sector. Heavy metal polluted soils pose severe problems to plants, water resources, environment and nutrition. Among all non-essential metals, vanadium (V) is becoming a serious matter of discussion for the scientists who deals with heavy metals. Due to its mobility from soil to plants, it causes adverse effects to human beings. This review article illustrates briefly about V, its role and shows the progress about V research so far done globally in the light of the previous work which may assist in inter-disciplinary studies to evaluate the ecological importance of V toxicity. 相似文献
Pollutants which are capable of being extracted into nonpolar solvent such as hexane have received the greatest attention in environmental monitoring. However, the polar fraction, inherently more difficult to analyze, is currently undergoing closer scrutiny. Sampling methods specifically designed to entrap polar particles and vapors are compared. Ion-exchange and reversed-phase liquid chromatography columns are examples of such specific sampling techniques. Various extraction schemes are presented with their individual problems and capabilities. Although there are numerous papers on the analysis of polar organic pollutants, few report actual measurements of ambient air samples. Current reports on polar organic pollutants measured in air samples are summarized. Polar organics are generally divided into three categories: acidic, basic, and neutral. Analytical methods relating to the following categories of polar organic compounds are reviewed: (1) phenols, mono- and dicarboxylic acids, and sulfonic acids, (2) aliphatic and aromatic amines, and (3) alcohols, aldehydes and ketones, phthalate esters, isocyanates and N-nitrosamines. Derivatization techniques, such as ester formation, are compared to the analysis of the unsubstituted compound. The formation of such derivatives is often the best way to trace specific compounds at very low levels. 相似文献
M.L. Moeschberger 《Environment international》1978,1(6):309-312
The theory of competing risks is concerned with assessing a specific risk in the complicating presence of other risks. This paper reviews existing methods for dealing with the problem. Much of the existing methodology (both parametric and nonparametric) involves the assumption of independent risks. This situation receives most of the attention in this paper, although a brief discussion summarizing attempts to deal with the complicated problem of dependent risks is given. Adaptations of methods used to incorporate concomitant information in survival analyses are discussed. Brief reference is made to the most relevant graphical methods that have been proposed. The review tends to be verbal in nature, leaving the interested reader to check out mathematical details in the references. 相似文献
Sorption behavior of tin (Sn) in Japanese agricultural soils was studied. Soil-soil solution distribution coefficient (K(d)) of Sn (K(d)-Sn) for 142 soil samples ranged between 128 and 1,590,000 L kg(-1) with the geometric mean of 12 400 L kg(-1). The K(d)-Sn values for Andosol tended to be higher than those of the other soil groups. Among the relationships between K(d)-Sn values and soil properties, a high correlation was observed for soil active-Al (Al-(hydr)oxide and Al-humus complex) amount and K(d)-Sn. The pH effect on Sn sorption was also investigated. The results suggested that the low pH condition enhanced the Sn sorption in soils. The soil-sorbed Sn fractions in each type of soil material were also evaluated with selective extraction methods. The results showed that most of the soil-sorbed Sn was as organic matter bound or Al/Fe-(hydr)oxide-bound forms. 相似文献
Over the past few decades, numerous concerns have been raised in China over the issue of environmental sustainability. Various soil survey and monitoring programs have been carried out in China to study soil quality, and to provide a scientific basis for environment policy making. This paper provides an overview of past and current soil quality surveys and monitoring activities in China. This paper includes a summary of concerns over background concentrations of elements in soil, and soil environmental standards and guidelines in China. Levels of pollution in urban soil, agricultural soil, and soil in mining and smelting areas were compared using the concentrations and pollution indexes. In addition to soil surveys, soil monitoring is essential to study the data and to examine the effects of contaminants in soils. However, the current soil quality monitoring system was insufficient to accurately determine the soil quality status of soils across China. For accurate soil monitoring in China, it will be necessary to set up routine monitoring systems at various scales (national, provincial, and local scales), taking into consideration monitoring indicators and quality assurance. This is currently an important priority for the environmental protection administration of China. 相似文献